Unique BODY FEATURES That Only 5% of People Have !

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the most unique people in the world watch this y'all whoa that's my hidden talent it's like his head's not even attached to his body when you end the argument strong but then they whisper something under their breath oh he's still going what did you say he's like people on tick tock go viral for literally the dumbest reasons possible it's like watch this that was just a thousand views i mean i resent the fact that he's right this video got over 56 000 views also he's not the only one who's double jointed my knees and elbows are smoke i know it's super weird really oh there we go i have really small hands with very short fingers are they cute i could forcefully no put them down whoa that's so cool they look like little shrimp fingers that's a cute nickname friends call them shrimp fingers wait that's a little i just said that i think she said that do you think can i do this i don't know why i thought i could do this i don't even come close hey when people make hard things look easy it's so misleading like at least look like you're struggling so i don't think i can do it everyone's got time weird talent huh everyone has their weird damn talent well this is mine and this is how i get a lot of free drinks at the bar i can put my leg behind my head and still be standing whoa the hops at the end took me get this man a drink that's how he gets free drinks if i start showing my double jointed elbows at bars will i get free drinks probably not they're just gonna be like get your weird elbows out of here and buy your own drink lady so you know how people pull lent out of their belly button all the time yeah no i don't usually have lent but you know i can pull my oh no okay some things are better left kept yourself this is definitely one of them how'd she even discover this that was so gross and weird okay did it pop out one time on its own like honestly i take it back i don't even want to know you keep that to yourself hey yo ayo mongolian throat singing check [Music] oyo okay wait did this guy just swallow one of those like australian aboriginal instruments you guys know what i'm talking about right my dude over here he has that in his throat i think he sounds the same what say what okay i'm impressed it's my hidden talent whoa what muscle is that how is that even possible she's squeezing her eyelids horizontally that's what i feel like my eyes look like from lack of sleep and she's just like i can move my eyebrows but i feel like most people can do this i should stop doing that before i give myself wrinkles oh my god i thought i was double-jointed oh you want me to do it again no i'm not sure who requests to see again some call it a hidden talent others call it born missing a few pieces watch this y'all it's my favorite hidden talent or possessed by a demon same same someone has been playing too much minecraft she went into hairbrand mode it's my hidden talent it looks broken we get it people can do some freaky things with their fingers maybe the best part of this one is the height men in every shot i need a height man any volunteers i'll do everyday things and you can act like it's the craziest thing you've ever seen i've been like eat a pizza and you'd be like yeah when you have a fragile ego watch this y'all oh it's my hidden toe i'm not sure if this is ab goals or just on another planet where stomachs look and behave differently also isn't this called like stomach vacuums or something i think this is a thing watch this y'all it's my hidden talent oh you want me to do it again not pictured as all the bees that stung him right before he records video like why is his tongue so swollen also what are we looking at are we sure that's his tongue his chin what are those dimples why are they moving look at that he's shooting little bubbles of spit this is disgusting i bet they smell like his breath and a talent like that in a pandemic no thanks i'm gonna show you my weird talent i like those glasses i tried to do this in elementary school honestly and i got in a lot of trouble this guy's nose is more talented than an average population he could give his nose work recording concerts like i'd go clicking with his toes okay i'm sure this is impressive but something about toes freaks me out a little it's kind of pet peeve do you guys have any weird pet peeves they're like fingers but like stubbier and like weirder and kind of grosser because they touch the ground and get sweaty and stuff okay i don't want to alarm you guys but i think she's a witch look at her hand oh my gosh she can grab things from the other side that is so cool and scary you got this honestly i feel like i'm dry i'm just watching her she just inhaled that i always forget to drink water and here she is just doing that can you tell me if this is normal because i can't tell oh my god no it's so stretchy [Music] oh he's like a fish do you guys know that to test to see if you're dehydrated you can pinch your skin in the back of your hand lower arm or abdomen like between the two fingers for a few seconds if the skin is quick to return to normal it's a sign that's hydrated otherwise you're dehydrated anyway i think this guy is very dehydrated honestly i can do this too but like you know only once no one's watching i swear my muscles are just shy it's a real thing i swear me this person was born without wisdom teeth which means they'll never be the unaware star of a viral video sad you know those wisdom teeth videos but people act a fool cray cray i'm still waiting for mine i'll have to fool for you guys when it happens these are more ton toes only about 10 of people have big toes shorter than the rest again don't love the weird toe things but you're all beautiful you know some people are actually born with an extra pair of ribs delicious just kidding i wonder if there's any benefit to that probably not maybe maybe it makes your neck stronger did you know only about five percent of people have this little hole in their ear right there it's left over from a time when the ancestors of all living things had gills it's genetically inherited and poses no threat to the individual did you guys know that only one percent of people are able to click like and subscribe this video now that's rare tested are you part of the rare one percent of people who can subscribe and hit like let me know in the comments i joke but like help a girl out the video is free after all these are some teeth he seems to be cool with this unique feature and i'm sure they could shave off some volume if he ever wanted them gone but until then i hope it helps him eat feel like you could like really devour some good cake with that cookies two middle fingers wait does that mean four opportunities to let people know how you really feel this is a deformity where the thumb is absent and the hand is duplicated and there are seven or eight fingers in one hand this human body condition is often referred to as mirror hand syndrome it is so rare that less than 100 cases have been reported ever in medical literature i can't believe something has only been recorded a hundred times in human history how many humans have been on this planet i don't know but a lot more than a hundred i can tell you that this person has a thumb from each parent that's so cool like his mom's thumb on one hand and his dad someone the other that's cute i wonder if my thumbs look more like my mom's thumbs or my dad's thumbs it's not something i've ever looked at natural elf ears these are so adorable i'm not gonna lie i would love to have elf ears because i'd feel like a little fairy or an elf all the time and i'd be like i'm pretty much a character in the legend of zelda and then i'd be happy you can actually get it done but like that's like taking it a little too far i think well for me at least taking a jafar for myself but if i was born with it i'd be like it's a cool story this person was born with a scar in their eye which sadly can cause blurred and distorted vision but they would slay in cosplay circles this is so cool he only has freckles on one side of the face how does that even happen freckles are like so in right now i feel like all the filters on instagram and snapchat they like give you like little freckles so if you've got freckles it's your time to shine own it love it it's interesting because i remember there was a time when like people were like embarrassed by their freckles and like recovering them up and down like they can embrace them and love them and that just goes to show if there's like something about you that isn't like in trend right now don't hate it because you don't know next year might be that's why you just gotta know that you're beautiful no matter what and you can't just like follow the trends whoa this person has two worlds this is uh a quirk apparently just solely for the purpose of confusing every hairstylist he ever goes to also kind of gives them a little bit of a mohawk type of bag when this person turned 11 they woke up to one morning some of their eyelashes being white and it happened overnight their moms thought they'd bleach them somehow because there's only a small section at first but now it's over half of their eyelashes on this eye it affects both the top and the bottom lashes and they occasionally get one or two white hairs in their eyebrows it actually occurs when your immune system is weak in a specific area causing the color pigmentation to drain out of the skin or in this case eyelashes it can also affect skin as i said and this is like a very like popular famous supermodel who actually has this condition in her skin she's so pretty i love how she's just like owned it wow like it's so unique it's okay to be different guys this person was born with 31 fingers and toes i'm no expert but that's a lot of fingers and toes some people are born with crooked pinkies what's probably the worst part about this is the amount of times people probably ask for the story of how they broke their pinkies when really they were just born like that would you like make up a fake story oh this person has an eyelash going straight out of their eyeball and it's freaking me out i hope the solution to this isn't plucking it out because that seems painful ouch around 20 of people actually have pupils that are different sizes it's not always this drastic sometimes it's different i kind of want to see what am i like what are they the same is it weird i want to have one of these just to feel special oh yeah i do my elbow yeah sometimes when i take pictures i need to be careful because it looks broken this has been nicknamed the werewolf syndrome it's when you grow lots of hair all over your face and body there's unfortunately nothing you can do to stop the hair growth some people are actually born without fingerprints it would be very tempting to pursue a life of crime with this very few people have this disorder where they sneeze when they're exposed to sunlight it's called the photic sneeze reflex i guess you aren't supposed to look at the sun anyway so it's like extra incentive one in ten thousand kids is actually born with their tongue connected to their mouth thankfully it's an easy fix with surgery would you want to fix it it's the perfect trap to hide vitamins and trick your parents that you took them anyways guys i hope you enjoyed this video i love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget each other bye bye you
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 9,673,944
Rating: 4.9330702 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, unique, body, features, that, only, 5%, of, people, have, rare, rare body features, unique people
Id: gwFielYaQV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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