What is the Best Bug Type Pokemon Competitively?

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bug type Pokémon suck in fact bug type is the worst type in the game but do all bug type Pokémon suck no that's why I want to find the best bug type Pokémon of all time now I've already done this for fire water and grass type Pokémon so I thought that I knew what to expect going into this video but what I learned is that bug type Pokémon are really really bad I definitely thought that you know over nine generations of Pokemon there would have been enough bug types that I could make a decent video and you know like it wouldn't be that hard to find a list of the best ones for for something like this but uh this was actually really challenging they're just aren't that many good bug type Pokémon out there but after a lot of research and a lot of bagging my head into the desk I finally feel that I have a list that I feel comfortable sharing with you for the best bug type Pokémon of all time just like the other videos in the series we're going to talk about some of the best bug type Pokémon but save the top three for last let's start with one of the most iconic bug type Pokémon Shedinja as an aside if you comment on this video and you talk about Shedinja please do not spell it shed ninja I cannot tell you I don't know why but this drives me up a wall shed ininja Shedinja Shedinja not shed ninja please I'm begging you Shedinja is a bug and Ghost type Pokémon that only can ever have one HP what makes it special is its ability Wonder guard which is unique to shinja and prevents all damage from all moves that don't do super effective damage as an aside I am very grateful they didn't put shinja in scarlet and violet uh because I don't want to deal with ter electric shinja anyway this ability is broken but with bug and ghost typing uh shinja has a lot of weaknesses even though Ward is like a super super strong and broken ability uh it definitely has some downsides namely that shinja is not immune to moves that don't do damage such as willowisp or toxic which will knock it out in one hit it also isn't immune to uh weather effects like Sandstorm and Hil picking up the KO so it's actually really difficult to keep around full disclosure of all the Pokemon I talk about today uh shiden just probably the best that didn't make it onto the top three I actually spent quite a lot of time debating whether or not it should be top three or realistically number four part of the reason I decided to leave shinja off is that it really has only had major success when used actually in the highest power level of format a restricted format a restricted format is basically the competitive format which allows for the super powerful legendary Pokemon like Kyogre and Zan and Groudon and Rayquaza xerus Etc and shinja actually is really interesting because despite being relatively weak a lot of these powerful restricted Pokemon can't damage it Kyogre is a great example but so is Zan and so is xerus these Pokemon almost never ran moves that could touch Shedinja and so shinja became kind of like this alternate Wing condition where if you uh get rid of the the Pokemon that can hit it often times these really powerful teams would only have like one or two ways to hit it and then after that shinja just wins the game it's a really threatening Pokemon in that sense and I actually myself used it to finish third place at a regional back in 2019 fun fact about that team is I actually had choice scarf soak tapini which I could use to turn shiden just typing into water uh which meant that if they didn't have a grass or electric type move shinja was then now shinja being immune doesn't necessarily win at the game all the time because there is still a timer in competitive Pokémon and when that runs out Whoever has more Pokémon left uh win wins and so if all you have left to shinja might not be good enough but shinja was also really scary because often times it ran a lot of frustrating support moves uh Willows is a big one like you could switch it ination and then burn it if they wanted to go after your partner Ally switch was the scariest one it wasn't always used with Ally switch but when it was it was very very dangerous because it was another way of protecting shinja uh because you could just Ally switch and if they tried to hit you with like a fire or dark or flying move they would often end up hitting your partner sometimes people ran stuff like swords dance and Shadow sneak but cinja is kind of like an endgame Pokemon anyway I actually think that it's better off using these utility moves oh also I didn't explicitly mention this but shinja almost always holds the focus sash item which allows it to survive any hit like with one HP and since it only has 1 HP it basically gives it two lives total so hitting it with a single super effective move is not enough to take it out shinja actually had decent success over the years uh won a special event back in 2019 in France and was often on like at least one high placing team at most major events it even had multiple shinja in the top cut of the world championship which is pretty cool and then after the world championships in 2019 it actually closed out the format by winning two different Regional level events one in America and one in Europe the next time shinja was relevant was in 2022 which was the uh next restricted format and once again it was on multiple High placing teams at most events and actually won two different European events as well as having even a stronger finish at that year's World Championships placing as high as ninth the main reason shinja isn't higher on my list is because first of all it's really difficult to use like only having one HP and being knocked out by any kind of secondary effect or weather effect is really really dangerous and also it really only shines in these restricted formats and it wasn't even good in every restricted format like nobody used it back in 2016 it is a super cool Pokemon and I think it's one of the best well maybe not best designed ever but most interesting designed ever like I love that they created Shen ninja but although it's by far one of the top bug Pokemon of all time like I would comfortably say top five I don't feel comfortable putting it in the top three my guess is that most of you clicked on this video and consider yourself somewhat knowledgeable about Pokémon probably expected to see shinja somewhere what you might not expect to see is our next Pokémon Butterfree before you yell at me for putting Butterfree on the best bug type list because it seems really weak there are not very many bug types that have done well and Butterfree actually has a number of decent results Butterfree actually won a large Regional Championship at the beginning of sword and shield and was good throughout most of that format if you're wondering what Butterfree does well a lot of its success comes from its ability compound eyes this ability boosts all of butterfree's moves accuracy by 30% this combos really nicely with the Sleep powder attack which is only 75% accurate but when boosted by compound eyes that goes up to nearly 100% I think it's like 97.5% accurate with this combination Butterfree is actually a really reliable way to put your opponents to sleep and it's faster than alternative Pokemon like a moong guest the other main thing that Butterfree offers is that unlike other uh Pokemon that tend to put opposing Pokemon to sleep like Venusaur berum amongus Etc Butterfree actually gets access to a speed control move Tailwind which is just one of the best moves in the game just like shinja Butterfree often uses the Focus dash item to help keep it alive though it has more than one HP with sleep powder in tail when it's actually a really strong supporting Pokemon of course this isn't everything Butterfree can do it also gets access to the move rage powder which forces opponents to Target it this allowed Butterfree to be used alongside a trick room Pokemon where it could either be used to sleep powder and then have the partner go for trick room and just be generally annoying or can use rage powder to force opponents to Target it knock it out with its like relative Frailty and give you a free switch into a trick roomm sweeper like toal or rior on top of all of this Butterfree was actually kind of scary offensively as well because in sword and shield it got access to a special gigantamax form where if you gigantamaxed it and used a bug type move on either of your opponent's Pokemon both your opponent's Pokemon would then either be poisoned put to sleep or paralyzed and so sometimes you would hit somebody with gmax flutter be I think it was called I don't know about that maybe flutter be anyway You' hit them with gmax Flutterby and then sometimes they would just both go to sleep which was uh really really annoying now Butterfree mainly saw success in early sword and shield though with the pandemic we can't really say how long that success would have lasted because events were canceled pretty early on into sword and Shield's Lifey fan but it has been used at least a little bit in other formats um a player brought into a regional in 2022 on an ash inspired team actually and got a really exciting win on the stream with Pikachu and Butterfree and it finished eighth place at a special event in Mexico way back in 2018 as well so it at least was maybe usable in the right context in other years as well other than just early 2020 it's kind of hard to say one thing that I want to note here as well is that um I was debating putting Butterfree or Vivan on this list uh because they're both very similar Pokémon who do very similar things but ultimately I just had a Butterfree because it has more results all right I'm going to be completely honest if anybody expected this next Pokémon to be on the list I would be extremely surprised in fact I kind of forgot it was even a Pokémon until I was actually pretty deep in the weeds doing research for this video and it's a Pokemon that I always thought was really bad despite playing the format where it was actually kind of good it's Excel Gore and um yeah I I you're probably surprised and that's very valid Excel Gore is a bug type Pokemon introduced in generation 5 which is not very good although it is a very fast Pokemon uh it doesn't hit very hard and also it's relatively frail so and it's a bug type which again is the worst type in the game it doesn't even have a secondary type like the other Pokemon we talked about so like you would think that there's no real reason to use Excel Gore however just like every other Pokemon in our list thus far the secret to excel Gore lies in its ability it has the ability unburden which doubles its speeds that when it uses up its held item now this might not seem like that big a deal because Excel grows really fast anyway but the trick to unburden is that by uh using your item and doubling your speed stat you're able to outspeed toy scarf Pokemon and even a lot of Pokemon boosted by Tailwind on top of that Excel Gore actually has a really interesting supporting move pool including moves like Encore which is especially dangerous when you're very fast and more importantly acid spray acid spray is a poison type damaging move that lowers the target special defense by 50% basically causing any future special moves to do 100% more damage and this was paired with Tapo lelay the most offensive of the tapoo Pokemon who had the ability psychic terrain is that what it's called psychic surge who had the ability psychic surge which sets up the psychic terrain with this exelor could hold the psychic seed item which gives it a 50% boost to its special defense and consumes the item thus activating unburden and because exelor was so fast you could actually do this with choice scarf tapu Lele which meant often times if your opponent didn't have any speed control both your Pokemon would be moving before both of their Pokemon and that would open up stuff like acid spray psychic terrain boosted psychic or psychic terrain boosted well I guess psychic Terin doesn't boost moonblast but moonblast on top of all of this uh you know why sear doesn't hit very hard on its own well with psychic terrain it didn't really need to use protect or anything because fake out which is the main thing you want to protect against was blocked by the psychic terrain and so what that meant is exelor could run four attacking moves so you'd often run assd spray Encore normally it was like bug Buzz just to have a move that exelor could use on its own to do damage and then final Gambit final Gambit knocks out the user and then does as much damage as the user had health uh to the opponent with no multipliers applies if exelor has you know 150 HP and the opponent has 140 HP on their Primal Groudon bye-bye Primal Groudon bye-bye but before we talk about that let's talk about the sponsor of today's video AFK Arena if you like casual games that are easy to pick up and play and don't require grinding for a ton of resources AFK Arena might be the game for you true to its name AFK Arena allows you to collect resources even when you're not playing the game with over 100 million players as of the game's fifth anniversary it's easy to see why AFK arena is so popular they've even added a new faction draconus Highborn Heroes draconus can use rare abilities such as the appearance of scale manifest and shifting from Human being form into Dragon form and no one else in the game has these abilities there are several new draconus Heroes available and by taking part in the winged sojourn event you can get one of these Highborn draconus Heroes for free of course there's tons of other characters as well AFK Arena actually has over a 100 different Heroes for you to experience if this all sounds like a lot of fun I've got great news for you to celebrate the 5-year anniversary players are being given 250 summoning opport unities and a bunch of other rewards and I even have a code in the description giving viewers an additional 50 summons if it sounds interesting definitely consider giving it a shot and thanks again to AFK arena for sponsoring this video exore had some success in 2018 uh where it actually top forward multiple Regional championships and it was a composition that like by the end of the year most people were aware of and were definitely like feeling threatened by and needed to make sure that you had plans against but what was really surprising is that even though 2018 was a national deck format which meant everything except for the super powerful you know restricted Legendary Pokémon were legal and then in 2019 we went to a restricted format with again these incredibly powerful Pokémon Excel Gore actually did better just like shinja actually in the restricted format I think because final Gambit was even more threatening when you could use it to take out a big Pokemon and also like acid spray psychic koing really powerful Pokemon in a single hit was like even more impactful when you could get the restricted Pokemon exelor actually had a lot of success it only had a couple top Cuts throughout U most of 2019 but actually after the World Championships that year it kind of popped off I actually got eliminated from one in the the semi-finals of a tournament I think this the tournament where I brought ditto actually yeah I think I played against this one um in the in the semi-finals of a tournament back after worlds in 2019 where a player actually won the entire event using Excel Gore tabele and then as if that weren't enough it would actually go on to win an international level event the biggest level event except for the World Championships just a month or two after that uh in Brazil right before the release of sword and shield what's cool about both these teams is they kind of evolved the archetype to fit restricted Pokemon where they both used Ultra neosa which uh benefited from both the psychic terrain and you know super fast acid spray to basically create this super threatening offensive combination that most people like well I mean my I mean I myself was not super prepared for Excel Gore hasn't been used since 2019 and I think that might uh be the case for quite a while longer especially with no tapele in the game but I think despite being a niche pick the amount of success it had especially relative to its usage definitely warranted a spot on our best bug type Pokémon list of all time our next bug type Pokémon I think will be a little less controversial I I think that most people probably won't be super surprised to see it on our list it's arinet this is one of my favorite bug type Pokemon because it's just such a cool Pokemon that's really well designed and really fun to play with arachin is a bug and water type Pokemon who is mostly strong because of its unique ability water bubble this ability doubles the damage of all water type moves that it uses and also prevents it from being burned which is a nice secondary effect it's kind of like a mixture between huge Power and Water Veil I think is the ability but only for water type moves offensively arachin is relatively slow which isn't that big of a problem because it actually makes makes it a really good trick room attacker its ability doubling the power of its water type moves makes it extremely dangerous especially back in sun and moon when it could use Z moves like wamz arachnid was incredibly powerful but it's also really bulky so even though it's so strong if you give it trick room it's relatively it's like really fast and then it's really bulky so you can't just like KO in one hit most of the time arach also has a number of good supporting moves uh there's a couple good bug type moves it can use which are really useful for utility Le life can get a healing lunge lowers I think the attack side of the target I always get this confused there's as well I think that's defense it has a bunch of bug type moves it can use most interestingly though it often used moves like wide guard which is a super good utility move that has priority which meant even out of trick roomm you could actually use arwind to get some utility so if you were facing like Choice specs Tapo Lele or tapa coco or tapa who were using like dazzling gleam or muddy water or discharge or something you could use it to kind of lock down those Pokemon and protect uh protect its Partners there was even actually a team that used surf or rachid I'm kind of having trouble remembering how it worked but I'm pretty sure it was something like or anduru was a part of and you would use like instruct and choice spec Surf and I don't know it was actually really scary to play against like I I I didn't remember this until I started working on the video but I definitely lost to like serve arawi a couple times like without doubt when sudden and moon first released uh it was clear that arawi was one of the best new Pokémon it won four events in a row in San Jose California Dallas Texas the Dutch open and then also a regional in Athens Georgia which is pretty nuts four first places in a row at the beginning of a game is ridiculous especially for a new Pokémon and for the rest of 2017 I mean it's not like like Iraq when it went away it won the Korean Nationals it won multiple other Regional level events and the only really surprising thing is that at the World Championships its best placement was e which is still an amazing finish but just not what I personally would have expected for a Pokemon that kind of dominated for most of the year it was kind of unclear if rack when was going to fall off as the rule set changed and more powerful Pokemon were allowed into the format uh such as Mega Evolution that was a big change but in 2018 irq W was still really good it won multiple events again and was still a top Contender it wasn't like as useful on as many teams but it was still Pokemon that you had to respect and was used on like one of the main archetypes of the format arach is pretty much never used in 2019 but it actually did seon play in 20120 when sword and shield ver released it didn't have a ton of results but players were using it and it was doing okay and if the form had gone on for longer I think it's possible it might have had a big finish it has been a couple years at this point since direct when it has been really good but uh it just was recently added to the game in the DLC with scarlet and violet and I think with the addition of the clear amulet item which prevents it from being weakened by intimidate which was always one of its main weaknesses I think that there's a chance that we could see going to do well in the future okay our last bug type Pokemon before we talk about our honorable mentions before we talk about our top three best bug type Pokemon of all time is famosa famos is a really interesting Pokemon because all of its stat points are on its speed and its offense it has one of the worst defensive spreads of any Pokemon that has ever been good it is extremely fast like one of the fastest Pokemon of all time and it also is really strong Barosa can be used both physically and specially I remember playing against like Ice Beam bug Buzz I think even focus blast back in the day uh and also like close combat U-turn poison jab these are moves it can use as well it also gets dark type moves like I think throat chop faer is really scary in part because of its Beast boost ability which said that whenever got a knockout it would get a boost to its highest stat and so as you can imagine this could very quickly become extremely threatening especially with Z moves I mean you could run like Z Focus blast or Z close combat pick up a big KO and then just kind of be Off to the Races fa most it could be physical or special it could be holding a Focus dash it could be holding a choice item it could be holding a z Crystal and you wouldn't know until you saw it already move which was really dangerous because again if it got a K.O you could just be like at such a huge deficit that it was really really threatening one of my personal favorite ways to use ferosa and actually I was the only one who used it back in all of 2022 the only result in the pages is me and that's when I brought it to a regional using the speed swap ability nope that's an attack using the speed swap attack this attack is really cool and it swaps the literal speed stat values of the user on whatever it hits and so I could use this to make my like korex ice super fast or give my amongus like turbo speed which is really fun so it's a really cool move and it hasn't seen a ton of play but it was definitely an option that you could Tech on to especially Focus Ash famosa most of famosa success came in 2017 when the power level was a little bit lower uh it won it actually won an international in Brazil and also a couple other events as well it was used in Argentina uh to win an event it won a regional in uh Wisconsin which was cool and it overall was just a really really like scary Pokemon that was really difficult to use because of a trail te but there were really high rewards if you could pull it off because it was just so threatening baros also saw some success in 2018 as well like it wasn't anything ridiculous in fact its best finishes were somewhat limited I would say but it has a couple like highish placements like it got top four had a special event in Peru it has a couple other top fours as well and although it didn't win anything it was obviously still like viable and usable which is cool and that's kind of what I look for in these lists of Pokemon that were really good in one format and then were like decent or okay in another especially with with bug type list there aren't that many good Pokemon to choose from okay now let's talk about some honorable mentions first up is vivon which I mentioned earlier because it plays really similarly to Butterfree one of the key differ between vivon and Butterfree is that vivon has the ability friendu as an option though it also has compound eyes which allows it to play more of a supporting role and less of a disruptive role or you know you can still be disruptive you just have to hope that you hit your sleep powder Viv was actually viable in a number of different formats it was actually pretty useful in 2014 though it doesn't have a ton of results it actually placed second place at an event in 2018 which uh it was used on this team which uh I don't know what they were cooking but holy cow this team is wild and then it was also usable in 2023 I played against one on stream actually in uh one of my events from last year that being said the results across the board are pretty mediocre despite having like a fair bit of usage in 2023 uh it did not place especially like very high the best place is a single Ninth Place and then the next best place that I can see is like 25th over the course of the year so uh yeah definitely not like a super super like strong performance but um it's a it's a scary Pokemon and it definitely has a niche and it was actually uh really favored by Japanese players for a little bit during this past year so I wanted to include it next up for the honorable mention Parasect I wanted to talk about Parasect because it actually got fifth place at the World Championships back in 2010 this is mainly because it was a really good Pokemon to answer Kyogre and it also resists ground type moves from Groudon as well though I would not recommend using dry skin Parasect in the sun against against Groudon this team is super cool it actually had three grass types it was used by weha it was really really unique and and creative team I can't comment too much on it because I didn't actually play back in 2010 so my knowledge is kind of service level but because Paras like is one of the best placing bug type Pokemon out of world champion ships I definitely wanted to include it as an honorable mention next up is gopod I love this Pokemon I think it's really really cool and it actually very famously Top Cut the world championships in 2022 it's funny because it has amazing stats and bug and water is actually really good typing similar to uh ranid being good typing but the thing about gasopod is that his ability is really questionable when it drops below 50% it's forced out of the field even if it hasn't attacked for the turn and so it's really difficult to use that being said there was this really great team in 2022 and it actually had some success in 2017 as well um though success is kind of a strong word but it was used a little bit in 2017 as well so um since again is the bug type Pokemon that Top Cut the World Championships I wanted to mention it here next up uh Durant Durant was actually really really good in early sword and shield prior to the pandemic it was one of the top Pokemon actually where it it did really really well it actually won a tournament that I I lost to it in the finals of a tournament back in 2020 and it was extremely extremely threatening I got second and international I got second out of regional basically it was a really good Dynamax attacker because of its hustle ability which gives it power boost to all of its moves at the cost of some accuracy and because Dynamax moves could never miss and it was relatively fast it was actually really threatening um it hits super super hard back in that format the Intimidators were like kind of hard to come by like there was a couple but it was like not something that was on every team which made it even harder to take down it was just like a really really tanky Pokemon that hit really hard with a steel Spike raising its team defenses Flutterby weakening the special attack of opposing Pokemon which could help it kind of be buffed up on both physical and special side and then rock type moves hitting its only weakness of fire type for super effective so it was a really dangerous Pokémon it was only really good in that one format like Durant was pretty much never used outside of it uh actually it's not true famously uh one of the the the greatest Pokemon commenters of all time brought it to a national in 2011 and placed fourth place other than that though it was pretty much only good in sword and shield but it was so good in sword and shield that I wanted to include it here okay next up is a Pokemon that has almost no results um at all it's Shuckle but I mean I wanted to talk about Shuckle because come on it's Shuckle Shuckle actually in my opinion was used on more un serious strategies over the years the first is the one that you might expect with it which was the power split no guard split set where basically it was this team built around chansy where the idea was you'd use chansy you'd use minimize to raise his like evasion a ton and then You' use chuckle to use guard split to average out chansy like defensive stats and Shuckle defensive stats and since Shuckle has some of the best defensive stats in the game um it would make chansy extremely difficult to kill and then it can beat everything with toxic or seismic toost very very threatening strategy but it was very gimmicky the whole thing was built around making chansy unkillable you could lose timer I think that if they had certain types of Pokemon that it was like basically impossible to win like I think a slash was almost impossible because you couldn't toxic or seism toss it I'm not even sure if they ran toxic actually it might have been just seismic toss yeah it basically created the super super unkillable chansy and it was really it was like there was actually a lot of discourse back in the day where people would be so mad at people using chansy Shuckle like there was like people being really hateful on Twitter and really angry and it sparked this whole debate of like oh should should people be able to like use these strategies that hold up the whole tournament and really annoying to play against and it was a whole thing anyway my personal favorite chuckle strategy actually is one that has zero results and has never been used I remember losing to it on the ladder a lot in 2018 where the idea was they would lead with mimikyu and Shuckle and mimikyu would go for trick room which set you know set trick room up and because it was uh this is back in Sun and Moon and so like mimikyu's disguise ability couldn't be broken in a single hit like if you broke the disguise you didn't take damage so Focus dash mimikyu was like basically unkillable like you couldn't you couldn't really knock it out in in one turn so mimiki would use trick room Shuckle would use Z power trick which swaps the attack and the defense stats of the Pokemon and it's super slow and the Z move gives it an attack boost as well so now you would have like plus one Shuckle with like 250 base attack set or something crazy and then Rox would just kill everything I lost this team like every time I played against it and it never had any success in the actual like real you know tournament world but it was such a cool and creative strategy that it stuck with me all these years so I figured like it'll never be relevant again cuz the moves are gone forever and it was such a specific strategy anyway but I I wanted to talk about out of here because I figured I would never have another chance okay our last RoR will mention is a Pokémon that I suspect people are going to be um if there's anything people are going to be upset about in this list it's probably that it didn't make it onto the main list and that's buzwell buzwell was incredibly strong in 2017 the year that it first released and it actually placed both fourth and sixth place at the World Championships it also won multiple events over the course of the year and placed in the top four multiple times across many many different events the reason why I didn't include it and this is probably going to be controversial but buzwell doesn't have a single result outside of 2017 after 2017 there's nothing that I can find at least that uh indicates that it was ever really used and so ultimately like even for the Pokemon on this list who had like not as high peaks as buzwell did um I didn't feel comfortable putting buzwell over them because all the Pokemon on the list were at least usable or like having some success in different rule sets whereas with buzwell was really old it was extremely good one year and that was kind of it that's the reason I didn't make the list but of the Pokémon on the honor will mention list that didn't make it onto the full list puzzle was probably the one that should have been on there the most like this is the only one where I was like H maybe this should have been on the real list okay with all the honorable mentions out of the way we're now ready to talk about the three best bug type Pokemon of all time three best bug types of all time number three will shock you anyway number three is escavalier now most of you are probably pulling your hair out banging your head into the wall punching you know the picture of wolf you hang up beside your bed burning my burning the wolf at your altar whatever whatever EA eating spaghetti all the normal stuff right but here's the thing this Cavalier is at the time of making this video in 2024 the only bug type Pokemon to have ever won the World Championships ever there's no qualifications well in the oldest division escavalier actually also won in the uh youngest division back in 2013 when my man Brendan Zen used it to win but in the oldest division of Pokémon one bug type Pokémon has ever won the World Championships and it's a scaver so I think that it has to be on the best bug type Pokemon of all time it was used by Ray Rizzo in 2011 actually as uh if my understanding is correct kind of a hard counter to me it was one of I was running a hard trick room team the entire year and the Cavalier was one of the only Pokemon that were slower than my trick room Pokemon in trick room so it could be used as kind of this anti-t trick room Pokemon to kind of be like have a speed Advantage regardless and actually I was eliminated by Ray that year in the top eight of the World Championships due to this escavalier so I have some personal history with it this Cavalier that one world used like substitute uh Mega Horn Iron Head protect and it was typically just like a really slow bulky attacker now as Cavalier other than winning the World Championships in 2011 and then in the junior division in 2013 with a choice bandet it hasn't really seen a ton of success though there it has a couple results uh it finished both 6th and 8th in 2013 Nationals uh in the US it finished 9th at German Nationals in 2014 in 2015 it was finished 20th at German Nationals and then actually most recently it finished in the top 32 uh in 2022 actually at the Indianapolis Regional so it's had a little bit of success over the years and actually even though the results aren't recorded here during sword and shield during the pandemic escavalier was actually used somewhat like as a trick room attacker because Max Steel spike is really strong and then ma flutter be it's kind of like slow Durant right it was like trick room Durant where super tanky um hit really hard and bug and steel only has one weakness to fire bug and steel is actually but steel is arguably the best type you compare with bug that are probably water if I had to say and so um yeah like other than the fire weakness it's actually really good they compliment each other nicely where um you know bug is resistant to to fighting and ground which are two of steals weaknesses bug is weak to Flying and rock and steel resists both of those so it actually ends up with a lot of neutral typings to types that you're normally weak to so the Gavalier really hasn't seen a ton of success really I mean in a while right like it's had a couple Niche uses here and there but it's not like a Pokemon that's consistently very good but because it's the only bug type to win the World Championship I felt really strongly that it belong in the top three because otherwise I I think it's just disrespectful to the only bug type to do it now I don't think that anybody will be surprised to see the number two best bug type Pokémon of all time Scizor scior is one of my absolute favorite Pokémon I used it to win a National back in 2012 and I've always really loved it I think it's just got such a cool design I think it's fun to play great great Pokemon so has been a Pokemon that's been usable for a long long time uh it's mostly strong because of its access to technician which boost its weak moves by 50% and uh com combining that with bullet punch which is a priority move which is relatively weak but gets boosted by technician gets boosted by scissor steel typing and is actually like very very dangerous if you give it additional boosts like Swords Dance Choice band or back in the day I use steel gem actually just like a scaver scissor only has one weakness and it's actually able to use its bug typing somewhat well because it can use U-turn to switch itself out and do actually good damage because it's it's relatively strong on top of that scissor has some other utility moves it can use it can use Tailwind bug bite was used for a while to eat berries when berries were very very popular I already mentioned Swords Dance I love Swords Dance scissor I think that's super strong it run Choice band it can run assault vest and actually there is a mega scissor who has some results so I guess if we're talking about results most of them are concentrated actually in generation 5 it got second at Nationals in 2012 it won two different Nation no three hey mine not my Nationals is not here my Nationals isn't on the result page I promised that I won a national with it anyway it won Italian Nationals in 2012 it placed both sixth and seventh at the world championship that year in 2013 it won two different Nationals and was used at the other ones as well um and finished seventh and nth at the World Championships that LE that year and then scissor didn't really have success for a while it was used like basically not at all in 2014 uh it has like two performances at us Nationals but other than that another of them were like super super good and like there's no other results for it and 2015 it was used a little bit as well but like it wasn't super super good 2016 was the year that xerus was introduced so sciss saw a little bit of play in that year at played third at uh South African Nationals it had a couple other like decent it was like decent right it had a couple top eights at different um events like sixth in Australia Regional seventh at UK Nationals it was like usable at the very least and it even Top Cut the World Championships I actually played against it on stream funnily enough in 2016 um I don't think they brought it to the maybe they did bring it to the battle I don't remember but was really surprising is that in 2018 scissor actually won an international as mega Scizor on a rain team which was just really unexpected like that wasn't a format where people thought that scissor was especially good there was no xerus that year flutter man hadn't been introduced yet but scissor you know it took home the title and again an international winning that is a really big deal so yeah I think that overall it's it's a really interesting Pokemon um who actually you know what it had some it had some usage in 2023 as well there was there was a fair bit of usage for it it didn't have any crazy high finishes but it did top eight uh an event in Italy which is exciting so yeah basically scissor was amazing back in generation 5 during black and white and black and white 2 and since then has been a pretty Niche pick but every once in a while it does have a really good performance and its ability to hit especially the fast and frail Steel type Pokemon like xerus and flutter man before they can move for powerful super effective damage I think is a really big deal it's mainly held back by the fact that its stats are like good but not great it's really hard to make it feel very tanky and okay let's be honest like with incinerar being on most teams for a lot of these years it's kind of easier to understand why scissor has had a harder time that being said I mean it's had longevity it has really high peaks and it's like just such a cool and iconic Pokémon that I think it's definitely one of the best bug type Pokémon of all time so you want to know what the best bug type Pokémon of all time is and you've sat through this whole video and now you're excited to see the result it's probably obvious we haven't talked about it yet in the video terra buug incinerar just kidding just my little joke haha uh it's actually Volcarona Volcarona probably isn't super surprising to see here uh it's just such a good Pokemon fire and Bug typing is really interesting and it was unique at least for a little bit I think and Volcarona just has like it kind of has everything right it has multiple really good moves that you can build it around we'll talk about those in a second it has the great ability flame body and it has really good stats vuna mostly fills one of two roles one is purely supportive using its move rage powder to redirect attacks uh it can use Tailwind it can use willowisp to kind of disrupt um opponents or support its teammates I think at one point it even ran Whirlwind to kind of get rid of xerus which is really kind of funny because it's a fire type it resists Fairy Type move it can use struggle bug to weaken opponents it can be a really disruptive support Pokemon and against physical attackers you have to be really careful because hitting it with a contact move you risk being burned by flame body probably the more iconic and memorable set though is actually the quiver dance set which is one of the most broken moves in the game it raises vulona speed special attack and special defense by one stage whenever it's used and so it can be it can use this move to become faster tankier and stronger and all it takes is clicking one move a single time and you're already kind of Off to the Races vcon has seen a lot of success over the years it was really very dominant in especially 2012 as I recall uh there was a strategy known as top moth which used hitmon top in Volcarona I think a lot of the results aren't really updated on the results page that I tend to use but having played these formats like Von and hitmontop was one of the top compositions that people were using because with hitmon Top's intimidate and fake out support you made it much easier for vona to get a quiver dance up and then with hitmontop wide guard you were protected from rock slide which is vona's main weakness being four times weak to rock even after 2012 though Volcarona had a lot of success it it actually won UK Nationals in 2013 actually paired alongside hitmon top and then it won US Nationals in 2013 as well and placed both fourth and eighth in the world championships that year it wasn't legal in 2014 but in 2015 it saw some use as well it had multiple top cuts across multiple different tournaments and actually finished second place at the world championships in 2015 which is very surprising because vona like it wasn't you know wasn't really seen as this kind of top meta threat it was definitely used but it wasn't like a you know a top Contender or anything not a Pokemon I think many people expected to get second at the world at the World Championships that year and then we thought that was it for volara for a little bit like we thought it wasn't going to be used really for for a while because in 2016 it was like Primal Kyogre Primal Groudon mega Rayquaza these really powerful Pokemon pocona has no results recorded for the entire year and then got seventh at the world championships at Top Cut and if you think you know what the Volcarona set is you you'd probably be surprised it is protect rage powder overheat and Whirlwind with the red card items vona could force xerus to Target it and get rid of the geomancy Boost that way or could switch into a dazzling gleam and force xus out and even if they were smart and they you know burned the red card some other way forces the attacking Pokemon to switch out Volcarona could use Whirlwind to make sure xerus got off the field so it was this really really very specific and very Niche way of using Volcarona that was basically just there to beat xerus and maybe hit some things with overheat and do and support his team with rage powder so yeah it's a really really ver vers Pokémon that even in a format where it wasn't considered to be very good showed up and you know like got close to winning the World Championship it wasn't legal in 2017 and then 2018 it had a number of good results as well it won a special event in Costa Rica it won a special event in Peru it has a number of other top Cuts as well it actually actually won a regional in in the US in Salt Lake City as well and then in 2019 again another restricted format xerius was used again it won a regional in Collinsville Illinois and yeah like has a number of other results as well and then Volcarona really wasn't used very much in sword and shield though that's because it wasn't in the game at first and then um it was really only legal during the restricted format which with xerus being less of a a valid Pokemon and and they're being more threats than ever before VCA didn't really see much success but then when it came back in 2023 it was used a fair bit again uh it didn't win very many tournaments this year as far as I can tell it seems like its best performances were close to second and third but yeah like I mean it still was used a fair bit especially at the first couple tournaments of uh scarlet and violet it was used a decent bit on a bunch of different teams it was really threatening um I played against one actually I lost one on stream at Orlando regionals as I recall so it was it was like a top Pokemon that people were using and then you know more Pokemon were added incor is back like etc etc maybe that's the end of all Corona recently it's reentered the meta game again it's it's it's another it's like come back in even with incin around it's finding a way to kind of get around it using calization and quiver dance actually to kind of get around incinerar and be less threatened by it and yeah it's just a Pokemon that has like I mean you can see over the years it has always always been good in one shape or another like it's a Pokemon that despite having a four times weakness being weak to like common types like rock water and even flying is somewhat problematic it's just a great Pokemon it's a Pokemon that can do so many different things it's a Pokemon that is always threatening it can sweep and run away with the game it can be tanky and annoying and support the team with with rage powder Tailwind bug Buzz struggle bug Willows all these other moves it's just such a good consistent Pokemon that has so many different ways it can be run in my opinion it's undoubtedly the best bug type Pokemon of all time and that's it that's my whole list so uh let me know what you thought I'm really curious to see how this is perceived because making this list was really hard so I'm wondering if people are like yeah you did a good job or like we hate you and we never want to look at you again but yeah uh regardless of how you feel let me know this was fun for me to make uh and let me know which type you want me to do next cuz actually at the moment I have no idea which one to do next byebye
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 1,139,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, twitch, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, wolfeyvgc, purplecliffe, pm7, pokemen7, mandjtv, shiny pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, scarlet, violet, scarlet and violet, fuecoco, quaxly, sprigatito, best bug type, best bug type pokemon, pokemon best bug types, competitive pokemon, bug type pokemon, best types, best pokemon types, best types pokemon
Id: CKmc-AXOaW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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