I Tried Working at an Ice Cream Shop ...but my Customers were Creepy

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make a dessert for my ex sir no why did you give me this oh i can add cockroaches or nails oh my god oh my god no why can't i just have a normal job i just wanted to make some ice cream we already killed someone [Music] so i'm once again quitting youtube to try working at an ice cream parlor i'm gonna gain so much weight why an ice cream parlor well glad you asked i found this channel by dylan lemay lemay dylan lemay and uh what and good god are these view counts 135 million 108 million i mean i know they're shorts but still and it's all him just you know scooping and creating ice cream and because no real ice cream shops would ever hire me i don't blame them i instead found dessert diy on the app store it will make my ice cream dreams come true oh my god what is that oh my god what is that this video better get over 100 million views make it happen we will make it happen leave a like this video will be it youtube loves ice cream and creating ice cream i'm playing an ice cream creating game it's the same thing leave like leave a comment guys the seaside army will make this video hit a hundred million views i've never done it before so it probably won't happen but we will try all right and without further ado let's make some ice cream shall we [Music] oh [Music] this doesn't feel like an ice cream parlor music this sounds sort of naughty i don't like it already all right let me get my ice cream game face on hi ma'am what would you like make your favorite dessert my favorite dessert i don't know how i'm gonna do that being that my only ingredient is jello which is one of my least favorite things like ever in the world fun fact don't like jello i just don't like the consistency it freaks me out okay what is wrong with you we're just gonna pretend because this is the only ingredient we got all right i gotta start somewhere chew syrup pink what is this pink sauce there's some pink sauce for you i know that's trendy right now [Music] oh this is what the people like yes look at it is this oddly satisfying to you yes yummy okay let's scrape it up oh yeah oh yeah there we go i'm gonna chill it and then are we rolling it choose cut type well we can only do that what are we making square ice cream oh okay this is interesting there you go ma'am here's your squares of ice cream just how everybody enjoys ice cream sharp rigid squares of ice don't stab yourself in the mouth now ma'am have a nice day hello sir make a dessert for my ex and and you you want some poo poo in that do you uh sir can't do that pretty sure i'll get arrested and sued both of them no sir no okay where am i getting the poo from sir it's coming from me or from you no it's not gonna no it's not gonna let me actually do it is it sir sir no why did you give me this why can't i just have a normal job why can't i ever just work a normal job i just wanted to make ice cream this is my second customer what do i do oh i have the choice of also adding poison sir we're going to jail like we're going to jail i don't even know you why am i doing this oh no oh this why no so much snow you all thought i was just opening an ice cream shop no of course not i'm actually murder for hire with my ice cream why does this exist oh god yummy yeah well let's cut it into little cubes delicious there we go there you go sir here's your murder ice cream you were never oh oh oh i can add cockroaches or nails or other types of bug or we can just you know put candy or fruit on it i mean if we're gonna go there's poo in it there's poison in it maybe if i put the nails on top she will see it and not eat it and i will thus save my business okay we're just sprinkling giant nails on it for the love of god if this lady oh i can keep oh oh my god oh my god no you know what she deserves it i put so many nails on top so when she looked down at the ice the ice cream she would 100 be like hey this smells like poo and it has giant nails on top of it i should not eat this look at that would you eat that no cause you're smart people she deserves it she deserves it i he's i mean he's going to jail but hopefully they don't come for me new item unlocked essential for any ice cream business something tasty oh thank god oh we make it a popsicle okay this game just keeps going from here to here here to here i just wanted to make some ice cream we already killed someone oh i can pick whatever i want let's go with strawberries are we throwing a whole banana in there the peel and everything thank god no we we're not let's get some blue in there let's do some blueberry uh yes we'll chill that we're sprinkling stuff on a bar of ice cream how's that gonna work ooh rainbow sprinkles they're not gonna stick to it enjoy that that gravity-defying bar that i just made please be a normal oh no oh it's it's kanye it's kanye and he wants me to surprise him sure kanye whatever you want oh we could do rolled ice cream yeah i can put a hot dog in it or poo let's go with the hot dog this time seems interesting oh it's got full-on condiments on it let's go with this interesting concoction sauce all right we have hot dog with paint chop it up squares oh no we get to we get to cut it into other shapes who shapes wow little poo shapes all right mr yay here you go your hot dog paige poos let's just go with some pretzels this looks so bad it doesn't even look good there you go mr yay oh was that a good face or a bad face i did not know good or bad face i'm still not in jail though the cops haven't come oh no i got fired make it to is this the same guy dude you can't keep i know i did it for you once but no okay no you're probably watching this and saying do it do it lauren do it put the poo in the popsicle you know you want to do it the customer is always right customers right no poison this time let's at least mask the flavor a little bit with chocolate okay delicious oh like what's your dollars in there chocolate chips yes sir yes ants and again another warning sign for the person eating this to not eat it just lots of ants just look at it with your eyes look at it and be like oh there's lots of ants in here and it smells like poo i probably shouldn't eat this wait what this is my god dusting why is poo everywhere should i eat this that was another game put with poo with poo in your food is there this obsession with poo oh oh no oh no oh god what's gonna happen oh he likes it no he doesn't yeah it was brown look at all the ants so many ants again i don't feel totally bad because i mean if he would have just used his eyes he would not have eaten it i need a dessert okay let's do yellow oh yes oh yes oh look at the ice cream balls those balls are perfect though right to jail right away this video out of context is going to be so bad do not use any of this video out of context those balls are perfect we're gonna ruin the balls let's do some strawberry yum yeah i'm confused so i took ice cream made it into the perfect ball shape and now i made them red and now okay this isn't as cute as it's supposed to be i mean being that this is just red on red let's just put more red i guess strawberry can we do cherry cherries enjoy your bowl of red you are eating with their hands too is that why so i cut them into squares oh my god it's billy eilish does this mean i've become the most famous ice cream parlor ever all the celebrities are coming they must have found out i killed a person i killed two people oh we're making a cone just make a regular cone why we gotta be crazy just a regular ice cream cone at my regular ice cream job all right there we go yes oh there's a pastel one yes oh i love it oh i love it okay what are we putting on this i don't want to mess it up oh we're messing it up we're kind of messing it up oh yes look at that masterpiece my best one yet and there was no bugs or a duty or anything in it oh god no i was made fun of by mean girls make a dessert for them listen you must have talked to that other guy i think his name was jeff i don't do that anymore you know what instead i'm just gonna make you the most amazing ice cream cone that they're gonna become your friend okay let's see what happens if we do that first i'm gonna make you a rainbow cone because it's very instagramable and your friends i mean the girls that make fun of you at school will love it and thus love you look at that look how beautiful peace offering is much better than killing somebody look at this look how cool this looks and then no no some cute rainbow sprinkles okay just some ah look at that oh they're gonna love this and they're gonna want to be your friends does she like it oh she likes it ah see my ice cream cures people's problems now they're friends maybe i don't know oh no it's this guy again oh he wants a dessert this time it's the same guys jeff jeff we're gonna do it to you how do you like it how do you like poo jeff rainbow poo don't worry jeff it's gonna be rainbow at least i don't want jeff coming here anymore trying to get me to kill people with my ice cream so i gotta get rid of him this will be the most the most disgusting beautiful ice cream i've ever made yes look at it it's a masterpiece oh jeff you're gonna love this oh we can roll it finally jeff yes there you go you're my first rolled ice cream jeff you better eat every single bite uh let's put some oreos on it there we go delicious jeff yum oh no i got two stars for that you ranked my ice cream on a scale of one to three that i put poo in and made you throw up with it was it was because it was beautiful look at it what is it with you people no here you want watermelon i kind of want watermelon there you go oh that was satisfying i'm sorry but i just have to make everything rainbow because it looks so pretty your ex is a lucky guy actually she just said it was for her ex she didn't say what her ex did are they just broken up and she's bitter about it i'm gonna try and kill you with lauren's ice cream place not today stephanie just move on girl okay well look at it maybe he'll take you back i would take somebody back for that ice cream a masterpiece oh fish cone why i think it's a japanese thing right anything to be trendy green fish oh this is this is gorgeous i don't know what flavors it is but it's pretty oh he loves it three stars three stars oh yeah that's right you know i might be tired of the ice cream shop because all people want is for me to make poo ice cream and that's not what i went to ice cream college for okay okay finally i'm allowed to make what i want supposed to be my favorite dessert so i'm gonna make what i would order finally okay we're doing a rainbow cone oh a dip oh for the cone go with that chocolate dip oh it's for the top this game is making me hungry told you i'm gonna gain a bunch of weight work in the straw even just fake wise probably just get straight up vanilla it's not as pretty as i was hoping but you know and then i love rainbow sprinkles on my soft serve ice cream in real life so that's what we're doing and it matches brings out the accents of that rainbow cone see this this is what i wanted to do along not make poo ice cream or insect ice cream or poison ice cream i wanted to make this beautiful yummy ice cream okay no i'm done i'm done i'm not doing it anymore i quit you guys happy are you are you happy i quit this job all right i'm tired of making poo ice cream and i mean i'm probably gonna get arrested soon anyway for being an accomplice and killing those people because i wanted to make my customer happy at least i got a five-star review on yelp but yeah like i said earlier make sure you leave like and a comment below so we can get this video to 100 million views so that it pays my bail money for jail i can get out of jail and continue making videos for you guys and in the meantime make sure you hit the subscribe button that's popping up right over there as well as some other videos if you're looking for something else to watch while i'm in jail thanks to my stupid customers and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 3,996,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, I tried, I tried working, ice cream, creepy, weird, gross, app games, app, free, dessert diy, ice cream making
Id: Cu-MEPkqJ30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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