Donating $50,000 To Streamers With 0 Viewers

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today i will be donating 50 000 to small twitch streamers this is gonna be fun he currently has one viewer which means if we weren't watching he'd have zero oof he is streaming to nobody which means he gets money yes time to give him money uh does he even have a donation link do you have a donation link oh andy's the imposter carl we are going to give this guy 10 grand but he doesn't have a donation link that's why you should have a donation link idk how to set it up all right next person let's see if he has a donation button because lots of people this size don't oh he has a donation button and it looks like a waffle look at that that's actually kind of creative that makes me want to give him money it does mr beast gaming that's that's new we're going to start off with a big one 9 999.99 and 99 cents we're about to give this random small streamer 10 000 what does it say joe say no more imagine getting ten thousand dollars and they just say joe all right here we go the world's most expensive yo mama joke all right we did it we did it it's about to happen and i have some awesome viewers right now oh wait it popped up in the chat mr beast gaming just tipped 999 he doesn't even have an overlay streaming a rerun wait oh he's not even live right now this is a rerun basically that means he streamed this morning and it's replaying the stream he's not actually live he's gonna open his paypal account and just have 10 grand and be like why is there 10 grand here congrats baldwaffle at 10 grand that was an expensive screw-up all right chris can we screw up any worse um let's see on the next one we have our next victim here can you confirm it's not a rerun it is not a re-run he is actually there and present if i waste another 10 grand i'm gonna cry ten thousand dollars in the queue yeah we need to see what he says to joe okay joe oh it popped up terribly wait what wait that is that actually mr beast it is hey hey how's it going that is a lot of money man do you want me to do anything for that money you don't have to do anything congrats on being rich what a sweet kid this is absolutely mad all you gotta do is stream to zero people we'll just give you ten grand people are gonna have people popping in their chat they're like no get out get out mr beastman subscribe to mr peace gaming because he's an absolute mention hit the subscribe button confession time what's up this person has five viewers you subtract us that's four viewers it's not zero viewers um it's still small though oh yeah let's make sure okay it's not a re-run we're gonna start small work our way up four four thousand four thousand feels right yeah you're on youtube we have noticed suspicious activity on your paypal account what's suspicious about giving four thousand dollars to minecraft streamers good okay paypal approved it we're good we're not locked out of our account yet bro look at his face whoa why that can't be real i followed you on twitter to prove it's real i legit just followed him on twitter so he knows i'm real you're gonna see his face light up look at that he saw it bro he lost the viewer so it's like oh you got a 4 000 donation i'm out my heart is beating up really fast right now i'm currently sitting on my bed as my chair i'm going to buy a chair to sit on it's going to be a nice chair he can afford a chair now you're going to help his back support which will probably save him from spinal surgery which will save him even more money dude this was like a 400 000 donation title now is this the best day of your life it's definitely up there top five top five best days of his life jeez what happened to him he's like oh yeah i won the lottery it's time as i like to say it for our next victim victim of receiving money all right let's see what his top donation ever is fifty dollars okay i'm just gonna press random keys three three four two sure here we go wait we should meow with them meow yeah there we go all right time for another episode of will paypal lock my account oh they didn't well that was a great episode of well paypal lock my account there it is bottom left oh nb gaming that's a lot it's exactly 60 times bigger than your biggest donation holy cow he's processing it he's looking you could tell he's checking his monitor make sure oh mr beast what up hey how's it going welcome welcome he's getting it now he's getting it my man just left peter my man gets three grand and leaves his chair is green but since he has a green screen it should be keyed out but it's not no or maybe he's just on a different planet here we go we got the signed shirt he goes oh he has a signed shirt santa morrison what did the shirt cost like 25 bucks or something okay 2 500. you know paypal's just screaming right now forty eight hundred ninety two dollars just now i'm at a loss of words right now what an innocent soul and keep up the good work man yeah awesome i hope you have a wonderful day thank you youtube next you're supposed to say streamer oh hey cut that part streamer chris what is this this is a ginseng streamer chris literally 10 hours a day plays ginseng impacts the only game that matters since it means a lot to chris we'll do five hundred psych five thousand hey the five thousand is about to go through what why oh jesus christ why not thank you so much but why you don't even know who i am or what i do or you're right i literally know nothing about you as of three minutes ago i didn't know you existed this character's been waiting to say something for so long i can't even think of words right now please everyone subscribe to mr beastgaming you heard it here click that subscribe button next streamer ninja's live ninja what's the thumbnail for this video look at the views does ninja equal views it might i need to get fortnite again you can play as an anime girl though it won't let us donate to ninja paypal's like listen he's gotten enough all right he's playing with kurt is on youtube mvgaming6000 is that actually mr beast thousand dollars would it be a twitch donation video without ninja but i couldn't get ninja's donation to work so i'm doing you because you are playing with him 2 000. that's enough money for me to eat food for a week chat this is why we always come back to him he has great energy three thousand dollars to say hi to ninja yeah i'm just wondering what he thought of the pictures i sent last night he never responded oh what's going on if i have to donate to courage to tell ninja this seems to be the most efficient way i did it he said what pictures dude who got my freaking pictures then those are personal not anymore you guys should i do like a dance or something jimmy do you need me to do more oh he said he could do a dance for us so um yeah let's move on yeah let's let him think about that with his chat is she just food shopping yes irl stream she's talking about danishes over there right i think in english is just called danish but i don't know i want to make sure her alerts are actually on so we're only going to donate two thousand dollars that's it yes oh okay she's at a random supermarket in russia she's showing us around it says it in chat it's probably gonna show up will she acknowledge it no that's not mr beast right that cannot be excused she's freaking out i thought you're right it is she's freaking out in the middle of the freaking grocery store she's literally crying in a grocery store but that's so legit though no that cannot be the real mystery beast are we the real mr beast yes she freaked out about two thousand dollars yes yes so five thousand buy that danish all right let's see let's make her cry oh it popped up on screen look at the chat they're freaking out dude viewership is spiking people are losing their minds in chat look at him she's like skipping through she's so happy i'm gonna build educational games now she's a game designer that's why i started streaming i wanted to try to educate people oh okay let's go buy the danish finally what we've been waiting for that's it right there that's our danish that's ordained thank you so much no problem we're gonna head to the next streamer the bald waffle just said hey did you donate to the channel recently the guy we gave 10 grand that was back telling bald waffle that his 10k is real just pull up my paypal account i only have 846.68 left oh no all right so which means uh this is our last streamer i'm just going to copy the remaining balance in my paypal and paste it here so i should have zero dollars happy birthday she's gonna refund it's not my birthday oh it went through went through it went through one through boom she needs to see it we wish you happy birthday how is she gonna have a happy birthday if she doesn't see it jimmy she would have just saw it wait she saw it um wait one second guys she ended her stream no no it's probably it has to just be loud it has to just be lagged now she's unbroke but broke she just retired she's like all right that's all i'm gone finally uh i know it's not your birthday but if it is then happy birthday we got a giggle this is really a lot of money a lot of money and thank you so much maybe if we gave her 10 grand oh my god instead of the bald waffle that was afk this this is all i got out of the bald waffle hey did you donate to the channel recently mb gaming you don't know me like in general why can't you give me a lot of money and thank you so much no problem and thank you guys for watching if you're not already hit that subscribe button right now i want 20 million subscribers because it would look cool
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 30,177,878
Rating: 4.9636035 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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