Trying Girly LIFE HACKS to Look Attractive...?

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Cassie are you ready for some hacks I don't know it's been a while if you want to look good this winter they said I couldn't wear this oh hey Jeff does this look right don't know man hopefully these are better there's summer hacks they gotta be better Oh close all my tabs Cassie sorry I'll close all the foot tabs okay here we go [Laughter] okay so she's posing she looks great oh no girl I feel bad no just having the worst day of her life I was gonna check the wind you always do you got but at least she's wearing shorts underneath actually though how do you fix that how do you oh no I don't know but I feel like this is me all the time and I just want her like this whole time just like she was a band-aid she's gonna fix her wounds her emotional everybody seen her underwear she's been dating money okay you got to be rich very accident-prone for this to work to have a supplies how are band-aids gonna stick to that well I'm not buying this maggots are so sticky of your bass Nikki yeah okay you've never ripped off a band-aid before have and all my hairs have gone with it boy it was a free wax and I was gonna say I don't think they're that sticky let me see I think I'm gonna have some but my hair's alone thank God it's not windy at all today I chose the right dress for this occasion not yet [Music] you're making it worse yes Oh No however shall we fix this predicament band-aids and money do you have money's hey boys money not money money we need coin money not adding money all right perfect am i helpful the nice thing about this is you can buy your ice cream when the wind calms down what does I swim there to do with this you have money Oh true that it's like a piggy bank and then you have to choose between iostream and flash in the world it's not gonna stay yeah see I told you the one part that's not sticky is where the car goes people are gonna lose their money in the name of these hacks yeah you go go broke okay that one say this is my juice money was raised below ice cream becomes juice when it melts you know if the time is milk yeah how juicy so windy and I don't even care [Music] either way doesn't work well next max which one of these girls is me and which ones do you oh this is you Mr Bond no this is you who's your eyebrow some way so these girls are going to the beach right they're gonna good break-in time Oh oh she didn't bring it talk show me front father oh no and it's not the right kind of beach for that no you gotta be a specific region so she's taking these bottoms okay how she's taking pastoring she looks very confident like no I I wish I was that confident oh oh she's making a halter top okay you're gonna have to help me out with that okay I mean it doesn't look that bad she's chilling yeah like you trust though do you really trust it you'd have to tie those strings real tight are you ready I'm ready to go to the beach girl do it summer beach let's do it summer beach ha ha super groovy Cassie remember the beach Wow I forgot my top my bottoms oh I can't yeah how you got trust me of this are the boys gonna look at me funny probably oh but that doesn't matter right how's that feeling covered good well oh no oh no oh no we can't do this I was gonna say snap your fingers and then we'll make this go away and it would just be this but then we would get to monetize I mean we could try it no no we couldn't we can't right are you choking this failed my virgin eye last hack works if you have a really big butt and a really small top yeah because it needs to be able to cover and it didn't no not even close no be the thickest dough in the forest this next one now see she's getting car she always looks good no I look so fine oh but my skirts riding up I'm gonna pull that down I wrote up a lot it's gonna write up all day you've been there and you know I've always wanted to solve for this issue me too cuz it's actually really annoying well I think you'll be amazed at how brilliant this solution is will I be yeah you might even do it every day quick looking at me with it okay let's see let's see and then she has an idea oh I have a smart idea I'm gonna put sticky hairspray all over my legs the stickiest legs you ever had hold it down okay um I think I'd rather my dress right up than how sticky legs all day and I'm a dad but like aren't you gonna ruin your dress with the hairspray probably what if you like to wet mark so you're like well we got to try it come on Andy let's go for a while okay no our dresses keep riding up oh dear god no this totally happens this happens yes rides up all by itself indeed what do we do hairspray is the solution it's alright now see here you go but if you do if you do me bad I'm gonna do you dirty - well my hairs are sticking to the dress I've got wet works it's so uncomfortable I would rather it right up any day me too because I'm writing up it is what actually works if you want to rule your dress and have the uncomfortable elevator and wet works yeah looks like you have sweaty thighs nothing like a girl looks like it doesn't know so once you pull it off it's gone so if you need to go use the restroom you need to reapply a hairspray good goopy you let's wash our collegues rest in peace we tried this one and I ended up with this [Music] oh yeah that's not gonna work it's not work look at hers looks like a legit proper top and yours just looks like a DIY project gone wrong are you making fun of me no I'm making fun of the hack they always talk about the summertime day but they never talk about the summertime nightlife oh this girl's chillin house you do hot summer night I do too much yeah every day she gets a text no surprise be ready in five minutes who says that what kind of a guy says that to their girlfriend no be ready in five people on a die so her little solution involves slipping through the giant neck of her sweater because all of us have giant neck sweaters okay I don't really looks kind of cute I know right it's it's this model man she just always looks good she does she closed up anything how is she gonna make this bunchy thing in the back look good Oh perfect oh and you have strings okay okay oh you know hard is get those strings back in trust me I know why is there a hole there for the string shut up dad or the sweater is perfectly made for her okay I it actually looks oh you oh I like girls are you ready to wear that I'm wearing it we're both wearing we're both trying it with different sweaters see if it works okay yes posit being only has one ticket to ariana grande and I'm not ready I'm not ready either so I guess whoever's ready first what Oh going go all right fine struggle ready address I don't know how you're doing that look right for my big night if yours turns up cute I'm gonna be so mad I can't get my freakin sleeves are too stringy done yeah I don't think I'm going to cry I think you look great I think you look better when we sit back that's so cute what the I guess I'm going to ariana grande know I send me a Polaroid this tack doesn't work for every sweater yeah baby winces sighs he wants whoever is the better outfit but I hate them for fighting over a guy and that's the [ __ ] my message to send II just actually good it looks amazing nor does it does I mean the bow could be neater triangle but I'm Catherine I'm cherry darling the weird thing about it is like I don't feel a prettier no never I feel like uncomfortable I just I feel like breathing problems this is a workout like breathing like it makes your legs [Music] go to as his channel yeah watch her video watch my beard it's gonna be good watch more ACLU's Reyes you're gonna love it watch all our bases yeah watch em off do you think Cutlass second the copyrights Rekha's yes oh hi go over to s channel okay I'll go over okay All Right see you there bye we tried yeah good for us
Channel: Gloom
Views: 10,254,247
Rating: 4.9001613 out of 5
Keywords: awful diys, lifehacks, trying lifehacks, diwhy, clothing crafts, trying diwhys, funny, silly, instagram life hacks, edible pranks, awful life hacks, dumbest life hacks, troomtroom, trying, gloom tries, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, 2019, 2109, clothing hacks, 5 minute crafts, diy projects, proyectos faciles
Id: auszJRLJhcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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