I Busted 100 POPULAR Minecraft Myths..

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in this video i'll be busting 100 popular minecraft myths please consider subscribing as it is completely free and you can always change your mind later you can breed horses while they have the speed potion effect make a faster baby horse all right first thing i'm going to do make a little fence then chuck a bad boy horse in there and then we need another one i'm also going to make this a bit bigger okay now i'm going to chuck the speed potion on them bang just like that and now let's breed these bad boys and are you going to make me a speedy child that's what i need to know all right first thing i got to remove the parents all right is this a speedy horse that's what i need to know i don't see any speed particles bro you're walking pretty slow dude i reckon the turtle over there might be faster than you all right he's no faster than a normal horse myth busted wolves can scare foxes all right bang bang oh my god not just scare them at a taxi that is myth confirmed you can smell a raw gold block and get a normal gold block all right put down the furnace put in the gold block and let's see can we smell the three two one no we cannot so that is myth busted rhinestones can remove curses from armor and tools first thing we need is a bit of armor with a curse on it so let's grab ourselves a curse of vanishing helmet tuck down our grindstone and let's see three two one go that is myth busted you cannot remove curses from any sort of armor bees can pollinate nether walls so first thing let's put down a patch of netherwart just like so all right so now we're going down on another wall let's chuck down the bee are you gonna pollinate it are you even interested in it that's the real question oh and he all right uh why is there a wolf over there and okay bye b myth busted bees are not interested in nether water at all fire protection enchantment can stop your armor from burning all right there's our armor with fire protection i shut down some lava and now let's put in the diamond helmet three two one that is myth busted the only way that is living is if it's never right everybody knows that you can die shulkers normally but can you die a shulker while they are alive let's get ourselves a shulker spawn egg and then also get ourselves a little bit of dye and now three two one that is myth busted you cannot die a shulker while it is alive if you set a goat on fire and splash it with speed it will do a backflip i don't know where you guys get these myths from but let's do it gonna go clinton still and then splash it with speed okay this is a whole act okay so first thing let's put the guy on fire and splash with speed he's gonna do a backflip let's see are you gonna do a backflip buddy no this just seems extremely cruel oh my god all right that is myth busted and i've just killed an innocent ghost you can break in crystals by throwing an egg at them three two one oh my god and we got a chicken spawn as well that is myth confirmed you can break them with an egg udisoft can beat mao in a 1v1 all right so i've got udi here and uh we're gonna have a 1v1 and see if he can beat me or not i'm pretty sure this is a myth but we'll see all right you ready this is easy baby all right three two one go oh big hits later boy i see you dying no no no i'm not dying you're dying oh oh oh sorry uh has beat me in a 1v1 which it means it is true but i can still kill him even if i even if he's killed me yeah yeah that's what i thought yeah revenge is sweet myth number 11 if you place a water in a slab and then put lava on top the slab will turn into cobblestone so first thing let's put down a slab fill it with water and then we'll put some lava on top by the looks of it nothing has happened that is mythbusters you can break bedrock i mean if you're in creative yeah you can so i guess smith confirmed you can punch the ender dragon to death bang oh no i miss come here oh okay and just like that he's dead so that is myth confirmed you can kill the inner dragon using only your fist you can use a name tag on a boat so first thing we need to do is put down a boat get an anvil then chuck a name on this bad boy let's name it boat three two one oh i've gotten in the boat and no that is myth busted you cannot rename boats and i don't know why you ever would want to mobs cannot walk through saplings all right first thing we got to do for dinner roll sapling alright next up let's make it night time and then go to survival now let's shut down a zombie and let's see if he can follow us through the saplings all right that is myth busted mobs can go through saplings you can respawn the ender dragon without the dragon egg okay so first thing let's remove the egg now that that's gone we've gotta get ourselves some end crystals suck these bad boys down just like that we should be able to respawn the ender dragon all right that is misconfirmed you can respawn the ender dragon without the egg if a supercharged trooper kills a zombie it will drop its head all right first thing we need is a zombie and then of course the creeper all right i also want to get a trident and get myself a channeling book all right now let's get the channeling on the trident now let's down a creeper make it supercharged all right there we go now we've got a supercharged freefall we put down a zombie now if we go into survival will this bad boy block the zombie and give us the head all right let's see did we get a zombie hand i do not see a zombie head anywhere i think that is myth busted that is not true what is happening why do i have a flying spider get me onto the next myth this is cursed myth number 18 you can die a creeper first off let's get ourselves a creeper and then some diet now i played minecraft for a very long time so i'm very certain this doesn't work but let's give it a go nonetheless three two one bang and what a surprise it doesn't work that is myth busted if you dig straight down you will die all right three two one go oh okay why is this oh okay maybe we don't want to dig down that fast are we gonna die though that's the real question nope i hit bedrock without dying so i guess that's myth busted if you like the video you will get good luck i don't know that's up to you guys you're gonna have to try that out and see if it works if you have a block in your hand you cannot use a shield all right so first up let's get a block and then of course the shield now i assume we need to put this in our off hand which we can use then obviously and now if we have a block in our hand can we use our shield we can so that is myth busted you can still use your shield anyway you don't lose hunger while you're in a boat now i'm fairly certain this isn't true but i'm gonna give it a go anyway so first up let's get a boat down the boat and then i'm gonna go into survival alright let me eat this bit of steak so i can go back to full health so now i am full health i'm gonna hop in this boat and drive around for a couple minutes and let's see if i lose any hunger bars or not just to make this a bit easier i'm also gonna put the difficulty to hard oh so far i've been driving around for a couple minutes and absolutely nothing has happened i've lost no hunger oh and i've just been struck by lightning awesome well this is myth confirmed you don't lose hunger let's get straight into the next one you can create diamond or by pushing stone into diamonds i don't know what kind of myth you guys are coming up with but let's get ourselves a diamond and some stone first thing let's put down a bit of stone also let's check down a diamond now if i put a piston facing this direction apparently this is going to make a diamond or i don't know what kind of myth this is but let's give it a go anyway three two one bang and wow absolutely nothing happened this is myth busted none of these work these are all clickbait you can do an mlg honey block obviously everyone knows what an mg water bucket is let's get a honey block and try this out so now i'm up in the air let's uh go into survival mode and let's see if we can do an mlg honey block three two one let's go come on surely oh okay i definitely placed that and that did not work this is myth busted i guess technically if you're at a certain height you'd be able to but it does not completely negate full damage you can drink dragon's breath potions first up let's get the dragon breath potion if you don't know how you get this you get this by collecting the dragon's breath when it spits at you all right three two one go and no that is myth busted you cannot drink dragon's breath potions if you put two slabs together and then break them they will break at the exact same time but first off let's grab ourselves a slab if we put them on top of each other just like that obviously if we get a normal quartz block and then put it down the block just breaks this one but will this break is one or do we need to break it twice three two one go that is myth confirmed if you break them they will break at the exact same time you can get protection fired if you combine two protection four books first of all let's get ourselves protection and then let's also get an angel [Music] oh bro i thought that i actually thought that worked for a second okay that is myth busted it does not work it just gives you another protection for book which i thought actually worked for a second if you jump on a turtle egg with feather falling one it will not break so everyone knows if you step on a normal egg it breaks just like that but let's get ourselves some feather falling boots all right now that we've got the feather following boots on let's see if i jump on this egg if it'll break or not three two one go no way oh okay it worked for a little bit you can at least run over it like a myth maybe i don't know like it kind of works kind of doesn't chopping cannot fit in a two by one hole this is myth busted as you can see chubby cannot fit in the hole hanging wolves will not attack on their own first up we're gonna get ourselves a wolf and some bones all right now let's check down the zombie and let's see if the dog will attack it or not first off let's do that tuck down a zombie will the dog attack the zombie or not the dog couldn't care less but if i hit him all right now he's going into attack this is misconfirmed dogs will not attack unless you attack the mob yourself you can change spawners using mob eggs all right so now we have a normal spawn if we chuck it down as a pig spawner and apparently if i get a mob egg i can then change this to whatever sort of spawner i want three two one go wait no way i didn't actually know this was a thing this is actually crazy i didn't know this was a thing so this is myth confirmed can you make it absolutely anything oh my that's actually sick there you go that is myth confirmed you can change your spawner using a mobike hero brian is real now obviously this is a myth that has been around for ages but it has been busted multiple times so i'm not gonna waste your time nether brick fences and overworld wood fences will not connect but you can walk through them and animals cannot i'm almost certain i've done this one before but let's get ourselves some nether brick walls and let's also get ourselves some normal fences now if we tuck these bad boys down just like so all right perfect so now we can walk through and animals cannot just like so and now if i hit this around i don't think he'll be able to get out and just like that that is myth confirmed even though netherright cannot be destroyed by lava they're the right can be destroyed by cactuses let's get ourselves another right sword and let's chuck it in the cactus three two one go alright that is myth confirmed just like that you can survive lava but you can't survive a cactus you will get a with a skeleton's head if you blow up a stray skeleton with a charged creeper so first off this is a big thing we need to get ourselves a creeper and of course we need ourselves a trident as well with channeling then from there we also need to get ourselves a stray skeleton i'll put this in here get ourselves a channeling trident let's get ourselves a charge creeper now let's put down a stray and then let's go to survival coming your creeper blow him up are we going to get a skeleton head nope there is no skeleton head to be found so that is myth busted and that is not true if you use a potion of invisibility and look at an enderman in the eyes they will not attack you now this is actually a very interesting myth i've never heard this one before but it sounds like it could work so let's get an enderman let's go invisible and then go into survival now that i'm in survival as you can see i'm completely invisible let's look at this bad boy in the eyes and as you can see oh i was gonna say he doesn't care but he definitely does all right this is myth busted this enderman cares a lot an efficiency five a wooden pickaxe with haste two is faster than a nether right without any bomb all right so first off let's get ourselves a wooden pickaxe and let's get efficiency five on it all right and just like that i now have haste two and i've also got an efficiency five wooden pickaxe i'm now gonna mine for 30 seconds and let's see how many blocks i get three two one and stop so as you can see my z coordinate is 278 and i started at i started at 3 13. that means in 30 seconds i was able to mine 30 blocks forward now let's try a normal network pickaxe all right starting in the exact same path let's go into survival and see how many blocks we can mine three two one and stop so this is the block we got to we got to 287 which i'm almost certain is the exact same is it not wait no it's not this one's 278. oh okay so wooden pickaxe is faster so this is myth confirmed we were off by about nine blocks oh that is an interesting myth that i didn't know was true if you dig straight down and then use a chorus fruit while you are under the ground you will be teleported to the nearest cave and this one i'm actually really interested in i've never heard of this before but let's get ourselves some chorus through because if this is true it might actually be a useful item now next up let's mine straight down once we get to a level we want to be at let's let's say level 12. and let's pop ourselves a chorus root three two one let's go i haven't been teleported oh and just like that i have been teleported now let me see how far away was that okay i mean it teleported me up into the side so it's not too bad but i mean you need to be relatively close to a cave for it to work but either way this is myth confirmed it does work you can teleport out of lava using a chorus fruit the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna find a lava pit which i've got right here i'm also gonna get myself a golden apple because let's say for example you weren't gonna die now let's go into survival and let's see if it'll teleport me to one of the side things which is safe but as you can see i'm now in the middle of it let's put this chorus through and see if it'll teleport me to safety and just like that this chorus fruit couldn't care less or not if i live but this is myth busted it does not work when curing a zombie villager the iron golem will still attack it so the first thing we need to do is let's get a little pen with a zombie villager right now let's get ourselves a zombie villager and also some iron okay so first thing let's put down the zombie villager and let's start curing it so i believe we need a golden apple and also a potion of weakness and just like that is now curing so if we place down an iron golem apparently he doesn't care that the zombie is being changed without an iron golem and let's see will he attack he does not care this is myth confirmed he doesn't care for zombies being cured or not he wants it gone a witch can die in powdered snow first off let's get ourselves a witch and let's also get some powdered snow put it in the center of the tree just because we can now let's chuck down a witch and let's see is she gonna start dying or not all right she's dying but she's popping a health potion is she gonna die oh i see why this is a myth because they can just keep drinking i'm gonna give her 30 seconds and then we'll see if she's dead or not all right i've given her a good 30 seconds and she has not died so this is misconfirmed i don't think witches can die in powdered snow you can survive in the void infinitely with enchanted golden apples now i don't know if this is true but someone commented it so i'm gonna give it a go let's get ourselves a bunch of golden apples and let's go fall into the boy all right let's get our first enchanted golden apple into us and then let's fall into the void i'm just literally gonna keep eating enchanted golden apples and let's see if we live on oh okay this is myth confirmed you can stay in the voyage forever if you just keep eating enchanted golden apples for whatever reason just like that i'm in the abyss there is no longer any world it's just me if you look at an enderman through glass it won't attack you all right first up let's make ourselves a little window perfect just like that and now let's check that end of it and then i'm going to go to survival and stare at it somebody i'm looking at i'm looking at him okay this is myth confirmed enemies do not care if you look at them through a window you can use wool to smell items so i'm not sure if this is true or not let's get ourselves some wool and then a furnace i'm almost certain you can't use wool as a fuel but we'll have to see let's get ourselves some iron ore and then let's chuck it in the furnace now i'm pretty confident that this won't work but let's try it anyway put in our iron and now the wall three two one what that is okay i mean that is misconfirmed you can use wool to melt iron or whatever other ores i didn't even know this was true it doesn't seem too efficient it used three bits of water to melt one bit of iron but hey that's pretty cool i didn't even know it was a feature you can break a skeleton's bow using a shield okay first thing let's put down a skeleton and then go on a survival now i guess i'm just going to sit here for a very long time and see if he can break his bow or not all right i've currently absorbed maybe 30 or 40 shots and nothing is broken so far but i'm going to continue sitting here and waiting all right this thing's got 10 seconds to break its bar i'm going to be busting smith because i've sat here for about 10 minutes watching the same skeleton shoot me over and over and nothing has happened all right and on that note this is myth busted skeletons cannot lose their bones if you hit an iron golem and then give it a rose it'll stop attacking you all right so you're not my friend i didn't create you so if i punch you actually oh i was trying i was actually trying to save you all right i'm sorry it was an accident it was an accident oh you thought about stopping it when no okay there's a flower there you don't like we don't need to do this no no no no no no no no okay this is myth busted he doesn't want my flower all he wants is me a pillager's crossbow can break all right back to the booth we go he's gonna sell the pillow gel and then also a shield if i see you for another 10 minutes and nothing happens i'm gonna be extremely mad with this bro do you guys just like wasting my time i'll read these comments i go through the myth and then i but what is this okay i've gone through four shields nearly and and it's still not broken maybe this is possible but i don't have the patience or i'm gonna say myth busted but i could be wrong if you die with a total of undying all permission effects you have will disappear first obviously let's get ourselves a totem and a bunch of potions all right let's go on to survival suck down all these potions all right we've now got a few potion effects just like that let's go over here with our tone of undying and uh let's see if the pillager will remove all of our potion effects for us we currently have four potion effects let's see what happens when we die oh i just tried to put regen on so it's gonna take a while oh no one more now come on all right we've died let's see we've okay so yes that is true you you obviously get the ones from dying with a total of undying but it removes all the ones that you currently have so that is myth confirmed you do lose all of your potions when using a tone of undying if you place a trapdoor vertically you can jump over it but mobs cannot all right so first thing we shut down one two three one two three one two three and just like that let's pop all the walls up that looks correct i could be wrong but let's try it let's put down a bunch of stuff oh okay we're gonna make a nice one let's make a nighttime put down a bunch of zombies just like that and then let's go on a survival and let's see if they can hop over hey hey homie is hitting legs maybe they can get over this one maybe i place this one wrong all right so they want to hit me but they can't so this is myth confirmed mobs cannot they can jump in but they can't jump out i don't know how this works but that is myth confirmed they cannot jump out you can break through glass if it is that head level so this is a very odd one to try but i'm going to go find an ocean all right let's get some glass and then we also need to get a boat now let's uh let's put this bad boy down and let's see if you can go through it or not down the boat and then let's also put down some glass at head level would this technically be head level or yeah well i would say this is head level let's give it a go okay that is a lot of glass let's hop on the boat and see if you can drive through or not as you can see it's a head level in three two one go okay i believe this is myth busted however it does say head level so we're gonna go up one more and try that see but this isn't really head level is it this one is this one isn't so i'm gonna say myth busted this is not true you cannot go through glass you can light a portal if it is fully made of crying obsidian now i don't think this is true but let's see anyway let's get ourselves a bunch of crying obsidian and some uh and also offline still now i know you can't do mixed and mix but can you do just crying obsidian let's give it a go all right just like that we've now got our portal in three two one and just like i thought you cannot light a crying obsidian portal so let's go to the next myth if you rename a mob to mob underscore it will turn upside down and change rainbow now i am 99 sure this isn't true but let's get a sheep and try it alright so now we do mob underscore just like that and let's check down the sheet bang and as i thought this is myth busted the aether portal can be created now i remember this being a myth when i was a kid but i'm still 99 sure it doesn't work chuck down the glowstone put in the water and just like i thought that is myth busted you can craft a glow lichen by using vines in a glow ink sack let's put in the vine and our glow ink sack that is myth busted you can not craft it if a charge creeper blows up with a skeleton it will drop ahead all right so now we're gonna charge creeper let's go to survival and let's see if this is true or not oh i saw it with a skeleton okay i got a with a skeleton head but i don't know if this is true just because i'm on the server or not but either way i'm going to say this is misconfirmed you can press f3 and f4 to quickly change game modes myth confirmed you can you can craft spectral arrows with eight arrows and a glow inks are put down a work table get ourselves some glowy ink sacs and surround them with arrows that is mythbuster you cannot do this you can still get arrows of luck in creative mode just type in luck and just like that you can this is myth confirmed if you place a moss block at white level one then bone miller you can break the bedrock obviously we all know you can't normally break bedrock but i'm interested to see if this works because moss has recently been added and as we all know minecraft and adding new things it can get pretty buggy all right so let's say for example we found this bit of a bedrock just like this is all at level zero let's put down a bit of moss and bone milk he's just making grass i don't am i doing this wrong is there a different type of moss that i don't understand i tried it it didn't work i'm gonna say myth busted but i could be wrong don't crucify me if i am when you stand on top of a stone cutter you will take damage although it would make sense this is myth busted you can use a bee's nest as fuel in a furnace and a bee's nest and then let's also get some iron ore let's put in the iron let's see three two one you can't even put them in the furnace this is myth busted you can buy nether gold ore with silk touch and then smelt it for ingots so everyone knows if you mind normal gold or you just get yourselves some little nuggets however apparently if i mine this with silk touch i'll get the oar and then i can smelt it for a full ingot see does it work first off so yes we can get gold or now let's smelt it in the coal and also our nether gold ore is this actually possible is it gonna give us a full ingot or just the nuggets and just like that it gives you a proper gold ingot so this is myth confirmed you can get extra gold by doing this method rain makes obsidian when falling on lava luckily i have this big lava pool in front of me and let's make it rain and just like that that is myth busted it does not make obsidian villagers can sleep in the netherlands make it nighttime where are you going bro it's time to sleep oh oh okay myth confirmed villagers can sleep in the nether you can use paper as fuel in a furnace but it's myth busted you can't even put paper in a furnace you can enchant golden apples in an enchantment table now if this has been in the game and i didn't know about it i'm going to be extremely mad let's jump around an enchantment table put in our lapis and let's see three two one this is myth busted you cannot enchant golden apples if you click the subscribe button it'll turn gray i'm not sure this is a myth that you guys are gonna have to bust you can mlg lava bucket now i know i did this in one of my older videos but apparently i did it wrong so we're going to try it again all right let's give this a go come on that's at my feet i don't care what anyone else says that is at my feet this is myth busted it does not work you can make a rainbow squid by naming it gem good thing there's a squid right here in the middle of the ocean let me get a name patch that is myth busted witches can attack you even if you are invisible let's go into survival it's become invisible and then let's shut down a witch let's see can the witch see us or not this is myth busted the witch wait i was about to say myth busted this is myth confirmed witches can see you if you even if you are invisible you can turn berries into bone meal by composting them how do i get bone meal from this okay this is misconfirmed you can you can turn berries into bone meal i don't know when this would be useful but it is confirmed kelp can only be broken with shears all right let's get ourselves a bit of kelp with shears and obviously that works and now let's try with just our hand this is myth busted you can break help with absolutely anything how did snow melt in the nether this is myth busted you can play snow perfectly fine looting gives you a guaranteed chance at multiple totems get ourselves an evoker and also a looting sword [Music] this is myth busted issue only gives you one tone of undying ocean of luck gives you increased opie items for naturally spawned chests so i don't even know this was in the game but there is a potion of luck so instead of using a normal potion i'm gonna give myself the best luck we possibly can get so now we have the best luck enchantment we can possibly get let's go and find a naturally spawning village i have not been to this village before let's see are there any chests around okay this is the first chest i've opened this is myth busted if he's giving me three bits of flint with level 255 luck i'm the unluckiest person in the world order your shield while going through another portal will turn on auto block i assume this is more of a bug than a than a myth but let's try anyway i'm using my shield let's go through the portal and see if this works okay i'm in the nether let's see does it turn on auto block right now it's not currently doing anything but let's try it okay that that is myth busted it does not work there is a command to summon the blue rare axolotl apparently i'm going to do summon axolotl and then i've got to do variance equals four and apparently this will work let's see mate that is a pink a little let's try a different variant i i don't know maybe there is maybe i'm doing it wrong this these these are all looking pink for me all right i'm gonna have to say this is myth busted but maybe there is a command i don't know about you can do an mlg n portal i don't even know what this means but i'm gonna try i assume what they mean is you get you make an end portal and then you leave one eye out of it like i i'm i'm really not sure okay let's put every single ion except for one and then let's go all the way up and try this come on surely this works now wait oh my god it does work all right this is myth confirmed mate dream you gotta use this in your next manhunt you can milk a mushroom cow with a bowl and you will get soup alright let's try this out three two one and just like that that is myth confirmed dog's tails will go down when they are lower health alright so as you can see right now he's full health and his tail is all the way up let's hit him and see if it goes down that is true it's not all the way up now it's down slightly that is myth confirmed if you eat a golden apple with feather falling four boots you can survive from max high all the way down to bedrock all right we now got feather falling four so as you can see this is level one this is the furthest you can possibly go down now we are currently at max height in a place down a bedrock and then that little hole down there is where we've gotta fall i also quickly need to get a golden apple and let's try and see if this myth is true or not okay i see that i see the target i'm gonna eat the golden apple and three two one let's give this a go i if i miss this whole it's gonna be so embarrassing come on please all right okay that is myth busted i don't know what i was expecting but i thought i tried it anyway if you throw an end a pill before you die you will respawn at the end of hell what i'm going to do is i'm going to chuck an independent over here and i'm going to type slash kill and let's see if i'll respawn at the end of pearl so i've died and let's see no i haven't but will i teleport over there that's the real question i don't know if it's still following or not i'm going to say this is myth busted i don't think this is true okay first off let's check out the peaceful and i'll spawn the weather okay we're now gonna weather if we do peaceful technically speaking this is myth confirmed because the weather can't even be spawned in peaceful mode you can throw a trident through a portal and good thing we got a portal right here let's try this out all right let's see if this triangle will go through or not three two one that is myth busted a trident cannot go through a portal in crystals only break stuff above them not below them let's put down a bit of obsidian let's get ourselves an end crystal and let's see if this bad boy will blow up or not three two one [Music] that is myth confirmed it'll only blow stuff that is above it you can place water in the nether by blowing up a cold root tuck down that let's put down a bit of tnt and then we need to get ourselves a flint and seal let's see if you can place water in the nether using a cauldron come on let's have a look will it turn into water nope that is myth busted you cannot place water at all you can stop a glowing sign by using a normal ink sack first off let's make it glow and now let's see if we can make it on glow oh that okay this is myth confirmed i didn't even know this one was real there you go as you can see if you use a normal ink stack it'll make it stop glowing you can enchant a flint and steel all right let's put on this lint still and then let's see if we can enchant it or not this is myth busted you cannot enchant if one's still using an enchantment table eating a parrot a cookie will poison it alright let's feed it a cookie and let's see if it'll poison it oh my god it doesn't just poison it it's it slaughters it a smith confirmed you can kill your power with a cookie netherright angus will not burn in lava now the right scrap will not burn in lava you can walk up end rods like they are a staircase if they are placed sideways this is myth busted you can't even walk up a single one fortune 3 gives you 100 drop rate for flint that is myth confirmed you cannot bone mill nether wall that's myth confirmed if you place a bed under the end portal you'll respawn in the end all right let's check down the bed and let's let us spawn point okay reese one point set now let's go into the end and die let's respawn let's see if we will respawn in the end or not and we have this is myth confirmed that this does work you can enchant horse armor i've never once seen a boujee horse walking around but maybe i'm wrong this is myth busted you cannot enchant hulas armor and for the final myth of the 100 myths you can make a copper beacon in 1.17 this is one that i was actually extremely excited for i don't know if this is true or not but i want to try it let's quickly get ourselves some beacons and let's go and make this bad boy all right in the final row of nine just like that we've now got the perfect spot for a copper beacon let's see if this works three two one go that is myth busted this does not work and this has been busting 100 minecraft myths if you guys enjoyed this video please click another one on the screen or consider subscribing to watch more of my videos in the future and if you guys want to come play minecraft with me you can on my server which is play.minehaller.com and just a reminder this is java and bedrock crossplay
Channel: mau
Views: 726,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mau, myth busters
Id: ZkEdLt1424c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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