"Time Abhors a Paradox" Creepypasta

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one summer when I was a kid I had a genius for a friend perhaps friend is a strong word Dimitri was simply the boy my age who lived in the house behind mine but a genius he absolutely was Dimitri loved strategy games first three played chess and when he grew bored of beating in that we played the pokemon card game then Magic the Gathering then Warhammer 40k using the meager armies we could afford of course I never won any of these games save for one time that Dimitri didn't realize I had to discard the only one fire energy from nine tiles to attack not to like Charizard Dimitri was a master of both science and the humanities even at his absurdly young age his room was filled with books about relativity and military history he claimed his dad was a scientist he worked for the government in Virginia but I never met him he lived with his mom but I didn't see her around much either she was usually sick with some malady or another and confined to a room adults were rare at Dimitri's place so we were mostly left to play our games in the basement when we grew sick of games we'd venture outside to the park in our neighborhood the park was nothing to write home about there's some rusted swings and a blue slide that always had a thin layer of water at the bottom even if it hadn't rained in weeks that was fine though as we had little use for the playground equipment we fancied ourselves adventurous and took to exploring the wood surrounding the park our neighborhood was always adding houses that cuts into our precious wood space but we still never seem to run out of them we took the mapping the woods and like seeing how far we dare to venture each time Dimitri handled the handwritten map as we used this superior math and geography skills the documents as much as we could one time we found a deer carcass with a dart in its skull and spent half the summer trying to solve the case of the rogue hunter we never did another time we found another pile of Bones that seemed suspiciously canine in nature we never solved that case either at the edge of the park was a huge overturned log with one branch awkwardly sticking out at the side whenever one of us went into the woods without the other I instituted the rule that we'd roll the log over so the little branch stuck up like a mailbox flag I made sure we did the same when we went into the woods together even though no one else knew what the overturned log meant then one summer Dimitri's family suddenly moved away we didn't share any common friends and I was a bit of a loner anyway so I never really heard what it was up to sometimes I would ask other kids in the neighborhood about him but they never remembered the dark-haired kid with thin glasses occasionally I would recall our adventures in the woods all the times I got destroyed in magic and would google dimitri to see what he was up to I never found a trace of him on the internet more than a decade after Demetri and I had spent a summer together he was a ghost then one day he knocked on my front door it was a couple of years after I graduated college and I was still living with my parents in the old neighborhood and as the job market was rough and I needed to save money on rent one Saturday my mom and dad were out of the house running errands and I was at the kitchen table in front of my laptop applying for jobs but in reality doing anything but that when I heard a knock on our front door not a door bell ring and knock when I opened the door and laughed because I recognized him immediately he was an adult now of course but he looked exactly the same the same dark hair and even darker eyes it even somehow maintained the dark an outline of a peach fuzz mustache that he insisted on never shaving when we were kids you probably didn't remember me but Dmitri I cried and swept him into a big hug I was always a hugger Dmitri was not we chatted briefly on my front porch before I realized I should invite him in at my family's kitchen table I asked what he had been up to and he gave some fairly expected answers he gone to an Ivy League school and graduated top of his class he had some out double majored in engineering and economics he got a job right out of school building analytical models for some kind of stock trader in New York naturally I felt pretty bad that I was talking with such a peer from my parents his kitchen table but this was part of the course of our relationship we were always the brilliant Dmitri and his dumbass little friend and I honestly made peace with that what are you doing in town I finally got around to asking my mom is sick he said this was not a big surprise as she always was still this must have been a different kind of sick if he had come home from New York I'm sorry man is there anything I can do no it's fine it's fine my uncle's been able to help a bit just thought I'd pitch in he said in fact that's not the only reason I came home what else is there they asked I've been working on a big project and I was hoping you could help me out with it I was stunned what kind of project would Dimitri need my help with he must have sensed my confusion and panic because he added an addendum the project is mostly finished I'm just going to test it tomorrow and I'd like someone there you know like a friend he said looking up from the table to glance at my response I was touched Dimitri and I were technically friends but I couldn't ever recall him actually acknowledging that whatever this project was I was going to help him with it absolutely I said what's the project I have to get back to my mom now but I'll tell you about it tomorrow can you meet me at the park the park I asked yes our Park 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time he said I told him I would we set our brief goodbyes and I expected him to head back home through my backyard like the good old days but of course he didn't live here anymore only I did the next day I walked to the park it was less than a mile from both our houses a straight shot right down Firelands Avenue and all the bland suburban homes that populated it as I approached the edge of the park I saw a big red pickup truck with a back covered parked on the street much to my surprise Dmitri climbed out of it new truck I asked I got it for a specific purpose he said had to hold something over so we were getting right down to it then I didn't have time to respond before Dmitri continued right on I've created a time machine he said I should have been shocked time-travel is obviously impossible no such thing exists but the truth is part of me has always expected to meet you to tell me something exactly like I've built a time machine since the moment I first met him okay I said good you believe me they meet you said let me show you the machine he opened the back of his truck and pulled out what appeared to be a long metal tube like a tetherball Pole once he extracted the entirety of it from the truck he set it on the ground facing upward I could see that it had four short curved Pike's at the base so the pole could be positioned upright I thought this might be just one component of the Machine and he would assemble the rest but he made no further movement to get anything else out of the truck this is it I said this is it how does it how does it work Dmitry smiled a rarity for him it's complicated obviously but I'll explain it as best as I can let me try to tell you everything and if you have any questions at the end just tell me Dmitry didn't really bother to explain the nuts and bolts of what the Machine did to send people back in time only that it could something about polarity and the Earth's cause combined with a unique hormone he discovered the spikes and the device were designed to be wedged into the earth so that it didn't move as the user moved backwards through time time and space are inseparable he said and he was paramount to remain in the same space as one moved through time the device would remain stationary while the time travelers grabbed onto the pole portion it was then possible to travel back in time but not forward interesting I said how far back in the time machine go in theory as far back as time itself goes Dmitry said but that would be unwise to experiment with so it's not like a kill Hitler machine I asked I suppose you could go back in time and kill Hitler he said but that would be incredibly difficult for us to achieve for starters there is a spatial aspect we could probably go back to say 1889 but we would still be in the woods in Ohio then we'd have to secure passage to Germany and we'd inevitably begin to run into some paradoxes paradoxes yes as far as we know we've never existed in 1890 if my theories are correct and they most certainly are timer bores a paradox just as natura bores of vacuum that's why I plan to time-travel back to both a location and a time I'm exceedingly familiar with something was beginning to click in my head I didn't know much about time travel but I did know quite a bit about my shared history with Dimitri you want to go back to that summer I said yes I do Dimitri replied I've been thinking about the past and trying to isolate the location that I spent the most time in the location that would best minimize my risk aside from a child at home which I no longer have access to I spent the most time in my life in these woods that's why I want to travel back to that summer and then walk around these woods that should help limit temporal displacement temporal displacement like a time sickness to avoid it it's best to go back to a time you're familiar with and to recreate the conditions of the time as best you can I will take us back to this exact time on Saturday July 20th 2007 the earth should be in roughly the same position then as it is now that should take a lot of the pressure of the Machine supporting rods my enthusiasm for time travel was beginning to wane a bit the majors genius always had my implicit trust and if that genius said a trip back to the summer of Oh seven to visit the woods were safe then it was safe but I was also beginning to see my role in all of this in order for Demetrius trip to work he needed every item and circumstance to be the way it was when he was a kid he needed me but did he need me as a fellow time Explorer or a prop in an uncharacteristic move for him Dmitry seemed to pick up on my discomfort and I'd like you to come back with me too of course sometimes you pick up on the obvious stuff that I miss so let me know if you think there are any paradoxes or simple time-travel rules I've missed I knew by obvious stuff Dmitry meant stupid stuff but I was hardened by it all the same I remembered the nine tails Charizard debacle fondly I did have a tendency to pick up on the obvious stuff that he took for granted I thought for a moment the concept seemed to pass the idiot test what if we see ourselves I asked we won't Dmitry said I know the day in question we're going to we're at your house and I'm at soccer practice but what if we do then we do it's not that big of a deal if we saw ourselves in the past then we did already and clearly he didn't mess us up or anything do you recall meeting an adult who looks just like you I don't think so it's like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban rules then sure it's like Harry Potter rules they will ultimately be no damage to the timestream but I can't guarantee that seeing your younger self won't hurt somewhat again your brain doesn't necessarily want to be in a different older time you might get a hell of a headache or something I consider the risks for a moment then said let's do it the mean tree had me leave my keys wallet and phone in the truck he also procured a new set of shoes for me to put on an extremely old pair of New Balances in my size we then picked up the long machine and held either side of it we made our way through the park more rusted up than ever and arrived at the edge of the woods oh wait a minute I said is the me tree prepared to enter the woods I walked over to the familiar fallen log on the ground inflicted on his side so the small branch pointed upwards now we can go we made our way through the familiar portions of the woods before long we reached the portion where suburban sprawl had claimed most of the trees abortion of the woods stopped short and were replaced by an open field of tall wheat grass developers had cut down the trees to make a clearing but had never gotten around to building houses this will work Demitri said we cleared out some of the wheat grass and place the poles spike into the earth pounding it with our feet under the poles stood rigid and immovable okay we have two minutes until takeoff as it were remember even though we're going back to somewhere our brains are familiar with we still might feel the temp a time sickness don't worry about that we'll head back to this clearing and then we'll walk around the woods a bit maybe even head to the playground to observe whoever's there and Stud yes I said good the bath will take has already been well trodden by us the machine will be waiting for us when we get back to the clearing this whole thing will take 20 minutes and when it's done we will be the first two human beings to ever travel through time Daffy is about time grab the pole I grab the pole and the me tree did the same Dimitri he flipped open a panel on the machine that I had not seen before he pushed the button and suddenly wind was rushing at my face traveling through time was an inherently unpleasant but it was weird it felt as though a cold hairdryer was blown directly into my eyes as I squinted I can make out flashes of color but little else my hand held firm in the machine and it felt sturdy as did the ground beneath my feet it suddenly occurred to me that I never asked the meetry how long this process would take but before I could ask the rushing stopped and I was directly in front of a tree the clearing was no longer a clearing that portion of the woods hadn't been demolished yet it was darker now in the shade of the trees but I've had the midsummer humidity and my skin all the same we did it I said I'm sure if it was a question or a statement we did it Dimitri said my stomach meaty Lille urge for the knees and excitement I was somewhere the universe didn't want me I was a time astronaut well let's look around a bit I remember most of the details of our map the deer skull should be a few hundred yards of that way he said he wouldn't even stop to let me catch my bearings Dimitri was steadfast in making the physical journey through the woods I knew how he thought it was not enough for him to travel to the past he needed to do his own moon walk we made our way through the woods and I felt pang after pang of nostalgia these were the woods these were our woods I hadn't been in them in years but a makeshift map still lived on in my mind it was beautiful we saw on notable landmarks like the blue bungee cord we once tied around a tree to see if it made it easier to climb it did not we saw the deer skull and I've never been so thrilled to see the remains of a dead animal as we saw each relic of the past my heart beats even harder with the enormity of what we had done the mean tree seemed to be enjoying himself even usually all purpose and strategy I could see something suspiciously like happiness in his eyes he proposed that he head towards the edge of the woods so we could see if anyone was at the park before long we had arrived to the entrance of the woods and I noticed the first sign that something was wrong I thought you said I was at home watching TV and you're at soccer I said you are or were rather and I was Dmitry replied then why is the flag up Dmitri looked down to see where I was pointing the messenger log was on its side flag pointed straight up to the heavens ha one of us might not have put it back down in no7 Dmitry said I always send the log over when I was out of the woods I said well I forgot sometimes I'm kind of forgetful Dmitri said Demitri was not forgetful are you sure you had the date right I'm positive Dimitri said sounding a little annoyed let's continue we might get sick if we stay in one place for too long I already was starting to feel a little sick truth be told the air was much hotter than I anticipated this was many years in the past before the ozone had been further degraded had it always been this hot back in the day I felt feverish the sweat uncommonly cool on my forehead from our spot at the edge of the woods I could see the swings and the slide made up the playground in the distance it was usually emptied when we arrived and I expected it to be this time but wait a minute it's one of the swings I said there was the form of a child sitting on a swing his back to us suddenly the air felt even hotter and even stickier sweat was dripping onto my eyes now hastily I wiped it away looks like it Dmitri said who do you think it is I stepped out of the woods and closer to the park leaving Dimitri behind something looked so familiar yet distorted the swing was swaying slightly back and forth and the figure that sat upon it wore a hoodie with a hood drawn out it was dark navy blue Dmitri that's my hoodie that's me are you sure he said but I could barely hear him as I had already walked even further out into the woods towards the little swing set I usually left that hoodie in Dimitri's basement which tended to get cold during our game nights why was I out here alone on such a warm day I drew closer to the boy in the swing his back still to me he didn't appear to even realize that someone had emerged from the woods I was now treading upon the soggy wood chips of the park I'd never considered what kind of message I'd want to deliver to my younger self if I had the chance maybe I would tell him to buy soccer like Dmitri I'll be sure to stay in touch once Dmitri left town or to choose a college major that wouldn't force me to move back in with my parents I had to tell him something and I had to tell him now I was being drawn to him through no effort of my own like a time month to a time flame I was right behind me now yet still the boy in front of me made no acknowledgment of my presence perhaps he I had headphones on I maneuvered to the front of the swing the boy didn't look up I kneeled down so I could see him to my own eyes and thought of what message I deliver as I did the boy pulled his hood back and I saw dark hair and dark eyes it was Dimitri pain exploded in my temple if I like an anchor was pulling my frontal lobe apart from the rest instinctively my hands flew up to my face and I found myself collapse into the wood chips I could feel a fever spread throughout my body I didn't want to open my eyes to see the little preteen paradox before me and even if I wanted to I couldn't the weak sunlight trickling through the canopy was suddenly blinding to me I felt the UV rays pulsing even behind my closed lids you were right he reacts just like you did the first time young Dmitri said I could hear the sounds of someone else stomping upon the park grounds told you all Dmitri said as I faintly sensed him stepping over my body on the forest ground closer to his younger doppelganger what time do you have ultimately asked its 2:22 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time young Dmitri said good he'll be here in what five minutes correct good their words sounded like they were coming from a dream to me I could barely make sense of them I could barely make sense of anything over the pain and disorientation I held my hands to my face desperately trying to make my eyes closed father make them close harder you've got the right idea don't open your eyes for a bit optometry said then add it to his younger self help me move him I felt two pairs of hands grab my legs and then my body was slowly dragged across dirt twigs and leaves I could feel myself being dragged across the grass and eventually into the woods they prompt me up against the tree I felt feverish snot dripped down from my nose but I couldn't muster the strength to wipe it away I thought for a moment that Demetri would pull a bungee cord of a tree to restrain me but he didn't have to I was too sick to move so what the hell was that up turn log about Demetri I heard the older Dmitri ask the younger you know he wouldn't have come into the woods if the stupid flag wasn't up the younger Dmitri responded he's still on pace to get her at 2:30 right yes I'll get back to the playground I had the little Demetri something loudly through the woods through my limited vision I saw the larger Dmitri shape advanced towards me I tried to get up but I was so weak hey man I owe you an explanation Dimitri said well I guess I don't really owe you one but I'll give you one anyway or I was happening I mumbled so for starters your time sick and I figured that would happen happened to me and the first few trips back familiarity is good when your time traveling but if you get a nasty shock like that like seeing the younger version of someone you knew your brain will poo he said his hands mimicking a mushroom cloud around his skull phew first few trips back Dimitri side then began on May 5th 2007 a man suddenly appeared while I was in the woods alone at first I was frightened but then I realized he looked just like me he was me after he had gotten over his time sickness he stood up and told me that in two weeks time I would build the world's first time machine he gave me the schematics from memory and told me what materials to get in exactly two weeks I had built that time machine the exact time machine that we took back today the man told me that I should begin studying the various paradoxes associated with time travel before I started thing is time travel isn't that hard to pull off I mean I did it when I was 12 the real challenge of all of this is testing the limits of it figuring out what the timestream will let you do he said I'd be ready to begin traveling in 2009 and so I was Dimitri was smiling again I'd now seen him smile more times in this trip alone than I did in all the summer days past I was now starting to realize why he didn't smile more he looked demented and ravenous I killed my first year in the fall of 2011 I shot an arrow into its skull and then brought the carcass back to 2007 the first step of my paradox studies were to see if anything would change more importantly I wanted to see if time would let me if he would let the same organic being exist twice simultaneously in two different states of living it did that wasn't a good argument for the soul I guess the next year I brought some neighborhood dog back to 2007 and shuttered their the original 2007 Doug continued on with its life undisturbed until they met me in 2012 of course I've been running paradox experiments like that for quite a while now and all the other dimitris in my timeline have been helping they don't seem to have a hard time with it I now felt mercifully close to being able to stand up still I felt helpless and meat restore all I didn't care about his paradoxes I want to go home I said I'm sorry obviously that's not going to happen he said he then reached out and pressed both of my shoulders gently but firmly enough to push my weak frame back down onto the rough bark young Dmitri told young you to meet him here in the woods at 2:30 p.m. you were always a punctual kid so you should be here in two minutes then young Dmitri will guide you into the woods and will kill you the fog in my brain lifted and I felt my bone marrow turned to ice Dimitri's dark eyes were flashing now his arms still pinned me down I shivered he continued to talk but I could barely understand what he was saying you're the final paradox what happens to you when we kill you well you disappear will you carry on it requires experimentation Dmitri removed one hand for my shoulder to cover my eyes this is going to happen fast close your eyes again you'll feel better I was freezing in the woods now or maybe I was just freezing I could barely sense the hand over my face on my own sense of fear over my teeth chattering relax Shh relax Dmitri said I just need to take a look at you I need to see what it looks like when wait I cried mustering up the last of my strength how did you do it how did I do what Dmitri muttered his hands still over my eyes how did you kill me back in 2007 I mean how is Dmitri going to do it now how am I going to die suddenly I could see again and was vaguely aware but there was no more pressure on my shoulders once my eyes had adjusted to the light I saw the me tree sitting back on his feet a blank expression on his face I I didn't he said I haven't killed you yet the plan was always to wait for the future then take you back and my younger self would kill you but I don't remember my younger self I mean me when I was I don't remember Oh God dimitra's head exploded the sound was quick and dull like a baseball bat cracking open a watermelon all I saw was red then about discussing Li warm viscera covering my face like a soggy mask I opened my mouth to scream expecting to taste blood but instead tasted nothing I was at my kitchen table again the neurons in my brain were telling me that someone had just knocked in the door not rang the doorbell but not I got up from the table moved to the foyer and opened the door no one was there
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 276,178
Rating: 4.8921413 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, horror, scary story, Scary Stories, creepypasta stories, paranormal, asmr, podcast, reddit, nosleep
Id: sjbwsYN6nIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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