The Untold Story of HEROBRINE...

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herobrine casts a long and terrifying shadow over minecraft's history his impact so undeniable that every player has heard his name but what drives this powerful and dark creature and how did he gain his abilities discover the tragic tale as we reveal the untold story of herobrine a full moon rose high overhead as three figures suddenly appeared in a plane steve alex and brian were startled struggling to remember where they just come from but they had no time to process their transportation to this strange world we have to get out of here now the monsters that populated the field turned to them with delight lurching toward their new prey the trio broke into a run fleeing from the hands and teeth that would see them dead terrified of these creatures they never encountered before unfamiliar with the terrain they soon found themselves in a dense forest struggling to part the branches zombies growled close behind them and steve turned as a spider left into his face he punched back out of instinct his fist flying at any creature that drew too close to him and his friends alex and brian were less courageous only cowering in terror as the monsters bore down on them i can't hold them off alone if you guys can't help we have to run how this forest is too thick to walk through ryan wordlessly scrambled up through the branches of the nearest tree attempting to gain some high ground and flea from the horn his companions soon followed and together they left from treetop to treetop until their bodies could carry them no further each of them were still disoriented from their sudden appearance in this world and they carried severe wounds their pursuers grew closer having climbed to the treetops to follow their prey steve alex and brian huddled together hurriedly whispering words commemorating their friendship as they accepted their fates suddenly the sun broke out over the horizon and the monsters that were now within arm's reach halted their pursuit the group watched in confusion as the zombies caught fire dying on the treetops or attempting to scramble into the shade below the spider's eyes grew glassy forgetting the bloodlust they'd felt in the darkness of night relief flooded their veins as each member of the group watched the sun rise grateful to still be alive this world seems dangerous we don't belong here do we they wondered how they were brought here still unsure of where they'd been before after a moment of silence they cautiously rose to their feet and continued their trek over the treetops in search of answers three stomachs growled in unison as the group slowly made their way through a jungle their searches for fruit in the trees had only provided inedible cocoa pods and they had no knowledge of how to craft them into something that would sustain them when they came across a herd of cows steve and alex exchanged a look of drab brian however eagerly fell upon the nearest cow ignoring its cries of pain as he butchered it with his bare hands he hungrily devoured the raw meat it dropped oh god at least cook it first brian do you see a stove anywhere around this is obviously a game of survival either you have what it takes or you don't consumed by guilt steve and alex apologized to the cows that they were forced to kill for food they tried to eat the meat that was dropped but couldn't bring themselves to eat it raw they continued walking sluggishly until the trees parted to reveal a village the sight of civilization filled them all with hope and they made their way towards it as quickly as they could manage brian entered first and his face twisted with disgust as he laid eyes on the villagers alex and steve took no notice of their long heads and big noses they only begged for help from these strange humanoid creatures the villagers took pity on the newcomers sensing that they were different from the other humans that had evolved in their world after feeding their guests the villagers agreed to answer any questions the group had for them long into the night they discussed the history of this world how villagers and humans had evolved how their ancestors crossed their arms in a bow of pacifism and how each of the monsters that plagued the world came to exist the trio listened closely until it was nearly done steve and alex were too enthralled to feel tired but brian was unimpressed and lumbered off to bed you mentioned that the native humans can craft and build can you teach us most villagers at the time had a rudimentary understanding of crafting and building and despite being unable to do it themselves their pacifist ways did not forbid them from teaching it to others with the guidance of the villagers steve and alex discovered that they could harvest materials from the world and craft them into a seemingly endless list of tools and blocks their sense of wonder grew more each day and the villagers assured them that the humans could teach them even more ryan couldn't understand his friend's fondness for these ugly humanoids and their inconsequential knowledge of this world all he could think about was leaving the village and finding a way back to where they belong but steve and alex had lost interest in their former lives if we can't even remember our old lives then we probably weren't very attached to them why not start something new here aren't you fascinated with this world brian he was not and he only grew increasingly disenchanted with it as his friends felt more at home steve and alex quickly mastered everything the villagers were able to teach them and began putting their new skills to use to improve the village using hoes they turned soil over in the gardens increasing the amount of crops that the farmers were able to plant they protected the village from zombies each night quickly learning how to use their new swords all the while brian stood on the sidelines he knew that if they remained here too long they'd lose all interest in returning to where they belonged his jealousy brewed souring his feelings about his friends the attention they were gaining and the world they'd found themselves in words swiftly spread from villager to villager of the good deeds that steve and alex were performing it wasn't long till they were unanimously recognized as heroes of the village steve and alex were showered with praise from their new friends giving them great pride in the deeds they accomplished not everyone was overjoyed though brian watched steve and alex's antics with disdain they were losing sight of their goal to get back home as each day passed what's so good about the praise of those disgusting things anyways this is all just a pointless distraction not wanting to dwell on it any longer brian went out exploring away from the village and away from his friends as he traveled alone with his thoughts his annoyance for this world only grew after a day of adventuring in solitude brian stumbled upon a strange-looking block he had not seen before he soon found himself drawn to the block out of curiosity it was like it was calling out to him brian approached the strange block cautiously and reached out to it to understand it better he felt his curiosity mirrored within the object as if it was sentient and aware of his presence examining it brian slowly found himself having a better understanding of his surroundings he felt the synthetic nature of the world and it dawned on him that he was trapped in a game suddenly a tunnel appeared in the world before brian as if his desires to leave manifested into reality brian now knew that the strange device he discovered was a command block an object that allowed him to exert his will on the world elated with finding a way to escape this strange world ryan took the command block and ventured back to the village to share with his friends when he returned steve and alex were hard at work building a wall around the villagers to protect them from the monsters that spawn at night convincing his friends to take a brief respite to listen to what he has to say brian's gleeful presentation fell on deaf ears steve and alex were uninterested in its capabilities and i'm concerned about leaving this world but don't you see with this we might be able to find a way to leave this place brian i know you're not a fan of the villagers but try to have some fun okay yeah we just got here and there's so many fun things to see and do we can look into leaving later for now i have to finish this wall before it gets dark brian was at a loss at how quickly they dismissed his discovery he argued with his friends about the pointlessness of helping the villagers but was reprimanded for being heartless as they put it besides why would they want to return to a place they could barely remember anyways feeling hurt brian once again left steve and alex as they continued building their wall angry from the argument brian left the safety of the village as knight was beginning to blanket the sky ryan was unafraid though with the command block monsters no longer scared him in fact they no longer bothered him whatsoever alone in the darkness brian made a decision he came to the conclusion that his friends needed saving from this beguiling world they found themselves in and the command block would be the way he accomplished it i'll show them what this place truly is they'll be begging to leave before long feeling accomplished after aiding their first village steve and alex began a journey across the world performing similar services for each village they passed through the residents were grateful for the assistance as no other humans had come to their aid before this struck a chord with the two new builders and they set out to find some of the humans native to this world after following a villager's directions they arrived at an impressive town that looked significantly newer than the villages that they'd previously seen the town's residents were less pleased to see the stranger's approach and began charging towards stephen alex with weapons drawn the duo defended themselves from the oncoming humans trying to explain that they meant no harm the battle ended quickly when the leader of the town called a halt to their onslaught my apologies travelers we haven't had visitors in some time the leader explained that among the dozens of human communities that populated the world most tended to be violent in order to survive they had to develop defenses he led them to the town center the crowd following them out of curiosity they discovered that they shared a thirst for adventure and a love for their world and the pair were quickly accepted into the community its members taught them everything they knew from fishing to building with redstone over time they grew a reputation as valiant fighters and innovative builders after discovering that the community was interested in helping nearby villagers steve and alex founded the builder clan which would later become known as the ancient builders the first members of this organization established its goal to explore the world maintain its ancient structures and protect villagers from the creatures that threatened them steve and alex continued exploring together as part of the builders and soon they began to notice a disturbing trend among the villages that they visited villagers were found trapped in cages of iron bars glass even bedrock how is this possible isn't this stuff unbreakable alex you know there's only one person who could have done this steve correctly guessed that brian had used the command block to torment the villagers that he'd grown jealous of he'd watched his friends fondness for these beings grown making them essential part of their lives while they left him behind brian no longer saw them as real beings knowing that they were fabricated as a part of the game he was imprisoned in he acted out exercising his power to trap them within unbreakable bedrock walls steve looked around warily and saw brian hovering just above the tree line nearby confirming his fears from a distance brian looked at the two heroes silently swearing to break them out of this world they believed that their good deeds here made them better than him but he would shatter that illusion he turned to fly away and steve realized that his old friend had become unrecognizable since they'd arrived in this world no friend of ours would do this it's time to stop being sentimental about brian burdened by the knowledge of brian's cruelties the ancient builders led by steve and alex roamed from village to village to clean up the messes left in his wake they would free the poor tormented villagers from the various predicaments they were subjected to always arriving after brian had vanished oh thank you heroes i've been stuck in there for days angered by what they found some of the builders wanted to confront ryan others including steve and alex were hesitant to face him directly with the powers he now possessed ryan watched and waited from afar staring his eyes were unblinking unnatural one day when steve and alex were taking a break away from the rest of the builders brian made his move suddenly appearing before them they could do nothing as they were teleported away to brian's woodland mansion what where are we where did you take us do you like it i built it myself ryan led them through room after room of poorly made furniture replicas his best approximation of items he didn't know how to craft now that he had them alone brian once again tried to talk some sense into his friends he had to convince them that the world they loved so much was not real it was merely an illusion a game that they were trapped in he tried to show them how he saw the game but they dismissed him as crazy a conspiracy theorist it was evident that they had forgotten all about their lives before they had entered this game world unbothered by their protests he teleported them once again this time into a prison deep within the mansion itself you can't do this let us out of here you may not see it yet but soon i will be the hero hero brian knowing the builders would not sit idly by brian spawned an army of illiterates to keep steve and alex secured inside the mansion the builders having noticed the disappearance of their leaders started the desperate search to find them as if wanting to be found it wasn't long before the heavily protected mansion was discovered with his friends secured nearby brian began the final step of his plan to break free from this world he climbed to a room high within his mansion placed the command block on a pedestal and began the ritual though he tried to remain focused he could sense the builders sneaking through his mansion trying to break the leaders free from his captivity as the spell took hold and the power of the command block began to fuse with his body brian's eyes began to glow for the first time he felt like a hero alex and steve called desperately to their rescuers but the thick walls muted their cries the builders walked silently through the mansion until they finally found steve give it up you'll never see either of them again keir o'brien swiftly killed a builder and spawned illagers to take care of the rest though they were thoroughly trained in defense combats they'd never been so outnumbered before the illagers bore down on the group of builders as their numbers dwindled one builder heard a faint call for help and bolted from the fight towards the sounds of steve and alex he tore through the wall to find steve and alex surrounded by illagers without a word the three of them fled help the others there's something i have to do steve broke off and began climbing staircases urgently searching through rooms finally he found the command block removed it and placed a bucket of lava on the ground herobrine teleported into the room but it was too late don't come a step closer i'll die in this lava if that's what it takes to destroy this thing herobrine hesitated unsure if he was willing to hurt his friend to free them all from this world steve threw the block into the lava as the flames began to engulf the room trapping himself alex and herobrine in this world forever herobrine fumed furious that without the block his immense power wasn't enough to free him from this reality he teleported away knowing he'd never forgive steve for imprisoning him here and began his unending search for another command block
Channel: LoreCraft
Views: 2,126,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LRAIAhI4si4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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