300 Days - [Hardcore Minecraft]

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what's going on minecraft fans my name is Luke the notable and in this video we're gonna be surviving 300 days in hardcore minecraft if you haven't seen the first 100 and 200 days of this hardcore minecraft series click the card on screen you can check them out now remember in hardcore minecraft if I die my entire world gets deleted let's see if I can make it through these 300 days and we're gonna start with day 200 so just to give a quick recap if you remember right on day 200 I killed the ender dragon it was pretty easy though I essentially spent the last 100 days preparing for the fight so that wasn't too much of a surprise so I hopped back in the end portal and watched the credits roll and after that you simply just spawn at the last place you slept that being my end Shack so now it's day 201 we're all cut up and I've got to run back to my compound to resupply you kind of beat Minecraft when you kill the Ender Dragon but there's still a lot more stuff you can do this game is massive I'm gonna try to beat Minecraft and 100% all of the achievements by the end of 300 days and if I don't get that at the very least we'll fight the wither on day 300 so you look forward to that but at this point I'm just excited about my carrot sticks and it took almost a whole day but now I'm back at the end check we've got to finish up some business here and now we're back in the end this is the place where I fought the ender dragon and times a little weird down here but it's certified date - OH - my iron golems never stopped fighting those Enderman you can see he's hard at work here several of them died and I made a memorial that will stay here for all time one of the first things I did was create a tunnel from the spawn so I don't get attacked by any Enderman this tunnel leads all the way to another end portal it's very safe that's all I like to do things on hardcore so now on day 203 if I look at this end portal and throw an ender pearl into it it will transport me to the end the real end you gotta know the first thing I did was install several safety features yeah sure it takes a little longer but I prefer to do it the safe way this is hardcore if I die it's over and by the end of what I can only assume was day 203 I had a completed tunnel you know if you think about it this tunnel goes all the way back to my main compound through several different roads and this roads only gonna get longer I'm tunneling my way through most of the end you can't tell the whole way through though most of the end is a dark abyss and for that I'll use this ender cheese that I got from tunneling to construct long roads this is likely my most dangerous infrastructure so far but you don't need permits in the end so I'm up to code I apologize for looking at the ground so much I've got to avoid eye contact with these ender men or women but that thing in the distance is what we came here for an end fortress it's really dangerous as you can obviously see if you get hit with one of those projectiles you get stuck with the levitate effect normally it's very dangerous but I was able to use it to my advantage here one since I just played it very safe using dirt in my trusty pickaxe Tim to mine my way through and once I figured out how to kill these things this place was a breeze violence and brute force is always the answer this is a smaller end fortress but I was still able to get some pretty good loot tons of gold emerald and four diamonds but on date 205 were back to tunneling the real prize still awaits I didn't even take too long about ten minutes later I found a real ender fortress now this one's large like really large there's a lot of ground to cover and a lot of ways to die it's absolutely gorgeous though this place wasn't so dangerous I'd live here one day but that thing's what I'm here for the end ship and if you look inside of the ships hole you'll find the legendary alight rock the entire reason we came here was to get the alight row and now we have it and it's only day 205 and of course I didn't forget to mind the dragon head on the front of the ship and as you can obviously see it was all worth it nothing like possessing the head of your enemies I'm just gonna tell you right now date 206 involves a lot of traveling through the void and on a horse and eventually back home last thing I did before bed was deck out the treasure room and now it's date 207 where I'm chopping down trees just like old times though this time around instead of a stone axe I have an enchanted diamond too one because I can chop a lot faster now I had all the wood I needed for my next project it's just a very simple pillar made out of wood that goes all the way to max height I couldn't even really get a good view even when I cranked it up to 32 chunks the Electra's a flying device and I'd never used one before and I figured this was probably the best time to try it out and now it's time for our first Elektra flight test from all the way at max height I'm gonna try to fly into the villager town I had no idea where I was going nothing really rendered awesome I flew way far away from home and now I have no idea where I am and it's dark out I wasn't worried for a second I had my trusty compass we're gonna give it another shot on day 208 I got to put the Landers on here anyway this time I flew a little closer to the ground he was able to get my bearings and make it all the way to El Town easily and then of course I quickly got to work on installing another Airport I can use that Airport to glide all the way from El town to my main compound even over these mountains and you know there's just something beautiful about my base from the sky however the Electra's already at half health which is definitely not beautiful on the morning of day 209 I wasted no time and use my trusty bucket to catch a fish for an achievement I'm not sure why anyone would want to do this for any other reason than the achievement but you know it's there the Minecraft achievements are pretty wacky though and some of them can be quite difficult I've got a lot of work cut out for me in these hundred days one of the achievements involves having every potion effect applied at the same time and I started that long Odyssey today I ended not having about half the ingredients I needed so this one's gonna take a little bit and now I'm in the nether how did this happen unfortunately there's a whole list of nether achievements and they're literally hell I said earlier that on day 300 I'll be fighting the wither and in order to do that I need to kill about a thousand wither skeletons each one has a 2.5 percent chance to drop a wither skeleton skull and this one dropped one here but I need three of those I also needed to shoot a regular skeleton from over 50 metres away with a bow and I got that one here after a quick resupply on day two eleven I kept working on nether achievements this time I had to pop a gas put this on the tank not that hard then I started some hard labor working on a massive tunnel through the nether for another achievement every block in the nether is worth eight blocks in the overworld and there's an achievement for moving 8,000 blocks which I got here well I guess there's a random portal to the underworld here eight thousand blocks away from my home spawn I might as well kill these cows I'm from out of town so there's no way they'll be able to identify me I brought a beautiful white horse back with me before I realized he can't come back with me because my tunnel is too small well enjoy your new life horse it's your problem now as soon as I got back to the nether fortress I started killing nether skeletons again and immediately got another skull wow that's really lucky I got a ton of achievements and two wither skeletons go so I decided to quit while I was ahead I got up bright and early on day two twelve I'm gonna be working my home until she breaks it's an achievement to use up the entirety of a diamond home it's also a funny euphemism I'm killing two hoes with one Gantt here though I've been meaning to clear out the land between these two villager towns for a long time it didn't even really take that long about the entire daylight hours or about eight minutes that night I was able to find a zombie villager who's part of another achievement I tried to trap him with dirt but he just didn't want to stay in prison in the end he chose death I would have to I wasn't recording for day 213 so I'll just show you what I did I made this map I liked looking at it I had to level up my villager cartographer and I also want to make a bigger version of this in my main compound so this was kind of just practice I was also able to purchase an ocean monument map from the cartographer and that should be pretty entertaining and after a large amount of travel the next morning I was at my ocean check ready to take on this Monument it took about all of day 214 just getting there by boat it was pretty far away and I'm already leaving on day 215 I'm not really supplied for this thing I got a run back home real quick I should have prepared but I did not and I'm paying the price for it it wasn't a total loss I was able to collect a little bit of ocean monument blocks and activate my conduit outside my compound now any water around my compound I can not only breathe forever but also see underwater pretty well and by the end of the day I was ready to go back I had some depth Strider boots and a respiration 3 helmet getting back to the ocean monument was a lot easier I had the coordinates so I could just fly there didn't even take half a day I also had a master plan for conquering the ocean monument the Luke the notable way and my master plan to conquer the ocean monument involves nothing but this cow getting the cow into the ocean monument was probably the hardest part but I did get him in there why the cow you asked well the worst part about an ocean monument is the mining fatigue when you get hit with this you can't mine anything but thanks to this cow I have unlimited white stuff right here so no more mining fatigue you're not supposed to be able to mine your way through this dungeon it's supposed to be a difficult maze but I broke that and it's very easy this legendary underwater maze turned out to be pretty easy and all I needed was a cow the prize of the ocean monument is eight gold blocks which is normally free tough to get to but for me it was pretty easy then by the end of the night I was back home with a bunch of gold and victory I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with all this gold I'm becoming too rich it's really a problem day 219 for once I was tearing down walls instead of building them shortening up the walls really opened up the compound I liked how I can see everything now and to tell you the truth I've wanted to get rid of this hilly portion of the compound for a very long time it took pretty much all night but I've cleared out a lot more space for myself here I didn't realize how much land was being completely unused until I got rid of that hilly portion and I've got some pretty big plans so I'm gonna have to burn down this forest outside of the compound it's the most efficient way at night I was able to find another zombie villager and trapped him inside of this dirt hut from leader I also killed a ton of phantoms which I liked doing now their fuel for my alight rrah the next morning I went to check on my zombie villager needy spawned I then took out my aggression on someone unarmed and weaker than me I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out how the bees work I really have no idea by the end of the day I had one beehive which for me was a great success and at night I slept in the first villager town it's been a while we're back in the main camp for day two two two I'm preparing to build a big map here I decided to use my basement mine and I quickly ran into some issues involving lava though I only had to get enough iron to make a few compasses so I'll be good and this is where my map will live once it's made it'll look awesome I lied I need more iron and there's no way I'm building an iron golem farm that's just inhumane and you know caves haven't been that dangerous especially since I invested in some diamond armor and look at that after a long hard day with no paid lunch I had fifty nine iron I was so excited I just sat there all night smelling the fumes alright now it's time to map out my land on day 225 or it's time for a tax assessment it's really not a difficult process you just go to a corner of your land and map it out just like that then you go back to the main map and place it weren't supposed to be it's pretty easy I didn't want to venture out too far to get dark out but I got a pretty good amount of it done today I'm also finally disabling that mine Shack I built all the way back on day one I've never used it once I'm gonna build some proper storage the chests in my house can get a little bit cluttered and by that I mean totally cluttered and not even usable but before we do that we have a map to make and thanks to my electra and rockets it was pretty easy to get pretty far out there it took all day to get the far pieces even with my rockets in a light truck but it's gonna be worth it I'll show you the map turned out better than I ever could have imagined and you know I can always make it bigger I could easily stare at this thing for the next 75 days and nights but I should probably get to work on something more productive you know hell can be pretty productive I only need one more wither skeleton scale then I want to make sure I get it before I get close to day 300 and though that still only has a 2.5 percent chance of dropping so I'll have to get pretty lucky I was down there for a while and killed several families of wither skeletons on day 228 I even found an unexplored part of the nether fortress where it got some diamonds and gold but by day 229 some of my diamond armor broke and I just gave up it's not safe to be down here I need more diamonds I always need more iron and I probably should have a proper mine on my main compound so that's what I'm doing here it's also built right next to my storage so I can put all my cobblestone and other assorted items in here when I'm done mining but I'm not gonna mine at night it's been like 10 days since I've slept not to be like every other minecraft youtuber out there but I wasn't recording for the first part of day 231 and got some diamond armor you're just gonna have to believe me the rest of the night I took the grand Luke the notable canal to my ocean check apparently there's Turtles here but I don't know how they work I'm sure they'll be useful eventually but until he becomes useful he'll stay here imprisoned sorry the frame rates bad I got it on 32 chunks I'm just looking for some new land I'm mostly just burning my time until night I've got to kill drowned I've never found a trident I need it for several achievements these are the Drowned they're pretty easy to kill with my depth Strider hoodies I never found a trident but I did find some pillagers I'm indifferent about the situation I left with the bad omen effect and that's all you got to know plausible deniability I slaughtered more drowned zombies at night with my smite 4 sword it's pretty easy but I never found a trident I mean one of the Drowned threw about 4 tried ins at me but I never got one I found a jungle temple on day 234 I lost about 30 days of work in one of these before I was pretty careful the loot was okay just barely worth my time coming down here on my way back home I ran into a pillager outpost and one of the best ways to take one of these down is to land right on top of it again the loot was pretty trash I don't even know why I came to this thing I was just gliding home when I flew a little bit too close to this town in the raid started on it oh I really don't have time to help I hope you kept good ancestral records day 2:35 I was just trying to forget about all the innocent souls I just killed by planting some bamboo from the jungle after that I think we could just clear some more forest to the efficient way doesn't that look far far easier than chopping you see that big open field that used to all be trees until I burned them all I found that village I accidentally sent the raid to of course they're all dead it's a shame it was actually really close to my main compound through the forest you might also notice that this is a different horse the other one burned to death kind of like this the next day I went out searching for some bees nests I'd only have one and that's not very efficient I couldn't stop myself from killing the inhabitants everything was going swimmingly until a pillager captain killed my horse oh you're gonna pay for that one tomorrow this peaceful villager town is gonna be overwhelmed with Raiders it's gonna be a lot of fun for me and shouldn't be too bad I've got a nice protective wall around the entire town so I'll be able to just shoot these guys from a distance the first couple waves of this raid were pretty easy if I'm being honest the wall did most of the work though it went from zero to 100 real quick what even is this I also ran out of arrows so now I'm hiding as you can tell I was not prepared for this at all without arrows and use my sword to kill all of these pillagers which is not the way you want to do it the fighting was so intense it lasted all the way until day 239 and this isn't even the end of the reign that was just one wave there was no way I was gonna live that situation so I ran away in defeat but I got a totem of undying and that was really all I did that for if you hold this thing in your hand and take enough damage to die you won't it's also an achievement no better way I'm back to mining in date 240 I lost some diamond armor in that raid oh look I recorded myself mining diamonds this time how rare for a Minecraft youtube series I got about a hundred I earned some gold diamonds and obviously a lot of coal we got to do some more mining on day 241 as you can see I'm only down to some diamond pants because I've got that storage right nearby it's way more efficient down here if I fill up on cobblestone I can just fill up my chests with it I don't have to choose what sort of resources I can pick up anymore I pretty much pick up everything like this gravel and like I explained earlier after a long day mining I can just go right next door to my storage shed and stow it all the way I'm still mining on day 242 but I actually need this cobblestone for something we'll get to that later because I just found an abandoned mineshaft it might be infested with creepers but it's probably got a lot of loot in it at the very least I'll be able to save a lot of iron by mining up these rails if you don't think about it too hard each one's kind of like mining a bar of iron and mining up some gold always puts a smile on my face it was a big mineshaft I was down here for the better part of two days and found a lot of useful items I got a diamond some nametags and even melon seeds which I didn't have yet and I have no idea what I'm gonna use these five stacks of rails for but it's nice to have them my inventory bursting with juicy loot I decided to go home and built a reverse staircase to the surface compass you've been my only friend through all of this and I'm not really sure if it's day 2 42 anymore but time gets a little funny when you're down in the mine day to 44 I was just going to grab a horse from L town when I realized that that raid is still going on uh uh luckily one of those horses I abandoned was just sitting right here I didn't even have to retrain him I quickly found a better horse and we got to know each other over some nice breeding he's decently fast as an okay amount of health and can jump over walls which is really all I need and for the first time ever I'm naming a horse I'm gonna call him warthog resupplied and ready for action I went back to fight the raid on day 2:45 but everyone was gone at least I got a free totem of undying I had two or three master villagers here and they're all dead now so I went over to L Town and maxed out all my credit cards to try to feel better okay I was not recording for the real day 246 and some stuff happened I'm not sure how I'm not sure why but I felt all the way down my ladder from the top floor I didn't die I had my totem of undying but now I have a safety feature I'm not really that sad the totems gone I'm more upset that I didn't record the whole experience anyway we're venturing out into the great unknown with my woodland Explorer map I got this from the cartographer it'll take me to a woodland mansion where I can find some more loot kind of like the ocean monument I'm not really sure how many blocks I'm gonna have to travel it just points you in a general direction luckily a good portion of the travelling was over the seat and thanks to the boats in this game that was pretty easy I traveled all day and didn't find anything except this which hanging out on her own property minding her own business who I killed her cat is now my property huh what do you mean it's gonna cost nineteen levels to fix my Elektra this is ludicrous I didn't know that these mansions can be tens of thousands of blocks away from your main spawn so I made the decision to quit but I burned down the witch's house just to say that I did something while I was out here it also made me feel a little better about wasting so much time good news is is I only have to walk back about 15,000 blocks woohoo at least I timed it right and spent most of the night time which is the most dangerous of course in the ocean I used my Electra very sparingly I didn't know who's gonna cost so much to recharge it but by the night time of day 249 I made it back to my land you can pretty much see it from a mile away I'm checking on my honey stocks in de 250 and as you can see they're at an all-time low so I just decided to farm it's been a while by the end of the day it looked like I generated some honey but I still don't know how these bees work doesn't matter though cuz after about 12 days of Labor I got my first honey block there's an achievement for jumping onto a honey block to break your fall and that's what I'm gonna be doing today at least that's what I thought I was gonna be doing it didn't seem to work for me all I know is that this fall should normally kill me and the honey block prevented it but I still didn't get the achievement the rest of the day I leveled up my Fletcher to master and he'll sell me a piercing to crossbow which I can use for another achievement day 250 - I ventured out in search of another village at the rate mine keep dying I probably need to find another one I didn't find a village but I found another witch who I obviously kill hello cat I'm your new owner I'm very cruel you'll get used to it I wasn't recording for day 253 I spent all of my time corralling these cats into this house it was easily one of the most difficult things I've done so far oh and it's finally time to put all of this cobblestone to good use what that'll have to wait until tomorrow it's getting dark out yep we're building a mob farmer a pretty simple one but a mob farmer I'm mostly just doing this to get a little bit more gunpowder and XP at the end of the day and at the end of the day I was almost finished but not quite it's incredibly simple technology zombies creepers and skeletons will spawn on these platforms and the water will push them into the center and because the entire thing is covered in dark they'll spawn eight minutes a day in eight minutes a night I originally said 24/7 but that's just not accurate for Minecraft I was 90% done and ran out of cobblestone no which is just disheartening well I know one thing that always lifts my spirits we also have an absolutely apocalyptic problem developing my throne room oh the view instead of having an absolute mental breakdown I decided to just mine it's a little cathartic and diamonds well those are just straight euphoria I left the mine with all the cobblestone I needed 64 iron and 10 diamonds a good day so day 257 I continued construction on my completely ethical mob farm I finished with a good amount of daylight left and went to go farm some more trees in the swamp I'm gonna need them for something but at night I was almost instantly distracted by these skeletons riding skeleton horses I want one huh that was pretty easy I'm not sure if this is a glitch or intentional but you can't put a lead on a skeleton horse just yet whatever he'll just roam around and because time passes now it's the next day where I'm expanding my house don't let me confuse you here this is 100% all about vanity I'm pretty sure by this point we're at 13 or 14 floors and we're only going higher you see that white stuff at the top of the ladder those are the clouds and after another long day of house construction I assured that my new throne room will have a perfect view of the sunset I also upgraded the throne a little bit with a nice diamond seat cushion we're gonna do some more exploring on day 260 I won't get lost by this point you can see my wood from space yes that was a penis joke by the end of the day I found the ocean and made a little Shack out here I'm hoping to kill some drowned in the meantime I killed several drowned but none of them dropped a trident I don't even need it for a weapon it's just for an achievement come on day 261 I found the pillager outpost and after taking the trash loot inside I decided to burn them all alive they just stood there as the lava overtook all of them he was quite satisfying to watch and because I empty a lighter I was able to fly away before the cops showed up I've definitely been to this desert before it was at some point during the first hundred days it turns out this desert was fairly close to my main base which means I've never really had to build that ocean canal well it ain't a Luke the notable 100 days video without a good old fashioned road project it's definitely not my proudest creation but it's a useful one you see the whole reason I wanted to get a useful connection to the desert was for the glorious glorious sand I can turn this sand into glass panes and glass bottles and sell them for massive profits at El Town for now though I'm gonna use these glass panes on my house embezzlement is the way day to 63 I harvested my melons the farm isn't that efficient but I had to set it up all by myself unlike some other minecraft youtubers out there I then took a short trip back to the desert and started shoveling more sand this is a top-tier investment right here you know these fumes might be bad for my health but nowhere near as bad as being poor day 264 I got my fishermen up to master-level and Hill by Oak boats for me for one emerald so obviously I'm going to exploit that farming was just the beginning of the profits I wasn't recording for the day time of day 265 but I'm back in the main camp for some action in the night there's an achievement for killing two phantoms with one crossbow shot and it's pretty difficult I was literally up all night trying to kill two of these phantoms with one shot and never did oh well on day Tuesday t6i went back to leveling up my villagers and this weaponsmith just got to master so that's the last one I am insanely rich though from that one inventory of sand a couple days ago I'll get about 200 emeralds you guys already know I got the cake and I'm also starting to stockpile some of these mob items like gunpowder from my mob spawner the bamboo I planted earlier also grew it just looks nice I spent pretty much all of day 268 fishing I'll need them for tomorrow I also happen to acquire one of the best fishing rods in the entire game it's got the curse of vanishing which just means if I die it gets deleted but if I die the whole world gets deleted so that doesn't really matter so not only does this one have luck of the sea which makes me more lucky while fishing it also has mending which means it actually repairs the fishing rod every time I catch a fish later I was fishing by the mob spawner when I noticed this zombie villager spawned yo but by the time I got back with the necessary items to complete the achievement of healing him he despawned oh well now it's day to 69 the best day in the whole series I figured today was as good a day as ever to start breeding the cats they have all been bred to work like every other creature in this land anyway that night I ventured out on my boner horse looking for another village I did not end up finding a village and my horse died I stayed up all night avenging him I can't believe it took me until day to 70 to build a nether wart farm I also started the slow process of grabbing more obsidian I'm gonna need it when I inevitably go back into the nether I spent the rest of the day cleaning up the track between my main compound and the desert there's a lot of trees in the way then that's pretty much what I did all day I said there was a lot of trees you know I don't miss the swamp that used to stand here at all who needs him I was just exploring the vast desert on day 271 when I found a village whoa there's so many of them and they're all breathing and now they're all imprisoned for eternity I don't know if I'll have enough time to fully deck out the sand village but I'll at least be able to get some of the other villager professions that I don't have a tell town and if I had a cartographer in this village I could sell glass panes to him with the unlimited nearby sand you know I said I was looking for a new village and it's easily the best-case scenario that I found one in the desert today was a good day day 272 I found a cat I'll make him my friend from fish he was a stubborn little guy though I fed him a lot of fish and we didn't even become associates I checked and it took 11 fish to make him my friend finally day 273 I started by changing this villager into a leather worker he'll sell me dyed leather chaps which I didn't even know existed I don't want him anyway I don't really get the point of dyed leather armor it's not like I'm gonna wear that stuff I'm just gonna end up dying with it I then turned this villager into a librarian and he'll sell me bookshelves for a pretty terrible exchange rate if I'm being honest money is of no concern so I got him to master very easily and he'll sell me nametags nice and by at the end of the day I was back in L town to go buy myself some more money with all the glass and boats and everything I can sell to these villagers I got over 150 emeralds in a single day then by the end of the day I took that massive haul back to the desert village day 275 I started by taming this cat I might have not mentioned that there's an achievement for taming all of the different camp variants I then got my leather worker to master and he'll sell me saddles for one emerald of peace that is an insane deal anyone else remember when I fished for like five days straight just to get one of those things one of my other servants includes a cartographer who will buy glass paints from me for massive profits in the desert and now with unlimited saddles and nametags I corralled all of my cats they're coming home with me I'm glad minecraft doesn't have a smell feature coz this pen is gonna get real bad real quick oh I'm grabbing all the cats you gotta know interestingly a good cat can actually improve the efficiency of a mob farmer so I'm gonna need a couple of these guys we got to give those cats some time to grow up though so day two 76 we're going back to the nether I of course still need one wither skeleton skull but hopefully with this massive portal I'll be able to trap a ghast I've got to get a gas to go through that thing and then kill him in the overworld it doesn't sound hard but it is the basic accepted strategy is to use a fishing rod on the ghast and pull them towards you into the port it is definitely not easy why is everything on fire even if you can manage to hook a gas that doesn't always mean he's gonna go exactly where you want him to this is a very difficult challenge I'm cutting up this footage of ton you're seeing a couple of close attempts but you got to know there were way more fails somehow though on day 278 when I was just about to give up the gas went through the portal himself the hardest part is getting him outside once he's there it's pretty easy to kill him with one arrow as you can tell I was very very happy I'm still in another 4279 though gotta keep killing these wither skeletons I even upped my chances by increasing the overall size of the nether fortress with these nether bricks but even after all of day 280 I ran out of pumpkin pie and there's no sense in fighting a bunch of skeletons if you don't have food to heal yourself so we had to go home the first thing I did on day 2 it he one is put my cat's to work if you put him in the corner of your mom farmer like this they'll actually scare creepers into the center more often and that means more gunpowder and would you look at that it almost instantly started working but now we're back in the nether I've got less than 20 days to get that last wither skeleton skull I win all of day 282 completely dry and a 283 was even drier I had literally just resupplied on day 284 and one of the first wither skeletons I killed dropped the skull you can see I pretty much just stood there in shock now that I never have to go back to the nether again I was in reality and attacked by two phantoms and one was caught in this tree now's my chance I took my sweet sweet time lined it up and with one arrow got this achievement this is what I was doing during the day time of day 285 I just wasn't recording finally putting those mind tracks to good use it was always kind of a meme that I spent like 20 days on this road and never use it but now I'm gonna use it but as you can obviously see it's not done yet it even has a purpose you're not really supposed to fight the wither near your main base so I'm gonna fight them near this birch house I built the minecart track isn't really necessary but it's definitely one of those little luxuries in life that you need to have I just need you guys all to know that I wrote this thing back and forth about 30 different times to fight the wither you got to do it at the lowest level of bedrock and I was just building a shaft all the way down here when I jump did some lava though I very calmly grabbed my ender chest and a bucket of water inside and put out the fire on myself I remained completely calm the entire time I felt better about the whole situation after I found some diamonds day 288 I had to grab some rabbit's feet and I took them all forcefully listen I didn't want to kill an entire generation of rabbits it's not my fault the rabbit's foot only drops 10% of the time I also got a level too bad on one effect and this time when we do the raid I'll actually come prepared in the first villager town there's a single solitary villager alive he's a master farmer hidden in one of the houses and one villager is all you need for a raid this time I also came back with four stacks of arrows iron golems and tons of Cayden they did spawn inside the village but with four stacks of arrows I could pretty much just snipe them all from afar and they're pretty dumb so they never rushed me I mean sure it took a while but with how much land of his village occupies it was pretty easy to run away when things got tough and it took almost a full two days but I was able to complete the raid entirely and become the hero in the village I also got seven totems so I can die quite a bit now day 291 I'm just trying to make sure I have everything ready for this potion achievement and I'm pretty sure I totally don't well at least one positive thing I can take from this day is that I learned how mushrooms work I also needed some essence of turtles so warthog and I went out to find some on day 292 I didn't find a turtle but I found an ore can't which I didn't have yet nice I know there's turtles over by my ocean Shack I just didn't want to have to run all the way out there I was hoping I could find some by the desert village I didn't give up easily though I was out all night killing monsters until the next day to 93 but then I found a desert temple and I had to go in the loot was pretty good I got a book of feather falling which would have been nice for my ender dragon fight I also got some diamonds which is just always welcome I actually found a second desert temple but it looks like someone already triggered the explosives on this one this one was right next to the desert village it was probably just an unsuspecting villager honestly day 294 was mostly about organization and travel nothing really interesting happened and by the nighttime I was taking my ocean canal back to the ocean Shack but now at state 295 certified turtle time full disclosure I had no idea how these things worked I don't know why I try to treat every mob in Minecraft like their cows or pigs but turtles are obviously not cows or pigs after a night of googling no on day 296 I was educated on turtle breeding habits so kind of like turtles in real life turtles in Minecraft will only lay eggs on their home beach so you can't just lock a turtle up and expect him to lay eggs wherever he's in prison do you have to let him get back to his home beach good news is you can totally steal the eggs once he's laid them though and that's exactly what I did so by the end of day 296 I left my ocean Shack with 15 turtle eggs a good day the good news is a turtle's home beach is wherever they spawn so once all of these eggs hatch they'll think this is their home and I'll be able to breed them however turtles aren't known for doing anything fast including hatching so that might take a while day 297 I tried my hand at making a raid farm near the desert village and I've already stated that I'm terrible with redstone and it didn't really work if anything I just made an absolute mess of everything tell you the truth I'll probably need at least a thousand days to get this thing functional day 298 I started my prep for the wither fight thanks to all the work I did for the Enderdragon fight I'm mostly all the way there you know I've brewed basically every potion in the game three times already also by this point most of my good stuff comes from the villagers in el town so I had to go there by the end of the night hey a wandering traitor was an el town on day two 99 and he sold me five Nautilus shells hopefully I could get a second conduit at some point I then killed him for his leads can't let me catch you sleeping and like any good gentlemen preparing for battle I made sure to carry plenty of white stone and that's pretty much everything I need for the wither fight I've watched about 17 youtube tutorials on it dan it shouldn't be too difficult so on the eve of the wither fight I watched the sunset in my throne above the clouds all right today's the day if I don't make it back warthogs in charge don't worry the dog I don't talk about I'll be fine I'm gonna be honest I think this minecart track is probably my favorite thing I built in these three hundred days to spawn the wither you got to put some soul sand in this sort of fashion like an iron golem and then you put the three wither skeleton skulls on the top make sure you drink your potions and don't miss the placement like I just did with that final wither skeleton skull the wither will spawn and now it's go time he's got two phases in the first one you've got to shoot him with arrows and it's not very difficult if you've built a shaft like this at bedrock he basically can't hit you once you get him down to half health your arrows won't work anymore and that's when it's time to pull out your sword because I've got a smite force sword though I do an absolutely insane amount of damage and Wow he's already dead that was really easy I also really over-prepared like everything else I do in this series and winning that fight is just giving me more to do like this beacon what even is this I've got a lot more minecraft to play and I guarantee you'll see more hardcore days from me I promise so make sure to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss the next hundred days when these Turtles inevitably hatch thank you all for watching please stay notable and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 20,752,129
Rating: 4.9324226 out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, luke, the, notable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, i survived 100 days minecraft, 200 days hardcore, 300 days hardcore, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, minecraft hardcore surival, minecraft, minecraft lets play, minecraft hardcore lets play, minecraft gameplay, 100, 100 drops, 100 drops guy, 100 days guy, luke the notable
Id: qr7auTswRF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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