Noob To Max Level With Awakened Dough in One Video! [Blox Fruits]

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yo what's popping and welcome back to the Channel all right in this video we're gonna go from Noob to max level using doe Awakening in one video now you're probably asking me clouds how are you gonna do a noobs Pro with awakened dope well as soon as we get to second C we're gonna awaken this fruit let's get straight into the video all right so I've already done the liberty of adding like four thousand Robux to my account so we can go ahead and get the dough fruit right now let me see how much is that dough right here 2400 damn that's like half of what I got bro literally all right let's go ahead and buy that permanent dough activated all right we got that now before I start to end up using my rule books I'm gonna go ahead put up some codes and get some two times exp and we loaded up around almost five hours or two times exp this should take us pretty far so let's get to the first Quest right now with no more wasted time five baddest of course we already knew this is though even good for grinding all right dough first move let me check this out fried dough oh okay I mean that's all right move oh my God it has a low cooldown jeez okay this might take us a minute I ain't gonna cap boom fried dough you're dead next Quest available we can go to the next Island okay it's at 10 I actually didn't know that hold on we actually got some stats to put in let me go ahead just put everything in blush fruits I need to deal that big boy damage yeah oh right where I belong with the I mean what nah nah y'all heard nothing defeat six monkeys we get 2 300 XP for this not a lot but it'll do fried dough that should be the quest next Quest available already oh damn what's the next Quest however we gotta defeat these Donkey Kong gorilla looking dudes oh now these boys are easy I just gotta hit him with that one two three yeah three finish them off for Friday though there you go easy clap them up boom boom pow all right where are we going are we going to hybrid Village buggy Island we're about to arrive yes sir we landed gotta feed these eight Bobby Pirates right here I don't think they can hit never mind they can they can definitely hit me we got our next dough move at 50 Masters but seeing as I don't have two times Mastery this this might this might take a minute my levels brute Pirates 49 50. level 56 new Quest available we can finally fight buggy this is the first real boss of the game so let's see how tough he is compared to us like that fried dough yeah how you like that bro now this dude's impervious to swords we obviously don't have no swords so that ain't gonna be a problem for us bop bop bop fight back fight back actually I'll hold on hold on hold on I'm the one that needs to fight back I don't know when he's fighting back yo he's almost half bro that was so bad bro what is this I didn't think this would be this bad for grinding oh my God all right bro this don't kill you I'm quitting oh there we go there we go 58 59 60 yes sir next Island available all right so we going to the desert island we're gonna be at Desert Island up until level 75 looks like fight fight me bro if you don't get your goofy squiggly diggly all right hold on I got you I got you bro boom boom oh oh wait wait hold on wait actually shoot up we got magma he got magma all right bet fry dough this will get you do you earn 234 battery for killing king Naveen enabling PVP bro back bro it ain't that deep I promise you it ain't that deep Bro like come on out you're not beating me you're not you're not beating me bro how many times do I have to teach you this lesson you're not beating me bro what is he doing sir run me my levels 88 89 and we are done with desert Kingdom we at the Frozen Village all right so there's one thing we gotta do here so once you get a frozen Village go over this cave right here talk to this old man ability teacher for only ten thousand I teach you the ability to jump on the air multiple times learn that next thing we need is Aura 25 000 I'll teach you how to answer physical attacks uh boom let's get that dial press a j a yes sir we've got Armament hockey the quest we gotta do here is snow Bandits these ones right here can these boys hit me yet no oh no they can't hit me I bet it should be easy Bob level 94 oh we're going the next Quest at level 100 which is the eight snowman all right here we go we should get our next move Now 50 Mastery we got a roller donut let's check this thing out all right oh my God this looks goofy as hell does this at least do damage no Rock could barely control this thing hold on does this at least do damage please somebody does damage oh my God it's just literally only Mobility garbage we don't even get our next move sticky dough to 100 Mastery you should get us to the next Quest the yeti one yep we're able to do the yeti Quest now this he has 220 000 but let me see what this Yeti boss is capable of I see I see it doesn't seem to be that difficult for I do die 108 109 110 yo what 111 oh Marine forces Island available now is there are we here I just realized I hate this place even more than Frozen Village for grinding bro this is trash like you can only Bunch up three of these boys all right we should be able to do the vice admiral now 415 000 exp for the vice ammo damn that should already give me like a bunch of levels bro and he already here say less boom boom pack them up couple more of those he'll be down though he'll be down though last hits there we go how many levels 33 34 36 boom boom and boom yes sir Scott also by the way we're only two Mastery away from getting sticky dough our third move boom and 100 Mastery sticky dough let's go see what this move is all about and I swear if this move is garbage I'm about to kill somebody all right sticky though bro what the oh my God what the hell is that bro this should put me at enough to get the next Quest looks like we will be here till about 190. run me my levels oh nice all right bet we got a new island jail keeper himself all right let's see what we got eight prisoners all right bad let's take care of these boys these boys trying to beat me up so bad bro chill out you ain't the boxing champions bro jeez level 220 got a new Quest available we gotta do Swan next this dude about to be a breeze though I ain't gonna lie boom they should kill him all right let's see how much levels we get okay okay okay thank you also we got our next Island which is a Coliseum all right this should give us the magma Admiral by the way we unlocked our next move carve dough I haven't checked it out yet so let's go ahead and check that out right now let's see what this is what that oh wait hold on question is can it hit multiple NPC oh we got AOE nah okay okay we finally got our first good domu all right all right no all right though I'm gonna be honest I don't think a kind who could beat this new improved though bro look at this boom carved though let's hit him with that boom hit him with that sticky dope fried dough take some fried dough bro and last but not least boom yes sir rack them levels up run me my levels boom boom and another Admiral you can finally go to the next Island and we hear yizzer give me the Fishman Lord Quest let's see how dope fares against the king himself yo what's popping brand new whip just hopped in he's already almost high gotta packing him up yeah he's about to transform soon boom boom there you go pack them up easy little 430 we're actually making some really good progress only 2020 more levels to go also we're gonna stay here until about 450. alrighty we should be able to leave to the next Island new Quest available we can go to Sky Pia now all right just for a little 500 we can instantly go to the white boss oh my God he's not even here seems like we're gonna be at skypeia for a hot minute we're gonna have to farm here till around 637. yeah all right why spirit is finally here let's go ahead and make quick work of this fool that boy almost dead that brother in Christ almost dead as I was saying this will be your last breath yes sir oh 504 505 okay I like that keep them levels coming all right all right all right we are perfect now able to fight and know are you here big boy Thunder God yes sir he is here I'm already so tired and we ain't even scratched the surface of how many levels we have to do bro this is crazy boom fried dough this front this fried dough should end up there we go yes sir yes sir I totally called that oh damn five levels and level 600 if my calculations are correct there we go 600 voice here we are the last island of first C this is it we're about to be in second C baby we want to be in second C come on Frankie just die just yes oh and we got cool shades yo level 71 baby our next step in order to get the second season we have to talk to an NPC named the military detective and he's at the prison all right all right all right here we are this NPC right here military detective let's see what he has to say the Don swan has escaped we need help tracking him down before he takes over the world my latest Intel says he's hiding out with the ice Admiral at Frozen Village take this key and track them down are a bet a monitors sir I think he's in this right here key boom open the door secret room guess who it is it's ice Admiral right here oh wait pack them up pack them up pack them up boom carvedo boom money's almost dead this is actually kind of anti-climactic he's not really doing much all right let me just end it with this talk to the detective all right back at prison oh interesting he thinks Swan is in second C I have a captain we can take it there he'll meet you at Middletown good luck okay Bet straight to Middletown now bring me the second seat yes sir second C boy second C all right now first things first we have to awaken dough before we do anything else only problem is can't do it by myself and the reason why is this fruit has a special chip needed to start its raid unlocked by defeating the dough King which you can't do until you reach third seed so I need someone who's already done this to host the raid so my boy Fiji had me messages Discord yo can anyone help me awaken though I need someone to host and after a while of waiting we ended up getting someone I can help you right now if you want this right here is kazaki he's gonna be helping me awaken my door today all right my boy kazeki has the chip go ahead and get this show on the road oh wait I only have a thousand Health hold on hold on I need to chill I'm gonna go ahead and chill up here when my boy does all the work I ain't gonna lie I'm too low level to actually do anything needless to say we're gonna end up speed running through the second island has been cleared you're doing good kazaki you're doing good bro what disconnected no oh no wait kazeki got disconnected too nah it was the game bro all right time for round two I guess Island four cleared they almost done yes sir we finished the grade hey let's get this mysterious entity boom Green's mortal what do you seek Ascension okay I can wake up my Z ability for 500 fragments missile Jab oh that was like a major upgrade from the first one dub Banger move Banger move I like that loading map right now we're about to do the second run all I gotta do is just not die and let these boys cook yes sir yes sir they clutch stuff big dubs waking my ability 2000 yeah we got two thousand boom ability awaken ability F scorching donut oh new donut new ability and this one attacks too I like that I like that I like that about to get the third wicketing move right now about to be done with this run boys any moment now finish the raid yeah oh I'm getting excited boys we're getting we're getting closer to getting our last move okay boom okay ability X let's check that pastry River pastry River boom Oh that's what that one is see that again pastry River boom all right let's go awaken the next one I just bought some more fragments I'm getting ready for this next raid looks like they're about to finish any moment now damn these boys consistent with it bro ability C for four thousand okay ability to see awaken piercing clothesline all right let's go check that out real quick quick little showcase oh oh that's what this one is oh and that's when you look up and do the pastry River oh that's what that combo is yeah no that's lit yes sir another successful run another successful Run next move I'm pretty sure I don't even be able to use this next if I don't have it unlocked yet tap ability for four thousand oh so we're doing the tap first tap so this is gonna be the M1 oh I get m1's yo yo that's fire bro now I don't have to wait for my cooldown so whenever my cooldowns are up I can still just okay hold on chill chill five thousand last move boys Restless still barrage let's check this out oh oh yeah oh my God yo we gotta see it again no face feels delayed oh nah oh no I'm violated that boy I'm violated all right now that we've got that taken care of let's get back to grinding boom level 835 parent quest one we're on the swan pirate NPCs right here bro this fruit is so damn destructive I love it I love it look at this that combo straight into this I look up boom they're dead boom Oh new Quest available all right bet Jeremy boss huh I like that boss let's go fight him let's see is he here yes sir he's here you about to get packed up my boy you ain't ready for this if you couldn't BB with Venom you definitely beat me with dope and with this boom look up hit him with that oh that boy already almost dead pastry River should do it boom and boom easy easy pack them up 132 points let me put it all in health need to be more beefy doing another Jeremy run right now and he is I would say he's dead ooh nice new Quest available I remember this place during the Venom Noob the pro I hated this place bro I see I see we have like we have a we have a we have a brave fellow here huh we have a brave fellow here huh damn he died of the branch I didn't get to do the cowboy on them bro why did you try to boom level 923 and this grind is going slow but we're gonna be done with this Quest soon level 950 we got the next Island available too which is Graveyard Island I gotta deal with these ugly ass zombies again bro oh wait but at least this place are easy to farm bro like you can add at least Bunch these boys up so it ain't difficult boom run me my levels we're gonna be able to go under the vampires at 9.75. boom boom there we go level one thousand one thousand one oh 1002 new title unlock the adventure buckle up boys we going to snow mountain next also since we're level 1000 now we're eligible to get race V3 all right so first up in getting race V2 I must have completed the Coliseum Quest it starts by accepting uh bartolomeo's Quest so let's go over there real quick thank God you're here Swan Pirates are ridden towns to prevent any new fires from ending the tournament will you defeat 50th vampires okay better alrighty so go over here to the swan Pirates and we're gonna have to defeat 50 of these things bro so let's go take a hot minute that's like six down the way right there 30 right there and boom there we go well done talked to bartillo again all right let's go back over there where I work now for their leader find and defeat Jeremy the spring user okay okay Dolphus fusile dough barrage let's go I'm sorry bro but if you come over here you're gonna get hit by this you're gonna get hit by this all right Jeremy Jeremy's about to be dead because oh my God oh my God what was that what was that oh I got it oh God I thought they killed me they thought they killed me tournament is back to normal go through the imprisoned Gladiators who are jailed beneath the stadium all right so this part right here there's gonna be a little puzzle that we need to follow so follow me at the stadium what you do is you you go under uh over there there's gonna be a little puzzle that you need to complete this right here is the order you need to push the buttons so we need to do y first this one next this one third this one fourth we need the M fifth and then the last one is the b boom obtained warrior helmet title unlock the champion you're now respected in this island we are free at last yes sir we did it after this the player will gain the ability to talk to The Alchemist NPC so now we're able to get to race V2 all right but before we end up getting race V2 how about we make this a little interesting I don't know what race I am right now I think I'm a human but I'm gonna do a race change right now and the first race I get is the race will get V3 for so part of the cars Craig gets up good change to rabbit race alrighty back to The Alchemist hello it appears you haven't unlocked your maximum potential yet if you're seeking more power I need you to bring me three different flowers for across the entire map okay bet so red flowers can only spawn a day blue flowers can only spawn at night and yellow flowers you get from just simply killing any NPC oh we found one of the blue flowers our bets luckily I just died recently so I won't be able to fight anybody that's that's good for us oh I got flower three yes sir I just killed a bunch of NPCs that got it all right we need red flower now oh yes sir I found the last Red Flower I bet hello good job now I can make it potion but it's not going to be free pay me 500 000. all right thanks I've enhanced your dashing speeds cooldown and cost your races of old yes sir we faster now boys but let's go ahead and do race V3 now since we're eligible let's just get that out the way to begin race V3 the player needs V2 of their current race we already have that to have killed dance one and unlock the door to his room ah I forgot about that now what we do is we talk to this guy now we pull up the Quake talk to him and he should accept the Quake this is actually a fruit you may now talk to Swan all right we've gained access to opening this door and now I ain't going live Swan you about to you about to get this pack combo right here that you embedded like 70 of his health bro hold up dogs wait did this man just go back to full health got that fool right I want him got that fool right while other we got it boys we got it boom hit it with the piercing clothing line hold up hold up that's not it wait it is it yes sir yes sir new title unlock Heavenly devil all right Aaron what you got for me let's begin excellent talk to me again once you pick up 30 treasure chests wait that's it that's all you gotta do to a wicked Meek damn all right I guess we looked out there first chest right here second one right over here fifth nine thirteen right here 23 almost there boys almost there 27 and last but not least the 30th chest yes sir all right let's go back to Arrow all right we hear Arrow give me my V3 well done I like many toes before me have used this gift of mine to teach others of course I charge a cheap price for my craft two billion dollars I still think that's crazy but we gonna pay it anyways your race has evolved the new title godspeed all right so our new move is called agility if you press T it'll activate and you guys can see I'm going light speed oh Colby you saying both for it wait that only lasts that quick all right well you know what that's fair enough that's fair enough the next place we're going is Snow Mountain are we gonna be here till about 1080. all right so turns out I'm staying here till 1100 but this is the last kill right here this should be dead with this Tech never mind they're there with that yes sir 1101 new Quest available I think we're going to hot and cold we gotta fight these Labs border knits oh that's right that's right these ones are dangerous these ones can combo you for real I gotta watch out for these ones bro there we go level 1008 2009 okay all right this will be able to fight the smoker Quest all right bet Boom Boom come on bro don't do this to yourself bro don't do it don't do this to yourself bro problem all right you know what you know what oh my God oh my oh my God oh my God hold up hold on I gotta do this I gotta do this I gotta do this gotta do this oh that'll teach it that'll teach you a lesson earn four thousand pounds yes sir run me that Bounty bruh he almost had me too I ain't gonna cap we gonna continue farming smoker up until we get to level 1250. all right all right all right this should be it yes sir new Quest available damn that took long bro I've been here for like an hour but alas we finally are able to go to the cursed ship Yep this area is familiar I'm doing the ship deckins luckily for me these boys are actually really easy to Bunch up and fire them see this you see how easy these boys are at a bunch of I like this I like that boom did you give me the quest okay never mind that didn't give me the quest there we go all right now the guide is recommending our farm bees until Level 1350 or 1000 94 just because it's better than the next place I go to so we're just gonna Farm these boys until then and I'll be back in a sec we're almost there boys we're almost there all right 13 49 13 50. we can now go to the ice castle we're gonna hit him with this boom 13.99 1400 we ready for ice Admiral all right let me go accept that real quick 45 Millie XP I like that like the ton of that let's see if my boy ice Admiral is here damn he's night oh wait never mind he is here double fish fusillade let's go boom hit him with that I got something for you right after bro yo take this missile jab no no no no no he almost dead he almost dead he almost dead damn he's still not dead hold on hold on this should be it yes sir but do you want to one 1402 oh okay three levels one hour later last kill right here 14.99 1500. we did it all right so now we gotta go back to the Coliseum like I mentioned earlier so we can go to the third C all right I've arrived at the Coliseum I think we need to talk to this guy right here King redhead can you go disrespect rib Angel for him I need to pop his room so we can finish update 15. go so now all we need to do is just defeat rip Indra but don't worry he's actually like literally cake but he's actually easy he's garbage at the game pastry River wait no no no no the game's lagging no no no please tell me I won't DZ please tell me I want DC oh shut your goddamn ass up yes sir I ended up coming back and packing that man he drew up and uh yeah this is just the cut scene right here talk to Mr captain at green zone all right bet man I'm tired and we still have nine 150 more levels to go uh yes we import town now baby first Quest we gotta Rock these pirate millionaires up I actually hate fighting these ones I'm not gonna lie they do dummy damage for no reason last Mom right here oh 1501 1502 oh 1503 I bet last mob new Quest available next area we gotta go to his Amazon area two at the Hydra Island though last let me see if we can move on to the next Quest all right there we go I think this is a island Empress or Boa Hancock now all right finally Island Empress is here boom hit it with that I just Glacier bro oh my God all right hold on no fish you so laid hit it with that barrage you almost dead boys about to pack this girl up boa is no more okay nevermind she's still alive boom yes sir let's rerun that boss multiple times now and boom and she is dead level 2 000 oh man I know that was like a bit of a Time skip but y'all don't see me do enough damn grinding anyways let's get to the next Quest though uh we'll be fighting these living zombies I had to hit that quick server hop but this should kill him and boom 2003 2004. we only have one more Island to go out to the haunted castle and we are level 2200 we're almost there boys we're almost there just 250 more levels to go well boys I'm sorry I didn't include this but I literally just did a dough uh dough Prince run you guys can see it said the dimension disappeared and I ended up getting the uh pale scar so that's that's kind of cool almost there almost there boys this is it this is it yes sir 2450. oh my God we finally did it let me know if y'all enjoyed this comment down what y'all want to see next below and with that I'm about to go to sleep
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 8,131,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit, blox fruits codes, blox fruits update, roblox blox fruit, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits race v4, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, fruit, blox fruits dough fruit, blox fruits tier list, blox fruits race, blox fruit tier list, blox fruit live, fruits, blox fruits race awakening, blox fruits dough fruit v2, blox fruits trading, trading blox fruits, Dough Awakening Blox Fruits
Id: zoiOsTtbDwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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