"I Think My Therapy Patient Has Made ME Need Therapy" Creepypasta

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a new patient I asked my secretary slightly outraged please sir she tried to plead with me you have to I am completely over booked as it is I simply cannot take anyone else but she's my cousin she said as she stood up from the front desk that doesn't mean anything I tried to explain I cannot make exceptions with things like this dr. Martin the secretary raised the voice a little louder than usual I looked at her with one curious cocked eyebrow the secretary realized the mistake and lowered a voice back down she needs it she needs you I was prepared to reject the proposition again but I saw that hopeless desperate look in her eyes she couldn't bear to take any answer other than yes fine I finally submitted to my strange gut feeling she was nearly jumping for joy upon hearing the news thank you so much doctor she quickly sat back down in a rollin off his chair and began frantically typing on a computer I'll tell her right now all right I began to make my way back to my office just let me know when you schedule a first appointment my secretary meekly looked up from a computer oh she already has one set for today I stopped and quickly ran back over to a desk excuse me she has an appointment set for three o'clock this afternoon she tried to not be frightened by my slowly growing impatience you mean to tell me that you scheduled an appointment for someone who wasn't even a patient yet I tried to keep calm but my anger was practically bursting out of my ears my secretary didn't flinch she stared directly at me and then turned back to her computer and repeated she needs you I sighed heavily and walked back to my office defeated I hate when she does stuff like that at 3:00 in the afternoon that day after finishing up with another patients my secretary peeked into my office and told me that Phoebe using a different name for privacy reasons and out of respect was ready to come in who I asked the woman I told you about this morning my cousin I tried to roll my eyes in the most inconspicuous way possible then I said to let her in I sat back in my chair lazily waiting the door to my office opened up and in walked a middle-aged woman with a beautiful long black hair she looked about late 30s and seemed very reserved and shy you must be Phoebe I spoke as I began to examine the woman's demeanor I tried to seem at least a little interested after all she was my patient yes and thank you for taking me on such short notice I know how busy you are Phoebe approached my desk and confidently outstretched her hand I leaned forward and shook her hand in return it's no trouble I assured emotions for her to sit in one of the many chairs around the room once she was comfortably seated I began the session so first of all what brings you here today Phoebe shuffled a bit in a seat she was clearly uncomfortable about answering ma'am I gently prodded Phoebe took in a deep breath my daughter has this sort of friend I guess you could call it go on I began to feel genuinely intrigued well she was beginning to sound a bit more comfortable but she was still holding back you see this friend isn't actually there I mean she plays with him all the time but I can only see her playing by herself she'll play in the backyard for hours and it always looks like she's talking to someone all the little games she plays I'm meant to be played with two people then when she comes inside she will talk about mr. whisper she and him are becoming such good friends but there's never anyone there I'm getting a little scared ma'am I did my best to sound professional when saying this it sounds like your daughter made up an imaginary friend it's very common for little children to create a friend of their own to play with I know about imaginary friends sir she continued but I think this is something else every time she talks about mr. whisper I get this very uncomfortable feeling I can't really describe it but it's kind of like i'm in a submarine and the pressure is imploding in on me from all sides and i have a hard time breathing and phoebe he began to grow noticeably dizzy and fell off of her chair i ran over to her and helped her regain her balance are you all right I asked yeah sorry I guess I've just been a little stressed lately her voice sounded slightly breathy I walked over to the water cooler and got Phoebe a cup of water ma'am I started I want to help you but I don't know how any of this could be possible I took the cup over to her to drink it doesn't seem right listen Phoebe knew she wasn't being fully heard so she tried one last time my daughter isn't some sort of danger I don't know how to prove it yet but I can feel it Phoebe I'll tell you something I tried to reason go home and relax for a bit take a nice long nap if you have to I began walking over to my office door implying that it was time for her to leave if you feel these feelings again or anything new happens give me a call but I'm guessing that it's nothing more than a simple childhood imaginary friend I open the door and turn towards Phoebe again she slowly got up out of a chair and walked over to the door an imaginary friend is only real in your mind mr. whisper is actually real I know it Phoebe walked out of the office without even saying hello to a cousin on the way out I felt bad about letting Swan leave who is clearly in need of some sort of help but there was nothing I could do a few days later I was on my lunch break and my secretary told me I had a call waiting on line one I dismissed her before answering it I wasn't too surprised with a voice I heard doctor asked the voice it was Phoebe only she sounded more anxious more paranoid I could tell just by listening to that one word that something had happened is everything all right ma'am I asked truly concerned I could sense Phoebe gathering all the thoughts before she spoke I had a slight breath in on the line I know you think I'm talking nonsense she began but you have to at least try to believe me she waited for a response but I was waiting for her to speak so she went on I can sense him all around me now at first I would just get that weird feeling whenever my daughter talked about him then I started getting it when I saw her playing with him I could tell the difference between when she was playing alone and when she was playing with mr. whisper she would act differently I don't know how else to say it anyway I started to get an odd feeling that my daughter was getting stressed out by something as well she seemed off every now and then but my daughter has always been the kind of child who doesn't want to show her weaknesses so she never admitted anything to me then one day my daughter told me she and mr. whisper had come into a little argument and that she wasn't going to play with him for a little while I did what I needed to do and pretended to be upset all that stuff so she started playing with me a bit more I didn't force her to at all she just came to me and wanted to play together I didn't complain at all but then one day I noticed she had a few red scratches on her back and on her arm now she had played outside in the playgrounds a few times recently so I quickly assumed it had something to do with that so I didn't ask her however a few days after that I saw her playing outside again except I had that really funny feeling again I knew she was playing with mr. whisper again but she didn't seem to be herself she looked a little scared when she came in for dinner that night I could tell something was different about her I told her I noticed she was playing with mr. whisper again and she looked up at me with a pained expression I had never seen her make that face before but she quickly put on a fake smile and said yeah we got into a fight before but now everything's all right I told her I was proud of her for being a big girl but I was so scared from that day on I noticed something happening this sounds awful to say but I started getting that horrible feeling whenever I was around my daughter I would see her walk through the house and I would begin to feel faint and everyday it would get worse I could see it on my daughter's face too she was getting more scared every time I saw her that's when I began to notice mr. whisper were starting to latch himself on to my daughter I called you as soon as I figured it out i sat with a phone against my ear and a dumbfounded lock up on my face I didn't know what approach to go for so I just began talking and hoped something good would come out ma'am I've never experienced anything like this it's very hard to tell exactly what we're dealing with here if what you're saying is true we could possibly be dealing with a supernatural entity here and if that's the case I'm in no position to help you no Phoebe exclaimed startling me for a moment there's no time to go to someone else I'm afraid of what will happen if we waste too much time my mind raced as I attempted to come up with a solution how about this I prompted I will come see you after work and we can discuss in person what the best solution would be the other line went silent for a moment all right Phoebe answered her voice showed that she wasn't completely satisfied but it would work for now if you send me your address I'll meet you there as soon as I get off of work I added Phoebe topping the address we talked a bit about the details before I said I had to go back to work for the rest of the day I conducted my other therapy sessions as usual but my mind was unable to escape the thought of Phoebe and a poor daughter and whatever ungodly thing was terrorizing them the end of the day came and I was packing up my things and getting ready to head over to Phoebe's house I was just closing up my suitcase when my telephone rang hello and said doctor it was my secretary she sounded very worried Phoebe is here to see you I looked at my watch send her in please right away sir a few seconds later a woman walked in but it certainly wasn't the woman who had walked into my office a few days earlier that woman was sharp and confident this woman's long black hair had been completely messed and had several small gray streaks her face had been drained of color and it wore a solemn and fearful expression a lips looked cold and chapped and out of them the woman spoke I saw him I gazed at her but no words were spoken I awkwardly motioned for her to sit and then evilly sat in my own desk seat Phoebe slowly walked over to the chair but she was clearly shaken her hands didn't stop moving the entire time she was in the office and she kept glancing around the room as if expecting something to happen she was majorly paranoid after I got off the phone with you she began I decided to have a little talk with my daughter so I brought into the kitchen and sat her down at the seats that was directly facing mine I asked what was going on in the past few days she looked at me with a confused look but her eyes knew exactly what I was talking about and they couldn't lie I told her that I knew something had been going on recently and I was worried about her she reassured me that she was fine and that there was nothing to worry about I realized that if I wanted answers I had to give her straightforward questions so I leaned in real close to her and spoke softly as I asked her what is going on with you and Phoebe stopped and looked frantically around the room like a deer he hears a twig snap in the woods she turned back to me and continued her and you know who I nodded in understanding she went on only I used this actual name apparently when you whisper his name he gets mad really mad so after I asked her her face got very scared and she gave me a look that said I am so sorry for what's about to happen I would tell you to run but there's no time Phoebe began to breathe more heavily I was fidgeting more in a chair then this thing came at me completely out of nowhere he just pounced on me Phoebe paused for a long time I I can't even describe it it was such an out-of-body experience it's like I still have memory of it but I just can't think of anything to describe it with a doctor it was horrifying as soon as it was over I was lying in the floor wheezing in pain my daughter came running over to me and she tried to make me feel better but she couldn't not after what I just been through I thought hard about this and you can't describe it Phoebe shook her head sadly it would be like describing music to a deaf person I thought again I suddenly got an idea but it would require a huge risk I didn't know if I wanted to propose it or not but while my mind was still deciding my mouth made the decision for me how about this I started you go home and tried to summon mr. whisper again but this time I reached into my suitcase and pulled out my digital camera take a picture of it with this I touched the camera - Phoebe may I remind you that you absolutely do not have to go through this if you don't want to it's a good idea she said while still looking down at the camera but I'm still afraid of what's going to happen I got up out of my chair and walked over to her that's perfectly understandable I reached my arm out and put in on her shoulder but if you do this and then come into my office first thing tomorrow with a picture then we'll have conclusive evidence that this thing exists Phoebe thought for a moment longer then she slowly nodded I'll do it the next day I got to my office about an hour early so I could meet Phoebe when she got there I sat down at my desk and anxiously waited for her to arrive I began to think about what I would do if she was successful in taking the picture I would be able to see exactly what was causing all the trouble with Phoebe and her daughter but what would happen from there I thought about bringing in a priest or a demonologist it might work it had to work as the hour slowly passed my excited anticipation soon turned to raw stress it gained time for my workday to start but there was still no Phoebe I walked out to my secretary and told her to notify me immediately if there was any word about Phoebe I went back to my office and started working with my other patients my mind wasn't in my office though my mind was traveling all around and the longer I heard and no response the faster my brain traveled what have I done I thought to myself I've said this poor woman straight to a doom I should never have told her to take that picture I should never have given her any advice about what to do I should never have taken up this profession in the first place I continue to beat myself up all morning then almost as soon as one of my afternoon patients left my office my telephone rang I picked it up almost immediately upon hearing the first chime hello answered as soon as I spoke sweat began to form around my head I was breathing so heavily that it could assure idli be heard on the other line sir my secretary responded she sounded almost as scared as I was turn on the TV this was not the response I was expecting but I still knew exactly what I would see on that TV when I turned it on I slowly bent down and grabbed the small black remote off my desk which channel right hesitantly asked any of them she answered I set the receiver down on my desk nearly flinched as I aim the remote at the small TV on one of my offices corner walls and press the power button there was a reporter standing in front of a small suburban house I don't remember everything she said because I was mostly in shade at this point but I could hear a general idea while reports are still flooding in from neighbors about the horrifying sounds they heard from this house last night there is still a large amount of evidence missing from this crime last night at approximately 10:30 37 year old Phoebe Callaghan was attacked by something that is still unknown the cause and the events of the brawl are also a mystery at this time but what is known is that many neighbors nearby heard callaghan's helpless cries and many of them also heard a shrill high-pitched screech that didn't seem to belong to any human or animal when authorities arrived at the scene they found Carrigan's body horribly warped and mutilated her once dark black hair had turned to a solid gray and her eyes and face lacked color a small digital camera Leigh merely inches from her body Callaghan is sadly leaving behind her seven-year-old daughter I shut the TV off I slumped all the way back in my chair and attempted to breathe but every time I took a breath in it wouldn't come out I felt like I was suffocating I tried to get up out of the chair but I couldn't move I was pinned the world around me started to go blurry and dark dr. Martin my secretary rushed into the room and quickly attempted to bring me back into full consciousness eventually the board came into perspective again I was able to constantly lean forward and move around in the chair I was able to excel all of the air I was unconstant are you alright she asked me kneeling concern Lee had my side yes I'll be all right I managed to say in between my deep breaths in and out I can cancel the rest of your points today if you know I quickly answered I'll see all of my patients today the secretary looked at me unsure all right as long as you feel up to it but I began I paused for a while as I contemplated making this decision I don't think I should be a therapist anymore my secretary stood up outraged that this what you can't quit there are so many people who need you like Phoebe Callaghan I reminded she sadly sighed deeply defeated I don't think you should leave but if you truly believe you have to then I want to stop you but I want you to think about it long and hard I nodded slowly Oh she reached into a back pocket and handed me an envelope the police came by this morning and dropped this off they said Phoebe's daughter wanted you to have it I inhaled deeply before taking the envelope from her I thanked her before dismissing her back to a desk once she was out of the room I stared at the envelope I was absolutely dreading seeing its contents I held it up to the light and saw the silhouette of a small black rectangle which took up about a quarter of the envelope I knew it was a printed polaroid picture of something before I couldn't let myself say no I tore open the envelope and slowly withdrew the picture from inside the picture was blurry at best and the camera seemed to be falling over as his snap the scene but the main focus of the photo was still very visible once I saw it I completely froze up letting the photo slowly drop onto the floor as much as I've tried to forget all about this picture it will never leave my memory the images forever burned into my brain the right side of the photo seemed to be capturing a normal kitchen with a table and a stove in the background but the left half of the photo showed a figure dressed in all black reaching directly for the camera with his long and hideous hands the votes are only allowed the viewer to see the torso and above the hair on the top of its head was almost completely gone but it's scalp was old and had several cracks in it on the side of its head there were two large ears almost twice the size of normal ears and they stuck out of its skull like sore thumbs but the most terrifying part of this beast was the face it's awful face consisted of two empty black eye sockets that still manage to stare directly at you just below the eye sockets was the creatures nose news all crooked and terribly bent out of shape like it had been smashed with a mallet then there was the mouth if you even want to call it that it was inhumanly wide open no it was completely unhinged from his jaw line which exposed several grotesque layers of teeth that pointed in every which way if the creature closed its mouth it would possibly pointer itself in several spots when you stared directly at the creature it seems as though it was a leaping directly out of the picture and right for you it was merely waiting for you to whisper its name and then it would wreak unspeakable havoc and pain unto you this is why you must be careful when discussing this creature you must be wary when it is around you he must never whisper his name never whisper mr. whisper you [Music]
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 193,050
Rating: 4.8509092 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, horror, scary story, Scary Stories, creepypasta stories, paranormal, asmr, podcast, reddit, nosleep
Id: wrTMLD2P9Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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