I t̶r̶i̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ beat Elden Ring Without Dying..

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i have beaten all souls games without dying a single time do the math that's right zero deaths i have done this for years now zero deaths zero deaths stereotypes zero deaths zero deaths i have never died in a video game ever in my life people all over the world are amazed by my great gaming skills matt impressive how pewds got a zero death run first time playing the most impressive thing is that they are the zero deaths wow i can't believe zero deaths but some people think i'm a lie and they say my zero death runs are fake and that i actually die all the time this sort of behavior is completely unacceptable okay fine maybe i die once maybe twice maybe 500. what no no no no no what happened cyril that does not count because my uh uh the girl vows is fake lol he is fake this is no zero death urged video zero that's lies what shameless clickbait but i have decided my days of living like a fraud is over my name is peter pat and i'm going to beat eldon ring with zero devs for real this time okay okay i may need a plan but first off we need to lay some say that rules one is obviously zero deck if game says i die i die it's that simple at least you think it'd be that simple at the very start of the game before you've done anything you're greeted by the crafted sky and boss it's one of those bosses that is just there to humiliate you welcome to the game you're dead congratulations now you can keep going okay so what if you just try hard enough and kill the boss that you're not supposed to kill in the beginning will that be zero deaths no because if you move on further you literally just fall off a cliff and die [Music] fine kill the damn boss again don't go in the cliff that collapses turns out there's nowhere to go and the only way to progress is to die if i have to die here i might as well just jump off right away anyway right but this is clearly a zero death rule break the best way to deal with this is the best way to deal with anything in life which is just get naked and hope for the best so even though the health bar technically goes to zero the game doesn't go out of his way to say that you die therefore zero death runs still possible no you die text zero death applies that's rule one i actually want to double check this because even though you can never see exactly how much health you have if you open up the status menu and keep it open while it hits you you actually see your health going down to one not zero so technically what that means is zero different plugs rule number two is no summons i think they're a cool addition to the game but the point of this is for me to beat the game not my sexy twin okay rule number three no fundamentally game breaking glitches the wrong warp is a great example if you rest at the belfry tower of grace and do a little bit of game breaking the game will place you in the end game and you have successfully skipped at least five non-optional bosses so rule break last rule don't use any weapons that are completely broken or overpowered i will use some cheesy strats but to completely rely on just seems kind of lame okay so i have the rules i have the challenge now i just gotta figure out how to execute it and for the record i'm not good at these games and what i was about to find out was that i was even worse than i thought i was so i made a plan step one make my weapon as powerful as possible as quick as possible that way on the first bosses i can go from doing this to this before we continue i should warn you i am going to bombard you with information about this game things that you may already know or you have not even played this game at all but i'm going to tell you anyway the weapon i'll be using is the moonwell katana i know i know it's not the best katana in the game but it does enough damage and it could do damage on range which is super useful against some annoying enemies but my favorite is that it can stagger bosses very easily oh and you can also get it very early which is necessary so yeah for those pipes you don't know you need somber stones to upgrade your weapon otherwise it's useless these are scattered all across the map some being easier to find than others one to five is actually pretty easy to find some people use the belfry tower cheat that i told about earlier to get eight and nine i obviously can't do this but i find you can get them without cheating they're literally right next to each other so we're good this leaves just six and seven in academy of reality there's a secret passageway done under and if you let mommy eat you you get teleported to magma manor it should be called that okay i don't care what anyone says you can easily pick up number six and with a little bit of parkour you can pick up number seven bada bing bada boom you got the best weapon in the stop you actually have to die to do that so i i can't do that so i looked into other methods and this falling star beast actually dropped summerstone number six and it's accessible in the early game so i started practicing it i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i'm not doing it so instead of worrying about my weapon for now i started worrying about the last four bosses which is going to be the biggest challenge no matter what malaketh godfrey radagon eldenbees if i really wanted to do a zero death playthrough i knew i needed to master these four bosses the first of the four bosses is beast clergyman or malikith as he transformed into and on my first playthrough i actually got him on the first try first try i guess i wasn't technically first trying to think about it more i rolled off [Laughter] that's [ __ ] gay the thing is on this playthrough i was heavily relying on my summon to tank all the damage i had spent about 80 hours in the game and i was much much higher level and without all that i couldn't even make it a phase two and once i finally made it to phase two it was like a punch in the face all his attacks comes out of nowhere he flies all over the place everything kills me at an instant even if i know an attack is coming i don't know how to dodge it this [ __ ] thing that he does took me so long to figure out how to dodge and every time i fail i had to redo phase one just to practice phase two once i finally beat him once i was done i was ready to move on practicing another boss coming up next was godfrey the first album in the word and i gotta come clean about something here guys before the boss you might notice there's a bunch of blood pulls of people dying this is because people try and jump this pillar what happens is if you do it successfully then stand in the right spot and quit out the game once the game loads up again you'll have run into the boss room without activating the boss and you can literally just run past him however this never worked for me no matter how many times i tried it i think it has something to do with my computer but honestly i'm really glad it didn't this jump it's just a stupid risk because it's easy to mess up and i'd be skipping one of the coolest bosses in the game unlike malekith godfrey still hits hard but his moves are pretty easy to predict and this time i used a different approach of just timing myself and not trying to kill him just to see how long i could stay alive i quickly went from less than a minute to two minutes to then even four and beyond and i finally rebuilt some confidence that i had lost from melee kid i was then ready to move on to the last two bosses ratagon and the elden beast and guess what i got my ass handed to me again ratagan is really tough his moves are either super fast or super slow and it seems to be impossible to determine what he's gonna do and if you mess up just once you lose your tempo and then it's easy to mess up again and it's not until you finally beat ratagon that the elden beast will show up i actually thought i was doing okay on this until you pull out the most [ __ ] move in the entire game which is the chasing star things you have to keep running away from them to dodge them but he'll keep attacking you like normal i can't see what the hell is going on and every time he did it i would just die i felt the learning curve harder than ever here i had spent about a week and a half and by now i knew exactly what i needed to do to beat this game with xeroden but it turned out to be so much harder and so much more work than i had initially anticipated there's so many bosses that i hadn't even tried at this point there was still the fire giant god godskin duo reicherd and morgan just to name a few i kept thinking i should just give up but the thing about these games is that the more you play them the better you get and the better you get the more fun they are to play i just kept coming back i try to not worry too much about the goal of zero death at this point and practice every boss just a tiny bit and even at times i didn't think i could improve i was still coming back stronger every time these games get a lot of flack for being too difficult but it's also very clear that the game wants you to learn there's a way to respond to everything there is in the game it's just about finding out what that is and once you do you feel like you're the boss instead it's a little cringe but i felt like i was finally getting there so it was time for me to do my first live attempt i've been playing elder ring i'm here beat the game with zero deaths for real oh gosh what do i do [ __ ] well it was a good try i failed after 30 minutes because i agreed an enemy by mistake attempt to it actually did pretty well i had managed to stay alive for about three hours at this point and made it to the fire giant i quit at the boss two times and failed two times to do so and it was getting very anxious i have never missed so much in my entire life let me leave [Applause] it's not good the failed quit that i got as well that's not good but i have the thing it's fine the built up pressure after three hours is something that i had not anticipated and i just totally failed i hate this boss on a side note i've seen some of the dumbest takes ever about ellen rings ux and ui but i think we can all agree on that no one wants this text winner to appear when you're jumping up on your horse it looks like you're about to die here are you sure you want to jump up on your horse yes or no if you don't answer you're dead if you do answer you're dead yes i want to enter the goddamn horse i can blame the game all i want but the truth is i played terribly on attempt 3 i was back on the fire giant i had practiced him a lot now but there was one attack that he did that i wasn't really sure how to dodge and it's when he blows fire out of his mouth and of course he does it the last god damn second you know i'm pissed off when the swede comes out spoilers i kept dying jesus i might die die we're okay we're okay [Music] okay that's the worst part are you serious i did it oh god no what ah number two oh what you [ __ ] babe baby [ __ ] i'd spend all my time and effort worrying about the hardest bosses what am i doing so not practicing the easy ones meant i kept making dumb mistakes [ __ ] you did the explosion this meant having to redo runs that had spent between two to three hours on and not to mention all the random death that seemed to keep happening i got stuck somehow i just couldn't seem to get it and every time i failed i wasn't just disappointing myself but it also felt like i disappointed everyone watching i wanted to do one attempt where i do it offline so i can just focus on the game and at least then i can show you guys everything i have to redo every time i die i'll warn you it'll be a lot but i want to be thorough with it because that's what i would want if i watched it so if you're ready here we go i use samurai class just because it has good bass stats with the weapon i want to use pick the greatest name of all time then golden cedar starting item just for the extra heal sorry about the awkwardness of me sitting in the dark i just thought people would question if this was my footage otherwise i know i'm supposed to let him hit me but i can't help but fight back a little bit grab this bonfire because we're coming back to it in like two hours i still call them bonfire whatever grace grab this bonfire then we get a horse after she queefs on us why yes i am 12. hit this guy very important it's like the shortest bonfire distance ever but we are coming back here in like an hour we cross the bridge and then we find our first somber smithing stone i am aware you can just buy these but all of them are in the ramp that i have i feel like i might as well just pick them up it doesn't matter then we run over to the first dungeon in the game it's like the first dungeon and they put a trap to put you in the end game for players that just stumble upon this chest it's so mean and you can't even teleport out if you get here anyway it's good for us because we don't have to run as far i'm supposed to stealth out of here but i kind of messed it up and almost died but we're fine we can get back on our horse torrent and start running this swamp is great because we find our spell and staff that we need to kill our first boss in order to get our actual weapon rock sling and then the meteor right staff grab this bonfire nearby because we need to head north but later on we'll head south and on the way what's that number four baby that's right it's almost like we don't have to buy them we keep going north to head to one of the caves i hate this tunnel you saw me die here earlier but anyway here's number two yeah i just pick it up it's literally on the way why not okay so here's the scary bit you could grab these rooms if you want but the most important thing is the golden foot that's down here they literally come at you all at once don't panic keep running keep running keep running honestly it's not even that bad of a part but losing 10 minutes this kind of sucks and the fact that i've died here before just makes you way more nervous when you're doing it don't judge me too hard on this all right i need to kill alexander to get his tallest man his talisman is really good is it make your weapon skill even better if you don't want to kill him you can do his quest line and he gives you a better version of the talisman but we don't have time for that so just killing him is the only way i'm sorry conveniently the back of this cage goes exactly where we want to go gotta kill that wolf very important it's the third church of marika we got our sacred tier and our first physics drink you might have seen this trick already where there's a secret portal hidden right behind it now we've basically gone even deeper into kayla the area from earlier here we pick up a golden seed which is great and uh a starlight shirt we need that for a boss later am i explaining too much whatever if we run down the hill we see our first boss the knights cavalry and this trick is actually really cool this boss is clearly too high level for us but you can trick him to jump towards you which makes him fall off the bridge and die which is always hilarious and super satisfying but it's also very easy to get stuck or just mess up the amount of weird [ __ ] he's doing what the [ __ ] so i learned this trick from one of you guys in the chat and it's even funnier so basically you make him follow you all the way up the way you came and all these poison clans will hit him so i immediately thought this trick had something to do with the poison and as soon as you entered the top of the hill and he followed you the entire way there he'll eventually teleport back to where he spawns and then you'll just see the text saying that he died it's so confusing no one had a good answer to why they thought this happened first we thought it was the poison that maybe killed his [ __ ] and the horse dies so when he teleports back he falls off the horse and dies but someone made a really good point which is the fact that these games are optimized to not load in things that you're not looking at and when we're on top of the hill we're not looking down on the bridge anymore so once he teleports back to the bridge he's teleporting back into nothing and he just falls and dies i i love that theory and i think it's true actually i just wish i could see it i know this is a very cheesy strat but it's too good not to use we also get bloodhound step which is super essential for later and 42 big ones hell yeah there's actually three things we need from this bonfire but they're all in different directions so it's a bit awkward on what we do first spend a few points leveling up then we're gonna kill the old paralyzed dragon this is everyone's favorite part it's so funny because people enter the stream here and they don't know what's going on and people are just so confused why i'm hitting a [ __ ] blob for five minutes as you can see we do practically no damage but our weapon luckily has bleed on it so whenever that hits it does a ton of damage so eventually it goes down it just takes a while before he dies we pop the golden foot that we got earlier for that extra xp then we're off to the round table hold for the first time the reason we're here is to activate bloodhound step which we got earlier we then teleport back to the swamp area but this time we're heading south instead there's the starlight shard get the rotten breast spell back to the third church of america and now we're heading south instead you can pick up these crystal tears they're not really that good but they're on the way why not same thing with this merchant he's on the way he sells sleeper arrows we don't necessarily need that many but he's right there he's on the way it don't matter we're heading to this castle that's where we really want to go before we enter we pick up this golden seed so yeah this is the spot where you saw me die earlier because there's a blood night or something up here on the left and since i died here before i'm always super nervous running up seeing if he follows me or not he is but he's way too slow so we're totally fine up here we find the first half of the medallion which is necessary to progress in the game and i decided to sacrifice my runes to get out of there it's just not worth it and we're back to finish up the last two things that we need by this bonfire first we're heading down if you remember earlier when i was talking about summerstone eight and nine this is where you get them so this one drops number eight the best way to deal with them is just push them off the cliff i love doing it i don't have to do this parkour jump it's very easy but it still makes me nervous because if i mess up i technically die and again it's not a speed run but i don't know it'd be kind of lame to just run around the whole god damn thing down here is a rune arc which we'll definitely need later but it's also most importantly summerstone number nine as you can see this summer stone is not on the ellen ring wiki by the way so there you go a secret for you and then we teleport back to the same bonfire for the last time this time though we're heading into the castle behind us where we find the other half of the medallion from earlier but wait we're not done here we're actually heading deeper in i've learned my lesson to use bloodhound step here get writing on sword seal which is a great talisman and then we're off back to limb grab get the starlight shard get the bone and be we'll come back here later the next 30 minutes is pretty much just running around and as boring as that is i've always feel really good being here because there's pretty much nothing that can kill us for a very long time so i get to breathe out a little bit here you have to snap this wolf church of eric get that tear we're picking up whatever upgrades we can on the way you know we're running the secret pass to skip the first two bosses we'll come back when we're a bit stronger grab the bond we'll come back here through the portal again i've died from this stupid jump so it gives me anxiety every time pick up some runes because we're pick up gang like that we get the key and then we get the [ __ ] out hey remember how i said there's no more scary bits anymore well i forgot to kill a boss so we had to go back here just setting up and then we're good to go i used to hate this boss because he's easy to mess up and at this point you spent 30 to 40 minutes that you don't want to redo trust me his attacks are super slow you can stagger him with rock sling unless he pulls out some surprises which he definitely can he's not that bad see he charged me there but i was lucky with the stagger and we got our moon well baby i felt so confident here it felt really good now we can continue the stuff that we need to do by the lake first we had east and we pick up a talisman we'll get the talisman and then we head back now it's time to do the magma man request we just need to get a necklace back from this lobster dude we just gotta pay him a thousand runes and then we're done with the quest and now we can progress this is the area that we needed a key for we'll come back here there's a secret merchant down this way he sells the same sleeper arrows that we got earlier just way more of them now we head through the other gate another church another upgrade we need to go to the giant structure on the right but before we do that we can pick up number three that's right pickup game pick up the bonfire and then we head through the elevator this is why we grabbed the two medallion parts earlier because otherwise you're not allowed to pass posture girl can now get us to magma manor get that bonfire join the mama family secret door you probably know about it sneak gang i love this area i think it's the coolest looking in the game we have some parkour to do here it's super easy but i'm always so nervous because if i mess it up i will die so that bloodhound step is coming very handy right now just surfing the a lot of waves it's whatever no big deal so yeah now we're finally what i was talking about earlier you can get all the stones very easily we're still way too low level to be here so you got to be a little bit careful number five pick up gang all right guys don't judge me okay at this point i will have the best weapon and i feel confident i can easily kill this boss the thing is i i don't have to i can just tease him why not okay why not why risk it it's a [ __ ] boss i don't care now think about it i definitely have enough arrows to just sleep him anyway so but anyway if you do this ritual before you enter you can glitch him out and just smack his ass as much as he want he ain't gonna do nothing and i swear it's more fun doing this than actually trying to the boss so zero that yeah i forgot we haven't picked up seven yet just a little bit of parkour got on the first try everything looking good oh [ __ ] okay don't judge me listen this is not a rule break i can quit out i try to not do it because it basically makes enemies not aggro on you people use it all the time in speed runs and stuff like that it's a little lame but [ __ ] i'm i'm not restarting an hour just because he randomly grabs me okay lame sure rule break no zero death yes so we take the elevator from the boston room again i love this area it looks so good with the llama but i'm always scared running it i hate running past this iron maiden and i get stuck trying to not freak out but we made it in fine it's all right a little bit more running and we find the portal to ryker's boston room we're not gonna fight him right away in fact we're gonna go back to the very start oh yeah we can almost max out our weapon now which is pretty damn sweet i love clicking these sorry now we head back it's a little annoying we have to deal with this invasion event but we also get to try out our new weapons so it's kind of fun too head into the cage nearby meet the best character in the game and i kill him by mistake oops luckily we can still buy his items over here i'm so glad they have this feature he sells three golden foot which is amazing and margaret's shackle which is great for the boss now finally it's time to slap the first boss's ass seeing how much i struggled on this boss the first time it feels so damn good every single time to do this amount of damage on him you did and we get a talisman pouch so now we can add our red gun seal finally you take more damage if you wear it but you also gain more health and you deal more damage i feel like the cost is pretty nice oh god the cost is pretty good i'll come back to that one it's time to enter the castle and you get to go either the secret route or the main gate but the main gate is by far superior i always wonder where people kill him but apparently he steals your runes so this part is super easy because we have bloodhound step otherwise it's a pain in the neck so it's around 12 o'clock for me here so i decided to take a break i don't know if that's cheating or not but uh i was i'm tired day two baby and if it's not obvious that i took a break here i forgot that i hadn't beaten the boss yet so i'm running into this area that i can't progress in yet so yeah after running all the way here's when i realized oh yeah i haven't done the boss oops so i had to go back all the way to this boss just because the game didn't save my bonfire for whatever reason all right so we have to run deeper into the castle and we have to run past all these guards it's just quicker that way and honestly i think it's less risk just trying to run past them but to be honest running this bit even with bloodhound step is really scary because it's just such a mess you have the crossbows and everything just shooting at you just keep running keep running keep running there's the elevator here that we need to grab a dog snook in and i hate them but thankfully we have the moon wheel so no problem up we go next up is godric and i actually think he's easier than the boss we just fought just because he's a bit more scripted so he does certain moves when he's healthy at a certain point but honestly any boss is easy when we have this weapon at this point [Music] i you know this guy talks a lot for being dead now we have to do the run that i did by mistake earlier it takes a while but it's definitely worth it i can't believe i played the entire game the first time without even knowing about this godric's great rune baby to use that we have to activate a rune arc that we collected earlier except i'm a goddamn idiot i've done this mistake so many times you have to equip the rune first luckily we can just buy it off the old ladies it's okay all right activate the rune this time it makes it so that all our stats are increased by five which is insane the cost is that if you die you lose this ability but lucky for us we got no intentions of doing that coolest boss room and maybe even boss in the entire game coming up we are way too low level for this boss but you get this weapon which basically makes him into easy mode finally we use our starlight shot they give you mana over time it's so we don't have to worry about drinking during the fight because we're not gonna have any time to do that except using this attack over and over and over it's very cheesy i think it's fine this is a gimmick boss after all the thing is i cannot make any mistakes if i miss my timing with half a second there's enough time for him to attack me and instantly kill me but as long as i'm spamming this attack over and over he can't really do anything so this looks super simple but it is a high risk pulling this off with zero deaths at least my starlight shard eventually runs outside only time i have to drink is right here when he gets staggered then i can finish him off again he's dead but not yet so i used my second starlight shard before phase two same thing except now i have to move backwards a tiny bit between every strike that i do i can't go too far because then i'll miss and if i miss i'll die but i can't go too close because then the lava will hit me and if i hit the lava i die so it's a bit of a dance which keeps it interesting but it is it is what it is and he's dead using the gold foot here and we get ourselves a [ __ ] ton of ruins almost 200k just from that god damn hey remember this area well now we can actually progress through this area without talking to the lady mainly we're just gonna have to run around here grab some random items where we can find them there's a ton of upgrades in this area just got to watch out for these trebuchet catapults they will instantly kill you it's always scary running past stuff like this even though the risk is low so we're not quite inside yet we just need to enter one more level of walls morgan returns here for the second time i think it's a secret boss and it's really not necessary to kill him he's just in my path that i'm going through anyway and he drops a decent talisman so whatever i'll kill him two golden seeds and then two more right after we're now ready to enter the city but first we're gonna kill this tree sentinel boss that guards the gate there's no way to enter without killing him so we sneak up behind him and i don't know if you guys remember the talisman that we grabbed earlier it basically just make it possible for us to use the rotten breath it's super overpowered this spell it does damage over time and i think it takes half his health if we just decide to run away so you can just use the rotten breath wait a couple minutes and then do the same thing again but that's just kind of lame i know how to kill this guy like here for example i can just run away and he will die eventually but i decided to have some fun with it he is really fun to play with this bus he just dodged this one later than you think and it's actually super easy to dodge i decided to finish him up here and now we can proudly run into the city making it somewhat towards the end game we'll be coming back here later this jump is easy but it makes me anxious get naked here for the aesthetic no it's just so i can jump these roofs easier it definitely helps to be naked when you're doing that nailed it now we can just run past the guards there shouldn't be any problem it's kind of funny how much time i spend in the city the first time and then you just blast through everything dude i love this area running off the dragon's wing is so cool this game is insane there's just a [ __ ] turner running here there's not much to say about it there's not much to worry about either nothing really pops out of nowhere to kill you and i always forget this boss i don't know why it's an identical boss to godfrey except it's way easier i think since it's easier it's actually kind of harder in a weird way he's slower so the tempo that i'm used to practicing is way off and if he hits me with a one two i'm dead so i always try and be way more careful than i need to be and dead baby another talisman pouch nice now we can wear a gun again i need my sets to be a certain level at this point i can't do too much damage on this boss because it breaks my entire flow that i have set up for him you'll see now anyway so we will enter and then just leave right away we'll use marga's shackle that we got from the bald guy that i killed by accident and if you use it outside the boss room uh you basically uh it's not a cheat it's just a little cool magic trick yeah so as long as i don't hit him directly he will just keep staying there until his health bar goes to around 50 and before we allow that to happen we'll blow rotten breath right in his [ __ ] face this is the last boss that i will cheese i promise i promise don't judge me i feel like i could kill him easily anyway right i have died on him before so i'm always nervous luckily i have enough mono to use my bloodhound step i didn't use it there for whatever reason all i have to do now is stay alive and don't get hit [Music] even though i cheesed it i'm still hyped about it [ __ ] got him give the tree a little sniff talk the queef lady unfortunately i gotta do this jump again i hate doing it but it's worth it and phew we're fine and now we're heading this way instead to the elevator that we just got access to sneak gang there's a virus talisman here for the fire giant later which i wish i knew about a long time ago we're just gonna make it across this bridge then we're off to the winter area winter area the snow area but not without humiliating this guard i don't have to kill him it's just fun okay and down we go even the most baby level of jumps makes me nervous at this point after two hours of meticulously trying to not die everything makes me anxious man going up the grinder elevator first time i played through this game i got clear blue skies and this area looked incredible it's really cool to play this game again and see how it changes just based on the weather being different as much as i hate bridges i gotta admit this bridge looks goddamn good man i don't know why this area feels so barren there's just so much running through they have to do i'm pretty sure i don't need any more of those past the ice lake ignore the dragon find the church oh yeah this is the best marisa comes in look how focused i am she comes in and waves my in my face making her kick me as a joke anyway i just thought it was funny but clearly not at the time jesus christ look at my face i'm so focused this area is so cool rip bird after about 15 minutes of running we finally make it to the fire giant but before we deal with him there's a really important item that i want to grab not that not that either i really don't like this area so i can't just run through it but it's way safer for me to just deal with all of these one by one and here's the item that i want it's the bubble tier it's for the last boss when he uses the chasing stars it makes it so that i get healed instead of taking damage from them complete game changer so as risky as it is to try and grab it it's definitely worth it now i'm ready for my arch nemesis the fire giant put on that fire resistance and let's go since i fail him so many times there's nothing he can throw at me at this point i know exactly how to deal with this dude get the stagger keep tickling his toes just gotta watch out for his balls this is very risky but i knew i could trigger phase two quick this is so satisfying i get to blow run breath right in his [ __ ] face eat [ __ ] so my new strategy is to use rock sling from earlier until he staggers and i get it right away i was like yeah i got you now slice his face open all i have to do now is stay alive there it is baby zero dips and i use a golden foot one of my last two for that extra xp felt so goddamn good we commit the cardinal sin of touching an unwedded maiden and now we're in the goddamn end game so much work to not even get to the hardest bosses yet oh hey summerstone 9 i really need that yeah thanks now it's time for the godskin duo i used to think they were the hardest boss in the game but we have a trick for it but first we got to go back to the very first bonfire that we grabbed told you we'd be back here in two hours it really doesn't look like it but you can jump down here totally fine without dying and we find another golden foot another secret hidden merchant just taking this chance to sell off everything i've collected so far very minimalist playthrough i know most importantly the bow that he sells is what we need it's on baby i love this fight so try and get three arrows in right away and i get the sleeping effect get another arrow in right away on this second guy start slapping him and do as much damage as possible before he wakes up and i gotta put a lot of trust that this stagger happens and it does he's dead now i gotta deal with his friend in the exact same way as before get the bleed back off get the stagger you're dead son now it gets a little tricky because i have to sleep that chubby guy really fast for some reason i think he has more health the second time he spawns i don't know what's up with it but it means that i have to start attacking him while the animation of him falling asleep is still happening otherwise i don't have enough time to kill him everything's working out perfectly here i knew i had this boss now we just got to finish off the slim guy for some reason i took it very carefully here and it meant i got hit twice but yeah it's fine he's dead it don't matter going to struggle so much on a boss to then just have complete control is so satisfying i know some people think using the sleeper arrows is a cheesy way to beat them it's a complete [ __ ] boss without it i don't mind using them for even a second moving on we have some of the worst running that i have to do in the game and it's always fun to do that at the very end stage isn't it it's this area with the birds it's just awful if you played it you know exactly what i'm talking about luckily bloodhound step coming in with a clutch for the last time i would not be able to do this without it i would have to quit out constantly otherwise i don't know it's just so bad the dragon keeps spamming there's lightning attacks and you're just hoping something doesn't hit you he blows his [ __ ] breath on me too like great thanks a lot eventually he just disappears though so it's fine and i get to grab the last summer stone in the game finally we get to max out they really want you to die here don't they bloodhound step here as well so good and then we take the elevator up to what i think is the hardest boss malakai but first we got to max out our weapon of course always feels good ignoring my poker face my adrenaline is running high here man this is the farthest i've gotten ever with these play throughs malikith is my barrier it's this weird dance that i have to do him because i want to make him staggered on phase two i build it up slowly if i keep attacking him in phase one but i can't do too fast because then it triggers too early and i can't do it too slow because then i'm screwed but everything is just going perfectly here that was so [ __ ] clean i decided to commit this fucker's going down he's about to do the double spinny attack it's so fast and if anything hits me i'm dead use my absolute last resources and i get another last stagger i'm so [ __ ] hyped first time in two hours i show any form of emotion this is the furthest i've ever gotten and i really didn't have to do this but i knew there was a health talisman down here and i figured hey if i'm gonna do this i might as well go all out but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't [ __ ] myself trying to make this jump so unnecessary dude next up is gideon i haven't really spoken about him because he's supposed to be the easiest boss in the game it's easy but he needs to die fast and i can't let him heal oh god damn it dying from gideon would be the worst thing possible at this point hit that bleed on the last one he's done now there's only three bosses left i'm [ __ ] hyped next up is godfrey i quit at right away because the second time you enter he starts a further away this is a little nicer way to set it up i just have to keep my head cool at this point when he puts the axe in the ground he always moves towards you so you have to dodge it i got greedy there i can only attack him when his swing stacks three times and he kept [ __ ] doing it twice so i do minimal damage on him here finally now i just have to keep my distance [Music] this really sucks because i dodged it too early and he grabs me i decided to quit out i know that's a little lame but he also means i gotta restart everything finally phase two i cannot mess up like that again no way eventually this [ __ ] went down hell yeah i love that quote let's go after two hours and 40 minutes it's time for the last boss i have my starlight shard ready for each of the faces so i am ready as ever for this i can get one shot at this no quit that's possible so [ __ ] clean get that last starlight shard in it actually didn't activate in time and i didn't even notice but somehow because of it i got confidence to attack him more than ever and i managed to stagger him never seen this before activate that goddamn shard this time please so now he goes up in the air and i need to run towards 11 o'clock-ish it will make sense in a second if i do it right i can get a couple extra hits in the problem is i've forgotten to attach my uchigatana which has the bloodhound step on it so i had to do that instead so he managed to escape without me attacking him here i hate this attack i got greedy he pulls out the chasing stars luckily the bubble tear comes to the rescue so i knew i wouldn't get him all the way down but i didn't think i'd be this [ __ ] close jesus christ that means he gets to go up in the sky again for the last time let's go zero [Music] there you go the deed is done zero death i know this one wasn't perfect and i did use some cheap strategies here and there i know there will be some people that will have problems but technically this is my own challenge so i get to make my own rules at the end of the day i am [ __ ] thrilled that i got this as much as i wish it was live with you guys it was a huge moment doing something that i actually didn't know if i could do or not thank you to martial for putting up with me being a hermit for a week and to some friends from mine for giving me input here and there i also gotta give shout out to these three channels because i watched a lot of their live streams and it helped a ton i know now from doing this and you as well for watching a ridiculous amount about a video game it has absolutely no practical value whatsoever i can't think of anything more meaningless but i gotta say at that moment when i hit that goal it definitely meant something this is the last video i'm making before i move actually in sweden we hold our thumbs so this video felt like a season finale if you will as always appreciate your support it was really fun working on this and editing it and doing the whole thing it felt very old school so in that spirit hit that congratulations all nordvpn click linkers in the description we already know for six billion times what a vpn does it hides it from people and protecting you for people spying and stealing your data now nerdvpn is now more than vpn they introducing a new really cool feature called threat protection you can just turn it on you don't need to be connected to a vpn to actually use this feature it gives you another level of protection included in what's already a really great service so basically if you ever go on a website they have a bunch of ads not only are they super annoying but they can also sometimes be harmful so if you accidentally click on one of them you can mess up your computer so 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Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 10,440,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 47sec (3227 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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