I Survived 100 Days on a DESERTED ISLAND...

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I'm stranded on a deserted island I've got no food other than kelp and my only resource is a lonely tree but despite that I'm going to survive 100 days here and thrive in the process also a cookie God keeps between me about how he's going to beat me to 4 million Subs so please don't let him win just go get your grandma to subscribe or something I don't have very much to work with here apart from One Tree so the wood will be very useful I have no idea how I'm going to get food unless I can get seeds one of these has to drop seeds please it's not looking good is it it's it's really not looking good at all oh we got one perfect make that two in fact all right that's good news and I'll I'll make my way down to grab Stone another let me make loads of tools including I hope I always got to be important so I can plant the seeds I've also got another sapling that's absolutely huge let's place that right there and actually got two samples fantastic now I need some unsuspecting fish there's gotta be some around here somewhere another great source of food and down in this Ravine have we got any call we have I've put I'm gonna drown if I go for that so just give me one moment and I'm going back in right really quickly mind this up there we go got one and then it's time for food source number three the camp and not only will kelp be a great food source but actually it'll be a terrible food source it will also make a great fuel when I turn it into blocks that's nice melted and turned into a dried kelp block which can then go back in it's not more it's completely renewable and it's completely fantastic plus it's quicker the way for that stupid those stupid seats to grow I don't even know why I wanted them a tree is also grown now the next issue is I have no way to make a bed so it looks like I'm staying up tonight there's no way for me to sleep so obtaining lots more dried kelp will be my Tusk for tonight and after a night of that I've got quite a bit of kelp to go out so I'm munch on this cooked cods eat kelp and dig down in search of a cave on a traditional cave but I have found a water one which seems to connect to the ocean not really what I'm looking for and drowning is also not what I'm looking for better be careful but at the very least this coal is going to be very very useful with that I can return to digging down aha iron has been found I'm a pickaxe is broke great could have got three iron that would have been better than I could have made nine pickaxe and since I have a very depleted amount of resources to work with I'm gonna climb all the way out of this cave and craft a new one using this crafting table I should just grab it I can also oh we're out of we're out of stuff ill and they need to refill it there we go back in business another tree is grown as well which is very very nice and I might as well mind for saplings now so they don't despawn whilst I'm down in that cave well that is if you could even call it a cave it's more of a really really long staircase down a staircase which is going to get even longer now I could hear mobs and oh look at this a fantastic cave and my first priority down here is to try and get spiders since string will be very very important it's also rather dangerous down here there's mobs everywhere but obviously not enough to stop sp737 a London this water get rid of this guy and continue in search of spiders or even better a mine shaft this is great for at least two reasons first wood wood is hard for me to get because I only have a limited amount of trees and cobwebs yes these cobwebs will get me all the string that I need I just hope I don't run into it I was about to say any cave spiders or rumor day that's right you get down there this is all the strings I could hope for let's have a little look we've got 12 perfect to make wool and to make a bed and now to escape the mine shaft into the water and continue collecting iron or even better once I've crafted a pickaxe I can grab not one not two not three but four diamonds from in fact it's five diamonds look at that fantastic well other than the fact that I'm having to eat kelp things are looking pretty good and there's still so much more to see in this cave although apparently extra diamonds is not one of those things oh never mind I've found some and I'll just see if I can successfully get them this all brings me to seven eight okay I'm gonna make a chest plate no wait there's loads here it really doesn't get any better than that does it nine diamonds just waiting for me so we'll make chess play and we'll make leggings which would be in a much better position for surviving in this cave another one here hopefully it's a few again but I'm guessing it's just a single no it's two I'm getting good with these veins normally you only find one Diamond at a time this is what I was afraid of I have now run out of food which probably means it's time I got out of here as quickly as I could all right now I'm getting weak you know things are getting a little bit ropey one and a half hours is all I've got I've got to get out of here ASAP and I'm in an ocean area okay this is also bad I'd better be smart and craft at all because I cannot afford to drown even a tiny little bit I think I've made it out my island is over in that direction I think everything is gonna be okay thank goodness there's plenty of kelp in here okay I've just made a mistake I don't want to just smell only one kelp with that uh as I'll be extremely inefficient I'm gonna eat all this to regain my health both meal The Siege because at some point bread is going to be very very helpful mainly for when I want to try and get more villagers I'm also going to craft myself a diamond pickaxe and a diamond shovel I reckon they're both good and things are just nicely is starting to come together and whenever I do these 100 days challenges I always seem to go and defeat the Ender Dragon and do everything else and then never really build a house but this time it's gonna be different I'm gonna build a house first just requires me to mine away this to flatten out the area smelt some sand so that I'll have a glass and get to work build my masterpiece with what I've got available so I'm thinking first things first it's on an island I want to build it over water mission to build the base complete I'll have a nice little staircase up haven't actually finished the house yet but I need to sleep so that the bed can go here and since there is so much sand available I'm gonna use smooth Sandstone for the walls although such a project is going to require much more sound than I first realized so I'd uh I'd better get busy more treats have also grown which is good because I want to make the roof out of Oak slabs I'm gonna have these bits filled in with glass paint things in between to make a nice little window feature and once I have enough smooth Sandstone that'll be the case on both sides I've also got both my doors the front is complete and it's a creeper where did you come from I tell if you blow my house up I will not be happy for the sides I'm gonna do something like this with windows again looks like I'm gonna need more glass too it basically just door boils down to the fact that I need way more sand and thankfully I know just the places to find it I think that should be every resource that I need once I've made a bunch of slabs yeah I've got more than enough that is the walls done well it will be once I've got this down looking good and the roof can now be done as well well it could be done if I had never run out of wood good thing I've got lots and lots of trees that have grown and there we have it job done my house is complete all right well it's almost complete it's currently hanging on nothing there we go now it's actually done and I can move all of this stuff to instead be inside apples are gonna be key because then I can cure villagers and it's great that more wheat has grown as well and with that out of the way I need a better plan enough for food what is that better plan going to be well it's going to involve taking some dirt and building a platform over in this direction and you're probably wondering what I'm gonna do with this uh this random dirt platform well right now the answer is nothing I am going to instead make a bucket collect water and Tower up really really high now though up here I place the water it flows all the way down and I'm gonna wait for the sun to set look at that there's a monument down there do I go for it maybe I should and a shipwreck there okay this is great coming up here I don't know why I should do this sooner I think first things first I grab the Shipwreck hopefully it's got good stuff such as a treasure map and treasure including gold that's useful let's top it all off a few carrots as well from what I can tell the map is absolutely miles away you've got to remember Armstrong desert island in the middle of the ocean that's absolutely huge so I don't think there's that much chance in going out searching for the treasure more importantly I want to use this Knight to see what kind of mobs I can get to spawn in the first one is a creeper okay I'm sure there'll be more to follow spider oh okay that's better I can get sugar from this this is this is actually great I've just got to make sure I don't die in the process which is why I've been bringing up my shield I've got diamond armor I should be fine in fact if I learn most from the water that will definitely help creeping up look I have been poisoned I've got to get this over with quick don't think it drops sugar I think I've just got glowstone that's unfortunate and I'm now down to just half a heart let's see take two goes any better it might be a good idea to add more layers to the platform as you can see there's not really any mobs there that I'm interested in so they can be despawned by going up another 10 blocks giving room for new ones to spawn in not the most successful night but I have spotted a room portal down there I've got loads of kelp available for me to eat now then is there anything useful down here a bit of obsidian and a bit of flint and a yes a good shovel just a shame that there's no gold blocks as well and my top priority is still to get a villager so I'm going to keep chopping trees until tomorrow night and I can turn the extra wood into slabs just so that I have a bit of a bigger spawning platform and hopefully this will mean that by the end of tonight I will have a villager to cure and some sugar so that I can grab the fermented spider eyes that I need this is what's bigger than it was hopefully it leads to success straight away a lot more mobs are spawning a lot faster I'm sure it won't be very long at all until I get what I need I spent quite a bit of time up here on day 15 I managed to get some sugar and on day 17 I got even more and down there I've got a villager that can be cured I just need to put him in a boat hopefully shouldn't be too difficult just gotta avoid all the other mobs I think I've got him in okay oh no it stopped raining this is the worst thing that could have happened no don't don't let it happen I'm also on fire I saw going wrong it doesn't I don't know what's going on here this is all going wrong great he died what terrible timing that was for the rain to stop I feel it was so close yet so far now food is still a problem for me but I've got a good plan I'm gonna plant some carrots boom Mill them up and plant even more then when the time is right I'll be able to take this gold turn it to nuggets and use it to make golden carrots but the time is not right just yet and I don't have enough gold to do that either so I'm going searching for some this cave was great for finding diamonds but now its biggest use will be for finding gold and also try not to die this is great because there's gold everywhere but there is also mobs everywhere that's the problem so I've got to be very stealth in the way it is okay I'm not being very stealthy at all just have to let them battle each other then knock them off creepers are also very useful except when they break your Shield you think it's not a massive issue because I can just craft another one but I have no iron so I decided to try and find some of that and I need to be very careful I'm so dead here ladies and gentlemen I've left me I've just diamonds okay everything's down there I've just got to keep moving though I've lost my water jumping down there was definitely not my smartest idea when you've only got kelp to regen it takes forever and more diamonds there as well a very great oh no I'll carefully get back my water grab these diamonds and also these ones over here then iron must be mined and a deep slate furnace crafted if you look it up diamonds are right below it are this supposed to be a proper iron thing so we've got a block of raw iron here as well very nice only technically needed one piece for the shield but getting a load extra is always nice and this game is full of diamonds which is an extra bonus too of course you see me when I'm I'm up a tower why would you not see me before I'll just go take the hits grab what I can MLG down and get rid of him I did leave another Diamond behind somewhere I just can't remember where I thought the ones I was looking for but I'll take it things are definitely starting to get a little bit hairy down here I've completely run out of food but I will not leave until I have found that okay more damage not the ones I'm looking for I'm not leaving until I find a very specific Diamond that I left because there were too many creepers in the area what am I doing I'm one shot away this is just a disaster it's only a diamond I'm leaving it is definitely not worth the risk of dying over even getting out of it it's gonna be difficult because I've got to not drown in the process my method for not drowning is just to make little pockets like this and then place a block and keep repeating that as I work my way up although I seem to have gotten to a bit of a roof I see wake up and kelp means we're near the surface talk about stressful Journeys that was a nightmare but I could see my house I can smelt the gold and I can eat more dried kelp plus I've got loads of Bones to bowmill carrots excellent it's gonna be great to have some food that isn't cold okay these are gonna go a lot further at these golden carrots I can also make the rest of my armor looks like I've got that villager that I need to cure already that really is fantastic don't walk in the water I tell you if he goes in the water and I lose him then I will not be happy into the boat he goes he's doing quite a bit of damage as I tried to drive do you mind mate I'm trying whoa that was way too close for comfort but now that I've got him here I'll grab a little bit more wood build him a nice little safety roof and I'll see if tonight I can get a second one because then I'd be able to breed them it's unlikely but I always say Never Say Never although the mission wasn't successful so I'll just focus on Brewing the weakness that I need to do that I need to go to one very specific place yes the nether because I will need blaze rods and blaze powder now I'm coming down here to see if I have enough it might be doable you know I I think if I could just make a doll and mine up the obsidian then building myself a portal should not be a problem I'm also pretty sure I have some Flint in here from earlier I do we've got the ironing box I need to make myself a flinted steel I'm also going to extend this chest to be a double chest because I'm running out of space as you can see and since it is dark rather than head through I'll once again see what I can get to spawn tonight mission accomplished down there okay just gotta get a boat it might lead to fall damage but I've just got to place it get in that's it and I'll swim far far away so that all of them can despawn I don't know where that creeper's going it's it's literally going all the way to the top what is it doing but anyway with them despawned I can safely add this guy to the curing area and I can go ahead and get some sleep all right nether here we go this is gonna open up loads and loads of different doors before I can do that I need to try and find a fortress finally a fortress has been spotted now I want to get just two things from here another wart which I found straight away perfect Diamonds Are a bonus not the other thing that I wanted but I certainly can't complain of finding them it's actually blaze rods blaze rods are the other thing that I want to collect I guess it's hard enough with blazer I don't need you as well I just want to concentrate on one thing at a time the ax is broke so I'm now using the pickaxe 10 Brothers should be enough I'll even get 11 for good measure and now my oh what am I doing okay just be careful let's be as I was saying now my priority is to make the long journey back to my portal preferably without doing any more risky jumps well I've made it back more or less unscathed but I've just remembered that I forgot to grab a brown mushroom from anyway I kind of need them maybe there's one somewhere near my portal but I'm not gonna hold my breath nope this this cave is completely empty but I reckon over there there has to be some I'm gonna do the very risky thing of bridging over lava I hear a gust somewhere but hopefully I don't get seen by it all right never mind there's a single one there but I have managed to find something I walked past earlier and completely missed so spider eye successfully crafted and Bruins stand created so I just have to fill these up put them into the brewing stand and begin the process I do also only have enough gold for one Golden Apple I gotta use it all on the gold accounts so that is the other thing that I need to sort out but once had the gun found to those they're completely solid so I can leave that and the nether is probably going to be the easiest place to get gold because I can just mine with a bunch of nuggets or whenever I see them and I've Just Seen there's a fortress really near my portal that I had no idea I traveled loads and loads of blocks and when I bust it I suppose it's good that I at least know about it now I've got a little bit carried away in collecting gold but it'll be useful for the golden carrots as well which is why I got so much extra but I can craft a second Golden Apple I'm also going to make myself a diamond ax and I can give those guys a splush give them some apples and I'm gonna be wearing a good five minutes for that so I've got plenty of other things that we're getting on with such as getting myself more food chopping down more trees and sorting out some kind of place where these new villagers can live I'm thinking a giant house on the water is gonna be perfect for them I'm not too bothered about making it look amazing I just want it to be functional and somewhere where they're happy to live that's the base of this area I wouldn't mind having torches and stuff on it though because I do not want monster spawn and I'm completely out of cold oh by the way those guys are ready now but yeah I'm gonna go ahead and look for more coals I'm sure it will be too difficult I'll just head down to my truster cave although the only problem with this game is it's quite loaded are they diamonds all right I'll take it back there are no problems with this case as it was saying the only problem with this game is it's a bit low down to get cold so I think I might have more success if I instead search the ocean and run suck any Ravines that I find I've managed to get 42 pieces which is definitely modern enough this roof is no longer needed so I can mine that and a Wandering Trader normally I don't like you guys but this time it might actually be worth it let's see I mean maybe a spruce sapling could be good but he wants five emeralds for it and currently I have zero emeralds so I might just have to postpone getting rid of this roof prioritize obtaining flint and make this guy a Fletcher that I can trade with and his trades are a bit cheaper which is a bonus that I never thought of there you go good sir five for one Spruce sapling it'll definitely be nice to have access to a different type of wood I'd really like for the home to have massive glass windows all the way around which means mine up lots of sand and that's not a major problem I've just got to make sure I go to the right areas ended up getting way more Sun than I actually need but it is nicely smelting as we speak so I'll make a bunch of panes and start placing them all down and that is all the wind up well not quite I'll just say that's all the windows complete and in one of these chests yeah I think this one I've got a bit of Smash moves Sunstone which you wouldn't mind using don't want it to go to waste so we'll put that there I've also got doors here that were used to stop me drowning now they're aesthetic I I don't know do I want that or do I want glass round I'm gonna test it out I've also realized that I can't really use a wooden door because the villagers will just Escape in it I don't want them to escape yeah I think I prefer glass there but then an iron door is definitely required so that I decide who goes in and out the buttons have to be on the floor because I can't power glass so that that's that it's pretty much done apart from the roof kind of important and since I've got loads of spare ones I'm gonna make it out of slabs which will have the secondary effect of also making it spawn proof and that is Operation build the roof done I'll craft a few torches and have one there and one there and I think it's gonna look nicer if I actually make some lanterns and hang them from the ceiling rather than placing torches on the ground and I'm now pretty sure all villagers should be safe in there so it is time to lure them on through which can be done very easily with Jump Zone blocks I'm gonna get you over in the corner and the regular if I can get a couple more pieces of Flint that'll be worthwhile for you to make another Fletching table did the wandering trendy spot I was gonna say I should get the leads from the wandering Trader because they're kind of hard to get leads because slimes are very rare but that plants are forced to go out the window I'll just have to wait till till next time all right villagers welcome to your new home I'll put the buttons back and now my only way to get more villagers is to get more beds but to get more beds I'm gonna need quite a lot of wool and the only way I can realistically think of to get the wall is gonna be with string from spiders and where's the best place to get loads of spiders well of course the answer is this massive platform that place easy to spawn spiders than it is to get villagers to cure and stuff like that but battling them with all the other mobs around might not be quite so easy I've managed to get two string already and I might as well get some good powder as well whilst I'm at it just look at this loads of spiders I know for an entire bed to be precise if I get to 24 before the day ends I'll be very very happy it was a fairly productive night 15 in total and it's gone powder there in fact there's quite a few creepers knocking about which will be good because when I go to the end I'm gonna want to have loads of gunpowder so it makes sense to start collecting it now and it seems with a bit of strings I missed last night that's always a bonus and what kind of the amount of string driver just one more piece of strip you know what I'm making a nine sword and I'm heading down here because I know somewhere down here there is a mine shaft or even better I've just found a simple spider will you give me what I need uh no no it won't so it's a very good job that the mine shaft is just around this corner definitely makes life easier and there's diamonds I missed you last time oh well that's uh that's a bonus plus the spider also didn't drop his string are you kidding me looks like I have to stick to Old Reliable or more diamonds are you kidding me but yeah Old Reliable and mine up the cobwebs with a sword and the more string I get whilst I'm down here will mean I'll have more beds and I'll have more villagers so I'm gonna get as much as I can and you know what I've got an idea I better place the water bucket yeah that's way quicker and I need to remove the spawner because um yeah spiders are causing me trouble I keep getting poisoned slight side effect of his string plan does mean that it all fell down here but it has to be said 19 piece of wall that's six beds already that's fantastic plus more diamonds this is the ultimate mine shaft very very useful indeed now the next question is are there more cobwebs knocking out around here not looking too promises but it's the odd one knocking about and then there's a few spiders okay well spiders just will not drop me straight 24 that's that's fantastic is that what's that seven beds no actually it's not seven beds it's eight beds that is definitely going to get me plenty of villagers just what I needed tonight in fact I can make those beds right now and go to sleep in one of them well guys let me tell you today is your lucky day I've got lots and lots of beds for you not only beds bread as well there you go three for you and three don't go and take each other's bread no if you just take it all I have to craft some more I I think they both need bread fruit to it but they might share it out I don't know I don't know who's got the bread now there you go there's some for you and there's some for you and you look the other one just take the door I'm guessing you're a bit far away from your beds right now to braid but give me baby villagers okay and whilst I wait for that to happen I will continue mining trees to craft more sticks to get more emeralds and look at this the great spruce tree has grown hopefully I can get a few saplings from it because eventually I want to place four of them together and get a giant spruce tree which gives you so so much more wood and I also think that it might be smart to build a bit of an offshoot area that's an orchard because I just haven't got the space that little island to place down loads and loads of trees so I reckon a big area for that would be perfect that's General spacing of the trees I'm gonna have to do that all the way around but I have no dirt left because I decided to use it all as part of this platform so get that modified So eventually it's just all slab then it'll have a place to plant down all my trees and if we've got any baby villagers that's the big question and the answer is uh no no we don't oh wait we do wait where did you turn up problem okay well well done you do this is just what we needed the third villager hopefully the first of many more to come and I'll continue to crack a gun with this big auction build well I would keep cracking on with it if I hadn't run out of slabs yeah these are my my last few good thing the spruce tree is still growing quickly and I'm gonna grab a bunch of saplings because I have so so many of them and get them all over this island yep with these oak trees it is definitely a case of the bottom area and I've basically get quite a lot of these Spruce Uplands six which is great so I could have four there and another three right here and we've got two baby villagers now oh brilliant might as well put the spruce to good use as well by adding a nice border I really think this is gonna look great by the time it's done planted loads and loads of saplings hey look we've got a golden too but I planted loads and loads of them and then just waited four days for them all to grow so now I'll have absolutely no shortage of wood and can properly finish this Orchard another wandering trainer have you got anything good oh dark Oaks happens although to grow them I'm gonna need four so I'll need a few more emeralds and thankfully getting those emeralds is now much easier due to the fact that I have villagers that will trade my sticks which look at that I've even got Cuts now he's becoming a proper Village six Villages there nine gone this deserted island is suddenly not as deserted as it used to be so I'll get three more saplings bought and finally I want to get a mangrove proper girl as well thank you so much for your help good sir then I'll get back to chopping down trees and building the Orchard and it is done the the orchard is complete I'm just gonna plant down these final few saplings one in the corner then I can mine up these trees which have already grown and I've also got this giant spruce tree that I've grown that I want to mine up so I'm gonna build up to the top you get so much wood from them look at that over two and a half stacks but you don't seem to get four saplings from them each time which does make me worry that this maybe isn't the most renewable of processes but on a more positive note it has got me a lot of logs which means it has got me a lot of sticks and a lot of emeralds in fact I have so many logs to go out that I want an extra Fletcher wonder which one's gonna be my volunteer here he is and also do a bit extra trading with these two over a hundred emeralds fantastic that'll be very useful later and I've now got two Iron Golems it's really coming to life the place isn't it but my priority is still to mine up lots more trees it'd be interesting to see just how much I get from miningola Battle according to my estimations probably roughly another 32 emeralds and I hope these villagers don't mind being welcomed up for a little bit of midnight training don't you guys worry about a thing whilst I've got these four dark oak saplings I reckon I get them planted over here with a spell oh look at that we get some sugar or something again can't say no to that although I I actually dropped got they dropped nothing but I just got poisoned but certainly it was a waste of time now the first thing that I'm going to use this great supply of emeralds that I have for is a composter then the plan is to upgrade the farmer and I'm hoping to get the trade where he gives me golden carrots I did I can buy a load and that makes life much much better plus I've got an endless supply of cookies and suspicious too what does this suspicious Studio very good one please oh it's night vision oh well thank you good sir things just keep getting better don't they I might as well use these extra gold nuggets for more carrots things are certainly getting easier now that I've got villagers but to make any further progress I want a librarian I want to get things like mending and Unbreaking they'll be so so helpful however to get those I am gonna need books and to get books I'm gonna need paper plus I do have a little bit of paper I don't really want to use that because it's quite precious it's going to be rare in this world until I get sugarcane for a Wandering Trader which might not happen for a very very long time instead I reckon my best bet is gonna be to go to a stronghold I've already got the blaze rods for that so all I need to get next is the under pearls I don't think this warp Forest is gonna be big enough for Enderman to be the way to do that especially when they don't even drop me them I think instead I'm gonna try and find a Bastion because one Pearl's a good start what but I'd still like many many more finally a Bastion has been located it looks like either a stables or a housing one if I had to guess yep it's oh okay I just thought whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I was just trying to do a little clip there I do not want that as it was saying yes it's housing and there's a gold block waiting for me at the top I'm actually gonna make a gold helmet because these guys could be pretty mean sir I don't get them too much all right we're friends now I think yeah look at that it loves me you want a golden got mate there you go fire resistance that's not bad better grab a few extra blocks because apparently I have no one left now and then I'm gonna jump down grab lava loot adjust and Spleef my enemies okay that didn't quite work I know we did well we've just been stabbed in the back please don't ever do that to me again you stupid Hoagland pigstep let's go now the piglet broke the thought he could defeat me I'm gonna die I need not five yeah I forgot that if you stand on those you're more likely to be in the lava that was the girls but that's why fire resistance is always very useful and there's one more gold block up here for suggesting this section with all perfect this is definitely a very very nice Bastion and ancient debris oh look at this look I'm so glad with what I'm getting here there's a few extra gold blocks up here that I want to grab I've also got some piglands in a hole and I'm ready to get Don't Shoot Me guys I'm giving you gold come on you like that right is this is this connects to a fortress this Bastion no way well would you believe it it is the end of the Fortress goes into a bastard that's so cool Marlo here gaffles fantastic every bit of gold traded got some good stuff in there but only got six pearls kind of rubbish in that department but it's a good thing that there's a warts for us on the way back where I will get the remaining ender pearls I require I'll even find a few diamonds on the way back too now this right here is going to be the perfect Fortress for finding wither heads because it is in this bio so I've made it out of the coordinates for this place for when I want to battle the Wither I've made it to the what Forest so it's now time to collect up my ender pearls which probably shouldn't take too long I've just caught two for two that's unheard all with Enderman normally and that is 10 ender pearls I think I'll get 14 and it should be enough this poor Enderman is on fire I had a better put him out of his misery although he didn't drop me a bell hopefully this one down here is a little bit better oh it is and that is mission accomplished so it's time to get out of here and get back home home sweet home of course it's dark and rainy just what I didn't want but I can sleep through it it's gonna get myself a new chest for valuable stuff so the direction of the stronghold is I can't even see where the pill went either I'm blind or I don't know okay I went that way I could just go into the tree that's why but anyway the stronghold is this way so that's where I'm going I think this is this is the furthest that I've gone from the island I'm going really going to uncharted waters well that's great just got mining fatigue from a stupid Elder Guardian so I'll have to wait for that to wear off before I can dig down now according to my calculations it's pretty much right down here the mining fatigue also thankfully wore off in the time it took me to get here so I can just get busy digging looks like that's mission accomplished I think okay if the gravel would just get out of the way anyway I believe yep I'm in it now to see if I can track down the portal room and it's also great that I found a room of bookcases they'll be very useful when I want to upgrade my gear and when I want to get Librarians whilst I'm next to a cave I should Pro oh brilliant as I said I should probably get some lapis because that is also going to be necessary found some straight away didn't I look at that eight pieces lovely definitely one more than just eight but it's a very good start I'll turn all these into bookshelves to save on a bit of storage and continue my search for a little bit more lapis a search which is going very successfully indeed I think I'm also gonna need two diamonds because I didn't bring any with me and four obsidian as well but I can just get that from the portal room so that's another problem or I can to get it from the end so yeah definitely not a problem I don't have to even think about obsidian right now this isn't expected a dungeon a dungeon that contains a bit of gunpowder and a couple that's not too bad and it all connects to a Munch up really my shop which spiders that poison you know what I'm I'm keeping away from there my protein is definitely still to track down lots and lots of diamonds actually not that many I just need three because I need a new ax and then two more for the enchantment table I see no other way to find them other than going through here but I am a bit worried because it is just a matter of time before this ax breaks and then I won't really be able to defend myself okay look at this this opens up to a massive cave as long as I survive this place it is definitely just what the doctor ordered well the poison is doing its best to make sure I don't live I'm okay now you follow me down here really you're crazy you're gonna have to be put down operation fine diamonds is a success finding what is a good start but my overall goal is to get five of them and there's a second one up there which was good but there's actually two there so I now have three I'm gonna make my ax at least if my current one breaks mid combat I'll have another one on my Hotbar All That Remains now is to find two more and in a cave like this I'm pretty confident that it shouldn't take me too long that's another one and it's two fantastic all diamonds obtained that I need plus plenty of lappers there's nothing more for me to do other than just get back to that stronghold bottle room has been located let's get rid of you I'm gonna grab the obsidian alley from here might as well then that can be crafted the eyes can be added and before I actually go through I'm just gonna see if I can find the other bookcase real quick because it would just be handy to grab the extra paper from it mission accomplished and there's lots more paper here so that's definitely made the journey worthwhile well without further Ado here I go to the end of course it's a long way across and I don't really have the blocks to make it don't have an ender pearl it looks like I've got no choice but just to use as well otherwise I would literally be trapped I reckon making that jump won't be an issue how did I do that what I kind of landed on the edge of the ball I do know that's the thing that if you kind of Lund as you're climbing onto a block kind of thing you can survive without taking ball damage and I can only guess that is what just happened since I did complete the screw up my MLG I think got broken every Tower which means my next task is to finish the job and I'm also going to try and grab a obsidian whilst I wait for it to perch so that very soon I'll be able to craft an Ender Chest but right now I've got more important things to worry about like this Dragon coming down to me it's already down to less than half Health as it Glides about I can continue mining obsidian I reckon one mob oh my goodness okay we can land these all right we land them for breakfast oh there's an intimate to grab me at the bottom what's that all about two of them man that was not part of the script thankfully I can easily build up but it's still it's not what I was expecting by the way that's both of them gotten rid off and the dragon is pushed again can I do it can I defeat the dragon you bet I can there we go I had an awesome crap man to just in the meantime I've got five minutes before that xpd spawns and before that happens I'm gonna try and do some of this I'll start with my boat flame and power three kind of rubbish but anyway all my armor could have some as well these are not the best at all but you know what I'll I'll why are these so rubbish that's more like I'm breaking three prop four then I could just kind of come over here and grab a little bit extra to get above level 30 and rinse and repeat oh silk touch that's perfect now I can actually use ender chests I think that's all of them done that I wanted to it really is the key to efficiency isn't it because look at all the levels I'm still gonna get from this probably up to 50 maybe yeah over 50. there's definitely no complaints to be made over that I can also I'll keep the end of those but I can put things in the under chest and properly mine up these bookshelves all thanks to silk touch it really is fantastic I just popped all of that into the under chest and I can continue with the mission to explore the end I've spotted one will it have an elytra though I hope so but it's not looking too promising I take it back you see that little thing right there in the middle that means it's an end ship and I can see it coming to view now perfect just just one good end of pearl throw don't mess this up SP we're okay and then a little bit of bridging and I have made it I'll start off by eliminating the shulkers although whether they drop me their shells or not so it remains to be seen nope not one of them took out three didn't get a single shell but I'm sure one of these guys will be better yes okay on that ledge and another one there okay oh but it's on top of that shortcut and I am getting absolutely battered here I think I'll just accept that I'm not getting down there and instead just loot these chests that is very very good because I can put the two shovels together and is this two end citizen one well I have never seen that before wait it's not it's just that it's generated really weirdly so that he's kind of gone into each other I didn't even know that could happen obviously yeah this combination shouldn't be the case got another shell from this guy so those uh that miss one in the other place isn't a problem anymore and I can begin the process of collecting ender chests as well as crafting shulker boxes I really hope I make this if I don't then everything's going wrong okay come on don't run out please don't run out okay we're fine what is a bit of a panicking thing as it's happening and you're floating and you're just wondering what will you last long enough anyway that's more gold another sword just lots of nice things and of course the elytra if one of these guys could just give me one more shocker shell that would be perfect it has as well just means I could grab one more shulker box and now with my firework Rockets finding and getting some more entities will not be a problem oh wow look at this one there one there one there they're everywhere which is just the way I like it really there's another one there as well that's four I'm really really close to each other it just doesn't get any better than this there's so many in and around me that I'm kind of losing track of which ones I have and haven't been to but I'm fairly certain this is a brand new one yep indeed it is and there's another one I just want to go home but I I can't stop when they're all here this really is unheard of isn't it and there's a sixth one there this is just this is like Christmas guys I just can't stop getting them I'm in a minute never mind all right I'm going back in circles I've already been here so I'm guessing I've already been to this one as well yep I have all right that means it's definitely time to go home and finding an end Gateway will be the best way to do that that's good news I've spotted one up ahead so head on through and then my priority has to be to get mending and Unbreaking on the electric and whilst I'm here I might as well grab the egg too and of course I've made the Enderman angry look mate I I'm much more powerful than when you last saw me I'll even put me just put on for extra security taking me on is a bad mistake there we go got the egg got the achievement and I can go through the bottle that looks like I'll spawning a tree good to see that uh my island is under good guard and loads of XP went through the portal I guess look up got up to 60 levels and now that I'm home sweet home I can go to bed I'll put that on there and my biggest issue right now is that my armor is kind of breaking so I shall go over here to grab a bit of wood and then I can craft a few more beds and a couple of leg turns the extra beds will mean I'll have more baby villagers soon on the way and the lecture means that I'll soon get mending I've got it it didn't take long at all 22 emeralds okay good sir I will be back with them very very shortly I believe they're all yeah look at that loads of in there and I'll just buy one for now to lock him into the trade then his job site block can Bear right and this guy's up for Infinity I can't say no to that either all of a sudden having 17 million arrows is no longer necessary and finally the other book that I'm hoping to get is Unbreaking three again I wasn't going for this but I can't say no to looting three because that'll be perfect for when I want to defeat the Wither I do also think it might be wider to grab a little bit extra wood which with an efficiency four ax is that way way faster and then I can trade for extra emeralds and we'll be able to afford on breaking three when I eventually get it taken quite a bit of time but finally I've got one so you're finally allowed to leave and be with all your friends I don't think we've got any more baby villagers I've used of all the villagers for trade so I need more bread I got stuck on the door so yeah the thing that I'm missing is more bread which I can easily get by harvesting the wheat there you go guys get me some more baby villagers or not they're just literally all going to bed and leaving the breath I didn't make this bread for nothing so grateful that's it look more get out of Bedford you guys got back up your mind whilst I do that I am going to need lots more wood because I'll need lots more emeralds to buy all the books from those guys with every tree chopped two stacks and 39 all of which can be traded for emeralds and we've got those extra baby villagers that I was hoping for a bunch of The Mending will be perfect and I'm also wanted to get prop 4 of this which I've managed to do so I can merge them but merging them does require an envelope something I don't currently have there we go now to add The Mending which can also be shoved on elytra and I will put it on the rest of my armor but first I need to get a few more levels so in this moment right now I'm having to grab quartz which is just nice to cut me to level 30. now I know that the level 31 is an efficiency for one but hopefully it's not so touch as well oh that's perfect that's absolutely fine with me fortune 3 would have been a bonus but it wasn't a necessity how to add mending to these Infinity to the bow and looting to it well I was about to say looking three to a sharpness five sword apparently the Anvil had other ideas so it's a good job the iron is not something that's in short supply well apparently my levels are in short supply I'm short by a little bit something to be precise so it is back to the nether to collect more quartz it is taking a bit of time to get these levels because I'm having to First repair all my armor before I can start gaining suppose it's not the end of the world though because I will be much happier when the durability is much higher okay that should be all the levels that I need so I'll get them combined that's fantastic I would still like to grab a couple more minion books just to go on either my pickaxes however I reckon I can worry about that later because now that I have a looting three sword and whilst I have all of this fire resistance I think I should grab a little extra food by a little extra I meant a little bit more than three golden carrots I guess I'll grab some suspicious too as well as I was saying I'll grab a little extra food and then make my way over to the good nether fortress so I can get all of the Wither heads here it is I'll drink some of this so the blaze don't affect me and begin searching and collecting perfect successfully got the first one and the second one back to back I don't think I've ever had that kind of RNG two in a row and it means I only need to obtain one more and there we go the third one that means I just need to grab four of these and I can fly my way back home here we are got an Enderman trying to get to me but thankfully it could go through and I have no idea where the best place to fight the Wither actually is although before I worry about that I suppose I'll first focus on getting plenty of emeralds to get mending on my pickaxes then I'll be ready to go get another rides and once I've got netherite I'll take on the Wither there you go good sirs and that is job done I'll finally put this on my boots and I think I'm ready ready to dig down and hopefully not end up in lava I've got to be careful about that and then go on a big well a big strip mining spree I did not expect ancient debris that quick but I'm certainly not complaining and anytime I come across quartz I'll also mine that so it'll repair the pickaxe that I've got in my off hand I really am killing two birds with one stone here nicely done I've got another one satellite is just one it's never worked out if it's faster to just strip mine like this or if it's bad to just kind of do a big wide tunnel like this and expose way more blocks it's hard to say but all I know is I'll just keep mining there's another one oh it's another two fantastic bringing my total up to five but I also have two back at home so technically I'm up to seven which is great ah another one fantastic brings me up to six but I can get two netherite pieces now and whilst I'm doing this Mining and search okay we've got another one fantastic as it was saying before I got interrupted by the ancient debris whilst I'm doing this money and searching I want to remind you guys that I'm trying to hit 4 million subscribers I'm so close so if you're new to the channel and enjoying the video don't forget to subscribe or if you're already subscribed please could you get a friend or a family member too because I I really want to hit 4 million soon anyway now it's back to digging and hopefully finding ancient debris oh look at that it's three together that is absolutely perfect those three pieces that mean I could get three lots of netherite armor so I'm gonna attempt to find four more range of debris and then I reckon I'll be ready for it with the battle and another and finally the remaining two that I need so that means I can finally make my way out of here well I will if I can somehow find a way through the love okay this is a little bit here you know what chest plates going on and I'm risking it all I'm gonna try and swim out all right looks like I'm gonna make it there's a Strider up here waiting for me hello don't you get in the way now get out of it and I can fly back to the portal now whilst they are smelting I am gonna need gold to put with it to make them into ring gods and I reckon an ocean Monument could be the key it is on my list of things to do anyway is to take on an ocean Monument so I might as well go for it if I'm quick I can get into the top before mining fatigue kicks in I have and then we can take on this big fella right here I reckon arrows are gonna be the way to do it they do quite a bit of damage especially when you get up close just got to make sure you can't damage me too much he's got a bit low there we go got him so I've just got a track down the other two I hear him and I've got him I've got him with a sword this time and whilst the sharpness five stars do you mind I'm trying to get some air Bucky and commentate that's what I'm saying whilst the sharpness five sword is good it is 10 times safer to keep ducking and dodging and peppering it with arrows just gotta be not too far away otherwise the arrows are kind of useless as well and I've only just realized that the eye on the front of them moves why have I never known that does your eye move as well what how have I never known got the old guardian's eyes move to the weather lasers uh yeah I had no idea pretty revolutionary if you ask me anyway if I swim all the way around the outside I should get to the third Elder Guardian yep there is and I should probably knit back to get myself some more air I'm still blown away that their eye moves I mean that's and why have I never noticed that but did you guys know that I get rid of that little fella over there because he's causing a lot of trouble all right well you pretend to be protect him that's I guess why they're called The Elder Gardens they protect all the other Guardians just not very well right where's the other one you just swam away oh well good Escape oh you okay well get out of it I'm also gonna drown it actually the drowning process is pretty slow so that's that sorted now I have to wait for my money fatigue to go which is now the case meaning I can mine up the gold create my nether writing gods and upgrade to full nether right armor now I think I'm ready to take on a winner I don't exactly know where the best place to battle the Wither is going to be but what I do know is I wanted to be well away from my home I reckon this spot should do it I don't know what it's gonna be like trying to battle it in water probably not a good idea realistically but what's the worst that could happen I'm also gonna quickly grab some blocks because they may come in handy and we're off okay it's it's going for it wait wait oh these can't hit me I guess unless it gets a direct impact it's not gonna hit me this might be the meta you know just just go okay I've been I've been hit now never mind I probably should have brought more food things could get a little hairy but it's already close to half Health that's good news the netherite almonds come in handy okay it's coming in close now all right I've still lost three hearts but I can do some damage with this sharpness five sword now okay now I'm taking quite a bit of damage myself I better eat continue attacking okay we're regening that's good news come on we've got this in the bag fantastic what's your prop for another eye armor that way there isn't so bad the area did not get remotely damaged thanks to the water that's that's an extra bonus now I've just got to try and remember where my island is because I I seem to have lost it okay never mind it's over here and I could pretty easily just craft a beacon because I do have all the materials for it but I feel like I want somewhere cool to actually put the bacon rather than just like slapping it down here that would look a little bit boring no instead on my desert island I'd like to build a giant castle a castle with a long pathway leading up to it which means I'm going to do quite a bit of tree chopping and then inside made the castle I'll put the beacon it's gonna look fantastic so first of all I'm thinking of a nice long board walk that leads up to the castle in this direction and now I need Blackstone slabs for the base of the castle although I've just used all my normal Blackstone to make normal Blackstone slabs when I actually need Blackstone brick slabs so a bit of mining in the nether is gonna be necessary I've mined up six Stacks in fact more than six Stacks a few extras which should be more than enough I have also subtly run out of golden carrots so I'll take the few emeralds I've got and also craft the wood here into sticks then I can buy more and purchase more carrots and now it's time for me to fill out a big area with slabs which will be the base of the castle there we are that's the whole area marked out and the actual castle itself is going to be made out of stone bricks well as you can see from my supplies I don't have any stone at all I said it's a little bit short supply at the moment but my body is to take a shulker box and go on a big Stone mining spray I need 20 Stacks to be exact so yeah quite a lot of mining ahead of me pretty much filled up my inventory I'm thinking I know I've exact development that should be the right amount and quite a few of these are going to be cracked stone bricks and for things like the stairs stonecutter is going to be very very useful I need one two three well this many stairs to be precise and then there's just a few of the minor ingredients that I need to grab so that everything will be ready and sorted that's almost everything I need but I've realized I'm going to be about three stacks short on Stone after some calculations and also acquire a bunch of redstone lamps so I'm gonna need Redstone for that thankfully I've already got plenty of Glowstone to craft them and in a big cave like this Redstone is everywhere a fortune three pickaxe definitely would have made this a bit faster but Redstone is so abundant that it shouldn't matter anyway nicely done mission accomplished and there's Redstone everywhere down here I'm just gonna grab a little bit extra because I can't say no operation crafter lumps is complete and it is going to require some nether brick fences I've got the nether brick but waiting for the Netherrack to smelt back there but whilst I wait I can definitely start to crack on with this build that's the foundation level more or less done having the Blackstone floor definitely helped knocking it all out but I right now need to start getting these little Nether Bricks packs I'll wait for one more to smelt then when it has I can craft that extra an extra fence and if I'm not mistaken I do need a few more I need about 70 so we're nearly there I suppose whilst I'll wait for the rest of them I can just get cracking on with the build it's definitely starting to take shape nicely just gonna have the levers there for the lamps and those final few extra defenses occurred also be crafted and I think what I'm gonna do now is just focus on one of these towels instead of kind of doing it all together I'll just do one at a time I'll probably make things a little bit easier and then all I need to do is repeat what I've done here on all the other sides fantastic I've completed turret number one and I'll be doing the exact same thing on this one and this is a bit of a sad moment I think I've completely run out of firework Rockets I've got paper left though I just need some Gump out I'd better do a bit of gunpowder hunting tonight then I know this mod platform thing we're coming under again sometime have we got any creepers down we have and looting three should really speed things up yeah oh oh oh okay I was gonna say yep got all the gunpowder I need six will do for now but I did very very nearly die in the process I should probably remember not to be Reckless when I don't have a table I should yeah it's just be more careful in life but those can be crafted and I can complete turret number two now I just need to sort out connecting them in the middle I'm very happy with how he's coming together I think with those two towels in the background and like a a wall that's higher there it's gonna be absolutely but before I build much more I should probably focus on getting the other three stacks of stone that I'll need then I won't have to worry about it later on when I'm stuck on the top of a tower or something and thinking oh I need more Bricks now makes much more sense to mine up and solve them right now there we go shouldn't really fire It Rock it up and out of it take quite a lot of damage but I like being Reckless and living on the edge so who cares I'll get these bricks crafted and then I will get busy building everything else that is the job done all of the adjoining walls are sorted the only thing left to do is finish up both of these two towers on either side that's turret number one complete and finally the second one two it looks great it looks very very cool to have that brick Castle on the water that that floating tree is kind of annoying me by the way but yeah I really like it but it is of course still missing one vital thing I'm just gonna kind of Cobble all my valuable blocks together I need nine all all of that so one iron in the middle will work and yeah I reckon right here in in plain sight in view you want to see a beacon don't you we're going to have that but we are going to put a beacon there and finally an ironing got in I'll give myself haste as well do I have to take it there we go that's perfect I think yeah it looks very very good indeed I think I just want to put some slabs around there though Blackstone brick slabs idea have I got enough with this stone cutter it'll get me four more or get me ten Ten's not gonna quite do it is it but I'll give you an indication I think I need another two yeah okay not a problem the nether is exactly a longer a long travel is it there's plenty of Blackstone looking about I'll grab four pieces actually I told her like I've grabbed six got a little greedy didn't I turn those into slabs and the white beam over there is okay but I want a different color hopefully I can get a flat yellow maybe not I want yeah red quick the sun setting I ain't going over time today I'm gonna make it into a glass pane put that on top then you can't see it in the beam just makes things look a little bit cleaner and I'm Gonna Fill In These Corners as well actually no I'm not I prefer without the cord just Tilden but that is my castle I think it looks absolutely amazing and we did it we survived in this very very limited area so that ladies and gentlemen was 100 days on a deserted island
Channel: SB737
Views: 3,725,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 100 days video, deserted island, desert island, hardcore island, survival island, challenge, hardcore challenge
Id: OPhjwk3w-3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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