Minecraft, But You Can Buy Any Item..

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in this video i'm able to use an in-game minecraft store that allows me to buy any item in the game learn how it works and if i can beat the game by hitting the subscribe button in three two one welcome to the sub club here's the comment of the vid and to be featured here as always leave a comment down below also i've just launched a new lunar cave that you can purchase right now via the link in the description down below enjoy [Music] all right what the heck man dude this llama so disrespectful better not do that again i don't want to get near him i'll get the wood but today guys we are going to be playing minecraft except we are going to have access to a special type of service you see i have three wood in my inventory and what can i use that to do obviously you can make a crafting table but what happens when you make a crafting table bam i got a bag of coins why do i have a bunch of coins in my inventory well basically every time i get an advancement in this game i'm gonna get a bag of coins and when i right click this bag it's gonna collect the coins how many am i gonna get three coins ew that's like not a lot of coins at all so as you can probably tell i got an advancement from creating a crafting table now this is actually the first advancement in the entire game it's minecraft the heart and story of the game it's not one that's announced in chat but for every new one like if we make a stone pickaxe which we're about to do and i see a village in my peripheral vision and getting an upgrade all those will announce and with those we will get bags of coins now the reason we are getting money is because i actually rang up the folks over at grazer incorporated and they've allowed me to use their store today so we're going to go and create the grazer shop in game and to create this we're going to need to add a crafting table in the middle and surround it with a bunch of gold ingots and oh we got caves right off the bat but when i open this store it's going to have every single oh my gosh that's the worst chest i've ever seen but yeah in the shop it's gonna have literally every single item in the entire game and everything's gonna be priced differently okay so we're gonna have to strategically get the items we need to complete the game now there is a twist every time we do order an item there is a chance a very small chance that we could get an op item as well so let's make this food there is another chest in this and oh i just got a bag of coins wait what advancement did we just unlock oh it's husbandry the world is full of friends and food so i just got two of the first advancements of two different categories that's why they didn't announce it in chat but that is another bag of coins hold on how many are we gonna get this time please seven coins okay so we already have ten coins before we continue today's video is sponsored by dashlane seeing as i'm a youtuber who uses the internet for almost everything in life it feels good to have that extra level of security that dashling provides dashlane can be your one-stop shop for your digital identity by managing all your passwords so you don't have to keep track of each one personal info and financials making your digital life safe and much more secure and the best part dashlane works across multiple devices including apple products pcs android safari and chrome dashlane also has a secure autofill feature that works for personal info and credit cards saving you time when shopping online as well as a vpn to prevent prying eyes from tracking you you can give dashlane a try for free right now on your first device at dashlane.com grazer and if you decide to go premium you can use my code grazer for 50 off thanks again to dashlane for sponsoring this video we'll make a wooden pickaxe and we will use this wooden pickaxe to get stoned so that we can get our next advancement and our next stone age you've received a bag of coins yes okay so let's right click this and please something more than seven and three coins i want to get rich baby 34 coins what what's the next one after that we have to construct a better pick oh wait we can literally just make a stone pick yeah there we go i was gonna say please so that's another bag of coins we just got an upgrade now how many coins will i get this time 11. so yeah it's very like a random and sometimes we just don't get the good end of the stick so well let's go in hold on let's maybe get another couple of advancements let me breed you guys together please make love give me an advancement yes a bag of coins right click collect those coins and that's 29. okay so we already have over a stack of these nice coins that is a lot of items already as soon as we get the store i don't think you guys understand like we have gotten lucky on the coin distribution here and there is this abandoned village which i guess i will scour just to see if there are any chests but other than that really no use i mean it's been abandoned look at it there's mossy cobble all over the place and there's zombies another bag of coins please give me something good i killed that monster 35 more yes so i'm gonna start digging down and we basically just need to find a bunch of gold but of course while i am digging straight down i need to promo my lunar cape and you guys probably see an all-new lunar cape on myself and that's because i've released a new one you can get it now in the lunar client store down in the description below it's a cool twilight forest looking thing almost like a firefly force i'm a big fan so if you're a fan get it now you can also get my lightning strike cape also available all in the lunar storm and there's a skeleton and there's gold right away okay skeleton i don't okay this is bad this is bad i'm gonna have to use the siren right now go go go go oh my gosh that almost killed me all right so smelt an iron ingot yes that's a bag of coins how many 27. okay dude look at this look at this coin in my hand look how cool that is man the next advancement is literally making a piece of iron armor which i was about to do just then i was literally wondering so boom another bag of coins yo we're gonna get so opie actually we just got six coins so the next advancement is filling a bucket up with lava so we'll get enough iron to get that also just to get more geared and we also have the gold over here so we'll need an iron pick to collect this as well make this iron big but also oh my gosh that is an advancement in itself that's a bag of coins okay i got to make sure that my inventory always has at least one slot available or else this bag of coin might not go into my inventory okay so let me clear all the trash there's a creeper skeleton up there run all right i'm opening this bag of coins right now the skeleton's after me please give me good fortune 25 coins okay i'll take it i'll take it i'll take it go away skeleton i don't care about you i don't like you i never have you're my least favorite mob you're gonna kill me oh my gosh you're gonna win this fight oh and we are already almost at three stacks of coins now obviously when we start buying everything maybe this will be enough for everything oh my gosh there are two endermen that just spawn in the caves here there we go we got an enderpearl before we can even buy is there one more no but there's scalp dude this cave is cursed and here's the lava i have the bucket advancement got zombie you can't stop me from collecting my coins what are you gonna do what are you doing i got 72 coins from that holy smokes bro and there's the last gold i need it's being guarded by a skeleton shouldn't be too much of a inconvenience just grab it and go just grab it and go i don't need anything else oh there's literally gold all over there's a really good cave whoa we can just sweat there's diamonds there's literally okay we have to get the diamonds okay because obviously we can buy diamonds but if we can just get them for free why wouldn't i make sure we don't drown and how many do we have oh yeah and it's an advancement obviously i'm gonna get diamonds i'm gonna make myself an iron sword i think that would probably be wise to kill these stinking skeletons everywhere the arrows help but now we have all of the gold we need i just have to make one more crafting table and here we go guys we put a crafting table surrounded with this eight gold we get the crazer shop look at this thing so this is where we're gonna insert all of our money now we can't actually do it here because well when we order something the deliveries come from the sky and there's literally a full-fledged shipwreck over there and here we are and we'll quickly just check these chests real quick because why not that's why not probably because they have literally nothing is there anything in this one there is a buried treasure map so we can get diamonds and stuff to sell guys but here we go and bam and wait what i just got a wallet hold on i just placed this thing down and a wallet appeared in my inventory wait so i can put my coins in here and store the oh it's like space management so i can't put all of my coins in here but for the ones that i can fit this makes it so i don't have to waste inventory slots we will open up the grazer shop it's literally a creative menu except every single one of these things costs money and it is every single item in the entire game anything you could dream of you can get here and you know what i'm going to start with the notch apple it's only 50 coins to get a notch apple uh yes how many do we have in total 249 coins we could probably get like three of these oh wait we don't want to waste all of our money just yet so i'll get two at the price of a hundred and if we need to sell them later i will okay so i'll order a knot chapel and here it comes all the way from the sky we gotta watch out this thing could actually hurt us if it lands on us but it's like an airdrop delivery [Applause] and here it is our order and inside two notch owls so there is a chance that like i said on every order there could be an opie item that's also in here with the delivery this time it didn't happen but i mean we got two notch apples so i think uh we're all right there i'm thinking the next thing is we just gotta go full out on netherrite and we can actually we can get a whole thing of netherright armor right here right now that is a hundred coins total oh that's 80 coins total so yeah i'll do it watch out the deliveries are coming watch out oh gosh dude that's what i'm saying it damages you man it literally hurts you if you like it lands on you put the uh nether armor on we might have to buy an enchantment table that's the netherright chess piece and finally the nether helmet nope the items but we get the advancement and let's refill our wallet actually we don't have a lot of coins after those purchases we will have to start selling things like immediately hold on wait is this a desert temple this is yeah it is we could get some valuables here to sell on the shop guys but hold on for the tnt we could sell tnt oh my gosh depending on how much tnt is worth in the shop i don't know let's grab that right now for once tnt comes in handy and now what are we actually gonna get in the chest a golden apple golden apple that could probably sell i'm probably not gonna keep that so if we sell all nine of the ones we get 45 coins i mean what do we need tnt for really i guess so i'll sell that and if we really need it we can buy it back but i think i need the coins more than the tnt right now an enchanting table is 25 coins but we haven't gotten any op items yet so in case we don't get any i'm gonna purchase one i think and we'll organize the rest of our coins into the wallet and here is the enchantment table delivery still no opie item i'm just gonna start spamming a bunch of things we need an anvil so we'll order that every single netherright tool i'll order all of these as well and there we go in the show oh it's a golden leggings curse of binding are you serious but we got another shovel let's just deck up our okay now we're actually really getting them okay curse of binding blast protection and the pickaxe okay so we have a whole set of tools now we have three diamonds which we don't really need right now so we could probably sell the three diamonds get uh 15 coins which i will do an eye of ender is 30 coins that's a lot okay and then ender pearl is 15 a blaze on it okay so that economically makes sense they both combine to make the eye of ender so i guess the better thing to do would just be to get the eye of ender right or no we would want to get both separate to increase the chance of getting an item that maybe will get us oh no we need the custom op items man oh but we'll take the eye of ender i guess so now we have 88 coins and i think what i'm gonna do is i'm just going to spam a bunch of these one coin items and hopefully we get some good stuff ah they're all firing everywhere holy smokes it's like christmas morning give me all these it's like missiles and we got a diamond hoe with level 36 that's not the item i was looking for so now it's just a scavenger hunt and there we go oh my gosh yes this is exactly what i wanted one of the deliveries had a bunch of eye of enders in it so that's good do we have anything else though please and yes i'm breaking enchantment level 35 diamond leggings that is an enchantment which means a new bag of coins i need coins really bad right now give me those coins please that's one coin are you kidding me and there's a mending shovel and all of that in here we're gonna have to keep doing the spam trick man i think that's the wave we just got a bunch of that's a rare rare drop though we're not gonna get that every time but now we can actually get the position of the stronghold and we can start marching toward it while continuing to buy items and look at this it's a land shipwreck these are rare now there's not really anything i'd want in here except for things i could sell so look at this this is a lot of food a lot of coal these are worth like one coin each it's still and you know what i'm running low on food too so that it works in my benefit as well there they are i was like where is the other chest and this is another buried treasure map you can't sell them maybe you can sell those and chest number three and here it is all the iron i was like i was really hoping for an emerald one because those would sell nicely but i'm glad with what we got a wandering villager just popped up what do you have my friend in your trading bin you have a lot of emeralds and you want a lot of nothingness go away you must die wandering villager no no no no these guys are mad at me get away i have 92 coins that's actually enough for three more eye of enders do i make the plunge i'll buy one and then i might just do a bunch of spammy just bad items again see if we can get another couple of op items all right i have 53 coins left i just bought a heck of a lot more packages one of these contain a via vendor i'm hoping for more op items out of these oh why gold items we get lapis at least lapis is cool i guess no we're getting nothing out of these packages and we get uh oh with the eye of ender we actually got a project of protection but nothing great give me good stuff another right axe efficiency 48 fortune two mending finally an item worth having that's a really good tool and eight lapis it's giving us lapis and iron and just yuckiness and there we go we got a sharpness enchantment level 44 sword for the ender dragon we can buy eight arrows for two coins so currently there are 38 left i'm gonna just buy a ton of those you can get a stack for 16 coins consider it done bingo so now we have all the arrows we'll ever need to face the ender dragon we'll need a bow so we'll grab that two and now we are left with 17 coins oh what do we do you can buy bedrock for 20 coins i mean i never need bedrock i'm just looking through the whole menu at this point what do we possibly need more than just a couple more eye of enders we could use bottle of enchanting you can buy spawn eggs the dragon head is 50 coins another star is also 50. so i guess i mean these are valuable items a totem is 20. we could sell a couple things and get a totem of them dying that would probably be an interesting probably good purchase you know what we don't need an anvil let me sell the anvil and grab a totem now we have seven coins left guys my wallet is emptied i'm gonna toss a pearl where do we go we gotta go this way so we're just gonna have to start heading to the stronghold at this point put that in our off hand just be more secure oh it's going down no no no no no no did i lose that i need that thing back it probably broke we only have seven left oh no wait i got it i got it i got it so here's the conundrum we know where the stronghold is we don't have enough resources to get into the stronghold so we need more we have seven coins but we have 17 iron iron is only worth one coin are you serious well i'm selling all of it give me those coins and let me just use this enchantment table really quickly and i'll get myself enchanted using the lapis i also got from this thing and then oh i forgot you can get a bag of coins for getting enchanted please give me a lot of coins please please please 75 toys i was just about to sell my enchantment table bro now we're fully geared and we have the amount of coins necessary i believe we have 99 coins that is enough to purchase three more eye offenders yeah 90 coins we need 11. we gotta try it we're channeling and mending on it and okay well there's our three eye of enders but we could do this to the ender dragon what that's a bag of coins throw a trident at something okay i'm actually learning of some advancements here that i wasn't aware of previously so that's 22 coins and guys that brings us to 31 which allows us to buy that final eye of ender now we are guaranteed good to go in to the end hello end room nice to see you again and we had one filled so we actually didn't need oh gosh okay you can't actually break those end things i was like i don't want my pick to just plow through these we didn't need that last eye vendor but hey it was nice it was just you know in case and there we are we have the stack of arrows let's go inside and of course we spawn on the ledge at least we have ender pearls get us to the other side and we got a bag of coins all right so we'll use our stack of arrows and put them to work and we have no food but our golden apples but we can buy it if we need you know what i actually want to test a unique way to kill the energy he's perching now what if i bought a load of stuff and had the things fall onto him they're coming out of the end sky they're gonna hit the ender dragon wait no they missed i need to put it like right under him it needs to be like right here and now i need to oh the pearls save me save me save me oh i got the freaking toad of the enterprises i just got 38 coins and now the drop comes down i don't think it can actually hit the ender dragon it's like it's trying to avoid it like it's some sort of entity die ender dragon get out of here come on look how low his health is please yes and that is it the final bag of coins what will it give us as the ender dragon dies 113 coins so i guess the more valuable the advancement the more coins we end up getting but we don't need to buy anything more because we already have the dragon egg and we already completed the game so thanks for watching everyone remember to buy my lunar cape goodbye
Channel: Graser
Views: 1,995,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges, minecraft mod, minecraft combine, graser, challenge, minecraft item, minecraft 100 days, minecraft op items, op items minecraft
Id: 5rOfOHsvv8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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