"A Pretty Tough Cookie" | Creepypasta

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Oh [Music] Kassandra Harriman 22 years old only a few years older than the student she was going to be teaching had a look about her and had the other teachers at West Roosevelt High School a decaying glass and brick fortress in the middle of the city's declining West Side placing bets how many days into the school year she would have a nervous breakdown three weeks forward tops remarked Hugh Sloan a veteran teacher in the math department and the poor girl standing in front of remedial English bawling and pulling her hair out what color is that anyway remarked Margot pennyman who Todd Honors English courses and coach debate it's certainly not found in nature not outside Lovecraft anyhow remarked Sloane breezily later that afternoon Cassandra approached Margo this was in the hallway between period 6 and 7 and even the Marga was positive Cassandra had not been in the lounge when they were shit-talking her it seemed as if she had heard every word Cassandra did not seem angry or defensive she just smiled and said I know this is going to surprise you but I can be a pretty tough cookie the first few weeks in Cassandra's freshman remedial English class were exactly as hellish as everybody had anticipated even Cassandra who had been prepared she thought for the worst is in for a rude awakening on day 2 Darice Jackson a 17 year old freshman barged into her classroom and physically dragged Quincy Q Dupree a popular and smooth talking but very scrawny fourteen-year-old onto the hallway it started beating the [ __ ] out of him over a beef the two boys cousins in different schools had developed over Twitter posts comparing Chief Keef to NB a young boy by the time security arrived Darius had beaten Q senseless and Q missed the next week of school and when he returned he was still missing three teeth his left eye was still swollen Cassandra came in every day and tried to do her job despite Cassandra's neon purple hair and her love for bands proto martyr Cloud Nothings beach slang whose names alone would have made Marco giggled aversive Li the two ended up friends they spent their lunch periods talking about pension novels and Hitchcock films and comparing notes on their classes a partial list of issues Cassandra dealt with included Dontrelle Lewis standing up in the middle of a lecture on diagramming sentences they yell out several verses of Tupac's bomb first to her great credit Cassandra saved the day by remembering a YouTube clip where pot gave a surprisingly technical and Lucent breakdown of his own complex technique to EDA he would accused him of just saying whatever bad words he thought up in the same week summer mohammed and saladin mer threw punches at each other because summer had gotten sucked off by solid and Zach's girlfriend after a basketball game the night before Chelsea Martinez stood on her desk and attempted to perform a striptease presumably under the influence of some combination of extra-strength mucinex and a bunch of triple C's although Margaux is constantly ready to be a shoulder to cry on and offer advice cassandra remained cool as a cucumber maybe the young lady really had her [ __ ] together Margo thought dusk were to try to integrate more hands-on learning techniques and English classes Cassandra had the students try their hands and making old-time Victorian hair jewelry the kinds of lockets and rings Victorians used to make two more that beloved who passed on Cassandra had each student write a small eulogy for themselves and use pieces of their own hair to make rings or put in lockets to be handed in even Cassandra was surprised by how seriously the students took the assignment and by the quality of both the writing and the craftsmanship indeed that particular class have proven to be transformative only one student a six foot seven inch 15 year old named Tyrell never seem to show any improvement in fact a week later Tyrell was expelled for beating another student a Hispanic kid with a slight Lisp unconscious for pronouncing his name as if it was Tyrell instead of Tyrell Margo and the other teachers could not get over the way the rest of the class sat and rapt attention as if transfixed while Cassandra went over the lessons for fifty minutes each school day even the ants east mouthiest most obnoxious kids in school just sat like perfect citizens basking in Cassandra's lectures over winter break on New Year's Eve Cassandra joined Margo and her husband at their New Year's Eve party Margo made it a point to tell all their friends teachers carpenters stockbrokers all of them what a sorceress Cassandra had proven to be Margaery even raised her glass and toesik Cassandra one tough cookie she said as their friends swilled champagne and the snow fell lazily outside later that night Cassandra went at the back room of the apartment she rented the room no one was ever allowed in not even steady boyfriends she cheerfully and she thought very generously began to untie the small and eerily intricate voodoo dolls she had constructed of her most troubling students then bounced at the wrists ankles an above Sun shut at the mouths using the strands of their own hair they had used for the jewelry Beks semester she do it even earlier in the semester she sighed a little sadly though as she took dolls she had made for Tyrrell and arias she felt a little bad for Tyrell but he was dangerous and would almost certainly hurt even more people even worse but at the thought of what was about to happen to Darius she allowed herself to grin he was a bully she quite like you she took a pin that had belonged to her grandmother for Jeron left thumb and then plunged the bloody pin into one doll than the other muttering a curse each time in two separate parts of the city at that very moment gunshots rang out and bodies hit the pavement [Music] you [Music] you everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to see more let me know in the comments below and tell me what you thought of this narration make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and if you'd like to get early videos shout outs in much much more I'd appreciate it if you check out my patreon page it's a place where you can help support my channel while getting awesome rewards in the process and every pledge helps out a ton no matter the size so if you'd like to see all the rewards I offer and consider becoming a patron in mean a ton to me if you click the link in the description and just check it out and don't forget to show some love to the amazingly talented authors who make these narrations possible I have a good night everybody Cheers [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 46,702
Rating: 4.8089089 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: YC-bFfZ61tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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