Mastering Control Fruit in EVERY One Piece Roblox Game..

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today we're back with one of my favorite series I'm going to be playing the most popular one piece games of Roblox but that's not all in each game we play I'm going to be obtaining and mastering the control fruit and also give each game a rating out of 10 to find out which one has the best control for the first game King's Legacy now it's been a while since I've hopped onto this game I think I might already have the op fruit so we have snow bracho gum gravity barrier and I I I lied I do not have the op fruit okay so as usual we have to go to the starter Island cuz that's the only island with a gacha on it I have no idea how rare the ope ope fruit is but I guess we're about to find out is this dude walking on a what the heck yo Wesley 4437 guess I'm about to bring this dude along with me I have no idea what he's saying here we go though we pulled up to the starter Island now let's go check out the black market let's see how rare the op op fruit is hopefully it's not too expensive op R here okay it's a rare that's actually not too bad now it is out of stock so we are going to have to get it from the gacha we have 120 gems so we should be able to get a few spins wait a minute this looks different you can open one and open 10 do it use Keys now copper key Iron Key gold key did did the currency change what the what the heck I thought you used to be able to buy gachas with gems this is weird oh I figured it out buy copper Keys you need 250,000 belly buy an iron key you need three gems to buy gold key you need 15 gems okay I have 120 so I could probably buy seven of those what if I just bought five gold keys and I just bought a bunch of irons let me open 10 chests oh they have a new opening animation now this is fire yo Kings Legacy got a crazy update okay spin let's see what else we get wolf fruits yo Kings Legacy really updated their thing bro I didn't even know they had it like this for real okay okay s fruit rare we're cooking we're cooking giraffe fruit another giraffe smoke spino what is that okay spino again and love damn King Legacy really updated their game bro there's a lot I probably don't know about this game now what the heck is that what the heck is this man doing King's Legacy did not look this good before what the heck hey no way this this game just got a block fruits level of rework right here bro I'm not going to lie we didn't get that many good fruits from that one we did get one called the spino fruit I want to check that one out see what that's talking about Spinosaurus okay let me go to Stats we have 3,000 points might as well put that all in Fruit we have Roar Terror Roar scratch and beast mode okay Spinosaurus what the hell is it okay the models look a lot better though I ain't going to lie this looks this looks updated okay does this thing have m1's oh it does okay okay you know what bro you know what bro Kings Legacy for the first time of me doing one of these videos might get a high rating okay let's check Roar out one still looks a little anticlimactic what about terrar maybe this one is better terrar I mean this is only a rare fruits maybe op is better maybe op is better what about scratch sh sh that wasn't that good and then Beast mod what did I just do nothing happened do I just get like a buff or something with my moves all right I ain't going to lie spinal fruit is not that good let's just continue rolling for the ope I did buy five gold one so I guess let's just just open five oh I got Spirit what the heck an epic if we don't get op we might have to check out the spirit fruit spring nexts next up gum fruit rare okay barrier and one last gold key let's see what we get Spike didn't even get the op curious to see how this does though bro Spirit you know what boys you know what boys let's just store that for now though I need more gems Roo $20 package authorizing payment and 1,700 Robux okay so now there's a 500 gem for, 1500 Robux package right here might as well buy that 500 gems that'll get us a lot of keys boom gem spot you know what boys we going all out we ain't going to buy these little cheap Keys We buying the gold keys here boys 15 should be good that should be more than enough all right let's open 10 let's see what we get giraffe Spike giraffe sand open yes sir that was easy we didn't even use the 10 okay let's see what we get for the rest of the 10 then ice epic I'll take that I'll take that giraffe another bomb another epic damn two epics in under 10 okay let me go ahead and store this and let me store this but now we've got to eat the op fruit this looks kind of weird I ain't going to lie this doesn't look like the op fruit to me probably did this to avoid copyright but without further Ado let's go ahead and eat that King's Legacy you've gotten some good reworks please don't disappoint me with the ope fruit oh we actually have a lot of different moves area Rock heart gamma teleport and countershock okay okay we got a lot of Boos we got a lot of Boos let's go ahead and test it off on this boss over here Smokey you're about to be my test dummy all right first move room oh oh little holding animation okay damn that was already not that good I'm going to be honest see that again hold on let's de activate that room can't even really hold it for you let's just like that and then it just activate I guess that's not terrible all right first off we have Rock boom this is the same as block spr okay that's actually not the bad that's actually not the bad okay all right next up we have heart op op heart what the heck was that okay that thing had like absolutely no animation to it all right let's check out the rest of the moves here then heart once again oh you do get the heart hold on you get the heart right here it's just it shows up in your inventory so I didn't see it wait do it just Auto kill him let me check this out on a more Health boss okay let do heart right here let's take this it instanta kills him what the heck no that's over op bro we got to try that for PVP see if that works on a player later on still got a few moves left to check out though let's check out teleport let's see how far this goes teleport okay it goes for the whole room okay not bad not bad we have gamma oh oh little gamma knife gamma knife that actually looks kind of fire okay boom uh animation could be better but not the worst thing I've seen and last but not least we have counter shock I mean it one shotted him um let's see if it one shots the boss counter shock oh yeah I one shoted him okay you know what just based off the how like the control looks bro this is tough animations are not that good I'm going to be honest I'm going have to give this one a 5 out of 10 bro a 5 out of 10 straight 50% cuz it just it's just not that good it's just not that good I'm sorry man now that last one was a little bit lackluster being only a 5 out of 10 but let's see how good this next one is for the next game we have a one piece game and just for a little info on the game the operation fruit is a mythical in this game and it also has a fruit Awakening so this has got me a little hype for this one it should be better I've played this game a lot so there's no way I don't have a ope fruit let me just look in here ope zero results there's no shot maybe I have to type in the whole thing operation zero result that is crazy bro all the time I've been playing this game I've never got an OP no worries for us I've literally got 47 billion belly so we could do a lot of fruit spins is no problem to be honest let me go gear Fifth and let's go over to the island where the gacha is there we go log town all right perfect doing fruit gacha this game is a lot easier than other games you talk to this Merchant right here and you could literally type in the amount you want I'm going to type in 100 fruits let's see do I see any operations in here no I saw em Mochi in there okay okay we got Mochi already that's good um I don't think I saw operation let me see no no op the game wants to play hard to get eh the game wants to play hard to get we could do this all day boys 100 more easy no inventory space available okay game's trolling me all right there we go I cleared up majority now I only have 84 100 more let's get it let's get it okay let's see I see invisible I already see another Mochi I already saw two Mochis in there what the how am I getting Mochis this easily but no control no don't tell me I don't get a op oh my gosh I saw two Quakes in there no op oh I just realized I can Auto delete fruits okay you know what let me auto delete barrier chop fire ice lightning invisible magma Phoenix string light let's just let's just aut delete everything other than the one I need bro all right let's go quake Buddha Quake King's fruit Quake out of 95 fruits I only got those okay buddy let's keep spinning let's keep spinning Quake Quake Quake Buddha Buddha Buddha Quake Quake Quake Quake Quake all right well you know what boys I'm deleting quake and I'm also deleting budha we're only getting mythicals now boys and this time we're buying 250 did I actually just get nothing from that 100 that is actually insane bro it's 200 spins and we didn't even get a single fruit I'm getting samed I'm I'm actually getting scammed 200 more not even a single fruit from 200 more spins I'm not giving up 200 more come on come on operation please Mochi and that's it another Mochi this damn open better be the best fruit this game with how long this is taking bro might just have to trade for it I mean I've got two dragons I've got some rubber fruits and I've got tons of mois so that could be a backup plan if we can't get it from spinning we can trade for it 5 billion belly left I can only afford 190 more spins if I don't get this I'm done with the belly boys we have to get it for a trade I received come on and another mhi let me type in chat anyone here got op for trade please someone respond soon man this thing seem damn rare as hell bro with like how much that costed me a few minutes later well I've gone from server to server asking them questions like anyone got op for trade or can someone trade me op and uh no luck I haven't even got a single response looks like we have to take mes into our own hands we've got to make our way to Second C and grind out a bunch of belly cuz we're going to get this through gacha no matter what three hours later all right boys I'm fighting a boss and after I kill this one I think we'll have enough belly there we go we're not at 47 billion belly that is more than enough to do some more spinning here we go boys here we go this is going to be the one boys 47 billion belly there's no way we don't get a single op we're going to block out all of these fruits there we go 200 fruits come on come on please give me one please give me one open out of this oh we got to open yes sir yes sir oh my gosh boys I was so worried we were not about to get another one but it looks like we finally did over like 2 hours of grind for belly just to get this damn thing bro kind of crazy when you think about it man all right so first things first I have to switch over to a different fruit and reset this one and now let's eat the operation fruit this one's accurate to the heart let's waste no more time though let's go ahead and eat that thing yes sir this better be worth it all the damn time I spent grinding let's see all the moves cut room shambles tacked countershock and Mees now that's not that many moves but don't forget this has an Awakening so first off we have room there we go let's see how long can you hold that okay you can't hold that very long so this is the biggest the room can get next up we have shambles I guess this is a Teleport oh that thing has no cool down y you can just literally spam this thing okay okay that gets extra points for usability can it go the full duration of the room let me see oh it can okay that's fire that's fire next up we have this ability named cut M1 what do you do with that it's not it's not really doing anything okay that's that's weird next up we have tacked oh what the heck oh wait a minute I think the cut and the tack tie together that's actually weird I guess that's cool but I don't really like the way that's used literally two moves in one so two these moves are wasted next up we have Mez I'm assuming this is the heart one oh yeah it's the heart one right there if I click it damn that did a lot of damage okay but last but not least we have counter shook oh oh goes up the air oh that's actually not that bad of an animation all right all right so the control is not too bad in base form it's also not that good but I would at least say the control in base form is slightly better than uh King's Legacy not by much though but now let's go figure out how to awaken it now according to Wiki in order to obtain the op fruit what you need to do is obtain something called a true kikoku scroll and you also need to have 33,000 gems to fully evolve it and to get to scroll what you need to do is defeat the awakened law boss and it has a 5% drop chance so yeah yeah this is uh this is going to be tough for this one though I ain't going to lie I'm switching over back over to gear five that way we can actually do some damage believe this is the land of judgment right here boys hopefully we can hang with this boss there we go land of judgment now where is he at there's beo right there and here's the awakened law Boss look at that Bounty bro damn well let's waste no more time let's go ahead and try to fight this boy right here can't be too damn hard damn did he just almost one shot me hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on jump to Liberation jump to Liberation there we go let's heal up let's heal up let's heal up let me try getting close let's see how much damage did I deal with all that oh he's actually not that strong okay he's actually feasible he's actually feasible all right hold on let me heal up let me heal up me heal up wait did that just kill him right there that was pretty anticlimactic I'm not going to lie he didn't drop the scroll though at least I think he didn't yep he didn't drop the scroll okay now I guess we just got to keep fighting him until we get it a few minutes later and there we go boys True kikoku scroll this actually didn't take me that long to get I think I was only grounding for about 30 minutes but we got it now all we got to do is go back to log town and then we can evolve this op but first we need to buy the 33,000 gems cuz these boys are money hungry bro it's going to be like almost 100 bucks worth of roox bro that's actually crazy what are these boys thinking this thing better be the best damn fruit in the game for the way all this is a crying mythical which took us like 1,000 spins to get we had to grind for like an hour just to get the scroll and you got to spend $100 worth of Robux to get all the gems needed this is actually ridiculous man all right this is the last bit of gems 33,000 there we go I can't believe I actually spent $100 for that that is actually insane G Merchant there we go I awaken a move let's just go ahead and just hurry up and awaken the rest of them next one here third one there we go fifth think we we got three more to go through there we go one two and last ability right here boys there we go before we even get to the move showcase bro I just must say these game devs are actually the most money hungry greedy grubby game devs I've ever seen I don't even use this account and literally just off this one game alone I had to spend 8,363 Roo I haven't logged in on this account in months so it's all from this game hly man like how how greedy you got to be Man without any further delay let's go ahead and check this move set out all right so we've got we got a bunch of new abilities kikoku cut countershock Whirlwind amputate shock Willie puncture Willie and REO also I noticed yo you got a sword now just by pulling that thing out I like that I like that oh and when you get kikoku cut hold on let me see what his damage that does bro boom boom oh that actually one shots that actually one shot that's crazy okay that's fire that's fire first move we have R room okay let's use that R room wait what the heck is it an attack with it oh it's a shootable attack and wherever you shoot it that's where the room activates and this room is like twice the size of the other one already up to a good start next up we got counter shock okay let's check that countershock oh damn no animation just straight up kills him okay I'm messing with that I'm messing with that next up we have Whirlwind okay let's aim that over there oh damn okay yo animations they actually cooked a little bit with animations next up we have amputate I'm assuming this is probably like the heart one it literally takes the heart out of everybody in the the damn room animation wise that one wasn't like the craziest but like I'm just amazed like this thing could be crazy for grinding in this game next up we have shock Willie oh you teleport to him it's like a gamma if you teleport to him shock with that thing it explode him and it had a massive AOE too one more time shock willly teleport to him pack him up I like that I like that last but not least we have puncture Willie I'm assuming this is going to be the ultimate or something let's see how this puncture Willie I'm the surgeon of death oh wait we have a little cut scene what the hell this is like a goofy cut scene huh I thought they were cooking with that cut scene but they they like messed up the puv or something they was not cooking with that I ain't going to lie they was not cooking with that overall though I ain't going to lie like this may be the best a one piece game fruit we've seen on the channel yet I'm going to give this an 8 out of 10 I have to I have to next up though we have fruit Battlegrounds now the op fruit in this game is actually a mythical and it's 0.03% um which is why I did my preparation and it had the op fruit beforehand you guys can see right here I got it in my inventory already unfortunately I also do already have this thing fully maxed out I did in a video before so what we're going to do is just do a move showcase and we'll get a few kills with it now if you look down the bottom we have room tact wreckage hurricane shock gamma knife mes and shambles which seems to be that similar move set as all the other ones are running so let's go ahead and showcase on this Noob right here unfortunate little Noob so you can hold the room and I think it makes it go a lot bigger Yep this is kind of crazy first off we have shambles which can go the entire duration of the move and also has a pretty short cool down next up we have tact which is the rocks and basically you just double click to shoot them towards something next up we have wreckage which makes a rock off the ground and kind of just lunges them up and also a cool hidden Tech that a lot of people don't know about Tack and wreckage actually work together let me show youall real quick so let me throw attacked right you see that the rocks are floating now what I'm going to do is I'm going to throw wreckage on this guy right here boom hit him with that and the attacked automatically combos with the wreckage also we just killed that guy next up we have hurricane shock you basically pick them up and hold them in this little hurricane you can hold them there and hit him as long as you want you do like a little bit of damage but once you stop you lunge on top of him hit him with that little Thunder move and uh you can combo him with that next up we have MZ lunge at him grab the heart and if you click it it stuns them then you could do a M1 combo cuz it stuns them you can only do a maximum of three clicks per heart though and the heart also disappears after a while last but not least we have gamma knife you hit them like that and it stuns them very long which allows you to a combo into literally basically anything so I'm not going to lie the move set for this one is very good both in terms of visually and like just actually good at the game but now that we got that out the way let's go get five kills ah we got a noob over here what's good he just ran the safe Zone did he just hit me bro are you are you good bro are you are are you good you you're not going just do this right boom boom boom boom boom gamma knife and GG just one kill down four more to go we got a lot of players over here what's good je boom hit him like this get my knife boom hurricane shock hit him there second kill all these boys just chilling outside my room bro get back over here buddy get back over here bucko sorry buddy you're going to have to get the craziest stray right there buddy uh-oh uhoh no no no this dude this dude's getting Brave this dude's getting Brave what he's leopard oh my God we may not be able to kill this boy we may not be able to kill this boy I'm just getting wall cobbled on I'm getting wall cobbled on bro what get him there him with this okay that's the third kill all right all right all right all right who's that we're going to do this boom got him there sniped him all right all right all right buddy all right buddy I know you're a leopard and everything I'm going keep messing him like this hold on hold on hold on watch this watch this watch this boys watch this hit him with the mes yep buddy boom get my knife sh straight in the hurricane shock fourth kill buddy that is actually toxic that is so toxic bro we just need one more kill to go let me try going up here let's see if we can find someone up here I see someone down there what's good my G what is good oh it's the leopard it's the leopard all right bet bet bet let's get this room activated let's get this room activated I see two people we can we can jump him we can jump him all righty boom hit him with that Miz get my knife counter shock boom killed one killed two you know what might as well go for the whole entire party right here while we're at it boom boom boom oh damn damn damn damn okay he actually fight back he actually fight back get back there boom hit him with that hit him with these and final kill down I ain't going to lie man op this game this is kind of toxic bro shees this thing op I mean it's a mythical for a reason don't get me wrong I'm giving this one a straight nine out of 10 not just for visuals because even though visually it is fire I just think everything pairs together well it's overall just really good in the game on top of the visuals so to recap for King's Legacy we gave that a four for a one piece game we gave that a eight and this one we gave that a nine we do have one game left though boys and let's see how that works and for the final game obviously we have blocks fruits now normally I'd have permanent control and it'd be fully mastered out on my main but today we're on this alt count so yall get to watch me mash out the whole thing fortunately I don't have the physical version of it so we've got to trade for it I think we should be able to do that though with Shadow so let me type in chat trading Shadow for control but in the meantime we're waiting for someone to reply let's go ahead and do a gacha imagine we got control from this gacha that would actually be insane okay that that that just wasn't control at all all right I'm just hopping to a server and I believe this guy right here has control Ed he put it down okay Bet let's hope this guy's not dumb Mammoth other play doesn't have enough space Oh my God Shadow other player doesn't have enough space really about to offer a dough I'm putting a dough bro please add something else to make this worth my time he's telling me ad bro I can't believe these people he jumped oh my God bro average second C trading experience I add a dough for a fruit that's worth way less and has literally no demand and bro is telling me to add any would have control for TR trade please someone give me a good trade I'm overpaying a lot someone put in chat trading control and Shad out for do hey I'll take that I'll take that I'll take that got this guy right here hopefully this dude ain't brained and try to ask for ads when I'm already taking a l here control Shadow add ghost all right ghost there we go easy work easy work boys three two one and there we go let going go ahead and eat this thing finally there we go control activated now the control in this game doesn't have that many moves we only have really like three attacking moves levitate Echo knife and gamma Rush the other two are you know the room and then teleport but let's go ahead and showcase that real quick while we're here we have room which can be held to make it bigger but this is the maximum um size of the room that we have levitate right here you either summon a rock or you can summon objects that can be cut like trees and then you shoot them down honestly this ability is not that good for grinding um if you've grinded with this to Max like I have you would know it's not fun I got 18,000 fragments though we should be able to get a stat reset with that I think it's this NPC here pler I can refund your stat Point okay yep perfect all right there we go melee defense fruit you know let's head over to the third C I'm not wasting no more time all right we're now in third SE let's go fight the first boss room boom let's do that there we go levitate you know I'm just going to use my fighting style to get most of this guy and I'm just going to kill him with the last ability with control boom there we go luckily levitate has no cool down so I can just Spam it as one benefit to it I guess it's right around half Health throw some God human moves in there boom here we go this should be the last hit and he's done for see how much Master we end up getting and we get 122 Mastery we don't get our first one till 150 we'll go ahead and head over to the next boss I don't know if yall can tell I haven't been sleeping bro been 24 hours since I last slept oh we man this is starting to get tiring all right w we got the island Empress here let's go ahead and pack her up real quick light work light work let's make quick work of her boys let's make quick work of her here we go levitate and finally she's done 153 Mastery we got our second ability Echo knife let's go ahead and show that thing without further Ado room Echo knife boom slam into him hit him with a brad attacks and then slam him away which allows you to combo extend afterwards got our next ability teleport at 250 Mastery that is going to be a man fighting big mom right now here we go boom boom boom here we go levitate boom and there we go big mom done got to 188 Master sheesh bro oh my gosh might just fight a bunch of big moms over and over again man just defeated another big mom and we got the two 15 here we go another big Mom down 237 another big mom I should get to 250 off this and there we go we unlocked our next ability now unlock teleport which as you may suspect it's just a Teleport which can cover the entirety of the room has a very low cool down too so pretty useful but we have one last ability to unlock and that's gamma Rush at 350 masteries we got to get 100 more now we have the final boss of the video boys soon as I get done fighting her we'll have that last move 100% levitate one more levitate there we go 354 Oo we this was a grind man I ain't going to lie unlocked the final ability gamma rush let's check it out real quick let me activate the whole room gamma Rush boom look at this this is actually the coolest ability in the entire control kit boys see that and it hits anyone in the entire room so it has a big AOE now I'm going to be honest control is really bad for grinding moves are pretty outdated um I've never PPD with it so we're going to go do that right now we're going to see how it is in combat now I feel like I'm about to get packed up in the worst way imaginable because controller just not known to have PVP capabilities but I guess we're about to mess around find out my friend rip Mar is joined the Ser 15 million by player he said One V one me for the vid all right man I can't find anyone else I'll go ahead and one V one you no countdown just go bro just go let's see how good this thing could do in PvP round gun boom what the what the okay okay buddy okay buddy here's what I'm going to do here's what I'm do I'm going to abuse the hell out of my teleport ability that way this man can just not keep up with me like look at this hit him with thesection shot got him there boom teleport here so far we're not doing like too bad I ain't going to lie but it's literally cuz I'm just like spamming and running like okay oh oh I actually got him I actually got him I actually got him I actually got him oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh boom boom oh oh we're cooking we're cooking oh my God my room my room over here boom got him there got him there got him there got him there boom boom boom go like this boom ah could hit that could hit that boom boom boom boom yo we're actually cooking actually cooking levitate over here hold on hold on hold on he ain't going to see this coming he ain't going to see this coming got him there got him there got him there got him there and injection shot boom yo yo I know this man's struggling right now I know this man's feeding right now for that W okay okay okay hit him with the snipe boom boom boom boom boom Oh my God that that's that is so crazy bro just literally got out of my thing bro got him there got him there boom boom and GG I'm taking that 17K Bounty bro I'm taking that GG bro bro GG what I've deduced from that fight is that uh control is actual Duty water for PVP I'm not going to lie and for that I ain't going to lie this ain't much above King's Legacy for the first time in a while I'm going to have to give BLX a bad rating we're going to give this a 6 out of 10 it is very outdated don't got an Awakening move suck sucks for grinding and PVP 6 out of 10 Man 6 out of 10 final rating of the video there you have it ladies and gentlemen fruit Battlegrounds got first place a one piece game got second place and block fruit sadly got third place comment down which fruit you want me a master to everyone piece gab next but with that I'll see y'all later
Channel: WinterKloudz
Views: 1,124,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece game roblox, one piece roblox games, roblox one piece games, one piece roblox, roblox one piece, roblox one piece game, a one piece game roblox, new one piece game roblox, new roblox one piece game, one piece games roblox, one piece, roblox a one piece game, roblox, a one piece game, roblox blox fruits, roblox blox fruit, one piece gear 5 roblox, blox fruit roblox, blox fruits roblox, obtaining gear 5 in every one piece game on roblox, blox fruits
Id: 7OlWhCKIX7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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