I Tested 100 Blox Fruits Experiments

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while in ghoul Awakening the crows you create will apparently Chase players infinite distances here we go awaken now you better get running oh it's chasing it's chasing he got hit we need more speed now with the Lifeboat equipped oh it's trying to reach and it despawned that one was false I've gathered a hundred of the craziest walkthroughs experiments like how you can stand on magma with the magma 3 without taking any damage yeah this one's true number three there is supposed to be a hidden area you can get through over here to get to the beautiful Pirate Battle Arena and just like every game ever there's a secret behind this waterfall and it's only in the top left but if we come through here this is the underneath of the entire Amazon Island we're basically just cheating at this point but if we come over here beautiful pirate domain this one is true and we can like do some cheeky teleports and we're inside and the funny thing is I don't even know how to get into this place legit for the next one we are testing the damage of Awakened magma which is doing massive damage in one hit 8.6 K that could have done even more as well but there is supposed to be a fruit even stronger than this and it's probably not what you would expect so if we come into here and we unstore the bomb through ah but why is she to chill and we eat the bomb fruit this fruit is supposed to have better single Target damage than this but then it's like I've only got 23 masteries so is this actually true goodbye kilo Admiral boom 4.5 K wait hang on a second that actually seems like a lot 3.2k almost unconfirmed because I haven't got all the bombs like super opium moves maybe this one here does like more damage than magma now with this green microchip I've just bought from this guy we can take this all the way over to up there and then we come inside of here we can do this lap battle against order however we need to purposely lose because supposedly I can just like walk back through this door even if I die so lorda hit me with your strongest Boulders yes yes it hurts the first time I've ever wanted to lose this raid holder you're doing a terrible job at taking me down like hit me I'm literally just stood here hit me yes perfect oh he's throwing all the boulders now I'm finished I'm done for huge keep going always comboing me which is exactly what we need yes Paul to hit me oh my life yes okay there we go no I should just be able to come over here do a little one of these things and I'm in Okay order you're finished now oh wait wait can I not damage it oh I see so you can come back in and you can try and fight order but yep he only hits you and you can't hit him all right I'm out of here I'm done get me out now I've got the revive devil fruit and if I die holding a fruit I should turn into a skeleton but will I lose my fruit or will I just become a spooky skeleton and like keep everything that I'm holding let's see and I am not spooky and I don't have a fruit oh so I think I need to get that Resurrection move that has 110 Mastery requirement now I might not have the Mastery on revive but this test dummy over here does so here take this kilo fruits and you're gonna sacrifice your life for the cause oh oh no way he actually keeps the fruit he's lost all of his skin on his body the skeleton mode is actually hilarious so that one is actually true for the next one we all know that the control through can be used to pick things up so if I go like this oh Diamond you got in the way if I go like this I can pick up this entire giant tree and then throw it but can we use the control food to pick up a devil fruit from the floor and basically like yoink it and send it into space oh look at that a perfectly convenient smoke fruit has appeared underneath a tree levitate wait hang on that was just a rock if I gotta get it perfect would it go what it disappeared wait no way did I like send it to the Moon by accident well that food's gone now but since it didn't let me pick it up to begin with I think everybody was just lying to me on that one for number eight is it possible to hit somebody from across the entire first sea with the poor devil fruit the goal is that pixel all the way over there here we go it's moving it's literally already a tiny pixel for me now wow that was totally real and not faked at all well the poor fruits poem might not be infinite but what about the string fruits overheated sniper move luckily for me I've got a guy with RGB on over there so this should be able to hit we're pretty far distance away let's see it's got to be Pixel Perfect over here to sniper boom Oh my God I hit him from there wait how far can I go hold on we're going even further this might have longer range than the Paw through actually we're going from all the way over here it's basically impossible to see where he is I think if I do this Bonk that is just not where I aimed at here we go perfect accuracy this is Pixel Perfect did that one hit I don't think that one did but how about from about here oh my wait the range is insane it's not like the entire sea but this is like really far supposedly you can use this electric tackle move and if you use it into a training chair you'll be in a swimming position which doesn't really make sense but let's try it bunk oh I did it for like half a second but I didn't do it permanently maybe I need to change the timing a little bit what if I stomp into the chair absolutely nothing okay here we go tackle yep we just laid down for a little bit and we stand back up so this experiment is unconfirmed you can use the brand new Flamingo ride from the love fruit to pick up NPCs so gorilla you're mine I've just got he's just on the back of the flamingo with me what if I just drop him into the ocean he is completely fine and then next what if you use Flamingo ride to try and pick up bosses it seems like that one just does not work unless I didn't get the angle right yep this one does not work I'm now in the flame brain but I think if I yup there it is over there that's the entire third C I'm just leaving this raid and I'm gonna try and get all the way to the third C so we can attest and see if we can just like oh whoops go up go up well we're gonna be testing to see if we can actually make it all the way over there I've got 12 minutes on the timer and then I should probably be sent back so far so good we're not hit by a barrier or anything we're probably a little over halfway now maybe I mean there's still just absolute specs in the distance but it seems like we're getting closer I might just be hallucinating though I'm not 100 sure with six and a half minutes left we've made it you could actually just straight up leave a raid if you want to so this is where all those people went in those Buddha raids and I've just got a timer at the top of my screen now so like what happens after this timer goes down do I just get teleported to the end well I guess we're on a time limit for the rest of these experiments however what this actually has done is it's made it so I can't use observation like at all and I can't take portals either so I've been like Mega nerfed well I guess for the next challenge we are just gonna have to go the good old-fashioned way number 13 might not even be possible because of this timer restriction but if we can change our fruits which means we can head over to our boat and there we go we've bought a brigade if we set up our control area and then we've got to levitate this right as we sit in the chair I missed we gotta there we go supposedly we can fly forever I just gotta get the angle right I think oh so can I just like fly forever and ever what let's go find the one piece this is actually how Luffy's meant to find the one piece whoops I'm gonna drown because I can't jump it did it work where's the ship gun we'll try again I'm almost convinced that this does work am I just like not doing it right is good this is good I've got a floating boat no it didn't work oh wait before I even get this to work we're gonna find out what happens after spending all this time outside the raid what's gonna happen to me and raid failed I got 120 fragments though let's go big money I'm gonna try doing this aiming directly upwards and if this doesn't work then I don't know I'm probably just doing something wrong why is it just falling like that this one's unconfirmed because I just can't seem to get myself the flow I keep like I'm in the boat and then we eat it and I should just fly forever but I can definitely hear myself falling yep that was definitely not forever so that one is unconfirmed this through here is supposed to be the destroyer of eardrums and it's all due to what we're testing right now so if I eat the fruit I need to get spring leap so I need to get 75 Mastery very fast I'm with the Mastery rolling and this should be enough for spring leap yep we've got everything we need and then if we come across here we have to bounce against the wall and it's perfectly I did not aim that perfectly here we go also miss click and there it is it's so loud who thought this was a good idea and more importantly who found this out this one is true make it stop oh is Buddha V1 faster than butter V2 the goal is all the way a turtle we're starting from all the way over here are you ready to get smoked big boy no I got a head start let's go I'm so quick I'm like Lightning McQueen oh look I can run backwards and I'm running faster than this guy wait it's actually like even hold on if I like I think it's perfectly even or is he like catching me slightly come on I'm so close I could do this this is my victory this is my victory I'm cheating I'm cheating boom easy win I think there will be one and V2 both have the exact same speed now you might not know but if you want to waste your time you can come over here and talk to Aaron and he will play you the entire Indra cut scene again when he uses his like cool dark blade and stuff but if you reset while watching this apparently it completely breaks the game when you come back in from outside of this cutscene I like this cutscene is really loud wow this is so epic and cool wow that was a close slash it's almost like I've seen this before no Mr red guy you can win don't let Indra beat you oh well he's dead okay cool he won the 1v1 more importantly though my game should be broken like completely broken yep so look where I am I'm nowhere to be seen but actually if you peek over there I'm over here this is crazy I can like peek around the corner hey this is so messed up it's like on this NPC POV you are NPC and Blogspot this is like exactly what they see all day every day for 24 hours oh wait what's going on oh I'm finally back what's happened to me I'm a Noob wait where'd my bacon hair girl I want that back the NPC took over in me or something next up supposedly you can use awakened Buddha moves in an awakened Buddha so if I press retribution Dash nothing happened yep literally nothing is happening okay yep that one is not true next up if a portal user stands still when they use their ex ability it should be completely invisible and undetectable so go invisible okay he's in his portal form and then he's um so he's definitely very much visible all right now if he doesn't move then he just shouldn't be here yep how is he what he's just there what is going on if this works properly this time yep he's just nowhere to be seen and he's just like stood here right now watching me it's kind of spooky it's like he's a ghost I think he comes back after the cooldowns I hope that this bug is definitely gonna be fixed it's a bit op even with observation on I can't see him and he hasn't left the server either so this is crazy what there we go he's finally back I swear that took like two minutes longer than it was actually supposed to last I was crazy but also true it's time for the Ultimate Dragon race you're going down buddy look at my little wings you're not ready go I'm fast I'm too quick wait we might actually be neck and neck I'm gonna call on his hitbox come on Final wins I think it's yes just a bit slower and he's like multiple times my size so I wasn't even close damn it man I thought I could finally win a race legit but the bigger dragon form is indeed faster than the smaller Dragon form number 20 can you walk on lava with the ice fruits no you cannot ouch can you ice skate on lava with the ice fruit though no yeah oh yeah you can't do that either number 21 we are using this crusty fruit here because apparently this fruit takes more damage and water than any other fruit so if we jump in or we are dying fast yeah you wouldn't even be able to react to that and then if we eat the spin through yep definitely takes way longer I could easily get out of this water if I wanted to but I fancy to swim that one is true for the next one if you use the chop fruit while going into a chair like this it should break your limbs forever you should not be like normal now oh is the timing messed up this one not work anymore nice nice I mean this one seems like it should work but I guess it really depends on the timing of when you hit the chair nope that one didn't work either I have no idea if this one's actually true or false because you could just need like a literal perfect timing if you combine the shark race with the Buddha fruit and the lay you can supposedly become invincible but it apparently also only works if you're in B4 okay if I awaken I've got my lace I should go even faster now hit me I should be unstoppable oh I just died that one is definitely not true for the next one if you have the Phoenix fruit equipped and you sit in a boat while using your blue flames ability it should be in use permanently so I just need to get the timing right why is my ship making so much noise so ship can you not relax okay blue flames and then we walk into the seats and if I stand up it's not working anymore so this one is not true wait I gotta try one final thing maybe it's based on awakening so I just gotta sneak into the basement and if we unawaken the X because Awakening and unawakening are two completely different things how about now about it's still making a ton of noise I need a new belt okay so we come over here regeneration Flames sit in the chair oh my god I've got infinite power wait Can I stack this and does it heal me it's hard to tell if it heals me I'll test after I've stacked it a few more times okay if I'd use it again and then sit in the chair I've got a double stack this is insane I'll use it again after using it a few times I'm like a glow stick but does it heal me hit me Bandit wait what I'm being healed but there's no pee I actually can't die I've got three regeneration flames on at once yeah good luck trying to kill me me Raider I'm Invincible now and I don't actually know how do I get this off Me Make It Stop what is this what's wrong with me I look like I'm about to explode next we are testing to see if CB spawn more frequently when you don't have any haki activated so if I sit here in the sea this should be prime seabe's territory and if I start a timer going now we just need to see how long it takes for one to spawn and I've got no haki at all on right now that took literally about 30 seconds for a series to spawn could this one actually be true I'm genuinely curious and since I've got the Phoenix fruit on there is literally no way I'm losing to this Sea Beast right now and there we go that Seabees is defeated this time we're gonna try it out just with hakion I'm also in race Awakening so maybe that'll make it even slower I would just sit here with every single bit of hockey activated and this will be a great test to see if it spawns faster or if it takes longer okay there we go that one took like way longer maybe like five or six minutes with hockey active but honestly I might have just got incredibly lucky on the first one I'm not 100 sure if that's actually true so this one is still like unconfirmed number 26 does the dark fruit do less damage in the day it's currently nighttime so if I e-test and we find an unsuspecting NPC I was sitting with these dark rocks Factory stuff I'm sorry oh 3068 now we're just gonna wait until daytime it's daytime scientists I think I missed one unless it literally does 600 damage less okay wait any more scientists yeah but this guy over here will be perfect here we go dark rocks I missed so many attempt number three 3068. I just can't tell if that's because I missed like it doesn't do more if I direct impact or was there like an actual damage drop off there that's one of the top 10 Mysteries science still can't answer but next up we're gonna create an infinite Loop and that's using this puzzle through right here we find an enemy with health like this guy over here and then we look up to a portal like that it should be infinite why are you not infinitely falling okay wait I've got a new idea I think I know how to make it go infinite so my main problem right now is they're trying to attack me so what if I go like this and then I go above my portal and I hold a move yeah it is infinite I can have enemies going through that infinitely this one is true number 28 kilo is the largest fruit you can hold in your hand I am genuinely curious if this is true so I've got a kilo fruit here that is one chunky boy okay so what about Dragon it has like horns and wings and stuff so surely this one's even bigger right and there's a dragon fruit like it's got its devious smile the dragon fruit is Tiny the key loafer is huge it's not even close yep I definitely think the kilo fruit is the biggest in the game what else could be big like the Buddha fruit because it turns you into literally a ginormous human let's see it doesn't even compare either the only other thing that could possibly compare maybe the diamond fruit that is also literally not even close the kilo is easily the biggest one that one's true number 29 if you use black leg Z move on this Whirlpool right here the game will completely bug there we go flying kick right in the center boom nothing happened wait maybe I just did it wrong attempt number two flying kick boom nothing happened again we'll try one more time but this time from the inside of the underwater just go like this and the game should have bugged out but nothing happened happen I can stand on the portal at least but nothing happens I have no idea if this one actually works because I keep just flying kicking and just sitting on it and doing nothing I don't know this one seems like it might not be true the next step is it possible to stand on lava if you are literally made out of fire so we just gotta eat this flame fruit now we got fire and wait it damages me unless I stand still wait to do that with every fruit what about ice so if I stay still while I made out of ice am I just chilling oh I see so the lava does damage the fire through so the fire fruit is in fact not immune to this for this next one if we come to this island with the giant skull in the second sea and then we go this way I think we should be able to get to the island where you fight a boss that shouldn't be possible to get to however I'm not exactly seeing the island so this one might not be possible after sailing for about five minutes I literally don't see anything there should be rippingers island because I think that over there is the cursed ship right I don't see any Islands out here like anywhere so this one is false number 32 Falcon is supposed to be the fastest bird devil fruit and I am gonna prove it wrong I'm too quick I actually just left him in the dust it was a full start here we go speed oh I am just infinitely quicker I could fly backwards like he's not even standing a chat oh I hit a pole yeah I just think this isn't even close I actually just styled on him that was easy so Falcon is in fact not the fastest devil fruit unless it has a movement ability but the next one if you've ever awakened the Buddha fruit you'll know that if you shift you can run in water like this ocean is apparently just like a kid's pool because it only goes up to your legs however if you use the unawakened version do you drown yup your legs don't touch the floor so you definitely do drown get me out of there get me out of there the ice boots awakened the ability as a shortest stun time than unawakened that was honestly pretty fast so how does the other V compare should I come into this basement yet again for like the fifth time hello awakens expert unawaken and if I come over here and I freeze him again yep that seems like he was an ice cube for way longer that time so this one is in fact true number 35 is the gun through immune to the rumble devil fruit just like one piece lightning Beast this guy's got wait isn't he a falcon oh nope he's immune wait this doesn't seem fat I can hit him with my strongest attacks and they do nothing wait so what if I use haki literally just zero difference as well so that one is true however is the gun through immune to bullets so if I take out this refined musket and then I go phew oh it actually did nothing it just bounces off what if I use haki Punk and I just miss but he's actually immune so that one is also true the gum fruit definitely the protagonist's fruit that's for sure if you have two people with awakened angel can you keep a bus permanently stuck on the ground kneeling Jeremy he can't move you're supposed to be the spring fruit user and he just can't move oh this is actually op let's go try it on Don Swan as well this could be busted could solo every boss in the entire game with just two Angel v4s Don Swan you can't move oh wait was it just a Jeremy diff hold on oh he's like breaking free every now and again oh wait yeah if you get the right angle I can't move that's actually so op so that one is true I'm telling you this is why Awakening into a guard is the best Awakening form and since we're here for this next experiment if we use a move into dunswan's room it's supposed to bug you like crazy but I don't think that one worked what about like flying kick maybe flying kick I am not bugged like at all so this one's unconfirmed I don't know if it's like a specific type of move you have to use I've got an idea of a move that could work really well and it involves this squishy fruit right here so if I just eat the fruits and then we go up here okay here we go we're gonna slingshot into the door boom yep absolutely nothing happened number 39 if you use the magma floor on the magma you don't take any damage okay this one makes sense because I mean if you could be made out of magma and not be hurt by it anyway it makes sense that the floor doesn't hurt you either so basically what I am right now is I'm just magma squared while being in gear second I'm quickly changing and eating the chop through do these smaller parts everybody keep the pink skin color and the smoke we just need to find some enemies with a sword now that I'm the chop man can they hit me and will my little pieces be yeah my little pieces of arm are still pink oh that's pretty cool what if they detach Bonk yeah they're also Pink as well so this one is true and number 41 and if you reset do you keep the pink particles no you do not supposedly for this next one if you do the entire raid with a fruit that you're not actually going to awaken and then eat the fruit at the very end you can then awaken that fruit I was under the impression that you just had to use the fruit from the very beginning to even have a chance to awaken it right all right so the raid is nearly complete now I just gotta find a flame fruit which I think I have a few of yep seven on store and now if we eat this fruit and complete the raid we should be able to go to The Awakening screen at least I think so because the rate's complete am I being sent to the space I've made it so what happens here I've already taught you everything I know so you can actually just eat a fruit mid-rate and then boom you've got it and instead number 43 if you teleport to the raid without putting the password in can you actually do the ray let's see load him up it actually works okay and I'm in I don't want to be here though so take me back if you subscribe to Cooper cool you'll guaranteed to get mythical fruits see watch this boom we got a dragon fruit no way see that one's actually true so you should subscribe and help me speed run to 400k apparently for this one there's a secret area you can hide yep right here which takes you underneath the great tree oh wow they really could have just like put a rug here and fixed this entire problem the next one is that these barrier stairs can apparently go infinitely it would make sense because they are disappearing behind us so can we just like go for forever this could be the ultimate way to travel in bloxford it seems to just be going forever it's a Stairway to Heaven this should have actually been how you got race before would have been great if you had to use the barrier stairs to get to where you need to go but I think this was probably true you could literally keep on using this forever you could probably leave the stratosphere with these stairs this is actually crazy number 46 if you come over to this suspicious looking bacon and you talk to him this guy will remove your fruit for 50k so I gotta get the perfect timing to get this down there we go remove my fruit there we go I no longer have a devil fruit I'm just walking around doing the doe swing I'm like a helicopter I just won't stop swinging and now I've just got an arm no matter what I do if I equip my dark blade I've just got an arm this is crazy can I combine this with even more abilities we gotta find out what happens if we transform into a Buddha while our arm is like this oh wait it said error can I not transform what if I try and eat the ice fruit like this era stop using your ability first so you can only use that ability but this one is true now this boss Bobby is immune to all sword attacks or at least he's supposed to be apparently my Cutlass absolutely destroys him let me try a weapon without like any Mastery I mean he's supposed to be immune to all swords however the dark blade is his one true weakness is this one actually lets you hit him with all of its attacks but honestly I'm not even sure why he's even being damaged by like my regular attacks so that one I'm unsure but for this next one you're supposed to be able to use the kilo fruit to just hover above water like this that is not hovering I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I swear you're supposed to just like chill above the water I was straight up swallowing that by the gallon yeah like this this one is true you can just chill above the water and not have to worry until you crash land supposedly this move called landmines that allows you to place a ton of mines on the floor can be used on the ocean I think this is just a massive bait I'm not gonna lie land mines yep they are called landmines for a reason not sea mines that one is definitely not true the password is locked behind this door right here you can apparently get inside here and fight him if you can do the vision glitch thing and here he is longma oh I see so you can't actually fight this guy is one of the situations where he can attack you yep but you can't hit him at least I can steal this diamond chat number 51 says that if you go straight out into the ocean this way you'll come across a secret Island however I'm not seeing anything right now in any direction like am I just blind wait I actually see it but it only comes out at night time it's like a werewolf I've been in my boat for about 10 minutes now and we're getting kind of close like this is way bigger than it was before hello cursorship ah what the floor is lava Challenge and what why this is the cursed ship it's not like the lava place so what if I do this that doesn't help I went all that way and I just died at least I made it it exists supposedly we can awaken fruits if we manage to glitch through this wall like so and then we find a box which is right over there this should allow us to awaken without having to do a single raid and apparently I've entered what is that France this box is France is that French is I'm 10 minutes later now that I'm inside if I get a fruit like the sun fruit that I've never awakened before and then if I eat this and I become a Sandman and then we talk to the mysterious entity like a raid Ascension oh you cannot talk to this NPC this one is false apparently for this next one you can create invisible devil fruits all I gotta do is transform into a leopard and then we throw this on the ground by just going like this there's nowhere to be seen oh wait but if I run over it I can actually pick it up so there's a string fruit right there but nobody can see it until I untransform and it reappears that one is true next up we are testing exactly what happens if somebody with the revived fruit activates the skeleton ability and resets instead of dying you see I think he should just become a reset spooky scary skeleton let's see he just poofed nothing happened is he a skeleton no he's still normal that one is not true if I transform into a big boy and then I use overheat now that I've got some spicy feet I think we need to come back over here this is not good I can't fit through the doorway wait maybe I can do this with a martial arts master instead and then I change my martial art and then I own transform and I'm not just some big feet this one is so good number 56 if you jump on a raid pad right is the raid's about to start do you get teleported am I going in I am I'm unsure if this one's actually true or not because it was like that could have been like perfect timing and I still have giant defeats myth number 57 if you transform in Buddha form while already having big feet do the feet become even bigger let's see so stupid but that one is true I can't believe this actually works nobody can stop me you know what they say about big feet big socks and number 57 supposedly Law's sword has infinite range inside of his control domain here we go room it's covered both of these enemies so now I just gotta do this injection shot and it's supposed to hit all the way over there oh hang on a sec I gotta try from even further we'll go from one side of the room all the way to the other okay he's all the way over there I'm at the edge of my room injection shot that does have a really long range but it's definitely not infinite we know that the control devil fruit can take parts of walls and then has the texture of that part that you take but what about if you did that with devil fruit powers like the magma fruit so now if I grab this nope it does not give me a piece of magma it just gives me a rock test on magma floor yoink okay that doesn't work either and also since it might just be magma let's try ice yoink okay that didn't work give me that Spike it's definitely just a green rock but this next one supposedly if you awaken with sharks while in the ocean it'll teleport you underneath the entire map so let's see awakened and yeah no definitely Just Awaken me in the ocean I'm Not underneath the map or anything this one is false supposedly you can completely break the leopard model if you transform into a chair I need to get this timing perfect here we go I'm team posing this is amazing what's crazy about this is if I press transform again I've got double leopard Synergy oh this is cool number 62 you can eat devil fruits while being transformed as a Buddha so in my hand here I've got a tiny puny little string fruit to eat Arrow disable your transformation work this one does not work number 63 the blizzard first tornado flight knocks away everything in its path and apparently does a lot of damage but can you use it to knock away a devil fruit here we go and the tree's gone yup that fruit is definitely still there it's not budging this move with water kung fu is supposed to have infinite range so we're gonna try and hit this guy all the way down there this has got to be Pixel Perfect here we go deadly shower from the sky POV reign in bloxfords oh what these dolls that are usually only broken with yarrow can be broken with the gum fruit so if I fire a cannon boom um I can't help but notice that this didn't break what about in transformation smash this did in fact not work what about these dolls I guess this makes sense because these are like actual rocks but this one is not true does resetting before dying save your Bounty okay come on pirate millionaire well that's the damage I'm talking about okay reset I didn't lose any Bounty was he too low level okay let's try somebody else Marine Commodore this guy's got a haki on his hand so like nice nice hit me one more time perfect reset I don't think I lost any it didn't say I lost any Bounty am I just like bugged or is this one true using mink Awakening you can run through walls with this super Dash can I get through this wall super Dash if I jump it did work if you jump you can Dash through walls that's like an insane Escape mechanism and it only seems to work on some walls what it's like the walls where the entrance is I am so confused how does this work you can create a mini Sun if you get into a boat right as you use Flames hellcore move I don't believe for a second this will work but then again the boats are incredibly buggy in this game so hell's core um I messed up the timing now I gotta wait like 20 seconds I think I've done it the boat is having an absolute panic attack but if I let go I've sent it out uh but the boat's also broken now I want I'm unsure if it actually works number 70 is it possible for somebody to stand on the rocks that you create with the control first so if I just like hold it here and levitate it can he get up there nope it just like doesn't exist this is a fake rock so that one does not work supposedly in the water right here in underwater city is fake I'll be the judge of that and I'll sacrifice this flame fruit to be perfect I'm Jesus I can actually just stand on the ocean this is amazing wait is there literally no ocean yep there's a lot like it and you can just place the flame fruit down and it's just there awaken Phoenix can do damage while standing still wait what I mean I'm dropping like Flames oh my I am melting this boss and I don't even have to have the phoenix like equipped this is op you couldn't do anything the fastest non-roblox boat is supposedly quicker than the slowest Roblox battle okay I've got a pretty nice lead yep you are not keeping up with the power of pay to win buying Double XP Stacks the effect X together so if I buy 15 minutes of Double XP and then if I buy another 15 minutes please don't just like overlap this should go up to 30 minutes yep and it does oh nearly wasted my precious precious Robux if I fly through the Rings behind this ice castle do I change color on the spot you've got blue wings right now so if we go green yeah these are definitely still blue yep literally zero change and I can't even change anymore so this one is not true it's supposed to be possible to drive your boat onto land so let's see is this actually possible I know one possible way we could do this other than that we're gonna have to make some magic work we'll buy the Brigade okay now we gotta try and drive this thing onto land if I get enough speed I might be able to do it here goes I'm gonna aim for that ladder right there as well maybe we can like somehow go up the ladder here we go let's do this absolutely nothing happened that one does not work when you use Quake see Quake move it summons four massive waves from every different direction but what happens if you die while casting the seaquake this time is perfectly boom reset what happens to the waves they're looking very normal right what is happening yeah this one is true the waves do indeed go absolutely crazy they go all different directions this is Carnage what happens to a revive user if they turn into a skeleton which is gonna be courtesy of me it's skeleton Time Boom there we go and then what happens if he turns into a Buddha does he become a big skeleton is that how it works it's time for the grand reveal it actually works oh he's absolutely destroying me best believe I'm out of here giant skeleton Buddha is kind of terrifying I'm gone you can get infinite water bubbles with water Kung Fu by coming over here and if we use deadly shower as we talk to this guy and we change to shark man wait I mean I've got like cool water hands but I can't move I'm just stuck this one's like I'm like unsure of but it looks really cool at least with this next one if I just hold spacebar with the angel that's right Neil before me I will just float oh my God I'm just like in creative mode t-posing this is amazing why have I never done this one before this is insane and then can I switch to yeah I can switch to the Flying one can I switch back to the other one yep you can't just stopped me and I can attack like this as well can you attack him the other way you can but it's really difficult this was like way more useful although it's a bit slower but the next one you're supposed to be able to out heal the water damage using Phoenix's blue flames move let's see not even a chance if you die while getting Mastery the amount should bug out okay here we go she's super weak okay if I die the rest of the Mastery should bug out so I should have like 2 million yep we're only must be 58 and we've got 2 million out of 9700 so this one is true and on the screen as well it's shown that we've got the Mastery 127 when actually we haven't so I better try my hardest from now on to not die while fighting something for Mastery XP supposedly if you enter the water using the dough Fruit by driving off land you shouldn't take any water damage like this you'll start driving on the ocean however if you go into a donut farm from midair you're supposed to take damage in the ocean like this um so that one's just completely wrong or did I go from too high what if it's like hype based so if I try from like here nope it just works all the time now maybe it's based on when you equip your devil fruit so if I wait until the last second yeah no it still works if I have mink V for the pilot helmet and I transform into a leopard fruit is it faster than the light fruit oh wow this is just not even close like I can even do my little teleport thing and that's awakened light as well this is definitely the fastest way to travel in the entire game is the pirate's best ship faster than the Marine's best ship here we go oh I'm so quick what hold on that doesn't make sense so it seems like the Marine ship is faster than the pirate ship but only slightly unless I'm literally seeing things it does seem like it's catching on me though okay it might actually be exactly the same I'm not 100 sure this Shanks boss right here can only be found in his little cave here but what happens if we try and kidnap him and take him out from his cave So you you're coming with me so normally like he's seeing a wall here but what if I just like yep he can't leave but what if I come in here and then we portal Freedom Shanks this is freedom right that didn't work maybe we try Brute Force get over here Shanks all right boom that did not work what if I try doing a portal like this it actually worked but he's running free now he's gonna be an absolute Menace on this poor little Noob he's just too shot that beginner guy I've brought out a beast into the world now basically everybody who comes to the Jungle to start grinding is just gonna die so this is like the ultimate way to kill noobs without ever doing it yourself this is amazing number 89 the amount of bounty you lose to mobs is apparently based on their level so if I die to Captain elephant I should lose 1875 Bounty yes lost 1875 Bounty okay wait that could be a coincidence though I need to find something else random Fishman Raider 1775. so realistically I should lose 1775 Bounty then right and yep 1775. that one's actually true wow even with nothing attached you can use the new spider Highway move to fly straight up into the sky let's see if I click like this and then we do it again did we go even higher oh it's actually kind of working is the new overheated snipers range longer than the old one we've got a little Target now that we can actually use and if we fire it I think that didn't even hit this enemy from there which makes me think this one's actually shorter range than the previous one but now we gotta test how long the new Ultimate goes can strings new Ultimate hit from here uh yes it definitely can I'm not getting any damage numbers but that definitely could hit the love for his best though friendo move can defeat bosses all on its own Don Swann vs my minion who will win go my friend go wait he's actually evenly matched he's destroying him and no he's so low go best friend finish him off yes good job he actually won the 1v1 next up we're seeing if the love fruits X Cupid's own has infinite range for that enemy all the way over there can I just like throw this over well it went further than what here we go again we're gonna test the maximum range of Cupid's Zone boom that's how far he goes that's insane not quite infinite though can the love for his f move pick up fruits it doesn't seem like it at least you can't like make it right on the flamingo with you the spider fruits F will make you fly higher if you're attached to a building than not a building so if we go away from this building and we press F we go about that high what happens if we go underneath this building and press F I think that was actually just a tiny bit lower so that one is not true supposedly love fruit's best friend move can't follow you through portal so let's see if that's actually true if I summon my best friend right here there he is follow me we're going through here to Turtle Mansion he followed through that one is true number 97 is possible to fly with the ice skating move I think if we maybe get some height we can start flying here we go liftoff oh my God it's working we're kind of flying I mean it's more like falling but slowly yeah you can like float pretty much I'd say this one's true if you hit the right angle you can definitely fly we all know the dodono move is pretty quick but does it become faster if we combine that with Mink's agility skill well there's only one way to find out that was you know pretty quick light's definitely much faster and then the leopard fruit is even faster but here we go ability skill can I go up walls faster or something with it maybe nope I'm I'm stuck but that did absolutely nothing number 99 can you pick up a fruit while in the mink super Dash this could be the sneakiest way to steal fruits from people it works you just gotta time it right so if this guy wants the fruit you go Bagel you can have the fruit yike I could just steal it from him in light speed that one is true and for number 100 this next secret can make any devil fruit disappear so if I take this dragon fruit right here and I unstore it using this secret right here I can make it disappear see it's vanished wow such a cool epic experiment but if you guys want to see me test Tick Tock hacks then watch this video right here
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 5,513,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits myths, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits codes, blox fruits update, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits update 17 part 3, roblox blox fruit, blox fruit live, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits race, blox fruits secrets, blox fruits troll, rip_indra blox fruits, blox fruits race awakening, blox fruits race v, blox fruits tricks, blox fruits tiktok, testing blox fruits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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