"I Used to Play God For a Living. The Last Creature We Made Was Unholy" #Creepypasta

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my past occupation wasn't very legal to say the least I used to work in an underground organization that specialized in the creation of artificial animal species I know what you're thinking like one of those likers that are a cross between a lion and a tiger the answer is no that kind of crossbreeding is child's play compared to what we did I'm talking about mixing insects DNA with bird DNA and then sprinkling a little bit of reptile in there for good measure you know the good stuff let me tell you a little bit of backstory so we're on the same page our organization was known as the progenitor consortium our original goal was the secretly plant new species of animals into the environments which was suffering from overpopulation deforestation you name it an attempt to restore them looking back is pretty clear that this goal was not viable I mean it didn't make sense to begin with we should have recognized that doing this would create the opposite effect within the natural order but we were on a roll so the organization quickly became a hub for creating creatures to suit all sorts of uses companion critters weaponized monstrosities you name it we had it it was a good life too I made many friends and the pay was incredible none of us really questioned the morals of what we were doing and why would we life under progenitor consortium was fantastic over time though our efforts became stale there weren't as many buyers anymore I remember that day during a lunch break when I director Griffin moon came out to my group during the lunch break to offer us a new project you know it's crazy he said I never thought in all my years of creating such fantastic creatures that I would get well bored of it my group looked at me and then back at moon the guy was a tad unhinged but he meant well his statements piqued my interest so I replied he wants something exciting well the boys knife in working on this new one very deadly you see we used the body of a gorilla and gave it a rhinos head of skeletal it'll and voila and instruments of destruction we have a potential buyer and Griffin cut me off that's exactly what I'm talking about we create marvelous things that are used for any purpose abaya sees fit but they're still just animals tools for people like us to use to our liking he leaned in closer putting his scarred hands on the table my group was sitting at he had been involved in a lab accident caused by this uncontrollable ambition a few years back I'm talking about creating something conscious something that can think and feel like any person can we wouldn't be working as manufacturers anymore we would be working as gods I looked down at Griffin's hand as it clenched the table I had to make sure he was serious about attempting to do the impossible you're talking about creating a completely artificial living and breathing human rift look you're unbelievably ambitious he'll is the reason you're elected as a director but this is insane what if it's too smart for its own good human intellect is dangerous we of all people know that the guys at my table started to chuckle Griffin looked down for a moment his eyes darted side-to-side briefly and then were fixed on me again if you change your mind I'll be waiting he said back at my apartment I reflected on what Griffin had said he was right we be gods we would be the first humans to ever artificially create one of our own completely from scratch hell we could make it better than us we are the potential to create the next step in evolution something that could use its superior intellects for the greater good of humanity at this point my mind had completely wandered off until I looked over at the bird cage that sat next to my table in it left one of my most prized creations an amalgamation of bat DNA spliced with Jackson's horn chameleons I created a creature that resembled a dragon my named him Stanley he was a sweet little thing observing Stanley as he floated about in his cage playing with the toys I gave him reminded me of one of the most important things when crafting a new species the less intellect who gave it the less potential it had to betray you what I said back in our laboratory still had value and I needed to make sure Griffin understood that I was about to fall asleep until my phone started buzzing I check to see who it was and saw that Danny my closest colleague in the lab was trying to call me I groggily answered Danny its I looked over at the clock it's 12:30 in the morning man Danny's voice was frantic something was clearly wrong niall you need to get over to the lab right now several tissue samples are missing I swear to you I put them in the right place before we close up shop Griffin's gonna kill me a wave of nervousness washed over me he was right Griffin will be furious if a bunch of his priced tissue samples were missing the guy was very particular about how the samples were handled yeah yeah I'll be right over I said just before I hung up I quickly got dressed and bolted out of my apartment the B C's lab was only in use during the day but the location was secluded within the back alleys of its home city and no I'm not given a labs location for all you pesky urban explorers when I arrived I was greeted by a very nervous tonic he unlocked the unmarked door within the alleyway I told Danny to calm down and that we tracked down the missing tissue samples you don't understand man this is my job here this is all I've ever done for the past four years everything must be organized there are thousands of these samples and they're a real pain in the ass to get we went to the storage room where the PC kept all of its tissue samples the walls were lined with freezers which housed them organized by different classifications of animals after a quick inspection Danny confirmed that there were five tissue samples missing chimpanzee dung beetle dolphin an Aryan and tardigrade I'm telling you man I put them in the right place Danny was on the verge of tears oh I believe you this is an oddly specific group it's not like there is a shell from one of the freezers you misplaced each one missing seems like it was selected I told him look there's no way someone got in here he'll the only people who even know about the consortium are our clients we've never disappointed any of them what would be their incentive to steal from us Danny asked this was no client I thought back to my conversation with Griffin the previous day a new project something conscious then it hit me Danny do you remember when Griffin came to our table yesterday during lunch you were listening to him right yeah why he proposed we create something new something intelligent look at the sample stolen each one has to fit some kind of role right do you remember who else was at the table with us Danny shook his head I don't he said that was when we were interrupted by a loud noise emanating from somewhere outside the room Danny and I both stopped what we were doing and bolted towards where the sound came from the noise which sounded like a large metallic bang sounded off again this time we could tell that the sound was coming from the basement Danny and I ran toward the door that led to the basements hoping to find out what the noise was and if it had anything to do with a missing samples wait Danny yelled we need some protection from whoever broke in I'll be right back Danny ran in the opposite direction to our armory about a minute past before he brought back two pistols better safe than sorry eh I nodded took one of the pistols a Maemo way down towards the basement the loud banging had stopped and in the silence I could make out a faint unfamiliar voice so I will be the next step right I am the successor I was confused successor of what my thoughts were interrupted by much more familiar voice yes my child you were the peak of it all the most evolved organism on the planet use the knowledge I've bestowed upon you and make this world a better place chills when down my spine it was Griffin what the hell was he talking about more importantly who or what the hell was he talking to I turned to Danny having no idea what we were supposed to do I say we get out of here this is the next-level nonsense man look Griffin had to be the one who took the samples I don't want to get involved in his Little Shop of Horrors down there you remember the width of he was talking about yesterday Danny was adamant about leaving but the thought of warning Griffin about attempting to pull off what he apparently ended up pulling off still sat in the back of my mind I had my gun from sites and proceeded towards the basement entrance looking back it was a bad decision to reveal myself from the dimly lit stairwell it was a bad decision to drag Danny down there with me and it was an absolutely horrible idea to confront whatever the hell Griffin had made down there I turned the corner to see Griffin standing next to one of our larger hybrid chambers which is what we call the test-tube so we build our monsters in what I saw within that chamber made me feel very uneasy it was an almost perfect humanoid figure the only difference being a lack of any visible genitalia and no hair anywhere on its body Griffin I called out what in God's name are you doing Griffin turn around violently looking very sick Nile Danny what are you two doing here he looked horrible there was a wire stuck in the side of his head being fed straight into the cranium of the humanoid figure within the chamber the beings eyes were locked on mine he looked scared father who are they he pointed at Danny and me they're our colleagues don't worry they won't hurt you said Griffin looking directly at us right Griffin shuffled towards the front of the chamber looking as if he were guarding it to hurt anyone I said we noticed some samples went missing and came here to find them and I seem to tug them to make this thing the being within the chamber cocked its head its brow lowered seeming to show anger out of my statement then why did you bring guns it said I froze how they didn't know we had guns they were tucked away completely out of sight Griffin instantly became enraged so you came in to stop me how dare you after everything we've done together after everything we've worked for in this organization you came here to kill me you conniving Griffin calm down I interrupted he was completely delusional we thought the lab was being robbed I looked at the wire attached to his head whatever he was doing to give this creature life was obviously killing him I slowly revealed my pistol and tossed it to the side Danny did the same we're not gonna hurt you or your friend I paused the thing in your head what is it doing to you I asked he seemed to calm down but still kept his distance from us next to the console of the hybrid chamber it's how I created him I call him Anubis I discovered that splicing chimpanzee dolphin in my own DNA created a volatile reaction went in the chamber his mind is too powerful and requires a temporary external power source this is how I'm keeping Anubis alive at the moment but soon he'll be ready to exit the chamber and live as his own being I've done it Griffin was completely oblivious to the fact that this thing was feeding off of him I had to end this before Griffin was killed I told for the gun I thrown away holding moments earlier no damn you Nile yelled Griffin his strength was fading he'd barely keep himself upright I unloaded the entire clip into the hybrid chamber Anubis screamed in agony and then crashed into the glass of the chamber the chamber collapsed and crushed Anubis Griffin was detached from the creature but it grown so weak that he struggled to keep his body up off of the ground I ran over to him trying to prop him up on my shoulder you stupid idiot I'll kill you for this the words barely escaped his mouth he needed to get to the hospital immediately well Danny and I carried him out the remains of the chamber started the shift out of the literal tons of debris rose Anubis I can Ivan smirk plastered across his face your people seem to have a knack for meddling with things you do not understand I should be grateful though since that is the very thing that led to my creation Anubis his voice had changed originally sound like an innocent child scared for his life now represented a cold and calculating menace it was hard really giving that childlike demeanor he laughed to himself what a fool I don't think you realized the knowledge that man bestowed upon me I know everything about this world look at him barely functioning I was stunned all of his wounds had healed that must have been important Aaron in him those little critters have the most advanced regeneration system of any living organism Danny hadn't seemed to realize it though so he took it upon himself to blown newbies his head off with his own pistol the humanoid flew backwards with the remains of his head painting the door her crimson red his body convulsed as it slowly began to rebuild its splattered head Danny and I took that time to run out of the basement and up the stairs with Griffin propped between us a loud shriek came from the basement followed by a series of high-pitched clicks what the hell is it doing yelled Danny if the stolen samples are anything to go by that's the dolphin part I think he's using echolocation what the hell are you thinking then he said the Gryphon half jokingly Griffin emitted only a few mumbles before his head dropped the game we heard an enraged Anubis reach our floor the clicking sound continued and grew steadily closer while we ran a thought lingered in my mind that thing could not be allowed to leave our facility God knows what kind of destruction he would cause in the world Danny get the hell out of here and take Griffin's the nearest hospital I'm killing this thing then he hesitated but nodded his head in compliance gave me his gun and headed towards the exit with Griffin when Danny and Griffin left the clicking stopped and a voice called out that is odd now I can only feel one of you said Anubis sounding irritated no matter let's take this time to have a little fun I ran into the armory and acquired more firepower grab the tactical 12-gauge shotgun and loaded it the clicking continued Anubis was toying with me I situated myself outside the entrance of the armory the clicking was coming from all around me it was impossible to find the origin that was when I heard tiny thud noises coming from within the ceiling great the buggers crawled his way into one of the air ducts I waited for a moment suddenly Anubis crashed the ceiling about 30 feet down the hallway I was huddled in what I saw next was terrifying Anubis was on all fours with the upper half of his head still working to regenerate his eyes hadn't formed yet rendering him blind the clicking sounded off again followed by his head turning directly towards me if all you so graciously removed my head again I want you to realize it did not have to come to this it would have been much easier for you to leave this place before you entered the basement lower your weapon there is an ending where you get to walk away from this I kept my gun locked onto his torso if I shot him enough times I could scatter his parts across the hallway there'd be no way in hell to come back from that right what do you want to do when you leave this facility tell me something that'll stop me from ending you right now I said Anubis cocked his still reforming head and answered that's the thing Nile you can't end me I fired nine double shells into nubes cutting him off mid-sentence what remained was the bloody pulp of his head and torso with his arms and legs scattered in different directions across the floor right I said mocking the desecrated corpse of Anubis just to be completely sure I killed him I used the emergency airlocks within the hallway to seal it off from the rest of the facility the way our facility worked was that if there was ever some sort of breach we could close off specific hallways and flood them within neurotoxins the rooms connected to the closed of hallways are equipped with secondary doors that gave me a way to escape the armory I found the panel for opening the neurotoxin vents and activated it I quickly left the consortium laboratory and gave Danny a call telling him nubes was dead when I got back to my apartment I noticed the time was 3 a.m. was I've really gone for two and a half hours I went home to sleep hoping I could go and check up on Griffin the next day when I woke up the next morning I tried to call Danny he was usually at the lab before any of us so it was odd that he didn't pick up I got dressed and stepped outside my door still barely awake when I went to close my door I noticed a note taped to the outside of it the handwriting was barely legible but when I figured out what is said my heart sunk hey red I'm very impressed with how you dealt with me last night you are a warrior that is why you are still alive Griffin and Danny were not as lucky be grateful a thousand questions were raced through my mind how did he regenerate from being a scattered pile of body parts how did he survive the neurotoxin how did he leave the facility how did he find Griffin Danny and me most importantly where was he now when I made it to our facility I noticed two employees standing outside the alleyway door what the hell is going on I asked we saw the security footage your fight with that thing the director conjured up when you left the facility it managed to build itself back together within the hallway you walked off we have no idea how but the neurotoxin did not have any effect on it it then managed to rip off one of the airlocks with his bare hands we have no idea where it went there's a team in there now clearing out the neurotoxin nobody's allowed inside yet I stood there completely dumbfounded Anubis was capable of removing an airtight door and weighed almost a ton he survived being blown to pieces used echolocation to hunt and didn't even need to breathe there was only one thing still unknown his intentions I decided to take the day off and recuperate in my apartment when I reached my door I saw that there was another note attached I went to read the recognizable yet barely legible writing from earlier there were only two sentences I am going to have some fun in your world thank you you
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 309,666
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Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, reddit, reddit stories, scary story, nosleep stories, reddit horror stories, creepy story, nosleep, r/nosleep, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, horror, Scary Stories, creepypasta stories, paranormal, asmr, podcast, audiobook
Id: 032hNN_8qAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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