I Awakened EVERY RACE in Blox Fruits! [FULL MOVIE]

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so I've actually managed to awaken every race in bloxford despite only recently making it to the third sea and I'm putting it all into one video so you can see how my Awakenings progress and also some smaller Easter eggs that weren't in any of the videos so let's start at the very beginning the third C in bloxfruits is way too big and The Mink race can go fast but probably I'm not fast enough so we are gonna be Awakening our mink race to V4 and unlocking its true potential so we can summon tornadoes while running and become godspeed but the first thing we need to do is become a mink race but to do that we need to spend 90 Robux and hope that we get the mink race race change to Angel I've never got that one before please be lucky I don't want to have to spend hundreds of thousands of Robux grab it oh we gotta straight away let's go I feel so fast again and now we need to go find somebody called the sealed King who I believe isn't like rock here you're the sealed King right ah so you found some of my memory fragments from defeating that monster this technique allows us to forget our limits yes please and I think because we talked to that stone we've completed this first part of this entire thing but we have got four main objectives we need to complete to away awaken our race number one is to kill rip Indra which I have already done because if you look here I can teleport number two we're gonna have to obtain a mirror fragment which we're gonna need a cake chalice for so that's what we're gonna work on right now time to begin the search for a chalice it could be in any chest anywhere or from bounties so you know maybe Block Street gotcha maybe he'll give me something good like a cake chalice no just a flame fruit disgusting so we're gonna have to go around searching for chests and hoping to get this thing and then once I've completed this and got the cake challenge then we'll find out what the third and fourth things are that we need to awake in our race where we find chalice please Koopa crew member help me I don't know how we find this elite boss okay we gotta go find Elite bosses so I think if we talk to this catboy over here yep Elite Hunter give me a quest so there's a slight chance of it being in this chest nope just money also just money I will find every chest on this entire third sea if I have to to find this challenge I'm not giving up another chest nothing this is not going well I might have to hope that I get it from these Elite Hunters instead because I don't think I'm gonna get it from the chest we heard some news about Diablo roaming around the island Hydra Island Diablo he's over this way I've got this I've got my awakened dough boom dough barrage I don't even think that's the name of the move but I still called it that anyway the dough fruit is so much fun missile jab and now hit him with another one of these yes right did I get anything just a green bandana okay this is gonna take so long nothing sad face back to chests oh wait there's actually one thing I need to go do we need to go on top of that tree yes I am not joking all right it's a big problem how do I get up there will I need a light fruit or something you better use lights yep I thought so too all right so I need to aim this perfectly let's go if I hit the top I'm in trouble because I have not awakened my fruit ah this is gonna be close oh I did it oh my God the leaves aren't there those are some fake leaves okay right so I have to go in here mysterious false you feel a force here a remnant of the past perhaps you should return to the sealed King we're in the Temple of Time this is so cool what's in here oh here's the lever that everybody was like thinking was like a massive Secret in like previous updates okay we can leave now so now we can go back to Elite hunting the place in the tree told me to come back to the stone hello Stone I'm back so it was the Temple of time that I felt this place May hold the key to a greater power but you must undergo a trial the light under a full moon Ah that's gonna be fun all right we're gonna need to keep on searching I need this chalice before anything I need to get the mirror fragment before I can even do the light of a full moon thing our next Quest defeat Diablo he's somewhere around these ends oh there he is I found him take this Diablo all right Diablo you're done you're done bang I don't think I got anything I've got 100 fragments it's a new bus time who is next it's DeAndre Frodo's not a chance let's do this oh he's got the magma fruit I see how it is he's kind of build different it's not gonna do anything against my fruit though please please give me the challenge please I'm actually begging I'm literally I want to get lucky for once no I didn't get anything well back to the castle with this that's another one to be yes no way I got the jealous we got it so fast okay so now what do I need to do we need to turn this little thing into a candy chalice which I think is over this way I've got to be super careful activate my agility I am so nervous right now rip mama is this the guy that I need to talk to I need to defeat 400 enemies wait don't I need to craft it first I need to figure out where I need to do this crafting we're gonna go super far this way all the way over to that Island okay go to the beacon the beacon is where it's at I've arrived sweet crafter I think I have the cocoa beans as well right I remember I grinding for those and my go through video yep I got 10 Coco's trade there it is the cake chalice it's beautiful all right now I've got to be on demon time right now I can't be dying so now that we need to kill 500 enemies okay well we gotta get grinding then and then we can get our first mirror fractal this is the way to the island of the people we need to beat up is it the cake guards boom we here okay let's go it's time to start our grind we're just killing everything on site Maybe Buddha fruit would be better so I could do like the bug oh wait maybe the leopard fruit could be good oh that was close wait do I need to kill all of them as well because of that one that I killed right there does this count yep 499 more enemies to go it's gonna take a while all of this is just so I can become a faster furry that is crazy just not a chance free kill how are you alive there we go another one bites the dust I might need Buddha fruit for this this is taking too long oh wait but didn't Buddha get like a giant Nerf maybe I should play it risky and try and fight like loads of them at once you know what I'm doing it I'm playing it like insanely risky hit them all at once oh my God grab them all grab them all missile jab grab them all again slam Boom Big 9k damage okay that's another kill huge oh this is huge damage I'm hitting all of them at once and I'm here with one of these come on this is huge that's like five kills right here I need to see how many that was because that was a lot surely dripper mama how much am I on now 485 more yeah I am doing this at like a really low level compared to everybody else everybody else who's Awakening is Max Level meanwhile me yeah I'm 1600. what of it get over here pistol Jab I'm getting kind of nice with it what level are these enemies like 2200 and I'm just destroying them oh chest that's when I get another challenge just randomly that'd be kind of crazy just imagine it I'm gonna have the crazy mink Aura soon however if I'm gonna have to do this for every single one I want to awaken I don't know what I'm gonna do like I don't see that happening I have no idea how much progress we've made but I'm just gonna keep on punching these guys on YouTube over this way yoink boom well I'm sure we've probably got still like 400 to go but it's going pretty good at least a bit faster than before oh he hurt me I'm dodging I'm weaving okay this is gonna take a while okay my health is like non-existent right now that's not good quick grab them all boom agility you'll never hit me I'm too quick blows line another one here he's gonna get punched bang right that was big how much progress have we made though we gotta be getting close surely 229 that's pretty big actually I am risking my life every single time I fight these guys though so this is still just as scary as the first time I started but maybe I can't even lose the Chalice I don't want to test that because I will actually cry if I lose this why these guys so annoying they're so weird I got them all okay now we look up boom pastry River 38k I'm kind of crazy I'm just gonna keep moving because I'm a mink after all I've got speed it can't hit me if I move too fast slows line and that's the last one bang he is not dead okay take that rest recover then we do it again here's the Strat we go around them with scorching donut hit every single one of them all right now they're all Angry all right now they are all literally right here this is perfect tasty River now use this move never mind it didn't work I was trying to collect them all they have all split up this is not going at all to plan no punches you're the last one goodbye bang and our dough Mastery is nearly 400. what's the max is it like 500 am I getting close I got some crazy levels 80 more enemies I'm also so nervous I think I'm gonna die in the boss fight if I take though so I think it'll be smart to take Buddha or else I'm just not gonna stand a chance I'm just gonna die straight away so I should probably change my stats completely as well just to be extra sure so I have Max Health like I'm taking out all the precautions right now I want this race Awakening so bad we'll go Max into both of these 12 000 Health 12 000 energy I'm quite literally built different right now oh why am I being attacked by three CBS why is there more stop I just want to get to the whole cake Island make it stop please they know that I've got this chalice they want to take it from me oh please just stay away I'm safe oh my God that was terrifying I almost had a heart attack two more I think only two more enemies okay that's pretty good I can do that with my new Buddha fruit oh the damage is just off the charts now a dimension has spawned we did it so I Gotta Give the Chalice to this guy it's not the person we're looking for all right that goes like 500 kills we're gonna have to wait until this go Prince gets killed and then we do it again we gotta do all 500 again I am so sad but at least I've got the Buddha fruit now this should take like way less time at least I'm not too worried about like dying and losing this chalice anymore I can just kind of like run around and punch all these guys and not have a care in the world this is pretty nice I do absolutely nuts amounts of damage so that's even nicer and I will move on to the baking stuff as well I couldn't fight these guys before because they were too strong but now they do nothing to me I am so easily gonna be able to get the damage on the doking as long as I don't get one bow combo so I'm gonna have to Stave my observation hacking oh I'm kind of nervous because if I die all of this will be for nothing I'll have to do everything again so for now punching the cake Gods come on please have we done it 10 more only ten more left I might do the glitch if I do the glitch then I'm technically in Buddha form but I'm not this might be enough please accept my cake chalice do you want to open yes a dimension worthy of God has spawned let's do this put me in coach Buddha time where is he he ain't ready oh he might be ready was he hiding where's he hiding just keep punching just keep punching punching hope for the best he has got so much health that seems like an illegal amount of help I can't die I can't die I'm so nervous I'm actually sweating no no no no no not me not me not me please just attack someone else though King you lose that agility I think I'm hitting him please I need enough damage can't stop won't stop baby come on stop punching me away I just want to damage you where even hit what is going on bro it's like my Buddha range just isn't bootering anymore observation please I am so focused right now how is he in the sky bro he's so annoying get over here there's no Escape he's playing My Buddha forms bugs but if I go out of Buddha I'm just dead where'd he go where'd he go am I blind there he is get over here comes to Curry you're mine please let me go this has taken literal hours oh no I might die no no no 12 water pumps no get down bro stop punching me away you weirdo come on yes me refractal times one oh I got that I got a trident as well yeah oh my God I'm actually so happy right now follow this way okay what do I do with the key I'm following oh over here oh that's a giant Keyhole actually now that I look at it okay so we come in here oh I opened this door here and now I've got the cake scientist so that door is open so now I can do dough raids yes I check my inventory please yep mirror fractal mythical material so if I also come over here I think I talked to this Stone again and he'll tell me my next mission how is evolving time always work best under the light of a full moon so our third thing we have to do is now we have to wait for a full moon and we have to find the Mirage Island well now we just have to wait for a full moon so in the meantime come on give me something lucky I got the chop fruit that's so epic now I'm too stupid to read but it says here that the moon follows a cycle or something and then it's like every 80 minutes for a full moon or yeah so we're gonna have to wait like another hour this is kind of painful it's gonna be full moon time soon so we need to get searching and hunting for the Mirage Island which could be literally anywhere so we gotta get really lucky and I think it just literally can spawn anywhere in the ocean so I just gotta swim around and hope for the best right it's got to be a mirage around here somewhere I'm literally keeping my eyes so open right now to try and spot this because it could be anywhere so does it just like pop up out of nowhere come on island you know you want to spawn let's just keep going this way and then maybe they'll spawn like in between these two islands that's the goal the problem is as well is I don't even know what the islands are in the third sea so I guess I just gotta look for an island that's kind of like wavy that's the Mirage Island maybe I don't know I feel like it could be any of these I mean I know that's the Amazon Island and that's the big tree island so it can't be either of those two oh wait what is that that oh no that's just a speck on my screen okay I just got completely baited by my own monitor no Seabees go away I got places to be I don't care about you there we go he's gone there's the text the light of a full moon peeks through the clouds please give me the Mirage Island right now to spawn it we're like put an island right in front of me so I crashed into it like I'll be happy okay now it's on big stream difficulty because the sun disappeared we're running out of time please just like spawn here right now it'd be hilarious please no it's really starting to look bad the Moon is about to set or go down or whatever a moon does I'm not giving up yet even if that moon is down there I will still try and do this or Sea Beast over there please give me something the full moon ends no so now we just have to wait again for another full moon getting race V4 is no joke wait a second I don't remember this island being here it's been three hours please Mirage Island oh my God this is some good news oh it's so foggy okay right so we need to wait until full moon what could be found around here is there anything even on this place oh a chest ours purple fragments inside damn that's pretty cool I want more I need more race to be four costs a lot of fragments we're also gonna have to go to like the highest point I think it said well I think this tree right here is probably the highest point it's kind of hard to see but there's a mountain here but I think this is tree so if I stay here we just gotta wait for the moon the Sun is setting not really we've actually got quite a while but hopefully it just stays here right it like won't disappear I've spent hours searching for this place I'm sick of looking at the ocean now I just want to become a mink V4 oh wait no this is definitely a higher point we can't get much higher so please just to come night time already please the light of a full moon peeks through the clouds this is is it activates and now we stare at the Moon look at everybody staring at the Moon please oh you'll mirror fractal has resonated with the moon was the moon going to explode or something like what's going on okay now I can search for the thing it is so dark we're looking for a gear I think it's a gear it could be anywhere I have found it you found a Weird Al fight you hear a distant chiming from the direction of the Temple of Time am I good now I found the gear so I guess that means I can head back to the temple and finally do the next part of the challenge let's go I can do this we're getting so close now I made it that was like way too close and now that I'm here interact this is what I do right oh wait the store's closed or it's opening I'm in the spooky room so it's like these areas go to different places there's like a parkour looking that way there's like a a pig thing and then is that mink what's this way a cyborg yep that's cyborg right there what is this way what am I looking at here there's a guy meditating I have no idea which one I'm meant to go through oh rabbit yeah this one will be me and I think the problem is now that I've gotta wait for two other people that have got the gear I think oh and there goes the full moon that means we're gonna have the weights another like hour or so or maybe even longer I'm at the gates what do I have to do it says that we all need to activate our race abilities at the exact same time this could go like very badly this is real bad we've only got a mink and a cyborg we need one more race please I just want to race awaken I want to look so cool here we go boom please trial please work awaken bruh somebody said they're on cooldown I hope I'm doing this right I'm Gonna Stand directly at the door please nothing's happening too one open sesame yes trial starting come on what do I have to do find the exit to the maze okay I'm a Maze Runner Maze Runner in my past life I got this this way yup I'm shmooving oh that was easy I am a Maze Runner that was so easy yay come on just one more please we've only got 20 seconds please whoever's doing it you gotta pop off yes all right boys but that can only be one now's your time to die goodbye thank you for your hard work get over here cyborg get over here so this he says let me take a screenshot after you're dead sure oh I got him there's a light do I have to follow the light I'm falling it's so fast slow down but there's an ancient one there I'm gonna ignore that for now I nearly slipped on the stairs that would be bad there's a clock ancient clock interact am I gonna race awaken now oh I use my gear okay interact choose a gear to replace this one something's happening I've got a golden gear Now new title unlocked Thunderball come back when you complete the trials again there it is in my Hotbar Awakening okay so now I think what we have to do is we have to talk to this ancient one so you've awakened That Old Clock alternation energy don't care blah blah blah there may be a way to gather energy quicker but you need to train first come back when I've trained more so I think my best beta will be heading to the bottom of the tree and doing some training all right any enemies don't want to get destroyed for my training which one's the Awakening bar oh it's underneath energy I see wait the full moon ends that is like really not good good over here okay this is gonna take like a real long time oh yeah I can use my fruit as well that's some good news that's some real good news all right I just keep on doing this I've only done three bars why is this taking so long I've got a tail now as well whoa I'm a Max Level furry let me help if I fight these guys oh I could awaken oh look at me my hair's glowing and I'm honestly I can't tell if I'm faster or not yet but oh this is so sick this is so cool I'm just absolutely zooming oh I've got like an aura as well me like it so I'll just need to wait for this to end and then I think we can head back to the Red Orb thing that's what I'm gonna go do now all right then back into the temple and where was the orb I don't actually remember was it this way and then this way and now I'm lost was it through one of these doors oh I don't think so yo ancient one you could have made this a bit easier for me oh this way I think yup it's this way hello ancient one so you've awakened That Old Clock blah blah blah he's already talking about the same stuff I've done but come back when you've trained more I just trained what do you mean more here we go there's Awakening number two looking insane look we've got a cyborg we've got a human oh it's so cool and then there's me edgy furry boy okay now I just need to like damage these boys again and that's the third Awakening so I think with this I've done all three of the trainings that I need to do to begin with right that's what you'd like to see so now I should be able to get one of my first new moves but I think I gotta do the trial again I've arrived back in the temple so hopefully this time I'll actually be able to get to the next stage hello ancient one you've been working hard I can tell I have no need for it I'll sell it to you for a thousand fragments that's kind of rubbery but okay I can now go to the clock why is it so dark it's like I've got blindness 3 from Minecraft why can't I see why can't I go up to the clock oh I think I need to do the trial again now my second trial I've got this I've got a tail now so I should be even faster now come on open please work yes trial starting in five this is it this is my moment new maze new maze this is promising this is real promising I feel like I'm going the right way I'm just going and that's so easy I might actually just be cracked at mazes I'm like Zorro except I wonder lost the right direction hey oh that is one scary boy oh no yo I know yo now I follow the light beam I'm coming Light Beam show me the way oh I see so now that the lights guiding the way I'm not like completely blind and I can actually go up the stairs ancient clock interact show me the goods alright so now I gotta place the Cog right here choose a replacement Whirlwind or lightning cloak those get Whirlwind I want to become speed itself I'm back when you've completed more trials okay now I just need to talk to the ancient one come back when I've trained more all right it's training time there we go I have awakened for the first time let's go I create tornadoes everywhere I go this is so sick what if I combine it with agility oh that is so many tornadoes that is cool next Awakening complete as well I think I need five I need to do this five times this is two out of five there we go this should be number five I think that's enough and if it's not enough I'm gonna be so mad okay I'm back I'm back we only have like 30 seconds on the moon no there is no way I'm actually so mad as promised I'll upgrade your transformation limit for 1500. excellent right now what do I do you're ready for the next trial I'm so confused I don't know what's happening the lights of a full moon peeks through the clouds although I missed it last time I will do it this time let's do this awaken time trial starting in five I've gotta nail this I've got to nail this put me in coach keep going left we're going all the way around this is promising this is so promising oh that is a complete dead end that is real bad oh no wait I can go this way no I can't wait I'm stepping on the three what is that not the thing the pad was there well I've been scammed well I guess we try again oh wait that was the starting pad I'm so dumb you will not beat me this time maze this is way better than last time I am already so lost wait it's just got to be this way it's got to be this way I think I've just nailed it yep easy I'm just too good and now we follow the lights that can only be one and it's me so this should be stage three Awakening right give me that gear place it in there lightning cloak Dash has become much longer due to electricity oh it's red oh that is so sick I'm back when you've completed the trials again yeah listen up to ancient one I did it come back when you've trained more so now that I can awaken I've got a lightning cloak when I run so I go at mach 10 wait what if I awakened with the leopard fruit transformation I'd be way too fast this is insane I'm literally rapid nobody can catch me but I think I can go faster so we're gonna go do that all right time for my theory let's see how fast we can truly go look at my speed now this is too fast I could travel to the entirety of the third sea in about half a second this is insane even my moves are slower than this this is ridiculous well now I'm a Max Level furry all that I've got to do now is like literally every other race is what I said in the video but actually I didn't get the final gear in The Mink clock thing so it was a little bonus we are going to be trying to get that and unlock the actual godspeed and the first thing I gotta do is this stupid maze I've already failed it three times because what dead end why is it so big into the dead end bro it's gonna be around one of these Corners right no no I'm gonna fail there's only 20 seconds yes with the maze complete and the free for all one it's time to complete this wheel now we can get lightning cloaked here too let's do this super Dash wait this is sick hold on I can curve it around as well I feel like Deku from my hero this is so sick but next we're gonna be heading on to a race that has some very good defenses I'm gonna attempt to awaken the shark race to V4 in blocks fruits and get all of its abilities and we have already awakened the mink race so that meant that I have completed every single thing I need to do to enter the Temple of time so I can just go like Boop I feel a force and I can enter there we go we're in the temple of time but before we even get the full moon I need to change from a mink and get the shark race so please Roblox God give me the one in three chance please oh I got it literally straight away there we go we are now a shark V3 that's not good enough we need to be V4 we do not have long before the next full moon we've got about 10 minutes and I am incredibly low on fragments so we need to start doing some raids right now we are going to be taking on the dark raid and luckily for me in one of my previous videos I've leveled up death step all the way and I completely forgot that now that I'm a fish man I can combine that with Buddha and I'm gonna be unstoppable nothing will be able to damage me I think maybe getting 10 000 fragments will be like a safe amount especially if I'm gonna try and get like at least four of the cogs for my race Awakening we are absolutely speedrunning through these dark Islands we're already on island four oh no the lights of a full moon peeks through the clouds wait already okay we gotta finish this raid fast we gotta kill the boss ASAP this boss is dying fast that's the good thing about the dark boss you might have a lot of damage but he's not got a lot of Health why are there still minions spawning yes finally okay we need to go to the tree Full Speed Ahead okay we're in the temple where's the lever there it is open sesame I'm in let's go is this fish yeah this definitely looks like fish so this is my Arena this is where I have to go through I have no idea what I have to fight and do for this one so I hope I don't die here we go three two one open yes Charles starting in five okay what do I have to do please don't be too difficult that is an entire CB oh that is actually not good because I can't damage this thing with left clicks I guess I'll just hit him with like my Buddha attacks as well it's not doing much I've got 30 seconds the million drill no [ __ ] kick oh I did my trial I didn't think I'd actually be able to do that I'm probably gonna have to get a different fruit though before then because uh that was a little bit too difficult there we go we've all done the trials but that can only be one listen guys it's nothing personal but you're gonna get kicked I'm gonna kick you out of existence bang easy I gotta follow the light here I go time to get my first Fishman V4 Awakening skill not even the skill I'm gonna get my Awakening there we go choose the gear to replace new title unlocked Leviathan I am now a shock well and truly I should have a tail now right yeah I've got a tail let's go the cosplay is complete and I've got my Awakening now I think all we have to do yep we have to come back down here talk to the Ancient One hello so you've awakened That Old Clock yes sir a clock holds an ancient energy with it you can use a fragment of your Race's primeval Heroes Powers I've already heard all this Malarkey before but he wants me to go train it's training time okay so as long as I do enough damage yup my Awakening bar starts to fill up I've got to be very careful with my hits because I will kick everybody into non-existent I get here now yes yes hit me it's time to to awake and hit me yes let's go oh I'm a shark and I've got such a majestic looking stance I look cool only two more left to go then we can go and get my first Awakening ability we're training for the second time now let's go there we go another Awakening oh it's so cool I'm not gonna get over race Awakening hold on I need to test something do I get like more water powers or something like what happens here I'm like a proper Shark look at me I'm so terrifying damn that's right be in awe of my shockness and now we do some hitting this race Awakening stuff is no joke this takes so much time Blood Sweat and Tears keep going keep going I nearly die but I'm good now I really like the blue of this Awakening okay this is the final one that I had to do so now we can start heading towards the top of the tree again ancient one I'm on my way I have something you could use to improve your limits but it will only work for your current race it's 1 000 fragments okay that's pretty expensive but there we go and now I'm ready to take on the next trial which we need to wait like another two hours for a full moon okay this is gonna take a while now that we've got like an extra hour to burn I need to get more fragments because I pour so we're gonna be using our brand new shark V4 to take down this dark rage and this time it should be even easier than last time there we go Island one already cleared getting these fragments is gonna be light work and I just had an idea would it be smart to have like weapons that you don't normally have Mastery for one so like if I get the dock blade quip dock blade now I need to work on getting my V4 and I'm gonna test my theory because then those weapons should do like maximum damage without me having to have any points in those stats I might just be a genius you know my screen's turning blue that means it's Awakening time and now I can test my theory alright so if I use this dark blade it should do tons of damage right dark ass slash yep three thousand damage first boss in our fragment farming nearly dead and it's gone congratulations you earned 1 000 fragments that's our second Ray done so another thousand fragments but I can't stop won't stop I'm not gonna stop because I need so many fragments to get like at least four gears which is I think what I'm gonna go for because I value my Insanity I'm not gonna go for five third Ray done raid number four done another 1000 fragments that's raid number six complete we are now on 17K frags I think that might actually be enough for now because it's about to be a full moon it's full moon time let's do this trial starting this is my time to shine I am fighting another sea beach that is like honestly I'm kind of a bit worried maximum overheats wind bullet does it have more health I hope not and we hit it with one of these I gotta be really careful can I slice it with the sword no I cannot I've only got 30 seconds I've probably chosen the wrong fruit for this I awaken magma in like my last video I should be using it how much health does it have oh it's so close yes I did my trial all right you all have to go it's nothing personal but look at me I'm too cool prepared to die oh yeah and you next get kicked boom and there's my Awakening I need to go get my Cog okay Cog number two I either get Whirlpool tier one hit supplier water debuff on enemies or I can get leviathan's armor gain a water Shield oh I gotta get leviathan's armor that just sounds way too cool Hello Red Boy tell me what you want me to do now upgrade my limit for 1500 I'm ready for the next trial wait there's another trial starting oh no I'm gonna get kicked out no I can awaken again quickly so let's do this boys is everybody ready three two one go oh we are getting good at this like we haven't really failed the actual opening the doors part once now I gotta be Speedy because I think it's gonna spawn with way more Health than last time so I gotta be real quick with these attacks he's going down only two thousand Health okay really not bad yes I completed my trial sadly you have all got to go there can only be one or I'll be quick there we go I've got to let everybody get their chance to awaken so I've got to be rapid and choosing my gear and obviously this time we're gonna choose the blue gear because we chose the red one last time right basically our clock is just gonna be like purely red and blue we're going for a rainbow let's see we'll pull tier one nice now we only have one more gear and then I'll be exactly where I need to be with the shark but for now I need to do three trainings now Begins the training Arc he's a bit scared he's worried just a punching bag right now it's nothing personal I've just got to uh get the damage so that we can awaken here we go and look at that I've got a shield now which makes it even easier for him to awaken oh it looks so cool and like if I punch I get a little shock that swims around me it's so cute and that's number two only one more and then we've done the first part of this Quest oh I see so this little shark that's swimming around me right now is gonna eat any damage that I take and that's like my extra health bar I see so it's like taking a shield potion in fortnite this race is pretty cool and there we go that's the final race Awakening that I needed perfect and you could be gone okay right so the tree we go we're literally having to go through an entire time skip training Arc all to get this one race fully awakened and I've got a slight feeling it's gonna be just as bad for like every future video hello ancient one I've done my trials and tribulations oh you are absolutely joking I've got to do it again no this is so painful all right time for the time skip have you seen what it looks like when you're in first person you'd not be able to play this game with this Aura like this I'm just being circled by a mini shark and absolutely sprayed in the face by water bubbles this is crazy 20 minutes later now I need to do three additional training sets all right come back when you've trained more you've really got to do a lot of grinding to get V4 Max wow now I think we need to do five trainings this time so now it begins the training Arc there we go awaken and that's one it's going pretty good number two this is going pretty quick this right here is number four so just one more time and then we can head back to the tree and that is number five so now we're heading all the way back to the tree over there hello Red Orb I'm back you're ready for the next upgrade this will cost you 2.2 K I am so glad I farmed for fragments at the start of this here we go transformation upgrade for 2.2k and it's raining even more now they really don't make this easy it's a nice turns to the third upgrade I'm gonna have to be in race Awakening for 10 minutes that means we're probably gonna have to go into race Awakening like 10 times maybe it's gonna take a while but there's the first one and we're doing this in Cape Queen's domain like this is our place now we've rubbed it honestly like 15 minutes later I think we've done the 10 minutes now but a few mishaps with the K Queen but I think we're good now you can probably head back to the tree we've only got five minutes until the next full moon we're a bit of a timer but I've done the 10 minutes so I can buy my next upgrade and I'll ancient one please let me do a trial yep you're ready for the next trial okay gotta get the boy is ready and then we'll be able to get the final Cog that I need it's not fully upgraded because I don't want to lose my mind but still this is it the final Cog I need for stage four all right I'm just gonna beat one more Sea Beast this is the final one I got this maximum overheat wind bullet I missed that attack that is not a good start I do not have long what why is he hurt so much oh this is definitely a different CB this one's new and improved I might have to get magu for this wait I'm actually dying for million drill for a million drill I'm actually gonna die no I know I don't need to go back magma yes I knew I had extra ones and now I gotta fly I'm using like the slowest flight in the game but I will get to the top I can do this now I can do this and then we go in here my stats honestly look bad so I'll just put Max into that and then defense who needs stamina anyway all right attempt number two hopefully I have enough stamina for this good news is I should just be able to stand on the water yep like so volcano storm not hitting with one of these this is exactly why I awaken this fruit right here look at that damage I literally almost ran out of time and died last time and this time I just absolutely destroyed it but there's four of us doing the trial yo guys time is of the essence we should have done with the minimum amount okay nice all tries have been complete but only one can remain this is so I can get my stage four here we go here we go all right so the orb goes the exact same direction every single time makes sense because there's only one way to get to the clock I walk very slow in fish man but here it is it's finally time I have no idea what I can get from this stage of the clock though ah number four so I can either get Whirlpool tier two duration and slow lists are greatly increased or I can get leviathan's armor tier two say less I don't even need to read what that one does I'm picking it trial complete and with this I have got the perfect amount that I wanted to what am I doing what's wrong with me I'm not complaining though Look at me now I look so cool we've managed to fully awaken shark the V4 but if you think I'm getting stage five you're absolutely out of your mind because it's gonna take me over an hour to get that so I will happily just stay as a fish human Awakening in blocks fruits is supposed to have some of the most insane bonuses out of any of the race Awakenings and I've never been a human in Block screws before I spawned into this world as a furry So today we're going to be fully Awakening our human race to V4 but obviously I have got a Shark Tale right now so we need to change that by hopefully winning the one in three chance please I've got lucky so far changed race to rabbit that is not what we need change race to human wow there's nothing like crazy about me now to awaken our human race we first need to get a V2 and to do that we need to go and complete the alchemist's quest and there he is I found the Alchemist what do you want me to do hello I haven't reached my maximum potential if I bring him three different flowers spread across the entire map then I can get race V2 our first goal is to try and find the red flower which can only be found during the day and I have no idea where I can spawn I think maybe like over here no it is absolutely crazy that I'm having to search for flowers to awaken my race but we don't have long because it's gonna be nighttime soon and when it's night time the red flower doesn't spawn anymore is it up here any red flowers nope what about over on that one there's gotta be a red flower over here it's like playing where's Waldo on Extreme difficulty there's nothing here okay what about in Swan's Castle I think that was one of the spots it could spawn you want any flowers in here any flowers for me to steal I am not seeing anything no still nothing oh no oh Waldo is that you we've managed to find the red flower now we need to work on getting the yellow flower before it's night time and to get the yellow flower we just need to defeat mobs I never leave yes there's some Swan Pirates over here that I can come and take down room you guys are done gamma Rock okay you guys better drop me a yellow flower or I will not be happy any flowers I forgot to activate my hockey that was my bad okay nothing from him electric stab wind I can combine all of my powers out we're gonna go try different mobs while also searching for the blue flower I'm not getting lucky at all we need to try something new we're going that way room how far does my room go now teleport that saves maybe like one second I don't think that was worth it I am having no luck with this flower the way you need to take down enemies so we're gonna go and search for the other flower and I think it can be found on this island over here I hope it can be found on this island over here otherwise I'm in trouble I'm so close I'm running out of energy okay blue flower or the yellow flower I don't know which one it is I'm just looking for something on the floor nothing blue just yet it's a shame I can't detect things like this with my room ability I don't think there's anything no blue flowers right we need to go somewhere else we need to head to usop's island is that usops Island over there I don't remember it being that far though I swear it was like round this side instead yeah that seems way too far to view stops Island I think that's the island I'm looking for right there where's Waldo part two a success there we go we've got flower one the blue flower now we just need one more flower however if we die once we lose all of them so I gotta be really careful yes it took like 10 minutes but I finally got the yellow flower as well which means Alchemist where are you show me the goods here he is okay I've brought you your three flowers you can now make the potion but it's gonna cost me 500k I'll pay it I've enhanced your large step cooldown and range and added one extra Dodge so that means we've got V2 human but next is V3 and we also need to do this V3 fast before it's a full moon so I can become B4 and to get V3 of any race I think we had under this big tree here there should be a hidden door somewhere along this wall I kind of just look like I'm like there we go I look like I was licking the wall for a second there but Arrow greetings excellent talk to me again once you've defeated Jeremy fajita and Diamond that seems easy enough and who is this right here is this diamond yes it is I remember you room camera oh he is done there's no escape from my gamma rash and then we're gonna grab a bit of this tree wait I've got the entire tree where'd it go I'm controlling that oh my God wait can I take this as well just please okay where'd you go Diamond he's down there your diamond chill where are you what are you doing down there all right fine I'll just hit you with a gamma Rush instead I want to do this again give me the tree hold on room levitate each [Music] stop fajita fajita you're also done you mean nothing to me anymore boom okay fajita done the final opponent is Jeremy my true rival here he is the final opponent before we can get human V3 and it's Jeremy honestly Jeremy's kind of light work so this shouldn't be a problem at all you're done all right I think that should be good enough I think now we can finally get race V3 and then we begin the pain of block screws which is the Awakening grind I have returned Awakening man how much is it gonna cost me two million oh wow I'm basically poor again I've only got five million dollars now ah at least I'm human V3 and now I've got an ability called Last Resort that sounds really op but I have no idea what it does and I believe everybody was telling me that human V3 used to be like literally the worst possible race but now because of Awakening it's actually just really worth using so I will be the true test of that to see if it's actually worth using and see if that's actually true currently it's daytime I don't actually know how long it's gonna be till the next full moon it could be 20 minutes it could be two hours but after doing some research so I know what I'm getting myself into the human Awakening trial is called the trial of strength and obviously that kind of worries me a little bit because I'm not exactly strong I'm level 1700 I'm pretty weak so I hope with the dough fruit I'll actually be able to take down my trial so I don't have long until the oh no wait where's the tree where's the tree oh no this is not good tree is that way we're going doe style straight to the tree oh no I didn't think it was going to be live the full moon already oh wait this is bad we have very limited time to even do this raid and now I've got to get to the top of the tree as well what do I do and I don't even know what my trial is yet either this might take a few hours bloxfruits is already grindy enough why I'm so stupid I'm so close yes I'm at the top Take Me In which one's the human area though oh I still have to do the lever as well I've messed up I've really messed up open sesame that's definitely cool that could be Angel that's the way that we go where's human probably this one right this one seems human I'm ready it's countdown time go please trial starting okay please don't be difficult what do I have to do put me in coach defeat the boss okay luckily I brought stove I am so glad that I brought this I got destroyed oh no dough fruit might not be the play wait I'm gonna try again oh this is really really not good I don't have long what do I do I could maybe eat magma okay I think it might be worth it to eat magma just because it's my most damaging fruit I have I just threw up with Echo all right I'm activating observation hockey this time let's do this here I go oh my god he has so much health magma storm please work electric stab yes I knocked him away wind bullet great magma hound and then a magma storm if I just go into the air there's literally no way he should be able to get me unless he does that move apparently I think Buddha might be the play I don't think this screw is oh I did it oh my God I actually did it wait and everybody else would like do that yes all right all trying to be completed but that can only be one and that one is me give me the orb oh wait three two one fight and I win and now if I go this way I can awaken my human I'm just gonna get up these stairs hello clock interact it's just doing this little Tick Tock okay choose a gear to replace new title unlocked Berserker I have officially awakened my human race that's exciting yay I did it now we begin training so if I talk to this little Red Orb so you've awaken the clock yep I've already done a couple times before I need to go train come back when you've trained more okay it's training Arc time we just gotta go to war real quick nice one more hit me and I hit you here we go human Awakening oh wait I look so sick wait hold on I need to take off my coat bro I look so evil with the Twitches as well I'm like a JoJo character look at me you would not want to run into me in a dark alley look at me I'm glorious we just need to do two more training all right we're all we're all beefing with each other so if I just keep on punching them all boom look at my Awakening bar going up how to speedrun Awakening okay boom Awakening number two I look so cool right if I already didn't have a favorite Awakening I would definitely just pick human and be human forever more this is crazy if I get fire on my feet as well I'm just combining the best of everything so I don't actually know what human Awakening does yet I just know it gives you a damage buff because people say it's the best for damage and grinding so once this has ended we can go again and then this will be the last training I need I think this guy says can I get a screenshot cubicle yeah sure let me just beat the heck out of you first get over here one more there we go I have awakened now before my Awakening runs out it will probably be smart to go to the red boy where was red boy I'm lost it was over here yep ancient one you've been working hard yup I have been 1 000 fragments yes what now what now you're ready for the next trial here we go here we go trial time trial time I'm so nervous because the bosses get harder and harder the more trials you do and I died to the first one here I go okay play Super safe get away from me maximum overheat wind bullet volcanic I think it's working green magma Hound okay wait how did he like one shot combo me last time the full moon just ended on a oh no if I die here it's game over please complete your trial 15 seconds left yes oh we did it all right guys you just gotta go real quick once again there can only be one and it's me so if I go over here I should be able to get my second gear in the Cog or is it technically the first one see what we get for doing this interact okay choose a gear I can get limit break for tier one allows the user to become stronger as they fight through a rage meter so I can become berserk or psycho flash step now has three charges I am becoming a Berserker best believe I'm limit breaking thus like anime protagonist Powers right here come back when you complete the trials again oh this is so hype race Awakening is so cool you can still improve your energy is unstable making it hard to hold on to teach me come back when you've trained more time for the next time skip training Arc to test out my new Awakening power I'm gonna fight the strongest being in all of Thursday we're gonna fight rip Indra I'm ready I'm prepared place down the Chalice he's done a barrier has been broken where is he okay now I just need to do like enough damage so that I can like awaken that's my main goal hope that I can do enough damn it I can't even is it meant to be this bright because I can't see a thing where is ripindra oh there he is Houston clothesline this might be impossible to do my thing like this I don't even think I'm gonna get enough damage all right that ain't go as intended I didn't even get close to getting one single bar full we gotta find a different way to try our new Awakening my best bet instead is just beating up people in the server whether they want to or not all right hit me boom bam oh my damage okay this is Awakening number one oh so is that my number that's like I do damage the more hits I do he says ow sad face that's right I'm just too epic now oh my damage is 1150 it's getting more and more the more I hit he's had to back away he was scared that I was gonna do too much damage ow now yo here's my third time Awakening honestly it's going surprisingly fast I think I might actually be able to get this fully awakened in the next full moon as long as I'm smart ow you don't want me to go demon time on you guys with my little flower necklace you boys ain't ready I've got numbers on 60. oh 69 yes what is happening behind me okay can these guys chill ow he's stuck in a cheeky little shop I need to be careful now though I've only got 2 000 Health oh this guy's an awakened human as well that can only be one hang on wait Allied I said that can only be that could only be what my Awakening right now oh wait that's a problem I've only got 6 000 fragments that might not be enough hmm we might have to do some race against some more fragments so I can actually afford to get Max V4 my human Awakening was so strong but my throat just broken yes this is the Demonic human V4 this is human V5 we just take a quick turn through here hello ancient one I have returned I've done my training you've come a long way as promised I'll upgrade your transformation limit for 1500 excellent what now I'm ready for the next trial but I'm kind of long you know what I think 5000 fragments will be enough I hope so in the meantime while we wait for the next full moon it's time for training again as you can probably tell by now there is a lot of training involved with Awakening race before but I mean when you look as drippy as we do from Awakening it's worth it hey you come over here and hit me why are you walking away I'm not that menacing why is he not hitting me the light of a full moon peeks through the clouds that's exactly what you like to hear put me in coach it's time to absolutely speed run some trials I've been awakened for basically the past 30 minutes so hopefully that means I can just literally do this trial and then do another trial straight afterwards if my calculations are correct however I'm terrible at math so I might be wrong what level is this guy only 1100 like that's not too bad this should be like very doable as long as I just like stay safe injection shot oh he's got Rumble hold on a second this was unaccounted for take this bang magma is just so op boom I did it I was actually the first one to defeat my trial why does it always do this why does it put me into oh I still have that on that's not good I need to get the pale scarf on I did that without the pale scarf as well that was way too risky yes give me the orb time to get my next gear it doesn't make sense why can't you dash up these stairs I'm literally an awakened human and I can't get up the stairs interact and with this we can put it on next gear piece and become even stronger and the question is is do I do blue and get limit break tier two I gotta get psycho tier one I kind of want to be a psycho it's this flash step now has three charges that seems fun let's test it out actually wait we have no time to test it out ancient one you're ready for the next upgrade this will cost you 2K perfect and now I'll need to go through an additional three trainings come back when you've trained enough I've got to do training again I have no idea how long I've got to be in transformation for but hopefully oh and now I've got like a triple bar at the bottom it's not for like my multiple dashes oh I can go into this I'm kind of crazy I like this new Flash tab that's pretty cool however the Berserker thing is just way cooler this is really not bad I'm getting nervous the Moon is like on its way down so when it gets to around here I'm gonna need to go back in I also hope I have enough fragments to do this if I don't have enough fragments I'm in danger all right now I think that there is really not long left on this full moon so I need to check have I managed to do it ancient one please tell me I've done enough training 2.25k okay done come back when you've trained no I'm only on two out of three are you sure I've run out of time on this full moon there's no way not to reach stage four of human V4 I now need to spend another 10 minutes in Awakening I also need 2 500 fragments so make sure I have enough fragments we gotta do a couple of raids or else I'm gonna get into the final trial and I'm not even gonna be able to buy the last thing that I need because I don't have enough for the upgrade so we just need to clear out this island a few times and then I think I should get enough fragments and since I have the big boy fruit as well this should make life even easier I wonder why human V4 in Buddha form looks like I bet it looks sick well then time to test human V4 in Buddha we've awakened and now we shift I don't really see a difference oh but I bet my damage goes crazy I've already got a full bar wait this is actually nuts I can go completely invisible as well the scariest Buddha you've ever seen just one that's completely invisible this is a pretty cool combination wait this is ridiculous I'm one shot in most of these mobs this is insane quite human B4 so busted oh my God I can use my sword now with Max oh wow and I can do this and do like Max damage as well I'm quite literally built different oh look more enemies for me to two shots and there we go that's raid number one completed so we've got 1 000 frags that's raid number three and that was raid number seven I think that's enough I can probably head to the tree safely now and I'll have enough fragments to get the final Cog that I need so let's put that theory to the test ancient one I have returned you ready for the next upgrade this will cost you 2.5 k nice and now yep I'm ready for the next trial and this is the final trial I need to complete to complete every single wheel on the human V4 Cog it's pretty exciting I did not think I would get this far at the start of this video I surprised myself this is it the final test if I fail this now everything will have been for nothing this is supposed to be the hardest test yet as well oh ow I now see why this is the hardest test one solid hit and I'm done but I'm not gonna stop come on yes I did my trial please just the other two have to do their trial now as long as they complete their trial I should be able to put the last Cog in please they just need to poop here it's like they're entering the end in Minecraft okay there's one uh 10 seconds oh that was close but we did it that can only be one and the final one is me here it is this is what I've been working for this entire video a fully maxed out human Okay ancient clock I have arrived show me the goods here we go we are of course gonna we're gonna increase our range meter up to 150 I'm gonna be insane now this is it this is what I've worked for human V4 look at how cool I am now and all that it took to look at this anime was many hours of pain there is a race in blog Spruce that literally lets you cause permanent Darkness to anybody who steps in your domain and that is the ghoul race so today I'm Awakening the ghoul race in bloxford and unlocking all of its V4 abilities however getting the ghoul race is not as simple as the other ones where you can just go into the shop and buy a race reroll instead we've got to come into this cursed ship right here and we've got to fight for mobs on this ship like this deckhand and they should drop something called an ectoplasm and according to the wiki I need 100 of them and luckily for me I've got about 50 of them right now so as long as I just stand around and punch these guys in the face a few times I should get enough see look there's another active license this shouldn't take like too long that was 30 minutes ago but I think I now should have more than enough where is ectoplasm I've got 107 ectoplasm we also have to be level 1000 which I am just a bit over and then finally the hardest part that deters most people we have to get a Hellfire torch which has a one percent chance to be dropped by the cursed Captain so I'm gonna have to like come over here and like chill and then we're gonna have to wait for a cursed Captain to spawn right here and there he is the cursed Captain best believe I'm using my awakened footage to take this guy down I'm not taking any chances because this guy literally has the text raid boss next to his name this is how you know this guy's built different hey but it's not enough apparently I'm just too op he can't stop me he's nearly gone please give me a first try that'd be insane I want to get lucky come on die yes I got absolutely nothing I'm supposed to get a torch right where's my torch I guess now we're just gonna wait for this guy to spawn again raid boss number two I've just got a feeling this one is gonna be the torch and if it isn't I have no idea what I'm gonna do show me the goods curse Captain show me the goods Rocket Kick here I go the moment of truth I got absolutely nothing oh what is this number three number four I honestly can't tell I think I've lost count it's just so painful please give me the torch this time I genuinely wonder how much of the actual total player base has even tried to get gold before it's gonna be like a one percent use race or something because there is no no way get over here curse Captain come on I'll follow this guy this guy calm we're doing some Chef Maneuvers Explorer Mike would you like to trade 100 ectoplasm for ghoul race just please traded 100 hecto plus yeah I said that right for ghoul look at my little horns they're so good that they're a bit small how do I make those bigger can I even make those bigger like I want big cool horns I look pathetic right now I think to get better horns we're gonna need to get V2 and V3 I also found out that the ghoul race is actually stronger at night time and it's night time right now so I should be like way stronger than normal and before we even think about getting race V2 I need to test the ghoul racist luck because I got lucky getting the torch but is it lucky and spinning for devil fruits here is the true test I got a spring almost as pathetic as these stupid puny little horns now to get the ghoul race V2 and get the bigger horns I'm gonna need to complete the alchemist's quest which is gonna need me to find three different colored flowers and we can start with the blue flower because it's nighttime but I'm on a bit of a timer because the moon is going down so we need to find a blue flower like right now I'm too used to like fish man and human and stuff if I'm a girl can I swim with a Block's Fruit okay time to test can I swim I cannot swim all right we gotta head over to this island over here because this usually has a blue flower and if it doesn't I might actually cry blue flower where you are anything here nope just the tree what about here I'm feeling lucky blue flower take all my anger on you guys take this and this triple flash get away from me I actually cannot believe it now unluckily for me I can no longer find the blue flower until the next nighttime so instead we're looking for the red and the yellow and I think because it's about to be daytime right now watch I'm gonna find a red one right here never mind I'm so unlucky what about in this bush nope not in that bush either well then how about the other side of these stairs it's never failed me before this stair strategy I got a chest instead no give me the flower yes the red flower they won't pick up am I broken oh I'm stupid I need the quest first Alchemist I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment have you found them yet come back when you have the three flowers okay now I can get the flowers that is suppressing I wish I knew beforehand but yep there we go now we can hold the red flower in our hand you guys hear you Marine lieutenants you guys will give me the yellow flower that was really fast my feet are literally still on fire and there we go the yellow flower next up we just gotta wait until it's night time again to get the blue flower now since it's daytime do the ghoul race get debuffs through the day so am I weaker than normal or is it just you get stronger at night because if so I could like die at any point right now and that would not be okay I could lose all of these flowers so to be safe we're gonna go hide on this flower nobody will see us now we're perfectly hidden even if I'm like risking both of these flowers right now I will take on the strongest boss in the second sea it's just a challenge you know and I need a challenge here we go this guy can summon literal sea beasts so I'm a little worried but let's do this the million drill yeah this guy's only 300 levels below me this could be tough oh he's doing damage Rocket Kick that's massive damage I shot a dragon Trident that looks pretty cool my time has come it's finally night time which means I can check this island here for a blue flower yes there we go the final flower that I needed now I just need to head all the way back over to this Green Island and I don't have any of my race skills or anything yet so I just gotta keep on moving what was The Alchemist again your races evolved oh my God wait I'm rapid now I'm so fast 500k yeah whoever's attacking me I can get away so much faster now you're mine if you think I'm fighting that guy he's got a soul guitar later buddy I'm gone Mission Impossible time we're going into the water psych we're actually just going around them actually just out maneuvered him no I didn't he just fired a soul Beam at me no at least I don't have the flowers anymore I'm safe I'm just gonna get to this safe Zone come on oh I'm on life support I'm safe We're Going Underground that's where ghouls live right underground where it's safe safe and sound but while I'm being super careful I've been kidnapped Escape how do I leave this place wait I can't what I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone what I now need to do is I need to head to V3 and awaken my race which is going to be a little bit difficult and I have no idea what they want me to do to awaken ghoul so I'll check once I get there where is it again I think it's over here right yep what do you want me to do Arrow let's begin no please talk to me again once you defeat five players well isn't that perfect now that I've got to somehow kill five players but the wiki has told me the version two I literally get lifestyle so using that lifesteal I might be able to take down some players like there's a guy just over there if I go Buddha form I just see three Kill player died recently you can't attack them yeah and he's running away as a venom for a guy okay I need to find somebody else two Targets over there you see because I'm only level 1700 the Buddha fruit is literally my best band so don't flame me in the comments oh maybe I try something a bit spicy let's try and get these kills with the control fruit because I've been Laura in a previous video that's somebody that usually helps me on my videos listen you might need to die for the cause yo gonna grind for the boss now oh he thinks I'm still going for the ghoul race just look up my skull that's right I'm a ghoul race and I I've got two Targets over there wait control for it is perfect he's not oh I can just eat his bow here we go here I go room camera Rush wait what why can't I attack this guy I've got an idea levitate I just picked up his boat no I'm gonna drown I threw his bow all the way over there I think that guy might have been like cheating or in creative mode or something because I could not damage him we'd find somebody else so just in case so that guy doesn't become a problem I'm gonna grab this and that's going over there yeah your boat's not useful on land buddy oh my God perfect I found a guy I found a guy you will do nicely but he's fast it's supposed to be night time like I'm supposed to have movement speed get over here he's too quick he goes to that vendor way too fast we need fresh meat instead like this guy up here room and now we hit him with a gamma knife but player died recently of course yo you good you want to like fight nope that guy does not want to fight why has everybody died recently oh this guy's got the dark play a worthy adversary let's go bro why has everybody died recently turn on your PVP what is happening that is a lot of waves I'm out of here I'm dodging and weaving what about this guy over here uh somebody who's only just made it into the second sea you'll be perfect flesh for my ghoul race got my knife am I hitting him oh I got you got him okay that's one okay we're up one kill right now oh is this guy attacking me as well now who do you think you are oh whoops wrong guy who is this okay not him he said ouch awesome it's night time that means I can use my cool powers to their full capacity oh there is a straight up wall going on down there this looks interesting levitate bang how did I miss levitate boom I hit him I actually hit him out of the portal okay oh god he's a leopard oh no I'm not really suited for PVP like this on a quick levitation Boulder behind me that's right if he was chasing me he was done teleport later I'm low-key not built for this Bang You're Mine what how am I gonna get five kills like this is ridiculous against other people that can actually fight room this leopard guy wants me bang what I use gamma knife and it did nothing okay new plan PVP on we're going crazy again this leopard guy is just out for blood it seems I could probably take him down if I had leopard myself this building is mine but you're running too boy how are you ever meant to hit that attack injection shot slice levitate how do you hit this Boulder in my PVP I have not the right level for this I'm on my way gotcha and now we're gonna hit him with a little combo no no Factory staff stop it I'm up here I'm out of here levitate on the spot that's right try and catch up to me leopard you ain't gonna catch me room levitate bang I missed got my knife you're done I killed him oh my God that's one okay room is set up again levitate leopard guy is back leopard guy is back is this guy even in combat I can't tell I don't even think this guy's in combat oh you're done buddy you're done he isn't ready he isn't ready I hit him again injection shot oh my God I'm cracked no no no no no no where is he where is he he's not there I don't have stamina I don't have stamina no if I had stamina he'd be done gamma Rush gamma Rush please that's a stamina death okay I didn't want to have to do this and listen I really didn't want to have to do this I was gonna try and do this skillfully but we're going Ultra no skill we're using the dough fruit I'm back you're done you're completely done now you're mine take this where'd he go boom leopard guy I will get my revenge on you just you wait I've got you in my zone now you're done now how did I miss that missile jab I was so close to hitting that okay I got him with that keep him in the combo bang okay is that two or is that three I'm not too sure just yet only a couple more kills and then we're done and light fruits you're my next prey how's he so quick wait I know why I'm gonna be able to catch up to this guy how am I meant to catch this guy he's moving like a madman in before he just doesn't have his PVP on have you ever meant to hit those things I need like a targeting move none of my moves really like Target no like how did that not hit seems he's ready to Ready for War oh my God he just found a devil fruit on the floor unacceptable unacceptable I say unacceptable you know what like I can't he just keeps running away this guy will have to do instead you my friend are done no reward level difference is too high does that still count please tell me that counts here's the guy from before you thought you could run away you thought you could run away oh no you don't yes I'm an absolute demon oh that wasn't even the lifer guy he's like no the goal he's gonna attack me right buddy you better run or I'm gonna grab you bro doesn't even have PVP on that's cringe now there is something that feels really strange about all this back when I was first in the second sea I remembered that I thought I would never be able to kill anyone and yet here I am five kills later two million there we go cool V3 look at our horns now I look so good and our ability is called heightened senses and this supposedly allows the player to use skills that are still on 40 cooldown and Buffs My overall damage but this isn't even gonna be the greatest thing we're gonna do today now we're gonna get a race B4 now that I'm inside the Temple of Time as a ghoul I think I need to reopen yep with the lever interact boom I'm inside now where was the ancient one again the Red Orb thing aha I found you what did he say to me you have yet to achieve greatness what do you mean look at my horns I'm already achieving greatness I guess I gotta come back when it's a full moon and I've done the first trial so I guess we're just gonna go out here and we're gonna do some sun watching the light of a full moon peeks through the clouds it is time I need to head into the Temple of time and I need to find the Google place oh why I'm rapid now that it's nighttime the cemetery okay this is the ghoul here we go it's time I've equipped the magma fruit because I don't know what to expect and this one does very good damage open sesame trial starting five I have no idea what to expect but I'm a ghoul I've got this oh what is this I'm fighting waves of zombies it's called the trial of Carnage I am glad that I brought this through oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa chill oh my God oh my God oh a player failed bruh who failed I was surviving for you again we go again no please I don't have long left why does my character always bug like this to race V5 here I go attempt number two I'm ready this time I know exactly what to expect so I can just Spam the magma through and hope for the best don't use volcanic assault because it is a death wish I nearly used it by accident where he teleported to me I was in the air though this doesn't even make sense am I done how is it not done yet you've completed your trial two remaining oh that is stressful you have to fight hordes of zombies that's crazy all right now you all must go there can only be one it's time for me to awaken my ghoul all right adios covering it with the magma okay now we go this way and now we're going to the clock ancient clock interact it's time to awaken here we go choose gear to replace new title unlock night walker come back when you complete the trials again wait I've got like an evil Halo now that's so cool what about this Ancient One what do you want me to do now so you've awakened That Old Clock it's training time once again it's a train to unlock the next stage of our Awakening so I need to head out of here yeah all right here we go it's training time it's time for combat I will become the strongest ghoul here I go my screen's red oh look I've got wings now I look insane how do I take off this I look so evil bro became a fallen angel I'm on demon time now no way a pigeon what do you mean a pigeon I'm like an evil demon and this is Awakening number two just one more and then I think I'm good to go I just realized if I take off dark step Look at me now I'm like covering my face I'm covering my demonic smile this is so sick training our time it's training our time get over here everybody I'm out for violence I don't even care who I'm winning Friend or Foe final Awakening boom now I should be able to head back inside and then if we go this way near him I'm too quick and so one I've done your training what do you mean come back when I've trained more I've trained I've been actually baited I need to go back in more training a few minutes later I think I should be good now Ancient One tell me the way have I done it you've been working hard I can tell 1K perfect now yep I'm ready for the next trial I also don't have any items equipped so let's get Swan glasses trial number two Loki I'm incredibly nervous because I almost failed the first trial so here goes nothing I did not mean to use this move oh my God great magma Hound that's just a death set every time I use that move it's just literally game over for me these zombies are terrifying please I've only got 26 seconds left please please please please please wait make my hand I've got 13 seconds magma shower oh my God I in the Temple of Time yes that was stressful there's four of us I'm sorry oh wait that's not how this is supposed to go magma Powers Sergeant weave doesn't weave doesn't weave why is everybody fighting make it stop no I need to do this finally that was so stressful I nearly died with this we should be able to get our second gear on the clock so we just come here talk to the ancient clock I wonder what moves we can get with the ghoul race Let's see we can get domain expansion adds a dark field around the user or we can get blood siphon all attacks came Lively I'll get this one first because then it'll make grinding and killing mobs so much easier but now that we've done all that it is once again back to the training Arc time I need to increase my potential further that's the terrifying thing about trying to get the school race to V4 while only being level 1700 anybody else in that raid could literally destroy me now once again with like every other time we've got race before gotta start the training Arc and this time I just need to use my race Awakening for like a certain amount of time so the longer I stay in race Awakening the better and it seems like lifesteal is working exactly as intended every time I hit them like little blood particles come and I absorb them and now I'm back up to Max Health cool race this is gonna be in the top three so far this one's really cool so I'm low health and then I just go like this yep there we go we're getting a ton of Health that's sick have I done enough to pass your test Ancient One surely I have right yep 1500 fragments to upgrade there we go I'm ready for the next trial which is gonna be in about an hour's time so I've got a long time to wait this will be the fourth race I'm fully awakened I'm saving my favorite one that I'm gonna use permanently to last so if you can guess what it is then you need to subscribe it's full moon time I'm in the right place right yep that's the cool I'm going into first person to make sure and go open this time I'm gonna use the Buddha fruit because honestly I don't think I could do that last round with Magma because my magma Mastery was too low so instead we're fighting like this Yep this is definitely good enough maximum overheat keep dodging keep dodging honestly at this rate I think I should be the first one to complete this it's pretty easy yeah you've completed your trial I'm kind of build different now I just gotta hope that everybody else does that and that's all the trials completed now I just need to be the last one remaining which is fairly simple because these are all friends here take this oh he's got an Essence ha ha loser let's destroy of bullying let's take down the bully if you don't want then kill yup I don't want it I'm sorry to your essence I don't even know what that is or what it means that was a necessary sacrifice I hope that wasn't like a super rare item but my V4 is more important I'm on my way clock I can't get up the stairs there we go interact the second Cog I'm gonna choose domain expansion it just sounds cool and now it's back to training and I don't have long because I think let's see you're ready for the next upgrade 2K perfect now what I'll need to do three additional things come back when you've trained more I've done one of three okay that's not bad training time training time enable PVP make everybody an enemy here I go get over here bang all right now damage me perfect oh my God domain expansion oh so this black Aura that's following me is my domain that's so sick and everybody who comes into this domain supposedly goes like completely blind yeah good luck having eyeballs see look you can't see and I'm stood right behind you I'm looking devious right now like a spooky scary ghoul the ghoul race Loki makes you feel like an anime villain like look at me this is just like the type of place you'd be menacingly laughing at on top of a castle hey yo what's this guy doing here hey this is my vantage spot this is where I'm looking out and being a ghoul who are these two walking in here like there's a protagonist or something it just makes me want to attack them because I'm a ghoul oh you're up on the throne thus my Throne boy actually he's kind of on low Health yeah but I'm a ghoul I'm devious he needs to go get off my Throne if you're on the throne you're not allowed to Bruce fighting for the throne I throw now all right if anybody tries to get on here they just won't be able to see because it's mine so it's been an hour and I think if I speak to the ancient one yep I'm ready for the next upgrade oh I have enough fragments that's lucky luckily I did all those raids in The Shark video last time wait come back when you've trained more I've been training for the past 30 minutes it's full moon time meaning that hopefully the training's done I need to test first I should have tested this beforehand instead of right now I'm ready now can I take on the last trial yep I'm ready for the last trial here we go my final trial this is the final one I need to do to get the last card for gear whatever it's called so I'm gonna have to go crazy oh this is easy with Buddha fruit why was I even worried before I might only be level 1700 but that was light work I was the first one to complete the trial as well or there can only be one so you guys gotta go bang it's time there's light coming from the sky it's glorious the game knows that this is my final Awakening to get all the moves I don't actually know what I can get for this card because usually this is when you can pick like a unique thing for the race so let's see select the new gear domain expansion tier 2 upon dashing crows will attack nearby enemies blood siphon tier to say less give me the domain expansion tier two I gotta see these crows are they actually good and do they actually do damage here it is my final Awakening oh the size of my domain is huge now and then if I Dash I summon crows oh yeah they're going to attack that's sick you can't escape my crows and then they heal me as well that's ridiculous the crows are going crazy and that is the ghoul race fully awakened I've literally just become Itachi today we are gonna be who is this guy I'm good now all right then I guess I don't have a choice but to become a cyborg and fully awaken it to V4 and unlock all of its powers but to start we gotta defeat a ton of CBS to try and get a fist of Darkness because according to the wiki I need to obtain a fist of darkness in order to get something called a core brain and luckily for me in a previous video I fully awakened magma which is the ultimate Sea Beast hunting devil fruit so we're gonna be running around and searching for Seabees to fight I have found my first Sea Beast and if he doesn't give me this item that I need I'm gonna be furious please just give me the item Ray magma Hound did I even hit him this magma fruit is literally the ultimate fruit for taking these things down one more magma shower you're done okay did I get the item nope I got absolutely nothing I guess we continue the hunt for sea beasts the Beast number two maybe I can kill this one a bit faster how much health does this thing have no get your ugly face over here 77 000. oh actually I'm kind of going crazy with the damage where'd it go oh there it is I got absolutely nothing again this is painful I could be going for this fist of Darkness for hours so this seems to be one of the hardest things about getting cyborg I've just got to sit and wait for a Seabees to spawn oh wait you can mend the Cannons on this ship oh the Sea Beast is done if I sit on this cannon here I'm ready for when it spawns I'm gonna hit it with kind of fire as soon as I see it Sea Beast I got you with my cannon fire bang he disappears he's back oh he is done wait can I even die I can't even damage him with the gallon no and I got absolutely nothing again oh no my ship's on the ropes now this is not looking good you have found a strange item I got a top hat no way oh it's so cool look at me oh wait I got the fist of Darkness as well let's go now I gotta be super careful and make sure I don't fall into the ocean or it could actually be game over just get to land just gotta get to land nice and safe hey I'm in the chamber area whatever this is and then we click this your fist of Darkness has been processed please Supply a core brain to continue what do I do now what's a call Brain oh I see core brain can be obtained by a drop from order so we're gonna have to do the law raid and to do a law raid we've just got to grab one of these a microchip only costs you know a small price of 1 000 fragments every single time oh nice and cheap and now with this microchip we can begin the order range probably gonna be a bit too difficult on my own well now that I've got the microchip and more importantly my top hat we can begin the raid and we're in Okay order you're going down I've got to make sure I get enough damage because there is a lot of people in here but the main problem is is that apparently the car brain is only like a five percent drop or something crazy like that so this could take ages I'd have no idea how he's doing it but I think all this room is literally causing the server to lag so if this crashes after I've spent so long searching for the fist of Darkness I'm not gonna be happy right I'm gonna have to do this all again where is he keeps teleporting around okay I got him oh first try what no way wait what does it look like oh it's a microchip 225d I have no idea what that means but now what do I do with this who do I give this to to become a cyborg huh what is your luck what do you mean it's just a brain now I've got to be extra careful to make sure I don't lose this core brain or else many hours of work will be down the drain but with this little thing this cute little microchip I think I come over here and I go I press this your core brain has been processed he said downstairs oh no oh what is this misk click to interact would you like to change your race to cyborg for 2500 fragments this race is specialized in defense and energy yes please I don't have enough money this went from being an epic moment to a really sad moment real quick and with the power of my mum's credit card I think I think I can get yes I can buy the cyborg race look at me I've got like an eye patch now this allows me to see in 4k my vision has improved wow it's like um it's the exact same feeling as when Logan Paul saw color for the first time just in Roblox but now I need to work on getting version 2 of the cyborg race and once again we're playing where's Wally except flower Edition we need to find three flowers and because it's night time we can start with the blue flower we're running out of time it's about to be daytime I need a blue flower oh chest do you have the blue flower no just three thousand dollars what about in here any flowers wait what it's a secret entry with a patch of grass with a flower oh my God we just got so lucky in finding that so that's one out of the three flowers already found who would have thought all of this came from like a single core memory thing and then now hold on there we go and then now we've got a flower now we can begin working on the yellow flower and the way that we get that is by defeating as many mobs as possible and listen I was promised infinite power at the start of this video so like this cyborg Awakening it better give me infinite power like I know it gives me those cool blue wings oh second try easy peasy look it's the same color as your hockey you love to see it all we need to do now is wait until daytime and then we can find the final flower it's just like a tinier version of this one here oh never mind wait it's in the exact same place as when I did my ghoul video there's all three flowers obtained got the red one now so all we need to do is we need to head back to The Alchemist and now you can evolve my race right it's expensive though yep 500k I'm a cyborg V2 now what's changed has my eye patch gotten bigger I think literally nothing has changed maybe I just have more energy or something The Next Step before we get on V4 is we need V3 and the way that we do that is we head into the secret Den underneath the tree I've made it we've got the spooky mood lighting as well this is perfect it's time for me to awaken again what do you want me to do this time last time I had to PVP five people talk to me again once you have a fruit in your inventory I do though wait does it just mean like any fruit so could I give him here you go rip indirect take a kilo fruit you know the best fruit in the entire game well done no way now I just paid 2 million I've done it new title unlocked the cyborg oh look at my mask now I can literally only see like barely anything though it's like I've had blinds closed on my eyeballs or something with this one I've got like I've got about two centimeters of space to see and about two centimeters of space to smell as well but now I've got a brand new race ability called Energy core I can electrocute people yeah don't get close to me I'm like a taser I'm a walking taser gun now and what that taser does is it boosts the defensive players by 30 and gives me a lightning effect so now we've got to head back to the third C and awaken our race I've just thought of something since I'm a cyborg you know literally made out of circuits and wires if I fall into the water do I insta die there's only one way to find out nope it just takes a long time as well like normal that's a feature blocks Roots needs to add because that would be so funny what's the moon looking like oh that is a full moon I want to awaken right here right now I don't have time use the lever and open the door open sesame aha now which way is cyborg it's just looking nope that's like definitely Fish Man race oh this is looking cyborgy perfect it's trial time oh no I have the portal fruit on survive until the end watch out for bombs oh wait this could be amazing oh my God I didn't see that one I ain't got to be super zoomed out because it does every single oh no oh it's pretty slow on this level that's not too bad I can deal with this what if I turn on my race skill and I like explode them no and I can't use any skills either so it's purely just a dodging mini game I've got to avoid the explosives coming from the ceiling all right this is going pretty well I've done it you've completed your trial nice oh my God that was close there was only two seconds left there can only be one and I've only got a portal first so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to win this get over here hey I've won so now I just gotta follow this orb okay any moment now or but there we go and this should take us to the clock and then we can awaken right it's time this is what I was promised at the start of this video this right here is unlimited power new title unlocked Genesis yeah we've got one gear in the clock now and I've got the wings oh we've got blue visor now oh this is actually really cool can I fly no I cannot fly can I jump higher a little ancient one I talk to you now right yep come back when you've trained more so now we need to go on a training Arc like always there are so many training arcs you actually have to do to awaken every single race it's just becoming the same thing over and over but this time we've got pool Wings here we go our screen's purple awaken oh I start glowing purple I look so good and then if I do this like it does that boost my damage even more oh this is sick the purple is so cool I'm like an RGB neon light in a gamer's bedroom this is crazy this race V4 is literally just a gaming keyboard This is Awakening number two maybe I could get another trial done before the full moon ends and there is my third time Awakening so I think now I should be good to get this to stage two because we're currently on stage one so if I come in here whereas the ancient one again is he through here here is the Red Orb okay come back when I've trained more I need to do more training maybe one more Awakening and then I'm good and with my RGB lights on again I think this should be good enough I think this should be the final Awakening I need I hope it's the final Awakening okay so one I am back please don't tell me to go train yep I've been working hard and he'll sell me the upgrade for 1 000 fragments so now I'm ready for the next trial let's do this I just need to find the cyborg area it's the one with all the cogs yeah it's over here and the chains there we go I got so lost open sesame Trail signing five so I think with this trial is it gonna spawn more and more missiles I mean it seems to be oh oh the blast radius is so much larger this time oh okay this could be problematic oh no I gotta make sure I don't Dodge into any of them as well I think this is one of the trials that's like deceivingly easy it's like when you least expect it you're gonna get like look at how many is sending off this time compared to the first time it looks straight down though aha I found the strategy you'll never get hit if you stand like this surgical Precision boom all trials completed but like always there can only be one and that one's gonna be me you guys are done get over here oh no everybody's fighting you're the last one yes okay this should give me a brand new ability for my Awakening I have no idea what it's gonna be like a flashbang because I'm glowing hello clock it's an ancient clock as well awaken abilities Open click to socket and New Gear what are we choosing Aftershock attacks now I'll play an electrifying effect or we can get energy control damage dealt now trains to nearby enemies through orbs allows the user to super jump oh I need that that sounds so cool I want to jump high so it said that one my attacks chain so if I click oh yeah oh that seems actually pretty op what about my super jump how do I do that that was not a super jump what about this oh oh that is so cool can I do like a flunk oh I went flying oh if you like Dash into oh no I I missed I nearly went off the tree I'm gonna need to be an Awakening for five more minutes to be able to get the next stage and that stage costs 1500 fragments and I've only got 200 fragments so we're gonna have to do some raids so luckily for me I've got doe fully awakened so I can just easily oh I don't even have hockey now I can easily take down all these enemies ow ow never mind maybe not there we go we've earned a thousand fragments from the first raid I'm probably gonna need to do about five or six more if I want to get all the way to stage four so if I combine Awakening with like attacking these mobs I should be able to just do like tons of chain reactions because of the gear that I chose right I got a test this where are the mobs I can't really tell because I don't know if I'm even hitting any of them oh yeah that definitely chain reactions right there you could get some insane combos with this race that's crazy like my damage was just amplifying itself over and over and you can't even tell that I've got purple wings either in this form yup as long as I hit them my damage transfers oh that's so cool that's great number two number three number four and that's raid number five I think that should be enough to get every single other stage that I need while doing those raids I thought of the best possible fruit I could pair with cyborg to make sure I get as much multi-hit damage as possible and that's the blizzard fruit because blizzard has the craziest aoes so surely if I can chain lightning and hit everywhere all at once it'll just be too OB I'll be creating like a thunderstorm blizzard attack it's gonna be crazy I know that I've got enough fragments I can just sit in awaken mode now until there's a full moon and then I'll be ready to take on the next trial it is so close to being full moon have I done enough training you've come a long way as promised yes he'll upgraded yes now what you're ready for the next trial so with this I'll be able to get the third wheel in the clock which means after that point only one more to go or two I can't remember I'm losing count all that I know is I've got cool RGB lights that can hurt everybody around me when I use blizzard domain okay while this race might not be like as devious as ghoul and human I could just activate Instinct and go see I can just set myself flying it's so much fun oh I have a shot full moon full moon perfect timing let's go in boys it's full moon time we gotta get to our stations I always get so lost this one's cyborg oh it is yeah the silly looking cyborg face with the visor door open all right this is my third trial so this one should be a lot harder than previous trials I've had to do oh yeah they're coming down way faster now and look at the blast radius if I'm not paying attention I could very much just get caught out here they're chasing me what I'm being guarded gonna play this perfectly safe energy core I wish you could just like stab them out of the sky and stop them from hitting you if I didn't Dash there that would have got me oh no it would be very very careful five seconds left I can do this I think it stops at 15 right stop stop foreign s have been completed okay it's time for me to awaken this snowflake shuriken boom see like I just one shot that guy and he was max level that was crazy right totally legit kill but now that we can see the light we can head to the top of these stars and we can lock our next ability hello clock I have arrived teach me the ways any moment now there we go okay the scale we're gonna we can get Aftershock which applies an electrifying effect or we can get energy control super jump Now deals damage oh I want to be able to jump really tall I don't need electric after effects or anything like that at the moment I want a jump high I cannot wait to test off this new Jump so I can just go like I can just boink now that's so cool if I'm not careful I'll just like fly off the tree oh like this recovered wasn't even close and it says it does damage now right so if I go here and go boom 1 200 damage it's pretty cool that's training number one of three complete costing 2 000 fragments it's starting to get real expensive with fragments now I might not have enough it's gonna be close I'm like Mario but build different bro I keep overshooting it what Mario wishes he could jump this I nearly fell off like I'm just stomping on a Goomba right now this is how I'm keeping my meter all the way filled up in the bottom left just keep on stomping on the Goomba I have been on this main character training Arc for way too long and to add insult to injury this next upgrade is 2.2 000 fragments but that's two out of three complete I only need to do one more but the worst part about this is the third upgrade it's gonna take around 10 minutes of Awakening usage I have been an RGB keyboard for about 30 minutes now yep I'm ready for my final upgrade which means now I'm ready for the final trial that I need to do then I can become the final form of eyeball in other words I'll just be able to make people that I hit get electric effects on them so that's gonna be pretty epic I'm hyped it's full moon time no I want to become the ultimate Android let me in we've actually been griefed okay now we can go in I got knocked away now please I just want to awaken my race please it's time for the robots to strike back Humanity doesn't stand a chance cyborg V4 is literally what would happen if a mobile phone's turned against us here it is the final trial so this one is going to be the hardest one as well these Rockets are gonna be falling down with a Vengeance what the zones are massive now but if I get cornered I'm done but this is still easy mode for me I've got observation hockey V10 okay wait this is a bit extreme why your rock is falling so slowly such an extreme Trail okay I've dodging a weaving oh oh you thought you could trap me I'm too quick they can never trap yes I did it let's go wait there's only seven seconds left oh no no are we gonna have to do that again oh one second left that was a bit too risky but here it is I'm becoming the ultimate AI they're trying to waste my time they're trying to make his other full moon will end before I've done the trial I'm Awakening right now you're done you can't even trap me with your barrier Bang bye I finished him with a shark move as well I'm too op here it is this is the final time we have to go to the clock ancient clock interact show me the goods please I've spent hours on this literal hours select a new gear socket after shock tier one I apply an electrifying effect so I'm literally a stun gun with wings let's see what this new stun effect looks like Punk wait where's my stun effect I'm not seeing no stun effects I'm faulty I have like a used faulty mobile phone this is terrible oh well at least I can jump high the ultimate race in blocks fruits might not be what you think it is it's a race that makes anybody kneel before you like a God and it's called The Angel race so today I'm Awakening the angel race and unlocking all of its V4 abilities and unlike the cyborg that I currently am right now to get this race we can simply get it right here by simply doing a race rerun so hopefully I don't have to spend hundreds of Robux please give me a first try oh my God race change to Angel it's faked and I've got tiny little wings on my back they're so small and puny and I could fly with these so we're gonna need some bigger ones and just like every other race in Boxford we first need to get into V2 because currently this is V1 angel wings and to do that we need to complete the alchemist's quest which is gonna have us searching for three different colored flowers scattered across the map it's currently night time so that means I think I can find the blue flowers so if we head over to nope that was not the place I wanted to go I want to go to the big plan there we go the green zone and hiding in the green zone there should be an alchemist is he around here yep there he is you can't hide from me it appears I haven't unlocked my maximum potential yet if I'm seeking more power I need to bring him three flowers yup now we just need to find them I think one of the best places we can search is Graveyard this usually has like a lot of blue flowers like right here surprisingly wasn't too difficult next up on our list is the yellow flower which to get that we gotta beat NPCs and luckily for me because of my last video I've got the dragon Talon move so I can Punk we can just destroy these Marine lieutenants real quick there's no way you run into ow give me your flower our first try there we go we got the yellow flower and now we just need to wait until daytime and then we can get the second flower which is the red one it's finally daytime that means I can search for the flower but I gotta be super careful because there's people basically everywhere there could be enemies no red flower usually it's like right there please I just need a one flower that's all there's a Titan over there I gotta be careful any flowers down here nope I can't remember where else is a good spot I think over on this side yeah yeah they can spawn on these things here right come on come on I'm not seeing anything there's got to be at least one I'm not seeing anything okay we're going to green zone surely there's a flower nothing behind the chest what about over here nothing by the plant the longer I go without this flower the more dangerous it gets so I need to be careful how hard is it to find one flower what is this this is actually the most I've ever struggled to find a flower like ever oh that is a Venom guy yo relax are they good I don't think they can drive that thing very well look at them I think I could probably take those guys down if I wanted to okay okay I gotta focus on the task at hand finding a flower gonna be one over here any flowers nothing this is ridiculous the flowers just doesn't exist anywhere apparently what is this oh wait I forgot about one final place and that is right up here in the Mansion this is the only other place it can be I've checked every other possible spawn so please Swan you have some flower here yes oh my God okay now I just need to get over there safe and sound but there's an all that war going on over here apparently I'm just coming through don't mind me you guys have fun go go go go go go my little wings are too slow okay I think I'm in the clear V2 is mine yes your race has evolved wait have my wings changed are they any bigger now wait what there's literally no change hold on a second I've been scammed he took 500k and nothing changed well I guess we want to see a big difference we'll probably have to get a race V3 and to get race V3 with Angel what do we have to do let's begin what am I beginning talk to me once you defeat one of your own kind wait what so I've got to find another player with the angel race and take them down or do I have to go into the first C and defeat the NL boss the guy with the rumble fruit let's see if I can find somebody who's like my race that guy over there I think he's a ghoul what about this donut a donut are you an angel nope he's also a girl what about this guy are you an angel oh you're a rabbit disgusting that guy's also a good why are there no Angels it's the coolest race out of all of them what is this guy he's a ghoul oh I found an angel he's sat in a chair though yo get out of your chair he's going over there what are you looking at in the Box first dealer huh what is this guy I can't tell do they have wings on their back they're covering it yes yes yes go out this way out this way I need to lure them with a fruit can I buy one hey gotcha let me buy a fruit real quick no I can't lure them out I might have to go somewhere else to try and find the angel guy because I think there's only only one angel in this entire server I'm in a brand new server and we're looking for Angels that's a mink two minks just looking at each other ah that guy's a shark I'm gonna have a look at this guy this is a straggler all the way over here are you an angel I can't tell what is this guy yo just stand still so I can have a look like on your back real quick yo dog oh those angel wings yo I might need to defeat you real quick what about your little friend here why is the bacon beefing with me okay I'm gonna go get the quest and I'm gonna kill this Buddha guy real quick and we're gonna see no hard feelings it must be done hopefully he doesn't leave the server before then I'm gonna go sneaky beaky here we go he's over there I've spotted him he's not ready yo where you going Chief yo get over here what how did I miss yo I need you for something brother hey player died recently are you the only angel in the entire server has died recently I'm so mad this guy an angel I mean is everything okay bruh wait he's just bro he's using okay you think that's not loud I think I'm just gonna let you get away with that boom that's what I thought he was probably a ghoul or something you know because angels and ghouls just don't get along anyway the hunt for Angels continues we go test just to make sure is he an angel nope he was not I gotta go and complete the task what is even that what is it doesn't seem like an angel to me there are a bunch of other players scattered around in this server so maybe one of these guys has Angel an angel yes it's just leave leave stop grabbing the chests he's just gone into The Nether where did he go oh there's an angel V4 here that'll be even more poetic if we took down that one whoops an angel and he's an elk gross a random magma guy killed me and he just killed the angel guy as well I'm so mad I didn't even get a chance to phase into a different reality I just died this guy hears the angel right oh he's already getting fought get over here does he have PVP on bro he doesn't have PVP on and now the random magma guy is attacking us again oh he just hit me with that okay oh no the magma guy wants me he's got a soul guitar as well oh no oh no I'm in danger he's got a human V4 I'm out here Cafe I'm safe that was way too risky perfect an angel you're dead wait I forgot to get the quest oh I'm so stupid are you an angel oh you are okay I'll be back for you just chill a second wait a second BRB oh he followed me in parallel Escape oh no he grabbed me he's trying to avenge his friend but he doesn't know that I'm ready wait what how can I not hit this guy oh he's got Kirsten katanas oh he missed that might be one of the biggest mistakes you've ever made get over here boom Oh that was huge oh I hit him with that oh no oh no I hit him with dragon Talent please he died is he dead how low is he is that him over there oh he's done you're literally mine I got him oh my God please I think I did it Arrow well done yep two million your race has evolved new title I'm a perfect being look at my wings now and I've got Heavenly blood I actually can't believe I managed to do that that was crazy V3 of Angel has some pretty cool effects when I use my ability called Heavenly blood I get an increase of Defense by 15 and it heals around 20 of my maximum HP which is absolutely busted but most importantly with V3 we now get these bigger wings and oh they actually move oh that's so sick all that is left now is Awakening our race and luckily for me because I've done like literally every other race before this I don't have to do any of this Stone tablet or Mirage Island stuff I can just go straight into it it is so close to being a full moon and my biggest problem right now is I can't get up this tree what is this I'm supposed to have wings why can't I jump high I can do this I'm so close have I made it that took so long I finally made it and despite the fact I made it to the top of the tree disaster struck all my footage was corrupted so let's speed run through what I managed to salvage I began by quickly heading into the the Temple of finding the angel trial entrance but we had to be quick because this was a public server and I'm not built for winning fights in the third sea gates open with my trusty banana I can do this wait that platform just disappeared ah somebody failed Buddha attempt to here we go oh I'm going crazy I'm not failing yes thanks to my banana helping me out I completed the trial won the free-for-all and began my Ascension into becoming a god new title unlocked his majesty I am about to literally become a God among men with my holy banana so after Awakening the clock and heading outside I began my training Arc and then it's time awaken oh my God I look insane I'm floating with two extra wings I am ready to pass judgment onto anybody and this is only the base form of the Angel Awakening we're gonna be so sick soon once training was complete and I paid paid 1 000 fragments I could enter the next trial and this time I used the pilot helmet to get through it really easily and then I could choose my first Angel Powers King's rule adds an aura around the user with multiple effects slowness damage energy drink and Screen Distortion or I can get Prince of the Skies this allows the use to Glide in the air we're gonna get that first and then save The Godly Aura for later this time while training I tested my flying powers and it felt completely like creative mode in Minecraft but after about 30 minutes of being an Awakening bro I look like some kind of Fallen an angel devil thing with this face on right now wait I gotta try something can I fly to the sun I gotta test this can you reach the sun in bloxford and I just realized I'm exactly like Icarus oh oh I'm fine with my next set of training done I headed back into the trial after waiting an hour for a full moon and once again completed it with ease somehow then after using my Godly powers to win the Battle Royale I could get my next gear piece from the clock and I chose King's rule here I go it's time to ascend King's rule this is why this is my favorite awakened race in bloxfoots Neil and you deal good job having ankles losers the way it makes you look like they're bowing to me is too sick like if this game's up I'm gonna develop a brand new personality but anyway after completing another 30 minutes of training it was time to get the final gear of my Awakening but so I thought but when I made it into the fortnite arena there was an imposter Among Us and he had a Buddha through a Max Level so I died after that I had to wait for another full moon and then finally this is it for the final trial I need to do so this should be the hardest Parkour yet I mean it won't be anything for a god though I'm built different I gotta go really far should be that yep predicted should be there oh I nearly missed when they go invisible is terrifying here we go here I go and boom I made it because I've made it I can finally complete the wheel and then we just need to complete all of stage five it's time for you to go boom that Buddha was easy now here it is the final wheel wait I just gotta get to the very top of the stairs first hello orb I've made it to the clock this should be my final thing right yeah the little one okay King's rule two or Prince of the Skies two gotta get King's rule too that one's the coolest I want my Godly domain to make everybody kneel and now if we come over here we should just be able to upgrade and then that'll be stage five yep 3K there's one it is time to make everybody kneel I am God nobody can stop me this little mob over here he doesn't know oh he's dead then you can kneel instead yeah good luck trying to stand up I'm too op now I absolutely love this race it's so cool I literally have creative mode and we are going to be putting this creative mode to the test in all of the third C I don't know why I came up here I just thought it would be more dramatic so let's start with heading to Port town and taking down stone or Pebble whatever activate hacky because I always forget to do that and now we take down Stone let's try it with the portal for it as well we'll combine portal with this fighting style I need my Awakening to fill up faster come on I've got every Power of Angel why is it taking so long is Stone just too weak can I not even enter my Awakening mode okay Stone wait here I'll be back I have awakened you're done Stone that's right try and do anything Neil what you can just infinite thunderbol out did I say you could do that sit this is amazing and then if I use my fighting style as well he can't really do anything I gotta kill him by making him kneel this it's the only way yeah good luck moving Stone boom Stone defeated who is next on our agenda next up is a bus that's really usually quite difficult for me to take down but how will he do against Godly Powers that's right Neil Captain elephant you're done it's still kind of risky even if I can make them kneel because of the amount of damage that they do attempt to you are not ready Captain elephant I'm back I'm better than ever kneel it's working I got him in an infinite portal combo I need my healing move right now fly away that's right try and hit me now oh he hit me flying is not as op as I thought it was but this Awakening is so Op with fighting styles it seems because I can just get in there we go we got him I can get him close and just punch him who is next next up we're flying and we're taking down who is this the island empress and it's gonna be easy so much for being an empress when you're facing a god Neil ow actually kind of hurt oh yeah she's getting low yes that's another one defeated and my Awakening is almost running out that's not good now I think it's time we fight a marine Admiral you know something light I mean this could be literally one of our hardest fights yet kneel down Admiral kneel down ow yeah it makes sense I can't make the kilo Admiral Neil I see Loki harder than the other people we've fought so far I nearly got gutted this is so risky oh no my Awakening ran out wait stay there kilo Admiral I'll be back round two this time I know exactly how I'm gonna take her down easier we're just gonna make her sit down the whole time get over here come on please please yes I actually took her down just with this the final opponent is somebody who I have spent way too much time dying to in the past because she's like 500 levels above my level so it's only fair that I get revenge now and not only that I'm gonna take her down without even using a single attack we're purely just gonna make a kneel for the entire fight oh and my Awakening is about to run out that's not good one I'm about to try could quite possibly be one of the stupidest things I have ever done but nevertheless I'm not pressing a single left click oh wow okay I am so sorry Neil I can actually probably do this I just gotta keep on running and make sure I'm healing the whole time Dodge and weave Dodge and weave observations are now you'll never hurt me now we go invisible ow meow that's actually so good I just do a drive-by it's working I can't believe it's working yeah good luck trying to hit me cake queen I'm too quick this is how is this actually doing so much damage this is crazy activates my race skill so I don't die oh I'm gonna run out of Awakening before I even no if only it lasted longer I'd actually be able to do this if it lasted longer what if I just stand here and like tank it maybe I refuse to give up though you will die by kneeling please okay just keep on dodging it's doable it's really doable it's gonna be close though I've only got two bars left please please she's so close no we ran out okay she was actually one punch but I managed to defeat her all on my own that just shows the power of a god
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 4,650,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits race, roblox blox fruits, race v4, blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, blox fruits update, blox fruits how to get race v4, race v4 blox fruits, blox fruits live, blox fruits troll, blox fruits races v4, blox fruits update 17 part 3, blox fruits race awakening v4, mink v4 blox fruits, blox fruit gift, blox fruits roblox, blox fruit live, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits mink v4, race v4 blox fruit
Id: fvnwKAEEh3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 10sec (5890 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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