15 DUMB Hacks that “Work Great!”

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at first i was wondering like why not just tape this to your foot like why do you have to wear a sandal but gotta do it the way the website says once upon a time all of these hacks channels came out and i feel like two years ago the hacks were pretty good i was watching them there'd be 15 pretty good hacks in one video but i feel like they got all the analytics they needed they fired their curating team and now they just go off of what seems to be pretty clicky like this thumbnail here is a girl waxing her armpits with what looks like a creamsicle how was that like i just i okay i'm gonna watch this hack and i'm gonna see what they're actually talking about it's insane okay so this is a sucker this isn't a creamsicle other girls she's got some pits going on a little deodorant on there gotta make it look real i have a feeling that this is glued on maybe it's glue and not deodorant but why would you you shouldn't at the beach it's gonna take off all her there's no way there's no root in that hair it's impossible i don't want to do this myself but terry has graciously donated his armpit to this cause like why would you even where's the sucker so there is some sugar in armpit wax but there's no wax involved in this there's not something that can like really grip the hair suckers are quite sticky but they're not like wax sticky i feel like all this is gonna do is really really hurt mmm that's a really good bubble gum sucker we've all used suckers before i just really don't feel like this is gonna work hair is deeply rooted in there you need wax to like coat the entire hair and you need to just be able to rip it off like why would you do this at the beach i'm sorry for everybody's eyes wait that's rude nobody wants to see armpit hair getting ripped out with a sucker can we all at least agree on that ewwah i don't want to put my sucker in your armpit hair okay whatever let's get it going we're gonna have to like wait hot sack for it to dry you know at some point the hacks were good at some point the riddles were good and now it's just like specifically to farm views and it works imagine the amount of like young kids who have armpit hair early that you're gonna hurt from putting this on the internet and you're hurting terry now i take one for the team you know you're gonna have a sticky armpit for the rest of the day it's actually sticking you five minutes later okay here we go you ready yeah i guess so ah did it go did it hurt no it didn't get any there you did here you go no absolutely absolutely no you can't eat deodorant it's not edible trust me these hacks have enough like danger okay anyways okay this one's a real cutie as well so your girls go into the toilet drops her phone in the toilet now i have never had a cracked screen in my life i have never dropped my phone in the toilet before i don't really relate to this but i feel like a lot of people do so maybe there's something you could do here oh this girl puts mesh on her toilet pissy poopy mesh why would you hot glue it oh there's a hole through it so you can oh no what if you miss what if you don't get it through the hole this is not it i would rather drop my phone in the toilet and then reach in the toilet grab it and then like sanitize everything then do this let's be honest guys can't really aim that well like that mesh is going to smell bad we're not no absolutely not trying that i should stop construction on yeah i know cancel the construction please our girl here is outside they've been outside walking for quite some time on all different types of terrain but one of them forgets something so they have to go inside for a sec but they're like oh we're wearing shoes we can't go inside are you crazy the genius of the two is like you know what this is what you gotta do instead of just taking your shoe off you gotta put a sock over top of your shoe so you can walk around in the house without very easily just taking your shoe off why would you put a sock on top of your shoe hey how's it going i'm good but uh can you just not wear shoes in my house like all my carpets yeah no no for sure for sure i come equipped for this oh you just put the socks on top of the shoes huh yes because that is a hack i'm not sure if you are educated or well read enough to know what a hack is but this is how it's done yeah i mean it looks pretty easy a lot easier than just untying your shoes much easier in fact you'll be surprised how much money you save on carpet cleans when you put socks over your shoes now that you're all set up i feel kind of bad but i thought we're gonna go for a walk though oh i can't wear my inside socks outside so i guess we stayed dory so these are my outside shoes your outside inside shoes yes my first pair of shoes is my outdoor shoes but i put my inside socks outside of my outdoor shoes so i need to put this pair of shoes on my indoor socks so that my other outdoor shoes don't sabotage the indoor socks okay i'm ready to go for my walk another reason why this is a helpful hack is because i actually have a size five foot and this makes me look a lot more filled out three pairs of things it's a hack you ready for more this girl's having a photo shoot her hands are a little sticky she rejects the sanitizer what do you mean this is absurd this is offensive i don't why would you instead of actually just using the hand sanitizer which would work perfectly fine this girl walks around with two bags of water on her all day and she's like yo for this photo shoot let's try to keep it like here up because i've got two sacks of water just in case does she wear like towels on the back of the belt so she can dry her hands does she have like a blow dryer in her back pocket like all that's missing is a toilet but i feel like the person who does this is an actual toilet so you've got the whole bathroom right there with you oh my goodness she tapes the soap to the belt this is so much work and it's so stupid what are you thinking these are the worst hacks i've ever seen i saw this one on tech talk the other day that was like if your bra strap is showing then just take off your bra straps and tuck them into your tank top but then what's holding your bra up what's the point of even wearing one like she's taking selfies actually really cute very photogenic but she wants to take them a little bit further away the only logical thing to do here is to tape your phone to your shoe and then sit upside down on your couch and get actually i might have to try this because that's not bad it's a lot of effort let's give it a shot phone camera mode is open i have to put this little presser button here right underneath my toe at first i was wondering like why not just tape this to your foot like why do you have to wear a sandal but gotta do it the way the website says okay that's real nice this is not a one-person job if someone's helping you take this to your phone you might as well ask them to take the picture for you hey look at that you ready to take a photo and pose [Music] it won't take the picture you'll have to reach past my big toe hey hey well that's a video oh no it's recording a video again what it stopped so much work hacks are supposed to make things easy this it's not easy all right so here's the product of this struggle hey hey it's a good one oh no it's recording a video all right oh that's a video nice so yeah maybe not the best this girl really needs to blow dry her hair i guess actually does not look wet to me but she's going to combine hair cap pool noodle and pump there's no way this would work i personally need to blow dry my hair for like an hour for it to dry because it's so thick so like maybe if your hair was really thin and really fine this would work but it's like someone going on your hair to dry it a straightener definitely like styled this so much effort why not just air dry it why do you have to get the pool noodle involved why okay the girls are eating some pizza and taking some selfies isn't that so relatable like how can we make ours what no what do you mean oh my goodness okay i mean i get it but did you have to slam her head on the table was that really necessary just like give her a bleeding nose and then like put some oranges around her head who wants to put some fruit around my head me only if i can slam your face please don't what do you got there i got an amazon prime box just thinking about doing a craft oh you know what's better than amazon prime what ah you're supposed to keep your head on this the problem with this hack is that you just slammed my head and why would i trust you enough to do this that is not what my head looks like yeah you got a big head why does it look like i have a hole in my head that's exactly what you look like i told you that's not what my head looked like yeah it's a little big ah you stripped juice on my head like the thing i like about this is it makes me look really like natural you know what i mean like she really hangs out in the forest you're dripping all over me dude you know what i call this i call this cottage core hey everyone today we're taking another photo with recycled items and fruit from my compost get it okay we don't use aerosol cans that's very toxic for the environment why are you using blueberries what's wrong with you can you get me my buffalo sauce you know how you know i'm a hack savant check out my feet keeping it clean keeping it fresh taking every shortcut possible you think six nine i'll respond to my dms if i post this what are you doing it's really close to my face she got that yummy look at that should i tape a phone in my foot i'm just kidding this is not good someone get it from above because i keep getting these double chin shots this is a tick-tock hack if you smile and then stop smiling that's your model face do i look gorgeous as gorgeous as the day of me i was pretty ugly when you met me yeah and you were in the cardboard box terry found me in a cardboard box and he was like let's make you a youtuber and i was like okay you're sitting watching tv and you got a lot of chips on deck because why wouldn't you you're trying to double fist the chips and you keep just dropping chips everywhere so what you gotta do is you gotta take a shirt you're not gonna wear it on your body you're gonna wear it on your feet you know why not only is extraordinarily attractive it's the perfect bowl for your chips honestly i'm surprised this is what i usually do putting a whole shirt on your body is so much easier than walking two steps to the kitchen and getting a bowl the hat crew wants to go camping but it's raining out so they can't what kind of fun camping things could we do at home i wonder maybe you could make s'mores inside this guy maybe looks like he's gonna do it i think they're gonna make s'mores and so huh huh okay so they found some styrofoam out of absolutely nowhere they're making a roasted marshmallow on a stick instead of just roasting some marshmallows by themselves because like who likes edible things when you can make an inedible hair accessory what huh how is this dude so into this how why how does that remind you of camping these people are literally just at the door like oh i wish we could have went camping like what kind of camping activities can we do doing my hair with sticks and marshmallow fake ones the amount of brain although it is kind of cool if you're gonna do a photo shoot but it just makes no sense so this woman here is pregnant so she can't put lotion on her feet it's tough to reach this is something that could potentially actually be a good hack oh okay so she's gonna take like bathing caps and put lotion into the bathing caps but my suggestion would be don't you have a spouse or something who could just put lotion on your feet for you maybe the real hack here is just don't get impregnated by someone who won't put lotion on your feet ah i'm sorry she keeps like doing the straightener thing and i'm like jeez why and she's how are her feet so dry no i don't want to try it are you nuts wait because the reason you don't want to try it because you're still wearing the shoes with socks on i got my inside socks on and i don't want to take both of these off and put a new layer of things on my feet do you think that this is just a front to get people's bare feet in the shots like do you think that they got like feet analytics and they were just like listen we gotta make up weird reasons to put pregnant ladies beats just weird stuff that's creepy yeah well there's so many bare feet the people at the content table were like we need to get a girl to take a picture of herself with a tone like we gotta get the toe involved if the bare feet work out so well then why are they putting socks over top of their shoes yeah i stand corrected there's just a lot of feet stuff going on here it's all i'm saying oh i'm surprised that a pair of pants like this would rip she sews it back together and it's absolutely perfect wait how is that a hat there was no easy thing about it huh if anything like why not take the pants off why do you have to do it with the pants on and how is that a hack if you get a hole you can sew it everybody knows that that would be like me being like hey guys welcome to my hacks channel if you're hungry better eat like i just don't know you're ever just sitting there eating a burger that you left out overnight you try to take a bite it's rock hard it's stale it's withered well this is the hack for you i mean you can try hitting with a hammer but no you gotta dip the whole burger in water fake it and take a little bite tastes like h2o absolutely delicious i wanted to try it but i don't want to waste a burger the hack would have been buying the burger and then eating it what kind of a crazy twisted person orders a burger and goes save this for tomorrow okay so you got some pizza here in a box you want to be real crafty with the box so you can take the pizza home with you this one's actually not bad i don't get what this is for you're just gonna get your pizza flying all over the place why not just like make it smaller and then just carry it i have this idea i know it sounds crazy but ziploc bag that could do it although you could argue that this one's more eco-friendly it's not that bad i am a simple woman i'm not made of stone i love a good candle so when i saw a candle hack i was really excited to see what they could offer me bacon grease some clove some cinnamon a bacon candle cinnamon and cloves girl cinnamon bacon and cloves so a lot of people i know like who really like bacon they like the bacon smell but if the bacon smell lingers it just kind of smells not good bacon is so strong it can fill an entire room why would you want that consistently in your house that is disgusting i think i've had enough hacks for one day let me know which hack that you guys liked the best and if you think i was being too hard i hope you enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 3,953,092
Rating: 4.9271913 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, diy, trying life hacks, testing life hacks, gloom, kassie, howto, craft, crafts, prank, pranks, challenge, challenges, troomtroom, 123go, 123 go, 123go!, fun, funny, friends, friendly, tutorial, how to, gloomgames, 2020, gloomykassie, kartha, gewart, do it yourself, 5-minute crafts, worst hacks, worst life hacks, awful, bad
Id: g2UPm3i4kvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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