Getting Started With Goimagine, What to do after you are approved.

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hello today we're going to talk about what you're going to do once you become approved to sell on go imagine congratulations you got approved to sell on go imagine and you're just not sure where to start it's a lot of information there's a lot going on so what should you do first of all you should go to facebook so if you go to facebook and then go to groups and search go imagine you're going to see a lot of go imagine groups that are out there there are some really awesome groups for specifically for sellers stellar showcases to show off your items self-promotion tips for go imagine but the one that is going to kind of have everything in one and has to has the most members is go imagine official makers group and this is the best place to post questions that you will actually get an answer a lot of times from um somebody who is part of the go imagine team and the best thing to do when you're in a group like this is to search for your question first so if you have a question about mosaic and wanting to know more about mosaic you can just search that in the group and then you can find other people's questions they've asked it previously and see if any of those questions align with um what what your your question is and then you can look and see uh what their answer was and and you can go from there so there's a lot of good information by just doing that um if you don't find the information that way then you can literally post a question in the group and you will get an answer fairly quickly it's it's great that's the first thing you should know second thing that you're going to do let's go to go and go to seller help center and this is going to have tons of information for you there's a getting started section a products section shipping mosaic integrations shop management promotions troubleshooting and then every time they release new information they put this here so they have um released some updates so they'll change something they'll add something to what you're able to do in your shop and that information is listed here so that's really awesome so there's pretty much everything that you can think of right here the first thing i recommend is in getting started you can kind of look at any of these but getting started checklist is really awesome this is something you can print out or you can just pull up on your screen and it's going to let you know what you need to do first second and so on and so forth so forth so for go imagine to to do anything on your shop you're going to go to go vendor.php and you're going to log into this and then if for any reason you have trouble logging in you might have to reset your password or something and this is going to take you to this screen here that shows you your recent sales and all of that but then you also have these other items here such as products which is one of the um you know things you're going to do down the road when you go to add your products there's also shop account and that's we're going to put in your shop settings so that's probably where you're going to start is the shop setting you're going to go to shop settings and then you're going to go to shop details let's see yes lots of things there's general i think some of this is automatically filled out for you if not you can fill that out and then you've got shop details you're going to put in any of your social media accounts and that's going to link that up so your customers are going to be able to see your social media accounts shop announcement shop tagline all sorts of great information in here this is kind of fairly fairly simple i don't really have to go through everything in here but you get the idea this facebook pixel thing i have not been able to figure out honestly but and then you've got um your theme your colors here so you can change what colors you want for for your main color and your links then you've got your meet the maker section and that's when you put something in about yourself and hopefully a picture of yourself you can do kind of whatever you want there and then we've got logos and for the logo you need to make sure it's the right size you need to make sure you know you got all the right details there um there's a paypal section you can connect your paypal to it uh terms and conditions is where you type in what your terms and conditions are do you accept returns uh how quickly do you ship items you know all those details the more information you could put in here the better so that's the shop account shop settings i have mosaic settings because i have a mosaic site i think that just wouldn't show up there if i didn't have mosaic and then here it talks about make sure to connect your stripe account so that you can get paid and there's a special link about the stripe account there it is it's in general so after you enter your address and stuff then you've got your your stripe account information so i didn't have a huge problem with that some people have a little bit of trouble getting the stripes set up but once you get it set up you don't have to do it again so generally speaking it's going to be good and then you have the spot for your store banner so definitely suggest if you have any issues at all that you take a look at this article that goes over it and further from that you can also post in the facebook group for help and then shop banner 3000 by 728 is the pixels for the shop banner this kind of just gives you a rundown of every single thing on this page optional settings description logo logo needs to be 400 by 250. the invoice logo is just something that would go on the invoice the customer would get what you should put in your terms and conditions and then it tells you kind of gets you on to the next deal here um learn the shipping basics the shipping is a really tough one for everybody to be honest i haven't seen many people that said the shipping was super easy and they figured it out right away and then there's also some information about shippo um etsy import that is if you have a shop in etsy you can actually import your product information from etsy in to go imagine there's there's a few steps to it it's not super short and simple but there is um a video and article that goes along with that and you need to have microsoft excel uh generally to get all that information over correctly and it doesn't take all the information it only takes a certain amount of information from etsy and brings it over but it can be a huge time saver creating custom shop categories starting and adding start and starting to add products and set your featured products so and then there's a deal about mosaic at the bottom so that is the checklist that you have there you kind of want to go in this order generally certain things you can't do until you do something else first so that's something to keep in mind so i will do a video in the future about shipping and i'm also going to do a video specifically about creating your custom shop categories i have had some people asking about that and i think that's really important i already have a video about adding products um i skipped the shipping section in that but in the adding products i did include variations to products so if you sell a certain product in multiple colors multiple sizes and you're trying to figure out how to make that all in one product i do have some good information for you on that so i will put the link to that video up on the screen if you want to click on that one next that'll take you there and if you found this video helpful interesting or entertaining in any way please click the like button and consider subscribing to get more helpful information on go imagine and more to come
Channel: Wee Crafty Creations, Experienced Handmade Seller
Views: 108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goimagine tips, goimagine help, goimagine, goimagine tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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