I Tried Summoning A Ghost in High School …but Then I Fell In Love With Her?!

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oh my god the ghost is here ask your not what's the afterlife like is there a heaven what's my bra size ghost ghost i knew it was you lettuce hair run leave her fine i guess we'll save kim or whatever [Music] i have accomplished so much in high school i first became the popular girl i also tried being the new girl and lastly i was the prom queen but there's one thing i haven't done in high school yet something that everybody in high school experiences at least once and that's of course summoning a ghost in high school everybody does that right that's what you do in high school you summon ghosts i remember my ghost in high school they were actually quite lovely welcome to scary school i don't know why this app game exists but it does oh oh no that can't be good alice definitely has a crush on dave am i alice are you guys talking about me hey guys what's up hi alice what's going on between you and dave uh how about mind your business green haired girl mind your business bijou mike avoid it or be honest avoid it mind your business what nothing we don't believe you well i don't care i don't have time for this oh overreaction oh t what is our teacher wearing oh oh dave oh what are we learning about fallopian tubes do you want to play spin the bottle after class uh with you you hitting on me lettuce hair sure i want to see what happens let's see who we're making out with tall girls truth or dare oh dare i want you to summon a ghost yeah i want to summon a ghost let's meet at the school at 10 p.m what time is it okay i'll bring my ouija board oh spooky try to unlock the door or run away try to unlock the door how can we pass the main door i saw the key at noon all right i didn't need to know what time you stole it why was that relevant oh oh we have to play the board yes oh yeah all right what are we asking wait a minute how do you know how do you know summoning spells something's uh something's up with the blonde girl who just knows that oh my god the ghost is here ask your yeah what's what's my bra size ghost not what's the afterlife like is there a heaven are you dangerous what's my bra size ghost tell me my bosom size if you are here 34. oh my god where's the cop size i'm gonna kill you all wow what are we gonna do now she will kill everyone ah stop the ghost or stay and cry that all happened so fast i guess let's go stop the ghost we must stop her before she murders everyone we can find where she is in the camera room how do you know that oh i'm scared which screen should we look at oh my god what is that uh what are these teachers yeah let's see what's going on up here alice what are you doing what are they doing oh my god find this one there's the ghost let's scrub for oh oh there she's there let's go to the dining hall i still want to know what was going on in the top image there if that's a camera that's in the school so what's next i don't know you're the one that's summoned this thing poor ketchup i mean i know you're supposed to pour salt for demon stuff but let's see what happens with the ketchup let's park catch and catch up to some of her she'll think it's think it's uh that is a perfect line oh my god ghost is inside one of us let's check body type what is this is this is this how people get scared oh the ghost is in one of us that was the ghost she's like how do you how do humans get scared again i forget this so long since i was a human her body temperature is like 37 girl you dead girl you d oh this must be celsius ghost i knew it was you lettuce hair run run leave her leave bijou mike there is kim dead oh her name's kim oh they have names was it a dream that's katie the other one's amber all right i don't pay attention what happened we're still learning about fallopian tubes my phone i am not damn it i mean oh thank god kim how you doing girl i'm sorry we left you for dead friends oh my god where are you i'm here stuck in the school please come tonight and save me we're here right now no i ain't saving you i won't go there again you have to believe me i know you'll save me um i'm not gonna though send a private photo sure why why did i say why i just realized my microphone's really far my bad oh me and dave guys i heard that you summoned a ghost did you tell him be flirty with who i clearly like all the girls and not dave yes handsome boys can stop ghosts can i join you i'm not a handsome boy let's flip a coin you can join us if you're lucky okay so i was being flirty with dave not with k not kim kim's dead maybe who's heard katie i just hate all my friends i don't remember their names yes dave can come with us leave me out of this crap i hate dave oh carl do we have a plan guys we don't need a plan let's just find some useful tools where can we find useful tools storage room no library we gotta find spells what we're doing to going to do with books throw them at the ghost books are not for throwing let's go to the storage room yeah sure don't listen to me what else are you gonna throw with the ghost everything's gonna phase through the ghost the ghost needs words and spells you're all dumb i hate all of you also i love that amber bailed because boys came with us like amber chill oh oh it's like masmophobia give me all the tools why was there a crucifix had a blacklight in the school storage room we can use these to defeat the ghost i hope we won't die shut up loser wha why are you yelling at this guy who's helping us i don't want to save anybody let's just let her kill everybody cleanse cleanse this friend group fine i guess we'll save kim or whatever let's find the ghost and save kim boo i mean friendship yay i still want to know why i sent a naughty picture to kim do i like kim i think the ghost wants to sit with us or wants us to sit and watch them sit with us i want to roast the ghost shut up nerd carl might be right okay let's sit if you say so okay here she goes with her chanting that she somehow knows what do you want to know what what is this i mean yeah i don't care about kim so sure what are you wearing right now nothing and i'll kill you where's kim the answer is in your heart you can find it if you seek it am i in love with kim am i actually in love with kim is this whole app game is about me realizing that i like girls and i'm in love with kim this is deep flirt with the ghost who's also a girl i'm telling you it's a coming out tale am i pretty ghost you'll be the most beautiful thing i'll kill your crush has a secret check your phone is it kim this is way more of an in-depth story than i was anticipating oh i was not expecting that i am so involved in this time now i have nobody to love i don't have kim i don't have dave who else do i got carl and now it's time to kill you great this is the worst day of my life oh carl grab my arm you can't run away from me this is so totally high school found out that one of my best friends was sleeping with my crush i don't know which is which but i mean carl just grabbed my hand just now so i think i'm gonna protect carl with all my life oh no that was the bad that was a bad thing i'm dead damn you carl oh god oh carl oh i'm so sorry carl oh i'm so sorry i'm so sorry carl carl i loved you for like five seconds oh god kim kim i mean i don't ah carl is dead it's your turn now answer or die what's going on between you and dave this is all because of the question you asked me in the beginning of the sh of the beginning of this whole game i love you both i told you i called it i'm in love with both of them let's just be a throw a throuple like all three of us i desire you both at the same time i am so good at stories predicting so damn hold my hand let's run quickly but i don't i i don't know which of you that i love this may be the greatest high school app story i've ever ever went through i'm so invested i am going to kill you all where is she i can't see anything use the uv light oh yeah oh yeah it's like basmaphobia are you going to beat me using that light funny i am already dead dave was just staring at his hands there he's a very helpful guy kim really you chose him over me really yeah roundhouse cake i'm gonna assume it's not what it looks like hey you two oh okay it wasn't what it looked like you can't resist me oh oh my god she is dead run she just got bish slapped by a ghost oh oh dave we're free finally let's find somewhere safe episode two unlocked yeah oh no oh she escaped the school and killed dave i will kill everyone on this planet well that can't be good are we all dead i think we're all dead amber 911 is busy i don't believe you ghosts are not exist you have to convince me act naughty how is that going to help us understand if there's a ghost okay i'll convince you i'll go get evidence no more being naughty for no reason in this game what in good god am i who is she yeah uh yeah we're all dead are you crying wow you are hot i am amber hey babe i'm laina you were a friend of carl right that's about carl you know carl yes he was my ex damn carl gets it she just sadly walks away with no other information but i loved carl for two seconds before i used him as a human shield and killed him hey girl you're alice's friend right yes and i'm looking for her right now right this second she owes me money do you know where she is she was accepted by ghost can you help me find her of course i will if that means she'll pay me back not if she's dead do you want to join my party memory of carl he is the rock star of my soul i can't say no honey what is happening sounds dirty i'll be waiting for you on the rooftop [Music] oh the music but what about carl oh yeah it's a high school party looking for her where is she oh there she is my beloved she's evil oh my god oh wait no that's carl she's trying to resurrect carl record a video i should send this to the sheriff yeah that one not not the other one i can't see a ghost what those are not showing in my phone it's under the feet photo people fart when they die their souls are made of this one for a second i was about to say is that true that's not true can ghost be killed by burning absolutely amber let's hunt ghost tonight deal ghosts can burn ghosts are fart i learned that ghosts can burn so i have torches with me i got something better better than a you a friggin flamethrower yep of course you have that i'll make some noise you can record them wow we need something noisier let's try the concert room oh my god we summoned it with music done snap them quickly take ghost picture did it those are my friends i think they're my friends aren't they my friends how many ghosts have been summoned in the school i told you everybody in high school everybody in high school summons ghosts that's what all these ghosts are from out of gas run really that was the weakest flamethrower later what are you doing here my friends you uncovered the truth now tell me who is carl's crush this is all about crushes there is more to life ladies tell her i have a crush on carl select a ghost i choose alice i knew it now i was about to get killed oh okay so don't have a crush on carl got it but he touched my arm for two seconds one day you are not allowed to be at school at night hi sheriff we catch them uh what they all go save us line up against the wall what are you gonna shoot them oh carl oh come to save later carl is pummeling him ah carl you killed carl i am angry now oh we fight yeah send ghosts back i can close the gate to hell if you help me oh okay there we go there's the ghosts okay we closing the portal this has all gone terribly terribly wrong [Music] oh they're all alive how could dave love this loser damn kim i saved your life will you join the mask party sure of course i do great i will be waiting for you hello bunny person oh oh oh my god it's dave isn't it it's dave i don't care about alice or kim i like you dave oh no oh no sure join us let's just end let's just end this game in the weirdest way possible join us episode 3 unlocked that would be good oh that's right girl put him in his place okay there's an episode three is that carl these are all new people so i'm just gonna leave it there unless i get enough likes on this video then maybe i'll continue in another one but do you see this popping up right here that's another video that's similar to this one i picked it specifically for you so click it it's right there click it click it now also subscribe if you haven't but click this video and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 1,970,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, popular, popular girl, prom queen, app game, funny, roleplay, scary school, creepy school, ghost, scary school app, high school, highschool
Id: ReX84ruxn7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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