I Survived 1,400 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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today i build a machine that allows me to disable hostile mobs from spawning i also travel thousands of blocks using a flying machine get an infinite amount of obsidian and also redstone and turtles i went completely overboard on turtles but don't worry none where uh we're harmed in this video and first i'm going to go on an adventure an adventure which requires a few different supplies and involves me traveling to a jungle and here we are at the jungle now i just need to track down a panda okay we've got a panda perfect for the next phase of my plan i'm going to build a staircase it is quite high up but not high enough i'm going to quickly grab more blocks this should definitely be high enough then i will place a boat right there now if i grab myself some bamboo i can lure this guy all the way up this is a little bit annoying because i can't use leads on pandas and here we are now finally at the top with the panda in the boat what am i gonna do now i'm up here i'm gonna get to work building a machine this means i'm in a piston here with a slime on there and a sticky piston here and on the edge of this one a regular piston like so and a slime block a redstone block and a redstone block okay i accidentally set the flying machine off before i'm ready what on earth did i just do that for it's definitely making life harder work for myself i've got to somehow stop it by placing a like an ender chest or something attempt number one okay i did it it's only supposed to set off when the panda's on board there we go now to transport the panda i'm gonna have to use pistons on these bits drop you right there break at the end of chest and away we go i'm in the boat already we're traveling back home and this part is going to take about an hour so uh i'll be back later i logged out of the world temporarily and for some reason when i came back the boat disappeared so i've taken the time to quickly craft another and thankfully the panda has not fallen down the boat can go right there please just get in the boat panda there we go okay we got him in and now since it is raining i want to quickly head back home and make it so that these cauldrons can fill up i also have no idea what time it is so had a great idea to grab a bit of gold and combine them to make a clock according to the clock it's basically about to become night time i'm going to take a risk and fly to the spawn because the cauldrons here are much closer to being filled up i think it's finally done i think that's full i put my water right here let's see is it completely done yes we finally got powdered snow it says i've got phantoms and everything after me i'm just going to get some sleep i'll be using this powdered snow right now but it oh wow can you actually put it in a cauldron oh you would do like yeah we'll be using it right now but it's good to have it before any of that i've got a panda to sort we've gone far enough this way now i need to send the panda this way that is the flying machine done panda is in place let's set this thing going i'm going in this direction it's only going to take about 15 minutes i want to wait for a little bit and i've i've just realized we've gone a little bit too far so let's put that right there and take this panda for the ride of its life pretty graceful london i'm not sure if it's an easy way to get it out of the boat yeah we can just do that on it on the boat will break and it's not too far to lure it back home pandas are also very annoying because they won't walk up blocks with snow on them i have to say a boat on ice was made for this panda the real question is what do i do with him now i could just leave it to roam around that's it you munched away you'll be happy you should probably live in the bamboo area but but this is good enough i could also do it going down here to buy a name tag which only cost one emerald and this panda should be known as panda payne because my goodness transporting you was a lot of pain but now we can move on to bigger and better things such as grabbing some leather making some boots and flying to spawn any good trades from you sir oh pointed drip stuff you know what even though i kind of have plenty of those i'm still gonna buy it because they're kind of rare but next i want to pick up the powdered snow i want to place it right there put on these leather boots then when i stand on this light as a rabbit advancement has been achieved and that means for the second time i have got every single advancement in the game and speaking of making advancements we are getting closer and closer to our goal of three million subscribers but there's a channel called happy kids tv nursery rhymes which looks like it's gonna beat me there so so please subscribe and help me to win this battle and on that note these boots can be cast away and i want to repair some of my stuff so i'm going to go to my gold farm and mend them up before i do that let's also put powdered snow in this chest as it is the 1.17 chest now that's all done i need another silk touch pickaxe so let's grab three diamonds and another right ingot and i can get some upgrades on this pickaxe i actually get it i also know that i have some i'm breaking three books here so we can just put them together on the anvil and i just need another efficiency for book and thankfully i've got a villager for that so let's put the final thing on there that is now fully maxed out let's make it into netherright job done but very sadly i'm now under 600 levels again but i'm sure it won't be very long until i fix that let's also get another blue axolotl i'll give us four altogether very nice indeed now for my next project i'm going to create an obsidian farm i want something that's much safer than my old method because well we all know what happened last time all the materials are here next we need to head to the stronghold the first thing i need to do to build this is to add a dropper that is facing downwards into the portal and a piston like this with a redstone block another one right here and we're also going to add two hoppers like this to get a nice little hopper clock then we need blocks on both sides with a comparator and redstone coming out of it and finally a hopper right here with a double chest on top next i'm going to mine up this stone and build a chunk loader correctly linking up the portals has actually taken me quite a while i've had to instead build this one all the way over here but it is still in the chunk next to this so it'll still load the trunk now work on the actual chunk loader can begin you've seen me build these before so we've got three droppers like that and then one there and then down here we're going to get a comparator like that a block there redstone on top with an observer facing out of it and on top of the observer we're going to have this with the redstone dust there i can also place blocks in front of this and do the same thing on the other side i built the one on the other side but i forgot to say that i need to add some hopper minecarts right here so one there and one here and now an item is going through and going back and that is loading the chunks now we need to head to the end i need to dig a bit of an area underneath this obsidian platform at a chest right here with hoppers going along like this since i'm getting quite a bit more obsidian we'll also put another one there like that the final thing that i need to set off this machine is 20 stacks of blocks i feel like stone is going to be the right block for that all of those are now in here i shall also build a haste 2 beacon to speed it up even more there we go that's now giving me haste two i'm going to add 13 blocks into this hopper head on through and if i hold left click and press f3 and t it's going to mine completely hands-free for me and you also see that whenever the block comes through the obsidian resets which is why i can just sit here and mine infinite obsidian i think i've now spent enough time mining up obsidian so i'm gonna go and see how much we've got oh look at that doesn't that just look beautiful i don't really have space for it all but i'm gonna shove it all into a shulker box and i will never have to worry about obsidian ever again i'm also gonna grab one of these levers because i believe if i just add a lever right here then it should switch off the machine so that's very good indeed now i want to go and check on something although just before that i do want to put a lever right here so this chunk loader is also switched off always a good idea to save like where you can now i'm heading to my amethyst farm to see if it is working all the clusters are definitely growing even if it is extremely slow and there's still quite a few hours before they'll all get harvested so hopefully it does work not chapels are very rare and there's still no way to farm them so i'm gonna go and see if i can get another one which means going far far away and finding desert temples right now i'm about 40 000 blocks away now to find a desert it looks like we found the desert now to find the pyramids and here is the first one with nothing too useful in but there is a room portal right here and sometimes they can have notch apples but not this time there's another one gonna be quite careful this one's got a creeper in it diamonds i get told off i'll leave them behind so i'll pick these ones up what that okay um just build a best beat i thought i broke the pressure plate but obviously i didn't break it and um yeah at least i built it with ender chest because they're blast resistant although i was about to say that i still think diamonds are for peasants what's this room paul got look you know i'm getting quite a lot of gold apples which is nice i had to find a brand new desert for this but hopefully this pyramid has what i need still nothing oh my goodness i did not expect that okay we've got a notch about that there's so much rarer in room portals compared to desert pyramids like the one in ten in a desert pyramid on average you have to search 67 room portal chests which is like a crazy amount so didn't expect that one it's nice to be back home now for the next project which is to continue with the task of draining this monument i'm pretty sure i can finish it in this video and then i get to turn this place into something really amazing after quite some time i've nearly placed all the gravel that i need and more of the monument has been drained look how close it is getting but i've had enough of this for now so i'm gonna do something else and that new project is going to be a proper home for the panda and i think the perfect place for this will be on this hill so i'm going to begin by building a bit of a face if this ends up resembling a panda it's going to be a miracle but you know what they say miracles do happen there's definitely some sort of resemblance to a panda and i'd like to use golden blocks as a platform for it to sit on i'm going to dig a nice little staircase downwards and this is where i'm gonna create a room for the panda to live and with that this room has successfully been chiseled out let's offload all these materials and now to make this place look a little bit more inviting and for that we're gonna need some concrete and some wool so around this edge here i'm going to use green wool with lime wool in the middle and also lime wool along here then around this outer edge we want some sand let's add bamboo in each corner and it is starting to come together but it could be a lot better so i'm going to add water around this border here and this can have a nice waterfall coming out like that and now to turn this concrete powder into concrete and that can be used for the walls i'm also going to grab some glowstone which can be placed behind this water and also in the corners not entirely sure where i'm going with this one but i'm thinking a bit of water here with some sand that's gonna be the same for all of these compartments and some lime green wool around here and at the back as well then i'm gonna head over here and grab some sugar cane and this can be used as a bit of extra decoration and that is all the walls finished now to do the roof the roof is complete i also want to add some sugar cane in behind this waterfall and things are still looking a little bit better but i've got a plan i just need to get to some dark oak trees and mine up some wood and what is that guy doing on top of my panda that they'd literally get everywhere to the wandering traders you just never know where they're gonna turn up anyway let's do some of this and make slabs and these slabs can go around the outside and look at that i have the perfect amount i also want to do some along like this so the roof at least has some decoration and the final thing to add is some gates and maybe some glowstone here as well all right panda i don't know why i spent so much time on this but get ready for your new home i'm glad i don't have to transport you anywhere ever again here he got this bamboo be happy didn't even sit up and eat it maybe i need to get it something else how about cake everybody knows that pandas love cake well i'll leave you to it that's enough from me although i did have an idea for another mob that could live with my panda yes a polar bear i mean they're both bears so i'm sure they'll love it together i really do some random stuff in this game for my next project i want to create a machine which permanently disables all hostile mobs from spawning yeah it's actually possible to do that without playing in peaceful and the only thing i really need is loads of loads of withers so i'm going to head to the farm that i built the fortress and get the materials for that it's taken quite some time but i now have everything that i need and now i need to grab a load more materials and here's every single item i need now i just need to go to a place where there's gonna be bedrock in a specific pattern i'm gonna have to travel quite a way to get to this bedrock but if you didn't know bedrock is the same in every single world it's not affected by the seed so i'm going to the coordinates minus 100 on the x and 2843 on the zed so if you were to go to these exact coordinates in your world you might not necessarily find diamonds but you would find bedrock that is in this three by three shape with air underneath it and so that nobody gets upset yes i'll mine up the diamonds just got 18 from that it's pretty crazy isn't it now that a bit of a room has been dug out we can begin building although i do need to remove some bedrock around this completely forgot to bring tnt just hold that thought i'm glad to say that i'm now back and ready to start removing some bedrock let's give it a go so we're going to go like that we're gonna go to here and we're just gonna spam click and i don't think it worked first time we'll go with take two i think it's because i didn't get rid of the right i need to get rid of this piece of bedrock right here so let's give another go that still didn't work would take three yeah it works nicely now to remove all the bedrock under here to create a nice three by three gap just a little update on where i'm at i have removed so so much of the bedrock and it's taking a lot longer than i expected i just need to get rid of these three blocks and all the corner ones but the corners are kind of gonna be annoying because to get rid of those i need to get rid of these but i've definitely made big big progress and now we're done i'm pretty sure i don't have to remove these two blocks so i'm just going to leave them there now we can actually start building although having said that i do still need to get some vines i was meant to pick some up on the way and here are the vines for good measure i'm just going to get way more than i actually need picked up a stack now let's head back to the bedrock now that's sorted we're going to add a border of glass around there with an ended chest not a piece of glass an ender chest and a piece of precision on top then a piston here and a piston here now we need a wall with glass surrounding it kind of like this with the stone being removed and i'm basically going to just add loads and loads of redstone stuff i'm not going to bore you with the details i'm just going to get to it and right now i'm basically building a system that's going to dispense all of the withers the machine is pretty close to being finished and if it's a little bit complicated don't worry i'll leave a tutorial in the description all that's left me to do now is build a chunk loader you've seen me do that before i'll quickly build it and now both chunk loaders are completely finished and as you can see there's an item that keeps going through the portals and uh loads the chunks now i get the fun task of filling up these chests and adding all the soul sand right here now there's not much else to do except just hold right click and spawn all the withers this is now full of withers it's extremely noisy and it looks absolutely crazy i'm just gonna add a lever here which will let me turn the chunk loader off or on and let's test this out i'm gonna see if i've removed all hostile mobs from my world turns out it's the middle of the day so we have to wait till night to test this out as you can see it is night time right now and there is not a single mob in sight look at it's the middle of the night and there's just nothing anywhere this just completely changes everything in minecraft it just makes it so much more relaxing so yeah peaceful mode has been achieved in hardcore difficulty i don't know if it works in other dimensions so i'm going to go and test it well to answer your question no it doesn't work in the end so yeah after doing some research i found out it is only in the overwhelm i'll take that no more creepers blowing up my house i'm very very happy and this poor village will never be terrorized again except by me and two things i always seem to be running out of are redstone and emeralds so i'm gonna say i'll head to this outpost to take out a pillager captain but i've just realized i disabled mobs let's just temporarily turn mobs back on i can take out a pillager captain and use my raid farm to get lots of emeralds and lots of redstone many raids later and this is how much redstone we've got three stacks it is okay but it could be better perhaps more importantly is the amount of emeralds that we've got which i'm gonna turn into blocks and bring back home all in all it has to be said that's a job well done oh my goodness and being idiot i am i've now started a raid no need to panic guys it'll be over soon it's nothing but a minor setback i'm so relaxed i'll even sleep part way through it and the raid is now complete that's it villagers let off your fireworks you're welcome now i can finally work on my next project which is first going to be to repair my bow i mean what's the point of having all these levels if i never use them next i'm going to grab gravel sand and some poppies the first stage of the plant is to create some red concrete powder and then turn it into actual concrete i've also realized that it's gone dark and my mob switch isn't on i i need to turn it back on i also made this tunnel three high which makes it so much faster to get along there we go switch back on yes i might drop straight past diamonds there and i just completely left them to begin with i'm going to extend this pathway right here i'm going to do some digging so i can change these to be grass blocks it's absolutely brilliant here i am building at night and it's not a single mob in sight now the pathway is done i'm going to create a building right here and to be completely honest this is another build that i'm just going to make it up as i go along are you kidding me i don't know where this fox came from but it does uh it you know me chickens maybe it's the offspring of one of these foxes because i did have three here go on fox you can't live like this you can stay here don't do anything you shouldn't do meanwhile because this is an egg farm getting more chickens is not gonna be a problem we could just throw more eggs in here there we go now we've got more chickens than when we started so this is what i've done so far created the framework for what the building will look like if you didn't realize what i'm doing this is gonna be the fastest way to farm redstone by using villagers i just thought i'd make the place as nice as i could for them let's grab a bit of glass and make glass panes i think i made a few more than i was intending to but with these we can fill in the gaps i've also just realized that if i want this to be successful i'm going to need to create more villagers so here you go guys get to work just in case i don't have enough let's add a load more beds i mean said that i probably already have enough beds and again you can never have too many how to sort out the interior and for that i'm gonna need black concrete and since my pickaxe is so so close to being broken i'm gonna go to the gold farm and fix it i've just realized i never put mending on this pickaxe that would explain why it didn't seem to repair itself when i was doing the raid thankfully i can buy one for one emerald no problem and add it to the pickaxe now my plan is to add black concrete underneath the windows i'll also put some along the middle here as well and since i have so many iron blocks we might as well use these for the floor i get the film that once i started on the floor it it kind of went downhill i'm gonna mine up these emeralds and place them here instead it's being slightly adjusted whether it looks better or not i'll let you guys decide now i want to fly away to get some dark oak since i feel like that's the wood that's going to look the best now let's craft some fences and place them all like this the next thing i'm going to need brewing stands for that i will need 20 blaze rods and a lot of cobblestone there we go 20 have been crafted let's add all of these along here with carpets on top since i'm pretty sure that'll stop the villagers escaping and now all i need is the villagers which can be lured across by using job site blocks that's it villager you're allowed to leave this place and that is the first villager trapped and he can't go on top of the cap it's never mind curious to see if he's got the brains to go through this gap like does he know he can do that considering he's not moving i'm gonna guess he can't so that's good it'll also be smart to lock each villager to his trade and now to fill this place up if all these poor villagers knew i'm sure they wouldn't willingly walk straight into this cage and the final villager well it was kind of him but he broke my gate as i was saying he is now in now i can grab a load of emeralds and see just how much redstone this farm gives me and there you have it 480 redstone in a pretty short space of time i feel like my days of mining are coming to an end and all it cost me to do this is just emeralds which i can get loads up very easily from my raid farm finally i'm going to add some iron doors here just to make sure that everybody on the inside is completely safe with gold pressure plates right here just in case for some reason i ever do something like this and then lock myself in i've got a way out i'm going to grab two more stacks of emerald blocks just to really fill up my inventory if i ever run out of lapis it's also a great way to get that already one chest worth of redstone it's just amazing the next thing i'm gonna do is grab a shulker box dye it so that it's light gray grab a load of buckets and use these to get loads of milk which is then going into this shulker box now let's grab that and head over in this direction then quickly turn off the mob switch take out a pillager captain turn the mob switch back on and i can use the raid farm to replenish my stocks and when i'm finished i've got plenty of milk i've spent enough time here let's turn off this machine drink some milk so i don't trigger a raid back at my house and grab all of these emeralds the final thing i'd like to do is drop all the way down here pull out some iron and expand the beacon there we go and in doing that i can grab three more and set them all off right here let's get haste and regeneration from this one resistance to and finally speed and having all those extra effects will then negate the issue of starvation that keeps happening to me i have to keep coming back and eating every now and again since constantly swinging your sword does make you hungry next i'm gonna grab a load of string and get even more from my bartering farm and use this to craft a bit more white wool so i can finish the back of this panda's head and also cover the entire thing in string to prevent any snow from staying on that's the top done let's also do his snout and the gold blocks all the way around now that that's done i want to do the same thing to this building and there we go this building is also completely done whilst i'm here might as well grab these emeralds fill up the shulker boxes and buy more redstone we also have an issue here where the shears are starting to break as you can see there's not one in here now so i'm going to replenish these dispensers and add way more that should be much better i have filled every dispenser with shias now something that i do have quite a lot of is turtles but scoots are something i only have eight of so i want to get loads more which means creating a super powerful turtle farm and here are all the items i'm gonna need for it except for one last thing and that one last thing is end rods and we all know the best place to get those is an end city this looks like a good place to me in total i need 40 of these i've only managed to get 14 so it's time for plan b which is to grab chorus fruits smelt them in a furnace and then combine it with blaze rods to get the end rods now that we've got everything time to get building and i think the best place to build this is in the spawn chunks in fact i'm gonna do it right below the shulker farm to begin with we're gonna need sand that's seven blocks across and the length of it is 40 blocks there we go next i'm going to use pack dice to create a border on three of the sides with four additional blocks on each end now before i go any further i actually want to go and get my turtle legs the reason i want them now is because they have a much higher chance of hatching during the night so i'll breed a bunch of turtles and now i can just collect up all the eggs now let's place them all down along here look at that some have already cracked apparently between 3 and 4 am is the best time it's probably about that time now but these turtles are the future of this farm now in continuing the build we're gonna add two rows of blocks like this next we're gonna add some walls and trap doors along here with vines under those and hoppers running all the way along right here is gonna be where the chest is and i'm gonna put some stairs on top of that and also put grass blocks along here to kind of fill in this weird gap let's also dig out this side and add water all the way along i'm also going to need torches along here because the water will freeze all the water is now in and the torches will stop it from freezing the snow has also arrived which is good for my cauldrons but all i'm hoping for is some eggs to hatch next i'd like to place some walls and a row of glowstone all the way along just for lighting oh i just heard an egg crack yeah look at the old man loads of them now meanwhile i'm gonna bring glass all the way along here and now i can remove all these torches and instead place end rods all the way along here there we go now i need a block here and i'm going to start adding the rails to a powered one right there and regular rails like this there we go and now everything is finished i'm just missing the turtles and to make sure that when these eggs hatch the baby turtles don't fall down here and instead go into adults i'm gonna have to block this area off and now we wait on a side note this farm has got me quite a lot of shock sales looks like nearly 100 more than i'll ever need and whilst i'm waiting for the extra hatch i might as well do something productive with my time and go tree mining they've not quite all hatched just yet but we have got some baby turtles i'll keep waiting for the rest to hatch i've had enough of mining trees we've got absolutely loads of saplings and loads of wood you think that's a lot i've also got loads in this chest down here too i did bring a few extras and most of them have hatched we also for some reason a wandering trader has spawned you just never know what's going to happen do you so i reckon my best bet is just going to be to get started on using this farm and sorry guys but you're just in the wrong part of town you've got to go and despite how annoying you can be i'm going to be kind to you and let you wander out peacefully as you can now see all the turtles are going to try and get to the water and what i can do is jump into a minecart hold down right click and just keep breathing the turtles this will then lead to me getting loads and loads of eggs and because only the baby turtles can fit through this gap when they grow up all the scoops will go into this chest and i can collect them up so all i must do right now is just keep breeding them and wait and if everyone get more turtles and stop the babies from going down here i just have to close the trap doors it's a brilliant system this is quite scary actually there's a there's phantoms trying to get through get out of here so i'll afk here for a bit and get loads more turtles and i'm pretty much out of seagrass which isn't a huge problem because the farm will give you more seagrass but i think i should take some bone meal grab some shears then i can bone mail this grass and collect it using just 10 pieces of bone meal i got two and a half stacks that's pretty effective if you ask me and now it's back to breeding we now have loads and loads of turtles and so many eggs so i'm not going to carry on sitting here and just wait for all to hatch because it's just going to take forever we'll get a few more eggs whilst we can instead i'm going to leave the farm to it i'm going to assume that because it's in spawn chunks the eggs should hopefully hatch we've even got some scoots already coming in i also completely forgot to turn on this machine so the shulker farm wasn't really being used whilst we're here but that fully switches it off i think it's okay i don't know why what's going on there i guess you don't need to flip that but yeah this is currently fully switched off but we might as well pick up the shulker shells it does have a tendency to break a little bit if i leave it running whilst i leave so that's why i'm i'm not touching it although in reality it probably never needs to be switched on again after the amount of shulker shells i now have let's get some organization i'm gonna add an item frame with dirt in it so that i finally know what's in that chest i am starting to get a little bit low on firework rockets let's go and get some more the best place for this is of course the sugarcane farm by doing a bit of combining we can make so many firework rockets which nicely fills up a shulker box well now it fills up a shulker box anyway i think it's about time i got a full double chest of redstone so let's get to work and there we go the chest is completely full and this isn't just a place to get loads of redstone i can also get loads of lapis granted lapis isn't something i use quite as much but it's still handy to have loads of it nearly four stacks perfect i feel like this room is missing a few things for a start it's missing some crafting tables and they could actually be placed under the chest so you can kind of still use them but they're not really in the way and for the sake of symmetry i'm gonna place two ender chests on each side now we can create redstone blocks and blocks of lapis and shove them all in here what's that you say i'm i'm getting a little low on ender chests well don't you worry about that i just grab this shulker box and grab about six stacks and then if i head over to this room and grab loads of isa vendor craft loads of vendor chests and now we've got a full stack because then it just are just such a useful thing i like plunking them down in loads of random places i never want to run out of them feel like at some point i should really make this a bit of a nicer entrance way and it would be cool to one day bring back another panda but i just couldn't face it after doing all that slime block work speaking of the slime block machine i uh i better destroy it but i do really like the fact that it's just so simple but works so effectively and now i've got one into chest too many it's all right i'm sure i can find a random place to plunk it down like that and as the sun sets on this world that was 1400 days in hardcore minecraft
Channel: SB737
Views: 3,291,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 1400 days
Id: 7OmMJTwFj0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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