I Let Fast Food Companies Control My Diet for a Week

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I'm letting fast food companies control my diet for the next 7 days and Sonic is first up your new peanut butter burger looks good like this message if you think I should eat 15 that'd be crazy if they replied that's so sick I wonder how many other places I could get to do this it's time for dinner for the next week I'm going to find out just how much I can get fast food companies to challenge a guy like me to eat which could be quite a lot considering that only a few hours before this I asked every fast food company in my city to challenge should my next meal be 200 or 250 McNuggets rule number one I have to finish every challenge I get this week 10 or 12 burritos for dinner I'm trying to get a little beefier rule number two I'm only allowed to eat what fast food companies tell me I can eat I ate your entire menu once and it was the best decision of my life like this and I'll double it if I break any of those rules this week how many of your wings should I eat for dinner my record is 150 not to brag or anything then this challenge is failed hopefully I can get some decent Siz meals this week this going to be rough going into the week I had no idea how many replies I was going to get these are outstanding and honestly I didn't have the highest expectations but in my opinion they just need one more thing which is why I decided to add a bit more calories to the first meal more peanut butter and even though I may have gone a little bit too overboard all right that was a bit too much peanut butter I was able to finish off meal one with a W woo the week was starting off fantastic and it was about to get even better all right it's time to see which companies reply back boom all right so we have two DMS Del Taco and crumble crumble just hit me with quite an unexpected surprise I'd like to eat a ridiculous amount of your cookies in my next challenge how many do you think it should be challenge accepted wow these are much bigger than I remembered the last thing I was expecting was free food so to get that and a challenge was a win-win wi 9 out of 10 that was Sensational and even better news these cookies were going down easy 7.5 out of 10 I think this is strawberry cheesecake good thing I'm getting some fruit in today but the second box was twice as heavy first box down and it also had twice the calories woo look at that all my chocolate chip cookie lovers drop a cookie Emoji Down Below in the comments as I started on the two chocolate ch cookies I could feel a massive Sugar Rush approaching 8.5 out of 10 now we have the canoli flavor thankfully the canoli flavor was pretty low on the sweetness scale but the next one up Not only was the sweetest n out of 10 it was the only one that wasn't actually a cookie the cinnamon Square wo I think it was pretty clear I have no words it was my favorite box number two is down I'm about to have quite the sugar good thing I've got some salt coming up next your new beef burrit tacos look incredible I'd like to order a bunch of them in my next video but I can't figure out if I want 20 or 30 how many do you think I should order hi there I'd like 30 beef burrito tacos please this should be interesting no kind knew that was going to happen well I was a bit overwhelmed with how many tacos were in my car I was blown away at how good these tasted Bia tacos are filled with meat cheese and come with a sight of broth for them to be dipped in which takes their flavor up a few notches I got to say my first time at D taco and I'm definitely returning cuz it's amazing after all the sugar from earlier the sodium was exactly what I needed until I got to Taco number 16 oh I feel like I'm Taco out right now even though this was more than I expected it was worth the surprise that came came a few minutes later my goodness that was a lot of salt that's sick that is so cool you know what I wonder how many fast food restaurants I can get to follow by the end of this video now that I say that I hope I don't get Block I drove home thinking day two was over but what happened next was about to show me how unpredictable this week was going to be all right you guys Papa John's just DM me I have no idea what I said to them your new epic garlic stuffed crust pizza looks yummy reply to this with a pizza Emoji if you think I should order enough for a family of six okay I just got to say I have no idea what I was thinking when I typed that DM how many people does a large Papa John's Pizza [Music] even Papa johns's response made me realize one crucially important thing about this week DMS could pop up in my inbox at any time this is when I decided to aim to finish each challenge as soon as it showed up in my inbox because if Challen just stacked on top of each other my chances of making it through this week would be cut significantly speaking of cutting things this is how I cut carbs on another note this pizza was delicious but there was one last thing I needed to do before I decided whether it was truly epic or not there's always room for wild sauce at the party I thought Papa John's DM was the last surprise of the day but there was one more waiting for me there is no way that could be a fast food place it's like 8:00 I thought all the fast food places are going to be closed that was just an email from Papa Johns asking me to rate my experience to which I'd give it a five out of five stars I feel like I just took a bath and garlic admittedly I was pretty full at the end of day to that was a lot of food but after getting free cookies and a major fast food place to follow me the week was starting to feel less like a challenge and more like an adventure but unfortunately what was waiting for me next was something I've never faced in any challenge I've ever done now it's time to see how many DMs I have in my inbox today I'm not going to lie yesterday was a little much so today I'd be okay with a little bit less ouch that's kind of disappointing I guess I can wait a little bit hey I'm at the store how much toilet paper did you say you wanted go ahead and get the family size Raising Canes that's cold man don't worry I still love you I figured some places would take their time with getting back to me but after looking at the clock and seeing that it was already 3:00 p.m. there was only one thing I could do got to send some follow-ups I figured that if I gave a few of these companies A little nudge I'd get some of them to challenge me I got surprised today but I'm 99% sure I'm going to have a lot in store for me tomorrow why is this starting to feel like all my past online dating experiences all right now I'm frustrated and hungry rule number one is that I'm only allowed to eat what company tell me to which I thought would be interesting if they gave me a challenge of their own but now that was working against me I was going to need a new plan I've already messaged every fast food company within a 20 M radius of me so now I'm expanding fast food restaurants to fast casual restaurants as well and maybe I should be a little bit more persistent this time menu's looking a bit small only 250 items I bet you won't challenge me to eat everything on it fast casual restaurants typically have smaller followings which I figured would give me much higher chances of getting a response six or eight racks of baby back ribs for dinner I dare you to challenge me but with how hungry I was there was one more thing I wanted to try maybe fast food places read their comments more than they read their DMS your pen Pizza is fire like this comment and I'll eat how do I want to do this if you think I should eat 10 of them tonight whoops I kind of messed that one up but I did just send seven new places DMS and I'm very confident I'm going to get a reply to no DMs I started to think this entire challenge was just a waste of time but this week was about to take a very surprising turn you guys I just got a DM from Olive Garden I cannot remember what I said to them last year I ate 16 bowls of your pasta reply with a pasta Emoji if you think I should go for 18 I bet you won't oh man this is going to be this going to be rough even though I was incredibly hungry after 2 days without eating I knew that I was is going to have my work cut out for me going into this meal if I do manage to beat my old record you got to do me a solid and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already I knew that if I was going to break my old record I was going to need some extra motivation to eat faster cheese ravioli up first after 2 days without any food every bite of this pasta tasted incredible I got to work on the ravioli and after only a few short minutes I had four out of 18 plates completed first four plates are done oh man woo but as I started on the two plates of lasagna I ran into an unexpected issue that's not good all right technical difficulties back to work oh man what do we do next so many options spaghetti meatballs I just want to say if this video gets 70,000 likes I'll do this again but with actual food brands because there's a lot of food brands that actually follow me that I had no idea though after the first plate of spaghetti I realized I had forgotten something crucial in my opinion it's a crime to go to Olive Garden and not order bread sticks but it's an even bigger crime to go to Olive Garden and not do this use your bread stick as an edible spoon the thing about pasta challenges is that they always start out good but eventually the sodium always catches up with me Lo count how many plates of pasta I'm at but figuring I was probably near the halfway point I knew the last thing I could do was slow down I was able to finish off the spaghetti and set my sights on the five cheese ZD next you guys got to comment down below what your favorite pasta dish is mine well what's coming up next saving my favorites for last is a method I usually use to get through meals like this oh man it's going to suck but at this point I was just hoping I was going to make it there I can't take it anymore I need reinforcements I know every Italian watching this video is going to cringe but you know what there's always a place for Ranch at the party while the ranch was good at plate 13 my body was fighting back so hot right now and not in a good way I mean actually like heat hot even though I was eventually able to make it into my favorite pasta I was beyond full all right 14 plates are down I have quite the pasta baby right now despite the fact I looked 18 months pregnant I was Within Reach of beating my record but I had four more plates to go a few minutes later I had finally arrived at my old record oh man this is more pasta than any human being should be physically eating I really just have nothing else to say except make carbs great again get this shirt if you love carbs like I do mer we can buy it to beat a record like this in the middle of a week-long eating challenge definitely surprised me well everybody the good news is I beat my old record but the target was 18 and a challenge is a challenge completing this challenge was a total surprise all right I held up my end of the bargain subscribe if you haven't already while you go do that I'm going to lay on the couch like a well but it wasn't the only surprise of the night yes I would say that is worth the food bab that I'm currently exper even though I was beyond stuffed I was glad that my persistence earlier that morning seemed to have worked but I was about to find out why you should always be careful what you wish for everyone day five last night was kind of a lot I'm not going to hope that today I get no food because I did that a few days ago and I feel like I oh your P Pizza is fire like the comment if you think I should be 10 them tonight 1.7 million followers oh well they're not even going to like it anyways well it looks like I was wrong one Domino's pan pizza clocks in at 2 2400 calories multiply that by 10 and you get 24,000 calories of pizza which now I had to find some way to eat I just hope it doesn't have pineapple on it I knew there was no way I was going to be able to finish all these pizzas on day five so my strategy was to eat them over the next day or two which I thought was a pretty solid plan until until this happened please be an email oh come on you got to be kidding me dude I ate 10 pizuki once I'm thinking of trying to break my record think I should go for 12 question mark the exact thing I didn't want to happen was now happening while I could have kept eating the pizza the sodium from the night before had fried my taste puts so I decided to end this meal and set my sights on the bazookis instead my stomach's about to be more upset than my scale was after I stepped on it last night that's not defensive or anything pray for my soul and my pancreas I decided to get some no sugar added ice cream because you know got to wash my calories somehow my strategy was to go after the bazookis and if I still had the stomach space work on as much of the pizza as I could 8 out of 10 on the plus side after all the salt I had eaten in the last few challenges bro these bazookis tasted incredible sugar [Music] cookie a brain free pick that up later no cherries really that's lame after the hot fudge pizuki I went after the one I got by mistake my least favorite white chocolate macadamia nut I'm going to give that one a three out of 10 no offense BJs but that just ain't happening as I got into the two triple chocolate chunk chunk bazookis things were actually going better than I expected but a sugar crash was on its way and it was about to hit me with full force oh last one's 8 out of 10 this next one I have really no idea what it's doing on the menu but we have the gluten-free pizuki moment of silence for everybody out there that's gluten-free this next one I'm very excited about the Strawberry Shortcake had to get some fruit in at this point my worst fear was getting another reply in the middle of another meal all I could do is keep eating and hope it didn't [Music] happen we have the last two pizookies and if I can get these down BJs I will have beaten your challenge no offense though I probably won't be eating Pazuki for a long time after this fortunately for me I didn't receive any other DMS for the rest of the night oh my sweet goodness but with how unbelievably full I was at this point oh I'm going to feel that one tomorrow morning and the fact I had 20,000 calories of pizza still left for me to eat I knew that if I did get another massive challenge there'd be no way I was going to be able to make it through the rest of the week so needless to say when I checked my DMs the next morning I was a little nervous day six I'm D no challenges was good news for me now I just had to focus on finishing the rest of the pizzas only nine pizzas to go everyone I've nine pizzas on my table and my goal is to have them all finished by the end of today my strategy was to get as much of the pizza down as soon as possible so if I did get any surprises later on I'd have the stomach space to handle them but as I started on the Wisconsin six cheese pizza I realized that was going to be much easier said than done pizza number two is down see what we got next I know a lot of people are going to be concerned about the calorie content of this challenge I just want to say don't worry I got some Diet Coke to help cancel out all the calories after some hopefully obvious sarcasm Ive moved on to the next pizza and after that is when things really started to go downhill oh man this is not going in a very good direction oh look at that I'm trying so hard to contain my excitement and this is when the unthinkable happened sweet goodness it has pineapple on it w to be any other toppic why did it have to be pineapple oh oh the ranch may have been able to save me but this pizza was taking up way too much space in my stomach I can't believe I just subjected myself to that I moved on to the barbecue chicken next but at this point pizza was the last thing on my mind just like taste like pizza at this point my worst fear was getting another notification and having another massive meal to eat and with the noises my stomach was making that was the last thing I needed which is why after counting the pizzas I had left and looking at the clock excuse me I decided what my next move needed to be my stomach is in another dimension but I have five pizzas left I just got to figure out how I'm going to finish them it was clear that all the food I'd eaten this week had caught up with me so before I came back to the table a few hours later to eat more calories I figured I would try the burning some instead dang it this did get a little extra CH there's some cheese action right there the texture change definitely reinvigorated my taste buds for the first few bits at least my goal was to finish these pizzas oh my sweet goodness I should say oh my salt goodness cuz there is no sweetness at all in any of this and with how full I was that was starting to become less and less lightly I feel like I'm intoxicated with pizza right now I don't even know what this one is looks like it has vegetables on it which is probably really good for me right now it just tastes like salt at this point as I took each bite I only got Fuller and Fuller this was not looking good I really don't like piz right now sorry Domino's and with another entire day still left in this challenge I could get a DM at any time I knew I had to finish as much of this pizza as possible oh man oh I wish this was a vegetable as I started on the eighth Pizza each bite was becoming more and more impossible for me to eat all the dough toppings and cheese were taking up valuable stomach space why couldn't this just be a salad I may have been able to make it through seven pizzas but with two left I had reached my Breaking Point nope can't do it as midnight approached I realized there was zero chance I was going to be able to finish the last two pizzas the only option I had was to save him for the last day all I could hope for was an empty inbox when I woke up the next morning please no DMS please DM all I got to do is just finish those last two pizzas I knew that getting through this day was going to be harder than I thought this is going to be very rough the only thing I can do is wait for my stomach to settle which is exactly what I did for the next few hours in ironically the same chair I was in a few days ago when this challenge first began boom that's so sick even though it was almost 5:00 p.m. I finally sat down to get started on what I thought was the end it's going to be a long time before I even want to look at pizza ever again but little did I know I was about to learn a valuable lesson food challenges are a lot like life there's don't much pizza sometimes you get hit with unexpected surprises I feel like I'm 8,000 lb right now you kidding me [Music] dude no I just got to finish this pizza I was too terrified to even see who dm'd me but all I could do was prepare for the worst well everybody the last pizza is down but unfortunately I'm not done I can't bring myself to even look at the DM I'll deal with it later I like my dessert for tonight's video to be a ridiculous amount of caramel pecan buns how many do you think it should be winky face emoji an hour later I was off to Cinnabon finally it was time for me to actually open up their DM I just got to do it all I got to say is shout out to sanaban the reply I got from cabon reminded me of an old saying those who expect the worst I love you Cinnabon can never be disappointed whoever said that sounds very wise and everything but clearly they've never had a pizza place in their DMS before thank goodness that is all finally over five large pizzas or 15 orders of crazy bread [Music] nope h
Channel: ErikTheElectric
Views: 8,484,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: erik the electric, erik the electric food challenge, erik the electric week challenge, letting fast food companies control my diet, fast food challenge
Id: R251drj4HjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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