being a girl in school is HARD

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happy day i'm glad i'm going back to high school except i'm not gonna be a good student okay i'm gonna be bad i'm gonna be messy i'm gonna be the kind of girl that your parents warned you about and i'm excited for this coming up to my dad and he goes daughter we're moving to another city next week you know that your relationship with your dad is on the rocks when he calls you daughter ugh what i can't go or i'll burn this place or need to make new friends i'll burn this place if you make me go i'll burn oh my gosh actually i actually burned the house down okay um i'm actually crazy i'm actually not to be messed with but for now i'm gonna be positive i'm crying i'm upset this is the worst day of my life but i passed all right school day i'm struttin in girls you're all gonna be so jealous of me hey newbie behave well if you don't want any trouble oh i am not scared of you or i'm not gonna make any trouble i'm not scared of you sorry i can't get away with it with my dad but i can get away with it with you hey sweetie hey beauty i've never seen you before i want to go out sometime yes but only if you either show me where class is or wouldn't be that boring i'm just going to insult every i'm so sorry i'm not boring oh so i'm supposed to date this guy okay so i'm allowed to be mean to the girls but i have to date this guy weird i guess i need him to climb the social ladder all right show me where class is baby let's go look at the way i walk think you can just tell that i think i am everything what are you with him that's like archie are you are you you're with archie i guess we'll see get out of the way stupid this is exactly how i walked in high school like i tried to like swing my hips around even though i didn't have a butt i just like swung it around trying to act like i did and i i feel like a lot of people probably thought i was pretty full of myself but i was trying to walk like the girls who did have butts okay all right we are in class your first day i guess please answer six plus two times two um 16 right not so brilliant please study harder oh no did i actually do it wrong in my head oh my god okay so i thought 6 plus 2 is 8 times 2 is 16 right am i wrong i should not move if bunny looks please hold and release to run wait they're actually making me play squid game to keep playing this stupid game are you kidding me right now what kind of school is this this this is not a this is part of the game this is literally part of the game i guess this is like dodgeball come on go go go go go go go go go go go okay i mean that guy wasn't moving though look at the way i pose oh let's go alright now i can move on with my life and make the right decision mathematically okay we've got ten you are my new favorite class dismissed thank you got it wrong the first time had to compete in red light green light but oh i'm getting grabbed okay i'm trying to be the mean girl at school but i feel like the mean girls at the school are on another level what am i doing in here oh no i underestimated you this will help you understand stop if you let me go i'll i'll invite you to my party or i'll give you all my money i'll invite you to my party that's all girls care about hey cool we have a deal okay well now i'm gonna have to like try to find a way to make my parents leave town i should invite some people to my party tonight um i'm gonna choose people to invite because i want it to be exclusive okay do i invite her she's dressed pretty cool i'm gonna invite her okay honestly i'm pretty into this girl's look i'm inviting her as well bikini girl i mean there would not be enough trouble chaos just horrible things happening if bikini girl didn't come to come on baby i have a feeling you and i are gonna be best friends let's go it's party time all right i'm coming out hanging out with my boyfriend what should i do i'm gonna do nothing i don't want to say hi to him should i say hi to him i mean i need friends right i think i need a guy who's like gonna defend me if those girls come for me again so i'm gonna watch the ad and say hi is it just me or is being a girl at school like so much harder terri how hard was school for you when it comes to like how people treat you and like social dynamics right for me it was so hard and like for my brother it was super easy too but me and my sister like oh my goodness hi hey i'm coming to party tonight oh good oh oh geez okay i gotta prepare for this party all right so this looks pretty okay but that's what i wore to school no i have to look good oh no i have to watch so many ads to get the ideas that i want the dresses that i want the inspo that i want you know girls are a lot more likely to go to the mall and steal from my experience how am i gonna afford these clothes right how am i how am i gonna do this how am i gonna look cute from my party my family just spent all of our money moving there's no way i'm gonna be like mom can we go to abercrombie and fitch like nobody's gonna listen to me no one's gonna care okay i mean that is okay i mean i guess for school it's okay but like girl there's so many dresses in the back here like what's going on why am i why why is this the only option whatever tank top and shorts at least it's gonna look like i didn't try okay he should come soon look at the way these guys are dancing what's up girls what do you mean what's up girls we're out of drink i don't care i have to go talk to my man this party sucks i'm out of here no even my man's leaving please stop this now okay it appears that we're in college i thought it was high school but i don't like how he's saying hi to all the girls first of all and second of all i don't like how this isn't byob fine my dad's gonna kill me when i get home here you go you're the best did you see where um my new boyfriend is yeah he went upstairs with someone what i'm not gonna be cool and wait i'm going upstairs why did he even say hi to me at school i said hi to him on the way out of school and i'm awkward that was a very very big step for me usually i would run away and hope that he would talk to me this is not good okay here we go i'm busted in there's two bears dancing in there okay mm-hmm i could explain i am going to punch him in his teeth and his teeth and his nose in his eye i'm gonna go downstairs i'm gonna rub some chili peppers on my hands and i'm just gonna whack how dare he i'm not even mad at the girl i'm only mad at him the girl doesn't owe me anything this man was supposed to be one boyfriend what's going on here all right come on bang get out of my house how am i supposed to stay nice right how am i supposed to be an innocent amazing upstanding citizen of humanity when people keep dragging me into bathrooms being mean to me boyfriend can't stay loyal for one second this is a disaster all right we're getting on the school bus hey ladies i'm sitting in the back move this is our spot what should i do okay i don't care that it's your spot oh apparently i do because i just moved out of the way i heard about yesterday let's take revenge a fellow evil girl how i know where he lives let's go there oh it appears that i found a partner in crime it appears that this girl's been hurt too in the past and we're gonna go and get our comeuppance here we are at his little house in the corner how would you like to take revenge ring the bell and run no cover with toilet paper i mean i feel bad because like who's really gonna be cleaning it up him or his parents i feel like his parents are more likely to have to clean it up but i want his parents to know that he hurt somebody when i was in high school my house um definitely got egged a few times and never got toilet papered but egg is so much worse because it is so hard to get off especially like when it's a hot day and like the egg kind of like cooks on your window it's a problem i feel bad doing this because it happened to me but i'm a bad girl what can i say holy crap run i saw you girls i'll show you oh who's this girls what are you running for hey that boy looks kind of cute what should i say i just pranked someone or it's none of your business i'm gonna let him in on it i would keep this a secret if my ex didn't see it but he did so i'm in trouble anyway i might as well brag about it shame what are you a kid oh no i got judged ugh to be fair i feel like it wouldn't be so hard to be a girl in school if i wasn't constantly getting into trouble but it's kind of like the mob like once you get into this lifestyle it's really hard to get out of it because it keeps cannonballing is cannonballing the right word it keeps snowballing all right it's none of your business i'm not gonna tell you what i just did such a cool girl wanna go camping with me oh my goodness seriously we would love to go wait did i just let a random guy in a white car pick me up oh no okay well i gotta pick an outfit for camping i wanna look chic and i to stay warm i'm going to wear this kind of like edgy green with some striped leggings okay those aren't striped leggings but it'll do at least i got to bring my girlfriend with me we need to stop i have to pee um sure just stop and pee then you don't have to tell us that it's your car it's your trip nice mercedes by the way what takes so long i don't know maybe we should like search for him or leave him and take his car leave him and take his car let's go not only are we playing hooky we crash the car okay okay we're gonna let this guy go peepee and then we're gonna look for him let's search for him i'm scared let's split up and search no this is how every scary movie starts oh my goodness no bear oh my goodness no oh no a bear um pretend to be dead because you can't outrun it oh oh my goodness did you find him i can't find him anywhere we should call the police but the police aren't really on our side right now we just toilet paper to some guy's house keep searching oh no we're gonna split up and search again if there's another bear oh my goodness no well second time's a charm we're gonna have to call the police it's our only option call the police here we go i'd like to report a missing person please hi coppers um don't think about what we did okay it's not our fault oh my goodness he's been missing for two days we should do something about it everyone is so sad do you have a plan clone the missing guy or build a time machine um cloning him doesn't really solve the problem but we're here to be bad girls so we're gonna try considering the fact that this game has squid stuff in it i feel like there was a very recent update and it's making me wonder about this guy going missing being a topical thing and i don't like how i feel about that all right here we go off to the science lab hey cutie can you clone a human yeah i can clone but what will you do for me if you clone a human i'll give you a kiss oh no everybody's seeing it hey everyone she's kissing him oh no i'm gonna find him a girlfriend and it's gonna be great if you clone a human i'll buy you a girlfriend or not buy you a girlfriend oh my goodness hey that's the cool girl invited to the party lovely match so perfect why are they never happy for me there you go a clone but there's still something wrong with him eat me feed me oh no what have i done wait i have an idea there you go a time machine now pick a date to travel i want to i want to see a hundred years later so bad so bad i have to do it i'm doing it the year 2121 oh no i'm trapped here i was too scared to even explore it i want to return to two days before boring but here we go maybe i just won't even toilet paper the guy's house it works i'm back from the future we need to stop i gotta pee no we can't stop we won't stop i can't hold it anymore just pee in your mercedes oh we crashed what okay so we have to keep looking for him i guess sure but i'll come with you i know it's kind of awkward all right that i'm gonna come with you and watch but i have to i have no choice i wonder what's gonna happen a clown hiding in the woods how delightfully halloweeny what is this help i'm going to help him out oh no this is just like high school and that you think that you're going to just be going to class and answering questions but instead we're running away from clowns okay this time i'm gonna have to call for help maybe the clown will help me help oh wait how did the how did everybody get here before the clown did you save my life you want to go out i'd love to we have a deal i'm just dating my way up this ladder here all right choose an outfit for the date little black dress little black dress little black dress let's go gorgeous i mean kind of rusty and dusty but that's okay it's the best thing i've worn yet check me out he's late a gentleman would come earlier i'm going to give him a chance though there he is this is for you oh thanks you're so kind yellow rose is my favorite let's go inside star socks the clown's back all right we're talking we're hanging out i know you love me you can kiss me are you out of your mind are you out of your mind literally i agreed to date you and now you are so full of yourself i'm freaking out get out of my face i'm sorry yeah you should be sorry don't make me feel bad here's the check i don't have enough money um oh no do i have to help wash the dishes oh no enough you can leave finally where am i headed oh no who i should save him from the dog i'm just gonna make a weird move scare him hey doggy hey dog i don't want to throw a rock at the dog okay i'll throw a rock near the dog that totally wouldn't scare the dog away but anyways you saved my life i have a gift to you you're so kind but i think you should probably pawn it off for yourself i guess i'll take it i am mean after all look what i found there's a riddle the riddle says gets more crowded never louder obviously a graveyard i mean you could say a church too let's go to the graveyard oh no i'm solving a riddle now oh my goodness no we are strutting to the graveyard stop i see a darkness what kind of darkness hmm you seem reliable oh no what would you like to learn what is the compass for i don't care about the clown keep it safe you will find treasure okay well who's the clown then you know him very well we'll see you soon what's the best day of my life i need to know that sorry even if i have to watch an ad i need to know what the best day my life is going to be you can't dangle that over me and expect me to not want to know you will be a prom queen oh wow with that guy be careful you can't enter this graveyard i should find a way um i'm just going to climb the wall come on let's go we'll be all right yep it worked there must be a clue i'm going to push the stone the clown's there behind the rock a key and a screw oh my god we found something oh i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him okay we're back in the cafeteria we have a map the map shows an island there might be a treasure it looks dangerous should we sell the map and become rich or follow the map for treasure i'm gonna sell the map become rich let's sell hey how much are you gonna pay for this map ten bucks 10 bucks no i don't want to it's worth millions of dollars no okay um we're gonna definitely i guess go to the island even though that's a lot of work let's go to the island so we're going to an island so exciting but how do we get there easy we can swim there no we're gonna need a sea vehicle my dad is a boat we should join that's the guy who's gonna who i'm gonna be prom queen with yeah welcome aboard great let's get the bolt let's go we're all skipping school again all right let's get the boat we need the keys for my dad steal them hi son hi dad mom needs you what i'm coming my love okay that's impressive it worked for him i found the keys hopefully you know how to drive a boat buddy i have to wear a bikini i have to yes let's go voyage let's go oh my goodness he drives this thing well so well that he's bored i'm so bored we should all let's just dance together come on let's go oh no she fell in the water oh no um do i punch it in the nose or there's no way i cannot swim a shark i'm gonna punch in the nose bang it worked okay we're to the island oh no we're gonna have to split this treasure four ways okay what's the plan we should not waste time in search i feel like this is the wrong answer but whatever yeah it's too dark we're gonna get eaten by wolves oh dear i like how nobody tried to save me when i fell in the water by the way okay this time we're gonna have our first little co-ed slumber party it's gonna be so cold we only brought swimsuits i have an idea let's play truth or dare uh sounds fun such a such a you thing to say chad no all right we're hanging out at night i'm not sure where the clown went we're playing spin the bottle all right i'll ask first truth or dare dare i want you to oh no should we make her do it though dance for me or go streaking i gotta make her go streaking what do you like what do you mean what do you mean i didn't even know that was an option on the table we're making her do it actually i shouldn't have done that to my friend i keep trying to like pick the worst option but that wasn't cool also i shouldn't have asked you to do this because there's the clowns here oh dear that was such a waste of time now i ask oh it's my turn truth or dare dare obviously i like how this is called high school first day and we just have not been in school at all i want you to kiss someone here um but i'm shy don't be shy let's walk together oh okay i mean i'd love to hi sweetie what's happening oh it's the clown oh oh those aren't the clowns what do you mean past what's going on here what is going on here oh my goodness smells delicious this depiction is a little bit offensive for me and by a little bit i mean it's pretty offensive to me i'm actually going to end this here i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i'll see on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,824,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, high school first day game, high school first day app, high school first day full game, high school first day, life simulator, life simulator game, high school game, high school simulator, simulator game, back to school, first day of school, mobile app, best mobile app game, app, gameplay, high school, funny game
Id: 8q5nLEesS9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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