I Thought I'd seen the WORST Traffic Ever...Then I Tried this Scenario...!

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so we are going to be checking out a brand new scenario today I love City skyline scenarios absolutely fantastic and this one is from Teddy Radko and it's called Boom Town Africa and you can see this map here is looking absolutely fantastic I'm gonna put a link below in the description probably a pin post as well if I remember as to where you can go and get this what does it say are you ready to tackle the traffic in this booming and boomingham boom it's not Birmingham booming West African City excellent wind conditions population over 50 000 which is good some scenarios it puts like 10 million and you just think it's never going to happen uh traffic flow over 85 and don't forget we're doing this in vanilla so no traffic manager less than one amount in loans we've got to pay back some money losing conditions population under 25 000 more than 250 game weeks played wow that is going to be tough so less than a year in game no hang on there's more than I'm thinking of days not weeks anyway 250 game weeks and have less than 50 000 in the old simoleons so let's dive in and see what we can do so here we are in this fantastic map welcome to Gambia Teddy Radko says in recent years this small West African country has experienced a literal Gold Rush and the City of serakunda is booming because of it so so far more investment has gone into private sector real estate while public infrastructure and services have been long overlooked ah little clue there with the opening of the new Gambia Estuary Bridge it became painfully obvious that the current transport system isn't suited for this City's hustle and bustle you have been tasked with improving the traffic situation and growing the city before this narrow window of opportunity passes their City believes in you don't let them down or do so and try again until you get it right well we're going to just try and go for this first time time unlikely say this is vanilla so all you really need is the Africa in miniature content creator pack you might be spotting as we're flying around here some of the lovely buildings that have been popped in to really give this the African looking Vibe so I'm very excited to dive into this and see what we can do and I think we're about to come up on an area of the city that is particularly warped with traffic and the clock is ticking down while we're doing this as well so about how many weeks are going past hopefully I've got here we go look at all this traffic coming down the highway over here so we're going to be spending lots of money to fix this look at this traffic here going very slow very small roundabouts I'm spotting like I've just reloaded so we're not wasting valuable in uh Game Time by uh having a cinematic at the beginning so let's just take a look at what we've got we've got a lot of traffic uh coming in from outside the city here and it just hits this roundabout straight away and goes off and then it comes down here lots of traffic lots of traffic lots of traffic lots of traffic it hits another roundabout down here and then let's go a little bit further through a lot of traffic kick in another roundabout and I believe this goes straight there we go look more traffic coming in from outside the city and even more and it just carries on and Carries On so this is the main Highway Motorway through the city and it's just getting chock-a-blocked with traffic so that is something we're obviously really gonna have to check out if we just come out of this view if you want to just see for yourself how you're doing click down here and this gives you the information so the biggest thing that we've got to be careful of is not losing our population we've got money which is good um I am just going to dive straight into my policies and pop on some policies so we are going to have actually before I do that let me just check a couple of things what's the land value like I mean it's not terrible through here pretty average okay quite bad this is actually really good over here that's not too bad so it doesn't look that bad actually that needs emptying so we're going to empty that all right that's good let's just maybe start the game running I want to make sure we've got whoa what the heck what's that Oh I thought that was like the land value just like it is the land value just like disappearing what what's going on it was there and now it's gone good gravy okay well let's look at that again then low land value uh all around here this isn't too bad this is so everything on the outskirts is sort of quite low this area was pretty bad why is it low let's investigate pollution lots of pollution up there it looks like pollution it doesn't show on nothing is pollution which is very weird what is that it's just water so for some reason that is showing us polluted um but it's not showing up on there but average Grand pollution one percent drinking water's okay all right so we've got to be a little bit careful that over here we're not losing people let's just take back out and just see what it's got and what it hasn't got so it hasn't got Health Services and in fact none of this down here has got health services so let's just get back out I really want to be careful how much money we spend on things but I think Health Services is a basic so you can see they've got an area of effect when you place them down so down here between these two would be another good spot to add something I'm going to place a road through here um I'm gonna stick with the dirt roads for now and if we get more money we can sort of change that uh yeah we've already mentioned that so that's fine I'm gonna pop this here and we'll see an air of effects that are spread out which actually goes quite far which is good so we're going to sort of overlap these a bit it's not really beefed it up much is it what else is back out not got fire wow where's the nearest fire oh man all the way over there there is not fire Services anywhere no way so what's this gonna cost us twelve thousand on loans and our budget budget's okay uh taxes I should say budget is what it is um what have we got yeah we're okay on that loans uh this is costing us uh interest weekly cost 403 I'm gonna pay that one back that one I won't bother with so we'll save ourselves a bit of money there so let's just concentrate on this front section so we've got fire coverage here oh man I can't believe how low the fire coverage is and I don't want to sort of policies yes thank you very much oh I know what we can do to increase land value uh policies or cost us money this one high-tech housing four simoleons of residents but smaller Smart Homes raises the land value and already we can see people upgrading which is good I don't know how easy it would be to see the land value go up actually that is risen isn't it that has risen so that's good and then also what I was going to do was pop on under Services parts and Recreation to any parks that we've got it increases the land value let's just go for that and have a look what parks we've got whoa Parks everywhere so we've got parking spaces which count as parks they obviously give some sort of and we've got little parks and things oh everybody's upgrading we don't want to lose people we don't want to go below twenty five thousand traffic is sort of sorting itself out we'll see how that goes I'm assuming once once things get worse um not one scenes get worse what I was gonna say was once the traffic increases yeah things are going to get worse um public transport now let's just take a quick Gander so we've got one bus at one train okay let's just quickly look at this whoa well this bus just goes everywhere doesn't it where does this bus go there's like one one bus that goes from one end to the other right I'm gonna pause the game I'm gonna delete that bus line yeah we're just gonna add in some better bus lines so this is where the and ideally I'd like it not on the highway because I want to be able to see what we've got going on so we've got industry and we've got this little collector that runs along here so I think a bus route in here or two wouldn't be too much of a problem so let me just set those up just trying to see how I can get across here we've got this road that goes through there but I really wanted to come down here which means we are going to have to come through that main road down here oh it's gonna make me do that again okay fine and we can see the buses were coming through here as well so that's good and then we'll have one more stop up there and then we'll literally come back and mirror it on the other side gonna be a bit of a Tony Roundy thing going on there but I think that would be okay and so this is gonna be banjo and I'm thinking of going for the largest non-bendy bus that we can which I think is the double decker 65 articulated articulated got a 60s 70s of Bendy bar 60 yeah let's go for this one and how many vehicles is that gonna give us when that kicks in that's your look on here we'll see 12. that seems a lot but we'll see how that goes so that's that one there and then so we've got some industry here we've got some other housing over there so whatever we do here is going to have to go on a main road oh my goodness I'm just like looking at this and it's just that because I haven't built it and I don't know what's where it makes me just sort of think what do I do so people are wanting to get into here and I love this place the conference center just an amazing looking building yeah so my initial thought is like where do people want to get to so they're going to want to get to the schools which we've got dotted around high schools we don't have enough space available in high schools do they have a high school over here no they don't can we afford to pop a high school in twenty four thousand that is pretty big we've got a smaller High School haven't we if I click on the right button I'm installing the sewage field Mangrove Wetlands we're unable fishing yeah we'll get to that where's the smaller High School oh why not got like is it like a European buildings high school or the other I think that's what it is we've sort of missed so we've got a high capacity High School 58 000. this is 24 but takes up so much space and we're gonna go for the not deleting things because these are all set historical buildings so we're going to sort of assume that you know people are living in these and they don't want to have their this would have been great they don't want to have their um houses destroyed there really is no space along here at all is there we could use this spot over here maybe and sort of get a road coming up somewhere if I can squeeze that in there turn off the snapping because we've already got the this through here which is probably like the worst lining up of Roads I've done oh there we go look that can snap over there oh fantastic upgraded and changing the main Highway yeah I know we are possibly going to get to that no he's not gonna fit in here I've got to be able to fit that in there somehow haven't I come on let's I'm gonna move the park there we go remove the park and we're gonna pop this High School in there the parks I'm over here so that's fine that fits in and that's made everybody really happy which is good good good good [Music] um yeah so back to the bus I'm just thinking if people want to sort of get to the schools that we've got they're sort of dotted around okay people want to get to the parks their Parks everywhere so really I think we're going to concentrate on people get into work so if you look here we've got shops so they can go shopping but if they're working they're really coming into this sort of central section here and we've got the train here as well so I'm just wondering whether in here somewhere we could pop in a little bus station that goes out to different places and we've got this compact bus station which will just fit there wouldn't it let's go for that let's pop that in and now we can add in a lot of stops that can go to different places so let me just do that oh and I think we're having a secret super tea as well excellent Just Gonna Save it and it did it for itself and we're back in the game you'll notice up here I've had to add the toggle it mods um because I have a thing with my eyes with anything that's very bright white like that I just struggle uh to focus on it so I just need to be able to do this so I can see what the heck I'm doing and I've just got so used to using it like that that's what we're gonna do so yeah I'm gonna add some bus lines in here and what I'm thinking of doing is what people normally tell me to do is have like one line go out to Baku one to ganja one to double anchor one to the airport the Durango one might take in that at one to man dinari and one to nimukuku and that pretty much covers all of that and we've got this other one over here so we can have maybe one that meets sort of in the middle I think that would work quite well so let's see what we can do here where is the bus station follow where the little line is it will show me it's down here somewhere isn't it where's the line taking me there it is I found it okay let me do that so what I'm doing is I'm just sort of bringing it over here and seeing what sort of Route the game wants to take so it's going to want to go down the highway if I come around this way it can cut through which is fine because we've got some facilities and stuff around here we've got school right here so I'm going to bring it via the school um yeah down here is fine across this roundabout I'll have one stop the other side and then we can sort of split off into here and I'm trying to sort of stick to the main roads and if there's any Loops anywhere which there is there oh this actually cuts through all the way to here let's bring it um this is where the major population is but one maybe stop here would work and then we're gonna bring this one back up through here no we're just going to stick with this so some of these might be quite smaller let's have that one on that side of the road there so that's the two stops for in here some of these might be a little bit smaller route but I think overall then we'll mirror that one there that's going to bring people to the school take that back through there and that will be good excellent and then we'll add some others over here I'm probably just gonna do that off camera it's going to take a little bit of finagling around and then I'll show you what I've done when we finished let me give a quick update on what we've got so if we jump into here we've got the Baku line that comes down to Baku from over there uh which has got I'm going to unpause this now so I've gone for the bus capacity 30 on all of these apart from my airport line we've just gone for the 80 capacity the largest articulated bus I think it is I've got the super bendy bus which is 100. we'll go with the 80 that's fine I'm just seeing what all the vehicles they put on here vehicles 11 banjo looks quite a large one so good good sort of loops around yeah we know about education in this area which is fine uh daranka is quite a large one a bit hard to see but that again just sort of loops around and goes via the airport and back again and actually I'm gonna just change that if I turn those off and the ranker put that one on I'm gonna take out the airport stop because we've now actually got an airport bus so that's fine so that goes up here we've got a stop there we've got a stop there then it goes back down the highway yeah that's a better use of that let's pop all of these back on again and then we've got the airport one which goes backwards and forward so that's this lower half covered down here and I'm thinking that the land value is going up I feel like I need another Super teal after all that oh we're not losing population we're making money I'm just really wide about the land value what's interesting is they keep saying the land value is low too few services so let's just have a quick look through the services again because we haven't really oh people are upgrading they're pleased about that are we getting too few Services down here police seems to be a problem let's have a look at the police around the place so we've got one police place here which is absolutely rammed with what's going on and none anywhere else so that's twelve thousand sixty thousand we're gonna go for the small one and again we're just gonna sort of dot these around and I hope we have enough money and see how far that sort of area of effect goes and if we can sort of squeeze some in other places without destroying anything so that nicely covers that area that comes up to here and then we need another one in here somewhere that that will do for that and then one down here I feel like we're flying through money on the air let's get a bit closer there we've got that one there so we probably need one in here somewhere oh man the traffic what's the traffic 77 was there a thing on the traffic not to go below a certain amount on the traffic no so we're okay on that which is good oh man look at all the criminals everywhere it is just like nuts isn't it uh there we go nice little cul-de-sac there people are starting to move in which is good got a nice big spot there I'm gonna leave maybe we can pop a park in there oh that's nice what in the heart of the community okay plantage a jails plenty of police now all over the place uh we've got one in here this end isn't really covered is it very well let's pop one I don't want to use that piece of land there I don't want it on the main road yeah let's go there that'll be fine that'll work okay so police is covered uh fire or Healthcare is not covered at all well that's why they're all complaining good gravy no healthcare down here is there any little spots perfect we'll do that I'm wondering whether when you made this Teddy whether you went through and then just deleted all the Services you had put in yeah that one's going to go there off the side road these people down here very very sad they don't have anything let's give them that so then we've got Healthcare here this little middle spot I think as fast as we place these down the more people are moving in which is getting us more money so it's sort of balancing out even though our money is going down atrociously people are upgrading people are moving in which is going to make the traffic worse as time goes on which I'm very concerned about was it 74 so actually maybe not as horrendously bad as I thought that should take in these people here a little bit as well yeah very good there's a big hospital there but these seem to be complaining but there's another what's that there yeah that's exactly the same there I want to try and squeeze one in here without destroying any houses I think that's going to be the nearest we're going to get and then the industry people they do need it even though they think they don't okay so that's Healthcare uh fire coverage we've got one over there nothing down here so let me just go through and add some of this in all my life so what we need as well is fire watch tower coverage twelve thousand sixty thousand yeah we're just gonna go for these smaller ones just to get that area of effects that we need and even now at some point I might come back and add even more to these areas oh man this is just horrendous in here look at this it's horrendous uh how much is this ninety five thousand sixty thousand it's just so much money we're gonna go for this oh I feel like I just want to put a large one in here let's go for that let's spend some money get that air effect in the Big Town Center area covered and see how it goes and you can hear the houses upgrading which is good okay that's good we haven't got any helicopter Depots I don't think so popping these Watchtower things down probably isn't going to be of any use how are we doing so we're okay only 12 weeks through I think that's another Super T we can have populations growing uh less than one amount in loans so what have we got left on at the old loan front um this one here payment left fifty four thousand I mean I could literally pay that off now which I've just done because we're making money so I'm pleased with that got to be careful of all these houses people not being happy with the houses that is an issue oh another auto save so again capacity for these scores is okay and a pretty good coverage high school capacity probably a little bit low we've got that one there these are struggling I mean how much is this going to cost us high school high school high capacity is this one here this is basically the only one we can go for we could put some libraries in and I wonder whether we've got any of those no which will do an increase in education level with their 22 000. I think it's going to be these high schools and just sort of cover an area that hasn't been covered yet yeah let's do that let's get it as close as we can there and I feel like I want another one sort of in between to cover these areas but yeah maybe not we'll leave that one for now so University public library and in Parks we've got everywhere so the land value should be going up we should stop seeing yeah a lot of people complaining about land value and eventually these houses will just be refilled again so how about we just take a moment to look at yield traffic uh issues that we've got going on let's pick an end to come from so coming down here we've got the toll road coming in and then we've got like people that will stop right here for no reason at all which is really annoying and I don't think that there's much we can do with that um without traffic manager unless we change this little road here to a two-lane Highway and that'll remove the crossing no that's not the one I want pause the game panicking panicking I want this one two-way Highway this one here yeah that's the one so they're Crossing's a bit further down so once they get up here they just keep going we don't need the crossing here at all let's just do that they're still stopping there probably because of the way the nodes are here okay can I upgrade any of these I'm assuming I'm not going to be able to what have we got 136 000 so I'm just thinking if we can upgrade this which we're going to have to delete it it's not going to let us upgrade it what could we use through here it's going to give us more capacity I mean we could double it and go for a four lane or we could triple it and go for a six Lane which would seem to me a bit Overkill although it is a Highway we could use our other Highway four lane two-way Highway and just rip this all out that's what I'm gonna do and again use the one with sound barriers for obvious reasons and then ideally what I want here is two lane going in and out and then I want this to be bigger but I know that's not going to let me upgrade any of this for these all far too close so we're gonna we're gonna do a little bit of changing here so I want this to be at least a two or three if we go for a I'm just thinking if we go for three uh one back here somewhere here we go this one then it's going to stop people walking across which I don't mind because I want to just keep the traffic moving so let's let's just try this this is the first upgrade on the highway we're doing here let's just see how this goes I want to find some nodes here so I can sort of yeah hold that all in place that actually might work quite well and then I don't have to pick a picker mod we always want to get the pick-a-picker mod doesn't exist no Biffy gonna do it yourself uh I just wanted this to just kind of a little bit more maybe to there and then what do I want I want two lanes going each way two-way where's the one I want that's it that's what I want although unfortunately we're going to get the stupid Tony around thing there are new game um I can change that I think with making it a highway ramp because then you get the both ways I think which I could just go with it um and yeah that's just annoying and just live with that and then over here we're going to want to do the same and I'm gonna fit is it do we need the toll roads could we just remove that I think we could and could we upgrade all of this down here as well I think we could yeah we don't need to go all the way out there let's just see what we can do with this bit here yeah there we go that'll do and then we'll go from there to there a little bit winky wonky but that's fine and then we'll bring that in to maybe there and then that gives us the space we need to add in the other things that we had over here somewhere these ones one-way Highway barrier thingies so that's going to go that way that's going to go that way so it's in and out in and out excellent so we'll just see how that goes and then once we delete those oh we haven't connected up this bit over here before we done it um this could do with being a asymmetric load of some description well actually we could just make this a four-lane road like straight into there and then see if we can upgrade that little bit down to there maybe even a little bit further and then this one over here I think we're going to just make this a four-way Road there's no node here I'm just worried I'm gonna mess this up so if I go like this it's not gonna let me oh you know what's gonna happen I'm gonna put this in and it's gonna go boing no it didn't go boing excellent there we go the long and Winding Road and then we're upgrade this to four lane through there and I think that should be okay obviously we don't have traffic manager to do any things like that we've got our Junction restrictions but yeah unfortunately that's swinging around the problem there it's going to be a little bit of an issue but let's just see how this goes yeah I'm definitely going to put stop signs where we need them so we're gonna have stop sign there stop sign uh stop sign there and stop sign there so people coming onto the roundabout have to stop and then once they go other people can go this here could do with being sort of split out like that just to get that to move out a bit quicker oh I haven't connected this up down here darn it okay let's just sort this out whoops so we've got four little Lanes to come in and out of here just get that a little bit closer and this is where we might start getting some issues I want this with a sound barrier it's not a highway ramp with a sound barrier this version here no it must be some other pack okay fine and then we're gonna see if we can get all of these to hook up um which one should we do first oh well that's just great isn't it they've been built so close together that we can't even just do that oh man I don't want to rebuild the whole flipping thing all the way through seriously now um okay this is the long one anyway so good job I spotted that [Music] is this gonna go underneath here or is this not even going to do that which means I then need to rebuild this whole thing no come on seriously can I fit through the one without the sound barrier no can I fit through one of these no I don't want to rebuild all of this which I might have to which would be very annoying but hey ho it's gonna have to be done yeah it's these it's these bits here isn't it if I get rid of those and then we'll sort that bit out in a minute and then this isn't going to be nice and and curvy anymore this is just going to be straight across as long as it lets me without being a bonehead and it's been a bonehead look it's not even going to let me Connect into there see this is the thing this is the thing which is slightly annoying okay and I bet I can't even connect up to this so it's like I've started now doing this I can do that one oh I can do that one if I make it can I do it without being so Wiggly no so it's got to like go out and then in to connect okay well let's leave that because I don't want to have to replace this I mean I could literally go down to here and that would be the end let's leave it like that for now because now I've got to sort of add off all my slit rows and things okay she can get on and off you can go in each Direction it's not as pretty as it was before and you've got people that are going to cut across and all sorts of things but that actually could I um do something like this has got a medium no they're still going to cut across if I do that they're still going to cut across aren't they and it's going to put traffic lights and all sorts of weird things in there yeah okay we'll go with the vanilla mechanics and just sort of make it make it work that's fine uh we've got traffic lights up the top there let's unpause everything's hooked up I'm hoping I haven't missed anything okay I have to shut that menu open this menu do that one do that one so hopefully that's what I mean our traffic flow 68 what the heck so I've made this worse because they can't get in and out quickly so what I'm going to do is delete that and just try and get a little two-way road going in each Direction on here oh suddenly this is becoming a bit of an issue oh good excellent that is what I want and then we're going to try and get this four-way Road wherever it is to sort of snake around there it is there's just not much room here is there yeah there we go that's fine yep there we go excellent so now at least it can go the other way around would be good can I just turn those around without changing what type of load I'm using yeah out there in there keep it all moving this is probably not the worst Junction to have here because now they're going to be like stopping there and doing all sorts of weird hockey bulky stuff oh do you know what I can do to change that I can pop in there we go we've still got it there though there we go that's probably the best we can do for now I'm not sure whether having the stop signs on in vanilla which is what this is is actually going to help so I'm going to turn all of those off and I'm really worried about how much time we're spending we're fine so we're making money our loans are going down didn't we pay the other loan off why is that still saying we've got loans oh I've got this one as well oh my giddy aunt well I can pay that one yeah so that's good so we've done that so now it's just traffic flow and population and as long as we're not losing population yeah see this is why you need to stop signs because otherwise this sort of thing happens which is a bit of a pain but a bypass over the top of this could be the solution do you know what this is I I was really not thinking about how how horrendously difficult this was going to be without mods I was just sort of thinking no problem at all jump in we're fine so can I add something sort of here where's the closest I can get I I actually trying to make this look not too shabby but it's becoming quite difficult so if I go there and go there and then we'll go over here and that can just go straight in there and I'm wondering whether people are actually going to use that do we have an asymmetric Highway that would be great wouldn't it are people going to use that because it's so long to get over the top orderly at 65 I'm just thinking I've made this one worse we've hit the point where cars oh they're using it yes yes yes that is what I want to see so that'll clear up this down here which means these can get out a bit quicker and I wish they'd flip in stock I know what it is it's because this car's looking and saying I can't actually get into this node into this segment so they wait there until that segment's clear so if these sort of came back a little bit further just wondering whether I could just do a little something here bear with bear with after much finagling oh my goodness me we've done it okay so now we'll have them all in here and when they can go they can go look there we go so that should now lessen this traffic here although they do that weird stupid thing where they stop right there and they're stopping right there it's great see this one here is weird because both of these are straight on and then you've got a hooker left this one here it's like they don't but it's not really much of an issue there we go look 66 percent that is not too bad okay let's just have a look around for other bits of traffic so then we've got this bit here which is where there's yeah not enough Road okay we are also going to pause and sort all of this out then turn it into Highway hopefully all of these cars will just get back on the road again maybe think of uh donkey on the road again um what is that under there that's not letting me do that there's like some weird underground thing so that one's okay okay so I know that's not enough Lanes so I'm gonna upgrade that uh because I want it to be enough Lanes oh and it will let me upgrade it but not this one what is that under there that's an annoying thing which doesn't help our situation yeah there we go not quite as neat as it was before oh hang on hang on before I unpause got to connect these up okay so let's just have a look at this Junction so that one's okay this one's better we're still getting that yeah where they do that thing there where they're getting each other's way this one we're gonna have to just sort of work with a bit and then this all the way down here yeah okay we're gonna do the next section I do feel like I want to upgrade this roundabout which means I'm gonna have to delete all of these because it's not going to let me do it otherwise so let's do that not perfect but it'll work foreign that's good looks like we're doing the whole thing we go in all the way thank you and as we're here I'm going to make sure that we sort this path out as well um so we don't have any problems with people getting over well that was far too high let's just change that down to one what's the lowest I can go to probably nope they just all go over the top man how far does this go so now we're getting into so this isn't too bad so it's just this last little section here and I think we should be okay after that there's like little paths and things this is all a bit different here isn't it okay let's put this in and then see what we can make of it once we get there and I think think we should be okay is that going to fit in without destroying the fences no no okay well if we need to come back and redraw those that's fine actually we've got the sound barrier so we're going to go with the sound barriers instead as the as the option yeah so that's all connected out in Parts where they were and it's like they can still cross over there if they want I mean what have we got going on here so that then splits off into all sorts of different things so maybe if we could use the two lane no can we use a one lane no it's doing that same thing okay yeah do you know what I think we just need to change that to a smaller version of this which we can do it's like the roads getting downgraded isn't it um oh I see yeah there's a road missing here isn't it we need like a little connection through from there so let's drag that is not what I want two-way Highway why is it saying that oh I'll click that by mistake there we go I was confused there momentarily I can get that into there that ain't gonna work is it at all so I just want a connection through there that's it uh uh yeah this is this is all a bit messy this bit but we're just gonna go like that there we go we've got a connection through there this is quite busy through here but I'm just wondering where that let's just unpause and have a look so 63 that's because this hasn't kicked in yet to say there's traffic here but hopefully now let's go back to where we were before at the end so this bit's totally clear that we've set up here which is fantastic this bit's okay this bit they're doing some horkie bulky Lane switching I need a Super T because my eyes have run out of tea ah let's pull myself some water so this bit is going okay and the more it goes down the less it'll be a problem I'm just watching whether many are sort of coming off straight down there yeah so overall these are not getting in each other's way which is good and now we're seeing the the backlog down here what I am going to do here I'm just worried about my time running out how are we doing we're okay plenty of time is I am going to put a stop sign there just so these can keep going and then we can see it's crunching up a bit over here that's done that weird thing again where you're going to get turnarounds and I'm going to put a couple of stop signs on here and I'm going to put a bypass on here I want this to bypass over to there and miss this roundabout and just get through yep and people are taking that that's fine and then this one I'm not going to worry about so much because that just seems like it's okay we stuck a stop sign there and that just keeps this all moving so that's going to stop backing up what are we at 67 this will go down eventually as that clears through there when they stop their hockey bulky Lane switch and it's just keeping it moving once you can keep it moving it's not too bad so then this here it's mainly people going out isn't it and then this little Junction over here and then this bit over here and then that bit over there I reckon that all of this is going to go okay and I also reckon we're making so much money that we can drop the taxes on these to get more people to move in and if we just sort of speed this along a bit I want to watch this bit here to hopefully go down it's like trying to keep these moving isn't it did I put any stop signs on here no we're gonna have one there and one there keep you going through just checking nobody's turning around here they shouldn't be because they've got the roundabout to turn around in so this should go down I think we just need to get this bit here sorted 69 I mean it grief it carries on all the way out here doesn't it and then we're not going to go to get a city I'll probably by now we are so I'm gonna buy that one there let's just slow things down a sec is there anything else I can do to increase the land value without so these are usually all good so I'm going to do those that we've got courage biking lightning rods and we're not we haven't got lightning on every fast recovering only building electric cars Workers Union industrial four I don't think we need any of that automated toll we'll pop that in uh taxation raise raise relief relief and let go of leisure uh I don't think we need that but what I am going to have down here is free Wi-Fi because of the post problem if we've got a post problem I've no idea uh libraries increase happiness and entertainment automated sorting I don't think we've got any postings at all but I'm going to put it on prefer parks 10 more visitors know we don't need that part maintenance boost yeah they were okay with that actually let's just have a quick look at the park maintenance now we talk about it which one of that's this one here do we have apart Maintenance building anywhere I don't think so I think they're all green because their conditions normal so none of them have been boosted so let's just pop in what's that gonna cost ten thousand let's pop in one of those over here I know this is industry I'm not sure he's going to get around the whole thing and then one over here somewhere just somewhere a little bit out of the way here would be good can I go on the other side of there yeah excellent let's do that how's this going down here still a bit walkie-borky this is super busy probably not the best Junction but it's the junction we've got this is cleared up I reckon you know if we get this bit down here sorted I think we need a bypass here as well can I squeeze in a bypass oh I'm wondering whether we could do it underground instead let's see if we can do that I'm looking at this and I'm thinking for the sake of for the sake of my sanity I am gonna delete one house it's gonna be this one here these people are going to be can you let me delete the house these people are going to be ah these people are going to be well paid I didn't mean to do that they're going to be well paid they're going to be compensated and I'm gonna forever thank them and we're gonna go and build them a super duper house in a minute somewhere else okay it's done I've put it in everyone's like freaking out because I don't know what's happening and we're doing on everything yeah we're doing fine are people going to use it that's the main question they are which is great so that should just get that move a little bit better they're rebuilding and we're gonna say historical and as a way of an apology I am going to pop in here let's have a look a new little dog park we're gonna have a new little dog park right there just for you right so now down here this is a really nice little roundabout but we just need to continue this upgrading all the way all the way through uh yeah and that's gonna be next time so many traffic fixes and also we need to add mass transit in and all sorts of stuff so if you've enjoyed this one please leave a like and be back for part two in a couple of days time thanks for watching take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 397,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: traffic fix scenario, traffic fix, cities skylines free update, cities skylines scenario, cities skylines africa in miniature, cities skylines dlc, content creators pack, cities skylines, cities skylines update, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, Cities skylines tutorial, city skylines, biffa plays, Biffa plays cities skylines
Id: 5jMH9AVFfhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 25sec (3085 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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