I Tested 1-Star Drive Thrus

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if you look at onestar reviews from drive-throughs in your city you'd probably find some outrageous reviews but if you set the radius to the entire United States of America you'd find this video I have located the most concerning one-star drive-through reviews in America and today I'm going to put them to the test however there is one rule I have to leave a five-star review at each drive-thru and I can't lie first we're going to [Music] Albuquerque Albuquerque New Mexico home of Blakes lurger it's a fast food chain based primarily in New Mexico they're everywhere this one is famous because of a review from this guy we'll get to that soon let's just say I'm wearing all black cuz this might be my funeral it was actually coincidence but check out these reviews please forgive me Lor's review is profane but don't worry I'm censoring it with this sound effect Blake slaugher so yeah yeah hello Once Upon a Time food was mouthwatering and affordable today my wife bought our last food from your restaurant shame on you you greedy Blake slaugh people I'm the man who put you greedy Blake slaugh people on the map again Blake slaugh BG you cheese on one end chili on the other Burger King one star that's crazy obviously Loray is upset I think he actually wrote this review from his wife's account which is not a good look for her let's see what Janet has to say Burger was raw if you try to pay with coins they will scream at you one star I'm going to test that theory I went to the bank and all I'm allowed to pay with is these coins this should get interesting Wonka said this the green chili burger is the worst thing I've eaten in my life no flavor just spicy one star the green chili burger is kind of the main culprit on most of these low reviews but if you want to be taken seriously by the staff we got to talk about the name okay here it is the most unhinged review for a drive-through restaurant in America PC said I requested crispy bacon on a breakfast burrito cashier responded with an attitude saying bacon is always crispy I replied okay if not I'll ask for it to be cooked better she acted like she had more important things to do and started mocking me to her co-workers I ate suddenly felt sick I started vomiting immediately blood pouring out of my nose I walk inside and the girl who took my order was nowhere in sight I asked the rest of the employees what did you put in my food everyone acted like they could not speak English no one said a word I was obviously poison what is wrong with people these days one star all of this because he asked for a crispy bacon this sounds fake until you scroll down and he literally posted pictures of his bloody nose and vomit baking on the asphalt of Albuquerque honestly dude if you came into my restaurant asking what did you put in my food looking like this I would forget how to speak English too I'm not dealing with that with all that being said my instructions are clear let's do this that's right I'm renting cars for this video this drive-thru looks cute like I feel like this could be really yummy or if these reviews are correct is going to be the only drive-through of this video I am going to some crazy places if I survive this one like literally the most insane reviews I could find in America welcome to break may I start you off with a walking taco a what Taco a walking taco Frito pie what what in the world is it good oh yeah that sounds fun I mean yeah I'll get started with that right what else can I get for you do can I also get the green chili burger New Mexico style that sounds yummy you got it and your drink's going to be can I try the iced coffee and what kind of flavor do you want on your iced coffee we have vanilla mocha caramel and chocolate cherry you're good at making all this sound yummy I might have to get the vanilla yeah you got it what else can I get for you lastly I'm going to get the breakfast burrito with crispy bacon that one I can't do we actually stopped serving breakfast can I just get like a plate of bacon I got you excited bacon what else can I get for you that's going to be it I just I just want to confirm that the Bacon's going to be crispy I will make sure it is crispy for you you're the best that's it for me you got it 266 okay she was so pleasant that was the most fun I've had ordering at a drive-through in my whole life I am extremely nervous about the coins here goes nothing H 2656 in the total all righty I saw 30 bucks right there all righty you guys can keep the change I got to cter real quick for you all right oh I'm sorry sorry about that thank you oh yummy thanks I feel so bad why' I do that right out for you sounds good he literally counted that within moments so far the staff five out of five stars the coffee oh my gosh that's good things like a dessert now I'm interested to see what the food is like my phone overheated welcome to Albuquerque I mean the guy at the window's name is is blue I told him I came all the way from Texas to come to Blake's Laurer and he was like you won't be disappointed that's a big statement I'm going to go scope it out inside and then we Feast me when Haley asked me to go on a date bro they got the radio blasting in here love hearing the local radio station names Al the Cy witha it's only hot green chili burger I think the crispy bacon is in here fries they look good what is this what in the world is this walking taco this is the taste of Albuquerque unfortunately first I'm going to try the bacon I can't get the image of P's face out of my mind but this bacon is crispy now I'm just worried about the poison part and after taking a look at this walking taco I decided to start on the burger this is the infamous chili burger hey cheers guys I have a pretty high spice tolerance so this should be fine this thing smells like a ghost pepper I try not to panic cuz I was in public but I'm in a lot of pain right now the fries are very tasty and after another bite of the green chili burger the only thing keeping me under control is this iced coffee and then right on Queue I met the sweet lady that took my order I think you took my order yeah it's so good I got a meals cut out for myself huh that's so fun you're so positive by the way I love it what's your name Melissa Melissa nice to meet you so fun had a good time hey Melissa she took my order so sweet cheers thanks so [Music] much I have made it to Detroit Michigan the reason I came to Detroit is because behind me is the lowest rated McDonald's in America I feel like that's a pretty absurd statement and the fact that I found it like I found the one it's exciting to me is there hope for a five-star review let's investigate there are a lot of reviews about long wait time there's no one here is it still open is it still like an operating business I don't know for sure the drive-thru is empty anyways here are the onear reviews that I'm going to test Ariana G said employees at the window on their phone fries cold and of course ice cream machine broken I was given drink with no ice and they say they are out of stock how are you out of ice it's snowing one star Ariana G is that who I think it is thank you next I'm so sorry Harry B said review sh be zero bacon on Burger missing milkshake missing kids meal apples missing nothing good about this one star was anything there when you got to the window anyways Rick a said you will lose a rim in their potholes watch out for the giant potholes can cause real damage lots of huge potholes one star okay A car just went through the drive-thru and I actually got it on camera there are definitely potholes 100% that's concerning and lastly Crystal s said junk trash people bad service never get orders right Foods burnt one star this review feels like a puzzle where I have to select a combination of words that make the most sense and I don't know if I could pick two to be honest all right these reviews are extremely concerning but it's my job to test them let's get it all right I'm pulling up to the McDonald's drive-thru my rental car in Detroit is a Jeep Gladiator mystery rental car never thought I would drive one of these but here I am so beyond the reviews I just shared honestly most of the onear reviews are about the food being like moldy and stale and cold so that's what I'm mostly concerned about but my order is going to be based strictly on the one star reviews I just shared with you here goes nothing you can I get a quarter pounder with only cheese ketchup and bacon kind can I get an ice coffee with extra ice and then I'll get a kids meal with apples what kind of drink oh can I get a Grimace Shake we don't have them anymore we haven't them for quite a while oh yeah how about the Shamrock anything El looks good thank you thanks so much I just ordered absolutely everything that the reviews told me not to I literally traveled across the country to come here and I expected the worst rated McDonald's in America to be different but now it's my turn to pay okay I'm about to drive over some potholes golly 179 thank you goodness gracious something is off about this drivethru no one was in the drivethru line when I pulled up and there's cars in front of me waiting for their food ice coffee was it two no just one they run for two okay thank you pre coffee you pull up to the second yellow pole by 2 or 3 minutes your order we no F all right thanks so much no problem not going to lie things are going suspiciously well they did tell me to pull forward and wait 2 to 3 minutes because they're making more fries however I already got them that's good the only thing I'm missing is my kids meal however I got my milkshake which might be a bad thing actually look at this thing I'm convinced this thing is actually producing light also oh here we go thanks so much have a good one what I'm trying to say is we need to regroup crash so good thing it's a gladiator you know what I just took a look at everything something's not adding up three drinks zero straws now this McDonald's is either big on reducing single- use Plastics or they forgot I don't know which one I'm rooting for at this point but I'm going to go inside get a straw and eat this meal I have made it inside of the restaurant it is not closed I've located a straw as well the only thing is there's absolutely no one here what is going on it's [Music] lunchtime I'm just going to ignore that for now since they got my orders right really the last thing to check is if there's actually bacon on this burger there is absolutely bacon on my Burger the quality of the food looks good like it looks on par if not better than an average McDonald's this McDonald's is also very nice like I feel like it's elevated look at those lighting fixtures that looks like the type of lighting fixture you put in a million-dollar Mansion what I'm trying to say is I'm going to absolutely devour this meal and then write my review while I was eating my McDonald's burger something unbelievable happened well it's actually not that crazy my dad texted me that's a pretty reasonable thing that would happen to me but my dad texted me a photo of his home-cooked Burger which is like my favorite meal in the world and all of a sudden this one didn't taste the same but at least at least I got this toy to play with I finished my meal it was delicious I can't believe I came all the way to Detroit Michigan to literally go to the most normal McDonald's ever I really just don't understand why it's so empty to me it has to be for a reason either way I have to be honest and with that being said here's my [Music] review [Music] I never thought I'd say this but I am in Omaha Nebraska and I bought merch behind me is a drive-thru you can see the cars entering to capture their food it is so windy and so cold I could really go for a hot meal so let's hope these reviews aren't true tutty who is literally from the same town I was is born in said I am in town from great state of Texas okay TDY me too ye-haw and as usual I head quickly to Runza never mind I stopped by this Runza at 8:30 p.m. and asked for the Runza meal only to be told they are out of runzas how in the world are you out of runzas your name is Runza if this is how this location operates if this is how this location operates I think I need to figure out how to make my own kind of runs of sandwiches one star TDY I love you but you don't feel like a real person to me I need need answers Dr Jim ooh we got a doctor on Yelp okay this is the worst Runza I have ever seen this is the only Runza I've ever seen so let's continue reading the last time I came here I got a burger right Burger was dried out cold full of grease resembling that which was cooked the night before the fries were cold as ice I don't understand the lack of warmth in this food it's like they got their utilities turned off and they're still trying to run a restaurant I sent a complaint to corporate they ignored me not even so much as a up yours Jim screw this Runza don't make this mistake two blocks north of here in the Nebraska furniture mark is a Burger King far better food one star Dr Jim is so so upset the utility's turned off comment is wild I will be trying that Burger King he mentioned after this and what does he mean it's in the Nebraska Furniture Mart I can't wait to see that place Isabelle said the only consistent thing in my life is Runza for getting my Ranch there are two certainties in life one is death and the other is Runza for getting my Ranch one star I know what sauce I'm asking for Isabelle is in pain next is Rob K hi Rob how are you doing Rob he looks nice hard to believe the good name of Runza gets run through the mud and has their reputation turned up Blake slaughterer just from this location alone the wife informed me it is only worth eating at weekday at lunch Apparently that is older crew who not only cares about quality food they treat everyone who passes through with the utmost respect once star the good news is I'm here on a weekday at lunch the bad news is none of us can ever use a period in a sentence ever again because Rob stole them all enough said my rental car in Nebraska is a Jeep Compass yay I love Jeep Compass I have a very clear order of operations let's do this I'm really excited to see what he means by older crew this menu is interesting hey so I'm I'm actually from Texas what is Aza arza is beef cabbage onions and spices made in homemade bread awesome well let me just get the Runza meal with the side of ranch yeah number one was what was a drink on there ooh let me just do a water you anything else that's going to be it thank you all right I'll throw a discount since you out Town cheers thanks I don't know if it's because I'm from Texas but I've literally never heard of runs in my life it looks like a hamburger if it was in Hot Pocket form she said there's cabbage and onions in it I'm scared of both but these are the things we do to test one star reviews okay it's my turn let's see if they forget my [Music] Ranch hi 967 all right how are you good how you doing doing good first time tunza I'm from Texas oh and there you go awesome thanks so much a she was older that's sweet her reaction to me saying that I came all the way here for this was quite suspicious she said oh inside this bag holds the future of my Yelp account will I break my five star streak check it out where's the ranch where's the ranch you're never going to believe this I'll meet you inside yo you'll never believe it you're actually never going to believe the news they didn't forget the ranch that's at least three stars on my review there's like four people in here here and they're all looking at me yeah oh we're clearing out why is everyone clearing out so the Runza meal comes with fries yes I'm in cinematic mode because Runza is a movie it also comes with ranch don't look at my fingernails a drink I got water because I'm being healthy and arguably most important the Runza today is the last day I'll ever not know what a Runza is I feel like it's slappable is that weird that was borderline Chipotle burrito I did pay $10 for this meal it's got the Shivers hope I don't get the runs after this bro that's so good there was literally an altercation at the counter the woman came in said where's my Ranch that's crazy now I don't know how to feel because I got my Ranch I can only speak for myself that's all I can do and I love Runa this might be my new favorite restaurant okay but how are the fries G bro there so if RZA is this good I can't wait to try that Burger King down the block in the furniture store so I pull up to the Nebraska furniture mark but I don't see a Burger King I see a Subway does Dr Jim know about this excuse me is there a Burger King here no okay was there used to be at one time but now it's Subway okay gotcha awesome thank you I'm living Dr Jim's [Music] nightmare it's me I'm the hooded figure it's actually hilarious to think that I'm spending an entire week and hundreds of dollars to travel to drive throughs to test their onear reviews how did y'all let me become a YouTuber my next stop is in Austin Texas how's it going yeul I live here a random Canadian number texted me an address saying yo you got to try this drive-thru which is concerning for multiple reasons partially because this driver has no reviews but also who lives in Canada and knows that I'm filming this video well the address is right at the end of this stream which is extremely sketchy because there's nothing here but I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to be the first review ever on a drivethru that being said let's drive to the end of the street as I drove down the street I I actually started panicking because there are no buildings on this road no way are you selling Joy Ride what can I get you um okay I parked down the road I don't know what's going on I don't know what that is but I'm extremely uncomfortable right now oh my gosh were you the unknown number from Canada this all makes sense that shoppy would put this together did you hear about the Joy Ride launch yep okay all right well since shoppie is here this is the perfect time to say thank you for the support on my joy ride launch if you're just now hearing about this Joy Ride is my candy I launched our sour strips with Shopify and we completely sold out of all of our sour strips in 5 days I'm still blown away that was like a month ago seeing all of you guys post stories and shorts trying it and and loving it it makes me so happy it's crazy as a kid from a little farm toown in Texas all I got to say is dream big over the years I've started a lot of things and I always use Shopify because no matter how hard something seems they make it easy this is just the beginning for Joy Ride we're already getting news from retailers on our sour strips and new candies coming soon ooh so thank you and with that being said we are officially back in stock baby oh yeah W wao you really taking that okay all right and thanks to shop our store is running smoothly and we have all the tools we need to make sure the best candy on Earth gets to you fast thanks for the support shopie if you're thinking about starting a business and you want the best sidekick in the world just like me sign up for a free trial of Shopify using my link shopify.com ranran love you shoppy do you need a ride okay to Canada I called shoppy in Uber and then made my way to Kansas City where it is extremely cold you wouldn't really think that but it is I have made it to the City of Angels Shaunie Kansas I cannot stress this enough that out of all of the FIS in the world all of them this is the FIS that I had to come to I honestly find it pretty crazy that a FIS even has a drive-thru I just don't see a world where an entire lasagna should be handed to someone through a window oh well look what time it is I don't have a choice here are the onear reviews I'm testing several of them are about long wait times like 20 to 30 minutes even up to 45 minutes to get a single order of ravioli what the heck however Michael has a different bone to pick come on FIS are you that annoyed with me for ordering a water that you hand me this tiny little water out of Spike do you really think this is going to motivate me to buy a full-size soda next time well guess what there won't be a next time because you just had to be Petty about a man and his hydration one star I mean that cup looks really little or Michael has the hands of a giant Greg's review is my worst nightmare this is my first onear review ever look at my Yelp status I'm Elite for a reason someone puts their identity into their Yelp status no it's fine I would I review a lot of places this is the worst if you come here and can tell they're all upset with each other and still choose to stay that's Ana lasagna one star is this how you pulled Elite status Greg food puns that's so bad Eve said I wish I could offer a better review but it simply can't be justified nothing about this place is okay it is impossible to know when the drive-thru will be closed without going there and if it is your chances are a wasted trip don't come from out of town for this FIS one star Eve what if I told you I came from out of state I traveled so far I hope the drive-thru is open no one's there right now let's hear from Tim T we might have hit it on a bad day yeah we might have hit it on a bad day one star that's the spirit Tim lastly Kelly blessed us with the script of the next Avengers movie me watching the manager chat with customers for 10 minutes finally she Walks Behind the Counter then my son says can I get pasta with no sauce and the manager's all like you won what my son is obviously embarrassed and I say under my breath what a Blake slaughterer then the manager looks at me with with the anger of a thousand sons and my son says p with no sauce the manager is silent I'm canceling your order and I'm like I'm never coming here again mom one star okay I don't know whose side I'm on like I can't tell who the bad guy is in this review all I know is I'm rooting for the Sun get this boy pasta with no sauce it's simple look I came out to Kansas for a reason and my instructions are clear I got a free upgrade on my rental car today Ford Expedition this car is way too big I just had to drive to FIS that's all I needed to do but I'm not turning down a free upgrade I can't tell if the drivethru is open I really can't thank you for choosing go ahead and order when you're ready all right they're open yeah can I just get pasta with no sauce and a water cup what kind of pasta would you like how about fetuccini fetuccini anything else that's going to be all it's 1040 okay uh why did I just get charged $10.40 for pasta with no sauce that watercup better be huge this sign does say made to order fast fresh Italian and it says my food is going to be hot fresh and worth the waight kind of crazy they're just like self-proclaim there will be a weight hi 1040 awesome thank you thank you is this the normal water size y awesome hey cheers thanks this is a small water cup but to be fair that guy just has massive hands and unfortunately I can't say the same about myself everything went smoothly in the Drive-Thru I've got my bag of pizoli but I still have to write onest festar review and I'm going in the restaurant First Impressions it is kind of lively in here like The Vibes are good they are playing the weekend which which is always a good sign when you walk into an Italian restaurant she told me let's check out our pasta so this is what my meal came with we have water cup pasta and bread sticks water test M the water is small but it's good bread stick I didn't even pay for this WOW red sticks 10 out of 10 that's at least two stars on the riew right there I don't know what's crazier the fact that Kelly left that review or the fact that her son orders this this is crazy the fetuccini pasta appears to be yellow it certainly lacks the flavor of a traditional dish but that's probably because I was forced to get no sauce the pasta is fire I think I need a little bit more Intel I'm going to ask some customers their thoughts all right I'm here with Ray William Donald I'm here with Ray and Donald how long have you guys been coming to this FIS five years 5 years young are you guys a big fan of the restaurant yes what's the best thing about FIS everybody all the employees are so friendly and so nice Okay I was told to get just pasta with no sauce just not not the best thing on the menu no I would not get that ever well thank you guys so much appreciate it Ray thanks [Music] Donald I'm on my way to the next city and this plane has a window in the bathroom I asked the guy next to me to get a video out of this window and guess what we have made it to Chicago Illinois Illinois Illinois help me in the comments this is the most exciting drive-thru by far it's called cosmics it's brand new and after driving for like an hour it looks like I'm in the middle of nowhere and then I found [Music] it I have truly saved the best for last Cosmic woo spooky it's not spooky this is the only one in the entire world I'm in Bowling Brook Illinois pretty much the most epic town I've ever seen I don't know why we're not all moving to Bowling Brook Illinois but maybe this segment will change your mind Cosmic is basically a McDonald's except they have fun drinks snacks Etc some critics are saying the menu is stupid insanely long lines is a common theme one lady even waited 4 hours According to some local news outlets and she said it was worth it so what's the truth Shan M said the churo frappe tastes like gasoline one star okay well that can't be healthy but you don't fly across the country to cosmics to make good decisions Rocky said mck pop we're good but I just want this chain to fail so one star one thing about Rocky he's going to say what's on his mind if I lived in Bowling Brook I might be praying on the downfall of cosmics 2 dang those mck pops look good Ava had perhaps the most outrageous weight time I've seen so far hopefully a typo bad AF don't go or else wait in line 8 to 13 hours daily and it's anticipated to get worse what that's the entire day anyways the reason I wanted to highlight this drive-thru other than me just being curious because it looks really cool is because Danny left this review came here to see what all the H is about I order a chai latte with almond milk no foam she hands it to me I can tell from the weight there's foone so I hand it back to her and tell her I asked for my drink with no phone she says that the ticket says no phone I said I understand the ticket says no foone but there is foone wait what what Danny keeps going back and forth between the word foam and phone and that makes things very difficult to understand I handed it back to her she reluctantly takes it she hands it back to me a minute later says have a good day it feels the same I said there's foam in here she said no there's not I don't have time for stupid arguments so I leave I pull around the corner and open it up wow instead of them remaking this for me with no foam they literally handed me a cup that has no foam but it's down about a quarter of the way are you freaking kidding me this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen just for the heck of it I took a sip sucks so even if they could get the phone thing right bro can we get an up like what do you mean he said phone four times in this review so far phone Danny silly it still sucks I went back and asked for a refund and this older lady starts arguing with me oh my gosh I know what I'm talking about a customer knows what they're talking about Cosmic joke one star Danny I'm sorry but it seems impossible to please you I'm not even you know what you want I'm ordering a gasoline churo frappe MC pops a chai latte with almond milk and no foam and no matter what's in the cup I'm going to hand it back to them and say there's foam in here because that's what Danny did and lastly we're going to see if the wait time is truly 8 to 13 hours I'm really excited let's do it my final redel car is by far the best it's a Chrysler minivan there definitely is a line but there's also four lanes it's a Thursday at 2:30 p.m. so it's kind of insane that there's this much of a weight but regardless here goes nothing I don't know if I should go in that line that line that line or that line the good news is Ava's review already busted this might not even be 8 to 13 minutes okay here's the menu here we go that's where we order awesome what can I get started for you I'm going to get the turo frappe chai latte with almond milk and no foam gotcha lastly I'm just going to get a mixed bag of MC pops great choice are these for yourself because I honestly don't believe that they're for sharing I'll bring home something to my wife too of course yeah that looks good total today it's going to be 2045 this is the first time I've ever seen something like this at a drive-thru I ordered and I stay here until they tell me where to go there we go window one you got a deal oh I'm so excited I really don't want to do the foam thing hello good good thank you awesome thanks so much sorry Danny I chickened out I'm having a good day I don't want to be a menace and say there's no foam in there there's literally no foam in there oh that smells good anyways look John says the churo latte tastes like gasoline so dear oh my gosh not going to do that again not going to lie I think Sean has a point it does kind of have a semblance of gasoline feel like I'm sitting at a three out of five stars right now these mcps need to be miraculous for an honest five-star review to come out of this place one bag for me one bag for the misses I landed like midnight and Haley's picking me up from the airport so she's going to have her reward here we go oh these look good I obliterated the bag but look at that they're like little Donuts is that jelly filled what is that wow that was so good I got two more first MC pop was chocolate filed let's see what this one is wao am i c am I crying am I to crying this is a little embarrassing to say but this is the first food in a long time where I just had to close my eyes like I had to shut them and just feel 15 out of five stars and lastly looks like a brown sugar cinnamon type thing I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite let's [Music] see that was like an apple pie situation the best one is the hazelnut for sure oh yep wow after doing some serious thinking I wrote my final [Music] review but my journey isn't over yet I landed at the airport surprised Haley with the MC poops she was excited and the next evening I had one more thing to do my dad made us his famous burgers I think if this video confirms anything it's that we need an update on this guy and nothing beats a home cooked meal Haley and my dad surprised me with a cake for hitting 15 million subscribers this is the physical manifestation of us hitting 15 million subscribers and Joy Ride being back in stock in the same day Link in description to buy sour strips thank you guys for 15 million watch another video YouTube thinks you'd like this video What If you do you could have a really good time watching the video on the screen right now click here
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 15,626,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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