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after over a month of research I have finally crafted the ultimate amazing digital circus Theory and in this video I'm going to explain the entire lore and timeline of the pilot episode so get ready because we're not skipping any piece of information but to put this all together first we have to finally solve what happened to kmo if we want to find out if kmo is still alive first we need to look into what happened to kmo in the first place well you may think the answer is obvious what happened to him is a lot more complex than you would think kmo is a full-fledged member of the circus like everyone else and if you listen to the intro of the episode where all the characters were introduced originally all the characters names were sung as they were supposed to be including the part about Kell but as soon as his name was said where is he instead of a real character we just saw a cardboard cutout of the clown which implies that kma was not showing up that day convenient ly the day PNE joined the circus which I have a theory that PNE is cmo's replacement it makes perfect sense because kmo was a clown and palne is a Jester which are two very different things and the Creator mentioned that there were too many characters in the circus and they needed to get rid of one character to add in pomy but that's a whole another theory for another day if we want to find out if kmo is still alive we need to find out how long kmo has been a resident of the circus well it's not known for sure many people and myself believed that kmo has been in the circus for only a relatively short time this is proven by the clip where Kanger says kmo has been acting more and more out of character lately my impenetrable Fortress you want to come with us to check on kmo no not really I think cmo's gotone insane last time I spoke with him he was rambling endlessly about some exit kind of like you pomy this proves that kmo has been acting out a character for a while and he didn't just start acting like this overnight this may sound strange but kmo is a clown and a clown is the backbone of a circus I mean really can you think of a circus that doesn't have a clown in it my point is that kma was the star of The Amazing digital circus before he disappeared but what does this mean maybe every clown archetype that joins the circus automatically just knows a little bit more than the other characters this is very easy to prove just by looking at the reactions of all the other characters when they talk about the exit I'm more than sure if kfo was with the crew in the first episode he would have sided with PNE immediately and as we know many characters have abstracted before kmo kmo was a good-natured and funny guy who understood the [ __ ] of what were going on in the circus more than anyone else but even with knowing this he still remained really cheerful and upbeat holding the circus together as ratha told us our clown was always trying to make a joke or cheer everyone up in some sort away but not everyone appreciated it before the abstracted kfmo attacked ratha she confessed to him in a apologize for not appreciating all that kmo has done for them wait maybe there's still time to fix them before we get Kan W poo listen I know we didn't always get along like when you called me out for fake laughing at your jokes I swear I really did think they were funny I was just having a bit of a bad day but if we want to find more about what happened to kmo first we need to find out why kmo abstracted with all of our current information it seems like all the characters who started going crazy ended up abstracting even zubal ended up admitting that it was very strange that kfmo obstructed because she thought that ker would be next which is not too crazy to assume because it seems like Kanger has serious problems he's very anxious screams all the time and behaves very strangely and yet he is the longest live inhabitant of the amazing digital circus but it was C kmo who abstracted we all remember ker saying that kmo was always trying to talk about getting out the obsession became cmo's main problem which led to his disappearance in this case one could easily argue that it's not the characters who suffer from mental disorders who disappear but those who have gone insane with thoughts of leaving the circus which would be kmo but I have undeniable proof about this that will tell us what ultimately happened to kmo which brings me to my next point we have already seen that kmo started out as a funny character but nobody found his jokes funny maybe besides ratha but even that is questionable and I'm sure that this did not make staying in the digital hellscape easy for him gradually he went from being a happy cheerful guy to being a depressed man with obsessive thoughts that dictated the rules of his life it's not exactly known what kind of relationship our clown had with the other characters of the circus but we can say say that at least ragi always laughed at his jokes and Jax did not care about kmo or anyone else for that matter in fact it's likely that Jax actually played some sort of role in tipping kmo over the edge because it's known that Jax likes to mess with other members of the circus as shown in this clip right here they broke my comedy mask so Kane we have a new adventure today for the Newbie or what so Jax actually could have played a part in abstracting kmo but back to my main point kfmo did not have enough support from any other members of the circus to snap out of it and get back to normal the other characters hardly encouraged him thinking he was crazy when he started talking about his way to escape the circus kind of like what happened to pomy which only reinforced his belief that nobody needed him here everybody remembers what kao's room looked like and I doubt it's always looked like this in fact I doubt kmo Drew this all in one day this is something that would take weeks or months to draw which proves that nobody ever visited cmo's room to see how he was doing or ask if he was okay and in cmo's Room you can see a huge number of exit drawings and there are various pictures that we don't understand yet where kfmo was depicted as an evil clown or the strangest picture where he has drawn himself but only in a dissipated form but the main picture in cmo's room is a drawing of an evil looking cane where he has huge FS like a dog or a wolf instead of the usual teeth he has chasing after the unfortunate clown but this drawing will actually come in handy to figure out what really happened to [Music] kmo now that you have all the information you could possibly need about kmo we're going to find out what actually happened to him as you know kmo started going crazy by looking for a way out of the circus he realized that he had to get out of here because everything he has seen so far was a lie we all notice the strange drawing where evil Kane is chasing kmo where it looks like he's trying to eat or destroy him but why is that if you think about it Kane actually becomes very strange and evil At The Mention of an exit because we know he's AI it's likely that he was programmed to do this but what does any of this have to do with what happened to kmo well I just found a scene that perfectly illustrates what happened to [Music] him as we know py and kmo are very similar almost too similar so it's almost guaranteed that Kos saw the exits the void and the basement where all the abstracted characters are hidden in form of monsters but if he went insane enough to get abstracted we can only imagine what more he has seen but what did Cosmos see that paly didn't the computer in the desk of the office in the exit rooms we all know that this computer plays some sort of significance in the real and digital world as we see it in the circus at the end of the show when we zoom out of the Void into the real world so I have a crazy Theory where kmo discovered this computer and saw something on it that led him to ultimately get abstracted this is supported by the drawings you see on cmo's wall just before he disappears realizing all the [ __ ] of further life here kma was trying to imagine one of the exits he saw from the information on the computer and as we know he found himself in the same office as PNE but not understanding what to do next he quietly explored and came to the last room leading to the void like PNE Kan was able to recognize this and teleported kmo back to the circus but kmo determined to leave tried a few more times and each time Kane managed to stop him perhaps after one of these attempts the very situation that kmo painted on his room actually took place he left that as a clue to the rest of the circus on what Kane can really do do he wanted to let the members know that Kane is not to be trusted and should be feared after many failed attempts kmo had an idea on how to outsmart Kane and he got into the void without anyone knowing but why the void after kfo realizes that Kane is not who he says he assumes that the void is just a room that leads nowhere and where the character will stay forever then Kane would just most likely leave kfmo there to wander around for the rest of his life after so many attempts to save him but no he saved him every single time which means that going through the void is somewhere the characters are not supposed to be there would be another door leading to the basement and kmo knew that because he has gotten there himself after doing all of this kmo realized that there is a real world outside of the void by outsmarting Kane and kmo was able to get out once Kan realized this there was nothing he could do after all all of his power is inside of the amazing digital circus and the only option was to make kmo look like a complete psycho that is has gone too far so far in fact that he became a disintegrated abstracted monster and Kane has clearly done this many times because there is a lot of strange monsters in the basement that look the exact same it's as they are all pre-programmed NPCs that Kane creates in such cases and so we can say that all the other characters who are no longer in the circus didn't dissipate at all but on the contrary they were able to escape despite the horror going on inside of them and finally got out of this terrible place but why do the monsters stay in the basement after Kan puts them there well I just found the answer see Kane has to maintain his mechanism in the circus that when you start freaking out and seeing exits about how to get out of the circus a character is bound to see the basement behind one of those doors at this point Kane will explain that all the other characters who suffer the exact same thing as KFA will eventually also end up in the basement so the characters being sent to the basement is just a way to scare the other members of the circus but this brings us to our last point and I finally answer the question that you guys have all been waiting for yes kfmo is still alive in fact he is in a lot better of a state than anyone else who has escaped the circus for what we know now he is a free man in the real world not having to endure this digital hell anymore the most important thing in his life will be to understand the principle of how humans got there after all it has been long known that Kane and bubble are artificial intelligence and all the other characters are human maybe it'll take weeks months or even years but given kao's tenacity and what the circus has done to him it seems to me that kfmo will be able to understand the process that's going on and stop it thus preventing even the slightest chance of new people entering the circuit so now we know what happened to kmo but gooseworks gave us a big hint on Tumblr about what the next episode could be about she told us that the next episode is going to be about Jack and what if I told told you guys that Jax is going to abstract in this episode which brings us into our next chapter now when you think of what happens to a character when they get abstracted you probably think they either went insane or even died but what if I told you that's not the case instead they found a way to escape this is proven when we look at how kmo abstracted you'll never know until it's too late I've been looking for this thanks for keeping an eye on it coffee I'm going to head out see you but if we want to learn who's going to abstract next we need to talk about kother Clan because he is very important for understanding the concept of abstracting because he is the only character we've seen that's abstracted on the show so far kma was a clown always trying to cheer people up in the digital circus but things didn't go well for him the other characters didn't find his jokes funny that really bummed kfmo out as as time went by kofo started acting more and more unusual he kept yapping about a way to find an exit out of the circus which in turn made everyone else treat him worse and you know what happened next well I think we know what happened wo listen I know we didn't always get along like when you called me out for fake laughing at your jokes I swear I really did think they were funny I was just having a bit of a bad day it's also been confirmed by the Creator of the show in an interview that they had too many characters in the show and one of them needed to go so they could add pomy in the circus and there have been many incidents like kmos that have happened in the past and these previous incidents of people who have abstracted can help us find out which character will be abstracted next as we can see in the doors of the room if you look really closely you can see six people who have been crossed out and I think that the ex's over these unfamiliar characters we haven't seen before indicate that they've already been abstracted and have somehow left the circus so let's investigate there seems to be a dog which we don't have much information on a sock puppet which we also don't have a lot of information on a blurry image of another Jester archetype kind of like PNE some sort of pink monster and a bird but most importantly there's a black chest piece and this one is interesting her name is theorized to be queenie but other than that the creators gave us no more information about her but wait a second isn't there already a chest piece in the amazing digital circus that's right this brings us to our first character and the chopping block of being abstracted kinger he seems to be completely broken potentially by the loss of his wife and that can be a big stress factor for him for instance his constant panicking or Tendencies to be afraid in calm situations he can be talking about something and then completely forget what it was or just completely zone out and not notice the people around him he is definitely the most unstable character but now the question is will ker extract next no if he thinks about leaving he'll probably forget a few seconds later my impenetrable Fortress you want to come with us to check on kmo no not really I think kmos gotone insane last time I spoke with him he was rambling endlessly about some exit kind of like you pomy but if Kanger is not going to exract next who will well now we got to talk about Jax Jax is the SE seemingly cool guy but he might not be what he appears to be on surface level he is theorized to be an insecure damaged kid using his jokes and mocking behavior is a defense mechanism and I think that Jax is mentally crazy SL crazier than kmo he's just better at hiding it he will probably survive until some of the later episodes or maybe even Escape if he can do it right because he knows how to handle these tough situations but at the same time Jax is a very big wild card because on face value he seems the most stable of the bunch but I think he's definitely hiding something that we are not yet aware of which could be a reason that he's always smiling like seriously why is he always smiling I refuse to believe this is just a design Choice there is definitely something behind this ladies first no wait why would I say that wait pne's not even here wasn't this whole thing for her be quiet I can't hear the escalator so Jax is a maybe but chances are he won't abstract in the second episode but what about zubal as odd as it sounds she might be the one to get abstracted in the next episode it's kind of ironic to say this though because she said that ker would be the first one it would happen to man I can't believe kfmo just gave up like that I mean no offense ker but I always thought you would be next thank you she doesn't panic like ker but behaves in her own unique way she's rude grumpy and irritable she doesn't like where she is and clearly wants to get out of the circus but since she doesn't know how to do it her tension grows and her mental health suffers zub's identity problem is evident she doesn't know who she is which can be a serious factor for abstraction zubal is rude because her worst fear is love when Jax was scratching her back with zub's arm zubal did not like it was that an exit door I saw out there is that a way to leave what exit if there was a way to leave I'm pretty sure we'd have all left by although it's possible I doubt she'll be abstracted in the next episode but what about gengle she is a very unstable character similar to kinger her mask controls her feelings and she is very sensitive but also Jax may be trying to help her reach her Breaking Point by breaking her mask so Kane we having a new adventure today for the Newbie or what I believe that Jax is actually trying to make her abstract so yes gangle could be another potential candidate for abstraction but what about ragi ragi has shown signs of going insane but Kane managed to cure her in the early stages of the glitch I am in so much pain ratha is an optimistic character but she may be hiding a touch of Madness she has been traumatized and very much so wants to leave especially with how she was treated in episode 1 I don't see her staying around much longer and of course we can't forget about pomy the main character it might seem impossible for her to abstract but in the amazing digital circus there could be a bad ending this could result in either the death of a main character or her transformation into an abstract monster pomy keeps trying to convince herself that it's all a dream and she talks about finding an exit the situation in the secret room and the end of the pilot episode suggests that PNE has started to lose use her grip on reality cuzz we don't need to eat drink or sleep in this digital world so the digital food here only gives off the virtual sensation of eating without any of the nutritional benefits she lay off it since when are you an expert on the digital world expert on the pomy is pretty likely to abstract next because she wants to find an exit and you remember who else wanted to find an exit it was kmo py could definitely be a potential candidate for abstraction but finally we have to consider Kane Kane is a very mysterious character it's also theorized that Kane killed his brother in the scene where the CNA sign is shown it's been theorized that that acronym might mean Caine and Abel and we didn't see Abel in the game so we have to assume it's Kane's brother but the real question is will Kane abstract I really don't think so I see him staying around till the very end of amazing digital circus but what about Bubble yeah we're really covering everything in this Theory but I'm pretty sure we can count bubble out pretty quickly because it seems like bubble is just another one of Kane's NPCs but speaking about Kane's NPCs we are going to find a lot more Easter eggs and hidden details about Kane and the other characters in this next chapter as many of you probably don't know the amazing digital circus has been in the works for a very long time with pre-production starting in the middle of 2022 almost a year and a half before it finally released near the end of 2023 so it stands that there is a reason that many of these clips and animations didn't make the final cut the first few Clips I found for you guys is some scenes from the first episode of The Amazing digital circus and there are some pretty interesting things I noticed from these early versions of the scenes you will notice that the lighting has not been added to the scene and some characters look a bit more primitive compared to their final version such as ratha's dress having a completely different color pattern or zubal not yet having the prints on her torso like the final one of the other early development scenes that that caught my eye was the scene where ratha and py first encounter kmo after he's been turned into an abstract monster if you look at the earlier and unfinished version you will notice that kmo looks a lot less menacing before the Glitchy texture and blinking eyes were added to him another thing I found was the walking animations for many of the characters that never got used or were used but never shown in the final render of the episode watching these makes you wonder what else these animations could have been used for like what will py be running from we also get to see the entire circus crew walking together which makes me wonder if we will ever see these characters team up to stop Kane to try and leave this digital circus instead of the chaos in episode 1 this part shows the running animations of an abstracted character but something to note here is that the text below it reads abstracted kmo Run cycles and well in the first episode when abstracted kmo is cast into the cellar we catch a vague glimpse of many characters who used to be a part of the circus which suggests that all the circus members who have been abstracted will most likely look the same but since this text singles out kmo being the one who has been abstracted instead of just being an abstracted circus member I am led to believe that if another circus member is going to be abstracted they will look different than cmo's abstracted form even only if it's a slight amount well these are not necessarily unused animations from the episode we do have a various amount of facial renders and animations from each of the amazing digital circus's iconic cast members such as this animation of PNE holding in vomit or looking very bothered by something similar to how we saw her at the dinner scene of the very first episode Another early scene I found was a demo version of the scene where Raga and paly first meet kfo after he's abstracted an interesting thing to note is the use of a more cartoony animation style in the demo with ratha's movements being far more fluid like that of a cartoon character well in the final release of the episode her movements are a lot more toned down according to the lead animator this was to make the scene more serious in tone since the scene depicts py and ratha in danger and ratha's Goofy more cartoony movements could disrupt that [Music] tone here we are shown what is described as the curs development photos and I don't think I could agree more many of these characters are shown to be distorted or modeled in a very strange way where their elements of their design clip through their body like here where Jax's eyes and teeth are being fused together but something I did want to theorize about for a moment is this screenshot showing jack's looking very creepy and demented in a way he's never shown in the pilot episode as you may know it's widely theorized that Jax will be one of the First characters after cough mode to become abstracted with people speculating it to happen as early as the very next episode considering the episode 2 of The Amazing digital circus has been confirmed by the show's Creator gooseworks to be having Jax as the main focus this makes me wonder what the process of abstracting will look like I don't think they will just immediately transform from a normal circus performer to a giant be Beast like what kmo looked like in the pilot and this image makes me think that perhaps abstraction is a slower process and this could be a part of the process showing Jax at the beginning of his abstraction let's just hope that isn't the case though because if Jax were to abstract the fandom would probably go insane another scene that I have here shows pomy on her way to help ratha after cmo's attack but PNE doesn't walk as much as she just floats here's the thing I was very excited to show you guys as you can see I found an alternate version of the show's original intro theme let's get right into the show there many wonders can be found Spin and until you fly to the moon and then the Sun and we don't know [Applause] why you won't believe your a surprise don't touch that door there so much more you don't know what's this theme I found also is alternate lyrics for instance instead of the original version glitching out and saying day after day after day after day after we hear different lyrics singing only is there that though but the intro is more lyrics that are not present in the final [Applause] episode won believe for a surprise that door there's so much you don't know what's in up for this is very interesting because one of the most iconic and fan favorite things about this show is the incredibly catchy intro theme and hearing the extended version of the intro song is actually pretty cool it also is interesting to hear what's supposed to be Kane singing and telling PNE not to touch the door before it has even been explained why she is there as you may know Kane has been hiding the fake exit door for a while because it's the entrance to the void which he is self-conscious about and doesn't want the cast to see his unfinished and uncomplete work the final thing I wanted to show you guys were the character animations uploaded to glitch Productions YouTube channel a couple of months before the show even premiered there's some demo versions We can look at and it's been revealed for the first time that these characters have been animated so it's intriguing to think about how the animators figured out how to make the characters behave on screen to fit their personalities we are also shown the very first piece of animation ever for the amazing digital circus welcome to the amazing digital circus are you ready to see something in [Music] incredible well too bad you're going to see it anyway in today's show we've got quite the performance whoops wrong thing GMA Now ladies and gentlemen pomy here is going to perform something you've never seen before do don't worry my dear you won't even die horribly well I think we both had something to learn from that experience it shows Kane the circus's ring Master showing the viewers everything that there is to know about the digital circus before revealing the show star PNE and some Antics between pomy and Kane where Kane is throwing knives at pomy who is tied to a spinning Target which I do admit is quite comedic and a great way to reveal the show but speaking about revealing things in the show this brings brings us to our new chapter where I'm going to tell you guys my theory of a new character coming to the [Music] circus as you may have noticed new characters in The Amazing digital circus appear quite unexpectedly but I've always wondered why is there an even number of them even though that detail seems unimportant after watching this video to the end you'll realize that the number of residents being even or odd basically determines the likelihood of a new character appearing and I'm about to explain why at this point we already have Paul JX zubal and others we won't consider Kane and his handheld robot bubble because they are not residents of the circus and they are proven to be AI at this moment we have six characters but is it possible that there will be more take a second to imagine if there were 10 or more characters living in the digital circus at the same time that would be crazy right as we all know since the release of the pilot episode there has been a theory floating around the internet that there's going to be a completely new character that is going to replace the abstracted character the writers themselves haven't officially stated this but but the situation with pomy and kmo that you just witnessed gives us confidence in this Theory as soon as kmo disappeared PNE spawned in some might say that this is just a coincidence but what if it's not and if it is a coincidence is it possible to say that Kane is somehow involved remember that when pomy entered the digital circus no one knew that kmo abstracted but could this mean that kfmo was actually still alive and does that mean more than six characters can live at the same time in the circus well I think we'll find the answer to that question in the new episodes but I would like to mention the characters that once lived in The Amazing digital circus but have long since been abstracted in fact there's also a big mystery that none of us have any idea what happened to them before the digital circus and how they became abstracted monsters in the first place however there is one character in The Amazing digital circus who knows absolutely everything that went on in the circus before paly arrived and that is ker this strange and somewhat frightening chest piece has lived in the circus longer than anyone else and it's most likely Kanger that has seen everyone's face as we know there are a bunch of crossed off characters on the doors which are most likely the abstracted characters but it's not their fate that we're interested in it's the number and Order of which they have been abstracted and I think in the kinger series we are shown this or at least told about it in case you didn't know in The Amazing digital circus every new series is dedicated to a new character as you and I may have noticed over the years in the amazing digital circus a huge number of characters have lived there and it's most likely a life cycle let's say that a character disappeared and was replaced by new one now remember what I said about odd and even numbers for characters to this we must add the story of the poor clown kfo for he will be the defining and most important part of this video Let's back up a little bit and remember that there are now six characters living in the circus that's an even number and that's what's going to be defining here and if the circus must have an even number of characters then kmo is still alive then if kmo is still alive we will have a new character the total number of characters will be eight but if Cosmo is really no longer a resident in the circus then our chances of seeing a new character is greatly reduced if not eliminated it's a bit of a stretch to say that the number of characters will be even or not but if you think about it we were originally shown six characters in the intro and if we were going to increase that number of characters it is going to be even because we do not know what the plot is going to be of the next episode maybe Kane will come up with a task where the residents work in pairs a very large number of people believe that kmo is still alive and just hidden somewhere in the circus and the transformation into an abstract monster is some sort of an Illusion by Kane or someone higher up which means that this new character has a great chance of appearing at the start of the next episode now I hope I didn't break your brain trying to explain this crazy theory of how characters will cycle out and replace each other but now that we covered that we can talk about who the next character will be in the amazing digital circus Goose Works who is the main author of this Indie animated series originally explained that kmo was going to be in the series in his original form because we even have his full 3d model but when writing the final version of the script it was decided that it was necessary to get rid of kma because there were already a lot of characters this leads us to believe that all of this is complete nonsense and there will be no new characters that's what I first thought at least but if you watch the pilot episode of The Amazing digital circus you will know that this episode has a huge number of Clues secret meanings references riddles and everything else this prevents gooseworks from confusing us a bit in this time around to surprise us even more in the future but I'll say it again kfmo is the one who decides if there will be a new character or not if kmo is still alive then yes it is very likely that we will see another important character in the story and if kmo is no longer with us then unfortunately the chance of getting someone else in the circus is close to zero but this means that the new character will appear as an addition to the ones that are already living in the circus because if one of them finally goes crazy and gets abstracted in that case we will 100% see a new character because despite the fate of kfo the golden rule of the circus is not going anywhere and the golden rule is if one of the circus inhabitants are abstracted then someone else immediately takes our place I also think that the next episode will be dedicated to ker we will be able to understand the whole mechanism of people getting stuck into the digital circus let's imagine a situation where we will definitely see a new character regardless of whether whether kmo is alive or not and let's try to understand what might happen let me remind you that in the case of abstracted kmo pomy immediately took his place it was if it happened automatically and because of that no one had any time to realize that anything was wrong with kfo so now we need to find out who the new character will replace and when will it happen I think that gooseworks and glitch will not hesitate with such a Twist which means that we should expect a similar situation in the next episode it has officially been announced that the Third episode will focus on zubal which means that we won't be able to consider her as a main candidate for someone to become an abstracted monster you could say that Jax would be the most unexpected choice but since he has became so popular with digital circus fans his disappearance could be bad for the entire digital circus Universe which means that Jax won't be going anywhere anytime soon until the end of the first season at least it would be foolish to change palne because she is the main character who unlike all others has a specific goal to get out of this digital hell hole according to Goose works' Tumblr page there are eight episodes planned for season 1 the exact same number of episodes of other glitch projects the first episode was about pomy and we have six characters in total so the remaining five episodes would tell us the fate of each of them but there's still two episodes to go the latest episode I think will be about how pne's story ends in the circus and we will be able to see if she finally goes crazy and gets out of the circus and I think in that case that there will be another episode where we will be told about someone else we haven't seen yet now let's move on ratha shows no signs of going insane anytime soon well kangar and gengle are very unstable which could lead to abstraction but unlike gangle who is really just sad and whiny all the time kangar is really on edge and this separates him for being an abstract monster perhaps even the next episode might be dedicated to kangar and we will be shown his past and how he got to such a state and this might even reveal all the secrets related to his wife who we have seen as previously abstracted and the final point of his life in the series will be his transformation into an abstract monster which means that in the next episode we will be able to see a new character that closely resembles ker because kmo and pomy are both employees of the entertainment industry and one of them is a clown and the other is a Jester well if the abstraction of characters has nothing to do with the appearance of the new ones then I think that in each episode we will be able to see some new characters which unfortunately will not be the main main ones but we'll go in addition to the story of the main characters in this case none of them that we' have already seen will be subjected to the terrible phenomenon that has happened to kofo but finally I would like to say that we will definitely see someone new in the amazing digital circus but for now we don't know exactly under which circumstances but what we do know is that PNE is going to escape in this next episode PNE was introduced in the pilot episode of the using digital circus and ever since then she has been trapped in this Digital World from even the first few seconds of her being there she was always obsessed over finding an exit to this digital hell and as you may know this world is ran by the AI game master Kane who likes to hold various different games and Adventures for the trapped human residents of the circus who have presumably been trapped here for years and it's not like there's no Escape for these characters because as we know there are eight abstracted characters that can be seen on the doors of the rooms which means means that there are at least eight members of the circus who have previously disappeared and this means there could be a chance for PNE to actually Escape but before we answer that question we need to look into it a little bit deeper as we know most of the pilot episode is seen through the lens of PNE as she tries her best to navigate this new world with the help of some of the current residents without losing her mind which is something that is very easy to do hence why the other characters like ratha and JX try their best to appreciate the adventures that Kane puts them on in order to keep their minds busy because cuz if you are not able to keep your mind busy in a place like this it's very easy for you to lose your mind in fact many characters like kinger and gengle already seem to be at their breaking points as shown in these clips right here they broke my comedy mask so Kane we having a new adventure today for the Newbie or what my impenetrable Fortress this path to insanity is typically rooted from the idea that no matter how hard one seems to try there is really no way to get out of of this digital circus which is why the other residents of the circus try to discourage pomy to look for a way out because the likelihood of it leading to disappointment and more Agony is very high but she can't really help herself after seeing the occasional exit door pop up out of the blue and after she sees this exit door once it is on her mind and she becomes even more Curious hearing that another Resident of the circus named kmo has been looking for an exit as well you might be going insane too but wait wouldn't that more likely mean the exit does exist could also mean you just have a jump start and losing your mind wa what about ZB well I think I'd like to ask him about it uh if this was real which it isn't because it's a dream however by the time she and the other members of the crew find kmo in his bedroom he has completely lost it his bedroom looks like something straight out of a horror movie with the word exit written over and over again in red blood his body turned from a standard looking clown to some sort of multi-eyed monster with superhuman strength and the ability to make other things in the circus glitch out or completely disappear you may be wondering what this has to do with pomy escaping but trust me this all ties together py eventually finds the magic exit door while looking for Kane to help with the kfo situation however what was on the other side was not really what she expected the exit door did nothing other than taking her through a bunch of different rooms that looked like a standard office building over and over again despite most of these rooms looking the exact same PNE would continue to push through eventually reaching one room in particular that had an old timey computer setup in the [Music] corner after seeing this paly began to really freak out laughing like a crazy person and even all of her teeth turning sharp with the final door leading to a place called the void that Kan strongly encourages residents not to venture off into because apparently even he doesn't know what's out there Kane eventually realizes that PNE is out in the void thanks to his overall control of the world and he eventually recalls her back to the main circus area where he has all the control and when he gets back to the main circus he finally heals ragi from the Glitch he also puts obstructed kmo in the basement to spend the remainder of his days even though it looks almost completely pitch black in there it's easy to see all the other colored demonic eyes in the sides implying there have been other former humans trapped in the circus that have became abstracted in the past Kane has to dispose of all these abstracted monsters he does this so they can't harm the upper level members of the circus but there seems to be one thing that Kane can't fix Kane cannot seem to fix the abstracted members of the circus Cosmo abstracted why didn't anybody tell me and into the cellar you go and that's actually likely because it's all related to that character escaping the circus which I cover in this Theory which you should watch after this video but back to pomy is there really any possible ways she can escape the circus well we have to consider that this world has probably been a thing for a while now because ker who has apparently been there the longest has been there for 48 years and the server that this game is running on looks like it's some sort of abandoned computer from the 8S judging by the computer monitor the computer monitor is an old fback and the general setup just looks a little bit off because this looks like a virtual VR world and it's a bit strange that this is actually meant to be from back in the day although VR headsets did exist back in the 9s they were very hard to access so it would make more sense if all this was in the modern day then there's also the question of how all these different people got here in the first place and at first I thought One Singular computer was the main gateway into this world but that actually seems unlikely because that would mean every single person in the digital circus would have access to the same specific computer but it's more likely that it's just a game that once you download on your computer will trap you in this world so with all of that being said it is truly possible for paly and the others to get back to their normal lives if the series decides to take that route in the future where they're fully intended to be real people in the real world it would be important for the Creator to show that Kane also reveals that he was the one who created the series of exit doors but he keeps it a secret cuz he doesn't like others seeing his unfinished work with the pilot episode ending at the dinner table with everyone eating eting supper together despite not actually needing to eat or sleep in this digital world with the camera zooming in on paly's face as their mind begins to crack little by little followed by an overall World zooming to the point where it shows the final setup of the same computer the same computer that palne saw while adventuring the exit rooms but now that we have all the background information we need to answer the question will palne ever escape well first we have to consider this as we know PNE and kmo are very similar almost to similar and it's almost guaranteed that Kos saw the exit he most likely saw the void as well as the basement where all the abstracted characters are hidden in the form of monsters but if he went insane enough to get abstracted we can only imagine what he's seen but what did Kos see that palne didn't the computer in the desk of the office of the exit rooms we all know that this computer placed some sort of significance in the real and digital world as we see it in the circus at the end of the show when we zoom out of the Void into the real world so I have a crazy Theory where kfmo discovered this computer and saw something on here that ultimately led to him getting abstracted which is the only way I found that pomy could possibly escape this world so if pomy wants to escape the circus she has to become insane like kmo and finally realize all the information she has been missing in order to leave but it might be pretty hard to leave because of one person Kane as you all know the this show is about six humans who got trapped in a virtual reality world where their lives are controlled by the AI rig master running the show known as Kane in the early teasers of the show Kane seemed to be the ultimate villain of the series trapping humans in this world and mindlessly torturing them with his games a good example of this is when he was throwing knives at the main character of the show PNE where Now ladies and gentlemen pomy here is going to perform something you've never seen before [Music] don't worry my dear you won't even die horribly however the pilot episode paints a very different picture one where Kane is the hero of the story and is actually trying to help the humans well let's break down why this is the amazing digital circus opened with an old school kind of computer game graphic style before transitioning into this beautiful 3D World the use of these old school graphics was something hinted at in a lot of the promotional material which is similar to a lot of video game art styles from back in the day like kidp in this opening bit all of the characters are introduced as regulars at the circus before PNE suddenly manifests right in the middle of everything ruining the ACT here we get quickly introduced to the characters again and this time their more cynical real personality show as py explains that she suddenly appeared here after putting on a VR headset and this VR headset is so intense that it can even Sim ulate feelings of eating as we later learn so why I can still be hungry well not really because we don't need to eat drink or sleep in this digital world so the digital food here only gives off the virtual sensation of eating without any of the nutritional benefits after getting palne and the audience up to speed on what's going on Kane sets up a sort of game style mission for them to spend their day which involves a little thing called GLS and they actually steal zubal Kane goes off on his own to relax with another AI his istant called bubble but pomy doesn't want to play with the GLS she believes that she's seen an exit door and thinks it may lead to a way out of the circus but the other circus members call her crazy for this and relate her behavior to the previously abstracted character kmo but this all ties into how Kan is trying to save the humans later for now let's get back on topic at the beginning of the episode Kan showed palne everything that can had managed to create from the interior of the circus to the outside grounds governed by the Moon and Sun and the blank void that exists just beyond it which just seems to me like more programmable space PNE is uncertain where this exit may go but she seems determined to find a way out as apparently most of the newcomers do when they first arrive when showing PNE around to their rooms they stop to check on kmo a clown who never showed up for their morning intro like they always do let's get right into the show Ander drag up the deck and the C MO when the door to his room opens we see the walls covered in insane style writings about trying to find an exit but instead of a clown we see a horrible glitching monster in his place this is kmo but he has been abstracted according to the others the characters are human trapped in digital bodies governed by artificial intelligence but time over time we seem to see these humans lose their sense of self and become digitally abstract in the circus the characters actually never have to sleep so it would seem that they are plugged into the game by more than just a simple virtual reality headset because of this time is endless and there is never a need for True rest in the digital circus which is great when you were temporarily plugged in to play a game but not something that the human mind was ever meant to experience on an ongoing basis Kon thus seems to know that humans are not supposed to be trapped here for that long but he appears to have no way of actually helping them to get out before the six humans started manifesting there may have been people that used to come into play for short bursts leaving at their own free will but at some point something seemed to change and Kane realized that he had a long-term duty to somehow try and help the humans who got sucked into the game to do this Kane focuses on simulating human life while maintaining the Circus theme in his video game mechanics the characters say they don't need sleep but that it's nice to have free time to essentially pretend to sleep and be away from everyone else in the circus this is essentially when they can have their own thoughts and process what happened to them that day and enter a state of as little thinking as possible until the next day day begins so this is where we all live or well where we all sleep at night even though we don't really need to sleep it's sometimes nice to kind of take a break from everything and have a bit of a routine you know this gives them a sense of human normaly and probably helps them to maintain their form without abstracting much longer than the early humans might have inside of the circus Cosmo's room was covered in writings about trying to find an exit and it seems that he did not use his free time to rest at all and rather fixated further on his issues of being trapped here because he had seemingly no need to rest he thought he could just focus on his mission indefinitely but instead of his body giving out his mind shattered and he became an abstracted monster Kan does not take advantage of the toys the way he seems to in the teasers and instead the missions he sends them on are probably what passes for real games that his program was meant to do I'm sure time over time things will get crazier and crazier with his behavior as he always hints at being able to go unhinged but for now he seems like he's genuinely trying to do his best to help these humans have the happiest experience they can in the forms of them being trapped the bigger question to all of this is how exactly did these six humans get trapped here as we discussed already the characters Minds seem to be trapped in the game one possibility is that they don't need sleep because their physical bodies would always be in a state of rest in whatever Machinery they're hooked up to but another possibility is that the headset pni members putting on was scanning her brain to insert her into a digital game and her Consciousness was transferred into the circus out of her body which could be another reason that PNE got so scared when she saw the VR headset at the end of the hallway of the back rooms but how is Kane trying to help the humans if he wanted to help the humans wouldn't he just show them some sort of escape to this Digital World well keep watching watching because I need to explain One More Concept that will tie this entire Theory together I believe that the reason palmy and the others scan themselves into this digital world was to try to escape their own dying physical world and try to have a new life in this happy Blissful video game but here's why after promising ratha that she wouldn't abandon her PNE finds an exit door and decides to take it she gets lost in a maze of Office Buildings from the 8S that look like the back rooms that all connect to one another however something about this particular office terrifies PNE and it's more than just the VR headset on the desk in the last moments of the story PNE sits at the table with the others and stares off into the horror of what her new reality is after the fear that she experienced in the strange Office Buildings she managed to find an exit door and Beyond this exit door was the void and when she looked out into the void something else horrified [Music] her at the end of the episode the camera pans out past the void and reveals the same office that paly found herself in that office was familiar to her because it was modeled after the actual office where the amazing digital circus game seems to be running the office has a strange computer that looks like it would run low-end video games which is what was shown at the very beginning of the digital circus and it's weird because when you think of VR headsets you think of the modern VR headset you don't think of people from the 8S that could get locked in this low-end virtual game The Rundown look of the office makes me think that the entire world is dying or dead with virtually no humans or resources left I think that PNE among others choose to have their Consciousness injected into the existing virtual ual World instead of living in the real world that is just sad and depressing by wiping their memories pomy and the others probably hoped that they would forget the [ __ ] of their destroyed planet that they were living on before and they thought that they would have a lot better of a Time living in this fantasy Video Game World however this causes most of them to fixate and be unable to enjoy the simple existence there and this could eventually lead to abstraction of any of the characters pomy seems to be the latest of not just six or seven people but many many people before based on where Kane throws the abstracted remains of kmo near the end of the episode and here we can see lots of strange horrific monsters indicating that quite a few people have abstracted before kmo there is more evidence of other people abstracting if you look closely at the doors when palne Jax and ratha are walking through the rooms here you can see a bunch of people who I assume are abstracted and this sets the stage for an interesting Series where Kane is not the villain but he is the biggest obstacle stopping the character characters from finding out the truth because he is programmed to prevent them from figuring it out Kane is just trying to Simply make the circus members lives as Nic as possible even if he doesn't quite understand how humans work but now I want to show you guys some leaks for the next episode of The Amazing digital circus recently over on glitch Productions website the wacky watch they updated their teaser video from a VHS style advertisement for the amazing digital circus to its current look featuring pomy laying in her bed sleeping in what can only be theorized to be pne's bedroom in the first episode of The Amazing digital circus it's revealed to PNE by ratha that every circus member gets their own room so this is where we all live or well where we all sleep at night even though we don't really need to sleep it's sometimes nice to kind of take a break from everything and have a bit of a routine you know so it comes to no surprise to the audience that this is most likely pne's room that she is sleeping in for some that may be the end of the speculation but if you look closely there is a lot more that meets the eye something I noticed is that on the web page it appears that the video of PNE sleeping is being watched or recorded to Kane's wacky watch well we know that Kane's wacky watch has the ability to sense when a circus member enters the void this shot of paly sleeping being watched through the wacky watch implies that Kane's wacky watch is either connected to the cameras throughout the circus or can see everything like an optimate eye that watches over all of the circus members since everyone lives in a digital world and what is implied to be a video game however I think it is safe to say that the wacky watch can see anything an ability we did not previously know it had it's fitting however considering Kane himself is an AI who can teleport anywhere at his own will it's all but confirmed that Kane is the god of the circus part of the game that keeps everything together and going exactly as it should be in his own way of course hello k I love you get out of here before the moon gets frisky well thinking of about this though I began to wonder why does Kane want to watch PNE anyways well I think one plausible theory is that it's hinting towards the second episode PNE may start to cause Mischief in the circus especially during the night when all of the characters are in their room so she doesn't get caught trying to distract Kane or worst of all trying to leave Kan will get fed up with this and maybe figure out her plan by himself or he might even find her plan through one of the other circus members this might make Kane begin to watch her more close clly even while watching her while she is sleeping this will force palne to either accept her fate in the digital circus or go to more Extreme Measures to escape this digital prison that she is trapped in and while this whole thing is interesting it really leaves me wondering what will the other character's rooms look like we see pne's room in her color scheme and decorations that fit her design and if we take a closer look at cfo's room it's the exact same color scheme as kma with clown portraits which are a thing for some reason as you can see every character's room is somewhat custom fit to them so I would like to take a second to theorize what the other character's rooms will look like firstly I think that ratha's room would be red and purple similar to our color scheme next there's ker and I believe that Ker's room is painted in a checkerboard pattern considering he is a chest piece he also may have chest related decorations in his room zub's room would probably be really colorful and almost like a rainbow similar to her design in the show kind of like the random shapes and color patterns on her body Jax's room would probably be purple yellow and red and he would definitely have some Contraband in his room like bowling balls and other things he could destroy or ruin the days of other members of the circus with considering he seems to have a more destructive attitude in the circus finally there's gangle and we have actually seen a picture of their room before which features a plethora of broken comedy masks and a monotone black and white color scheme with a lone mirror and desk the rest of the room is engulfed in darkness and we can see a floor that is a checkerboard pattern this leads me to believe that there is more to gangle than we actually think and maybe we will see a dark side to gangle in a later episode but if you guys thought that's it you're wrong because I found a lot more secret leaks about episode 2 there were a couple images uploaded to glitch Productions Twitter page which I believe may be used in the second episode of The Amazing digital Circus the first image we have is a picture of Kane flexing without any lighting or texturing which I don't think this shot will have much significance to the episode's pilot but it does look quite comedic if you ask me another image uploaded on glitch Productions Twitter account would be this image shown here showing py sitting down and looking disappointed about something to me this render of pomy is reminiscent of the final scene of the amazing digital circus where pomy blankly stares into space pondering her existence in this digital circus with seemingly no way to escape maybe this will be used at the beginning of the second episode showing that paly still isn't used to her new life in this digital circus or maybe something will happen to pomy during the second episode that causes her to sit down and stare off blankly like this another couple of leaks from episode 2 that I have is about the plot of the episode the creator of the amazing digital circus gooseworks said that each episode will focus on a different characters throughout the entire season that is going to be eight episodes and while it's unclear if the pilot counts as the Show's first episode at this point we do not know that the very next episode of The Amazing digital circus will be about everyone's favorite character ja and have a theory about what will happen to him in a Q&A on Tumblr gooseworks was asked about what the second episode would be about and gooseworks simply responded with depression while this may seem like just a joke of an answer if we look at Jax's behavior in the pilot we can start putting all of the pieces together everyone knows that Jax isn't very kind to the other members of the circus and generally has a don't care attitude which sometimes is a sign or symptom of depression and while trapped in this digital circus it's no surprise that the inhabitants will get homesick and begin to lose their mind slowly starting with being depressed and I think this adds more Cole to the fire of Jack's abstracting in the second episode as we already discussed in earlier videos that you should check out after this one Jax will most likely be the next to abstract and it's most likely the only thing stopping this is the Fan's love for the character there's also evidence supporting the idea that Jax won't abstract in the second episode in the same Q&A gooseworks was asked about a hint for the second episode and her response was that no one was coming close to guess what it's about this is exciting for the Jax fans out there because everyone has been theorizing that Jax will become abstracted in the second episode and even though the warning of this reply is very vague it doesn't quite rule out the possibility of Jack's abstracting but it could definitely be a clue that it won't happen another episode 2 leak that I found is a potential release date using many Clues like social media post production time for the first episode and other hints released by The Show creator gooseworks I think that we can pinpoint a general release date for the second episode the first piece of information about the second episode's release date actually comes from the release date of another one of glitch's other shows murder drones and the next episode of this show has a release date set in Spring of this year which means that episode 2 of The Amazing digital circus could come out after that or hopefully before it something interesting to note is that glitch Productions finished other episodes of the murder drones incredibly quickly releasing a new episode every 1 to 2 months before its newest episode episode 6 which released 4 months ago with the amazing digital circus dropping 2 months after that so if we are to believe that glitch Productions is going to follow this release pattern I think it's safe to say that we could see a new episode of The Amazing digital circus within a month or two this is also supported by the fact that the show is showing insane popularity and waiting for the new episode to drop might cause it to lose friction and popularity in the community which the Creator most likely will not want to do but it's also entirely possible that we could be seeing the episode after murder drones episode 7 because of the hype surrounding the show Making The Producers want to make it as fast as possible although they're still going to obviously want to make it really good if I were to make a guess I would say it's most likely coming in January or February but of course I can't say for sure but the only thing I can say for sure is we know it's coming very soon but to wrap this Theory up we need to finally talk about what could happen in episode [Music] 2 this character is one of the main inhabitants of the circus even if it doesn't seem so in one of my videos I proved that out of all the current inhabitants of the circus ker is the one who has been there the longest not including Kane of course even in the pilot episode we often notice that he is already starting to go crazy and I think that this trend will continue in the second episode I think that the loss of a loved one in the circus gives ker a very deep picture about what's going on around him in my opinion Kanger is known for a long time that it is possible to get out of this circus I mean there's no way he wouldn't have noticed all the exits that have popped up throughout the entire history of the circus on the one hand we can assume that they will appear at the will of the administrator because it's theorized that PNE is an administrator along with C thanks to which she can easily create exits but she just doesn't realize it yet or as in any digital system in the amazing digital circus there could be a glitch that causes characters to randomly open exits to the real world instead of the virtual one this brings us back to Kanger in the new episode I think there might be such a glitch and Kanger will be a witness of it he will like pyy in the pilot episode lose Consciousness and stay in the void but as we know even in a blacked out State the character who has been in the void Still Remains absolutely aware of everything that has happened to them in the first place Kane will get his notification on the wacky watch as usual but the whole situation will have a stronger effect on ker making him even more unstable and now even ker will start talking about a way out although we all remember how he mocked kfmo at first even though he knew a way out of this damned circus with each new scene Kanger will become more and more vulnerable and lost which will eventually lead into Ker's final descent into madness and we all know what happens here next time will come and kangar will disappear from the rest of the circus inhabitants then similar to the situation with kofo his room will be filled with a bunch of strange drawings and inscriptions and I'm sure that one of these drawings will be a Sinister image of Cain who this time is chasing Kanger instead of kfo Kanger will turn into a monster and Kane will put him into the base where the rest of the abstracted inhabitants of the digital circus remain and that unfortunately is going to be the end of Ker's story in The Amazing digital circus but now we have to talk about PNE if we want to know what can happen in the second episode and I'm more than sure that despite all the failures in the pilot episode of the digital circus palne will not give up on her attempts of finding a way out she will most likely act casual at first pretending that she likes everything in here and is not thinking about escaping however we we already remember that PNE started to have problems in the pilot episode and her mental state was not the best and in the second episode we will see the struggle between cm and panic but with time the Panic will subside and PNE will start to remember the unusual things that happened to her like the hand she was able to heal herself even though ragi said only Cain could do that or the exits that nobody sees but only she sees them all the time after some thought py will realize that she is the administrator and she can control the circus then her story with Raga begins as a result of this they realize that they can create exits and possibly escape the circus they begin to deliberately create chaos so that all the monsters created by Kane cannot cope with what is going on and Kan himself would have to intervene at this point py and ratha would be able to steal Kane's wacky watch and they will get the ability to disable the wacky watch notifications for void intrusion allowing them to enter the void but at some point c will realize this and start chasing them he will be able to get to them very easily but with pomy it will not be so easy and the very last moment when pomy sees the VR headset it will allow her to return to the real world and she will be met by Kane and this is the end of the second episode of The Amazing digital circus but don't click off just yet because now we are going to talk about my theory for what is going to happen in the second episode of The Amazing digital circus every time that I've watched the pilot episode I kept thinking that pomy and C Mo Were Somehow connected I realized that some of the connections lead me to believe that PNE and kmo are the same person let's get to the bottom of this in the beginning we were supposed to meet kmo but for some unknown reason he was not in the circus and right after that PNE comes in you may think that this is obvious to everyone but look farther the symbol of every circus always has been a clown sometimes it has been a Jester or a harleyquin but the idea is the same every time kmo is a clown but PNE is the jester immediately after appearing in the digital circus py begins to see strange images including a door that is the exit from The Amazing digital circus kmo has also been saying all along that he sees some kind of exit and has been telling everyone else about it but like PNE nobody believes him the fact that Kane can see a way out is not surprising because he is AI and he's also the administrator of the circus which means he's responsible for everything that happens and since the circus is digital no [ __ ] Kane can create anything he wants in it but no one else is allowed to even though pomy is an administrator all of the characters in the show have never seen or heard of an exit which means that such an ability is only available to few and it certainly won't be two circus inhabitants in a row this among other things confirms my theory that palne and kmo were the same person but it's not over yet it was seen that the monster that kfmo became first attacked ratha although this monster initially came close to P the monster must have realized it messed up and was actually supposed to be attacking ratha instead of pomni so it recalibrated but apparently when creating the monster illusion can re programs them with the memory of the previous circus inhabitant who abstracted this gives them instructions not to attack in any way but just to pretend but we will talk about these abstracted monsters more another day now we got to get back to what is going to happen in episode 2 remember that kfo was talking about exits to the circus so he probably went inside like pomy and that desk is actually the place where kfmo moved in to the circus but unfortunately that's where Kane was able to get kmo so he couldn't escape and it was that desk that was the only witness to C destroying kmo and forcing him to be reborn as PNE but now to answer the question that you've all been waiting for what will happen to Jax in the second episode as it's been previously confirmed the second episode will be about Jax from the pilot we remember that Jax is a complete jerk to everyone in the circus and in the second episode we will still be introduced to Jax as the anti hero who has absolutely no interest in the lives and mental states of the rest of the circus and I think he's going to bully everybody in this episode but at some point he will realize that some characters should not behave that way and he will start to correct his mistakes little by little but it will not take long because if you live your whole life with one way of thinking in your head it's very hard to change to another and it seems to me that in the next episode Jax will be left all alone because after his so-called jokes hardly anyone will want to communicate with him and Jax might close in on himself or on the contrary go into a new level because he is so ready to do anything to be noticed so because of this I think it is pretty likely that Jax actually could abstract in the next episode but as we know it is very possible that the creators are going to do a huge twist in how the series is going to unfold in episode 2 but it's very hard to say if the creators would want to do this because Jax is one of the community's favorite characters and a lot of people would probably stop watching if they removed the Jax as a character so it's unlikely that we will be seeing any serious twists in Jax's storyline but we're going to have to wait until we have more information if we want to know if anything will happen for sure so that was the ultimate amazing digital circus Theory let me know in the comments below if you guys agree with this Theory and also be sure to like this video so I can make long Theory videos like this more [Music] often [Music] n
Channel: Circus Theory
Views: 512,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HUEH6k5YqR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 33sec (4233 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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