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happy damn and today I'm here with a Z hi guys we're gonna touch some animals we're not gonna know what they I read the air hug you don't know what these animals are and I'm really I just hope that as he gets the scary ones and my only thing is if there is a spider I'm not gonna have to do together I know I'm not gonna talk to anyone in this room ever again if there's a spider she's like the vacuum wants to get in on this stop it there's a fire fire it's something called a spiral arm well spring on the animal okay well you know what since you're the guest I'd love for you to go first really yeah I'm gonna stand on the side no purse no you're the guest I like you know ladies first baboons later since I'm not going right now I get to look at what's happening err did you say err err err Oh err oh my god I am so excited it's worth mentioning that there's a lot of rules that we have to follow for these animals and like the people who handle them and these are all rescued none of these were taken from the wild and there's lot of rules that we have to follow to make sure these animals are comfortable so I'm not allowed to I was going to stick my fingers up there but why high sense of humor like no Kathy how Cassie welcomed me I came with the box I was like welcome to my house okay okay [Music] what are you I'll babysit your ass it needs all that space oh it's huge oh no oh no wait wait wait is that safe yeah my eyes up okay oh my god Oh what is this safe is this what I think it's if it's a hedgehog baby I'm gonna freak out there so cutest things ever is it a hedgehog important can we use that audio without a picture oh I could tell it's adorable just by touching it oh no my dinners my keys I'm not scaring it right what's your final answer Hedgehog it's a headshot yeah it is if it was a porcupine oh you got the cute one what about this yeah I already like I already can't breathe okay you got a good one that not only means that the tarantulas are they all fancy who bring in the door if there is a tarantula gotta save it for last as he stopped to throw up all of this everything is calm it's very quiet stop it I see I will say make sure it doesn't bite you hey I will send you home is it safe well we don't know oh I can open eyes touching it I believe in you Cass I'm sorry I'm sorry I've never been here oh he's fuzzy he's fuzzy he might be nice he might be he might be nice oh he might be nice what the heck are you but are you a cat I'm so so sorry I scream little buddy I'm trying not to where'd you get that from is it a bunny yeah I was expecting a ranch line I go to play sometimes it doesn't make sense how bunnies exist how they just like hop instead of walk like how cute is that [Music] what's his name smokey he's like a soft as a chinchilla can I hurt it wooden can I hurt like was it in my hand and it falls just be very gentle okay it's Aziz turn okay like this my hands okay I'm terrified usually I want to go towards it and it touch me but it's gonna be in my hands leave that up there's gonna be me oh my god is this home any cockroaches are they cockroaches get the meat get the boy I hate them so much that's literally the thing I hate the most I just didn't you guys forget it oh no he wants to live here o-tama native okay I'm not gonna get disease right I just dumped so much hand sanitizer oh no I was like the situation future imagine if that was me I would have thrown those cockroaches ignore that's the thing they were hoping hold ah no no no okay so I just want to let you guys know that if it is some sort of discussing thing I'm I'm going to murder it and I'm not paying for it you know what you can't rescue a tarantula okay what is it I can't it's not a tarantula you should still be scared go hunt the poor girl has to hold them in your hand excuse me I have poor girl as well what do you mean it says them the [ __ ] is this oh my god they're all cockroaches to me just like he just like kind of sat there i just felt this big ass oh and i was like oh she thick that was legitimately the scariest thing I've ever been through in my life it was up there just like putting your hands in the can't do it anyways let's see what you got okay I feel like nothing can be worse out easily like this guy dive water-ski but not this okay is it in there yeah I don't see it yeah Oh tiger oh this is softer than the bunny oh my ha ha what type of magical creature can be pissed off where's your head is this no this is a tail it's the tip oh oh you have no idea this I feel like I'm touching a living cloud it's an animal from heaven a chinchilla he's got yeah when you said it's like softer than the bunny I was like that's the thing we were saying softer than a bunny I didn't know what they were just saw it's so cute you want a pet too yeah as moved above oh if you've never touches and chill before yeah did you know they bathe in dust shut up yeah they're like is their fur is so thick that they can't bathe in water it'll just absorb what's the what's the story behind that oh really too dense so they bathe in dust and it's so cute there's a shaking a mess and then Jim listen while my head no if he if he pisses on my head I don't even care so as he huh he's so talented look at me go you're just standing oh you just peed no I'm Joe I was like hats out of toss it I don't like this game anymore oh stop oh no but seriously stop okay what is it do not scare it do not know what okay what if it scares me whatever is the respect not scared will it bite me it's just don't scare I can't see my almost touching what do not scare I mean cut you off hundred percent serious um what is this are you like a basset hound good it's so it's please I mean it's not a sock assistant it doesn't look very stuff but he's got some volume the dry shampoo could sell a little too much um where's your head do you have one well he's long oh she's she long Oh what is this how is he that long careful would end you touch him on seriously what is this guy where does he get bumble bee it's like a long first snake is he a fox if you part of the room you with the badger family badgers aren't nice people okay so that stinks all these things oh yeah boy I mean he doesn't stink yet but don't scare him okay I need some I need some hints guys biggest hit ever wait what was it I wasn't listening I said don't scare him or he will stink but yeah he's a skunk he this guy oh my god home can I see you could I see oh my god I love him so much baby Schmo is he for sale I'd hurt but I like to break the law he's so spray okay that's what I was worried about the whole time like do not scare him I'm not about to smell like skunk I love you why we're just come with me okay I was hoping to do this to you not you to me his hand is in my he's dog he's got my strap I think that just means he wants to take more selfies yeah just give me one sec so much ow my boob what's your boobs you can only have so much little guy oh we're gonna smell bad this is a dream come true for me I've always wanted a skunk I've always wanted to hold one touch one have won you won what do you think do you think of a tree think of a tree that made me so happy like I could cry like I love skunks my favorite animal alright so this next one is double trouble so me and her are both gonna stick a hand in and is it one or two it's one but we're both putting our hands in okay all right does he have fun with that - close your eyes okay let's hold hands I'm so sorry for how my hands me - I just wanna make it really awkward okay my bias hunter is a Z I feel something oh so I get to touch it - ass I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I feel whiskers because what's get wait no it's a whole body as whiskers what's up its whole body as whiskers that's what it feels like it feels like a whole body full of whiskers like underneath the whiskers though it's aw no no these pricklies a porcupine that's a prickle ER that's a prick ler I cannot tell but I don't want to touch it too much because I want to like agitate it oh I'm so sorry yeah touch it but let's Rumble it's home so sorry I'm Chumley I'm a jumbling this sufferin succotash you scared me my hands are so sweaty they keep sticking to its fur and like I don't want it to be like how you pulled my hair [ __ ] but as he guide my hand to his head and reach I think this is what is this I don't know that's why I can't feel actual features all I keep feel is all I can feel is like if some weird bumpy's like he feels like a porcupine with a chinchilla makes its again yeah he feels like fuzzy but poke I hate you you guys are such good actors I was like his head oh my god I could have sworn my movie how fabulous we're never gonna be able to do this oh what's that felt like brushing is my nail and I thought is a rock oh my god oh yes he's this is 100% fake or a turtle I can't be anything else like it doesn't it feels like plastic it's really hard he's not moving he's not moving so I don't know I'm afraid to touch his head like oh that just touches tail I don't know I can't tell if it's moving or not what's your verdict what you think I'm so sorry turd it's a turtle his leg I think I fell to go inside did they bite okay looking at me hi buddy who's periwinkle I was like what is that barn animal smell then I realized I forgot to wear deodorant you know when you rented salad you want to you oh you so majestic yeah it takes this time what is this Heather mind you it's just like no I don't want the spinach I want the ladies the man oh you got a good one screw you as he he's like new what's your channel periwinkle plays minecraft he's playing Minecraft right now getting some wood all right just let me know when to open my eyes hello you sound skittish he's cool I don't like cool things does he bite are you sure tarantulas are Lucy stop it ha okay so is it a tarantula I mean you're gonna add only one way to find out okay ass feels horrible that's a reptile that's what that's a reptile are you okay with that pass uh not really is that like a lizard iguana is he a is he a dragon a bearded dragon yes a drag you are very few can I touch him are these sharp you pretending not to be which ones are oh now you tell me you just chose not yeah can't do much so what do these guys do all day sit lie down fetch good well nice knowing you Rosco didn't Oh music shrim this he definitely needs to cut his nails and his toes that one's very long it look at the size of those feet if this is what he does all day why did he evolved to have this toe wait is this just as you're together uh-huh you like to smile them you know this is the last one and I'm very nervous because I mean why not save the best for last I think that's what these people are gonna do to us of course I don't like it okay what do you think it is trenchless I'm not even saying that to mess with you I religion think it's gonna be fragile oh why because what else could it be I can't know you're like a pigeon Oh imagine they put a bird in here but then their wings of the birds get scared easily yeah no bird no no tarantula I think think it could be ripped like a moment of silence not human I don't think so oh wait I can hold mine this is jelly I feel jelly to put you take your finger give me finger follow my finger is it a slug did actually live it is alive its alive for a second I thought is fake I felt the jelly only they gave us candy but now I'm thinking that's the snail or slug you snail Bob I'm so sorry I'm alright we're gonna have to get the hand sanitizer out real quick after touching this slimy booger yeah I'm not I don't know how I feel about slime it's cold it slimy it's slippery I'm gonna go with slugs snails I don't do snails snails it's gotta be snails multiple cells how dare you it's like hey guys welcome to our slime Channel ASMR I guess I won't be needing the hand sanitizer all right this last one doesn't like boxes so I get to put it on my finger or do you wanna put it on your finger you know you you know what ladies first baboons second what is that he did yeah I thought he waved it was wearing a pen sorry obviously I didn't mean it I you know he's like a scientist yeah I can't even do he's doing that to human I've never had a bird poop on me I don't want today to be the first yeah okay I'll say I'm lucky one time I was walking down the street I was like and then a bird like pooped in my hand like Wow in my hand and I was like great that is my day wait till he finishes show don't interrupt him during dinner oh he's so smart my friend has a bird and she said that that thing just took a donkey [ __ ] on my table it just totally missed my hands ha ha ha exploded hell's me did you see like the projectile of that crap oh I think you missed my 10 you miss my hand somehow so that was the what's in the box challenge with a Z that was so much fun thank you for having me pasty no problem go and check out the whisper challenge we're doing it on a ZZZ channel that should be a lot more fun and safe I think they're both but I agree with that sentiment hope you guys enjoy the video and I will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 19,196,256
Rating: 4.897438 out of 5
Keywords: what's in the box, whats in the box, what's in the box challenge, what is in the box, what's in the box animals, live animals, azzyland gloom, azzy gloom, gloom collab, gloom games, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, azzyland, azzy, box, animals, live, funny, freakout
Id: mmcKp9japqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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