Funny Gone WRONG Tik Toks Caught on Camera

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robert cassie one time when i was in high school i was having sleepover after sleepover after sleepover cause it was summer right that's what you do and you have to eat your friend's food right what i guess so yeah i ended up going to this guy's house right there's a trampoline in the back and there was not one cute guy not two cute guys but three you were sleeping over at a dude's house no no i slept over at a girl's house we went to the guy's house three cute dudes okay would have dated any of them i'm jumping on the trampoline but since i was eating food that wasn't mine can you guess what happened what does the trampoline have to do with it it bounced and hit you in the face no okay so i was like listen boys here's a handspring you've never seen before if you're good i'll do a backflip i go to do a big bounce and you know what i mean it exploded i farted oh how was i supposed to know this you're eating food your stomach isn't used to and then you're jumping on a trampoline was it loud or was it just it was loud and proud couldn't blame it on the dog couldn't blame it on the trampoline i was screwed it was gone wrong hey that's the title of this video exactly did you blame it on the guys because that's what girls usually do no because i was alone on the trampoline like it was me and that was my only fart i've ever had my whole life okay yeah that makes a lot more sense because scientifically this is not possible so we're gonna look at some gone wrongs today because you know what we're in a mood aren't we because sometimes life goes wrong sometimes life goes wrong rather than suffering alone we can watch other people suffer as well so exactly this is a sign to bleach your own hair okay [Music] he's gonna need a lot of toner is it dry is it dry right now no it's freshly bleached and it's breaking apart and it's yellow okay until that part oh no that's horrifying that's horrifying oh no he's cutting it all off what else are you gonna do at this point you can't do any like he's so screwed i've done this before and you have to just cut all of it off you have to cut your losses so to speak no pun intended you've had to like chop it before because you messed it up because my hair is really really strong right yeah so i was like you know what got a [ __ ] ah we're bleaching it and they were like cassie don't and i was like bleacher now and then it all broke off it was a disaster to the extent that this guys did because that's insane he just threw a handful of ramen at the camera okay so my hair down here is like three years old so the low hair that's like already been damaged oh it breaks off she breaks she breaks off that was a horrifying start i'm not looking forward to where this is going oh i am this is how you wake up oh yeah it's an android flex [Music] see everyone's like oh you don't have imessage oh the green text bubbles ha look at him yeah at least i don't have a heart attack every morning this is live footage of how robert wakes up like look at the guy with the coconut bra just giving him his drinks and then this is how i wake up in the morning [Laughter] oh that's such a good edit just death it's horrible i guess it's gone wrong for me then are you ready robert are you ready for this she's got the legs she's her money i could she's already injured i can still shake my boot um and if you ever find yourself in this situation good luck charlie what the wait okay so who's filming this is this a brother i really hope it's not her brother but i also really hope it's not her boyfriend because if i was the boyfriend of the situation i would just run i'd run like the wind there's no good scenario here the only redeemable situation would be if she lived with her dance instructor and that's actually her dance instructor and he's like oh that's excellent this isn't the dad this is the uh the gardener he's just saying hey the flowers are great just wanted to let you know no he's he's the house chef and he was like the cake's ready oh wait no it's already it's already here yeah oh it's a good it's a good cake thanks for yo i mean i made a cake but you already brought some okay i'm crying sexy pants what they're back is that just the design of the pants these are like really popular pants on tick tock like popular to the point where i have a pair okay it has like a ruched like scrunched butt and it makes your butt look so good oh she's got him on backwards it looks so bad she's having a glow up she's having a glow up that you know what transformation oh my goodness too much hairspray can't relate but yo the okay not gonna lie these tick tocks really impress me when you see the glow up happen before your eyes it's like pretty impressive oh i could do one of those but i'm like afraid because i feel like the before it would be so ugly i hate them when the comments are all like is that even her what are you talking about have i not seen your before glow up moments oh no you have not okay you just hide it from the entire world nobody looks good in the morning right well see but i'm a guy i'm so biased i look like the same all the time okay i'm really jealous of that my face has no color in the morning i've got like dark under eye circles my hair looks like a broom so you have to turn up the saturation a little bit as the day goes on exactly and then the color reaches my face editor crank up the saturation let me know how great we look right now the glow up have you ever done something where you like thought nobody was watching and somebody was watching the entire time picking my nose all throughout uh elementary school yes oh oh okay that's just that's just awful i'm sorry it's just it's the first thing that came to my head it was a way of life back then i'm not proud of it but you know one time i was doing a back bridge in my room at 3am and my dad walked in oh she's exercising demons very cool we were creating our most viral tick tock for fun when our neighbor sent us the video okay they do this clean they are professionals yo that's awesome that's hilarious with the dog walking in the background but is that not how like all tick tocks look from a bystander perspective it all looks cringy no matter what i feel like these two girls are really lucky because they're wearing like coats and glasses and it looks really clean but if you were like trying to like thirst trap and somebody's watching like i can't think of something more worse than that so it looks like they're doing a bit but if they were like dressed trying to look really cool that would be extra cringe yeah just like trying to look hot and just like kind of like moving the camera in and out being like oh transition just walking down the street in l.a you know that's what you get i always forget that you live there yeah but i i may as well not because i haven't been outside in since 2019. that's true i don't live in toronto i live in my house canada oh peace see ya see ya chase down the mountain to never be seen again oh now he's gotta walk all the way over there how did it okay the shoes were too big it's that weird level of snow where there's like the under you know pillow and then it's like a slippery top i love that kind of snow the under pillow and then the crispy like you can perfectly break it oh it's so fun to run in it's like an oreo you know crunchy on the top you know get the cream filling on the bottom you know what i'm saying cream filling but that type of snow happens like once or twice a year it's really weird the parks around my house are like ice it's just ice and then you step in it and underneath it is water so it's it's the worst oh sick so even better oh this is part two just found a shoe at the bottom of this hill who could this belong to who is this poor man wow they were meant to be together imagine that guy just doesn't get his shoe at all he just like gives up and runs home wait wait wait was this posted by two different people yeah this girl found his shoe they were meant to be together have you seen the movie like mike where lil bow wow as if you didn't ask about cinderella you ask about like mike like mike fam come on he puts on michael jordan's old shoe and he can suddenly jump across an entire basketball court that's what's happening here she's gonna become an incredible tick-tocker by putting on this guy's shoe let's watch this michael jackson freeze dance yes girls hopefully the neighbor's not filming yeah she was really trying to walk on the moon that time she was was that because of ice or just because of her no she just hurled herself in the air she had to have done that on purpose like how do you do this by accident hey guys don't let gravity pull you down okay you can't blame this on gravity she kicked her little feet up in the air yeah she just threw herself into the air it wasn't even a jump it was just a self-throw just yeah it was a self-throw that was like a self-fatality all right okay yeah he got a little overzealous you still need to look behind you you can't just go forever this guy is taking up too much space it's like the girls that are like walking with their friends on the sidewalk and they take up the whole sidewalk and they don't move for you true so rude but yo play that again look at that guy's majestic reflection look at how cool this looks oh that not an aesthetic right there i can skate like that though cassie when i get to canada we need to film a skating video like i'm not i'm not kidding we should do a skating video no youtubers are doing that yeah oh yeah that'll be our proprietary method our figure skating i was making fun of my friend and this pan fell from the top shelf and i can't breathe oh my god the top shelf yes let me see this again the way it fell how there's no way i'm not buying that you see how that pan fell it felt perfectly flat if it fell off the shelf it would like tip over and fall vertically that is a very good point we gotta check i don't buy coincidences from from verified tick talkers you're right you're right you're right that oh i would have never thought about that i was like why do i feel like this is staged but yeah no it would it would go it would go like if it's a tick tocker with like millions and millions of followers anytime they're like oh i pranked my mom for the 500th time i can't believe she fell for it it's like nah dude you do this for a living i ain't buying it i'm sorry i've thought about doing tick tock pranks on terry but like if my phone is out he knows like there's there's no way like and i can't do like a hidden camera like he knows yeah i know it's like if you live with a social media person and they do something messed up like a like a prank you're gonna know like this is for the content oh 100 man it would be a miserable life having to pretend to fall for pranks every day i feel sorry for those people oh okay that is rude oh he farted mid-class oh this is me i wasn't gonna say it but yeah wait let's listen okay so this is what i'm talking about robert if you get startled enough or you kind of if you like clench enough like you will sometimes it happens the guy in the front had to have been focusing on something that he didn't want other people to see that's the only way you can get that tense you know no one's ever come up behind you and grabbed your like your rib cage really tickly like i oh it hasn't resulted in an expulsion of gas i will say that okay it's in class you got to hold your farts take a look at what your diet is if that's a common super common issue where you're always holding your farts in class if you're always holding your parts in class something's going on you know when i was eating like a lot of like vegetarian and like a lot of raw foods like oh yeah it was an issue it was an issue the power cord ripped and now i'm stuck 400 feet in the air oh this is my nightmare this is my nightmare i think this is everyone's nightmare like this is the worst thing that could possibly happen true yeah turn around though what if they're in an open window and they're just playing maybe they're just playing with us no it doesn't look like it yeah it doesn't look like it looks like a window washer uh yeah horrifying no thanks terrible imagine being a window washer of like a skyscraper do they even clean the windows up that high trust me cassie i've imagined it i've imagined it many times and i don't like it think about the people who build skyscrapers you know how high that is how does that happen my friend azzy lives on like like she lives like in the sky like really really high up and like you think that there's nothing up there but there was like a giant spider like as big as my hand up there one time and i was like what kind of fly would go that high first of all your friend azzy my wonder i wonder who that is i've never heard of this person secondly yeah i've had that same thought she showed me the view from her window and i i i could not do it i've genuinely thought about it it's like i can't imagine living that high up how they feel going in a wind tunnel good luck so relatable oh they're so happy yeah it's kind of cute i'd love to do this what is a wind tunnel oh they don't want it oh my gosh oh no so the one on the right was like completely fine until the one on the left like sounded the alarm was like no you have to get out of here it's like a dog like they feed off of the the vibes going around you know 100 yeah like if i'm like then the dog wakes up okay so oh no what is that why can you tell me what we're looking at here i don't know but she's stuck and she's at the er right now in there is that i don't know but probably not probably not something you should stick your finger in okay i'm sorry i have to find out i need to read the comments because i need to know what this thing is a metal like finger trap no it couldn't be like a torture device perhaps but not a casual finger trap why would you do that yeah okay that's the top comment great okay are we stupid nobody's saying what is this is this some gen z stuff that we that's passed us leave a comment down below what the heck are we looking at people oh my gosh she said notes no no no no okay there's a camera set up get out of here yes stop get out of here okay okay buddy so convenient that someone was filming at the bottom of this staircase okay so if your bride wears runners on the wedding day oh why she's about to run a marathon she's about to why would you leave somebody at the altar like you have you have so many chances to say no yeah this is not real people it's not real i hope not i was told i wouldn't have any gaps after braces for three i've years that i've seen that too we've both seen that we love that show us the teeth though maybe that's just how normal teeth go i don't wanna you know what guys i'm gonna test it just a sec okay i can't do what she did but i definitely could still spray i can't do it i'm so excited to record another video after this now that i'm all wet perfect i'm pretty sure my neighbor is a lady that lives alone so i decided to write her aside to see if she's doing okay during isolation oh that is so sweet yeah film the whole thing why not you want to remember this yeah what's the point of being nice if no if the internet doesn't know about it you know true oh oh oh editor you gotta censor that um okay oh she's not she's not nice see well that's the thing you miss the critical time where an old lady transitions over to being a nasty rude mean old lady you gotta get them while they're still like 55. if you aren't nice to them before that there's no going back they're gonna be the most miserable people in the entire world we can myth bust this tick tock as well because like if the woman saw the sign and then she went and she wrote down on a piece of paper there's no way that girl was just standing there filming on her phone the entire time there's no way that she caught the critical moment of the old lady like coming and putting the uh screw off sign i don't know i can't say i don't know what the timeline was like but yeah there's no way she she sat all day imagine if it was six hours later and she's just like oh please respond i need the views robert i think that we need to go and watch some more disasters on your channel what do you think i agree because i have not cried enough today no me neither i've only cried twice i gotta cry more did you cry before filming or just just during this i got mascara in my eyes oh i'm sorry well well yeah go go fix yourself up and we'll uh we'll go do the other one yeah go meet us over on robert's channel go check him out guys he's really cool thanks cassie i can always count on you all right guys i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me a little bit more make sure you hit push notifications and i'll see you on the next one bye peace
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,342,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, gloom, gloomykassie, kassie, tik tok, tiktok memes, reacting to tiktok memes, best tiktok memes, tiktok compilation, tik tok mashup, best tiktok, best tik tok, tiktok challenge, challenge, trend, trends, trending, pixar, tiktok trends, 2021, gone wrong, mistakes, regrets, robertidk, robert idk, tiktok regrets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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