Minecraft, But A Raid Starts Every Minute...

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this video we coded it so that a raid spawns every minute we are constantly swarmed chased and attacked by pillars will we be able to beat the game before the raids take us down well you're about to find out also only a small percentage of people who actually watch my videos are subscribed so if you like what you see here please subscribe it's free and you can always change your mind later i also want to let you know that i'm working with youtubes to bring you guys a custom sapna vinyl figure this thing looks super cool i'm sitting on a flaming netherac holding my trusty axe and i just think the design came out great these are limited so once they're gone they're gone so we're giving away some for free which you can enter from the link in my description all you have to do is follow some simple steps to increase your chances of winning a sabnav youtubes my youtubes drops november 3rd so you better be there or you might miss out on getting one at all anyways enjoy the video all right should i run the command come on run the comment oh my god where'd you get go go go go go go go go go oh it's right there oh my god oh my god what the freak come on come on oh my god run rush oh my gosh that was way more than i thought we get a tree quickly get this go to the forest we have a little bit of time though we have a little bit of time should we just run yeah yeah yeah we need to go we need to go we need to go we need to go i don't i don't i don't dream above you oh my god oh my god oh my god i was waiting for you i could have been doing something all right get all these get the berries they're going to get rid of them all right let's one of the stone biome over here you guys oh god oh god here take a pick take a pic take a pic dream make me another one i'm trying oh god oh god oh my god oh my god oh god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die just fine just run just run we need to we need these fish oh my god this is too intense dude this is too intense the vector right behind us oh my god run run run run oh they're getting you just go just go just go and we're going to die in the next one if we don't get food now no yeah we are definitely gonna let's get in the cave come over and get the cave in the cave yeah get it right here quickly quickly i see them i see them over there where can the vexes come through the wall yeah they can oh god they can george get over here george oh all right we each get one piece at first not the heel but the sprint okay everybody take one piece storage take one piece here take the pieces from the furnace okay i will we need to go on a cable these things spawn in the cave with us yeah they will oh god we don't want to go in a cave then they're going to trap us in there yeah we want to we want to avoid going down caves oh another raid oh it's just left watch out wait wait they're kind of weak this is just like the arrow guys wait oh no no it's not no it's not i take that back no i take it back i take it back no we're not fighting them we need some iron we need some iron for sure oh my god george oh my god george dream you're gonna die run run run go go go i was i was willing to take the bullet for you i got the sheep i got the sheet we need to like we need to run into a cave and get out before the next great spawn we need like a ravine that just has a ton of iron in it there's an ocean is this kind of that's kind of good because they spawn oh we could find like the the ships oh that'd be so good gravel all right they just spawned they just spawned there's another one yeah another one just one george george george move get the dream we're good get here jump in step up get in bye george george george you didn't you didn't have a boat that's not our fault [Music] oh i need some you just stole all my food it's okay oh it's not okay and get out of there i'm not in there i'm crafting you just can't stand still for very long oh my god oh a radius oh they're right there wait those guys look newbie we can take them yeah no no there's more yeah there's a lot more george why do you always leave us i just found the raid i'm i'm feeling great i'm in the raid i see you to the left over here right george run oh they're sniping him they're about to aim all right i'm too good at dodging this is such a crappy biome to look for caves in oh is it not a desert oh it's just beach it's fine we'll go to the ocean through here your mom's a beach the death cry of a george get in george get in get in george i don't have a boat guys i don't have a oh bye guys time to get in [Laughter] [Music] what's wrong with this dolphin what the hell it's on the it's on the train they're all after george it's perfect oh dream dream oh oh my god dream there's an axe guy we're fine we're fine just avoid them just avoid them another right to spawn oh yeah there are let's just run this oh my god there's there's the big thing the big thing the big thing oh it's really big things there the big things are running i'm running i'm running run run run run oh it's so quick it's so quick it's up to me oh my god oh my god oh one of the magician things is here oh my god dream we need to run we need to run now george run they're right behind us george i'm trying run run run run dream i don't even know i don't even see them are you still in that case oh i oh it's a really good cave i want to go in there we can't go in the cave does it be like a hundred pillars what do we do oh we gotta walk it off get in and block it off i'm jumping in i'm jumping in the cave i'm jumping into dream you're ready to block it off there's an enemy there oh i'm gonna die oh god joe get here [ __ ] up george is on his own for now drew a dream dream okay we need to get back to our first did you get the iron no the stupid little thing you started attacking me what do we do i'm actually scared okay i need i need a furnace right now to cook guys is there like a hundred mobs chasing that i'm barely exaggerating george we're underground oh my god oh my god dream what do we do oh we control dreams run just move okay we just need to cook this food oh my god oh gosh no no no no yeah i see you literally we have to recover that stuff otherwise we're we have to give that stuff and we have to keep moving we cannot stop you guys probably aren't even close to me take this dream literally the only way we can beat this end is if you like one cycle this dragon because they're gonna keep spawning i found the stuff yes yes watch out no no what run please george you can make a shield all right we need to go here we go following me we just gotta get in the ocean and go it's right over this mountain on the left quickly no they make them look like this blast me with slowness come on george please please please please i'm looking back to where the kids just live a little bit longer i'm looking back we're on the way we're in the ocean right now we're in the ocean yes acquire hardware make a shield and you'll be saved i'm running back to the way that we came we're in the ocean like we're we're like a little bit from that shore where like that cave was that we went in where we died just go stand up go i wanted to eat i wanted to eat you can still move the boat while eating when you're at the shore you're not here we are sure are you sure you're at the shore yeah we're sure we're at the show we're sure that we're at the shore a baby cow that's a baby cow oh i see you guys to the right george oh my god they're gonna why are we not under attack i don't know where i don't know where they are perfect and i'm stealing this food i need some are they going to attack can you be stone george george is like the warrior he has golden leggings and a golden shovel and he just got through battle oh oh they're attacking they're attacking their attacks they're like oh no okay we need to go just leave it just leave it george i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming oh my god just go go go go go go oh no oh god george we can't let our heroes no i killed him i killed him i killed him all right we're good we can take him down you can take him down we can take him now we're bringing the fight to you yes i i'll show them i'll quickly cook whilst we can stupid you can put in a stack of spruce planks oh george's has all the resources yeah how did i how would i get a stack of spruce plants i don't know i just i was oh there's more spawning oh they're right there oh my god go go grab stuff god stop going stop god stop got stuff oh my god oh no no no no no no no just run there's a cave i'm going down it no stop going in caves that's not a good idea no oh my god george he's gonna get us killed again runs on this run just run just run right it's all good we need iron we need to go to the nether and we can we can't go to the nether without getting some iron we need a ravine that's just like we need a fight and we need a lot of food to get in and out i found dogs i don't care about the dogs let's get out of here yes i got one george what's its name i don't care let's go we need to win oh more spawn oh god they're spawning this one oh oh oh oh because they're here we have to just kill them and run there's a huge cave lots of iron okay i'm digging down to dream oh i fell okay i'm in this time oh my god get out there i'm getting i can't get hired my we can fight them when they come down if they come down we fight them we do we defend our cave we do this is our cave this is our cave nice oh they're taking hella fall damage perfect nice this is arcade we can defend this cave if the raid spawns do we uh do they come down here they're gonna chase after us yeah but i don't know if they can find their way wait maybe they'll fall in the lava oh yeah we can use the lava they find their way wait wait fine guys they're right over here it's fine i can hear them they're in like a cave right next to me don't open up the cave to them i'm pushing your dog into the lava okay stop not dreaming come on now that's too far dude dude i can eat there i can hear them ever there's a fact oh there's one fact okay okay [Music] let's go just grab the iron and go oh my god wait wait wait oh no oh no red dream oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm so low i am so low i'm solo just go just go drink just go oh my god we need we need to get towards you oh god oh god oh my god i'm dead i'm dead oh my god oh my god we need to make beds now where are you dream where are you we make beds yeah we make beds oh oh god dreams are here all right run run run these are the easy ones all right here take this this one yeah just run just run we've gotta run more we need to be on the move constantly otherwise we're dead exactly there's a cave right here i don't know if this is you no no we're not going in any groups no more behind us there's literally a guy right behind we need to find a us and we need to find a village oh there's street oh all right cool we have a bed now we're enough for two oh oh god rage oh they're that way they're that way i head this way just head to the ocean yeah go go you leave the crafting match leave the crafting bench leave the car go go go go oh another one just spawned too oh my god this is insane this is like i swear this is probably one of the hardest challenges we have ever done i don't see any we're safe we're safe for now training we're safe it's all this time of being on the run we should set our bed here it's a good place to put our bed yeah this is i'm gonna make a bed then i need one wall give me one wall is that your spawn all right [Music] oh i got a flint and steel that's good i'll leave a little bit of like a care package of supplies leave i'm leaving that wood just in case someone dies okay [Applause] [Music] stop taking my care package guys it's got 19 iron nice that's really good get back to us oh i think they're over there across the ocean dude we've got this is the safest island anyone could ever right now style in there nearly that [Music] i have a gift for you a gift for your travels here george get for your travels george i've already got a better version but it's it's died though george we know you love george you're gonna have to find your way all the way down [Laughter] just make sure to sleep george okay i got your shield george why'd you throw it out i need the hat i'm wearing it just sap nap what he threw it out i just took my you guys can one man's trash is another man's treasure all right let's head okay we're just leaving all this stuff there yeah that's for oh the smoker's in the will you take the smokers on the front now wait wait wait once one smoker well actually i guess i don't need it no oh there's a village oh we need beds oh our bed problems solved oh my goodness thank you [Music] oh oh they're all gone oh god do we need to go all the villagers are running they're all running they're all babies there's like five babies [Music] oh oh my god iron pick some iron oh that was nice that was good all right george just seems like he's getting taking the brunt of the attack so yeah so he's doing he's taking off [Music] no no we got this okay make it quickly unless you that's one of you guys sitting on fire oh yeah i don't think oh that was me i think oh no oh my god oh my god oh my god i stole this dream dream please [Music] might be enough hold an apple no there's not enough hey george has both the boats yeah i have the power go go go go go go to the ocean george please place both the boats they're gonna shoot us guys this is not the time place both george okay where are we going this is not the time to be arguing about who gets in what boat yeah well george was like george like he placed only one and then he just like started taking off what oh oh it's a puffy fish oh my god we just got messed up yay dreams in my vote all right we need to dream join the server with the good stuff i got two diamonds i got three diamonds he didn't get crap what the heck he took it he took the vote george give the vote bye guys give us the boat this is so amazing we're just i don't know we're just in the ocean and they can't even spawn george isn't even anywhere to be found george not found george's not found george is not found yes come here come here come here go to the left go to life go to the left go left he [Music] help we're on land again so they're going to be all right let's just go just find a lava pool i'm just thinking down you know what no you do it quick we can do it that's a very bad idea it's not a bad idea very very good just defend the top defend the top drop me iron pick drop me iron pick bring the top oh my god george george you need to kill them and defend we can take them george we can take them come on oh another one just born just be ready it drops his iron axe i have his iron oh god oh god oh god i'm breaking the hole just don't george george dream we're we're at the top we're literally at the top defend them up there kill them up there we are we're just running around oh my god george is gonna die jordan's gonna die i see a little bit more time i'm gonna place the bed just right click right click this man right click this man set your spot i got it okay i can't hear a lot but i don't know where it is i'm placing water jump down jump down go to the wall go go go low and blow you need to block the hole in the way focus down not i can't just place a block above you what do you mean we've locked it listen for love be quiet oh no oh we're gonna die oh this is back dude there's so many vexes dream there's so many vexes drew i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm dead okay it's fine you respond grab your stuff all right grab yourself let's go to the nether okay i'm coming back oh my gosh oh god dream dog those things are mad at you you have to kill these people oh the fortress we really no way oh nice oh my god oh my god there's a lot of blazes oh what there are because there's a blaze spawner i think these ones are even from the blaze spawner probably not i got one i killed like all of them i i i i see you up there battling there's still like some left even though like there's so many fun i only got one blaze rod from killing six blaze i have three blazers i have one we have five oh whoa what let's go this guy's here to trade with trade with these guys here everything before he gets mad get going here take this pick step up take this pic you know what's good about it it's mending so it's actually it will work the whole time oh nice all right i'm gonna get some gold this is quick so that is pretty epic quite that like indeed have you ever have you checked like the trades in a while no i saw their soul speed book but that's it oh you dropped pearls i have some i have some gold you drop all these girls uh i don't know they dropped down there oh nine oh god he's killing me he's killing me i think i need to kill him i need to kill him you get out you're fine i have a ton of gold he's killing me get out yeah do that do that oh okay we got nine that's nine many wait why do you start killing me there's more gold in there what's this problem i got eight gold more gold this is good we have there's he's going to drop more pearls there's no way he's he's golden up oh this guy behind us oh god wait don't kill him it's fine but we can just trade with him and it goes like a million times quicker obsidian pearls how many how many uh i can't pick him up yet five all right we have enough i have to kill him that's fine we have enough anyways just kill him george i wanted seven we'll go all right let's go dream plenty of trolls we have more than 12. i want you to be the ender pearl holder well would i get some weird in the blazer okay look out oh god let's go like blow up the blazer let's go all right we need to head back relax okay buddy yeah we got pretty lucky with another yeah trades were good everything was good okay george is on fire i love that it's fine i'm grabbing it i have to how's dream gonna get up there's literally like one way i'll place water oh god we're in the death tunnel go up go swim swim swim place the block below us this is bad oh there's some stuff waiting up there for us boys oh no no oh i'm covering that i covered that oh you blocked off our water yeah just go place no no we're good we're good oh my god what is happening oh my god oh my god this guy's oh i'm dying to the best we need to place a bed place a bed george guys we need to place a bed please it's a safe thing to do you do it i don't have a bed all right get up to me i'm placing a bed i'm gonna die where's the bed i got it i got it i got it i got it all right all right follow me up here oh god oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i want to have fun i want how hard i want oh my god dude do you hear that i do i don't know what's happening block it off i'm dying dude jordan's been killed i'm dead i'm dead i died my stuff's up here get over here get up here how do we get out oh my god come on come on dream come on dude no all right all right we need to be careful just be careful no
Channel: Sapnap
Views: 7,079,982
Rating: 4.9480376 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Challenge, Sapnap, colorblind, Dream, Minecraft But The Mobs Are Randomly Hostile, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft survival, Minecraft lets play, Minecraft But Half The World Is Missing, Minecraft mobs, Minecraft but random mobs, Minecraft youtuber, Minecraft youtube, Sapnap Minecraft, BadBoyHalo Minecraft, Dream Minecraft, GeorgeNotFound, DreamTeam, Mobs, Mobs Spawning, 1.16, minecraft colorblind, georgenotfound colorblind, Dream Team, Dream Team Minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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