I Got EVERY Mythical Weapon in Blox Fruits! [FULL MOVIE]

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so I've actually managed to get every mythical weapon in bloxburg including something even rarer than even the mythical swords and I'm putting it all into one video so that you can see how I managed to get every single one and also some of the crazy stuff that happened along the way so grab some popcorn and enjoy this full movie mihawk from One Piece is insanely strong he can cut apart literally anything including Zoro but how good is he in Block screws well today we are finding out the answer to that by getting his dark blade then upgrading the dark blade to V2 and also gaining 50 levels as mihawk so we can start by throwing away this trash little Cutlass here and then we need to head into the shop and purchase his dark blade how much is it 1200 is going to be my first mythical item though that's pretty cool purchase where is it show me the dark place where is it wait what I've been scam you already own this game so where is my sword oh there it is I already had it equipped the entire time I am so stupid to get our first move we only need 50 Mastery not part of our challenge to get all the moves is gonna be so easy I'm able to do it with one NPC and I know exactly who we are gonna go take down as soon as I sort out my stats there it is the mythical sword a mythical blade forged from the darkest of metals wielded by the strongest swordsman in the world damn right I'm the strongest swordsman in the world let's go test out my sword until Flamingo oh would you look at that the crew has arrived we've got Bagel let's go fight dophi and take him down so Flamingo so we meet again for the first time let me activate haki wait what why is he doing that oh that is cool I got this 1 000 slashes although Flamingo is afraid where is he gone wait my crew's just annihilating him I'm mihawk I'm not supposed to have a crew oh wait no he's part of the buggy crew at the moment right so this is fine yeah this Annihilation is completely fine oh he's like healed up that's not allowed healing is not allowed oh no help this string is too op Dory guys I got this Thousand Cuts easy look at the dark blade Mastery Mastery 109 well there's one of our things checked off we've got our new move dark air slash Bagel where are you I've been wanting to test this on you slash what do you say you want a 1v1 I see you want to get destroyed by the strongest swordsman ever fine let's do this you'll not even know what's hit you come on then Bang I missed that's not a good start listen we gotta prove a point here prove that I'm the captain of the crew you know what I'm saying oh no oh he is a big boy I'll hit his ankles that's right take this don't say LOL like you're messing with me where is he running to There's No Escape what do you mean he won final if we give you this one time he only won because I was walking super slow-mo and cool and epic screw you bagel I don't want you in my crew anyway all right after that crushing defeat I need to go and get dark blade V2 I gotta prove that I'm the captain so come along minions we've got places to be it says on the wiki that the dark blade is capable of evolving by doing the sun Quest and to do this I've got to go find robot Mega NPC in Middletown and I'm gonna be level 350 or higher we've definitely got that covered okay robot Mega I am on the way do I have mihawk's ship this is as good as I'm gonna get to mihook's ship this is what I'm working with but it's beautiful and it gets the job done but hang on I don't have a devil fruit oh my God I can just swim when was the last time I was ever able to touch water in this game having a fruit and not being a fish man it makes you forget that you can actually just you know jump in the water and I believe this is the house uh no I believe this is the house yup robot Mega you own all my respect for reaching level 350. can you help me with a quest of course I can can I now go get V2 we're gonna go find his like pet dog or something now so we're gonna head to the Frozen Island why is it like especially Misty today like I can't see anything is it over there I think it is sorry I found this pet dog so if I talk to this oh I need to say like specific things no I just gotta speed run through this so now we've got to find love letters and exposed her all right this is pretty simple where is the first love letter but they could be literally anywhere how are people meant to oh was one of them like the little blue thing on the floor in the Middle Town with some Bagel you might be the person I'm trying to defeat it by the end of this video but where love letters he says uh let me check how unuseful you're meant to be the final boss you should know these things dude that was just a test though because after some Googling apparently there's one like here oh that's correct there is one it's a secret door aha for master read don't care but we've got love letter number one next one we've gotta go to the Skylands and this one is in a really tricky spot as well hello Skylands now where is This Love Letter I want to get this V2 like as soon as possible he's afraid of my aura and my power I mean I would be as well if I saw the bacon head mihawk just walking around casually okay so I think we have to go to the main town area at least I hope he found the door in like half a second it's here and there we go that's Love Letter two acquired now we need to go find the final love letter and this next one is one that I actually found when I was doing my myth video but we need to hang to Marine for now that if I remember correctly from the video it's just around the back of this island ah there it is I can literally see the door right here and I am in wait there's literally a love heart it's a maze I love her maze okay we can just like go through I guess we go this way and then this way and then this way and then oh no I'm trapped oh we found it that was incredibly lucky because the walls respawn that could have been bad quick everybody get out before we're trapped in here forever oh that could have been bad but now that I've got all of these I can head back to robot Mega and we're gonna get Euro V2 that's the best kind of news now that I'm back can I actually get it something weird has occurred to your dark blade oh is it V2 how do I tell I mean it looks like kind of more glowy now than I hit a bagel from here 1 000 slashes bang a dark hair slash oh that's clean I need to test out this damage because it's supposed to get like 30 damage buff or something crazy when you upgrade it so where is the gorilla King he's gonna be a perfect test let's see can we kill him in one hit bang now that I think about it killing like a level 30 but it's probably not the greatest way to test but now that we've done this we can head back to the second C and get our levels it feels good to overcome mihawk and I didn't think we would have been able to get it this fast you can surprisingly get it like really low level but not his powers low level that's what we're going to be testing and finding out so we're gonna head back to the NPC at hot and cold which is like 700 meters away and we're gonna try and gain a bunch of levels can't forget to activate hacky because that's what makes mihawk look two times as cool who do I have to fight to get XP lava Pirates I'm gonna fight eight of them didn't I eradicate all of them when I became Whitebeard like why is there some left why are you alive it's not something I should say you know what I'm just happy the fact that I'm able to get XP from these guys obviously might charge this up oh it's so much cooler when I charge it up because if I charge this one up bunk I could just hit like halfway across the map with that turn on two times XP I've already got it on Bagel don't worry me Hulk never forgets about his two times XP dark ass slash not hit with a couple of these and then one of these and then boom easy whoa whoa whoa who's trying to show me up with their dark blade I am the only one allowed to use dark blade it's in the rule book so this is like the strongest form that dark blade can go to because if so this is already so low B I just realized as well I don't have any accessories equipped does mihawk have any accessories in this game I'll just wear the black cape since it seems very me hockey I've got double capes I've got two times the drip hopefully it like multiplies my damage that way that'd be pretty cool only two more lava Pirates and then we can go test our skills on somebody else oh no I can't count there's three more get over here all right and then the final one here we go one thousand slashes wow that felt cool okay where to next find the NPC at cursed ship 480 meters that way I'll be there in half a second because I'm mijo actually then again mihook kind of just like chills everywhere so I'm gonna take it nice and easy Well that took about five minutes but I'm finally here all right we're going inside the cursed ship whoa can somebody turn on the lights how are you meant to see in this place rear crew Quest Giver oh we're killing the cursed ship man I got this because I've got the dark blade which is surprisingly like extremely bright all right this is going pretty good oh I am so low you know what observation haki couldn't hurt anybody in this place it's already impossible to see anyway what level is that guy 1325 that guy's 12.75 are the people that I meant to fight are you one of the people I meant to fight oh yes you are Funk there's another one this ship is massive this is one luxury Cruise right here oh who's this guy El pero and why why is there a bed next to him he wants to put his Minecraft bed next to mine no man that's weird you're gay where are these ship deck hands I only need to kill one more this is the final one nice now we've already got a bunch of XP this is going pretty good I've come to a conclusion the spiky black coat looks way better on mihawk than whatever the previous other thing was but I'm strong I one shot those guys that was crazy how much damage can I do like this I do a lot of damage unless another Quest completed we are gonna Breeze through this [ __ ] I just gotta make sure that I take them all down quick enough wait how long range can I attack from that guy all the way over there prediction I over predicted no all right now we take these guys down and this is so much xp right I obtained what was that an Ecto Plaza what is this what do I need it for and why do I have 15 of them oh wait level up I need to go get the quest again I gotta make sure I always get the quest because I always forget two fresh meats oh that's three wait I'll kill them all at once here we go bang when there's one straggler left I've already nearly gained 20 five levels no I completely forgot to get the quest again I just killed three shipmen for no reason now I kind of feel bad just kidding I'm mihawk I don't have feelings the strongest swordsman doesn't have room for feelings we just slice to be precise we do 1 000 slices like this light work oh I'm hitting Bagel only seven more levels this is going really well I'm actually shocked at how op euro is I can see why it was 1200 Robux how do these guys help I need these guys help roommates help me psych it's one big attack in this game over for both of the enemies yeah I got another ectoplasm blank blank blank and you're at third C what are you saying to me bagel Hut you don't want me to slice you up again in the Colosseum the only reason I lost last time I didn't have enough defense points so I've got loads of Defense points it's gonna be easy two more I have no idea what you're trying to say but I will defeat you at Stone Point bagel oh I forgot a mihawk I gotta like walk around places slowly wow I am so cool and epic one more deckhand where is he he's all the way over there well luckily for me I don't need to move bang that's a kill right there what a snipe that's pretty fun actually I need to study doing that more it's like golf but with ship and deckhands as the target oh that's a lot of enemies that's a lot of enemies that just disappeared yes 1275. the eagle rematch time let's go I'm at a suitable level now I think I could take him down you've tried to prove yourself against me the captain and don't get me wrong you won last time but you're not gonna win this time are you prepared to lose let's do this oh no he is a big boy okay Thousand Cuts that's probably what are you gonna do hold on hold up it's gonna get me no he just hit me twice and I lost ah wait chill your bagel there was no need for that I would like PVP too oh no my entire crew is rebelling against me okay Jason let's square up you know I've got to be the captain of This Crew somehow I've got to be the strongest oddsman I'm literally just delusional at this point I can't win all right then Jason I can at least beat you maybe this is so difficult yes yes wait what an old PVP don't worry it's coming on all right let's do this oh yeah I forgot about my hacking all right now let's do this he was actually just he was just being kind and waiting for me all these people have like max level hakia Max observation haki and stuff and meanwhile there's just me I'll slice you you up you don't want to have a yaru fight against me I'll win oh do we need to go back in here all right let's do this I don't need observation hacky I got this bang I bet that hurt didn't it Jason oh no oh no my health no no no no no no no my crew is strong I picked some good crew members here the observation on oh I'm behind you no no no no no no no please just have mercy what are you doing over there oh he was like charging up his blade shot I might be able to win this get over here Jason wait he's dodging that's illegal no no no no go up go up go up that's right you'll never hit me oh you thought you to reach me no I lost no this is actually really hard to use this sword I know what it's missing if I had a third attack that did like an art shape hole I would be set there's only one thing to do we need to gain our other 25 levels that we need and then we'll win then I'll prove that I'm the strongest swordsman follow me I'm going through my sad training Arc Montage all of that just to lose I even got dark blade V2 and I still lost and he's half naked okay I'm out of here I'm back in the crew now I can fight eight ship Engineers okay where are they observation hacky oh they're down below why is it so dark in here again where's the light mode when you need it are you an engineer oh yes you are oh you guys will be good practice they hurt just as much as bagel and Jason oh my God I nearly died and it has even more knowing that I lost for them as well at least he's helping me level up why can't I see a thing still have my eyes just like not adjusted to the darkness or something oh is it because my sword's basically like a glow stick right now is that why I can't see anything wait I've got an idea I need to change my code if we change to the pink coat maybe we'll be able to see better oh that's a bit better like slightly honestly still pretty terrible but like it's better than nothing but who's this guy El rudo would you like to trade 25 ectoplasm for bizarre rifle no thanks you're back upstairs and quickly get the quest only 22 mod levels then we will have completed all of our challenges as mihawk but I have one hidden challenge that we have to complete at the very end of the video to prove my strength I need to fight against my Ultimate Hard counter it's gonna be pretty fun so these ship Engineers are supposed to be like the upgrade from the top floor guys they're like literally just as easy only two more and then we'll get another 35 million XP where are the enemies where are they let me at them bang I'm gonna hit this guy long range that's level 1286 we're actually speeding through this hold this guy's strong oh I nearly died okay I'm playing it so risky for some reason that's the best way to do it though just gonna play as risky as possible is the best way okay right seriously who's playing a prank who turned off the lights I actually can't see a thing I'm so lucky I'm playing with an ability that like glows so where are the stairs are there are there even stairs here am I going oh I'm upstairs wow never would have been able to tell that's crazy wait hang on I need to find something out mihawk is like a Dracula right can mihawk see in darkness find out literally all that it says is that he was a yonko he used to be a marine Hunter and he's the strongest swordsman in the world so I guess somebody like that could probably like see in the dark right something as simple as that Luke want to hear a joke I am mihawk right now I'll have you know but sure if it's not good I will end you your life is on the line so this better be good he says wait you can grind what kind of a terrible joke is that haha you can go and grind in blocks fruits that's more of a punishment than a joke well at least we're level 1291 I forgot the joke okay all right Bagel I'm sorry but you need to become sliced bread now oh you're lucky we're in the same crew not many more left come on guys demon time let's do this we gotta speedrun the game as mihawk no wait I just died I just completely wasn't paying attention to my health let's just pretend that never happened mihawk doesn't die I'm the strongest swordsman oh wait and now that I can actually see again I don't need this stupid pink coat on I can get the black spiky though again nice the final eight engineers and then we will have completed the final challenge that we need apart from the bonus challenge this has taken so long I'm so glad it's finished wait where if the engineer is gone spawn back yes there's one bang the final one and then we will have completed all the levels we need to get Bang Yes level 1301 honestly I never thought I'd ever be able to get this high and it always feels good getting like a bunch of levels as a super cool character you enjoy but next we're gonna go complete our bonus objective and surprisingly it's in the first C now you guys might be able to tell who I'm gonna fight based off this island that I'm circling around but he's actually supposed to be like the ultimate counter to mijo and that is buggy D clown oh my God he's so menacing he just fell off the side like that oh yeah see look oh wait what the dog played just like transcend devil fruit Powers am I just op wait I need to find out again I've got an idea maybe if I use haki I could just like hit him I feel like I glitched the game before did I glitch the game bruh oh nope I am just built different as mihawk let's go there are two swords and blocks first the one held in the left hand and the right hand combined to become the strongest sword in the game because I want to be the best at this Blood game I want to get them to see if they will make me better but to do that it's not gonna be easy since the first sword to Shooter is gonna need us to become level 2000 and I'm level 1862. okay that's gonna take a while and this is only the first part of getting these two cursed swords oh yeah did I mention they are cursed exactly spookiness times two I'll get into the other parts of the swords once we make some more progress and for Yama the other sword I also need to kill at least 30 Elite Hunters So the plan is to multitask and level up while also fighting Elite mobs I also thought it would be fitting if we get these levels using the katana you know it makes perfect sense and also the Buddha fruit because I'm not built for this oh look at this Katana we've done 100 whole damage that's huge I need to change my stats all right what do we go for I guess we go Max Defense Max sword and then a little bit of melee because we're a sword fighter today how much damage do we do now oh yeah this is huge damage we're gonna be grinding and leveling up in no time I say that but yeah there's gonna take ages at least my solid slashes look cool with this Katana I've already got all of its moves that was so easy this is like practice for what's to come this is a regular old Katana we're about to be using a cursed Katana soon oh wait those aren't even the mythological Pirates I'm literally be fighting the wrong mobs I need to be grinding these things over here yes so much xp I can barely see these guys I need to have observation on but first things first we need to try and get to level 2000 and if you can't tell because of my terrible Katana Mastery this is gonna take literally ages I was born and raised in the grind though after all I'm already level 1800 anybody that's over level 1500 in Block suits is an absolute grinding God because this takes so much grinding and I also can't forget we gotta put some double XP on we gotta go Max efficiency spend all the Robux now we've got six hours of Double XP this should go twice as fast I stay struggling to kill one mob wait hang on a second I need to see these Moves In Action air slash that looks like big damage and quiet Rush wow I really am the best swordsman already that's crazy and with just one Quest completion we're already like two whole levels higher wow only 130 more to go this is gonna take ages you know once we get to level 1900 I think we upgrade from the katana but let's go see if there's an elite mob we can go and take down I'm feeling a bit devious I feel like I could defeat him with my super strong Katana well there's a lot of people here yo don't mind me guys I'm just trying to see if there's an elite Hunter never mind these guys have already fought one wait these guys are fighting Indra well they can have fun with that I don't think I'd be able to help with my little puny Katana I am off back to grinding bro they've made my grinding painful I can't see they just changed the weather to mist ah right I'm gonna have to wait until they finish the Indra fight because not only does it make it impossible to see as a Buddha but it's like two times harder to see now that I can finally see that the Mist is gone I can work on properly grinding these mythological Pirates I think I'm here for 10 more levels and then we're moving on to a completely different grind spot it's just taking so long just to grind two levels surely that's a different way to get levels in this game right it can't just be left click simulator until you get to level 2000. I refuse to believe it like I'm still getting some Mastery on the sword but at what cost I'm losing my sanity and oh wait we got a new Quest maybe this will give me some more XP Captain elephant oh 90 million XP oh yeah this is it this is what I've been waiting for I just hit a wall okay Captain often I don't think you've ever seen a katana this strong before it's actually kind of working like usually I get completely destroyed by Captain elephant but you know he's been awfully quiet since I pulled out this Katana never mind he's destroying me now okay I gotta be careful I gotta say this sword is actually really underrated why do most swords in this game not have this like attack pattern I go down on a knee and do like a spin it's so cool easily cleanest sword or at least easily the cleanest common sword okay I'm getting absolutely destroyed you like stay away Captain elephant like go away this is not easy okay doesn't weave he just hits me what oh the backup was arrived this guy's got the dragon fruit yes yes I need the backup help help me help me nice nice big huge damage in fact oh please no please no please help me dragon guy what Captain go oh is that oh I'm gonna die I'm so dead I'm already dead just pick me a grave already bro he hits through observation wait do I need observation V2 to like deal with that move is that what I'm missing oh I'm gonna die he's so nearly dead please just die already oh no yes how many levels just three is that it all that suffering for three levels you know what I'm off back to the regular grind I thought that might be better but it really just wasn't there we go level 1900 finally it's taken so long but this leveling method it ain't it Chief I've got 277 Katana Mastery not only do we need to change our method of leveling but we also need to upgrade there we go we've got the Dual katanas now we're getting some practice in for what we're gonna get by the end of all of this but I've been told of a pretty good leveling method that might actually be like a oh frequent that might actually be really amazing for me right now but we need to head back to the second sea to do this so in the second sea in this unsuspecting little cave thing if I come through here then I believe this area right here is exactly where we do the raid like it's a special raid limited edition and this should give me like six levels every single time we do it and if it doesn't then I've just been completely lied to and I'm gonna cry and we're in this is the law raid which is it's so hard to see things wait I need my Buddha all too long this is not good I need to get damaged as well okay here we go activate hockey what is he where is lot for order or whatever he's called in this there he is oh this dude Katana does like double the damage of the regular one and it's Mastery one where'd he go there he is oh he's running away tornado oh he's got me chill order it's not that deep just become father and Mastery for me wait I'm so stupid I just realized something I completely forgot to do Elite Hunter Missions while I was grinding in the third C so I'm gonna have to go back and do all of those after we've done this since I need basically like a hundred more levels we're gonna need to be order 15 times at least that's if they were even telling the truth about it giving six levels if they weren't well it's gonna take way longer than 15. can you stop telling why is he teleport around so much just let me defeat you oh he's so nearly dead oh he's so nice boom one two three please four five one more six oh my God wait this is easily the best leveling method in the entire game I've found the best method to level this is actually crazy and why did nobody tell me about this sooner this would have been so useful to know well number two number three that's number four that is number five six there's number seven eight that's nine ten that's eleven twelve thirteen fourteen and fifteen and with 15 of those raids complete I'm level 1992. we're so close you know what I'm gonna do another one if we do one more then I'll put us on 1998 and we'll just basically be there so that's the play we do one more and then we're pretty much done for good at least we're done doing the very first part of getting the swords yes that was easy I totally wasn't using the dark blade that entire time I was yeah definitely using these dual katanas that means we've done all the grinding we need minus two levels so we need to go get those final two levels we might finally be able to get our first cursed Katana now for the final two levels we can get a quest here I think yeah haunted castle if we fight these no if we fight these no wait where am I meant to be fighting over here we can defeat these reborn skeletons and then this should give us the final two levels we need what's these guys the spooky skeletons nice I'm somewhat of a master at defeating these guys so this is gonna be easy oh we got a new move tornado kind of bad I'm definitely switching back to the Buddha it just makes grinding with solids so much easier and now we just need to smack every single skeleton in this graveyard but these guys are strong they're just gonna miss all their attacks and then I should be fine you know I wish I could see but I'm just getting too much Mastery can I see now there's another skeleton right this is the last one boom Mastery 2000 new title unlock the Pioneer yeah I'm somewhat of a Pioneer whatever that means now that I've got my 2000 levels I need to then summon the rip intro boss with the gods chalice then I need to head to a secret temple on Hydra Island and get a torch and then I need to use that torch to light five other torches also I've only got five minutes to do that from when rip engine spawns while I'm waiting for repentance to spawn how many Elite mobs have I killed to try and get Yama my progress is 26 how many did I need I needed to defeat 30 Elite Hunters so I'm only far away well I guess that means that we should get Yara way before tushita so let's just scrap the whole rip Indra finding thing for now and instead we're gonna fight Elites here it is the first elite boss we gotta take down is urban I've been training for this moment obviously we're gonna defeat him with our dual Katana but honestly this guy's nothing wait I'm actually kind of destroying it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa chill Urban why are you so angry oh that is a big oh that's a big lightning bolt ow I'm gonna need to do this a few more times okay we're gonna beat him first that's another big lightning ball no no no no no no no no no no oh wasn't even close I got a chalice wait don't I need that for Indra imagine he got the Chalice right now too you don't have to imagine because it's real which means now as soon as I do these other four Elites we can do the rip Indra thing we have our next Elite hunter mission DeAndre roaming around the gray tree okay I got this with my chalice gray tree where is he he's not ready DeAndre oh there he is here goes I gotta activate observation hockey or I will die this is kind of scary like I'm holding this chalice if I die with this it'll all be for nothing there's nothing like a bit of spice though he's got the magma friend nobody told me he had the magma first oh this is kind of scary now actually now that I know he's got the magma oh my God oh my God what do you hit me with why is this actually scary oh God oh God oh stop DeAndre stop what I do to you I mean yes I attacked you first but relax boom I just sent him to space that's not DeAndre where'd he go oh he's over there I thought I broke it bro what is this boss's problem can you not take this DeAndre take this boom Another Elite defeated only like two more to go and then we can get to shita this video has been a bit all over the place because I needed like items and then I needed levels and then I didn't know which weapon I was gonna get but we're gonna get to cheetah first and then Yama second there we go that's Elite enemy number 29 which means there's one more and then we can get our first cursed Katana so I did a little research and it turns out you don't actually need 30 Elites for Yama 30 is the maximum and that gives you a 100 chance so do I risk the gods chalice and try and get Yama this could be glorious maybe I give it a try for all for all the marbles let me in don't full caps look at it though it's right there it's beautiful you may die I like those kind of odds though I really want to try it no no let's not be stupid it took me ages and by that I mean first try to get this God's challenge but I don't know how long it would take me to get it back so let's not be stupid we'll go back to the sea castle before I make a very very grave mistake I got this little Gods chalice in my hand oh beautiful I'm gonna fall off the map you are scaring me by jumping I'm Gonna Keep on doing it then oh nearly fell off man waiting for elite Hunters to spawn is boring I thought something really fun we can do while we wait for an elite to spawn the blocks through gotcha let's see what we get we got a dark fruit that's terrible and somehow I gotta spin through as well I don't want either of those and here it is the final Elite I need to take down it's another DeAndre that's kind of scary oh why he's uh he's coming to half where'd he go oh he was hiding behind a tree these Block Street buses sometimes actually have a brain oh my God I'm gonna die if I keep playing like an idiot I'm actually gonna die we're going all in send him to the Moon think about what you've done oh no oh no oh no oh she's gonna die I can't turn left is my keyboard broken I can go right okay that works I'm actually gonna lose my mind I can't go left oh now I can go left why was I broken okay just hit just hit just hit okay oh my God this is getting close all right you're dead form how are you alive please just die yes I found another strange item what does that mean have I got God's chalice squared the ultimate item now if I talk to the elite Hunter progress like just gotta make sure yep so far you have defeated 30 Elite enemies for me with this we're heading back to that secret waterfall which is at the Hydra Island all the way over here I think yeah yeah this is the place this is the place here goes so we need to come down here and then we're breaking this door we're breaking in we're the skeletons have they already been cleared wait this is kind of scary if this sword for some reason doesn't accept me then it's game over I'll lose the Chalice I'll lose everything sword I'm actually nervous because like does it bug if you've already like attempted to pull it out before please work accept me Yama the soul doesn't seem to budge try again dot dot dot you managed to make it budge just a little try again don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me it appears there is a curse on the sword if you continue you might die try again here goes please accept me the sword has accepted you as its new owner obtained Yama oh it's beautiful look at it look at the hockey color what I'm looking devious now oh that's a ghost Let's go swim away how do I get out let me out break the door break the door I'm gone I'm gone I'm gone I didn't have a move to get out all right now we need to spawn rip Indra and then we'll have both of the cursed katanas all the haki colors have been placed in as soon as I put this Chalice on here we've got five minutes to do everything I'm nervous I didn't mean to spawn him in okay we go we go we go let's go let's go let's go full speed full speed we go through here we're going back to the Waterfront it is so Misty it's bright I'm being flashbanged I should not have recorded this at night time it's piercing okay we go through here again do I have a move to break the wall does this work yes yes we're in all right now we just need to kill all these things fight all the ghosts fight all the ghosts kill them all we need to defeat them all so it opens come on come on come on come on come on yes now I go up here wait why is it not opening oh it's open oh I actually had a heart attack let me through begin you have five minutes I've got my holy torch right so I've learned the path I've memorized it when it wasn't Misty though I can't see where was the first one it was like over here somewhere was it this one that's number two I've forgotten where one is I'm like blind this is really not good I memorized it perfectly when there wasn't smoke everywhere oh yeah it was over here it was over here yeah this is one wait holy torch light is it lit yes it is right then where do we go from here we go this way I wish I could see oh yeah number two okay cool go go go go number three was like this way but no it wasn't it was this way I'm throwing I'm throwing where's the bro where's the brown path I can't see it go go go go go number three was this way I gotta activate mink or I'm not gonna make it it was like up here uh holy torch that's number three right now we go to the boat so the boat to the boat where is the boat I gotta go back I gotta go back light of a full moon no no no that's not the time full moon that's not the time whereabouts whereabouts I'm struggling I think it's this way right is this the Mansion yeah yeah I'm so close over here we go around this way I gotta preemptively have the torch out and that's number four here we go number five is on a random house somewhere I'm doing this I'm doing this I'm I am speed there it is number five well done you may enter my Hideout now right assistant I had two minutes left that was easy I had so much time to spare what was I even like worried about okay where are we going where is this Hideout I have no idea where his Hideout is and it's still completely missed it so it's not really a good combo ligma is this you oh it is do we have to defeat him I guess we're fighting ligma we gotta defeat him okay I've now got access to this boss is that what this means because this is one of the bosses that I never had access to in the past oh is that one of two shita's moves that seems op that's gonna be mine and literally one minute is gonna be mine I don't want to die because I feel like if I die the quest is gonna fail so let's not do that I've got it in a corner right where I need him bro he's so annoying to fight get over here and there we go item drop to cheetah oh it's clean looking I am now the celestial swordsman look at it it's beautiful so I've got both of these legendary cursed solids now which means that next time we're gonna be able to get the cursed door katana Yama and tushita are two cursed swords and bloxfords why are they curse you might be wondering well because you need 350 Mastery on both of them to get their upgraded form when you only need 300 Mastery for its second move like what but despite this these swords when combined become the strongest sword in the game and today I'm finally getting it to do that there are three steps we need to complete step one we need to level both Yama and toshito to 350 Mastery Step 2 we need to reach level 2200 and what level am I oh would you look at that only 2012 and step three no I don't actually know why I was sailing away because we need to head to the haunted castle because that's where my quests are because the fastest way that we're gonna be able to get the curse to Katana is by leveling up at the same time as getting Mastery and the best way for me to do that right now is to defeat I don't even know what my quest Giver gives skeletons yep wait actually no Hang on we're upgrading we've got to defeat these zombies now because this is gonna be a very spooky episode I also want to change from a furry to something even spookier that is more like it this is spooky this is the cursed part of the cursed katanas now we're really looking the part now I just need two of them I've only got one sword right now now that I'm a ghoul I can fight these living zombies and get absolutely loads of health regen how much Mastery I get from one of these guys I get actually quite a lot you know this is surprisingly not bad way to get a Mastery I am just like dying right now though so I need to use my little crows to heal me 150 Mastery I get my first move called hellish slash and 102 my Awakening just ran out that's not good you know these zombies are actually pretty easy to take down we've already done a seven of eight it also might be because Yama is just busted there we go big level up 2015 now only 200 to go and there we go a couple quests later we've got our first move called hellish slash and because I'm buffed at night time I do even more damage and stuff so let's see this hellish slash bro I just became a Beyblade and it made no sound effects that was so anti-climactic wait I gotta try that again hellish slash oh that was actually clean when it's got the sound effects and it's not like what it was the first time that's cool okay I realized something as well it's night time right now which means if we go over here then we can come in here and we can do some gacha yes the skeleton go away why are you trying to fight me okay cool death King if I trade bones then I can maybe get something to help me level up faster I got some fragments more fragments this is gonna go so badly some money 10 minutes of Double XP that's what I like to see another 10 minutes of Double XP maybe another three for three oh we got fragments and I got some money that's just tragic I guess we go back to grinding the good old-fashioned way I think if I do this Quest like one more time then maybe I'll be able to move on to the next one like already the fastest way to do that is to fight every single zombie all at once there we go new Quest available what does you want me to go inside the castle okay demonic Souls I've got to defeat eight of them well there's three of them this will be not too difficult make them all angry at me these crows are really useful for getting aggro with the Demonic souls and they have the bum fruit make it make sense blocks first make it make sense you know when I was grinding away with my puny little weak Katana last time getting these swords it was taking me so long to defeat like one mob but now I defeat them in like four hits I mean four might be a stretch but like eight hits maybe and that is level 2050 in fact 2051 which means we also have a new Quest Now Yama is 281 so that's getting really close to not only getting the next move but being completely finished then we can move on to tushita but then also I've really got to worry about the third stage well we've got a new Quest let's check it out what we got to do now we've gotta fight possessed mummies are they even any strong oh they are kind of strong actually not really well I guess now the grind once again continues until we get maybe the next Quest or Yama to 300. I'd be happy with either oh my God I was too absorbed in the grind I didn't even realize that Yama has reached over 300 which means we've got our new move called infernal hurricane that just sounds devious let me test it out on this guy infernal hurricane I charge something up it might be too good to use it on that guy let me use it on that guy over there boom never mind that was really cool but I didn't think it was going to be that close range because it's got a hurricane in the name attempt number two charge it up boom oh that is clean I love moves like that in this game where you like charge up for a second and then release it can it hit multiple enemies at once that's what I need to test as well okay here goes the test oh it's like a proper anime move that one you don't even look at them wait I've got an idea I need Mastery and I need it fast so it's time to go check out some of the bosses like cake Queen is she around oh she is perfect take this K Queen infernal hurricane oh I do damage and when I Dash My crows hit her as well this is like the ultimate race to defeat K Queen and there we go the better swordsman wins and I got eight Mastery levels for that that's not too bad oh wait I can also fight ligma now I think he's gonna see if he's in his cave like he's supposed to be a super op sarsman but he has not seen me before oh there he is he's standing there with his like puny sword let's do this oh no oh no oh no what is that move wait I don't have that move on this sword how's he doing that he's like me but better ow I'm sorry in advance longer but you no longer get to live boom 324 Mastery on Yama and with this kill this will be the final one we need there we go Yama Mastery level 350. honestly didn't take too much grinding I mean I'm gonna be incredibly annoyed if it's like 400 you actually need or something and I've just been lied to from the wiki that would be a sick joke but now we can equip toshita which is like a white sword it looks kind of clean when I'm in my devil mode the sword also does insane amounts of damage it looks like I like this but we've got a brand new Quest where are we going now find the NPC at Sea of treats which is perfect because I was starting to see the problem with haunted castle like I wasn't getting enough XP at all I got that if the eight peanut Scouts where are they oh literally right here perfect this should be actually surprisingly easy to get my two sheets of Mastery I'm also genuinely curious is it two-shita or is it like sushita or is it like is the two silent is it just like cheetah I don't know all I know is it's op these two swords oh they're gonna be so good I can't wait I'm gonna be built different finally I might actually be able to like beat people in PvP and in absolutely no time new skill available got a move called Heavenly lunges all right let's test it out Heavenly lunges oh wait that's the move that ligma was using it's like multi-stabs wait wait I gotta use this again can I like look straight up can I hit him up oh I can wait this seems really strong what if I use it like from above like will I pin him to the floor 5K damage wait this sword is better than Yama at least I think so but that's so strong it does it stun as well it could look ever trying to get out of that peanut Scout form he's finished oh it's so clean and once again we can move on to the next NPC oh it's over here wait am I finally getting the NPC that I can fight these Mobs with because way long ago when I did my dark Step video I thought these mobs when I was like 500 levels below them for some reason yep ice cream chefs oh they're these guys yeah I just need to grind here for a little bit and we're incredibly close to getting our final move Celestial ravager I just can't wait to see it to be honest like this better be worth the 300 Mastery yes here it is we've got the move Celestial ravager all right ice cream Chef I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to you here goes boom Oh that's clean combined with that Heavenly lunges move this sword is op I want to use it again all right so if I hit him with one of these and then as soon as he gets low boom oh they both have such good travel moves and damage moves can't get much better than this and they look so cool they've got like the Demonic Aura my tushita has well over 350 Mastery now but more importantly I'm now actually strong enough to do the cake Queen Quest I never thought the day would come but now if I defeat Kate Queen not only will I get a ton of Mastery but I'll get 112 million XP okay Queen it has to be done I just need the XP it's gonna be so much I actually can't wait I wish fighting the cake Queen was like way easier in Buddha form though because this is impossible but I'm so close 24 levels and then I'm done I don't have to do this ever again there we go this is gonna give me so much xp take this K Queen boom so much damage she's never seen that kind of damage before wait let me do it again can she finally die how is she not dead yet take this only two levels I mean we've got a ton of Mastery though so I'll take it 22 more levels oh we're getting close only 15 more levels the big two-shita is honestly like the ultimate play you can hit things from so far away like this is a true cursed sword right here the final boss I literally only need two more levels and then I'm completely done so we're gonna defeat the cake Queen because it's only like it's poetic she can't stop me let's go celestial ravager Perfection level 2200 which means it's time step three of getting the cursed dul Katana we need to complete a puzzle and this puzzle I think is located all the way up here this giant Stone Tower I think I hope it's this one was it a different Stone Tower was it this one over here this one's got like a big base so it kind of makes sense yeah yeah here it is here it is the Crypt Master he's the crypto Master he's got a lot of cryptocurrency I think you can handle it I can open the way for you if you want okay it should be open now good luck in there good looking where what am I doing now to begin the player must talk to the Crypt Master we've done that there was no useful info in the wiki so we're doing this the old-fashioned style we're just walking right in I'm in this is the Crypt we've got like some devils wait that's me the drew me wow that's so cool wait what do I have to do okay let's click on one of these Scrolls pedestal interact pain and suffering Haze of misery Fear the Reaper what does that even mean that's the Yama scroll hang on so this one is the yeah the two sheeta scroll dark Legend sense of Duty soulless what does any of that mean well I guess we'll do the first trial doc Legend I'm about to become a legend of the dark what does that mean talk to three different boat dealers in three different islands and select pardon me when on the last page of boats how would anybody figure that out normally rest in peace the fallen soldiers who are the first ones to try and get this dual Katana I respect their sacrifice so we need to go find a port which I believe there is one all the way on the other side over this way and luckily I have the puzzle first I can just teleport to the other ones that's gonna save some time but we come over here and it said pardon me right hello Mr boat man okay so we talked to him next next pardon me hey traveler I recognize you as pleasant to see a familiar face around here alright this is document number two so I just go to the final page pardon me he recognizes me okay cool and now we need one more let's go to the great tree all right this should be the final one we need obtained Alucard fragment we've got a Dracula fragment where oh mythical material wait that's six said to Grant the user immense power okay Roblox that's kind of cool I respect that okay let's go do the other parts of the quest I think I have to come back and talk talk to it first though sense of Duty the second trial what would this mean like hunt players or something like Duty are you trolling kill a pirate in the pirate raid at the castle on the sea once so I have to wait for a castle when was the last Castle right like an hour ago can I skip this one nope I cannot skip this one can I do them at the same time the scroll appears to be blank are you I gotta wait for okay never mind sense of Duty this is gonna be sense of boredom Pirates have been spotted approaching the castle literally perfect timing I was about to go AFK I'm going Buddha form I'm not taking any chances okay nice nice That's one this should be the second quest of the scroll complete I think you literally only have to get like one pirate kill and then they count and then boom but let's just destroy them all just to be safe I have managed to get another Alucard fragment which also means I can head back and I can go find out what my third and final task is I am back cursed room what I gotta do now third trial is called soulless I gotta like eat a revive fruit or something first go to cake Queen upon the first hit a song while playing the background and then I have to defeat cake Queen before the song ends I'll be teleported to Heaven wait why do I get put to Heaven if I win the fight that makes no sense I guess we're heading to the cake Queen I need to fight cake Queen and beat her within two minutes wait there's some music playing oh wait it said that what happened but it'll be kind of bad if I like died I've got two minutes to defeat her come on Squad help me out and then once I do this I'm going to heaven is that what it is said come on guys we've not got along we need to kill her faster please I don't want to lose how am I supposed to know when the music's gonna run out surely I have enough time right loading Heavenly Dimension like the Torches and defeat the enemies I can do that there's like just a random beam of light oh it like turns whoa oh this area is sick wait a torch light torch and defeat the enemies okay I got this Celestial Revenger I'll need some extra spooky skeletons is that the cursed skeleton wait but I'm in heaven though why are they cursed skeletons and they're gonna be Heavenly skeletons in the cursed area these guys are easy give me more a challenge game we've lit up one torch where are the other ones like torch that's torch number two okay that's two skelly's dead and then just the final two that's another one and then there's another okay right now I just need to find the oh there it is the last torch oh my God that skeleton's got the light through okay I'm becoming a ghoul this feels all kinds of rock whoa Heaven's Guardian holy damage yo chill Heavens Guardian ain't that deep Bro I gotta have observation on sticky palette Celestial Revenge that's right my slingshot does damage you best be careful Heavenly lunges huge am I fighting God I mean it makes sense bro strong sticky pellet that's right I'm gonna hit god with a sticky pallet my damage is going crazy boom he's defeated where do I go now I've lit up the three torches the door's glowing okay I guess let's walk through here goes obtained Alucard fragment the scroll reacts to your achievements so have I done this now the scroll burst into flames and disappeared oh so now we do the second one the Yama scroll we've got to go through pain and suffering the haze of misery and then we've got to Fear the Reaper all right what's pain and suffering it can't be worse than the other ones surely right pain and suffering we have literally got to take 10K damage from an npcl player with the Yammer equip really is pain and suffering okay I need to find somebody to hurt me please anybody come bully me I need to take 10K damage I've got 12K health so this should be easy wait is that Yama yes yes hit me more I need more pain than suffering one more time okay that's enough pain and suffering that's enough is that done wait how much more pain what take heavy damage from an NPC or player with Yammer equipped it may not work first time so keep trying I'm on life support what how much more heavy damage do I need with resetting attempt number two guys I need more pain and suffering yes yes yes I'm feeling the Yama pain I need more damage yes couple more times all right that's enough broken control himself okay attempt number three okay right good good right chill chill one more for good luck Perfect all right that should be 10K damage of pain and suffering now we've got to do the haze of misery oh this is cool okay what do I have to do players Vision will fog purple round marking will appear on a group of NPCs the players have to kill the group that apparently has the marking once killed the marking will switch to a different one I'm looking for a purple round marking am I meant to be easily able to find this oh I found one it's this guy okay easy oh another one oh is it the same like group of mobs is that how it works that's number two oh there's number three I hit him a bit too far okay that's number three what do I go from here is that more oh wait yeah there's another one but I just keep farming these guys bro I'm not here to Mastery grind again please no oh my God another one are We Done Yet how many more oh this guy doesn't have it anymore have they lost the purple where do I go now I guess I should probably check around the island just to make sure yes good job I checked the island magma Ria Admirals that's two yep there's more up here oh there are so many of this one the purple has disappeared okay is that everything from this island I can't remember oh there's only one way to find out let's double check old man yep he's not gonna purple oh I found him it's the spooky scary skeletons wait they've already lost the purple already are you joking okay I guess we're done with the spooky scary ah inside this seems like it could be so easy to fail this one I could be on this for literal hours I was grinding here not too long ago okay I got a demonic wisp there's still more of these purple dots okay purple dot gun there's things outside there anything down here with bubble dots yup am I just killing every mob in the the entire game is that what's happening this is actually a really fun Quest it's like a treasure hunt except you have to kill the treasure it really is just like one of every single one now does that mean I'm getting close one of these yep just one of those I guess I'll go check around the other side as well because I think there's a mob on the other side of this island and there is okay how many more mobs are I gotta do I'm so confused how's it not finished yet what else do I need to do chocolate bar battler does the fog clear once I find them all I think I actually am like hunting basically one of every single mob in the third sea only two of this one why is it like random oh yes the scroll reacts to your achievements obtained a la card fragment how many do I have now um I'm rolling in a la card fragments I got five now we can head back to the turtle mansion and we can start the final phase for getting cursed ball Katana now hopefully this one's easy Fear the Reaper oh what does that mean am I gonna have to use the hollow Scythe like that's the only Reaper like thing that I have so using my super smart knowledge that I've now gained the soul Reaper must be spawned using a hollow Essence then the player must let Soul Reaper kill them and I'll be teleported to hell oh that's cool I'm going to hell yeah let's go I got some bones random surprise oh first try let's go baby here we go hello Essence an unknown being has entered this world and he's ready to absolutely destroy me that's why I'm here take me down I'm ready to go to hell do it here goes this is hell it's way more robloxia than I was expecting oh this is so cool where are the torch am I blind I don't see any torture ah there's one light torch oh no it's just the same skeletons as last time but they're like higher level this time I think when the other one's 2000 before this one's two 200 either way these guys have been well and truly destroyed there we go this is exciting I need to try my hardest not to die hell's manager oh God he's got a dark fruit kind of makes sense actually haven't had a life Fruit this guy's got a dog food all right we'll beat up the skeletons really fast don't mind me Mr hell manager let me just beat your minions all right it's just me and you I can see now awaken that's right I'm a ghoul I'm exactly where I belong in Hell let's go hell's manager you can't even beat me I'm healing too much oh my God he's kind of creepy kind of spooky I mean he's literally dead but like he was kind of spooky and now we can go up the green portal Alucard fragment number six here it is I'm gonna wait for my Awakening to run out then we're gonna burn this final scroll then hopefully I get Coastal guitar and I don't have to do anything else here goes open sesame the scroll burst into flames and disappears interact there's six shards of the legendary Alucard gem react to each other there's like a mini cutting oh oh what's happening wait there's just a skeleton curse skeleton boss is this it this is the final boss Bros the final boss just one of the weaklings from before oh he is not a weakling out one hit did that much okay then let's go can you guys leave I'm trying to have my epic battle bro these guys are just stood here while I'm having my epic moment can they go away I'm having my final 1v1 this is for everything I'm not dying here I'm living life on the edge Celestial ravager boom what's going on black screen hello bro I've literally reset my character I'm in permanent Darkness listen to my little feet walking around what's happening I gotta restart my game well I'll spawn back in and oh my God I see it I've got two swords at my hip that was so anti-climactic because of the black screen situation but here it is the cursed duel katanas oh look at them that's so cool now I just need to get 375 Mastery to get both of its moves the first victim of my cursed swords is Captain elephant the damage is actually kind of going crazy I like it if I combine this with the Buddha fruit as well and we can do something a little bit cheeky we can get a giantana yes this took so many hours of grinding it took literally two parts to do this but we're the final stretch now we just need to get these last two moves and to do that we're just gonna keep on fighting bosses with gay queen down we've got our first move revolving ravager I'm gonna try this out on Longman there he is revolving ravager I'm spinning like a Beyblade oh wait that was sick that's only the first move and with this final K Queen kill this should be all that I need right I mean I'm so close to dying but this should be it yes new skill available called Slayer of Goliath there's only one thing that I should rightfully use this move on now this move is called Slayer of Goliath so let's see what it does against Goliath himself let's do this Slayer of Goliath I've charged it up [Music] sliced three sick I hit a wall as well I need to try that again can I like use it from up top like it's like I'm from Attack on Titan Slayer of Goliath that's so cool I got that move as well oh this was so worth the pain and suffering on all those trials the fact that I can just do this now by getting these two curse swords so much better the dark blade this sword in Block suits has stages that allows it to become stronger and stronger each stage and my dark blade is stage two but it can become even more op and completely change color apparently I mean I've never even seen a dark blader V3 before to do this we have three steps we need to complete step number one have all Races V3 that took an insane amount of Robux to show you guys that and I also happen to have every race at B4 so I'm ready for dark blade V4 as well step number two we need to get two fists of Darkness that's right two not just one and step number three I can't even talk about stuff anyway before trying to get our fist of Darkness there's something I need to do something I've never done in the game before ever and let's talk to the blacksmith I've never spoken to this guy he says hi there I can upgrade your weapon let's take a look to upgrade the dark blade wow that is expensive but we get 10 extra damage which is gonna like make our V3 version even cooler which is why I want to do this and we need I don't know what that is but we need it so I need to figure out what that is I'm also super curious like there's a blacksmith in the third sea right maybe he charges like cheaper amounts than the second scene because I found out where yeah okay I need seven more of those dragon scales and to get those I need to head to Hydra Arena and then we need to fight some people on hydro Arena okay so you hear dragon crew Warrior you should like drop me the stuff you should drop me the goods my dog play doesn't do any why is it not doing any damage oh yeah don't have any stop points I'm being carried by the 600 when did I get 600 Mastery on this thing I'm not complaining but this is not doing enough damage okay we're going Buddha mode all of this to get one upgrade material please just drop me one first try I don't want to be here for hours and hours I've still got a grind for fists of Darkness we got nothing I need to now spend my precious Robux to change my stats and we're not building ourselves to be tanky we're going all into sword oh now we do damage that's more like it but just because we do damage doesn't mean we're gonna get the drops like this could take ages because it's like an epic material or something like that something crazy it's been five minutes straight and I've managed to get a solid zero new items as you can see yep we're still on eight it's only a rare material it's not even an epic material and we haven't seen anything are these are the right mobs Dragon crew Warrior and dragon crew Archer these are the correct mobs I guess the terrible look will continue on from my hockey video this is how this is gonna continue I'm not gonna yes we got one if this house is gonna continue I'm not sleeping tonight that's all I'm saying I've been farming these guys for 10 minutes straight and we've got one I need to know the drop chance man this is ridiculous please give me two back to back pretty much it's like nowhere near back to back but I Believe come on never mind yes that's number two I'm so happy after finding two dragon scales this is rough man so much spamming left click and I've got to get five yes oh my God that was fast all right four more I believe hopefully you can't upgrade weapons multiple times or I might actually lose my mind like there is no way there's another tier after this the reason why upgrading this sword is going to be so huge is it gives me a 10 attack bonus and that's good because like how much of a flex will it be to have a dark blade V3 with 10 extra damage let's just say I'm gonna be the coolest level 2200 block streets I've ever seen that's the only reason why I'm doing this but apparently block streets has other answers never mind yes another dragon snail how many we are 12 three more wait when did I get so many two more oh this could be done so fast and then I can go and farm for the fist of darkness which is gonna take me hours anyway I'm seriously dreading having to do that that's gonna be so painful probably be more fun to watch paint dry hey Mr dough man watch where you're going bro these are my dragon Archer what they're just teleported into the back rooms yes apparently talking about the background says good luck we got another dragon scale come on one more we can do it in this run I believe this enemy right here I actually called it it's not 15. yes oh my God it's happening we're going to the blacksmith hello Mr blacksmith I've collected everything you need upgrade my sword it gets a star next to it oh that's cool craft Max upgrades applied [ __ ] that happens if there's another upgrade I would be done for does it look different now did it have four spikes before I don't remember I think it looks the same but it does 10 more damage that's huge well now we need to head back to the second C and start farming sea beasts alright now Begins the painful struggle of sitting on a boat and waiting for a Seabees to spawn and then trying to do enough damage to kill it all right I guess I'm gonna like sit here and hope for the best I also noticed yeah look in my inventory the swords now get a star next to it that's how you know we're getting op yes we got a sea beast perfect for hunting and hopefully getting the fist of Darkness first try quickly I'm a fish man because that little thing I did at the start of the video that like wasted a bunch of my Robux so it's gonna make grinding for this at least a little bit easier however I don't have the magma fruit so I just barely do like any damage I'm pretty useless wait slice and dice yeah yeah boom please I got a top hat that's cringe we've literally got the Cooper call Fleet of pirates all helping out here and yet none of us have managed to get a fist of Darkness there's like seven of us that's literally how rare it is to get this drop it's a one percent chance this could take hundreds of attempts bro we're not even getting CBS at this point we're getting ships pushing the furthest thing we could get from getting the fist of Darkness I wish there was a way to like force spawn these sea beasts because this is like actually taking so long a few moments later bro I got AFK for two minutes and there's a Sea Beast attacking me please this is gonna be the one it takes like 20 minutes for one to spawn we need this I need this you're dead oh I didn't do enough damage because I was AFK no somebody says they got it I need to see the evidence did we get one yes we actually did get one so I need one now cool but the problem is is I'm the only one that needs to get one now so this is good ages because like 1 in 100 chance or something stupid like that so it's time to re-summon my boat and we gotta continue the grind I want my V3 dark Blade no matter what it takes block streets is really not an easy game you're gonna sing hours of your life into this folks can you not I was explaining how much of a pain this game is and then it just adds insult to injury yes we got another victim you will drop me the goods you don't have a choice in the matter please all right here goes he's getting low I think I can't tell I mean my dark Blade's already doing like 5 000 damage per slash now I mean like I can't really tell if it's doing 10 more than before because I don't remember what it was doing before but we got one level and nothing else that's kind of sad I've got a genius idea this has worked in other games in the past what if I just give away dark blades to people will it give me the dark blade luck I hope it works there we go there's a dark blade that's the person that got the fist of darkness before so like maybe it'll like multiply my luck I need dark blade look squared now if I don't get it this next t-beast whenever it spawns I'm gonna be so mad because that was 1200 Robux that one dark blade was 12 500 Robux we've got another Sea Beast finally well this one drop the item we're looking for honestly probably not like I'm not expecting anything here we've never got lucky before wait I gotta get the damage I gotta get the damage boys chill chill let me get the damage have I done enough I've done like 20K maybe boom you've learned one level I don't care about a level this is crazy I'm just getting nothing every time okay here's a plan we're gonna travel across the entire second sea because surely then I'll become like a tasty CB snack and they'll all want to attack me you know it's like spit roasting a chicken just in Roblox maybe a Seabees can spawn under a bridge I feel like it's gonna be like right in the deep ocean but who knows maybe it will I've done an entire lap of the second seat and nothing's spawning what do I need to do to get a Seabees to just appear like right here it seems impossible yes it worked a sea boost actually just spawned on me I wasn't ready for this I might be like messing this up though by not attacking him with a block screw and instead just using the dark blade what do we get we got item drop we got a chopper wow absolutely totally useless I guess I just go and do a few more laps of the second sea another Sea Beast defeated and we got nothing again somehow they've managed to get three fists of darkness and I don't know why this guy's stood like that we've got three and I've got zero meaning we've got like the player two three times over but I just can't get lucky enough to get one I can't believe this now we just play the waiting game nah man what is this there's four of them with it now and then there's me with nothing I'd be slicing them all up and throwing hands if I could right now I guess the hunt continues it's not like it's already getting Mega late at night here we go Sea Beast number I don't even know what this is anymore like 17. basically too many Seabees to even like care anymore this was supposed to be step two of the plan and we've been stuck on this for like five hours all right CBS you're gonna show me the goods right here right now here it comes this is it I got nothing again I've basically destroyed an entire Sea Beast population and still got nothing another Sea Beast we got a top hat I'm getting like an entire hat collection and just no fists of Darkness another Sea Beast oh we got nothing again this is ridiculous man let me guess yep nothing this time just another level I'm gonna hit max level before I even see this thing please yes oh my finally I got it we've got the goods I can finally go and do step three to getting dark blade V3 okay we're here at the Dark Arena and I think what happens first is I don't use my fist of Darkness here somebody's gonna go spawn him in and then I've got to make it to the graveyard summon him I'm ready here he comes there we go the power of Darkness has been Unleashed there he is now before they end him I've gotta quickly I've had cooldowns that was nearly bad go to graveyard and then there's like a hidden door right here go away zombie now's not the time it's this door here right yeah yeah it's right here so I got my fist of darkness and I like walk into this door I think that's not working yes question mark what is happening what is this a new Slayer has been born something weird has occurred to your dark blade new title Slayer of God wait wait we gotta see the new and improved dark blade oh bro it's like white it actually does have a new color look at how drippy my dark blade is now wow okay wait I gotta go change my hockey color it's gonna look even better once I get rid of this green Snow White here we go this is gonna be clean oh look at it yes this all this suffering was worth it and I bet the damage is crazy now as well now I also want to go and fight darkbeard and see if we do like crazy damage let's see fully leveled up dog blade does 5.7 K Wow what about this move 5.5k I'm on a new level now a brand new level wow this damage is actually insane what about my left clicks though like I've only been using my attacks oh what's he doing in the sky Hey guys hey guys this is big I can barely see the bus because he keeps running around he keeps trapping me in this move I want to test out my sword on you what is happening this is block screws by the way guys yeah this is what blog screws is wait I didn't even realize my slashes have changed color hold on what about this Zed move is it changed from Green I was like why oh bro that's clean and then the darker slash is literally a dark ass slash now because before it was like a bright ass slash whereas now it's pure black boom we defeated Blackbeard oh it's so cool look at me flexing oh there's another one bro where did he come from how did we spawn another one I was just flexing my dark blade and then he was just like yeah no that's not allowed and now that we've got this I've completed every single objective there's one final thing that we should definitely try and do the toughest boss in the entire game versus a dark blade V3 surprisingly like not crazy damage but like not terrible either actually wait I lied this is insane damage they have not even got the Buddha fruit on she's already down that much HP 1000 slashes I'm built different okay queen I'm not like I was at the start of this video with my measly dark blade V2 wow I can't be stopped that move is so cool in the light when I can actually see it you know what it's getting kind of risky I am on 800 hp she's below half though I'm winning okay go in go in It's My Time To Shine I'm dead that was not an intense 1v1 I got destroyed okay this K Queen this Revenge again how yeah I can do that too I'm gonna die again even with this dark blade V3 it doesn't solve the skill issue but I gotta finish her with a dark air slash it only makes sense like it's poetic in fact I've got a really cool idea as well it's got a dungeon weave for a little bit all right here we go finish her in style we're flying away and then boom wait what how did I miss why she just stood there you're fine cake Queen defeated the true triple Katana one of bloxford's most powerful mythical swords and I don't know what's so true about it but today I'm gonna be trying to figure that out by obtaining the sword but what makes the sword one of the most difficult to obtain is the fact that there are three legendary swords we need to find all of which take an insane amount of time to get so step one to getting the true triple Katana we need to find the legendary sword dealer who only spawns in the second sea and conveniently for me I'm already here step number two we need to get all three unique swords and the final step we can talk about that one once we get there since the first two steps are already basically going to be impossible so Mr manager guy tell me all of your secrets I know there's a lot hiding behind that smile I can tell those dead eyes it's still too early for you to be here what does that even mean okay so after doing some 500 IQ research in other words just checking the wiki I need to wait 10 minutes in a server before I can even speak to him so this is gonna be rough now I just gotta like you know I'll just sit in this chair and I'll wait for him to stop foreign I've got the fake true triple Katana right now just like the regular one and I was using that in the intro and stuff to try and like be dramatic but it's also because I just don't have the cool swords yet 10 whole minutes later and I think I can talk to him now manager some Pirates said they ran into him on a nearby Island last week check by later and I'll let you know what I hear what does that even mean how far away is he it's around three hours left until the dealer spawns so this is gonna be my life now I'm gonna have to keep on hopping service until I can like find a server where the deal is about to spawn here we go he's finally got news some Pirates said they run into him on a nearby Island last week that just sounds like he's far away and this is a problem with getting these swords right where you can only get information about like where the dealer spawns every 10 minutes from this guy so whether I get these swords now or in literally like 24 hours depends purely on this guy time to see how far away the sword dealer is this time what's the warrior do you wish to hear where he was last seen tell me imagine here earlier claimed to see his ship nearby today check with me later nearby that sounds promising psyche never mind he's an hour and 15 minutes out or do you say nearby manager bro you lying to me let me guess the salt dealer this time is like seven business days away imagine here earlier claimed to see his ship nearby today oh is that the same as last time he's an hour 15 away again here we go is he close nearby that means he's like what three hours away an hour and a half I don't even know anymore I'm not sure how many servers it's been but maybe he's close they saw him on a nearby Island last week in regular human terms that means he's around three hours away now we gotta wait again once again he's absolutely nowhere near this is real rough you know I'm gonna need something to pass the time blocks fruit gotcha if you're subscribed to Cooper cool you always get legendary fruits see Legendary spin through exactly what I was looking for now we gotta wait another 10 minutes good news apparently there is a sword dealer somewhere in this sea at least that's what I've been informed he's got seven locations he can spawn in first place we're checking is the Colosseum apparently he can spawn around here is that him nope that's a chest all right he is not in the Coliseum we can also check the green zone apparently he can be like down these ends look a red flower wait though I'm getting distracted I believe in the green zone he's like up at the tree somewhere is it all the way up here how much further do we have to go okay so according to my crew member he should be right here but I've just been baited you actually need to like wait out the 10 minutes every single time so this is gonna be extra rough so even if somebody finds it for me I've still gotta wait 10 minutes in the server in agony hoping that I can get it before he despawns I guess we wait at the cafe all right manager you better be quicker than 10 minutes this time please let me guess the deal is like on a little business trip oh this is new text I think you should be getting in here soon it's all anyone in here has been talking about that's interesting I've never heard that one before but also I've been thinking as I've been sat here waiting in this chair for hours now how is this sword staying in my mouth hey I just saw him he told me he'll be in the area for 15 minutes Gotta Move Gotta Move okay where's his first spawn location first things first we checked the Colosseum anybody home okay he's not in the Coliseum now we also gotta check underneath here because I think he can spawn under here is like a second place why is this boat so slow I think I would have found him right if he was like under here I don't think he's under there now we're back in the green zone we gotta hope it was like this Leaf over here from the looks of things yup he's not on any of those leaves so we gotta move on again it also says that he could be like down here somewhere which I don't think he is next up graveyard that's the crew Captain I thought that was him I found him yes yes please show me the goods interested in buying this sword I recently acquired name Wando 2 million that's expensive but I got my first one where is it show me the goods oh look at it it's clean which means we've got our first legendary sword that we need out of three and this is also where the hard part starts because now if we get any more wandos after already having to wait hours for him to spawn this could take ages so now once again I'm just gonna sit in this chair and wait but at least I've got like a cool legendary sword in my head oh my head's changed I didn't realize this happened to block screws it's kind of crazy this means my sense of direction is gonna get even worse fantastic okay Mr manager show me the goods meh he left not too long ago what does that mean wait does that mean somebody yanked it from me bruh well I guess we're heading into the next server I think we've possibly got another legendary sword dealer we do please have something I need please have something I need please it's Wonder again I mean this guy's a legend for finding it for me but it's the one that I have legendary sword dealer listen up next time you better have what I need or we're gonna be having words I can't believe it I've spent hours doing this already literal hours in fact this could take days at this point wow I've managed to bump into an island where he's only just been seen last week so we're definitely not waiting in This Server oh this is some good news somebody made a mistake he let it leak I think he forgot legendary sword dealer has spoilers he messed up his typing because he was panicked but he let it leak he's someone around here I actually don't know where he spawned but like it can't be too far away I hope he's not up here I'm gonna go check down on these rocks I hope it hasn't been bought yet none of these rocks either no I'm panicking let's check the graveyard up here anything oh no this is not good I need to reset he might have already bought from him I can't remember where were the other places that he spawned oh yeah right here please please is he under here I swear he's supposed to spawn like that where else could he spawn there's one place I haven't looked yet and it's this one no it's not that one I got a reset I gotta reset oh this is bad it's a race against that guy is it in here no it's not here either I'm checking Coliseum where is he Bros like Waldo from where's Waldo he's like the goat of hide and seek I'm gonna double check graveyard because I check all the right angles yeah he's just that I think he's gone I think I missed him let's see did I lose the race tell me manager I need to know oh he left not too long ago yep I lost well I guess we continue again please saw dealer be around here nope that's another last week one we just got Intel that another one has spawned so please just don't be Wando again he's not here let's go check Coliseum is he in the Coliseum let's see I've just done a quick scan and I've not seen anything next up we'll go graveyard because you like I got pretty lucky here last time so maybe we got lucky again nope nothing graveyard now I also gotta check underneath because I didn't check here last time at least until the very end and I got a feeling that this is where he was yes I was right he is down here anything but wonder you see this thing don't give me it Sadi yes bought study for 2 million each of these is 2 million oh my God but we got our brand new sword and it's got like the really cool Aura effect again yes that's two out of three I just need one more sword I believe that he's in here somewhere okay there should be a sword dealer in this server but I think there's only like two minutes left till he spawns we're doing a speed run check here check graveyard sword dealer are you around yes he is here what's he selling what's he selling so there's another guy here she's sweet I'm gonna die yes I got it I don't even care I don't even care I got it there it is yes I was being hunted down but I got it she's sweet yeah he thought he could get me with his dough fruit I'm just chilling like there's an all that war going on with this we've got all three of the legendary swords and all that it costs were six million dollars it only took like eight hours but now that we've managed to get all of the three stars we can begin step two which is getting all three of them to Mastery 300. we're obviously gonna head to the third C because this is where we can get like the most Mastery the fastest now the best way to get Mastery is this guy right here well not actually just this guy but the bosses in Block series they're the best way and luckily for me this sword does damage I've already done a third of stones HP oh I'm piecing them up pack your bag Stone you're gonna be leaving this island soon permanently wait I'm kind of getting destroyed now this sword looks extra cool man with the purple hackie oh and I just realized as well I'm being contaminated by more Zorro I've got the legs now but with this wait here we go yes there we go our first bit of Mastery on one though hopefully we can get our first move called continuous slashing it keeps Rising oh no we're not even getting close 117 bruh luckily for me I can use the portal for in this video so the next boss we're gonna Hunt is here now the island Empress is getting low which I can smell the master already come on give it to me I got destroyed wow wait hang on that's not how it was supposed to go in the script die yes 150 one fit are you joking all right one more level and then we can get our next move in fact I want my next move right now so I'm sorry giant Islanders but you just gotta go for the greater good and for my new move yes continue slashes Let's test it out it goes wow that is wow it keeps going 4.2k damage yeah I can see why it's called continuous slashes now not a bad first move it's gonna make defeating the bosses like way faster speaking of which we've got our next boss Captain elephant take this I just keep attacking and I don't stop wow this is the power of one of the true triple katana and you don't have Buddha fruit you kind of get destroyed by everything in this game with this final attack Captain elephant you're done that's the power of continuous slashes right there 175 Mastery next up we'll find the swordmaster ligma however the only real problem I found with this sword is that it doesn't have enough range this continuous slashing move is really close range which doesn't help when I'm trying to fight like a sword man but the damage is nice like I'm just making him float but he can do that like he's just infinitely better than me he's fully healed now this boss is impossible I'm bringing it out we're combining one though with the big boy Power and we are creating the Ultimate Sword big one though oh yeah you're done now long man I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me with no choice and we awake awaken awaken awaken please awaken please boom Awakening now we're even stronger yes yes okay that wasn't difficult at all we've nearly got 200 Mastery I cannot wait to get this next move called scatter shop because like this sword is kind of meh without it using the power of big one though there goes K Queen and look at all the Mastery rolling in we are two three two now so we're getting kind of close to 300. yes the final boss down and Wando is completely leveled up nice scatter shot let's see how long range this is I'll try from all the way up here I'm like charging it up okay scatter shots oh there's like an Air wave and it actually does a lot of damage as well not a bad sword at all how far does this move go is it like infinite oh no not infinite but very long range which is exactly what this sword needed but with this the first sword is complete next up we're gonna do study we're gonna do it in the order that we got them and like found them in game with this new sword it's got some pretty interesting moves Swords Dance and true air slash this just sounds infinitely better than the previous sword so I hope that these moves aren't disappointing and we gotta start off the leveling strong because I have heard before that I think longma actually gives like the most Mastery in the entire third sea so I'm sorry long man but you gotta go with the power of Sadi am I saying I can't even tell if I'm saying his name right is it sunny is it is it Sadie is it somehow I said that three different ways he's actually so low Harlow Escape me please I thought the portal Mastery got it okay show me the Mastery surely this is 150 and above right oh wow it just keeps going one three seven that might actually be the best wow then we're just gonna combine this with like one or two more bosses then we'll get our first move and here we go with one more boss defeated new skill available yes this is what I was waiting for this new move sounds way too cool swords dance is it long range or close range let's see Swords Dance oh wow I actually did dance it did 300 damage though was not a mistake am I bug why is the damage so small hold on let's try again or what I didn't even do any damage that time oh no don't tell me this sword like has the coolest names but it's actually the worst one we're getting the Buddha fruit out here we go big Swords Dance still does nothing okay so I've managed to get to over Mastery 200 and I still can't figure out this sword technique it doesn't make sense like why does it do this it doesn't pull the enemies with me or anything you know what we're gonna try something Mega risky if I just move around like this oh if you move like a snake it kind of works which also kind of like ruins what you guys are looking at but it's fine as long as I can do 4K damage I'll do anything I might be Mega low but you're done you're done boom Mastery 215. let's see if this sword is strong enough to take down the cake Queen bear in mind I am in human Awakening because I don't have my true air slash move so I think this is fair here we go I'm kind of different here we go here we go this is gonna be big I don't even know how much that did but I think it was a lot could it even been over 10K oh she's dead I didn't even realize that's Mastery 264 and with an absolutely insane amount of bosses left we got Mastery 300 perfectly which means we've got our next move called true air slash here we go true air slash I was just dark blade but sideways and yellow I shouldn't complain though it seems like it's pretty strong that means that Sadi is also complete all that's left to complete this mythical sword is this thing here called Shi sweet and it's honestly one of the coolest looking swords in the entire game it's moves are called true quiet rush and focus shot well better way to start off shisui than ligma you know the supposed strongest swordsman in this entire sea okay it's not supposed it's for a reason he's done half my HP already but unluckily for you ligma I can go big boy mode we've got giant shisui now the Ultimate Sword oh wow that was surprisingly easy Mastery one four two I swear that was more than last time vary how much xp you get but we're also so close to our first move so if we fight some of these Fish Man captains we should be able to get it in no time see look three Mastery from one of these guys this could be the meta for grinding you know 147 he's so nearly killing me but there we go our first move true quiet Rush all right we're going in sneaky beaky let's do this Punk that just looked like the regular Katana one but it was like faster and did more damage let's try again oh never mind it's got like a purple glow that's cool sheet has honestly been the easiest one to level by far I mean it's taken me hours for like all of them but still like this one's taking no time at all this true quiet Rush is actually really strong two nine five oh it's so close I know exactly who we can go and get this last bit of Mastery from ligma I've arrived true quiet Rush Oh yeah this true version I'm starting to begin to understand what it means it means big damage true fire Rush 10K you know something light along my square up come on yes new skill available Focus shot it doesn't sound as cool as the other two that we unlocked on the other swords but like let's give it a try what's it do oh wait that's actually cool it reminds me a lot of injection shot from Lord's sword and it seems like it has like a lot of range so can I hit that guy all the way over there Focus shot oh wow that has a lot of range so it definitely could but although it took absolute hours she's sweet is also now Mastery 300 and fully leveled up but with this it means I'm finally ready to get the mythical true triple Katana I've spent the last few days sailing all across the seas of blocks routes to find these three swords and now that I've got them I can finally unlock one of the strongest mythical swords oh I felt called the true triple Katana so if we head to the green zone in the second sea and head to the very top of the Beanstalk all the way up there there should be a person if I can even get up there we're gonna have to do some Parkour from Leaf to leaf look I don't know how this man wandered like all the way up to the top of this Beanstalk but did he really have to pick the tallest place in the entire sea in fact this could be the tallest place in all of blocks fruits but we've now made it and here he is exactly like we said the mysterious man hello Mystic oh you're joking purse you puzzle fruit I'm back I'm making that mistake again hello fellow swordsman it appears you've mastered all the legendary swords do you wish to learn the true triple Katana style for two million I mean it's a bit expensive but sure obtained true triple Katana there we go I finally have this thing so today we can level this thing up to unlock all of its moves and then use it to hopefully defeat a boss I have never managed to beat before and the problem with this sword already is that its second move I need 350 Mastery so obviously the best way to do that is to grind bosses in the third sea and why don't we start with I don't know maybe the strongest swordsman in the entire sea at least in my opinion there's maybe only one other person stronger than him and that's the final boss we're gonna try and beat by the end where is ligma he's just not here uh it's because I forgot to ring the doorbell Bing Bong anybody home wow it actually works what a surprise I'll get over here longer look at my 11k damage I mean he still hurts like crazy but the three swords really makes a difference I didn't think it would have like increased my damage this much but it's kind of crazy okay I'm still getting absolutely destroyed this is not good oh no all right let's relax a little bit longer chill now I run now I run no no wait I need to get him stuck on the wall all right I should be safe now I can hit him through the wall this is necessary look I'm about to die I don't even think if I got max level I'd be able to beat Loma like legit did he respawn oh no he's good oh no oh no please dialogue man please die oh what a Dodge yes okay show me the Mastery we're getting 2.6 million right surely we get our first move do mythical swords need more XP or they probably do one three five that's rough well I guess our best bet is to go find some other bosses and the island Empress is a perfect boss to fight this should get me to 150. I hope okay maybe it won't maybe oh wow I've got like this really cool sword Aura and I'm still getting destroyed my Mastery can't be enough just yet my yeah it's definitely the Mastery ow I got destroyed by one of the weakest bosses okay I see how it is just your way island Empress once I've been on my training Arc I'm never losing to you ever again but with that we've beat another boss and we got our first move wolf Fang Rush which we're gonna test on the strongest boss in the third sea here we go oh wow I didn't even I got teleport to the ceiling what does it even do let's try it again are you ready okay Queen wolfang Rush why do I keep going to the sky if the 5K damage though like without many upgrades I like that here we go attempt number two a little bit underwhelming after having the coastal katanas like I don't know I feel like that could be so much cooler I'm about to die but I'm also about to win easy wasn't difficult at all totally didn't struggle but while doing that fight it kind of got me thinking back to when I was grinding to get these swords leveled up I want to see what the true triple Katana looks like ginormous oh my God that is cursed it's cool though wait this seems pretty op okay this is my life now I'm just living with these giant Swords For the Rest of time I finally hit over 200 Mastery but we need more but to fight this boss and like win it's not gonna be easy and with this that's Mastery 250 exactly only a hundred more and then I feel like we'll finally be able to beat the boss all that grinding for these three swords and server hopping and waiting was worth it and 30 minutes later we're finally over Mastery 300 I just about might be the slowest grinder in the entire game it takes me so long to beat a single boss and I have to wait for them to respawn so I guess now I'll go take down Captain elephant and then get like four Mastery levels because this extra 50 that we need to get is going to take ages Mastery 342 I'm getting so close but the more I use this fruit the more I start to realize I think it would be really cool if there was like a head attack you know if I like swished my head and like slice them with a sword in my mouth I don't know I think you just make the true triple katana like more of a triple Katana you know because currently it's like a double and I'm just tasting a sword that's just my opinion but with this boss I think actually no there's no way we're getting 350. yep three four six so close and with that you have got to be joking me three four nine nah there's no way okay we're beating up mobs until I get this last level give me level yes it only took one news new skill available dragging the hurricane I'm testing it out on this final boss and if you didn't know who I was talking about the inside of this giant tree the boss that I've never beaten is this guy the beautiful pirate he might only be level 1950 but his phase two possibly one of the hardest bosses in the entire game to fight and when I say fighting this guy I mean no Buddha fruit no observation hockey he's already so fat oh my God that's kind of terrifying all right let's test our brand new move Dragon hurricane wow I'm kind of shocked that's actually cool it's not really helping me out too much though keep touching keep touching okay he still hits me with that wow I got this sword I got his Mastery 350 and I'm still gonna lose ain't no way okay teleport yeah you didn't see that coming ow I've done the fall hurricane stay away stay away take this beautiful pirate you're dying here come on it's getting low he's getting low oh there's the second phase this is where things get mega difficult ow how are you meant to dodge that no I'm done for all right maybe I was shooting a bit too high trying to beat this guy with like no observation or Buddha fruit or anything but like surely I can do this I've got a mythical sword come on beautiful pirate take this come on you're dying with me or not you know he's just got creative mode I really tried my best I got 350 Mastery is that not enough what else do I need to do actually there is one thing I can do that I've just remembered it involves this guy right here the blacksmith stop trying to hit me with the hammer and instead upgrade my sword What's it gonna take surprisingly cheap I've got the 50 leather I've got whatever that is I just need five of that is that the same thing as the dark blade are those dragon scales but if I do this as you can see it's going to increase my damage by 15 I need all the damage I can get like I think that extra damage could help me beat him so we gotta head back to the second C and farm some dragons alright well how did I end up here I swear I was going to the second seat and yet I'm in the first right change of plans now we're going back to the second see oh wait hold on apparently I'm stupid these things are located in the third sea and I've been searching around the second sea to try and find them well I guess we're going to the third scene I'm no longer lost I managed to find them eventually and luckily I only need five they are like a rare drop though so we all know what that means it's gonna take me like eight business days to get fire maybe I can get lucky and get one like really fast please show me the luck for once nope this is gonna be such a long day maybe The Archers are more lucky this is why I got lucky with them in the Dark Void video so but look it's not continuing please just drop the stuff I've killed so many of them oh what is this come on Yes we finally got one out of five that's number two oh they're skating across the floor maybe that means they've got the goods this mob has got movement death I didn't drop nothing okay got my hopes up and then I got them crushed finally we got number three like my Mastery of my katanas has gone up by like 20 since the last one that's how rough this has been back to back back to back no of course not yeah why would I go back to back so like I've been here for nearly 30 minutes killing the same mob over and over I'm so lucky that I've got the leather and whatever else the other thing was that I needed otherwise this would be pain all of this should probably just get clapped up again by the beautiful pirate oh this is gonna be terrible please just give me another dragon scale of course not why would I get one these big swords are making life Mega easy though don't complain yes number four okay that wasn't too far away I'm feeling lucky this guy right here he's dropping the scale oh predicted wait does that mean I have five yep five out of five now we can head back to the port and have it smacked a few times with a hammer here goes it's time to take my sword to the next level we're getting a star next to it true triple Katana grade one plus 15 damage yes please let's see it let's see it in all of his glory oh there it is we've got two swords now with like the star next to it this is so cool and now we do extra damage as well and the reason why I've been wearing this stupid looking hat this whole time as well is it also increases my sword damage so surely now I've got everything I need to take down this boss beautiful Pirates I'm back for rivet hang on they're not here we need to ring the doorbell again ding dong ding dong let me in please wow it worked again well there it is the beautiful pirate I've upgraded my sword it does crazy damage now there's no way I lose come on beautiful pirate let's do this square up let's tussle oh wow I've lost half my HP all right if I play like a little cringe Lord I should be able to do this you know just stay far away don't go too close try not to get hunted down but actually let's live my life on the edge you know go in close range try and do some more damage boom he's getting kind of low out that hurt like a lot if I use my swords left clicks I should be able to like Dodge his attacks as well even more here goes he goes jump and Dodge it didn't work oh no heal up please I actually feel like this is the run I'm doing good damage he hasn't killed me yet that's a positive oh no oh no get away get away get away get away oh he's in his face too this is where things get mega scary okay stay away I've got enough stamina to do this all day Dragon hurricane teleport in oh that was oh I missed but we did a quarter of my health and one hit what my stats I've got 2400 oh no I'm gonna die get away what was the point of upgrading this sword if I can't kill him surely I can dodge his pack surely Dragon hurricane boom now we go in boom I missed get out get out oh my God this is life or death this is hours of work all in this moment I'm not losing I'm not losing where is he oh I'm losing I've thrown I've thrown it goes boom we hit those Dragon hurricane again and we go in where is he let's take this and I'll run don't do it don't do it don't do it I can see him charging up his attack he's charging up so let's talk about this let's talk about how low is he he's at half is this possible this is Possible Oh my God every single hit is giving me a haircut done this is like an anime moment I need to surpass my limits no no bruh I had to say something didn't I okay wow I just ruined it all even after ascending the sword I still couldn't win oh wait hold on there might be one way to do this it's a little bit cheap but I've got an idea this is my genius plan I've fully like maxed out pretty much my Awakening bar this is how I'm gonna do it I said no Buddha observation I didn't say anything about all weekend yes it might be cheating but I refuse to lose this here we go here we go awaken all right now my damage should start to be crazy at least in a little bit my healing should also be better my speed my teleports everything I just need to be Mega careful because I will die okay I'm playing like a psycho because of this and it's not working so get away from me he's in his second form I just need to be super careful please my awakening's gonna run out no no no look at my dab 9k damage this is the true triple Katana right here all that it took was Awakening oh no my awakening's gonna run out oh I should have left it for longer I've made a mistake oh no we're right now I've not done anywhere near enough damage how low is he about a quarter down get away from me get away from me Boom Big damage I'll run I'll run wait I might I kind of have an idea maybe I take off this hat we sacrificed some damage where is it there it is the pilot helmet okay now we're Speedy I should be able to dodge his attacks now right because I'm extra fast come on try and hit me I'm too quick oh my God I actually can dodge I can dodge now yes yes you can see my stupid green hat through the Hat as well who needs Awakening anyway please please this is just like just push and pull now I just gotta be super careful not be a crazy person like this why am I being a crazy person I can't stop myself no I run wait till he uses the Slash and then I can like go in and do attacks and then I just gotta run away again use your slash you hit me with it this time but it's fine it's fine no big deal he's getting low he's like less than half I thought Awakening would be useful because it's gonna make up like my lost stat points because I'm only level 2200 but Rooney's Awakening anyway when you're just built different this is it this is it this is it come on die please and eat this Dragon hurricane all right that would have been way cooler if he died right there but let's just finish this with the good old-fashioned wolfang Rush all right this is for real this time please die I actually did it this sword is really strong it was so worth it to get this true triple Katana I beat a boss that 99 of people can be easily on their own wow very impressive me this is the hollow sign a mythical style from block streets that has less than a five percent chance to drop from a boss so I want to get it and level this thing all the way to Max to see if it's actually any good but our journey starts here in a literal graveyard because I first need to defeat these skeletons to collect literally thousands of Bones and as you can see we only got three from our first one and we're gonna need a lot of these to even have a chance to get the site because although I said the sword like Scythe thing is only a five percent chance it's actually even worse than that because it's also only a 2.5 chance to even spawn the boss in now like I'm not good at math but all that I know is I don't like those kind of odds which means I'm gonna be here for a while fighting skeletons but I actually do have an idea to make this faster and make the grinding like take way less time and it involves going back to the second C so first we got a speed run back to the second scene and then we insert ourselves into this test tube looking thing and we change our race and now that I'm a cyborg life should be like way easier now hopefully because the cyborg Awakening is just way too op for grinding like I can't not use this now we just head back to the third sea and we can continue killing skeletons and just so I know I'm not wasting my time how many bones do I even have I have got 1 500 bones okay that's just not gonna be enough it seems like it's a lot but I'm gonna spend so many to just get one hollow Essence which is why this is gonna be so rough are these skeletons have got like some kind of combat style and they're built different anyway Mr death King show me the goods you currently have that many bones you can purchase up to 10 times every two hours I can only have 10 left all right here we go 550 bones I got money if I don't get it in this next 10 I literally have to wait two hours Double XP this is actually kind of nerve-wracking fragments please I need the hollow Essence to appear in my inventory money no I'm not gonna get it am I money again please double XP how many attempts left four left it's like a two percent chance right no I just need to win the one in fifty come on Double XP again I don't care about Double XP I don't need it fragments again and I'm all out of spin okay so for the foreseeable future I'm gonna be having to grind skeletons using my new cyborg race however I think that's also something you can do so if I pry on this gravestone it's an even lower chance than that guy in there but there's a slim chance at night time bro those are definitely Stars I'm not hallucinating right what do you mean come back at night time I guess we'll just keep on grinding until the next night time to see if we can maybe get Devil's luck this right here is why cyborg is so strong I just gotta awaken and now grinding is literally easy because I Do Splash damage my damage literally transfers from every single mob I attack it's so op look at this farming has never been easier so my goal is to just get like literally as many bones as physically possible so I'm ready for the next time I can spin it's literally so rough for me trying to get this hollow Essence that I've got as many people as possible coming to do spins of the death King for me just to increase my chances so while I'm grinding bones are the people's spinning and then oh it's about to be nighttime can I pray or try my luck pray please wait what did nothing happen I guess we're not getting anything from the gravestone I think the gravestone is supposed to guarantee you a chalice and the Halo Essence so getting that would actually be so Elite it's another night time which means we get another one percent chance here we go pray it's mean if I come back again at night time it's literally Night Time game bugs I guess we're gonna have to wait another night instead actually tragic oh did you get it did my minion get it is that the hollow Essence it's fire oh you're joking me so we got the wrong Essence we got a fire Essence and not a hollow Essence that's so sad which means I guess the grind for bones continues how many am I on right now I'm back up to 1300 that's not too bad I feel like I'm Gonna Get Lucky on the next time so I just gotta make sure I've got enough bones to do 10 spins it's another night which means another chance for the one percent here we go Devil's luck right here right now I finished praying that was it okay I'm sad now back to waiting out my 10 spins again hold on I think we've got the goods wait that doesn't look fiery that looks Holloway put it in put it in let's summon him own being has entered this world this is what I've been waiting for all right now we need to just like try our hardest not to die in this boss fight we got big swords I'm ready it's gonna be so hard to see what's going on but maybe we get the Scythe first to try oh wow this bus is getting absolutely where is it gone I don't know where it is but it's getting absolutely destroyed come on Soul Reaper give me the goods we got a holy crown wow so good exactly what I needed of course it's not gonna be that easy hey but at least I'm drippy now though look at this also for any of you that have been watching my videos for a while you know that I actually do have the Halo Scythe already but that would be boring so this is why I'm making it a challenge to get another Halo side and then level that new one all the way up to Max because I just love making this game like way more difficult than it has to be for myself I prayed and I got three levels literally the opposite of what I won but I mean I'll take the three levels I guess but still how long death King until I can spin again how long one hour four minutes I guess this is my life now Devil's look attempt number three I just gotta experience you know I would have been happy with the devil's look right there but instead we just got two levels it wasn't even three this time this is the final chance to me to pray if I don't get this Devil's lock achievement you have to subscribe your prayers have been answered come back why where's my devil's luck I spawned some ghosts yeah but you know the rules and so do I so you gotta subscribe and help me speed run to a million subscribers where is that guy go he's going somewhere on a mission he got it an unknown being has entered the world yes this is what you like to hear it's time to fight him yet again I'm gonna need the Buddha fruit or else I'm just not gonna be able to like do enough damage so we're going big boy mode drop me the size drop me the size please he's just bro he's going for me and only me please I got holy crown squared so I can wear like one on top of the other now luckily for me there's only 15 minutes left until I can do my 10 spins again so maybe I get mega lucky it's finally been enough time here it is hello Essence time please all right we got fragments not a bad start but not amazing either we got money why is it so hard to get this thing man more money I don't even know how many tries I've got left I think I'm more than halfway four left please money again no please two more nah don't do this to me game the last attempt show me the goods oh let's go final attempt who said you rolled a legendary item as well that's what you love to see summon I actually got it I'm honestly baffled it doesn't make sense let me 1v1 this Soul Reaper raid boss he's not ready okay maybe he's ready ow why is he so strong I mean yeah he's a raid boss but still please give me the hollow slice I want this mythical sword so bad please no I got a holy crown I got another one so now I can stack Three Holy crowns on my hand I guess all that we can do now is we can try and pray who knows maybe we get back to back like Mega lucky Devil's luck Devil's luck I finished praying and nothing happened now I'm sad an unknown being has ended this world again I'm feeling lucky this time like this is gonna be the time that I get the goods I mean yes the really difficult items to get but like I'm feeling lucky this time this is the time that it's gonna happen he's not holding on to his Scythe very tightly you can tell he's gonna drop it I just got a crown again are you kidding so what's that like four crowns now Five Crowns I don't know I mean I'm losing count no way we actually got a hollow Essence back to back we just did that other one like two minutes ago I'm gonna spawn him in spawn him in after not seeing like anything for five hours we finally got lucky now I just need to get lucky and get the actual site like I know this is a mythical sword and it's like less than five percent chance to drop or something but please oh yes finally the hollow side I got it yes I got it for the second time I guess because I already had this but now we can level it up it's only Mastery level one we need to get into 350. to get a soul execution moved I don't have to fight skeletons anymore wait actually it would be poetic if we got our first bit of Mastery on a skeleton you know it just makes sense this is Revenge I'm reaping his soul it's got a pretty cool like attack combo thing I like it I like it and we are nowhere near getting our first move but cool now then there is a bus that I've never managed to beat solo and I don't even know if it's possible but I'm gonna try and be intro with my new Scythe solo here he comes come on then rip Indra you're already you might have your dark blade but you've never been a scythe before I don't need any moves Mortal Kombat I've got this I believe I believe I got absolutely folded it wasn't even close maybe I do need to get some more moves and I will be able to beat him if I get the moves now I have to deal with this permanent blindness from the Mist I might not be able to beat ripindra with this Scythe but I think I could beat the island Empress after all she does like all right damage but yeah oh yeah I could definitely do this I think it'll be easier if I had a giant Scythe on me right now but mini Scythe makes this way harder I've got a crowd spectating me getting destroyed this is brutal no no no no no get over here get over here come on come on I died at the final stretch that's so sad she's literally one shot okay here we go wow she was three shots away from dying that is actually so sad with that we're a Mastery 124 so now we're gonna go fight a boss that is like incredibly tough he's very strong but he doesn't have much health and that is ligma he also gives like some of the most Mastery in the entire third sea so this is gonna be perfect I'm getting folded again isn't this site supposed to be good bruh so far all this Scythe has done has made me die to like every boss all right lick my arm back and he's fully healed okay with defeated we've got yes our first move called Death Cyclone luckily from all of that waiting literally every single boss has respawned so like the kilo Admiral I can fight oh also I got my new move that's cyclone whoa does 4K damage like as is that's pretty good but to defeat Indra I'm not only gonna have to level this sword all the way up or Scythe is it it's technically a sword right but I'm also gonna have to awaken the sword which basically just means like feeding it with a bunch of materials from weak mobs to make it strong okay please just die please just die yes nearly Mastery 200. even Kate Queen can do nothing against the death side I mean there's also like 10 other people helping me out here but still this is the power of the death side where is Cake Queen oh there she is whoever was using that Soul guitar just flashbanged me I was supposed to be showing off my Death Scythe protagonistness and I got destroyed anyway we've reaped the soul of the cake Queen only a hundred more Mastery until we can get Soul execution that's must be 283 on the Hallow side we're getting close our next mission Captain often but I still have Awakening on we need to go take him down and the squad is arriving as well you can't deal with the hollow scythe and all my minions there we go that's Mastery 290. I'm already at 300 Mastery this is lightwork and also I found the greatest way to use the Scythe pretty unexpected watch this I call it the giant Scythe like I don't know how I'm holding this but I am it works perfectly see so much damage so easily we're at Mastery 331 just 20 more away and then we can get the final move and then we can work on awakening the site and after that rip in dribble be done for you'll have never seen a sword as strong as this one before like he might have his puny little dark blade but like has he seen a hollow side before I don't think so Mastery 349 I'm so sad we're one away all right big Scythe there it is 350 here's my last move called Soul execution let's try it out I'm charging it up stop Flying a little bit when I use it and then boom oh my was that a slasher that's cold that's clean I can't wait to use that on rip Indra okay Mr blacksmith what do you need for me to be able to upgrade this oh I have everything no way hello Scythe mythical sword grade one it gives me plus 10 damage so it seems to be 10 on all of these when you upgrade them to grade one let me unequip it and re-equip it it's got the star next to it okay Indra best believe I'm coming back for round two I've got my upgraded sword it's a battle of the gods last time I didn't have any moves but this time it's all execution full that's right Andrew you've been executed come on then you're afraid you're afraid of the Death Scythe oh wow he is strong okay let's chill for a second let's chill for a second ninja I'm putting up such a good fight this time I'm different I'm improved are you afraid I'm afraid I'm afraid no I tried so hard I was so close to getting him all right boys we can finish him off together honestly I think it would be impossible like this sword is upgraded I've got my cool crown on even if I put the pale scarf on there's no way I'm winning that so instead go my minions take him down okay Indra it's time for you to go I can't really see it then I would like to finish you off with soul execution please boom Oh that would have been so clean but there we go I did it even after Awakening my sword and getting all those levels and getting all that Mastery this mythical sword couldn't defeat Revenge this is the soul guitar from bloxford although it looks like a glorified glow stick this weapon is an insanely tough mythical to get so I wanna get it and to do that we start here on the cake Island which as you can tell has like nothing to do with the skeleton spooky guitar thingy and that's because to even get the soul guitar I actually need to be level 2300 and I'm currently actually really close only 11 levels away that's not bad we're gonna have to quickly get these levels just to get this weapon thankfully trying to get the other mythical weapons has made it so I've leveled up so much to the point where I still get destroyed by the mobs but to the point where now it's just like a couple of quests away and then we should be good to go so my strategy is pretty much just to fight the mobs and then just get the XP that way and then maybe if a boss spawns do the boss quest for some bonus XP but now that I'm level 2300 the real fun can now begin in fact you know what maybe fun isn't the best way to describe this because now we have gotta wait until a full moon and this server is a half moon well like a full moon that I totally didn't wait an entire hour for but that means we're now on the clock and there is an all-out war going on inside here that's also not good so I think the guide thing that I watched said that I gotta come over here and I gotta speak to the gravestone and I gotta try my luck I gotta pray your prayers have been answered would you like to play a game yes I think it said the game is like we gotta come over here and we gotta try and defeat every single mob in this area at the exact same time uh which is probably gonna be a bit rough so let's punch them all once uh we gotta make sure we don't accidentally do a bit more damage to like one or else this will kind of ruin everything so I think maybe the smartest way to go about this is to get the Buddha fruit okay right now we gotta transform while we don't damage them why are they stopping attack me I'm making this way harder for myself why are some of them taking more damage than others it doesn't make sense like unbutorifying I gotta single them out I'm like a shark why are some of them more healthy than others this is so difficult right now I hit these guys oh no bro this is this is actually impossible okay there's just one more that like needs to get low he's right there in the pack all right get over here okay here goes right now this is the power I need to like end them all in one how do I do this I need to get them all Angry be angry be angry be angry they're not all Angry okay change of plans we're changing fruits oh no they're healing oh this ruins everything I hate life I believe the blister is honestly probably the best here it goes attempt number two bro this guy is just in the way it's speed run time it's speed run time we gotta attack all of the zombies this guy what go away okay follow me zombies follow me bruh he's pulling them away you're causing more problems than helping bro you know I think Butterfree is probably the way we gotta start off as a Buddha I'm running out of Moonlight this is not good what's it doing over here bro this is impossible everybody's gotta leave get out okay we got big stars this is fine all right I'm gonna reset them all I'm actually being trolled this person here they don't have PVP on so I can't hurt them and they're blocking the zombies why actually me this is so annoying man he's still here what about move do you not understand he's actually trolling me this is so not good I need to single out the weak ones like this one here I so nearly misclicked that's another weak one nice all right there's like one more weak one over here yes he teleported to me right how do I do this I think I get the blizzard fruit it goes oh I don't have my move oh bruh why is this so difficult I guess it's like this guy being here is just ruining everything all of you get angry at me ah bruh that region I need to reset them again this is impossible what is this zombie doing all the way over here bro I mean I know Zombies Are Meant to have Britain this is so annoying I literally I can't do this this is impossible with all these people here even if I like okay right right this is good this is good this is good right we awake and we awaken this is my thought if we awaken then our blocks roots are gonna do damage again yes yes they're all angry at me I'm not missing any right okay good hit that guy hit him again okay here goes I'm just gonna blizzard domain hope for the best is that fast enough it's not fast enough I need something else maybe the spirit fruit will work bro what does this guy not get about oh my God why can't you attack people that don't have PVP I just gotta hit all of these zombies get them all angry at me so I can aggro them to the center and then just hit them with one shot which I haven't been able to do yet because they won't attack me okay all the zombies are angry at me this is good this is good news is this one two three four five is there only five is that what it is okay we use the wrath of rock here goes right they're all Angry they're all Angry here we go end of times right this should be it this should be it one of them fell out you can't make this up I'm so mad the full moon is actually ending this is so sad and now I don't have my Awakening anymore so I don't even do any damage I'm literally not gonna be able to do it I accidentally killed one why is block streets like this this was supposed to be a game before Nunez can I only do this like during a full moon I've seen other YouTubers do this stuff first try and yet I couldn't because I kept getting blocked well I guess I gotta go wait out another couple of hours attempt number two oh yo when you finally get it right the screen goes black with some lightning strikes and this is excellent and now I think I go back to the gravestone I also don't have much left of the night time so this is really bad uh what happens now we gotta see which one has the most gravestones and then I think that's the one that we pick so this one's got seven that one's got to take so that one I'll just eyeball it you know hope for the best hopefully we don't get any wrong because that would be devastating cause like this one and then this one I guess and then I guess we'll just YOLO this one yes okay cool excellent right what's next we have to go into the main Castle oh no I should have watched a tutorial instead of just reading up the wiki we go into the castle and then we go like here ghost I think we talked to this guy hello is that it spooky the ghost has disappeared and then we have to go to the Garden bro I've never seen this Garden before and it says once we're here we have to memorize the trophies the full moon ends I took too long to do the things no not again and then after we memorize the things from the garden we gotta go to the electrical room underneath but the full Moon's ended so nah ain't no way what the heck do we do under here oh this thing my memory is not good enough I don't remember I literally messed it up how did I forget already how is anybody supposed to do this in one night time I mean yeah I keep getting Bamboozled but still so like I think when it's a full moon if you do that no way does it not have to be a full moon now excellent I did that part once done look in the tiles of the room oh my God you can change their colors so red they're nothing here and then red then blue I think I'm like meant to match it and correspond it with like the row so there's nothing here and then there's green on this one and then there's nothing here there's a red one and then nothing nothing oh wait blue what do I do now I have to wait for a full moon again please no unless I did this wrong wait there still might be help I might have just done this wrong yes I did it wrong the red one of the star congratulations I was starting to get stressed then yeah this thing baited me why is that there anyway now there's a question mark outside of this generator weird machine would you like to craft the soul guitar for 500 bones 250 ectoplasm one dark fragment and 5 000 fragments now I don't know how much I've got of like all of those things so bones so we're gonna need to collect some bones and we're gonna need to get some ectoplasm because I'm low on both of those so now we can start hunting skeletons where are the skeletons oh there it is easy in fact we're gonna use our previous mythical weapon we got the hollow Scythe guaranteed higher bone chance watch this boom see like one bone 100 so now my main goal is to just get these 500 bones and then we need to actually head back to the second sea and then well we can talk about that once we get to it 15 minutes later and after a little bit of grinding later I think we have enough bones yep 500 exactly but now we've got to get ectoplasm and the only way to do that is in the second sea so we're heading back and I actually need to get 250 ectoplasm and I only have like 40 right now so I think do these guys give exoplasm I think they do right yep one ectoplasm so we're gonna be sat here chefing up the chefs you know get as much ectoplasm as possible and luckily for me the final two ingredients are just fragments which I have enough of and then these dark fragments which I also somehow have enough of I think I got all those from the failed attempts of trying to get dark played V3 so I'm not complaining now that I actually need them and of course if I want to speedrun this I gotta get the big scythe and this will make life like actually easy we still only get like one ectoplasm per kill and that's only like sometimes as well but this shouldn't be too bad after all we're already on okay that's way less than I thought we were already on we're only on 57. 200 more to go it's been so long grinding how many am I on one four six I've only gained a hundred I feel like I've been doing this for 30 minutes already all right it's extra speed run time do all the mobs in this area actually drop it because if so there might be a better place like here maybe you drop exoplasm oh you do oh wait right we need to find a more efficient place then one two three four there's five downstairs okay we're moving downstairs oh yeah this might be the play yeah this is the play downstairs is the play this is how we're gonna get all the ectoplasm that's for sure oh my God okay it's been a bit longer and I have one eight nine wow that's barely anything you kill so many of these things and you rarely even get the ectoplasm drop this is a rare oh it's uncommon that explains it I mean it should be a rare with how little it actually drops and there we go I finally yeah we're on 252. finally I have all the ectoplasm which means we should have everything to get the soul guitar I've made it back to the basement show me the goods would you like to craft Soul guitar for all of this yes I would obtained Soul guitar this is exciting news I can finally upgrade from my slingshot look at it mythical gun oh what a spooky looking guitar look at it this seems RP you can send them flying now it can be Mega annoying and just strum my guitar all the time now I guess our main thing is we have to level this thing up all the way to Max and get his two moves Soul Shaker and El Diablo and also I need to change my haki color to be better alright now that my stats have been changed to be actually good let's fight some bosses this is gonna be the best way to get Mastery after all and I'm gonna fight bosses only using the soul guitar like I'm not using anything else 1700 damage left click this is the power of music right here that's the a string right there boom that's the B string I know nothing about music all I know is this makes a lot of noise and it does a lot of damage so this is fun and with the first boss defeated maybe we'll get to 150 get our first move 125 not as close as I was hoping luckily for me there's another boss that we can fight on this island that gives a ton of mass oh wait no that wasn't supposed to happen get over here ligma where did he go there he is and now with the power of music you're done for ligma there are so many people in here I'm just trying to fight ligma with music oh snipe I was too busy trying to awaken yes new move Soul Shaker that just sounds epic so we're gonna go try it out on a really strong boss it's Soul shaking time oh it's that move the really loud move but like the cool move I like it there we go another boss that brings us to nearly 190 Mastery so once again we begin the left clicking simulator we're just gonna keep on trying to snipe all the bosses but at least this time I can use like this move here the skeleton raw thing and it should make it way easier for me to get a bunch of damage which is really nice please yes there we go Master 200 yep 201 only 100 more to go and then we get our last move that's what you like to see I literally only need two more Mastery to get this final move and we're starting where it began this graveyard with the spooky skeletons is only right that we've finished the entire challenge here I know you meant to use all guns and block shoes without shift lock on like this so you can like look around but it's way more fun playing it like a first person shooter and having to hit them like this it's like Call of Duty but Roblox and way less scuffed Punk oh I completely missed weirdest FPS I've ever played though because I'm using a guitar as a weapon oh that move is so cool it goes so far Soul Shaker boom yes new skill available Mastery 300 El Diablo here we go El Diablo oh it's this move the giant flashbang oh it's so cool it's great for when I'm being attacked by multiple enemies I say getting killed by multiple how did I die I got melted wait I'm going back for Revenge it's time to test out my new move again El Diablo 2.0 oh that is so sick and then I hit them with this one as well the Wombo Combo this mythical guitar is insane but now that I've finally leveled up this guitar that means I've managed to get every single mythical weapon in the game and I did all of this while being at literally the minimum possible level for everything this is the dark dagger although tiny is one of the most difficult swords to get in all of boxford's and I'm gonna try and get one to do this it's gonna take hundreds of tries tens of people and a lot of luck which I don't have when it really matters now you may be wondering what makes this sword wait is it even a sword dagger it's so hard to get and that's because to get the item to spawn the boss ripindra is 1 in 50 chance well just two percent and this boss you could only try to get the gods chalice once every 10 minutes by defeating some Elite Hunters now that's pretty diabolical but it doesn't even stop there because after defeating rip Indra you also only have a two percent chance of even getting the dark dagger to drop from the boss at least I think so that's a one in 250 chance meaning you're literally more likely to be called Jacob it's all you Jacob's watching you better subscribe but despite all that our journey starts here on the sea castle I just got info there it is we got a chalice in this server and he's cool walking over to the podium go put it in I want to fight this boss there we go drop me the dagger please Indra dog dagger nope we just got a helmet hey I'm level two two seven five though now not bad for one of our first attempts but Barry has been broken Battle of the Gods oh my God another intro yes let's go another down and we got absolutely nothing my crew members are way better Pirates than I am they found another chalice which means we can fight Indra again also I'm fighting ninja with his own dark blade because you know it'll make sense it's poetic if I use the dark blade to get the dark dagger nice all right we go Buddha mode please Indra I don't ask for much I just want the Chalice if I wasn't in Buddha mode it would be incredibly difficult to like do damage because he hurts like crazy you gotta go Indra you gotta go where is he is he in his second mode yet oh now he is now he is unluckily for you Indra this time I've got a second mode he's done for now awaken look at me this is how you know the damage is off the charts now where did he go oh there he is I mean I wish I could like see him please drop me the dark dagger please I don't ask for much I just want a tiny little dagger I got another yay so much fun getting helmets over and over and over and we've managed to get another chalice I mean I don't know why he's holding it like that but we got another one that's some good news still though it's another chalice that I haven't got myself oh that's intro I can't even remember what number it is kind of crazy that I'd still be on zero if I was doing this on my own crew members literally coming in for the clutch another ninja defeated and we got a valkyrie Helm what a surprise never could have seen that coming once again we've got another Indra which means another helmet yay what's that gonna be like eight helmets in my collection now and another rip indulator let's go we got another helmet that's what you love to see this is really not going well a Barrio has been broken that means we can fight another Indra I believe we can get it this time surely we can get lucky come on this is gonna be the Indra I've fought him a crazy amount of times already and this feels like it's only the beginning and we got nothing wow what a surprise it's just really not going well nice let's go we got another Target Urban in Hydra Island you're mine Urban where are you I'm ready to hunt you down and now the Urban's dead we got yes we got the Chalice finally this might have actually been like one of the first ones I've managed to get myself so I'm pretty happy about that so we can head back to the sea castle and we can start putting the colors in which is also something I've never had to do myself but I gotta change my hockey color so I've got pink and then I step on this and then it glows green and then we're gonna do that with the other two legendary colors and then that's what actually allows us to fight Indra but pretty much every other time you guys have seen this happen I've had somebody else do this for me that's the wrong guy that's the title special where's the color guy ah there he is all right now we get whites wait that is just not what how did I get rainbow okay I don't want to be an RGB keyboard there we go Snow White here we go with the final color in we're ready to summon Indra here goes I got a solo intro with the Buddha fruit I can do this I just gotta believe just believe I'll get the dark dagger as well okay yeah this is gonna be real rough use all of my mythical weapons my soul guitar I'm so glad I got that because it's is really useful for stunning and getting him away from me how is he not gone yet please I got a helmet after all of that awesome we got another Indra hiding somewhere where'd he go oh there he is why is he going for me I'm literally not the biggest threat here there's two Buddha fruits and he's going after me feels a bit personal at that point and another intro we got just three levels and a helmet again this has taken so many hours already and I've still got absolutely nothing still just the big dark blade another elite boss and we get probably nothing yep nothing what a surprise you get a massive streak of getting lucky with the chalices and then you get nothing and you go back to being depressed but hey at least I'm getting closer to max level by doing this I've become so accustomed to hunting down Elites that if I know which island it is I know where they spawn like boom DeAndre right there on this giant like hatch of land and even knowing where he is means I probably won't get a chalice see we got a green bandana that's it and yep that's another intro and um obviously once again too scared to fight him with the portal fruit so we're getting the Buddha throughout this is gonna be a long day if I don't get it right here right now I've not got like a massive amount of time left I think it's less than 24 hours I've got to try and get this thing so Indra I can literally go all day I wouldn't like to I'd like to get it like right here right now but I can what a surprise we just got levels and the helmet you know what for the rest of this video I'm wearing this stupid thing all right cool I got the Hat this is technically like 50 hats all on top of each other like stacked another Elite defeated and we got a red bandana this really is just an endless cycle of fighting Elites hoping you get the chalice and then getting nothing from The Chalice but I can't stop now I'm already committed to doing this please Diablo give me the Chalice yes easy God's chalice which means another attempt to get absolutely nothing yay and the rip Indra that I spawned in gave me absolutely nothing again we're really speed running through the levels now I'm gonna get the max level from fighting indras and getting unlucky oh and I also completely forgot there's one other little trick that we can use to try and get the Chalice it completely crossed my mind but if we get Devil's luck by praying it's a one percent chance so it's like in fact it might even be less than a one percent chance so it's not that much rarer than actually getting the drop itself from an Elite mob but I once again got unlucky so we're just gonna have to sit and wait on the cat's head there is so much waiting and down time between these chalices I'm starting to lose my mind so let's do something fun spin a devil fruit and get something mythical here we go wow this was such a good use of my time I got one of the worst things possible well I guess we go back to waiting again luckily I think it's getting close till the next Elite Hunter actually spawns yup we got DeAndre on Hydra Island so we gotta go take him down he's done for this time we got a red cape and that was it Devil's lock time let's do this boom easy okay I got nothing another thing on the list of things to do in the complete boredom of waiting for the spawns fruit detected we can go find a fruit maybe we get something good seems like it's on haunted castle what's that oh Quake fruit wow you know what we're gonna do something crazy I've got more than enough Quakes than I'll ever need in that I've just got the permanent version so we're gonna be sacrificing this to the blood God here we go please give me dark dagger because of this and there he goes gone forever so hopefully that means next time we're going gonna get the Chalice into then the dagger back to back finally after almost two hours of searching for a chalice we can fight Indra again and then lose the two percent chance again please injury I'm not asking for much I don't want another hat I've got too many of them I need to go Buddha mode oh would you look at that we got a helmet but hey I can do a new Quest at least let's go brand new Quest and with another intro defeated we got another helmet nice it has literally been multiple hours since the last time I got a chalice and this time I didn't even get it this has been an absolute struggle so far to say the least so now we just gotta work on killing ninja and then maybe I can get lucky enough to get the drop and what's worse is I literally I need to get it today I don't have a choice today is the final chance of being able to get it and after all those hours of course we only got a helmet I just love blocks roots and there's another ripindra defeated dropping just yeah same as normal nothing crazy we still haven't won the 150 chance the second time we've managed to do it with the Chalice just not with the actual boss and here's another intro defeat good still nothing bro I've killed so many of them at this rate there's not gonna be any more interest to even spawn we've got another attempt I'm starting to lose count and brain cells but maybe just maybe we can get it from this Indra give me the dagger give me the dagger please is it that no it's not right okay another one defeated and all that we got was yep another helmet I'm nearly at the max level I failed that many times you will find a strange item finally it's only taken me three extra hours since the last intro to even find this which means now I can go put in all the colors this is gonna be it we're getting the little knife this time a hundred percent here we go boys this is the run and I'm fighting him solo because I'm crazy but I can do this I'm nearly max level I'm a different breed from before okay it's still incredibly scary though please Indra please I'm not asking for much just the two percent drop that's all that I need here we go awaken it gives bonus luck not like it's worth a single at a time but please just work this time he's in his true form I don't know why I just feel like it's gonna happen this time my damage is insane I'm just destroying him give me the drop I got nothing okay back to the drawing board even my character has started to lose his mind look he's just tweaking every now and again he just he just shakes his head every now and again anyway it's the night time so we can go and try and get Devil's luck because maybe I'll be luckier this way and then after this we're actually gonna try something that could be a little bit risky but could be more efficient okay I got nothing and what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna be searching for these chalices now in public service meaning if I get one and I die I lose it and we're gonna do that for the next hour because honestly I'm having no luck I've spent so many hours on this already first public server we've got we're being attacked I gotta escape to the great tree no no no no no I'm being hunted I'm being hunted I'm being hunted get away from me this is not good this is not okie dokie a ship an escape vessel I think I mean here goes tactical Escape I'm being hunted oh my God this is the greatest Escape I think oh no I'm gonna die don't do it you cringe Lords get away from me no no anyway deandre's at the gray tree so that means we can go and take a look at that I don't care about my stupid Bounty anyway even after that Great Escape I got absolutely nothing in my hobbar so we're gonna hop to a different server and hope that we can find something we've managed to get another one and that's DeAndre on Hydra Island this strategy of going through Public Service although it's riskier it might actually be better because I found two Elites in about four minutes as opposed to like the 10 minutes but now I just need to try and actually get the chalice and then also try and get the dagger brand new server brand new Elite mob this is actually so efficient I don't remember where he was though I think it was great tree oh there's a guy here is he trying to find the elite mob as well maybe he doesn't realize that it can be on this island all the way over here yup yup all right now I just gotta kill it fast enough it goes speed run time oh no this guy's inbound this guy's inbound let me kill let me kill let me kill let me kill Elite was all right you don't get to live anymore bro I said you don't get to live no more where do you think you're running hit him with a little soul guitar action boom that's what you get for trying to steal my out well for successfully stealing my Elites I could have been the Chalice I'm sad now but I guess we're gonna go through a different server again you serve a new boss and luckily for me I'm looking around an observation and there's a Target on this island so I gotta be a little bit careful and I got nothing yes it only took like I don't know a lot of servers because I'm now 23.54 but I finally got another one but we're in a public server so if anybody sees me they're basically gonna fight me on site so I'm a bit scared now here's the thing I've got to put the colors in oh this is kind of spooky what does the safe Zone end oh let's end I'm still in the safe Zone oh the safe zone is huge oh no I'm out okay back in oh okay I think pink has already been like added so here goes we're going to do red go as fast as possible oh oh that guy is inbound Red's already done safe Stone safe Zone say so oh is white already done I need to check this is a risky test okay white is not done I need to somehow get snow white done while being hunted down by that guy with the shark race hmm well this isn't good look maybe if I show him the Chalice he won't try and end me yeah go go do white go go do white oh he understands he's actually beginning to understand let's hope he did white okay this guy's trying to hunt us he's got a spirit through which is scary oh no there's another guy here aha he's distracting him the marine guy is actually being useful let's go yeah yeah go go go go over there go have a 1v1 okay now I go check while there won't be warning did he fill in white he actually did okay I can spawn a ninja let's go let's go well they're not looking get my Buddha fruit out it goes boom interesting now I just need to get a bunch of damage so I can get like some credit because Here Comes everybody oh public servers are insane bro wait if I just Spam hi everybody in the lobby then maybe some of them will add me and I have a higher chance of survival because right now survival is not guaranteed oh God oh God oh God oh God this is Hell on Earth not only can you not see but everybody is fighting each other I'm Awakening boom Soul guitar move Buddha mode you know what I'll just end everybody in here okay maybe not maybe not yeah I'm not that guy well at least I don't have PVP on now so I can actually go and fight the boss here goes first attempt in a public server uh just levels in a helmet you know what not a bad attempt it says that Urban should be somewhere around here I don't know where he spawns on Port Town I've never even seen a poor town spawn before I didn't even realize they could spawn here oh that is a big boy inbound wait let's talk about this let's talk about this maybe I can get the boss to aggro on him yes yes Soul guitar attack wait wrong thing Soul guitar attack I found him I found him how do I get Urban with this guy being here I've got to somehow like distract him enough that's right be afraid of my dark blade V3 I worked long and hard to get that thing get away get away get away nice he's stuck in the boss but maybe it's smart to die to this guy but it's like I don't want to die oh he doesn't know where I went it's so laggy on This Server where even am I I must be in Madagascar right now it's the only logical place okay now's my chance he's like retreating away now's my chance to beat Urban I gotta be quick though he goes here goes Urban die please die I got nothing okay now we run away sea castle tactical Retreat and I'm in the safe Zone public service is so stressful another public server introdown and we got another helmet I'm curious I don't know how many Elites I've hunted I must be getting close to 100 now 83. I've done so many in this small time frame that guy's trying to kill me and I still haven't got it this is so rough and that's just the elites that I've defeated like the amount of chalices we've done total is insane once again nothing I'm actually about to hit max level at this right another Indra another failed attempt but at the very least I can take on more quests we got another risky public server one but once again I'm not starting myself but now everybody in the lobby is going to be going to fight so we need to defeat him fast and after another Mega intense public server what would you know another helmet I'm almost level 2400 this is insane let's see Elite mob update and what are we at right now oh would you look at that we're at 98 and we've got like no chalices since 83. this is ridiculous how is it possible that I'm just this unlucky and there we go I think that's I'm at 100 now yep you have defeated 100 Elite enemies for me then where is my chalice is it gonna take literally a hundred more at least I'm doing this in public service so I can like find them really fast by just going into the server browser otherwise I'd be losing my mind that AFK in a private server yes oh finally I was gonna cry actual tears if I didn't get one then look I've been on over a 20 Street 107. I haven't seen one in over 20 yet but I finally got one now I can just you know do the thing of not getting the dagger again fun all right this is bad there's an edgy furry leopard blocking me yeah if I step out with this chalice I'm gonna die all right I'm staying here the comfort of the safe Zone you're gonna catch me outside I'm literally waiting until all the colors have been done and then I'm speed running to Summer ninja my boys are fighting the leopard no I can't leave my boys to fight the leopard on it on their own I gotta go be the backup boys the backup is arriving don't you worry let's do this leopard boy you're being put down yeah that's what you get can't let my crew members do all that for me this is it this is it I'm feeling lucky I'm feeling lucky come on ninja please are you sure again and I got a helmet I'm level 2387 intro number 99 and we got nothing again what a surprise yes finally another strange item I've got a few of these now how many am I on 115 now a lot more another intro which means probably another fail yep there's another helmet I'm about to be level 2400. another Indra another helmet I'm level 2400 and I've got nothing yet another Indra yet another fail that seems to be how it's going these days I even switched to the coastal Katana to see if I would get something and I didn't you know what just to double check yep I've got double bus drops on and I've had it on the entire time and I've got nothing please I got nothing again I've been playing this game for like 12 hours straight now and I've still not got anything bro I'm so over this I got another helmet I'm I'm genuinely gonna hit like what's the max level these days 2450 I'm gonna hit that this is actually great I'm literally about to hit a Max Level by accident I I didn't even want to hit max level yet but here I am please this is is my Elites I'm feeling lucky this time half Diablo right now I just need to get lucky enough and get the item here it comes I feel like I deserve it at this point I got a bandana I hate it here this is so bad I'm starting to feel actually ill I've been playing this game for so long but I can't stop I gotta keep going another intro means yep another three levels wow this is the greatest level grind I've ever had to do in blog series ever I'm having so much fun grinding these levels so like I've got an actual objective I'm trying to do it was starting to get late but I kept on going at this point it was starting to get very late so here's a quick recap of everything that happened 130 Elites 140. I kept getting super unlucky with everything until I happen to get two chalices which gave me nothing both times then I hit 150. luckily with some help I still managed to fight some more indras but no luck I even got another chalice for public servers aren't safe at all no no no no no no no I'm gonna die with the chance I'm gonna die with the Chalice parallel Escape now I make my Escape they're definitely gonna try and chase me oh God I can't get down to the safe Zone in time here goes parallel Escape get me in the same Zone oh that was scary but I won't give up I'll do anything it takes to get this chalice even if it means being hunted down after more injuries with nothing dropping I then hit 160 Elites and then another batch of Interest dropping nothing but hats again I've been doing this so many times now I've literally hit max level I'm 24.50 I never thought I'd get Mike's level purely from grinding indras I guess that just goes to show how unlucky I am so I've gained 150 levels from fighting injuries this is so painful and what a surprise I got nothing again I can go above and beyond max level now hours and hours disappearing to search for this dark dagger and barely finding chalices 170 Elites 180 and then 190. at this point I'd started to lose my mind but when I was finally starting to give up hope I got into one of the most dangerous servers yet and the unbelievable happened Dylan Drake Killinger get some hits and run please yes yes oh my God the one in Jacob chance I did it oh my God I got it I can't believe it I got so much suffering for this little thing so many hours I'm finally finally done we just need to now get two moves on this dark dagger proficient impale and shaming slash honestly I can't believe I got this thing it's so tiny tens of hours for this thing well I guess now we go level it up if I know before this I think we need some Revenge I'm taking down rip Indra with this little dagger this will be Revenge take this injury it's so tiny I'm beating up Indra with a dark dagger all of my suffering all of my suffering it was for this moment right here I might not have any moves but this is what I've been working towards it's Revenge intro this is Revenge imagine I got back to back though that would have been crazy but now I can finally begin to level this thing up as like a Max Level as well I have to go fight the strongest swordsman with a Mastery level one dark dagger because I'm crazy ligma the perfect boss to fight here we go take this ligma you've never fought against a dark dagger before and there we go ligamer defeated can I get to 150 Mastery on this dagger though that's the true question we're gonna get close the two million Mastery to go we got 138 oh that's so sad and with another boss completely destroyed with the dark dagger we got our first move proficient impale can I find it a weak in defenseless mob yes I can I'm sorry mob it's nothing personal profession wait did nothing is it meant to send them that far oh my God and the sound effects are so funny it's like squeaky versions of the dark blade this is sick but we only need 150 more Mastery and then we can get shaming slash so to do that we're just gonna go on another Boss Rush and there we go Mastery 214 on the dark dagger not much more to go but before that I've actually got some business with the ports there's something I want to see Hello blacksmith can you upgrade my dark dagger oh I can but that's expensive so no thanks I'm just gonna keep it as is and there's Mastery 250 and there it is Mastery 300 on this dagger and the final move is called shaming slash let's see what it does shaming slash oh I hold it kind of majestically and then oh oh that's kind of like the uh control fruit but in a little sword I like that shaming slash oh wow you like teleport behind them and then backstab them this dark dagger seems like it was so worth it to get and all that it took was over 50 hours of grinding I'm never doing this again
Channel: Koopekool
Views: 1,228,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: koopekool, roblox, anime, blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruit, blox fruits roblox, blox fruits race v4, blox fruits update, blox fruits tier list, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits codes, blox fruits race, blox fruits troll, blox fruits live, blox fruits best fruit, blox fruit live, blox fruits leopard, roblox blox fruit, blox fruit roblox, blox fruit gift, blox fruit tier list, blox fruits myths, best devil fruit blox fruits
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 1sec (8041 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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