So I secretly cheated with a BUILD MOD in a building competition...

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okay guys so the plan for this video is to host a building competition except it's completely rigged now before I explain anything of course I asked your boys Cappy if I could do this video I asked him if I could do a video on his building competition series and he said of course man I love you so much you're so cute and amazing and you're the bad guy well he didn't say all that maybe he just said of course bro just go for it so if you guys enjoyed today's video make sure to check out his channel and see his series on this stuff but basically guys in my building competition all the topics in this dispenser which yeah we're just gonna click a buy no look we got a new house here let's click it again now we got tree house ok wait one more time now we've got tree farm so basically guys for whatever topic we get for that round I literally have a mod on the server that look I can literally insta build anything brah this is literally the best new house you'll ever see tree house yup got it a literal tree farm a literal mansion so if you guys are excited for this video make sure smash the like button honestly if we go for like 20 thousand lights in a day that would be nuts and of course if you're new to the channel makes your subscribe with post certifications on because if not this is going to happen to you ok ok all memes aside the trick is how to get my friend on the server I need him to install the mod somehow without him realizing what it is and I have the perfect idea I'm gonna tell him that world it is allowed and I'm gonna rename the mod to world and its support mod 1.69 okay guys there guy just sent him the mods one of these mods is fake can you tell which one yeah world that it doesn't need a support mod I hope he doesn't get suspicious about that second mod for Minecraft 1.69 oh my god he joined the server welcome Donnie to my building competition are you ready to win yeah wait let me fix these let me fix this what what are you doing pretty good you just made it brown okay basically Donnie today we're gonna be one be wanting building I suck at building are you actually good at building I have no idea okay this should be pretty easy I'm not the worst so you should have this in the back okay come over here man so we both have up you can use worldedit so let's see we're gonna do like maybe how many rounds should we do like three four seven thousand three okay three alright we'll do three rounds here I'll let you do the honors press the button we have a bunch of topics let's see what the first topic is go ahead press it would tree house good let's see you actually got tree are you cheating bro I swear I saw you actually got tree house okay well first round is gonna be tree house we're gonna have how much time do you need listen okay five minutes for a tree house through it okay I can do in three okay guys so we have three minutes to basically build a tree house except guys I yeah this is gonna be so easy we're not allowed to peek hold on if I go an f5 right here and I just okay look at him go dude yo he's actually pretty quick at building okay no no no I actually have two tree houses we can make we can actually make this one right here which I'll way it's actually super tall I think he's gonna notice maybe he won't he's a noob so we can either build this one which is completely massive or guys we can go for this one which yo it's kind of like underground ish I don't know which one I like better I feel like the first one is it just a lot more flash here okay yeah let's do the first one we can actually change the color of the bed I think I'm just gonna go for it oh wait no I just passed light blue I want it light blue please there you go okay a chest yes build mineshaft what okay I'm gonna not have that because I feel like that's too much I'd chest contents you know what hell yeah and in the preview this is how it's gonna look I don't know why the chests are glitched but okay okay is he gonna notice no he's not okay guys go go go go go do this quick okay build Google Google did you notice that he noticed I don't think you noticed didn't notice he's such a noob okay hold on I think it's done yeah I literally don't even have to edit this oh wait no no no let's plant some carrots here guys we got to make this like the most insane treehouse ever you guys see how good of a builder I am like literally within 10 seconds I have the ultimate treehouse I love how he hasn't noticed this giant Street going way over the wall I should have made the wall a lot bigger oh my god okay wait what is this down stair oh my what did I just do hold on do not tell me I accidentally brought I built a night socket you don't hold on don't mind me /set err okay let's just break all of this and then there you go no no that we're just gonna act like this isn't a thing he's gonna know that something's up if there's a giant mineshaft okay that doesn't look suspicious at all you know what to limonade complete suspicion I'm just gonna name this toilet there you go this is the toilet okay and yeah this is the house yo this is Seoul it we literally have like five seconds left let me put some diamonds and stuff over here there you go diamond man chess room perfect it's done it's done I know you know I thought that Lou stop you're done okay okay are you ready who should we seize first through Reese's first let's see mine first okay alright let's see what this brown poop team is like okay this is what you I tried I mean you want to see my house house compared to mine okay Lucy Lucy came Lucy came one bra ha that's what you built in three minutes look I was able to make a cool path with worldedit bunch of trees You Aliki coveted diamonds you make your diamond armor no I just look okay oh the diamond Armour look come up here no this is just the toilet room like that's where the pouf goes yeah go oh yeah bro is this in three minutes yeah I thought three minutes was surely enough you're the one who said three minutes I got nervous I thought you were gonna build like a giant tree castle check this out go to the top you how did you build it how do you plan to these what do you mean to put almost and yeah are you sick you're so bad yeah I got a rich balcony bro listen if you're honestly gonna be that slow building yeah bro office that I'm Way better at building treehouses okay listen I take round one we can agree right yeah okay okay round one all right now so happy why I mean it's not I obviously was excited to see yours I thought you were gonna wreck me I didn't think I was gonna win what do you mean you started so confident yo you sounded so confident I was like okay he's gonna build like weird wooden castle oh my mean okay here just clear your building will go fir on - all right Donnie Chang here I'll do the honors of pressing the button for around - okay all right give me - one family would you get tree house oh it's a new house okay this brought it's a new pass okay like you know I'm saying how much time do you offer this one I'm literally yo I'm giving you all the time like I'm like just a house you can build in like the first two days of Minecraft oh okay like two days right maybe okay again are we starting now we have how many minutes five yeah you ready three two one see you nerd okay guys this is gonna be even easier he literally has no idea he got a little suspicious okay maybe that tree house was a little nuts but it's fine guys I have the starting house right here so not the tree house we have this pyramid house nah I don't know about the ice biome one this one looks really cool but it looks a little too advanced this one literally looks perfect okay so let's preview it okay this looks good I like it build away there's a code three seconds dude I hope he doesn't peak hold on what is he up to over here oh my god Donny I feel so bad for Donny Brock he's working so hard this is gonna be so funny okay so this is definitely not really believable to be a new house so what I'm gonna do is slash that replace 50 stone bricks okay wait oak planks is that the okay that's the proper terms okay there we go now this is a lot more believable let's make the bricks maybe cobblestone yeah cuz bricks are kind of annoying to make okay let's make it cobblestone there you go okay you know what let's just break all this extra design let's add a little thingy like that let's add a little torch right there there you go yo this looks sick Wow guys aren't I just the best builder okay hold on to remove the flowerpots because that kind of gave it away wait what what block is this infested stone brick are you serious okay let's replace that with uh let's do let's do oak planks again okay there you go okay and let's remove these slabs this looks too good to be true let's add some cobblestone loke guys thank God Donny said five minutes I'm also gonna move these stupid blocks up here also we just put cobblestone I think the roof should just be replaced with cobblestone I'm just I'm just thinking wait I forgot I'm doing this so slow so that's a set cobblestone there you go literally well that is allowed I'm literally not even using I'm such an idiot okay let's set this like this we have two more minutes guys two more minutes Oh Coco Coco you just said imagine being a slow builder where is he done oh he's literally done oh my god guys this is his freaking house I'm so sorry I feel so bad okay wait let's remove the glass over here they're all waiting it okay there you go just like that instead of carrots let's do seeds cuz seeds are a lot easier there you go all he sees my achievements okay a lot let's replace these stupid parcels and stuff with just paths literally anything that stone brick needs to leave one a minute left guys we have to hurry okay bro hold up I'm just gonna set the floor to cobblestone there you go okay perfect let's remove this yeah I'm just gonna break this screw it who needs these stupid staircases they're just here for design fill it in fill it in goo goo goo goo goo goo goo replace the glass with normal why didn't work oh my god it's like great there you go yes okay I'm done on me are you finished I'm done okay okay so whose house do you see first field see mine okay here to be done me bionics and what do you think Oh look bad dog bad dog laughs similar style okay what do you think bro I could totally build this in like two days you know what do you think I got a panda yeah with the fish to the why do the fish don't Tommy I want you did not win how did I not win play the game for a week this your first day of minecraft this is what when you upgrade after like a week Oh sir okay okay you know what you know what we can agree my house is better but I I lost around you lost around because I would find two new house you in for some extreme builder genius guys okay well I mean maybe I'm just mm I cube maybe the noob is smart okay the score is 1:1 so this is gonna be round three I don't know dude I kind of want to do a couple more rounds what do you think I'm down okay let's do maybe like first to five points okay first two three first two three yeah yeah yeah it's best to five okay best of five okay daddy oh yeah I got two brain cells I don't know what you said but sure okay let's do it you press the blind this time okay no I was supposed to get the paper do you pass again no yeah redo redo redo redo redo okay okay I'll press the FEU okay let me get that Oh bro house I got this one in the bag chief you bought it go down boy are you ready I got all the ideas in the world this time guys we're building a pros house I honestly feel bad for Donnie a pro house is basically a mansion let's just say ladies and gentlemen oh my god rah it's over it's literally over do I even need to say anything else I'm just gonna hit build there you go oh my goodness bro check check this out look at the entrance to this mansion brah oh okay there you go look at this fancy painting by your boy Bionic look at the entrance to this mansion brah now this is house goals look at this a Mozart painting what exquisite smeltery room look at this bruh you literally don't even need to leave your house I'm so gonna win this bro stairs sugarcane farm you have a sugarcane farm that literally all you have to do is press for the sake of the video I'm actually gonna go ahead and just fill it all the way up and then if you go up the stairs you have an in chat room which way what does this do oh my god this is so sick this is like one of the coolest houses ever look at this amazing view yes the blue walls so beautiful Team Blue is gonna win gamers we got the light blue bed we do what yo I don't even know what this is oh my god brah Donny's brain is literally gonna explode how you doing over there oh my god yeah I just see his nametag I already know your body now and she said fine oh my god I'm so gonna win this here you know what let's go ahead and just put a bunch of diamonds here just to act like we're super super rich and I don't even know what these things do but it just looks so fancy bro I'm even gonna question anything we even have a cactus farm with lamps oh wait there's literally lambs in the way oh my god I don't think I can use these paper lambs he's gonna know this is not legit or I could say that I use command blocks for them I'm gonna say right now command blocks are allowed by the way he's probably gonna be like what does that even mean bionic bro yo this is not or maybe what if we do goal block oh my god I honestly don't know what's better or maybe more realistic and use iron blocks you know what nah guys you either go big or go home and we go big with the diamond block kirino's okay I'm done on me Oh how are you doing are you building the best mansion ever okay just follow the Diamonds okay come just follow the diabetes just follow the diamond I'll get by I'm forcing you come over here bro bring them cheeks over here look at this look at this beautiful entrance by your boy bar make the architecture is just exquisite yeah no no no I spent so long on this okay it's two million dollars yeah you don't know about that family oh wait no I actually get it it's empty because you haven't rented it out yet you're a famous I'll buy your house right now how about how many diamonds yeah yeah seven okay hold that I'll just give you 61 and then since I own the house now I could just you know I could just do whatever I want with it and there you go it's better now oh my best build ever okay all right whatever this one is okay all right will do we have one minute to do it okay 60 seconds 60 seconds okay okay all right I got a better plan oh we got born born born oh my gosh dude I definitely do not say weird the born bro okay you say you say you say Oh bond a bond okay we have a minute a minute I reverse it I'm hoping now and the ultimate building skills all right see you bro all right guys we have 60 seconds oh my god okay I'm just gonna stretch a bar and there you go perfect we literally have 40 seconds left okay is this good yes it is okay build perfect there you go we haven't we didn't literally finished already okay hold on I'm gonna add some I gotta make it a little nice you know I'm saying wait what why is there what the balls there's literally just air okay that's that's wond we have 30 seconds let's go go go go go Donnie is doing something over there tie / replace air a grass no no no no block no oh my god I can't smell there you go okay perfect oh my god what the heck this is a few deep I horse he has no legs okay let's get some chicken nuggets some pigs okay there you go cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo go go go go go pig pig pig pig dogs over there okay okay okay okay okay what oh boy I know it's so easy done this video you're so easy house than me somehow okay wait when did you find out that you definitely didn't know bring me a what motor downloaded on this and I see what it wasn't me be honest be honest was it the lanterns that gave it away it was that it was this sugarcane farm oh and you in yeah oh yeah okay okay yeah the last house was a little too OPI - we might have fumbled the buy all right well ladies and gentlemen I still won the building competition I don't care I'm the best builder even though I didn't build a single you're not one thing no I didn't build anything I literally just replaced Blanc's and I still managed to win I hope you guys enjoyed leave a like if you want to see this may be a part - I have no idea I love you Donny thank you for joining me and wasting your time
Channel: Bionic
Views: 8,956,144
Rating: 4.8274841 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft build mod, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, So I cheated with a BUILD MOD in a building competition, So I secretly cheated with a BUILD MOD in a building competition, so i cheated with an AUTO BUILD MOD, build mod, mod, bionic, building, building mod minecraft, building mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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