I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - PainDomination

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minecraft is a game full of so much beauty and potential you can spend literal days of your life just gathering resources and building anything and everything but what if minecraft was more than that what if death waited at every turn for you and all it would take for everything in your world to disappear was just one wrong move well that is what it's like to play hardcore minecraft and today i will be surviving 100 days of hardcore minecraft but first a message from our sponsor graph now with that shameless plug out of the way let's get right in to day one so day one was going super great right off the bat this man came out of nowhere as i was chopping wood and started smacking me up and got me down to half health in the first minute then we found a cool cave and i was getting lots of resources until this boy gave me a miniature heart attack stupid creeper in the cave i didn't even see him i looked back and he was nowhere to be found i don't i don't know where he was but that was not cool so i was out of there real quick then it was time to become friends with the local animals and by become friends i mean eat them so that's what i did we went on an absolute slaughtering rampage getting i mean don't don't look at some of the footage i may have missed a lot but we were killing every cow we could find you know gotta get food somehow and then it started getting dark so to end the day i did what any other sane person would do and i built my way up into a tree placed some furnaces and waited out the night while smelting my food and my iron on day two as the sun rose i decided to make myself a full set of iron armor so i could at least take some damage while out and about it's not quite enough to survive in hardcore but it's enough to get me by and then i paused and watched the beautiful sunrise since you know it's not something you see every day in minecraft i mean it technically is but only if you look at it okay don't sue me then with the spare iron that i had after making the armor i decided to make an iron pickaxe and we decided to head out adventuring after a long day of adventuring i eventually found this cool village which i mean it doesn't have any cool structures like a blacksmith or anything but you know i can't complain it's a place to stay for the night and i happen to have found this cool blast furnace which will save me some iron in the future on day three just like any other good samaritan i robbed these villagers blind of all of their wheat then i caught this skeleton venting but don't worry no emergency meeting had to be called because the crewmates had already won and then i spent the rest of the day in nearby cave mining lots of iron and coal and i made a whole bunch of new tools broke my pickaxe so i had to make a new one made a sword and now we have a bucket we are moving up in the world on day four i decided this village didn't really feel like home so i stole their bell and continued my journey to find a better home then i struck literal gold i found an incomplete nether portal with a whole gold block and a golden apple and then i stole all the magma blocks because i don't know why i don't need them yet and then as it began to get dark i decided to make this cozy little dirt shack and cook my supplies and go to sleep on day five i finally realized i was missing a shield this entire time i had been running around without one of the most important things no big deal right and then this stupid creeper decided that he was big brain enough to try to ambush me on the way out from my own house and then he sat there and he teased me so i left and then i'm not gonna lie to you guys i spent the rest of my day trying to build another portal with water and lava and what can i tell you i am not dream on day six i decided to go into the new nether because i was excited about the nether update and all the new stuff and this is my first time experiencing it and what can i say it's beautiful and it is absolutely terrifying literally i was so scared just here here listen listen to my reaction oh my god uh uh i'm out of here i'm out of here uh-uh uh-uh look at this spine what is his spine get me out of this place oh my god on day seven i finally found a place i wanted to call home that was perfect right on the side of a beautiful beach so i began flattening out land so i could start to make myself a base on day eight it was all about deforestation lots of deforestation q the tree murder [Music] montage [Music] on days 9 through 10 i began building my house and while i was working these guys showed up and i'll admit i kind of handled them like a baby but then this dude over here while i was blocking decided to deal one heart of damage every shot and i was pretty scared this was not a fun experience and i've definitely i'm definitely lucky that i was not in a village still because i would have started a raid and i probably would have died here so we got very very lucky on day 11 i woke up to this beautiful man's and what do you know he dropped me nothing i spent the rest of the day building a fence luke the notable style around my base so that way nothing could get within 20 feet of me i was being 100 careful with this playthrough on day 12 i finished building my wall and what do you know right after i did a gang of zombies decided to come raid my base sucks to be them because i have a wall now losers on day 13 i worked on my chest organization but more importantly i got some new doggos who wants to see chest footage when you can see me get doggos look at these adorable boys we now have some terrible house defenders on day 14 more of these jerks showed up jokes on them though because i have bows and i know how to use an axe now this is my first time getting used to critting with an axe on day 15 i decided to start digging down for my brand new mines so we could start amassing diamonds i decided to go all the way to y11 since that is the perfect spot to dodge lava poles if you dig into a lava pool you run into the top of it and you can easily stop yourself before going straight into the lava on day 16 for some reason i have no audio but i found my first diamonds while mining down on day 17 i still have no audio which sucks cause i can't hear the beautiful sound of the xp but it's okay because i found a mystical eight vein of diamonds it's so beautiful just look at it we now have 10 diamonds and we are on our way to getting a full set of diamond armor on day 18 it was back to the mine i was determined to get more xp and make an enchantment table and enchant my new pickaxe friend i also guessed i was mining under the ocean because i had an underwater ravine but it had diamonds which i really had to work for did you know that hardcore drowning hurts a lot well i did i spent all of day 19 in the mines mining for more and more diamonds i was getting so lucky with all the bigger veins and i also had a couple of small veins however the main goal was to get a full set of diamond armor and what do you know i happen to end up with just enough diamonds to make that full set so i call today a huge success on day 20 i began smelting all the cobble i got from mining so i can use it to expand the wall around my base then i started clearing out land to expand my base and yes i made a diamond shovel this early and before i made the diamond armor sue me also the game audio is back yay just in time for you to hear me dig dirt also um uh q epic dream time lapse digging montage then this super rude traitor interrupted my epic dream montage so i had to teach him his place and i evicted him from my land [Music] on day 21 it was time to finally get a cow farm going because i had no renewable source of steak and i desperately needed my fix and then i was attacked by another horde of zombies fun made quick work of them and then i decided to get ballsy and i took on my first enderman and he dropped nothing what a cheapskate on day 22 i decided it was time to add some sheep to my already overcrowded compound and then i spent the rest of my day messing with this automatic chicken egg producer so in the future i could have an infinite source of feathers not much happened on day 23 i was just chilling around the base until i found this fox just plucking fish out of the ocean left and right and then at that moment i decided he had to be mine in order to acquire my new friend i went to the forest and started gathering some berries and then i went back to him with a boat and realized i really couldn't do much to get him so from here on out he will be known as boat fox he will spend the rest of his life probably in this boat until i actually find another mate for him or an easier way to actually capture him days 24 through 25 were monumental i went out and got my fox friend a new mate and what can i say it was not easy i finally managed to catch the fox and now i can bring it back to my base and then real quick before i got the other fox i decided to put the trapdoors on top of my chicken farm just in case they decided to get any ideas i did not want to get more chickens talk about how much of pain this fox was to get on land like listen my dude please just go go on just just go please after that i made a maximum security prison for them so they could mate and i found out hey they can have babies inside of boats weird anyways look fox baby on day 26 it was time to commit crimes against cow kind and slaughter all the adults and now that my cows were orphans it was time to move to the mines for the day and i found two meager diamonds but it's better than nothing so i'll take it on day 27 i finished the enchantment table and the minecraft gods blessed me with these two insane pickaxes we got silk touch efficiency 4 and we got a fortune 2 efficiency 4 with unbreaking 3. and i found this nice 8 vayne of diamonds with fortune 2 ended up with 13 diamonds not bad later that day i was attacked by sky demons maybe this would be a reason to build myself a roof you would think so but i did not anyways i got lots of membrane from them so now i can make slow falling potions those will come in super handy when i fight the dragon for days 28-30 i proceeded to run around and light up my land just so i had a lot more space without hostile mobs spawning and then i spent the rest of those three days in the mines cue epic diamond montage [Music] [Music] [Music] we ended up with a stack an additional six diamonds from that trip we were living life like a larry on day 31 i came back up to assess my loot and made myself a full set of diamond armor and i even enchanted it now we are all decked out in full diamond and we are ready to go day 32 i'm not sure what i did because i didn't write anything down to my notes so we're just gonna skip it like nothing happened on day 33 i made a brand new diamond sword that i gave looting three to this baby is gonna be my best friend throughout the series then i went and killed a bunch of cows which for some reason i didn't just crit them i sat there potentially killing the babies by using sweeping edge i don't know what's wrong with me don't judge me anyways with this new influx of leather i can make item frames so i can begin actually organizing my chests now that i felt like i was more prepared with a full set of diamond armor and tools i went back into my mind tunnel in order to find the mine shaft that i ran into in hopes of finding a cave spider spawner i need to get xp somehow and this is the closest dungeon i could find to make a basic farm i know there's probably easier ways to do it but what can i say i'm stubborn on days 35-36 i decided to make a map and start exploring around my house to see if there's anything interesting i found this cool village except it was too far from my house to bother transporting them i would probably be better off just carrying zombies at that point on day 37 i realized it was getting dark so i started to head home and on the way there this jerk skeleton decided to break my shield and then i walked in on these two villagers doing whatever this is and i left on day 38 i returned home for my long journey and i brought four new friends yes that's right i got four new doggos on the way home as if i didn't already have enough friendly mobs in my house on day 39 i decided to go back to the nether because we needed supplies and well my spawn wasn't the worst i was still inside of a basalt biome but at least i had tons of gorgeous black stone to work with on day 40 i decided it was time to start strip mining for netherrite just to be extra careful i wanted a full set of armor before i could traverse the nether however it was not going that well i found none on day 41 i decided that netherright was not going so well so i decided to just dig into this wall i mean i don't know i heard pig ones so i mined towards them and i found this new safer area then i honestly kind of stood there in awe there was a bastion an abandoned portal and the biome with trees and endermen was all great but it was not what i needed i needed nether wart then i had the most terrifying experience in hardcore yet these mans almost killed me i never replaced my shield and these guys did not stop i was freaking out this was the i was out of there i left i left the net i was done with the nether for now until we were more prepared on days 42 through 46 i went back to work on the spider farm because i definitely needed xp this took way longer than it should have but the outcome was definitely worth it just look at how much xp this farm gives me plus i get lots of strings so win-win for future villager trades on day 47 this wondering scam artist decided to pay my house a visit so i decided to kill him for his leads because i don't have any slime yet and i wanted to pull things around don't use that out of context on days 48 through 50 i ran around the overworld placing nether portals in hopes of finding a new better spawn that had you know netherwort and what do you know it brought me right across the lava pool from my first set of portals luckily though i did spawn closer to the bastion so i decided to go check it out in hopes of finding some network now let me just tell you this real quick going to the bastion was an absolute last resort for netherworth these things on hardcore are deadly they are some of the scariest structures i've ever seen in minecraft honestly the whole time i was in this bastion i was uh pretty scared i can't lie my hands were very sweaty but it's okay it's okay all is good because i got one netherride scrap and the best music in minecraft that could ever exist pig step that's all i needed and i was out of there unfortunately we did not get any other wart so this trip was technically a failure but it's okay i got in i got out and i did not die on day 51 i better prepared my inventory with more gapples and boats that way no roots could get too close to me and my new crossbow and i went back to the bastion things are going well until this jerk nearly ended my whole career it was safe to say i almost had a heart attack however i cleared the entire bastion and there was no other warts so back to the drawing board for days 52 through 55 i've explored the nether further in hopes of finding a fortress or some netherwart and once again i came home without either honestly i feel like i always get some of the worst netherspawns every time i generate a world without a seed on day 56 i found a cool abandoned portal in the nether and got two free blocks of gold and a chest with some useless crap but it's cool definitely not another fortress though on day 57 i went back to the spider farm to get lots of xp to fix my armor since the nether was not an easy place just listen to those xp orbs on day 58 it was back to the nether and i found a crimson forest and look another bastion yay maybe this one will have some netherwort because otherwise crimson forests are nothing but death on day 59 i decided to go to the new bastion and oh my god did this brute almost end my entire career this man got me so low and i was out of there fun fact did you know that brutes can chase you for hundreds of blocks yeah i didn't did you also know that vengeance feels so sweet i did stupid egg after killing the root i went back to the bastion and i cannot make this up it's literally like something from a movie but there is a patch with one singular nether wart in the center of the bastion in the middle of lava what even is this on day 60 i went back to the bastion and i made this little piglen into an orphan but don't worry i quickly sent him to the shadow realm after then i found this cool single chest full of loot including my first set of ancient debris then i found this double chest that had even more ancient debris we are moving up in the world on day 61 i stopped by the house to drop off all the loot from my unfinished bastion run that was in progress and i decided to jam out to some pig step truly one of the best music discs in minecraft [Music] so [Music] for days 62-63 i spent the entire time in the bastion and i uh witnessed this pile and then it became a massacre i finished stealing their stuff and still no nether fortress in sight on day 64 through 65 i went mining for netherright and i found a good amount but between the explosions the fire damage and my pickaxe almost breaking i realized that getting the full amount of scrap to make a full set of armor this early wasn't quite looking realistic so i need to shift my focus on getting villagers so i can get mending also i found out what a lone stone is and it is a super cool concept so now i have a compass that'll point me back home no matter which direction i go on day 66 i had the brilliant idea to build another portal in the not so nearby village and it worked perfectly i got all these villagers to go through the portal and straight through the nether into my mining area i quickly got him up the ladder and boom we have our first villager i can't wait to force him into a life of labor on day 67 i wasted the entire day trying to get this guy to re-roll until he got mending for some reason each roll took like five minutes for him to change jobs i later figured out that it was because there was too many other blocks that had rolls nearby and he was trying to take one of those on day 68 i realized this whole process was taking too long so i went back to get another guy to roll for mending and this guy was a complete jerk then of course the second i finally get him home the first villager started going absolutely ham on rerolling his trades i'm pretty sure it's because i broke more job blocks when the second villager wouldn't cooperate i kept re-rolling the first dude until i got silk touch me likey so i moved on to the second villager and i got fortune 3. i was conflicted but i had to keep re-rolling and i finally got mending now i need villagers to breed and become a source of emeralds it is time for capitalism also while i was out trying to get more villagers uh i witnessed this with all these zombies ganging up on this iron golem day 69 stop laughing i went out looking for some sugar cane because i didn't want to lose the mending trade the villager and i didn't have any paper and then i found this abandoned shipwreck with some loot and then this stupid witch decided hey that's my loot back off so i did wasn't that good of loot anyways jerk screw you on day 70 i went back to the village to capture two more villagers who are gonna be in charge of baby making winky face at this point i'm realizing how much of a mess my base is becoming but that's okay i was on a mission to kill the ender dragon by day 100 after making the villager breeder i decided to give these boys some jobs and ended up ending the day with some capitalism on days 71 through 72 i spent the whole day afking for xp at my cool spider farm not gonna lie this farm is actually super inefficient and i need a new xp farm and i need it now on day 73 i went back to the nether hopped on a strider and began desperately searching for a fortress still with no luck but i did find this cool workforce and now i have warped mushrooms for days no hogwins getting anywhere near me on day 74 while i was out and about looking for a fortress i found another bastion and unlike the other two this one was really close to a cliff so i could easily cut off all of the piglens go upstairs and just rob them blind and look at all the loot that we got i opened two double chests in one small chest got some more pig step discs and hella gold and these boys didn't even see it coming on day 75 i went back to the nether but this time i explored a new direction in hopes of another fortress i was using my strider to go across the lava and finally a hidden fortress not only did i find my blaze spawner that i needed but there were two blaze spawners close enough to each other where i could make a crazy blaze xp farm in the future which would blow my crappy spider farm out of the water i also built a new nether portal there to see where i ended up in the overworld and uh i was very far away on day 76 i headed home and made my fire resistance potions and now i could finally make an ender chest now i had a couple more things to do before i could kill the ender dragon get a full set of netherride armor and tools breed my villagers and get crazy enchants for my netherright armor and then we are ready to go to the end days 77 through 90. yes that's right 13 days i went down to the nether and i bed mind over and over and over getting tons of ancient debris so i can build myself a full set of netherray armor and another right tools and i ended up with about 15 ingots and i didn't know how netherright properly worked i had thought you had to build a fresh set of armor i didn't know it was one ingot each so i am well prepared i thought i was under prepared but we are good to go it is almost time to fight the ender dragon on day 91 i witnessed my villagers being delinquent but hey they had a baby and it tried to escape i don't think so my dude i then escorted him to his new prison then i awkwardly watched these two do their thing from the corner of the room on days 92 through 93 i kept rerolling librarians and i got a looting three boy why'd i say boy like that then i made a new section for my villagers and on my first try i got another mending villager which i had to be strong i had to reroll him i didn't need him and then he gave me mending again anyways i kept rerolling and finally i settled with infinity because it was going to help me kill the ender dragon since i didn't want to worry about arrows on day 94 i got an expensive feather falling for villager that i really need for the dragon because i cannot mlg water bucket to save my life literally then this absolutely blew my mind apparently you can use a smithing table in one nether ingot to upgrade your already existing diamond armor to netherright i didn't know this before okay this is future me writing this reading this from my old notes i didn't know this back when i wrote these notes i know this now so don't look at me like that and be in the comments like oh he doesn't know how netherright works this is me i i recorded this weeks ago okay anyways i am absolutely set on netherright so we are pretty much prepared for the dragon when it comes to armor now i just need a ton of xp to finish the upgrades and i am ready for the end on day 95 it was back to the crappy spider farm to grind some xp on days 96 through 98 i spent them grinding and finishing up my nether right armor and gear and making a brand new bow and i finished it off by prepping some potions we were officially ready to find the stronghold on day 99 now that i had prepared all of my loot it was time to go out and look for the stronghold and this was surprisingly not that bad it was actually pretty close to my base however i did get stuck in the water over here the ender pearls decided to go down to the water and i was like is it is it here do i have to go all the way down there but luckily it was not in the ocean after finding the spot i quickly dug down and started to look for the portal and within no time i had found it and then silverfish broke this block and let the lava try to kill me sucks to be you silverfish i have full netherrite after healing up and killing all of their family i went back to the portal just to find out that there was only one eye of ender really game one eye of ender could i have been any less lucky so i went to the surface to try to find some endermen in this moment right here was make or break for the 100 days if these endermen were not here and it was not still dark out i would not have been able to kill the ender dragon by day 100. the video would have been ruined this is it the moment you've all been waiting for day 100 at the beginning of day 100 i filled the portal and proceeded to jump through and i was ready to take on the ender dragon honestly for this fight i'm pretty proud of myself i knew that i was well over prepared i had slow falling potions i had gapples i had all the armor and tools i needed but there were still some times i got pretty low and overall i beat the dragon in like six minutes which i'm pretty proud of believe it or not this is actually my first hardcore world i have ever made i've been playing minecraft for so long and this is the first time i've ever felt this feeling of killing the ender dragon in hardcore and honestly i was proud i spent the rest of the day running through the xp and then i left through the portal and that was it we survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft and we beat the ender dragon this series took so much time to record and i honestly had a ton of fun i can't wait to do another one if you do want to see 200 days i would like to get this video to 200 likes that would be amazing you were all awesome and if you made it this far into the video don't forget to subscribe so you can be there for 200 days and our other minecraft series i also have a arnold craft series in the description and we will be starting up a new autocraft series soon and we also do live streams for our other hardcore world which we've not killed the ender dragon in yet but we've already got full netherrite anyways this has been pain nomination and i have had so much fun making this video i hope you all really enjoyed it i will see you all in the next one peace
Channel: PainDomination
Views: 897,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, 100 days hardcore, hardcore mode, 100 days in minecraft, luke thenotable, i survived 100 days minecraft, luke thenotable 2000 days, minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, hardcore minecraft, 100 days in minecraft hard mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, and this is what happened, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, lukethenotable 3000 days
Id: 1Mogri3tne4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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