I Survived 200 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - PainDomination

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in the previous video i survived 100 days of hardcore minecraft you saw me get full diamond armor i decimated a bastion conquered another fortress got full nethereye armor and i killed the ender dragon now it's time to tell you the story of surviving 200 days in hardcore minecraft but first if you haven't seen the first 100 days of hardcore minecraft i would highly recommend going back and watching it before you watch 200 days there's tons of spoilers in 200 days and i promise you you won't regret it before starting 200 days i made a list of goals that i would like to accomplish number one get an elytra number two make a real base with an actual roof number three make a creeper farm number four mass reproduce villagers number five make an iron farm and number six make a blaze farm if i can accomplish all these tasks by the end of the 200 days then you are legally obligated to leave a like if this video gets to 1 000 likes i will do a 300 days also i put a ton of time and effort into these videos and youtube says only about 25 percent of you are subscribed it's free and it would mean a ton to me if you hit that subscribe button i also stream minecraft on twitch.tv pain domination come stop by and show some love for my live stream only hardcore world anyways let's get in to day 101 on day 101 i was welcomed home after my long journey by this almost dead iron golem no clue what happened to him then i decided it was finally time to upgrade my sword i went out and bought sharpness 4 and sweeping edge 3 and then i had the ultimate name for the sword i decided to rename it e-girl eliminator with this god sword by my side no e-girls will be saved then i decided since i didn't have enough time to explore the end in day 100 i would go back and get shulkers and an elytra it was also time to get the dragon egg that i forgot so i made a piston because at the time i was recording this i thought i needed a piston turns out you can just you know right click it pl place a torch down wherever it goes break it and it'll fall on the torch you can get it i didn't know that but i decided to head towards the end on day 102 i ended up taking a slight detour and while heading towards the end portal i ran into a roaming band of e-girls don't worry though i made a new sword just for the occasion now that i had the eagle simps curse i had to be careful when returning home from the end because my compound is now a village or at least minecraft thinks it is after getting back to the stronghold i decided to grief the library for books a man's gotta make emeralds somehow after relocating the portal the first thing i did was jump in and i decided to lure some enderman in with the hopes of free candy and wi-fi there was no candy or wi-fi now that i had ender pearls i went to grab the ender dragon egg this was actually my first ever egg that i've grabbed i always kind of just left them behind so in a way this was kind of special to me even though i used a piston don't yell at me in the comments please on day 103 i built up to the farlands portal and looking down at the void during this i could feel my heart stop like my palms were sweaty knees weak arms spaghetti i was i was not having a good time building up here and i feel like i'm always unlucky when it comes to these things they always spawn so far out over the void that you know all it takes is one misclick or letting go of shift and there goes 100 days let alone 200 days and all of my effort but i did end up getting up to it and threw the ender pearl in and surprisingly enough we actually ended up with a real set of endland and not just an island that i would have to build away from so this was looking good things were looking good after a surprisingly short distance i actually ran into two end cities but neither of them had an end ship so no elytra quite yet i spent the rest of this day building my way over to them since there is no clear path to get to them i spent all of day 104 looting end cities and killing shulkers honestly there's nothing more satisfying than end city loot after killing all the shulkers i already had enough for four shulker boxes which i really desperately needed because my inventory was ridiculous i had no space for anything and i struggled just to make the strokers also as i was looking into the distance i realized that i was wrong and there was an end ship in the next city over we were going to check off one of our goals on day 104 we were gonna learn to fly on day 105 i went to the next end city and i gave every single shulker there a promotion to unalive i took their bodies to store my items in that sounds pretty weird i know but you know what let's roll with it q shulker montage then i found 11 diamonds in this chest i have never seen this many pure diamonds sitting in an end chest before that is a big pog champ moment then i was hit by the shulker boy and i decided to turn it into an mlg slow fall onto that sweet end ship but i missed so i i don't want to talk about how many times i failed getting onto the ship but long story short we got our elytra and we got some dank loot and of course i grabbed the dragon head we officially checked off learning to fly from our list of to do on day 106 while looking for a portal back to the end spawn i found another city which then turned into two cities this is super lucky because i didn't have any fireworks to use my new elytra so all these cities were just icing on top of the cake in the first city it didn't really have much loot so i just bullied the shulker and then i left and the second city had a whole bunch of enchanted diamond armor then i wasted the rest of my day struggling to find a portal back home on day 107 i had a problem i was ready to go home to the portal but i still had the eager simp debuff and teleporting home would probably start a raid i guess i had no choice but to find out i hope my villagers are okay because a lot of them are definitely exposed huh well apparently you lose the illegal debuff when you change dimensions so mission success i ended up with 18 shulkers and i found my elytra on day 108 i caught this man's trying to escape my prison cam i i mean compound he was trying to escape my compound then i partook in some poorly priced capitalism man do i need better villagers then it was elytra time which i appropriately named ay lytra i mean it's not my best name but it will do until i think of a better one then i made my flight 3 rockets and it was time to take this boy for a good night flight and i found an abandoned portal with free gold and loot now that i have an elytra i could easily travel to the nether fortress and make that double blaze spawner farm on day 109 i dyed my shulky boys and then i decided to go into the nether to visit the double blaze farm just look at all these mans but none of them can stand up to the e-girl slayer after getting some dank xp and blaze rods i went back to the overworld i decided to make a lodestone so i could fly back here in the future i didn't have the redstone to make a compass but i saw an underwater ravine so i decided to go down there while down here i found six diamonds i tied the compass to the lodestone and started to fly on the way home i found a desert temple and i found a village but i've already explored them apparently i don't remember coming through here but okay on day 110 i flew over a mesobiome and you know i had to stop messes are known for having tons of exposed mine shafts gold mine carts with chests and spider spawners and what do you know i literally found all of the above i stopped by a couple of chests and i got myself four name tags and i even found the coveted surface cave spider spawner however i was done with cave spiders i already had a farm and i had zero interest in it so i left after flying home i decided to start making a netherrite shovel that was going to become a god shovel after making my shovel i went to go gather sand lots of sand and you know what that means in the first 100 days we did a dream sand speed run and now we continue the tradition but right before the speed run i found an underwater portal with some loot and i was jumped by this wandering band of sea orphans anyways [Music] just look at all the sand i got and now i have a another right shovel that i can make into a god shovel that is if i was paying attention and i totally didn't just break it wasting another ingot and a shovel you will be missed shovel on day 111 i made an auto smelter and then i realized that i traded all of my coal to the scam artists so i guess i'm using the lava buckets that i had saved for the blaze farm which is what this glass is for by the way i spent the whole day smelting this glass then i began collecting new willing residents i mean come on all my residents i look like all the residents love it here so of course they're willing anyways these boys will be infecting new villagers so i can start making mad stonks after trapping these boys i gave them a roof so they wouldn't burn from the sun and i decided to give them a little guard rail in case an iron golem decided to walk in here and just eat one or two of them and then this gang of zombies thought that they could fill some minecraft me but they were wrong on day 112 while still waiting for the glass to smell i began my mad experiments with this stupid cleric that tried to escape you know the more days pass the worse this compound looks sometime during this 100 days we will actually build us a house over the ocean and it's going to be beautiful i carried my two villagers then left them to be infected again each villager needs to be infected about six times each also i decided to fix up my personal house guard since i was kind of tired of looking at this crumbling husk of a former self that he had become he needs to work on himself he has issues on day 113 i infected my mans again and then i went to the local neighborhood lava pool for some lava fun fact this is where all the orphans like to hang out it was a good thing that i renamed my axe in honor of technoblade i spent the rest of the day cooking sand until i had almost a full shulker full of white stained glass then these flying demons tried to get me but they were scared of my security guard i carried my villagers a third time and went to sleep on day 114 things were looking good i only cared this man three times and his rotten flesh was already down to seven per emerald i spent the day mining stone for the blaze farm insert epic time lapse here [Music] then i cure these boys a fourth time i'm going to need more apples then we had done it one rotten flesh per one emerald also a huge source of xp we had our first efficient villager we were one step closer to infinite stunks on days 115 through 116 for the meme i decided to make a diamond hoe also because i needed apples then the enchantment table had me looking like a clown i went back to my cleric for some more capitalism look at that 16 juicy emerald plus a bunch of xp the plans all coming together i spent all of day 116 killing trees for their apples and wood it was a win-win-win because eventually i was going to need to light up all this land for my creeper farm to work better at night oh yeah and this golem decided to show off the reason why i added a guard around my zombies imagine if i was still out cutting trees and this man killed my zombie villager who had been cured five times i'd have to make an iron golem farm for vengeance even sooner than i had planned on days 117-118 i was looking like a baller with my 28 golden apples then i decided to cure this man again one more time and he shall be my fletcher who trades for sticks feathers and string do you smell the stonks maybe it's just me i should probably shower next i harvested my sugar cane then i harvested my wheat you know i really can't wait until i start automating things around here then i fed my prisoners they could provide me with more future orphans don't look at me like that yes i know i need an auto breeder i will get to it on day 118 i finally gave my cured boy a fletcher roll and he has one stick per emerald trades it was all coming together with my crazy stunks i decided to give e girl eliminator the final upgrade she needed with sharpness 5. i also gave orphan obliterator sharpness 5 good old orphan obliterator on day 119 i spent the whole day laying out the foundation from my double blaze farm the spawners were in kind of a weird spot so i couldn't really stop the blazes from spawning and they made this whole process take twice as long on day 120 i came back with glowstone and made it so they would leave me alone please i couldn't even think for 10 seconds without ablaze smacking me or shooting a fireball at me on day 121 i began making the spawn chambers for the blazes and things were going pretty well the white stained glass idea i got from filza because he made a cool blaze farm in his hardcore world on day 122 i ran out of stone bricks so i went home and i made a cool compact stone generator that i found online this design is super efficient it's afk able and i can choose to make cobble or stone i spent the whole day getting tons of stone on days 123 through 124 i continued building the blaze chamber i have really good feelings about this farm but i ended up running out of stone again so it was back to the stone generator on day 124 i finished the top portion of the farm and this stupid guest tried to drink my spawner like a jerk anyways look at his blaze getting pushed by the lava the farm is working like a charm already on day 125 i was almost done with the blaze farm and this is going to be insane this mini blaze spawns just from one spawner i had to go inside to increase the size of the kill chamber because there's too many blaze just look at how crazy this farm is but i'm out of stone again so i need to go get more on day 126 i killed a drowned and he dropped a trident finally and then this guy somehow broke his boat and escaped maybe the trident drowned was attacking the villager and hit the boat i don't know on days 127 through 128 i realized that the whole time my silk touch pick was missing on breaking three and i ended up not having enough xp to add it yet after that i went back to the nether to continue working on the blaze farm the next day i finished the kill chambers and i decided to make two kill chambers since the first design that moved all of the blazes from one spawner to the second was super inefficient for now i was finished working on the spawner in the future i'll probably make this room look nicer for now it is just a working xp farm so i can go ahead and mend all my stuff i mean after all i'm working on villagers anyways so i'll probably be getting most of my xp from them either way we checked off another thing on the to-do list on day 129 i returned home from the nether with just a couple of blazer odds nothing huge and since it was cheaper just to combine two picks that i had gotten from end cities rather than add on breaking three to my original pick i did just that and i made it netherright we would need multiple picks for future projects anyways so no big deal i started day 130 with some beautiful capitalism and then i was forced into a brutal staring contest with jeff my stolen alpaca i won of course then i enchanted my new trident and rightfully named it the yeat stick then i took my heat stick for a good eating around the ocean then i spent a good portion of the day killing trees and i gave my shield mending and i'm breaking and i rightfully named it double wide surprise let me know in the comments if you know what i'm referencing with this name on day 131 i flew over to my local dark oak forest to drink some wood for my new base of operations and then i began building the framework this new house was going to be big on day 132 i went back to work on the new base this is going to take a long time by the end of the day i had finished the front of the frame on days 133 through 134 i continued expanding my new base and i finished laying out one of two of the crazy chest rooms i could truly be at home with my perfect ocd storage finally on days 135 through 136 i needed more wood so it was back to deforestation i chopped so many trees during these two days for days 137 all the way through 146 i spent these working on my house reorganizing my loot and just making everything look nice this base is going to be a hoarders dream i had to slaughter some cows for their skin ripped to all the cows that died for this heavenly organization it was a ton of work but my chest areas are done and i still don't have a roof on day 147 i started making pillars so the base looked less uh ridiculous and it wasn't just like floating magically above the water i made a new netherrite god shovel and rightfully called it the domination digger also just look at the beginning of this base isn't it beautiful on day 148 i built a nice bridge to get to the front door and then i noticed my two villagers were dead yay then i bought some nice lanterns from my mending boy here because i was trying to save iron until i actually did make the iron golem far and that was what those two spare villagers were for now i i need more again thank you whatever killed them on day 149 i spent the whole day lighting and cleaning up the mainland then i decided to start my mob prison camp which is a future goal for a future hundred days why collecting this baby zombie chicken rider got a name tag and i named him mcchicken on day 150 lighting was still going well after fully lighting all the land around me i can build a creeper spider farm and i can have infinite fireworks and more cheap emerald trades with string on day 151 i realized i was out of coal for torches however i didn't really feel like going strip mining so i flew around to find some exposed coal and caves then i witnessed the miracle of life with bees i waited until one would go into the nest and the other would leave and then i stole it i'm collecting bees for a future honey farm project on day 152 i continued hunting for coal in the wild and i spent the night lighting up more areas by my base then i went to check out our baby zombie mcchicken and the chicken despawned why did that even happen do i did i have to name both it's it's a passive mob passive mobs don't despawn maybe this one counted as a hostile mob because a zombie was writing it i don't know but mcchicken was no longer a mcchicken he was just a stupid phil's a zombie on day 153 i fed my boys they'd make more villagers we need to make more villagers to infect for our empire of emeralds i spent the rest of my day organizing all of my excessive amount of resources and honestly my chest room was looking was looking absolutely beautiful i was so happy with how this turned out on day 154 i decided to upgrade my apple harvesting hoe with mending and i even named it after the biggest hoe that i know worth it after naming it i decided to make it into netherrite this accomplishment was so great that even the game showered me with meaningless applause then i found a free gold villager and in the process of trying to trap him in a boat these two mans trolled me by both stealing my boats jokes on them because their new gold friend was going to spend the rest of his life as a villager forced into trading for each boat that was stolen i expect him to pay me back 1 million emeralds each on day 155 i changed my wheat farm to carrots because wheat was honestly significantly less efficient and i filled it with villagers so i could speed up my villager rating on day 156 i finished building the porch area around my house and what can i say this place was looking absolutely fantastic like i was very very happy with how my house was turning out this was gonna be so nice on days 157 through 161 i finished up my roof and what can i say i'm pretty happy typically roofs are the hardest part of any build for me and that's why i always save them for last because any little change to the underneath structure of a house and all of a sudden you have to change all of the roof and i was not doing that especially for a base this big but i think it turned out really great it's kind of kind of an odd roof i'll give you that but it looks nice and it finally covers me up and that checks off the stop being homeless task from the to-do list this house is super comfortable and i have officially moved from the compound onto better things on day 162 i went to go do some capitalism with the boys just look at these dank stonks i then spent the rest of the day placing lanterns everywhere to kind of light up the area and make it look nicer and i made some paintings this place is really starting to come together it looks so nice on day 163 i had the pleasure of going back and trying to fix these stupid pillars underneath my house somehow i messed them up and my ocd is dying sometimes ocd is a gift sometimes ocd is a curse this time it's a curse please somebody help me on day 164 i went around and i continued lighting up my compound so that way my new creeper farm would be super efficient even at night time the only good amount of torches is too many torches then i seize the moment and i scam this stupid skeleton out of giving me a music disc the creeper never saw it coming i spent all of day 165 upgrading my villager breeder i mean i know it's kind of a mess but that's okay they can live in poverty at least this way i didn't have to make an infinite village breeder i don't really need infinite villagers so i don't want to have to go through all the effort to build an infinite breeder this is okay this works now we can start producing more villagers to make into traders and infect and i could also get more villagers for my future iron farm on day 166 the villager baby maker was in full production and we were making lots of villagers so we could soon work on our iron farm then i spent the whole night working on these cool bridges in front of my new house i was going to have one bridge that goes back to the compound one bridge that goes to the house one bridge that goes to the mainland and then probably a fourth bridge that will lead over to our future villager like outpost training area that i'm going to make probably in 300 days on day 167 i had so many volunteers for my new iron farm then i continued working on the bridges things were looking really nice now i could finally stop wasting rockets every time i wanted to avoid swimming back to the compound from my new base on day 168 i lit up my front porch with these beautiful lanterns so i could say goodbye to these disgusting torch plebs then i spent the rest of my day gathering supplies for the new creeper farm on day 169 nice i found this scam artist just chilling under my house and i went to go kill him but i realized he had watermelon seeds i actually haven't found watermelon in this world yet so i went to go get some emeralds and i came back and bought some seeds from him and then i committed cold blooded murder underneath my house where no one would find the body after committing crimes against wandering traders i began building my new creeper farm and it was going pretty well i had laid out the killing chamber and i already had the collection chamber all ready to go on days 170 through 172 i continued working on the creeper farm until i ran out of wood for trapdoors i spent days 173 through 175 making 10 additional layers to spawn creepers on and look at this thing go it's already spawning stuff and i haven't even finished encasing it and making it dark yet i am one step closer to having infinite fireworks and then somehow this zombie with the sword got into my mending villager's house and i had to cure him i have no clue how he got in there but why did it have to be the mending villager either way his trade value would probably go down so i guess it was a win-win on day 176 i continued working on my creeper farm and then i went back to go check on my mending friend and he was freaking gone he was gone literally the most important villager got infected and i'm i'm pretty sure some iron golem walked by and just killed him after i cured him i cannot wait to make an iron golem farm and hear the sound of them melting in lava anyways look look at how many new villagers we have yay on days 177 through 179 i finished closing up the creeper farm and it was good to go now the entirety of the farm was dark so even during the daytime lots of creepers and spiders will spawn and i can farm them for their gunpowder and i can get the spider string and sell it to the scam artist for emeralds this form isn't the nicest thing on the outside but i do plan on eventually building like a giant creeper structure on the outside of it and it's gonna have like a block of tnt on its head so it's like a giant creeper with a block of tnt on top it's gonna look amazing but that means i have to start building up a ton of sheep get colored sheep farms and try to make an auto shear maybe i'll do all that in 300 days typically for a creeper farm you would want to build a box up in the sky so that way none of the caves underneath were loaded in and you'd have the best spawns however i'm not really trying to afk this world since we are recording every day so i went back around and continued lighting up more chunks and i will continue finding caves in the future so that way it'll work as efficiently as possible 24 7. anyways look at all the stuff we've already gotten it's only been about two minutes since i've walked to my base and back and we've already got all this loot so we will have no problems with having infinite fireworks after i make a sugarcane farm on day 180 i went caving near my base to light up some underground areas and i found this super cool underground abandoned portal like right near my base honestly this cave is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen i absolutely love 1.16 terrain generation and i am super excited for minecraft 1.17 with the new caves and cliffs update on day 181 i checked on my pile of new villagers and then i partook in some more capitalism then i went on a quest for bamboo with my elytra so that way i can make a new stick farm and trade mad sticks for mad stonks however i was not having much luck with finding a jungle or any bamboo however i did find an abandoned portal and i got me a nice block of gold that the lava then stole and then i found this messed up village so i robbed them on day 182 i found another portal and i decided to grab some crying obsidian i mean i don't know i might use it eventually and then i found another village and i stole from them and then i found a third village and i stole from them i'm beginning to realize i'm a lot like santa except i rob you on day 183 i found an ice biome which is super cool because i could always use this in the future so you know i had to steal tons of ice i could use it for anything i could go to the roof of the nether and make a nice ice path or i could just you know be an adult and using lytra but you know whatever i had ice now so i could use it for anything i wanted also efficiency 5 ice breaking is one of the most satisfying things you will ever do in minecraft then i found a sunken ship with a buried treasure map on day 184 i found an illeger tower that conveniently was right next to a village so i started killing lots of villagers in the hopes of finding a captain and getting a curse today was going to be the day that we tried our first raid and hopefully we can come out of it with some totems of undying then i spent the rest of the daylight fighting this raid and let me tell you this was one of the most intense moments i've ever had in minecraft i know it was just a baby raid but i have never done a hardcore raid before let alone played in hardcore this is actually my first ever hardcore world so this raid was a very new thing to me and it was very very scary these guys even though i had full netherright they hit tons of damage vindicators very scary vex your worst nightmare honestly i also wasn't paying very much attention to the village so a lot of the villagers died and i think i lost my iron golem to a couple of ravengers honestly doing this raid without beacons really really hurt so i was thinking maybe if i built another portal here then i can use the nether to travel back make some beacons and in the future this can be our own little farm for raids we could farm raids here maybe we can make a raid area in 300 days and i did get my first totem of undying from this raid so it was definitely a successful day on day 185 i decided to make another portal just to see where it would end up see if there's anything interesting and to see how difficult it was gonna be to get back to our original nether location from here since we were actually 15 000 blocks away in the overworld unfortunately though i did not have a spare lodestone or compass so i did not head home through the nether and later that day i just flew home the old-fashioned way it took an unbearable amount of time on day 186 i spent the whole day clearing out trees in the village near the outpost and then i realized that i'm i'm pretty sure all the villages are dead now so i went to get another raid buff to test it and i was i was kind of nervous because i had a level three raid buff now and i don't know if i could handle that but i went back to the village and yeah all my villagers were dead i because i stood on the roof so long i i let all of them die so this village was no longer useful to me on day 187 through day 189 i found another village that was right next to the outpost like it was actually closer than the first village where we had done the raid and upon stepping in there i started a level three raid now this raid was was really really scary i thought the last raid was bad this one was terrifying the vex would not stop spawning i actually ended up running out of food while i was out there and chicken doesn't have much saturation so i was already struggling i actually ended up just kind of running away and i spent the whole night flying home with my elytra and i i didn't have any food but on the way home i found two of my favorite types of villages which is pretty cool on day 189 i had struck literal gold i was out exploring and i found an illegal outpost that was way closer to my house i also had to stop here because i actually had just run out of fireworks i literally ended up using my last firework to get home to my house on day 190 i didn't really do much i was just afking around my base and i decided to add on breaking three to he who eats and then i fixed him up then i spent the rest of my day and night just lighting up more caves around the base so that way my creeper farm would be as efficient as possible without me afking in a skybox on days 191 through 192 i wasted so much time by gathering villagers for my iron farm and i even managed to get a zombie the zombie was pretty easy he just kind of walked on up and i was like you know what this is an opportunity i spent days 193 through 194 building the top of the farm this was gonna look good because i finally could use all of the new nether blocks for something since the the black stone is beautiful but it does not work at all with my kind of like spruce wood and stone brick house so i couldn't really incorporate it in any way and i'm glad i finally got to use it on day 195 i wasted the entire day by filling the farm with villagers i was gonna need 20 villagers for this iron farm i needed five for each chamber on the side so that way there's maximum scare factor for the the villagers so that way we can get as many iron golems to spawn as often as we can have them spawn i was not playing around just look i haven't even added a zombie and there was already a golem you know i just want to throw this in there these villagers gave me so many problems that i cannot wait to exploit them for their labor in 300 days getting these jerks to cooperate took all the way until day 197 on days 198 through 199 i finished out the iron farm i named my zombie 1 million villagers as a reference to destiny's original loot cave a million deaths is not enough for master rahul and i pushed him up to the top and into the cart this man's was going to be working for me forever for free he's gonna spin around scare the villagers the villagers will talk to each other and they'll scare each other even more which will increase the spawn of iron golems and i set up an auto sorter and composter underneath and honestly just just look at how great this is this is my first ever iron farm there's a lot of firsts in this world the auto sorter allows me to have all of the flowers go into the composter and turn them into bone meal and then all the iron goes into the other chest and in the 10 minutes it took me to set up the kill chamber i've already made this much iron and now that i finally have an iron farm that is the last task on my to-do list for 200 days which means you are now legally obligated to drop a like or maybe one day a group of aliens will come down and they'll make a human farm just like this iron golem farm and we might end up in it you wouldn't want that to happen now would you so for day 200 i wanted to give you guys a personal tour of my base and kind of what i've made so far so this is the last day and i just wanted to make sure you guys got to see every little part of the house because i put a lot of work into this house throughout the series and it is is coming along so beautifully so first off over here we have our nice little auto smelter area we've got two regular furnace spots we have two blast furnace and we have a regular smoker so that we can cook any food we want um these are kind of temporary probably gonna play around this area same goes for like this area it's a little empty uh if we come over here we have those beautiful paintings that i said i made uh we've got these chests which are for ingredients for our potions etc we have our cool enchanting area and a chest for more lapis so it's easier to access i really enjoy the roof that i did with all the like glass it's it's really unique i've never made a build like this and i've never seen someone make a build like this plus you can see the creeper farm and you can even see the iron golem farm if you head over here you can like see it just chilling over there it looks really cool plus this in the future is gonna have you know the giant creeper the giant tnt block etcetera uh this part right here probably gonna change this bar right here does not normally have the shulkers they're just from when i went on those trips with the elytra and then i have two beds here for ocd reasons and i don't really need a bedroom i've never been a person to make a bedroom in minecraft anyways when it comes to our storage we've got our like mob drop area here for all kinds of mob loot we got our potion of um xp we've got name tags bees uh some spare chests here for extra storage we've got our potions i'm gonna have tons of totems of undying in the future so i've made lots of chests uh we've got saddles i've got horse armor we've got discs including an entire chest just for the beautiful pig step um we've got over here different types of blocks a little bit of empty spots here we've got dirt grass sand we've got stone bricks stone cobblestone i'm actually missing two types of wood here i'm missing jungle wood and i'm missing uh acacia i think and then we're gonna have the full section of each type of wood here so saplings planks and you know like miscellaneous stuff uh and then two chests for the actual wood and then over here we've got netherrite diamonds emerald all of our rare stuff each chest for different types of equipment so that way when i go end city farming we have spots for that uh lots of different miscellaneous stuff here like tnt buckets beds banners uh we got shulkers rails etc this is going to be an elytra chest we've got lots for sugar cane lots for different types of crops and fish and food and then we're going to have four chests over here for like different colors of wool over here we've got our nether section with all kinds of different nether blocks including the woods which i really want to build stuff with the wood in the future i haven't made anything with it yet i want to get really creative in this world and then we have lots of spare spots here for other nether stuff and honestly whatever else i feel fit um and then we're gonna have a bunch of enchanted book chests or when i get more enchanted books we can organize those it's gonna be super cool on the outside of the house i built like this uh it's not entirely finished there's a few spots here but i built this entire deck area that's really nice that goes all the way around the house really happy with it and i'm gonna put lanterns all around it eventually so i don't have to have these torches here and then you can kind of see the iron farm i didn't have enough time to finish the actual chest room but look at that look at that there's an iron golem look at that also i did show this off a few times throughout the three throughout the 200 days over there there is a guardian farm area so in the future we can definitely do a guardian farm and then we have our little like walkways out here gonna do more work on them there's gonna be more stuff in between here i wanna do like a lot of decorating in 300 days this is the kind of like bridge area in the front porch most of these lanterns are actually good so i did get rid of all the gross icky torches you know we have our really nice bridges which honestly i never used to build bridges like this i'm really proud of these bridges they're pretty nice and then we have this area over here which will probably lead off into a a new villager area which i'm looking forward to and then we have an area that will probably go to the mainland and then we just have our compound over here which honestly i don't want to talk about it it's a real mess especially after moving the villagers throughout the 200 days like if you look over here it is uh it is not pretty look at all this is what it took to move these mans this is what it took it was not fun anyways this is how the base looks and this is how i've spent day 200 also now that you beautiful people have made it to the end of the video i just wanted to give a shout out to these awesome supporters i decided to make a book in my hardcore world with the names of every one of my channel members so a big shout out to gunner grayson our first ever member steel rarebit and h2yzo if you want to help support the channel and end up in this book on that wall then all you gotta do is hit the join button on my channel page the link will be in the description anyways thank you all for helping me start my journey and that is how i survived 200 days of hardcore minecraft i really hope you all enjoyed this video it was insanely fun to make if this video hits 1 000 likes then i'll do 300 days also don't forget to subscribe for more videos just like this one this has been pain domination and i will see you all in the next video peace
Channel: PainDomination
Views: 447,137
Rating: 4.9534454 out of 5
Keywords: the hardcore minecraft movie, survive 200 days on hardcore minecraft, i survived 200 days on hardcore minecraft - paindomination, hardcore minecraft funny moments, a video you wont want to miss, 200 days hardcore, luke thenotable, i survived hardcore minecraft for 200 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, hardcore survival minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, paindomination, i survived 100 days minecraft, hardcore minecraft, lukethenotable 3000 days
Id: WDb0xj8Eqf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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