I Took Weapons Upgrades To Insanity

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today we're gonna take things way too far but i'm very excited for this because this one's gonna save us a lot of time now naturally the first thing you do in minecraft is get wood which is then broken down into other stuff but the main thing we're after right now is of course a pickaxe this is the most basic of the pickaxes to attack damage 1.2 attack speed nothing too particularly great especially on dirt luckily for us we have a way to upgrade that a little bit further but in order to do that we're going to need just a little bit of wood i'm not sure how much because my mouth kind of sucks get out of my face but we're just gonna mine wood because we can not sure if this is gonna be enough basically we just need more pickaxes for now and then once we have enough we put them all in a neat little circle that apparently gives us a knowledge book which is actually the ultimate wooden pickaxe i'm not entirely sure how to use it yet but there it goes yeah that's gonna make mining a little bit quicker and it can even harvest the cows too but this is gonna make finding any materials i want much easier because look at it go and this is just a wooden one the problem is it does always leave me trapped underground but we are going to need lots of meat where we're going so let's see if we can get a few cows along the way and as you mine obviously we're going to work our way under the ground so the cows can come with me and look at that we already found our first iron let's see how much of that we can mine uh gotta remember we're already going under the ground well i'm not gonna have any shortage of blocks today but i'm gonna need some sheep because i might have to make some beds at some point because i'm scared of the dark this is a very enjoyable mod to use i'm not entirely sure we have enough wood and if i jump before i do it i actually don't mind myself into the ground so bad but there's all the wood we're going to need for a little while and it's not going to have a little ham with us either they don't even know what to think of this they're just along for the ride whoops that one had some drop to it stop yeah you know what i guess since we have all this stone anyways we might as well see if we can uh afford a stone pickaxe or two or three or maybe eight and uh thanks to my initial pickaxe these are way way too easy to make right now then we just gotta put them all into place and that's gonna give us our next disaster so that was how big the wood pickaxe would do this guy is gonna do a much bigger swath and so we're gonna mine stuff even faster and this is probably going to break the game before too much longer but i'm very much looking forward to that part all right since we hollowed out a natural house let's go to sleep for the night it's time to say goodbye to our wooden friend because we have a much bigger one anyway so let's go find something to hurt and when i get bored of wandering i can just go like this that's gonna put a smile on my face every single time i do it and this is just a stone pickaxe well i am using the term uh stone pickaxe here a little bit loosely but i guess you're probably overdue to stop and make a little bit of food speaking of food are you too close we'll see how this goes yeah i'm gonna need to work on my tool usage technique now we just sit back and let the food make itself i don't really know what i'm being so cheap for i might as well make a second one of these because we could be smelting iron and other stuff too it's not like we don't have the resources for it plus let's be honest i'm gonna need some armor at some point so might as well see if we can find some iron uh we found some coal and finding iron really shouldn't take too long with this pickaxe finding anything shouldn't take too long i just gotta be careful not to kill myself in any stupid ways but i'm feeling lucky about this one off you go little pickaxe make me proud basically all the way down to the bottom before i found any iron but that's okay we can make this work whoops whoops maybe so gathered that experience while we're at it now i need to find my way back to the surface again i've barely been playing at all uh but i feel like i've already mined out more than i would in like an entire playthrough and we somehow only found a 24 iron ore which isn't a lot but i'll take it for now the one thing i do really want for now is just a simple sword for when i have one enemy to kill without making a disaster of everything probably also gonna need some armor too okay so i'm gonna make whatever armor i can with what little iron i have which is just about a full set he's trying to gather up my camp here and then we'll be on our way i think i got it all well whatever the case we're moving on i want to go that way so i'm kind of curious to see it does go uphill pretty nicely oh i don't need to go around mountains anymore i can just build my own highway that is so much easier normally would take like an hour to mine that out i just did in 10 seconds accidentally seriously you're laughing at me when i'm holding this fine your funeral nice house hope you like drowning i'm a little upset that didn't one shot the witch uh luckily i can give her a slow painful death nobody laughs at me and lives to tell the tale well this appears to be a pleasantly murderable village we got a chest all right uh we're gonna give us a bit of room to jump and we're gonna open that chest along with his entire house and pour out all of his secrets onto the ground didn't mean to throw it that second time uh sorry about that sorry i really only managed to throw it the one time but on the bright side you do still have a roof so rebuilding is going to be that much easier i'm not sure why i'm getting duplicates of this but i am it's horribly messy and i love every bit of it because i'm accidentally throwing this everywhere so we're accidentally mining the entire world if it makes you feel any better man in the hole i don't entirely remember why i'm at your village i guess it's really mostly just to test the destructive capabilities of my pickaxe there's a little one oh you're gonna love this here you go catch there's two little ones are they multiplying is it magic are you magic so it seems like when i have this highlighted and i throw a piece of uh like a block out of my inventory it seems to throw the pickaxe again for some reason or i get duplicates of it i don't really know and i don't really care alright that's a good-sized building we're going to build ourselves up two spaces this time that way hopefully you don't mind into the ground and there you go perfect that's so much easier for seeing if they have anything i want to steal or not i mean they didn't really i would take the bread but i'm too lazy to pick it up no you guys are kind of disappointing me so one of your houses please have some iron in it i'm being extra lazy i can mine iron in two seconds but i'd rather take it from the villagers that's a pretty big hole where there used to be a house hope he wanted a basement i'm just kidding i don't care if he wanted a basement anyways i think we did is mine some iron and upgrade our pickaxe even further so let's find a spot to start a hole how about here good enough for me we're gonna go down at hopefully a slight angle that way we can walk down and back out again without too much effort but we just gotta find us some iron just like that okay i just accidentally do my pickaxe twice so i have no idea where i am or what's going on around me anymore i'm also not really sure where the mind iron ore actually went because things got oh there it is things are a little bit chaotic there so i need to make sure to actually pick that up now we're going to try that again hopefully pick you up the iron ore once it drops this time though the water is going to push it around in all sorts of stupid directions okay so here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna throw this in nice like uh whoops that was the bed that doesn't quite have the same effect we're just gonna throw it in straight line like that that way we're horizontal mining that way we're hopefully gonna be a little more organized while we're doing this found a little more iron right there hopefully this isn't gonna screw anything up perfect right through all that beautiful iron and also everything else lots of experience we're up to 14 iron i think we need to make seven pickaxes times three iron bars that should be 21 iron and i lost my pickaxe it didn't come back to me or my inventory was full i'm not sure what happened did it go down there i don't know where it is and i don't want to make a new one found it crisis averted this little bunch should be the last of what we need but we're just gonna sit and enjoy all the blocks we're mining currently okay i woke up today and there was a spider on top of me so that's pretty fun and it's going to kill me because i don't have my sword in any of my slots can you stay over there please yeah there we go uh we're gonna get ourselves a little uh yup we're okay for a sec that was very close now to get out of here i realize i'm gonna have to throw my pickaxe and the spider is roughly there got it and everything else in that direction oh there is a skeleton up here hello thank you for playing the game you might want to bring a bigger gun next time i think on this one i spent more of my time cleaning on my inventory than i do anything else we've luckily accumulated a lot of wood along the way so it's not that hard to get all the sticks we need for extra pickaxes and there we go the eight pickaxes we're going to need to make the iron pickaxe of doom wait madam is calculated by one there we go one iron pickaxe so the stone pickaxe is three attack damage at 1.0 speed this is for attack damage so the stone pickaxe would make a hole that big the iron pickaxe is gonna make a hole that big that is considerably bigger that's actually alarmingly big the game is actually laking that's so big but look at all the crap we're gonna mine it's just like a free-for-all uh yeah look how far that went that's ridiculous we're gonna have no shortage of anything we want and i accidentally threw it again so we've gone way down deeper under the ground one simple thing i am going to want though and she's one regular pickaxe too that way when i have to mine something a little more gingerly kind of like this okay i think we're overdue to find some diamonds by this point now that we have our uh super whoops super pickaxe and the mobs aren't really going to be much of a problem anymore because we can just go right through them now keep your eyes out for diamonds we're bound to find some very quickly still haven't found any yet we're only on block 38 though so we need to go a little bit deeper we don't have to throw this at a very hard angle either to get us down deeper because it just keeps going and going and going and i accidentally threw it again but that's all right think yep we're all the way down to bed bedrock now uh there's a couple diamonds there and then there's also diamonds there i just realized how many diamonds we're gonna need so this is actually gonna take a minute not really that long but uh excuse me sir the space is occupied hey look at that more diamonds they're just popping up everywhere still not sure why that keeps happening oh that's alarming i didn't know i could go through the bedrock that's terrifying okay we need to not go down there but we need to find our diamonds somewhere near this gary hole so the diamonds are up there the doom hall is over there i'm just going to build a bit of a railing otherwise i'm very stupidly going to walk into that at some point and i also need to be careful not to do basically that but look at all the diamonds we're getting it's worth the risk uh so far we only have nine diamonds but we're going pretty quick i just got to be sure to keep myself uh off the bedrock is i dropped myself right back down to bedrock accidentally but if there's any diamonds i'll also fall back down to this level so that's kind of nice unfortunately there weren't any diamonds so let's throw one upwards and we just work our way ever downwards the tricky part about diamonds like this is i can't really mind them with my super pickaxe because otherwise i'm just gonna plow straight down through the uh bedrock and then i'm gonna have another doomhole and i want less doomholes to contend with i guess for the time being though i can make a single diamond pickaxe but now that that's done i'm going back to throwing this thing around and i'm starting to get the hang of how this one works pretty good actually finding diamonds pretty quickly now because there was a little uh note of them there and there's one note of them here we are going to throw the pickaxe at these ones though because i think i can get away with this yep there we go look at all those diamonds 24 so that's more than enough to make our new pickaxe a lot of creepers have spawned in behind us uh luckily we have our armor so they're not too scary but they can be a pretty big inconvenience to me because that still hurts uh okay i think we're gonna have to go ahead and make our new pickaxe now because it seems i left my old pickaxe behind somewhere and hopefully i got the math correct on this one so pickaxe one okay then we can put all of these together there we go our super pickaxe then i'm gonna make one more regular pickaxe for the same reasons as before sometimes you need a gentler touch but alright let's see how this goes straight up pickaxe take us to the moon oh the game didn't like that at all look at all the stuff falling down oh it took us all the way out to the surface again oh that's not a good sound how deep are we we went from 18 all the way to the surface with a single throw and then the pickaxe also didn't come back oh there it is now i just need to go through all the water to try and get it to re-up here in my inventory and that's going to be a little bit annoying because now we have to get rid of all the stacks of crap we just mind winding all the way to the surface wait there it is got it so one single pickaxe though was enough to mine all of this out that is a big big pickaxe throw hi pig wanna go for a ride okay good talk i guess that means you're probably overdue to make a bucket and somehow i didn't keep any of the iron ore i found along the way while i was hoping to find an area with a little bit less water i found my way back to my original holes but if there's one thing i'm confident in we're gonna find some iron that way pickaxe go to work yep i think we found some iron ore it just takes a minute for the pickaxe to get back to us because it spends so much time mining over there but now we're gonna take some of this iron ore and then smelt it so we can make a bucket and then we're going to the nether and that my friends should be a disaster of unparalleled proportions while we're waiting for that to smell let's go over here and just throw this again because it's just too much fun watching this thing go to work as annoying and dangerous as that is it really makes a mess of this world the game is not like that one little bit and i think i could probably understand why look at the gaping hole at least and everything it touches okay there's the bucket we're gonna use to hopefully make another portal and because we are going there i've also completed my iron set so now we have the full iron uh set is this a new villager the one i found before i guess it doesn't really matter they've got bad things coming their way there you go we're giving you guys a renovation today we just incinerated those first two houses there is nothing left of those come back i need my pickaxe back wait wow that really does a lot of damage that's just way too much fun the villager even came down in the hole they seem to be falling in because they like it so much you're welcome guys i'll send you the invoice later look at all these sheep i was just thinking i should probably gather more food so this is my opportunity sorry guys but i need to kill you and work as well as i plan but at least we're kind of funneling them down into the hole all right i'm pretty sure i can work with this now i just need to remember how this part actually works that was not really smart of me but who here is really surprised about that it's perhaps not the prettiest of portals but i'm making it work well the struggle is real but we did it okay let's be really stupid it is dive on into this right okay so far so good so the first thing we're gonna do is move away from our portal so as not to destroy it with our magical pickaxe and then throw it that way and that's actually kind of terrifying to do here but we're just gonna mine like this for a minute and see where this takes us hmm i just realized how much lava flow hey it's coming back uh yeah that's gonna be a bit of a problem i think slow and steady is gonna win this race hey there's a presenter man i wonder if a pickaxe can one-shot an enderman hey you oh it can excellent all right that's going to save us a lot of time too okay i accidentally do that a second time so i'm not really sure where i am let's just go back up here using a regular pickaxe feels so slow and stupid at this point that i don't know if i ever want to do this i might as well just use the dangerous way because at least it's faster i think if i'm really really careful i can actually kind of make my way around using this pickaxe but i need to be careful how i throw it i really need to pay attention to what it's mining into but if we just keep heading in one direction eventually we'll find something we need and we already have a problem with the pig um so i'm gonna have to build myself up and try and kill it i don't really know how yet maybe if i can do everything to be kind of over here because the pigs aren't gonna be happy to see me either oh he picked up my weapon then if we get everyone in that direction we can kill everyone all at once does that work that kind of works oh there we go i'm gonna have to make some gold stuff pretty soon but luckily we're mining lots of gold as we're doing this because if i get attacked by any more things i'm very boned that scares me every time that i accidentally throw it and i do that a lot just throwing blocks out of my inventory then the pickaxe launches anyways i turned the gold nuggets into uh one gold helmet and that's gonna be enough for now because we're gonna need the rest of this gold anyways uh for the piglin trades but i can also find ancient debris if i go deeper too so i might also mine some of that because what we really need is a bigger pickaxe obviously oh look at those idiots well you know we can hurt them before they even know we're here the lava's gonna be kind of annoying here but whatever we'll make this work only drop down a little bit there but the pickaxe is gonna go right on past them apparently okay my new way of dealing with these guys is this we let them burn for a second we'll either get some meat or we won't either way we're going to be okay yeah we did we got to cook pork chops out of that one of the big problems with mining this way as i'm learning um is that it releases a lot of uh lava into my trench and that burns all the blocks so i don't necessarily get whatever falls on the ground because i'm looking for some ancient debris but i don't know if this is gonna work my pickaxe just rebounded oh i thought it went into the lava that was so close okay well we're gonna be very careful because we're on the edge of it right here and nothing we can conceivably use over here so let's move on have a bit of an issue with some pigs behind me uh i think we've outrun them though so yeah let's put ourselves up here and then yeah we were way ahead of them all right they're fighting now i don't have to deal with either one of them i'll take the meat though that's mine i saw it go away okay mining in here is a disaster so i'm just gonna run i'm just gonna run aimlessly until i find what we're looking for and anytime i see one of them it's on but then yeah anytime i throw a pickaxe i basically get a river of lava but that no doubt is gonna stop someone with my determination there's an enderman i need his stuff they're just gonna leave all this gold sitting right here for me to take don't mind if i do i'm not gonna use my big pickaxe for this it's tempting to do so but i need to leave this place kind of intact for a minute i think the only reason i'm not being absolutely obliterated right now is because of how this place spawned i know they're everywhere but they just they can't really get to me this isn't the most optimal of trading circumstances but i'm just gonna go for this because this is safe and fairly easy for now so this guy's gonna get 100 bars of gold we got here so amazingly fast thanks to my super pickaxe that i can afford to take my time here to make sure i just don't die see now it's a party just leave a pile of gold and all their friends come running so far i do see some pearls we have eight so far so we're doing not bad i'm not sure how many gold bars are left but hopefully enough for them to give me the trades since i don't have a lot of faith in them to get me the rest of the gold okay we took a wrong turn somewhere let's go up right here oh stop stop ow stop this is gonna be trouble okay i didn't expect to run into him so soon uh yeah we're gonna see if we can go up here and get away from him stay back back that's gonna be a problem really smarted me to die so close to the lava as well really like that all right so before going back in there to try and retrieve what's up to my stuff i made myself some nether aid stuff just because i'm not really going to be able to mine it and that way we can just kind of get this done but i figure while we're at it let's escalate just one more time let's make a super netherey pickaxe uh to see what that's gonna do to this poor world all right i obviously took a lot of time to very legitimately grind up all this another right and there we are one super nether a pickaxe this seems like it might be a good test uh of what this pickaxe is capable of so let me just get a few blocks to stand on all right i'm gonna name it roughly at that mountain and um we're gonna see what happens let's take out a lot of blocks along the way let's see if we can follow it yeah it's mining absolutely a huge swath through the well everything i meant to hit more of the mountain but we just kind of made like a gap under the mountain but that's still pretty satisfying to me that's also hugely dangerous i'm not sure yeah it did come back to me even so one throw the pickaxe mind out this entire thing we could probably go straight to bedrock with one throw probably through the bedrock so i need to be careful not to go downwards this might be a fun spot for this all right ready and jump and throw i definitely do that with an upward trajectory but sure we'll just pretend that didn't work i'm also going to move out of here because if the pickaxe comes back and lands in the water uh it's not going to be good wow the game does not like this one little bit look at all the earth falling well isn't this a nice little village they have here it'd be a shame if someone came through a monster pickaxe through it this is just a drill practice where if this ever really actually happens that was a loud sound uh we got one of the houses destroyed completely destroyed i think we're gonna take off just the corner of that one and a little bit of that one we just kind of gave him some ventilation we're gonna go right under that when the villagers fall in and die i really like this pickaxe the horse took a crash and i'm not entirely sure where my pickaxe went but it didn't seem to have come back to me never mind i found it it is bounced definitely feel like we can do a little better for these poor villagers i would really want to show off the power of this pickaxe for them now they'll understand a little better it's like a helicopter of doom it just tears through everything it does not discriminate against any block or creature it just keeps on going and going and going murdering anything in its path okay and i'm really excited now to see what the ender dragons are gonna do against my pickaxe so let's pretend i did this all very legitimately uh and then we're probably pretty close to the stronghold i suspect because if we move over a little bit triangulation so 64 eyes of ender should be enough now the stronghold is somewhere down there i'm going to do something a little bit risky and go like that hopefully not obliterating the stronghold entirely but this should get us somewhere near the edge of it hopefully uh well it's going to get us down deep at the very least hi sir i have another red sword so please don't hit me oh whoa i see it oh did i destroy it i can see it from here though that's so cheating so that was a pretty good throw because not only did it get me basically all the way to the stronghold but also straight into the room i need but i was also very very close to destroying it because it was here i think it's right above me was i not seeing that correctly or did i actually destroy it i feel like it's supposed to be right here in front of me somewhere i really can't throw that pickaxe again because i might have already destroyed it but i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be like basically here but obviously this is a cave okay never mind i did find a little bit more okay there it is wow three of them how about that all right let's see what the enter dragon thinks of our ridiculous pickaxe oh this is a dangerous spawn also but this will also give me a good opportunity to give her this blocks permanently so they won't find their way back to me ever again he says before realizing he's going to need a million to bridge across the gap yeah i can see this going real well all right i've waited a long time for this where where is uh oh okay i was like oh he didn't even spawn in so i wonder if i could just time it to hit him because it's oh that's not oh we killed him that was easy i was worried we were going downwards too fast okay that pickaxe is probably a little bit overpowered but we did it we defeated the underdrag and now we get all the experience and my pickaxe will find its way back to me eventually i also didn't mean to do that whoops uh anyways that's gonna work its way downwards at a pretty rapid rate um i was expecting the ender dragon to put a police a little bit of a fight or not die one hit but that pick actually just way way way overpowered and um [Music] i kind of destroyed that so next on my list of things to murder the wither just gonna wait till he's properly spawned in and ready to do his thing are you allowed to be hurt yet that's okay take your time to collect yourself i've got nothing but time all right eat pickaxe oh where's it going i don't know if it hit him i went under him uh oh but at least we're gonna get more of a battle out of him look at him he doesn't even want to fight he's just chasing animals around hey it's my job to harm the animals of this world i think i missed again he's too quick he like dodges it okay this time we're gonna get real real close got him i didn't get him maybe it just can't hit him i don't really know what to make of that really not sure why it's not hitting him or also where the weather where is it going it's way over there come back i still love you we made the dragon look so easy and this thing just takes off like i don't i can't even keep up with it it's just gone so what do you think happens if we throw this pickaxe in the top of a mountain straight down oh that's a long ways down and we died but i want to see how far the pickaxe is gonna go so let's see if it mines all the way through so we went from the top of the mountain that's not to bedrock but it's just about the bedrock i think hey look all my stuff is still here we're on 35 and we started way above the surface so that was from one throw of the pickaxe i really like this mod we're gonna have fun with this
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 632,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GxFmB-4vmBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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