I Survived 400 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - PainDomination

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today i survived 400 days of hardcore minecraft i really hope that you all enjoy this video because it took an insane amount of time to record and edit so if you do go on to enjoy this video don't forget to thank our video sponsor the subscribe button we are already halfway to our first goal of 100 000 subscribers in the channel and i feel like with your help we can dominate the youtube algorithm and hit 1 million subscribers by the end of the year also if this video gets to 30 000 likes i will do 500 days and one last thing don't forget to go follow me on twitch.tv paindomination if you want to catch live streams for upcoming minecraft challenges and 100 days videos i will be streaming multiple times a week and those streams will become even more content for the channel also you being there really helps me out and makes my day anyways let's get right into it on day 301 i started the day by getting used to the world again i'll admit it i haven't played this world in a couple of weeks but now that i was back i am ready to begin the many projects that i've been planning for a while now the first thing that i wanted to tackle was the end i didn't visit the end at all in the last 100 days and i have some crazy ideas but first i needed to empty my inventory the past me guy is a complete jerk and he left a ton of crap in my inventory i also gathered some shulkers full of supplies to begin the end project after getting what i needed together i flew back to where my end portal was but before going down i had to steal this bees home i do still plan on making a bee farm after all that is if it exists i can make it into a farm for capitalism anyways i dug down to the portal room and i decided to make a nether portal and it put me into this dumpy basalt biome but luckily it actually wasn't that far from my home portal so i made this totally not sketchy and very safe path across the lava so i can get back to the end quickly on day 302 i traveled to the end with supplies and i began planning how i would spawn proof the end island i don't want to build into the void because it's way too dangerous and i kind of want to make a farm like fields of minecraft so that way i can kill withers under the portal and farm with the roses using the endermen so i decided that i was gonna try flooding the end with water instead of using slabs or buttons it'll be quicker and it might look a lot nicer i also think that in the future i can make it look super nice when 1.17 comes out so i began by making a stone slab staircase from where i spawn in the end and i continued the path all the way to the portal except with my luck the path lined up directly with an obsidian puller so i did what any lazy person would do and i went around it just picture this as one of those boardwalks that are built up around trees that is if your tree looked like this i added some nice borders to it with spruce fence and slabs in the future i definitely want to touch up the end but since i have so much to do in these 100 days it's going to have to stay as basic as ugg boots and starbucks coffee on days 303 through 307 i began flooding the end i decided that i would let the water flow into the void because uh i'm lazy okay do you know how many ledges there are off of the edges of the end do you know how many ledges there are off the side of the end island a lot anyways this process was surprisingly relaxing also you can call me a sadist if you like but it was pretty amusing watching the enderman slowly run out of places to run or hide don't worry enderman this is only the beginning this process did end up taking until day 307 and since i'm out of things to say here is a time lapse of me slowly drowning these mans in their own home [Music] [Music] it was also pretty cool seeing the endermen suffer in the water because they had no places to teleport to once again i just want to say i'm not a sadist anyways i left the spot of land so i didn't have to deal with the enderman all teleporting and spawning on the path and the farm as i was building it on day 308 i began building the path that would go to the enderman farm it's still kind of basic and i definitely will need to light it up so the non-slab locks don't spawn anything but it was looking pretty good for what it was unfortunately i ran out of stone and i had torn down the stone generator that i had in the compound so i built this super sketchy one in the air by my portal out of some nice mismatched blocks and i spent the rest of the day with a remote on top of my mouse so i could get stone after getting more stone i finish up the path leading over to the mini end portal after building the path over i went looking for places that i missed when spawn proofing and i found the mother lode of men hiding over here drowning these boys was more fun than i would like to admit on day 309 i went to set up the killing area for the withers and enderman and then i realized something i am literally so dumb and i'm sure you're over here screaming at your screen right now i built a path all the way to the outlands portal for no reason the killing chamber is supposed to be under the end portal but you know what it's okay it's fine we we now have a path over here for when we want to go farm some more shulkers and find some end cities so instead you should say something good about this screw up down in the comments like wow you're so good at building that you've thought ahead without even thinking ahead or something like that anyways i finished up the path to this portal so it looked nicer also i kind of screwed up the slabs for most of it but that's fine because it will all be lit up anyways so no enderman could spawn this process took all the way until the end of day 310. on day 311 i went back to the overworld to get more torches and supplies so i could finish lighting the end path and i could build the enderman farm i need a mine cart as well so i can trap an endermate as bait to get the endermen to drop to their deaths after getting supplies i went back to the end and i dug out an area underneath the end portal this is where i'm gonna trap withers and have my enderman killing chamber but i realized i was gonna need a lot more glass if i wanted to watch the enderman fall and i mean come on you know i want to watch the endermen fall to the deaths who wouldn't want to watch them fall on day 312 i began the day with the first beautiful set of capitalism for these 100 days but first i had to go check out my bamboo farm and uh i think it has some problems anyways i crafted some of my ungodly amount of bamboo into sticks and i did some juicy capitalism but i only ended up with a measly 14 emerald blocks i'm going to need much much more for a way larger wall that i have planned that i'm going to build around the compound in a future 100 days after that i went out looking for a good place for a sand montage and i found this shipwreck near the shore which had a buried treasure map and not that much loot but you know hey maybe maybe this 100 days i'll actually finally go and loot all of my buried treasures probably not though let me know in the comments if you think i should go do that in the next 100 days because i've had a lot of treasure maps just kind of chilling in a chest for a while now so yeah also let me know of any other ideas you have i'm super open to suggestions anyways cue new better sand montage this one in third person [Music] [Music] throughout the sand montage i had to go to multiple different beaches to get enough sand and i know i keep saying this but i really need to find a good desert near my base after this i flew home at night and began smelting all of my glass i spent all of day 313 for the most part just waiting for my glass to smell i converted a ton of bamboo into sticks and i did some more sweet capitalism i even mended all my tools and my elytra i decided that while i was waiting for the glass to smell i would begin transferring some more villagers to the trading hall i really didn't want to do this because villagers are truly awful and they deserve their fate but my food supply is running low and i want farmers for infinite golden carrots and apples and surprisingly this process was super easy and laid back the villagers were actually excited to join me for their new life confinement i quickly got five future farmers of america into my mine carts and down to the infectus platformis which is gonna be the new name of my inflection platform because i don't know it just is deal with it i think some of them were having second thoughts on the new career path though because they kept trying to suffocate themselves in the walls the farming industry ain't what it used to be anyways i got them into boats and i lured one zombie to infect them before sunrise on days 314-315 i went back to the end and began building the glass shoot for the enderman to fall in it's exactly a 43 block drop so i could kill them with my fist if i wanted then i placed a minecart to spawn an endermite and after a stack i got one but my chess piece had thorns on it so it died i didn't even know that i had thorns in my chess piece this is literally why thorns is a trash enchantment so i went to spawn another one and he would not get in the mine cart and this man pushed me into my own kill chamber anyways attempt number three went pretty well and i trapped this smug little jerk in his brand new home that he will be spending the rest of his eternity in or at least that's what i would have said if i could name him while he was in the mine cart i let him out to name him and before he went back in the cart he fell to his death and that was also the only name tag that i had brought to the end this is probably going to be the worst day of the hundred days or so i had thought on day 315 which for some reason i listed here twice i i don't know why i think the last one was supposed to just be day three fourteen but let's just pretend the last one was day three fourteen okay anyways when i came back to the overworld it was the end of day three fifteen so i decided to go lure some more zombies to torment my future farmers except when i went to my platform i saw that this iron golem jerk killed the only villager that i had already infected as a zombie so i did what had to be done remember what happened to that iron golem in 300 days yeah well that's right i waterboarded this man's too you can spend eternity down there thinking about what you did that is until the trident drown shoves his rod you know you know what never mind anyways it turned out that it was actually midday so i kidnapped three more farmer boys and i expanded my platform to make it more golem proof except these guys kept trolling me by playing musical boats i literally cannot win today after getting those jerks all separated i went to find some more zombies to torture them for profit and this process only took me four trips now that i have all the extra space it was super easy leading the zombies to each villager i actually just barely had enough time to get all these zombies because the last one had caught on fire because it was morning and he almost didn't make it but now i have seven future farmers that i can waste golden apples on kind of ironic really i need more apples to make farmer villagers that i will use to get more apples yeah capitalism on day 316 i begin the day by calling my cow population i need more food to hold me over until i get my farmer trades going and i'm sorry cows i have forsaken you then i went back to the end and i have officially come to the conclusion that i hate endermites this man pushed me off the farm a third time and this time he almost costed me my first totem of undying but not today jerk anyways i named him slug from flushed away because this thing is literal poop and he just kind of reminds me of the slugs from flushed away if you've seen the flushed away movie let me know in the comments it's a pretty old movie now anyways now i have to center the minecart and i can begin building the platform i set up the safe zone and enderman trap and then i built out this nice little platform fun fact enderman can spot an attack in endermite from up to 64 blocks away did you know that i didn't and i needed something from me to say while i showed you this cool sped up footage of me building in third person after finishing the platform i broke the glass in front of the endermite and it is now fully functional on day 317 it was finally time to flood the last piece of land that these endermen desperately cling to and honestly doing this does not get old after i flooded the last piece of land our enderman farm was officially functional just look at these insane games this farm rinse xp and pearls and the occasional endermen will tp out after they fall but they're still one shot kills and not many of them actually do it so this is fine i also made the floor of the room into glass so they can't tp in here enderman cannot tp to transparent blocks and now that my enderman farm was complete i had to put the wither trap to the test this means i needed to go back to the nether to get some more skulls i also need some more beacons so i can expand my land forever on day 318 i went to the nether and flew towards the soon to be super wither skeleton farm i spent all of days 318 through 319 decapitating these man so i could feed my lust for beacons i ended up getting seven weather skulls but like the massive brain that i am i forgot to bring more than half a stack of food and i may or may not have committed piglet war crimes so i think it was time to leave so i drank my fire assistance potion and i flew home i cannot wait to go back and spawn proof this area this farm is going to be absolutely insane mark my words by the end of these 100 days i will have so many beacons on day 320 i went to the end to test out my new weather trap and uh okay listen i don't know how i messed it up but the wither got out and he he hurts in hardcore a lot luckily he was mostly distracted by the enderman but he also healed for every enderman that he killed i desperately struggled to kill him and then my worst nightmare came true he got out of the kill room he could very well undo all of the work that i put into making the end into what i wanted it to be so i decided to run home through the portal i got some regen and strength two potions and i went back to the end to take back my land this fight was pretty intense and it looked like so much damage all of my beautiful work was being wrecked by this literal monster after damaging him enough i got him to come back down after i weakened him with my bow and with strength too i managed to kill him and just look at this mess i went around to assess the damages and i guess they could have been much worse i killed all the endermen that teleported into this room after they had taken damage and i began repairing it except all of my stained glass was back at the house so i guess for now this works because the blocks under the enderman filling chamber all broke and they just kind of fell to their deaths either way this was a pretty big mistake and i'm real lucky that i didn't lose any totems or you know an endermite that i may have taken a lot of tries to get into a mine cart so i guess i guess this works out it's it is what it is man on day 321 i went back to the end with glass and supplies and i was greeted by a nice empty room just like i had left it when i left the end before or at least that's what i would say if the room wasn't full of some freshly spawned ender orphans so i drank another strength 2 potion because why not and i got to work chopping these boys up and i know what you're thinking it's okay the wither took their parents already i'm doing them a favor after cleaning up the room i fixed the killing chamber and i drowned my pain away with some sweet xp orbs after a little bit of studying i realized what i did wrong with the killing area i needed one more block of space so i could leave the obsidian underneath so he can't fall down and escape so it was time i built another wither and i placed the skulls and it immediately went wrong he once again decimated my killing room i don't know what i'm doing wrong i drank another strength in regen 2 potion and i pretty easily killed him but now my room was once again a giant crater after this point i did some more research and i figured out my new mistake i should place the obsidian with two spaces above it and build the wither sideways also i need to be standing next to him so that way he doesn't shoot any blue skulls which can break bedrock so the next time i go to kill it it will be ggez but as for now i'm stuck cleaning up after my own stupidity on day 322 i went back home again to get more glass and fix up my killing room again did i mention that i was doing this again third time to be exact anyways i didn't have any more black stained glass so i needed to promote some squids to black dye and i was rudely interrupted by this mouth breather after that i went back to the end and i fully fixed the killing room and i replaced the walls with stone bricks and i added some more chests now this place is better than it was before anyways uh don't don't mention that little um goof up in the comments okay instead say something like how you should become a channel member to support me or something i don't know nothing big anyways i killed some more of my friends here and god that is so satisfying nothing like drinking up the life essence of others for my own capital gain on day 323 i got some obsidian and i crafted two new beacons you know what this means right with these beacons i can further expand my land with some more deforestation i also went to go do some more capitalism so i could build a beacon with some nice new emerald blocks except i was interrupted by my rude villagers thinking that they needed to sleep so i spent the night making iron and emerald blocks for my new beacons beacons sponsored by capitalism when the one percent owns the 99 i also checked my iron golem farm which only had a stack because somebody keeps looting the iron chest each day without recording it i'm not sure who that is day 324 was going to be a huge day i was going to focus on decimating the forest hill to the left of my house and i also needed a ton of apples for my infected villagers kind of ironic you know since they'd sell apples anyways i built a nice shiny new beacon and gave it haste 2 and i began decimating this mountain i would like to clear a whole chunk of this forest and that would also supply me with grass stone and wood for days let alone i could also get a lot of new apples and once i have all this new space i could really start turning this huge field into a sprawling home then i spent the whole night crafting some more golden apples which were becoming harder to craft by the day because i'm desperately starting to run out of gold on day 326 i decided that i would only begin curing two zombie villagers at a time because each has to be cured about six times and i have a very limited supply of both gold and apples at least i'll have infinite apples and golden carrots after i turn these mans into farmers after this i spent the whole rest of the day erasing that mountain with my new cow friend that was hanging out with me and i maybe got a bit distracted by him i made a new friend and i wanted to show him around the compound so i made him a boat and from this way forward he will be known as big mac the cow and in the future he will have his own likeness plastered on a giant statue so all will know of our friendship on days 327-328 i woke up with some inspiration so i went and recurred my two zombie villagers again so i could finally get food then i decided i would pause the mountain destruction project and i would do some touching up around my house i started by testing out planting trees in the middle area and i was getting pretty unlucky with some of these ugly trees anyways while trying to undo some of my deforestation i noticed an intruder on my lands as far as i'm concerned these guys are also e-girls and you know what we do with eagles right i tried to spare the sims but they kept attacking me in the comments so i did what had to be done then i spent the rest of the night laying out the foundation for the fourth bridge which would lead to the mainland portion of my compound and the entire night i was constantly harassed by drown which made me realize that now that my underground caves were so well lit up i also had to light up my ocean sadly enough for me to say this bridge took me two minecraft days to finish because it had to be centered perfectly in an ocd friendly way i lit the bridge up with lanterns and it was done and i'm very proud of it i gave this bridge 5 stars on yelp on days 329 through 330 i placed fences around the middle area and i placed some more trees i also decided to hang lanterns from them so they could have a nice aesthetic after this i started lighting up the ocean area around my house with some more lily pads with lanterns underneath this area is really coming together on day 331 i realized that i've been neglecting my capitalistic duties so i went back to the boys for some more capitalism just to look at all this xp and all these juicy emeralds also for some reason the last couple of villagers were scamming me for double the sticks probably because they don't like their new noisy neighbors also speaking of neighbors i cured these mans for the third time today soon i will get some new farmers and then i need more gold oh and let's just take a second to get a nice overview of the center area isn't this place beautiful i was thinking of maybe adding some yellow and purple flowers for the domination aesthetic but we'll see how it goes anyways this place is really looking good i'm really proud of it i also finally fenced in my path to the creeper farm and i kind of began finishing the collection area for the iron golems i don't know i'm kind of all over the place right now but things are really getting done on days 332 through 333 i began the day by curing my mans for a fourth time and there was this zombie that somehow got into my trading hall and he apparently broke and stole my door i don't even know where this guy came from the porch is lit up and it's literally daytime but whatever do what you want to do after this i spent the rest of the days just chipping away at that mountain and my tools were really taking a beating so i went back to the end to see how fast my enderman farm really repairs tools and look at this thing go xp go bird on day 334 i visited my cows for some more harvesting of their flesh now that i have some food i decided i needed to go to the nether in search of some gold i mean i have to feed my villager infecting rings somehow i started out by flying by a new bastion and this one was pretty big but i cheesed it as usual and i found a couple of chests with a typical mediocre loot but i wasn't here for this regular loot i was here for some sweet sweet gold to feel my capitalism also this bastion ended up being one of those unreasonably dangerous ones that had the huge square room in it so i just kind of left until i found a much better area to mine some gold orein also i wanted to show you this because it is actually super amazing i have never seen the roof of the nether with the new update but just look at this view i had to stop there and stare and aw it is breathtaking if the cave and cliff update revitalizes the overworld like the nether update did here then i am beyond hyped for it while continuing to explore i found another nether fortress that was hidden in this basalt biome and this place is pretty gross so i just kind of left but on the way out i had some gatekeepers you hear that it's past tense had i killed them in hell so now they're double dead i stayed in the nether until about day 337 until i'd headed back home to smelt all of my new gold while waiting for them to smell i cured my villagers a fifth time i ended up with enough gold to make more than a stack of golden apples and later that night i cured my villagers for the sixth time and i killed their zombies after this i afk near them throughout the night until they were cured and i quickly raced against the clock to make some beds so they would actually get into their holes before daylight on day 338 these mans were not being very helpful they each wanted the opposite work blocks so i was forced to let them out and then i found out their trades were somehow not that good so i had to put them back in boats for round two of infections come on guys you do this to yourself i mean i don't know what you want me to do about it so since i needed two more zombies and it wasn't night i went back for some more beautiful destruction of nature if you want me to be honest with you i don't even know what i plan to do with this land yet but i just kind of want to clear it out so i can make more space for my compound also i swear i will use it eventually i don't know when but it will happen after it became nighttime i went back out for some zombos for my boys that is until i noticed that this uh this boy is not in his boat and it's like wait a second wait wait wait something's not right here there is a trident boy throwing tridents after him so after fighting to get him back in the boat i went to go get the zombos that i wanted and i was attacked by some flying devils but things were all good because i was not going to let some unnecessary mobs stop me now after collecting my new zombies i went to check on my farms and i got almost nine stacks of iron from my iron farm also my creeper and spider farm is in bowl production look at the stacks upon stacks of glute in these chests on day 339 i went out on my journey for some more apples that is my super ironic quest i need apples to get a farmer who sells apples anyways i was hacking away at this forest until i noticed this there was a sleeping fox and then i just kind of sat there and i watched him very peaceful and while i was watching him i realized how bad i felt that i was you know destroying his home but then i had a reality check and i was like wait a second this is a video game and i really need apples in this video game so i'm sorry virtual and you know the further the series goes along the uh the worse this forest becomes each and every 100 days this uh this place is looking a little not okay but i mean at the expense of the forest i did get 10 apples but at what cost anyways i went back to cure my boys again which makes seven times because these farmers think that they're special for some reason on days 340-341 i started the day by infecting my villagers again for the eighth time then i decided to break my sugarcane farm that's just been kind of awkwardly sitting here unharvested for weeks of time now because i have some big plans that i would like to begin around the compound to make this place nicer but first i cured my boys again and i decided to kill one of the zombies hopefully this time the trades will be one for one i spent all of day 342 planning and starting to build my brand new villager carrot farm i had this awesome idea to make a carrot farm upstairs and have there be a ground floor collection area and i could build like a large barn around it that has a dock on the back that goes out into the water on days 343-344 i began kidnapping boys for my new carrot farm you know most of the ways that i make money in this game involve prison war camps anyways after getting the first two in all i needed to do was get one boy from the villager breeder and uh this was not easy it was kind of a pain actually no pun intended but i did get the last boy into the new prison and i may have accidentally beat him oh no now his rip-off trades will be even worse what will i do and now my carrot farm is 100 operational after that i went to move my cured villager into his new home and i had to be super careful because the prison guards were spawn camping the zombies one pixel too far and i punched the villager and it could be game over two iron golems versus me equals dead me on day 345 i went back to check on the new farmer and why are his trade so bad is it because i punched his friend they they should definitely be too far away so that should not have affected it anyways after being ripped off by another farmer again i went to go do some capitalism in the hopes of maybe fixing his trades all of my stick boys are now trading two emeralds at the moment and i'm starting to fear for my life i feel like there's an uprising coming i really do need to start doing raids so i can get the hero of the village buff and not have to worry about this anymore after all that capitalism i cured his friend again and this time i killed his zombie hopefully if i get apples and begin carrying them all they will give me a higher reputation after my second farmer cured i gave him a job block and he too only had 16 carat trades at this point i had cured them each 9 times and i'm getting pretty annoyed i am in desperate need of apples so i can actually start carrying more oh the cruel irony on day 346 i needed apples again so i guess it was back to some good old-fashioned deforestation i then spent the rest of the night getting more zombies to the infection platform infectus platformis so i could continue to punish these farmers for their rip off prices how much gold do i have to waste on humans i cured them both again and i went to sleep mad on days 347 to 349 i went back to my local neighborhood dark oak forest to kill some more nature to supply my expansion i ran out of dark oak and i needed to build the weird house thing around my new carrot farm so i needed to partake in some more deforestation and while killing nature i got seven more apples i went home and crafted them into golden apples and i'm now back up to 18. so i went back to cure my scam artist farmers again and then i spent the night working on the building for the new farmers i'm gonna be brutally honest with myself here i have no clue what i'm doing with this build i mean i had ideas but i'm trying to build outside of my comfort zone so this build took a lot longer than usual i typically never use stripped wood and i recently had a newfound respect for it so i wanted to try it out so i could make this a more farm-like building also while building this farmhouse i realized that the red and black sheep weren't paying their rent so it was time to evict them but during the eviction process i was interrupted by this father and son reunion that i quickly put an end to anyways consider operation sheep eviction a success i also had to relocate my beloved jeff the alpaca that i totally didn't steal from a wandering trader and it seems like he likes his new home on days 350-351 i continued building the front of the farmhouse and i actually think this is going to look good i decided to fence in the entrance to the building and i planted some trees and added some bushes and crops and it's looking really really good however you should totally ignore the entrance to my mind that's in the middle of the path i tried my best to build the roof and i was pretty worried that it was going to look scuffed but it also turned out pretty great on day 354 i dug out the ground behind the farmhouse so i could turn it into the deck this way the barn can overlap into the water and take up some of the empty space in between after building the deck i decided to add some trees for a more natural touch i really want my whole compound area to be full of nice touches like these trees on days 355 through 358 i started working on a small side building to this wall so it didn't look as plain as it did plus i guess i could turn this into a horse stable and i can get some horses that i probably won't use i also saw this cool idea online for using campfires to add a more rustic feel to the build so i went back and replaced all of the oak slabs for the roof and it really did look rustic it was looking like an authentic barn i was pretty happy with it but after that i ran out of wood so i went to go get some and on the way back these two skeletons with enchanted bows tried to jump me only to get scared of my doggos and run away suckers then i added these cool lamps to each section for proper lighting so i can get rid of these gross icky torches and i was really happy with how the build turned out on day 359 i started the day by just staring at the new build and honestly i am really proud of myself it's all coming together so well it's definitely not finished though the inside of the farm building needs some work and i'm actually thinking about adding an auto feather farm in there the area around the building is still a pretty big mess though so i do need to clean that up in the future but instead of doing that i went to tame the grey horses by my house and with my luck they were all super slow but i made that really nice horse stable so i figured you know i kind of needed some horses then i went back and i grabbed this all grey horse and he had a decent amount of hearts but he was even slower than the flash with broken legs i gave him gold armor and i plopped him in the middle pen the second horse that i grabbed had some white clouds on his side and this man was fast af so i gave him diamond armor and i put him in the left pen i then went back to grab this polka dot boy and he would not let me control him for the rest of his life i really don't understand why however after i tamed him he was also a pretty fast dude so i gave him the other diamond armor and i put him in the right pen on day 360 i tried to evict the broken golem from my farmhouse and he didn't really fit through the door i could just open up the wall or this could be his new forever home that he protects with his life i'm guessing you know which one of those ended up happening then i started to dig out the bottom of the floor i was planning on using stone bricks until i had the idea to switch it up to cobblestone because it would look more farmy and i've really never used cobblestone for a build like ever anyways i ran out of stone while in there so i needed to leave and i was kind of worried that it would be dark enough to spawn things but i was like nah it'll be fine that is until when i came back to this horde of mobs and then i realized that my iron golem was also gone i found his remains scattered on the floor i i guess that's one way to evict him but damn i kind of feel bad on day 361 i began the day by curing my zombie villagers these guys really need to hurry up because i'm running out of food after that i collected supplies and began building my new auto chicken feather farm except i realized that the lava embers can travel through blocks and building it downstairs would probably result in my entire barn and horse stable burning to the ground which i'm pretty sure i'm not that cool with so instead i decided to add a platform by my bamboo farm for the chickens i mean the whole purpose of the chicken pen was to get feathers to trade for emeralds anyways so this kind of works out better i then spent the rest of this day gathering all the supplies that i needed into this shulker box for the chicken farm on day 362 i began building the new chicken farm that i like to call the chicken chamber i went to collect some eggs from my totally sane collection of eggs so i can get some chicken boys to add to the new chicken chamber i spent like five minutes just standing there eating eggs into the chamber and i uh had a mishap some some boys escaped i'm sorry my child i continued emptying my inventory of eggs until i got to watch my auto bamboo flying machine do its thing fun fact all of the chests downstairs are packed with so much bamboo that they can't fit anymore and all of this bamboo is just going to waste i placed an observer on top of the chicken farm and i finished up the killing chamber except i was rudely interrupted by this simp with a trident i made quick work of him but he wasn't kind enough to give me with his trident i mean what a shame i could have named it tier 3 sub anyways my chicken farm is now officially done and once the chickens grow up they can start producing also shout out to mr cat for the farm idea on days 363-365 i needed food and this chicken egg farm is no longer necessary so i'm sorry boys your journeys are over so i made this fenced-in chamber of future death and i built a primitive egg year and it looks like it's time for a good old-fashioned montage [Music] [Applause] [Music] while waiting for the eggs to fully fill the chicken pan i destroy the old chicken farm structure and at this point the chickens were destroying my frame rate my fps was in the 30s when around these boys they needed to go like soon this is the first time my fps was actually under 60 in the entire 400 days of this world and i'm definitely not a fan of it i spent the rest of this day in all of day 365 afkings so the chickens could grow up and the game was barely playable like this in fact they were lagging my whole compound and base as one last stand against my chicken killing tyranny anyways while suffering with lag i decide to check my iron and creeper farms since i haven't checked them in like forever and the iron farm had 12 stacks of iron i checked the creeper farm and uh there were four double chests full of string and gunpowder this form is going absolutely ham after waiting for more than 20 minutes for the chickens to grow up i decided that i couldn't take it anymore so i went to go slaughter them all and look at all of this xp there's something super satisfying about getting sweeping edge kills on tons of mobs also these mans had laid an entire inventory worth of eggs while they were here but i now have like 15 stacks of chicken and 20 stacks of feathers for emerald trade so things worked out in the end i guess on day 366 it was time for some more capitalism i have been ignoring these guys for like 10 days now and they needed some more love now that i have a ton of string sticks and feathers i can triple my trade productivity of these guys although their stick prices are now three because of inflation almost like somebody's been flooding the market with sticks i really don't know who could be doing that but this is also why we really need to make a raid farm in the next hundred days anyways i went through these guys two times each and i needed a stack into half of emerald blocks that's right you heard me blocks after that i went to go check out my new farmers and for some reason the right guy keeps dropping crops everywhere the left one isn't doing it so i don't know what this guy's problem is but they're producing some good carrot stunks i also had the idea for maybe putting some auto sheep shares downstairs here or maybe a cow pen or something i don't know i needed to use this space but that would probably have to happen another day because i want to set up that guardian farm that i mentioned like i don't know 200 days ago and that's exactly what i was gonna do so i began collecting supplies for it i had everything that i needed except for the soul sand and obsidian so i went to the nether to start getting soul sand on day 367 i went down to the mines and i collected a stack and a half of obsidian this is gonna be used for the nether portals that i make around the guardians so i could send them to the shadow realm i also made some potions of invisibility so i could avoid the guardians i've never actually used potions of invisibility without armor and i'm not that comfortable with it so i'm going to bring an extra tone of undying just in case and right after this there was a thunderstorm in the future when i get a channeling trident i can farm mob hebs with super creepers but for now i would rather not have any woodhouse get burned down on day 368 i jumped into the water to travel to the guardian farm and i noticed something casually swimming in the water there was a zombie horse from the lightning storm i tried to snipe the skeletons of my bow but i screwed up and killed two of them but luckily the third skeleton died from my thorns and i now have a zombie skeleton horse also the other skeleton that i thought got lost at sea came back so i killed him too and now i have two skeleton horses i grabbed two saddles and i drug them back over to my horse stable i moved the diamond boys together in the same pen and i gave the undead boys their new pen let me know what i should name them in the 500 days down in the comments anyways this took up all of my daylight so i went to go cure my villagers again but i was down to only two golden apples and i wanted to keep them just in case the guardian farm went wrong so i just kind of went to bed that night the guardian farm cometh tomorrow on day 369 nice i went out near the guardian farm and when looking underwater for a place to build up for the platform i found a sunken trip i looted two of the chests that were easy to get and i found another buried treasure map to add to my collection of others that i've been ignoring anyways i built up and made myself a platform to put my supplies on and get undressed and i spent the next three days building this farm and the entire time i was very on edge it's not that great having no armor and hardcore you know it's still a little not okay i always had a potion of invisibility in my heart and i kept my eye on the mirror symbol the entire time oh and i also got this form idea from mr cat as well so again another big shout out after finishing the overworld portion i lit the portals and went to the nether and i had no clue where i was i should be close to my netherspawn but i'm like in a hole and there's a bastion that i haven't looted yet after my mining fatigue went away i looked around to see if i knew where i was and i had zero clue where in the nether i was there was an unloaded bastion and a abandoned portal that i've never seen before on day 372 i went back through the portal so i could get my compass that would lead me back to my original portal and i found out that this portal was about a thousand blocks away in the nether which doesn't even make any sense so i had the idea of making another portal near it and it again makes zero sense why is it so far away the next portal that i made ended up being exactly where it should be and at this point i'm kind of just at a loss here am i really going to have to make a 1 000 block long path just the dumb collection area after this i went back to the portal in the farm again and it now links to the proper portal which you know what i won't argue i'll just take it and i found out this portal is right on the other side of the wall by my home portal so now all i have to do is break the other portal by the farm and i'm good to go i knew portals were dangerous before this but i'm now realizing just how dangerous they really are on day 374 i went out and broke the nether portal and went through the guardian trap just to make sure it was actually going to work and it does i still have no clue what happened but it works now i guess this does concern me though because in the future i plan on breaking the nether portal down in the mine and you know adding it to the surface and maybe that portal will end up bringing me to some completely random location or maybe the portal will link up with one that has guardians in it and i'll just get killed so i might just not move that portal after this i finished up the killing chamber and the collection system and i made the path to the spawn portal and it was super close and easy so in the end things all worked out pretty well on day 375 i drank more invisibility and i went back to the ocean monument today the goal was to cover as much of the top with soul sand as i could so after i make the afk platform in the sky i won't lose out on spawns without aqua infinity this took forever so i actually tried it with my armor on for just a minute or so and the guardians hurt just a little anyways this took all day and i couldn't break the top part because of the mining fatigue it was becoming night so i went back home to sleep on day 376 i got some milk from my mumu so i could break the top part of the monument and i swam back to the farm and i began breaking blocks that is until i got mining fatigue again so i drank some milk and then i had the literal most terrifying moment in the entire series this man attacked me and made me use a totem this was the first time i've actually died in the series i was out of there except this guy kept chasing me down and they almost ended the entire series i was down to two hearts and i was actually going to include the clip where i was panicking in the background but my mic was muted so you can't even hear me scream anyways though i really don't know what happened here i i could have bumped a guardian or something but i i don't know the soul stand was pushing them up and now i'm terrified to go back there also i didn't even have my other totem in my hot bar and he could have actually killed me because of that i literally just panicked and did nothing i didn't put on my armor and i didn't get the other totem i froze in place this is why i was putting off doing the guardian farm for so long because i knew of how awful and risky it was to make a guardian farm so after that literal torture i decided to go get some beacons so i could have regen and resistance 2 while i was there and i'm just going to wear armor you know what screw it screw you guardians so i broke down my haste beacon that i had over by this once proud mountain to be honest this beacon was kind of a waste of blocks anyways because i decided to work on my compound more before i added more empty land to it but you know it's whatever it will now serve the new purpose of being my bodyguard from those e-girl guardians i also got a huge brain idea to bring my conveniently placed cow in a boat that i named big mac over to the guardian farm so now i had endless amounts of milk and after this i went to sleep as i drifted away slowly the achievement post-mortem haunted me i had cheated death on day 377 after gathering the supplies i needed i built a platform by the farm and i constructed a tier 4 beacon then i placed the beacons and gave myself speed resistance 2 and regeneration so those jerks stand no chance at hurting me anymore on day 378 it was go time i had the new buffs and lots of milk and i was determined to finish this farm i hopped into the water and there were hella guardians attacking me i killed a bunch of my sword and i struggled to break the rest of the monument and place the final bits of soul sand but overall i felt way safer with the beacon buffs and i finished the area now i just need to make a sky platform and clean up this mess and my guardian farm will officially be operational i spent the night breaking all the temporary dirt and now that this is all gone the guardians will spawn and be pushed by the soul sand into the portals where they can be burnt to death for their crimes they have committed against me on day 379 i was greeted by two giant slimes in my big mine area as i was going to my nether portal fun fact these boys have actually been spawning a lot in the last hundred days and i haven't been talking about them and the glass that i have here is actually decreasing their spawns because this is one of the slime chunks anyways i went to the nether to check out my new farm's loot room since a bunch of the c-sims fell through while i was working around the farm and looky here i've already got a lot of loot and you know what this means i had to make an afk platform in the sky and afk for a day or two just to see how much this form can really produce i'm not really sure what i'm going to be building with these ocean blocks yet but i definitely want them i was thinking maybe i could make like an aquarium and start gathering lots of sea creatures like squid the new glow squid when it comes out fish and maybe even a guardian for the meme that is if it doesn't kill everything else on day 380 it was time to clean up all of the mess that i had made while building the guardian farm i broke the bamboo pillar removed all the stone bricks and i broke the two beacons after that i removed the old nether portal frame and took all of my stuff i can see everything out here from my house so i didn't want it to look like trash then i flew back up to the platform with more supplies to make it big enough and not easy to miss with my elytra and i decided to make it a cool circle in the sky i will probably make it fancier in the future but for now it's looking pretty good i made a chamber in the center with glass walls and a roof so i can check for phantoms before i leave and i added doors so i could go in and out i also made the floor out of glass so i crack a cold one open with the boys that is before they get teleported to hell to perish for my financial gain anyways though now that it's all done cue guardian afk farm [Music] montage [Music] i afk for about a day and a half and i went back to check on my loot and holy mother of loot look at all of this stuff i ended up with seven stacks of sea lanterns and a ton of blocks i also now have enough fish to make an army of cats the farm also traps squids so this is partially a squid farm i love black stained glass and now i don't need to actually make a squid farm so this is a big hog champ moment on day 385 i debated how i would handle beginning the next project the god tier wither skeleton farm i came to the sad conclusion that the quickest way and easiest way to get to that farm would be to continue that original path that i made that was originally supposed to go to the second nether fortress that i had found it was about 600 blocks long and all i needed to make it was like i don't know 3 000 no big deal right so i went home to organize my shulkers so i could carry supplies into the nether except i had a roof intruder again i don't know why they keep spawning up here also a baby pig boy spawned in my tunnel so i made a boat for him and captured him maybe if he grows up i can use him for something in the future like gold trades or something then i went back to mining my long tunnel and not that far in i've struck one ancient debris i guess maybe i'll make a profit from this overall this process took me seven days and countless breaks because it was so mind-numbing but the path finally hit the nether fortress i have never been so happy to see a warp wars in my life after finishing the path i ran back home to get all the supplies that i would need to make the wither skeleton farm and for this design i decided to use buttons instead of slabs to spawn proof because it was easier quicker and kind of cheaper i'm also going to capture a piglen to use his bait in the center so the wither skeletons actually fall down i also decided for this farm that i was gonna be using my sword to do all the killing because i had looting i know you can use a tamed wolf but that takes longer and isn't as fun after getting my supplies i leveled up a librarian and got eight name tags which is something i meant to do forever ago and yes i bought eight name tags just in case anything happened to the first piglen i speak from experience with these stupid endermites i made some swiftness 2 potions so i can get there faster and i ran all the way back through my long tunnel and guess how long this took i used four potions of sweetness too and it took me five minutes to run this tunnel five minutes good thing i will not be heading here and back that often on day 393 i made a ton of buttons and began spawn proofing the nether fortress this should take almost no time in comparison to the last fortress incident anyways it looks like it's already working i found this horde of witty boys and one of them already dropped me a skull and right after that another one dropped me a skull i have to be super careful during this though because the more i spawn proof the more dangerous the areas that i haven't spawned proof will start becoming i mean just look at all these mans and one of them gave me a third skull it took me until day 396 to finish spawn proofing and uh pretty sure this giant pile of mobs says that it works also the endermen that pick up blocks don't despawn which is kind of a problem during this whole process i already got 13 wither skulls which is pretty pog after that i built the netherrack spawning platform or the wither skeletons and i added a center point with some trapdoors so i could trap a piglet after this i went back to get a piglen from the bastion i had built under and i stumbled upon their gold stash and got 16 free blocks of gold i then led one of them all the way back to the farm and i got him in the trap only for a stupid blaze to shoot him and burn him to death why on day 397 i went back to grab another piglet and i drug this man all the way back to the farm only for him to immediately be killed by a wither skeleton yeah it was uh safe to say that i kind of screwed up in making this functional so soon i mean look at all these skeletons also i was out of fire resistance and the blazes are complete jerks luckily i do have the supplies here to make some more fire assistance potions though after fixing up the wither farm area i went back to get another piglen and they were super hard to find but i did loot a chest in the bastion which had a free lodestone in it after searching some more i found a man and i slowly let him down to the path until he died from fall damage i'm cursed or so i thought on the way back to the farm i heard the distinct sound that piglets make so i dug up and found a pile of mans i drug this one back and led him into the trap and voila success is finally here i used my name tag to name him twitch prime which is totally something you should go do at twitch.tv slash pain domination where i will soon be streaming weekly casual plug anyways look at all these wither skellies on day 398 i finished the killing zone downstairs or at least for now because i was running out of time in these 100 days and this farm definitely works pretty well i could definitely improve the spawn rate in the future by spawn proofing the basalt areas and the warped forest but for now this works perfectly fine this certainly isn't the most efficient weather farm but i hated this process and it works well enough to say that it's all good for me something is definitely wrong with the hostile mob cap though because my spawns are not that consistent at all sometimes i get a lot sometimes i don't get that many and those damn enderman with blocks do not despawn and they are everywhere but i did end up with 24 wither skulls which means it was time to go kill eight withers in the end on day 399 i gathered my freshly severed skulls and some soul sand and i went back to the end it was time to kill eight withers this wither enderman killing room is literal heaven i got six and a half stacks of wither roses and eight juicy nether stars from these boys and to celebrate 400 days i killed more endermen until i hit level 100. today was a very successful day also somehow i was missing a fence here can enderman steal fences there's no way right on day 400 that's right the big 400 i crafted my eight new beacons and i now have 10 beacons after making the beacons i went over to the spot in between the horse table and the farmhouse and i decided that for the rest of my beacons i wanted them to be underground so they didn't take up too much space and i could have the buffs no matter where i was in the compound and i also decided this beacon specifically was gonna have purple and yellow stained glass for my awesome channel colors and i was going to try to turn it into a fountain because i mean i can i don't know and after building the fountain it looks okay i guess it's not the worst i feel like from what i was going for it had to be a much larger fountain but i don't know i might end up changing it in the future it's pretty hard when there's beacons underneath though because you can only use transparent blocks overhead so the beacons aren't covered anyways though i kind of missed the sunset so uh yeah no sunset for you i guess oh and yeah i know i kind of just left the farmer zombie villagers hanging i wanted to have them done way before this 100 days ended but i guess that will be a project for 500 days and that is how i survived 400 days of hardcore minecraft i would like to give a huge shout out to all of our channel members you all help support me in more ways than one and if you would like to support what i do by becoming a channel member you can do so by clicking the join button down below it is never required but it really means a lot to me i also would like to thank each and every one of you who have helped me get this far on youtube i really couldn't have done it without you if you want more awesome content try one of the videos on your screen i guarantee you won't regret it anyways this has been pain domination and i hope you all have an awesome day peace
Channel: PainDomination
Views: 1,474,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive 400 days on hardcore minecraft, i survived 400 days on hardcore minecraft - paindomination, 400 days hardcore, i survived hardcore minecraft for 400 days and this is what happened, hardcore survival minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, paindomination, i survived 100 days minecraft, hardcore minecraft, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days hardcore, minecraft survival
Id: P-utq9U9hAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 57sec (3237 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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