I Cheated with //BIG in a Blox Fruits Build Battle!

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we'll each have 10 minutes to build whatever fruit we want from blo fruits in Minecraft but I'm going to be using a secret weapon to cheat and create some of the craziest fruit builds all while trying not to make my friends suspect the thing after we build the fruits we get to use them in a fight and the first of Five Points wins sen are you ready I was born ready you brought me to my game all right round one we've got 5 minutes starts now oh I wasn't that ready let's see here I need some of this I reckon that's going to do good I know exactly what I'm building bro there's so many blocks now what do I do there are a lot of blocks honestly good luck honestly I'm going to build the most curse looking thing you've ever seen okay oh it's going to be that bad huh I'm going for curse that's the look I'm going for so s currently can't hear me he's probably yapping about something okay just do this a little bit this is tough but I'm not sure if you guys have seen But if I press this button over here then where is it ah There It Is I've got myself the true triple slingshot this is actually the most overpowered weapon block TRS has ever seen because it can turn this into something glorious just going to charge the sling shut up and then fire yeah there we go that's looking kind of good I've got a bit of a base going that's mad I'm so far behind then okay I'm so much faster at building than I was in the past you've probably like practiced for this video haven't you of course I've put in the Reps I've been on Hypixel build battles bro I I don't even know what H High pixel is that's how unbuild batt I am I found a command recently that lets you like scale things up as well by the way so if you make it small it gets bigger how it's in world edit you didn't know no that's the first time I'm hearing this still issue we need to break all this for a second because I want to put this back here this will Mak sense in a minute guys this will make sense in a minute maybe my hand hurts from placing down so many blocks it hurts honestly same I'm like J cing right now all right here's the idea how I mind game him I pretend like I forgotten the tail and I just like add it on at the end and it looks stupid and it'll be like oh you spent all your time on this this is going to work oh my God I haven't done the tail yet it has a tail that's big information maybe wouldn't you like to know I would actually I think it's fine I reckon I win whatever you made honestly you're kind of let's see if you still think that at the end I'm probably going to have to rush this tail a little bit because we are running out of time this looks nothing like oh no send help as long as I can like tell what it is then I think you'll be able to tell if you can't it's because you're dumb not me wow but honestly I also think that if I ever have to build this fruit again I'm going to cry because this is this is not it Chief you can't build any fruit you build in a previous round so thank goodness honestly I forgot the eyes I'm I'm cooking wait this looks good oh this looks real good ignore that though all right final touches s how do I fix this maybe just accept your fate no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait not like this not like this time's up we're done okay let's have a look at yours first TP me to what I'm I'm going to be looking at okay I look I just want to say it's hard to build these new fruits okay you really challenge yourself with this one spider's cool why did you pick this one with like the wait till you see what I did it's such like an easy build I don't know why I picked this honestly I was thinking maybe you know spider a cool fruit I like using it are you ready to see the beauty that I have cre this might actually be my Peak Peak fruit look at this what the that's crazy how did you enlarge it that's crazy it even added like wait does it add like extra detail then no I did that I rushed the tail though I didn't have enough time for the TA bro that's actually insane you need to teach me that command I'll get you with it don't worry just after I win leopard versus spider I'm in danger all right no more m i I'm not messing around it's the Beast inside yeah the Beast inside the Beast inside is coming out get over here can the Beast keep up with a spider probably not cuz he's he's dumb he's a beast you're just flying away ow oh there we go that's more like it how about that as well oh I stopped you oh that would that would have been over for you by the way that would have been so over but you you stopped it go no you stopped it again no I hit the V and you just stopped me honestly skill issue and build skill issue I'm not taking this slander round one went great but now it's time for round two you ready shut up build okay sure sure you know what I was already looking for blocks because I know what I'm building I'm going to go a bit more bit more interesting this time you could say bit more interesting I hope it's a little bit less lame that's what I hope yeah it's not as cringe as leard it takes a bit more skill if you're using it it takes no skill this looks so dumb but it's fine it's fine this this is part of the process yeah I reckon that's probably the best I'm going to get with the size I've decided to go for I'm speed running this time by the way this is like a speed for me right now really you're going that crazy yep and I'm not messing about honestly so once again s has no idea now that I've got the little face made go back charge up please work Bo wow that's so sick that's so cool all right but now I need to make it more believable hey s how's it going with your build like mine is going fantastic you know what actually I'm kind of happy with mine right now really I literally don't care oh actually hurt my feelings I'm not going to lie you know this round if you need extra time because I certainly do we can add it on mine looks so funny I'm actually I've cooked it I've cooked we are running out of our 10 minutes though it is running out I'm done don't even need any more time I I'm not anywhere near done I still have to do this entire like black section honestly what a noob what a noob that's all I'm saying I run into a slight problem with mine what's the problem I started building it too big I thought you had a bigger Riser command like why would you why would that be a problem I massively like overstepped where I was like what I was building so just imagine this like a pixel art okay sure do all right let me see your build we still had 15 seconds on the timer but we chilling lucky for me I didn't need them look at this oh I've got leopard because it's time for you to suffer oh I need I need to stop trying as hard as you what do you mean you'll see I tried really hard look how good this looks yeah yeah boom look at it so cool don't go around the back there is no back I didn't have time probuilt actual pixel art that's crazy I was looking at like the flame fruit and copying it bar for bar and then I forgot it has to have four sides bro that's mad actually I am kind of different I don't think I beat leopard though maybe I'll maybe I'll try pixel up for the next one honestly that looks fun all right best of luck it's beast mode let's go I'm Mr boost wow you really just copied my exact same fruit next round I'm kind of surprised we both didn't build it in first round you know no I'm not that cringe I I wanted to like have fun and play the game with you and then you just went cringe so it's now my turn ow how do we keep trading blows like this oh oh oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no I'm going to lose s prominent burst oh no oh no big hits some blue fire bullets ow ow ow no no all right we don't get to have fun anymore I know what I'm building I hope you've picked what you're building this time sen because our time starts now bro went too quick there but yeah I know what I'm building I know exactly what I'm building as well Bo boom bo bo boom all the problem is I haven't started building yet and and uh I need to be building already we do have a lot of time to build this time we do have a lot of time we do okay now if I do this and then release perfect that looks quite good oh snow blocks look nice you're using snow that's such a weird block to build no you'll see why it makes a lot of sense I'm trying to figure out like a good size for my fruit right now so yeah that's probably a good size all right that's looking quite quite good I don't know about that though what the heck I actually I did something oh this fruit looks wow I have cooked I'm also I'm I'm cooking it might be cereal but I am cooking oh oh no I've cooked actually I've cooked that looks so good what the heck if I do this again does anything happen okay that's good because that would be bad Jo can I ask you a question yeah yeah yeah sure have you ever heard of the true triple dark blade in Blox frots wait yeah yeah of course it's the one that the streamers get sorry the the YouTubers a good G yeah wow Dam that's crazy you ever heard of the true triple slingshot no is that a thing yeah you learned something new every day honestly yeah I can't believe that a crazy dig that's crazy the only reason I don't have that is because I don't have enough subscribers so if you're watching this and you're not subscribed help me speedrun to 2 million Subs bro if you get 2 million Subs that' be mad actually s time is ticking we've almost had our 10 minutes how how much more time how much more time uh 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 no you're joking you're actually joking please tell me you're joking no you got like 5 Seconds that's not even a lot okay um quick oh no that's it that's all I can do then oh I could it on the stem the stem is so bad I picked such an easy fruit my life became so easy I'm going to be honest with you I don't know how you did the pixel art so well last time because this was difficult I just copied it what do you mean oh yeah oh no I forgot to do his ears never mind the ears look what is this no it's because yeah I had 5 seconds left I had no choice how did you have such little time and you only made this what do you mean actually wait Mammoth Mega confusing so I'll give you props that was tough man I'm not going to lie are you prepared to see mine show me behold this is actually my masterpiece like it's actually good you see the snow I'm so I'm so baffled how did you have enough time to do this I'm a speed Builder what can I say I'm a speed Builder anyway enough talk let's go fight Go versus Mammoth I need to take you down before you oh no yeah yeah before I walk before I walk this is not looking too good let's just get you in a Wombo Combo ow what do you think about my Wombo Combo it hurt sh Stampede I don't even care about those Stampede what you didn't get knocked up yeah it breaks the the movement let me out gotcha boom Oh no give me away flash step boom no no no no no no no no I did 10K down oh no I hit the minions I hit the mobs boom let's go Mammoth spam is crazy Mammoth spam is crazy bro you almost killed me you got me caught in too many combos no combo God they're totally not super easy to do right what am I going to build this round I already know what I'm building and I am building something easy let me tell you oh I know this will be fun I'm going I'm speed running let's go I'm just going to make mine look as realistic as possible so if that means I got to go thick I don't care right it kind of looks like it yeah yeah you know what I'm I'm cooking here I think I'm just going to go with this so I just got to go back pull release yes sir nice all right this looking kind of good sort of I think I've really nailed the um the facial expressions of this one really nailed it what's bro talking about bro is like chatting to himself back there I've done a good job just you wait and see just you wait and see I don't believe it for a second here's a pro Strat and if you do half of it then you don't have to do the other half you can just like copy it across and then that's what I've been doing here a pro blah that's all I heard I need to get your ears checked then you know what it's not the worst thing I've built it's not the best but honestly I've built I've built worse all right honestly I don't think there's anything else I can do I've looked around how nice with 3 and A2 minutes left you're just chilling I am struggling I am do you hear these clicks I am spam placing blocks right now no it sounds like you just used a a sound board there like you're lying to me I'm lit I'm not even this is just the sound of my clicks and that is time was it fun waiting for that 3 and A2 minutes while I finish that build yeah yeah it was actually the most fun I've had in ages I might have peaked once again you know there's no way let's see what you made okay I'm going to actually teleport I was going to teleport you to this angle because this is the good angle you sure there's a good angle I literally I you know wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute what you doing wait a minute there we go wow that was totally unold for no it was completely cold for I can quite clearly see this is an ice fruit though this looks quite cool thank you thank you you're not ready for this behold what yep how have you done this in 10 minutes it doesn't make you're just got to do the half and half right let's fight let's do this no wait fight my shadow fruit has come out to play okay see you later wow here uh oh that's not looking too good for you s I'm actually I'm getting folded right now by the way boom big hit from me you're looking a bit afraid a bit afraid sen your health is Vanishing ow boom I'm not caught boom let's go you're actually kind of going crazy woohoo oh the movement no so much for the movement I was just enjoying myself honestly I didn't have a chance all right it's equalized I hope you know what you're building this time s because I have got a genius idea you know what I don't remember asking but it's okay wow okay I think I've got everything I could need for this whatever you think you've got it won't be enough you're not going to win you know what honestly at this point you could be right I'm not giving up but so far you've been cooking me with the builds I'm just talented like that you know what I hate when you say stuff like that because it's so inaccurate what do you mean I've been putting in so much effort this time it's just not deserved and you're just saying it anyway wow okay I see how it is okay it looks like a little baby chicken what now I need to fix this face it can't be looking like a chicken so I will use this charge release I've cooked I might be Bob Ross in Minecraft build form you know S I might be B ring draw a video honestly shut up how about that just wait and see my build will blow yours out of the water I've added a condition to this video by the way whoever loses has to uh delete their YouTube channel forever what I don't accept you can't just throw Rand conditions on these blocks that I'm placing I'm doing a superb job I must say it's actually just like taken from block suits bro I sometimes I'd wish you just shut up wow this looks so good br's just yapping all the time let's take some creative liberties with this one all right time's running out how long how long uh 10 seconds Doom done done boom all right let me see yours you're not ready for this by the way you're not ready you sure you're making use of your time like what is this I can't be dealing with you honestly I had a stressful time trying to do this and you're just like looks like you had a stroke if you look at love right it's got like this pink like goes in oh yeah it kind of does you're right you're right honestly I don't know if my fruit will beat it but it's certainly beaten in looks and it's angry behold look at it it's so angry no there's no there's actually no way there's no way you've done this I have I did I placed every single one of these blocks they were all placed by me I did it super Speedy let me let me see the it's it's not Hollow no it doesn't make sense yeah I used world edit I used world edit I like past it all in all right ghost versus love let's fight ghost versus what did you build again I can't remember it was so mid love let's do this minions attack no where are my minions ow yeah which one am I which one I'm I'm St in your attack I'm am I okay yes cries of the underworld cries of the ah yeah cry some more I can't do anything against this wait hold on ow I'm about to die there's no way there's no way I'm going to lose go best friend oh wait best friend comes to me because of the flamingo that's not good no that's yeah yeah yeah ow no GG psych you fell for the oldest trick in the book s Pirates did I where are you are you blind are you Dum oh there you are you're actually invisible I wasn't you're just dumb all right then all right then call me that what yeah I was charging that what are you going to say about that okay okay all right let's get building again you're about to see a masterpiece this round is going to be a speed round we're going to put your skills to the test I about to show you a true Masterpiece and our time starts now no don't do it I'm not ready I'm not I don't even have the blocks I know exactly what I'm building exactly it's not even difficult show me all the concrete show me all the concrete whatever concrete you find it's not going to be good enough speed round speed round we just do it like this small it's the smallest fruit I've ever made how small you talking oh that's small let me tell you all right this this is going kind of well looks good we whack one of these here that's good I think that should be good I've already built my fruit like mine's really basic what oh wait I could add some more details though here we go fire I missed I mean let me uh redo that real quick adding details now not bad for a speed round honestly this is tough I'm kind of running out of time tell me about it why I decide to add so much detail bro what's wrong with me low IQ I've nailed this stem though it's kind of like a musical you could say there's no way did you say musically yeah there's a little bit musical there's no way speed round is over oh no is that bad yeah all right let's see it angle me at the best angle there is no best angle let's see then bro I mean I know we only had a minute but like what is this then what do you mean 3x3 as quick as I could I just the stem was scuffed let me show you um a true work of art you could say let's just say mine puts yours to shame wait what's that in your hand oh um wait that's nothing that's nothing it was a it was a bow it was a Minecraft bow you never seen a bow before anyway um here's my build no no we're not doing this today you've clearly cheated there's no way we had a minute it's not h no let's battle then sound versus sound you cheated all right the Sound Mirror match who's going to get their Tempo meter first who's going to get it first looks like it's me you're cheating in like Minecraft so you must be cheating in game as well honestly that was just pure skill nothing but you don't you would know pure skill if it hit you in the like the toe if you stood on it like a Lego I've stood on many a Lego in my time I'll have you know take this I'm farming mobs I don't think I will disco disco disco disco Time Boom wait how are you ever meant to hit that for deimo where are you I'm right here yes I held that for too long comeback time next round begins I wish you could see what I've been doing on my side of the board as well shut up I don't even care you know what I'm not even I'm taking this competition to a new level now just you wait okay okay I like that I like that just watch what I'm about to do boom boom boom I'm doing this for you the viewers at home s Pirates best guy I'm doing this for the viewers at home as well shut up Noone asked you I don't know why you're still talking Dam this looks good that's what you sound like by the way damn this looks good I'm actually building this time no no funny business yeah all right can't wait to see that stupid whatever that item was in your hand again I don't know what you're talking about that's just not a thing now he's trying to gas light me that's mad all right I think that's good enough honestly I think I'm going to use this block again this block is like the good block boom oh not bad for another little quick round I think I've kind of nailed this honestly why are you still talking that's so mad guys I know it might sound like I don't like kuac Co I actually do like him but he just cheats so much that this is and this isn't a normal thing this is normal this he is a cheater confirmed this looks really cool though I'm happy with this makes me angry every time uh you know what I honestly don't know if there's anything else I can do to this but I'm going to do One Last Detail there fast forward the timer time's up oh okay TP to me wait wait but look at the signs look at the signs there's the faces that's crazy why is this better than anything you've built today Luke Luke luk what's up what's up what's up uh nothing wow I just need to get some Revenge honestly honestly I actually don't want to see your fruit so I'm just going to assume you built something and that's good enough let's go let me show you what I built in this pretty fast round it's kind of good uh I'm giving myself blindness so I don't have to look at it a let me just get a better view of the back um because you know I actually believe you built this yeah what are you doing huh why have you gone from those two corners H interesting interesting this is uh huh what is this H ignore that ignore that wait what nothing happened let's go fight your build was um shut up I don't want to talk to you come here get hit by all my moves so you really don't know anything about like the true triple slingshot no it doesn't exist clearly it does it's real it might be real real in in your head Cannon but it's not real in Cannon okay it is in the game it's time oh no and I've got that stupid thing where I get scared you know what it's time for me as well really it's time for you to what pass away no left clicks come on you didn't even hurt me not only do you cheat in Minecraft you cheat in Blox fruits confirmed actually not confirmed fake final round this is also going to be another speed round so you ready yeah I'm ready yeah yeah uh build uh what is this thing called that I'm looking for skill sadly you can't find that in the Minecraft menu I'm not listening to you anymore because it's it's actually pointless this is a fun video I think I'm going to actually give in my resignation of being your friend you just can't handle the skill that's it I'm I'm I'm done I just need a couple final touches and then I'm done okay let's take up this special cool blockx Roots tool and then here we go all right not too bad just stop you just need to be honest with me okay just say I'm a scumbag and I'm cheating just be honest you're just a noob who doesn't know about the true triple slingshot just be honest Luke that's all you need to do just get good all right speed round is over yeah I'm done let's see your finished build then huh what the heck is that it's a speed build it's obviously kid soona you done Look it's even got the the front face things it's got the towels in the back and it's got it stem no you're actually cheating because it's just a block that's rich coming from you oh wait I can't wait to S come around there and see like probably a million block fruit or something uh so it's quite funny that you did kitsen I couldn't tell from that block but um not bad for a minute right oh let's just just bring this into blocks fruits just bring just just I'm just had enough I hate to do this to you the my kit a has 600 Mastery well unless you're actually good with it it doesn't matter okay oh that actually missed you're mid oh no what's that what's that sent well I've got hit by your thing haven't I what's that luk what's that Luke what's that Luke I'm fumbling I'm I'm I'm boozing myself oh I'm I built kits in a fair and square he he haha ah you a little bit afraid no no then you're looking oh that actually kind of hurt boom Luke Luke come here come here Luke oh we both missed we're both terrible take this yeah that's how it's actually done that's how it's actually done s it's time ow yeah you're right it's time uhoh you actually actually activating the Beast inside right there the Beast is inside oh easy that's what you get you're a cheater bro just doesn't know about the true triple slingshot clearly
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 2,127,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, i cheated in minecraft build battle, i cheated minecraft, build battle, blox fruits builds, blox fruits in minecraft, blox fruits minecraft build battle
Id: wh9WLJB6jsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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