I Survived 100 Days Of Hardcore Minecraft, In A Cave Only World

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today I'm setting out on an extremely difficult challenge to survive 100 days of Hardcore Minecraft in a cave-only world I'll start Underground with nothing and even if I wanted to I could never go to the surface since in this world if I see this guy I'll instantly be killed this makes getting simple things like wood food and even dirt a huge challenge by itself now not only do I have to survive 100 days down here but I've also set three goals for myself build an awesome cave base get full Enchanted netherite armor and tools and defeat every boss in the game the Ender Dragon the Wither and the warden this is 100 days in a Cave's only world and the Story begins on Day Zero okay here we are um what is this oh it looks like we're above a giant Lush cave how can I get down here without dying oh there's so many mobs I'm gonna try to jump into one of these water pools okay here we go oh no oh okay run run oh no there's creepers and skeletons I don't know where to go wait why are there so many mobs in here aren't Lush caves supposed to be safe oh my gosh everything is chasing me oh no I'm on fire I'm definitely gonna die oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh I'm in one and a half hearts what do I do oh no I'm totally dead the spider's chasing me wait oh no I don't have any food and I'm stuck down here already this is way harder than I thought it was gonna be I need to find food as fast as possible okay it looks like we have more Lush cave down here let's see I hope there's no mobs down here one shot by a skeleton and I'm instantly Dead all right we have some glowberries I think that's gonna be my only food source for now oh and it only healed me up 100 points I needed more glowberries finally wow that was not a great start but I'm still alive so that's all that matters okay I guess right now priority number one is to find some food I already have some seeds but I'm gonna need some wood to plant them so I guess my second priority is to also find some wood and down here in these caves that's not gonna be easy oh gosh there's more mobs I need to make sure to heal up first I want to be on full health before I start exploring more let's gather up a bunch of glowberries and some Moss blocks to use as building blocks just in case they'll have to escape something I need to find a mind shot where can I find one okay this cave is pretty big down here but I don't see any mine shafts I don't know what to do you know what I'm gonna break this right here and then use this water to get down maybe I can find something down here hopefully it's useful things and not scary mobs oh look at this tropical fish oh there's tons of them this might be a good food source oh no there's zombies chasing me let's get out of here okay we have more zombies but no mine shafts okay our first advancement oh no there's a skeleton okay I need to run oh my gosh they do so much damage let's try exploring down here and we have more zombies why is this Lush cave so dangerous wow tropical fish are a terrible food source they only give you half a hunger points all right I've done some more surviving and I've managed to avoid some skeletons over there but I'm still searching for a mine shaft this is proving to be a lot more difficult than I expected also I'm trying to reach 500 000 subscribers this year on my channel so if you do find that you enjoyed this video please make sure to subscribe oh look there's diamonds if only I had a pickaxe to mine them oh more diamonds it's kind of ironic that finding wood is harder than finding diamonds down here but that's all part of the challenge oh my gosh look there's more right here is that a cave up there wait oh it is a cave what's over here oh my gosh it's a dungeon wait oh no there's zombies now I really wish I had a pickaxe so I could break the spawner okay go away as long as there's no skeletons up here I think I should be okay go away knock them off the edge go there we go okay so I need to run in here and place down a wall so the zombies can't get to me there we go okay can they get up I don't think so let's try to break this now come on please work okay I'm super close there we go I'm not sure if that would have been useful later on but I don't really want to deal with zombies with no armor right now okay let's see what's in these chests okay we have some coal that might be useful also some string that could be useful too oh my gosh look at this some golden apples oh and some bones wait oh and melon seeds too wait a second I think this actually might be useful let's take these chests too and I think I have an idea now I'm not sure if this will work but I think it's my best chance to get wood first we have to clear out all these glowberries and then right here I'm gonna place down a flowering Azalea and then I can turn this bone into bone meal let's see is it gonna grow into a tree oh my gosh finally I finally have some wood that dungeon actually was super useful all right we can finally start surviving now since without wood I wasn't able to do anything and look at that I have seven oak logs first let's make a crafting table and now for our first tool of wooden pickaxe and I'm gonna use this to mine some deep slate and there we go we're in the Stone Age now I can craft up a stone pickaxe and now I want to find some iron I don't think I'll find that much down here in deep slate level so that means means I'll have to go higher up I really wish there was some iron in that dungeon chest that would have made things way easier but now it's time to go on a little exploration wait let's actually grab this dirt this could be useful later on all right we're on the hunt for some iron oh look there's already some right there okay our first piece of iron and look at that there's actually tons of iron all right let's mine up some more Stone now and I'm gonna craft up a furnace and then we can smelt our iron and would you look at that we're making so much progress already alright we have our first piece of iron and now enough to craft an iron pickaxe there we go look at that that was a super fast upgrade and we also have some extra iron since now I'm gonna craft up a shield because right now skeletons are my biggest threat and having a shield is going to help me stay alive and we have two extra iron for something else now let's try to go find those diamonds that I found earlier and see if I can craft something with diamonds I think there was a diamond over here right oh yeah here it is it looks like it's just one but it's better than nothing all right here's our first diamond and look at that I have diamonds before I even have a stable source of food now that I had some iron and some basic stone tools my next goal was to find a place to set up a farm since I was in desperate need of some better food alright look at this cave this looks like a pretty cool place to call home oh look at that there's some dirt that's going to be extremely useful since without dirt we can't grow any crops it looks pretty safe and light over here so this is where I'm gonna set up first let's punch a bunch of grass though since I want to get some seeds and then I can place down my dirt craft up a hoe and turn this into a farm oh no it's too dark right here okay um how do I do this I guess I'll craft a torch maybe I feel like that's kind of a waste of my wood though well it's fine all right let's place a torch right here and right here and we should be good to go to start the farm remember to go a seedy place we're actually making some great progress right now looks like we have some more dirt over here and we can use this to expand our farm even though this is pretty hard I'm actually having a ton of fun right now something about survival challenges is just super fun to me oh no right as I say that I get attacked by a skeleton well I guess they can give me some more bones come on die already yay look at that we got two more bones and now with my extra dirt I can use it to expand the farm and you know what maybe I'll also grow some melons those might be kind of useful later on even though they are a terrible source of food oh no I just saw a creeper oh my gosh I could just never get a break from Mobs Can I alright so now that I have a pretty decent amount of food growing I'm gonna try to find some more iron and some diamonds and look at that we have one more diamond right down here okay is it more than one probably not to be honest yep it's just one but now we have two diamonds and I think I have a pretty good idea of what to do with them what that there's like five creepers down there why oh my gosh I should really invest in some torches to light this area up okay just blow up oh oh a skeleton too oh my this was not a good place to set up camp there's just way too many mobs okay as I was saying before I got rudely interrupted by all those creepers is now that I have two diamonds I'm actually gonna craft up a diamond sword since I don't really need anything else that's diamond right now and I think a diamond sword is going to be my best bet to stay alive and you know what I think I have an idea how many planks can I craft up okay this is definitely gonna be a waste of wood but it'll pay off in the end let's craft up 12 planks and we'll use it to craft a composter and then with all this extra Moss that I have I can use it to make bone meal that way we can grow even more trees and get even more wood all right we got five bone meal in total let's try to get some more wood now okay here goes nothing whoa first try amazing let's also craft up a stone ax and look at that we have some pretty good tools now and we got seven more pieces of wood not too bad oh my gosh wait I have this string and I also have some sticks so let's build a fishing rod that might actually be a good source of food and maybe I can also fish up some valuable things but I did see a diamond down here so let's try to get that first is it just one let's see oh my gosh look at this it's actually a pretty big vein look at that we got four more diamonds I wonder what I'll use that for but we're still off to find a place to fish and I think over here should be a pretty good spot okay I'm not sure if this is deep enough but we can try anyways and there we go look at that we got some food okay I waited for a bit of time and this is how much my food has grown it's honestly still going pretty slow but we do have some fully grown ones right here and I also have three melons but I should have enough wheat now to craft up some bread and there we go our first real food but now I want to start getting some armor and since it's actually pretty easy to find diamonds down here I think I'm gonna try that first wait a second I already have four so let's craft up some boots now all we need is leggings a chest plate and a helmet you know what I don't think I'm gonna have enough diamonds for full diamond armor so I think I'm just gonna try full iron armor instead because right now with no armor oh my gosh I've taken so much damage just a pair of diamond boots is not enough armor all right let's craft the chest plate there we go a helmet actually let's craft leggings and I have some more iron over here and once I have this all done smelting I'll finally have a full set of Armor All right we have eight more iron I can use it to craft the helmet and we finally have a full set of armor now all my food is almost fully grown now so I'm gonna Harvest it and now I want to find a better place to live since this spot over here has been pretty dangerous there's always mobs sneaking up on me so let's see if I can find a better place okay I didn't find a place to build a house but I ended up finding over a stack of iron but my food is all fully grown and I harvested all of it so I think it's time to pack up and move I have way too many items to make it in just one trip so I'm only gonna bring the bare minimum and then once I find a good place we'll come back for the rest of it after a bit of searching I think I found a pretty good place to call home so let's empty out my inventory and go get the rest of my stuff let's grab all of this this and all of my dirt there we go that's all of my items okay I made it back home and let's start organizing some of my items and you know what as we're doing that let's smelt up all this iron that way I can craft a full set of iron tools oh and we should also get a farm set up as fast as possible and it's also pretty dark down here so we're gonna need some light I think this should be perfect all right let's turn all this into farmland and plant up all my seeds and there we go here's our small little farm okay our iron is smelting up let's turn it into some tools let's craft an iron pickaxe and an iron ax and also an iron shovel and there we go a shiny new set of tools now that I've relocated over here I want to start making this area a lot safer so that's going to mean crafting up a bunch of sticks and turning them into torches alright so now we can just go around here and make sure no mobs can spawn mobs just like this go away okay our cave is all lit up now let's see do I have any more dirt here I don't okay so I think the next step is to expand this Farm even more okay here's the progress so far and I expanded the farm quite a bit and it's looking pretty good now so as I wait for all these seeds to grow I'm gonna fish for some more food and I'll do that right here you know what to increase my chances of getting something good I'm going to turn this into a proper fishing area it has to be five by five by four blocks with all the water being Source blocks okay and this should count as open water fishing which means not only can we get fish but we can also get treasure loot things like Enchanted bows Enchanted fishing rods and enchanted books hopefully we can get something good alright let's test it out wait a second I just saw something Enchanted fly into my inventory it's an enchanted Rod welcome the C2 and mending wow that's actually pretty good looks like we're gonna be replacing this rod and trying for some better stuff [Music] all right it's been a few days and already my food situation is looking so much better I have tons of cooked fish and some bread but surprisingly I didn't fish up any more Enchanted items I only managed to get this fishing rod but now that I have some decent food I want to get a bit more geared up ideally with full diamond armor and tools but before we do that I need to bring some more pickaxes with me and I'm down to just one piece of wood so we're gonna grow a few more trees and I think this should be enough wood let's turn it into some planks then some sticks and now into some pickaxes and I think three extras should be good I haven't been too lucky with finding diamonds just by exploring the caves so instead I'm just gonna do a normal strip mine and I think I'm gonna start it right over here and already I went through one entire pickaxe just to get down here and I'm still not even at Diamond level yet okay here we are this is Diamond level so I guess I'll just start mining in this direction I really hope this doesn't take too long oh my gosh finally I found some diamonds please tell me it's more than just one okay it is oh it's a super big vein too wait whoa oh my gosh this is actually insane if only I had oh my wait look at this there's so many diamonds I got 16 in just one vein what the heck that is insane I don't think I've ever seen a vein that big wow that's definitely a good start to the mining trip and I haven't even been going that far with this I have enough for a chest plate and leggings so I just need enough for a helmet an ax and a pickaxe so let's keep mining after mining for a bit longer and without finding any more diamonds I had broken all my pickaxes and my inventory was completely full so I went back up top harvested my crops crafted up some food and more pickaxes then continued Mining and look at this I found some more diamonds finally is it a lot oh it is we now have 22 in total I just want to find a few more so I can craft a diamond pickaxe and I think I only need one more diamond for that wait a second I think I have one Diamond at home so we should have everything that I need all right let's head back up to the surface craft up some leggings a chest plate a helmet and with my one extra Diamond here it is a diamond pickaxe and there we go look at that I'm finally fully geared up now I don't have a diamond ax or diamond shovel yet but that's not really important down here armor and a sword is the most important thing so now that I have this I I need to start getting some enchantments since if I'm gonna fight all the bosses later on I need to have protection for at least let's empty out my inventory real quick and my next stop is going to be the nether let's get a piece of iron and a flint to craft up a flint and steel now we just have to go to some lava to get some obsidian and I think there should be some lava right down here right oh yeah there's a giant lava pool all right let's jump down real quick oh look at that there's diamonds if only I knew about this earlier let's see how much damage do I take oh it's amazing I take so little damage only about half a heart all right let's start getting some obsidian oh my gosh without an enchanted pickaxe this takes so long but we only need 14 so it's not that bad 10 for a portal and four for an enchanting table and there we go 14 pieces of obsidian now you might be wondering why do I have to go to the nether to get enchantments well down here there's basically no way for me to get paper without going to a stronghold so I have to go to the nether to get ender pearls and blaze rods and then I can use that to find a stronghold and then once we're there I can get books and paper to craft an enchanting table and that's my plan to get enchantments I got this gold helmet early earlier from killing a zombie so I'm gonna bring it with me and let's build my portal right here and we should be good to go now I just have to hope that my nether spawn is good okay I think it can't really get much worse than this let's write down my coordinates in case I get lost and I guess I'll just start mining this way I think I'm hearing things off to my left so I'm gonna try to mine this way I think we're getting close okay here we are looks like we're just in a normal nether waste for now oh my gosh look at that there's a Bastion right there okay I guess this spawn isn't too bad and it's a bridge Bastion too that's amazing I really should have brought a bow with me though because now we're gonna have to deal with these piglet brutes all right I'm gonna get rid of my water and I'm gonna grab some lava that way we can kill the Piglet and Bruce without getting the other ones mad I hear brutes oh I see one this is scary there's two brutes right here let's try to kill them with some lava okay they're dying that's good let's go underneath these chests now since if we open them from below it doesn't make everyone mad oh I got golden carrots that's a great source of food and I also got some string chest plate Magma Cream all this stuff is super useful oh my gosh a sharpness five iron sword and that actually does more damage than my diamond sword so I think I'm gonna use this for now alright let's check out this chest okay more golden carrots look at that I have tons of golden carrots now and we also got a bunch of super useful stuff all right now we just have to carefully loot the rest of this Bastion and try not to die all right I'm gonna try to remember some of my speedrunning skills and I'm gonna build a little pit for some piglets right here and then mine these gold blocks to make them angry okay he went in here now let's give him some gold to trade okay he's trading nice I only have one piglet but that's okay I still have tons of gold to give him and we're looking for some ender pearls I'm gonna have to craft a chest to keep all these extra items let's throw them all in here alright no ender pearls yet but oh look at that I got a soul speed three book that's pretty good oh look at that fire resistance that's gonna come in handy all right he's used up all the gold so it's time to go find some more okay there is all the extra gold they are gonna get angry once I mine this but they should eventually forget all right let's go back to our friend over here let's give him some gold all right this might take a while but hopefully he can give me some pearls oh my gosh right as I say that I get some let's wait for him to go through the rest of the gold and then we'll leave all right here's the last piece of gold and there we go and this is everything that I got until total I also got tons of fire resistance which is going to be super helpful for this next step oh and I also got 12 ender pearls I'm gonna have to come back for this stuff later so I'm just gonna leave it in this chest but now we need to find a fortress since that's the only way we're gonna get blaze rods now let's see is there anything around here I'm gonna head back over here since that's where I came from let's see can I do an easy advancement ow and boom oh god oh I have to left click okay I was right clicking on it for some reason there we go an easy advancement but now I'm gonna head off in this direction and see if I can find a fortress okay something terrible has happened there's two guests and I accidentally hit a fireball and the Fireballs made all of the zombie piglands angry this is actual chaos oh my gosh they're so okay this is terrible oh my gosh look at this let's just Place lots of lava oh wait I forgot they can't die with lava well it looks like I accidentally made a gold Farm I think that might be it what a disaster but now that I have that taken care of it's time to keep searching for a fortress oh my gosh it's literally right here that was not difficult at all to find let's do some fire resistance and let's try to find a blaze spawner gotta be careful for Widow scale militants too I hear blazes okay oh there's a spawner hello blazes this is so easy with fire resistance all right we already have one blaze rod and there's actually two spawners which is super nice all right we have two blaze rods now we're now up to three we're up to five now six seven we're now up to eight we're now up to nine ten eleven and twelve we're up to 13 now 14 and 15. okay that should be good I'm gonna leave I'm scared and now let's make my way home that was kind of scary but also extremely successful all right now that I have my pearls and my blaze rods I can make some blaze powder and some Eyes of Ender okay let's go to a big open cave now I think down here should be perfect and now we can throw the Eye of Ender oh it's going over The Lava oh no oh gosh okay I picked it up it's over in this direction right now we're basically at zero zero so it's gonna be about a thousand blocks until I get there I think wait a second instead of mining 1500 blocks down here I should just go to the nether instead that way I can travel 1 8 of a distance and not have to mine that far I'm glad I thought of this before we got too far all right now that I'm out here we have to get the direction that the stronghold is in and since I was mining over in this direction this is negative Z okay so we're gonna have to go that direction in the nether okay now we have to see negative Z that is this Direction all right I've made it about 180 blocks away and I'm gonna dig down now to make sure that I spawn in the caves since if my portal generates above ground I'll instantly die all right let's build the portal and now I just have to hope that I do not spawn above ground okay I'm in a cave thankfully uh I guess we'll throw another eye vendor since I don't really know how close I am it looks like it's off in this direction I have to say finding a stronghold below ground is so much harder than on top but I guess that's all part of the challenge oh my gosh look at this deep slight coal too bad I don't have so touch to mind this maybe we can come back for it once we have our enchantments okay I found a small cave I wonder if there's anything over here I don't see any stronghold blocks so I'm not sure if I'm close okay I guess I'll throw another Eye of Ender oh it went this way oh wait that means I must have passed it if I passed it then it must be above me or below me I have no idea this is so difficult I guess I'll try mining down and see what I can find oh look at that I found some diamonds okay I'm at bedrock and I didn't find anything so it must be above me I really don't know all right I've made it back to my mind and I guess we'll try going up I need to be extremely careful though since if I see the surface then I'm dead so I have to make sure not to mine too far up I need to make sure that none of this is grass it doesn't sound like it if I hear grass I'm running away oh I hear a zombie nearby so there could be a cave zombies in this direction let's check it out oh look at that okay let's see oh my gosh I found it and it's the exact room that I was looking for the library wait what the heck and check it out look at all these books oh it's amazing and while we're here we'll also get some string what are the odds that the first room that I'm looking for I find that's crazy let's see what's in here oh my gosh whoa this is a crazy book power 4 sharpness 3 flame and blast protection 4. I'm gonna get three stacks of books I think and that should be good for all the bookshelves that I need to craft let's see this chest what the heck look at these books they have so many enchantments on them let's also grab all this paper and we finally have everything that I came for but since I'm already here let's try to find the Portal room since that way we know where it is for the future oh my gosh look another Library any more good enchantments yeah look at that protection four and even more paper I'm finding so many good items in here this is crazy okay so far we found two libraries and we'll try to find the Portal room now oh I hear it this is it how many eyes oh it has zero eyes let's just fill in all the ones that I have so far and this will clear up some space in my inventory too all right we just need two more but we're not ready to go to the end anyways so it's fine but at least we know where it is and you know what now that I have extra space in my inventory let's go get some more books because more books are always useful okay my inventory is full of books and string and now we're ready to head home wow that was extremely successful okay and here we are first we need to make an enchanting table and luckily I found two diamonds on the way which is actually super convenient and check it out um where should I put this oh I think I have an idea let's put it inside of this geode that'd be kind of cool it could be like my enchanting room yeah look at this that would be so cool and then right here in the center I can place my enchanting table and now to turn this into a real enchanting table we have to craft up all of our bookshelves right now I don't have any extra wood so I'm gonna have to gather up all my bones and start growing some more trees all right let's grab some books turn all of my wood into planks all right we have enough for 22. I think I only need 15. let's try 15 first because I don't want to waste any wood and look at that whoa level 30. that was extremely easy that's a lot less than I thought I needed but there we have it a level 30 enchanting table but we are gonna need a few more items to make it complete so I'm gonna grab all of my iron craft up three iron blocks and then an anvil and then we're also gonna need a grindstone and for that we need some regular Stone and then I'm also going to place a chest in there too that way we can store all my books and all my lapis and we'll place the grindstone right there and the Anvil right here all right we have our completed enchanting table and I also have 32 levels so that's pretty good let's see what I can get okay I think I'm gonna go for protection three on my chest plates okay and we just got protection three but that's fine that will definitely help me out in the long run but now we have less less than 30 levels so I'm gonna have to go get some more and I think the best way to do that is in the nether mining courts look at that there's already some right here wow this is going extremely fast just one more and I'm back at level 30. Perfect all right what can I get now sharpness three on my sword let's go for efficiency on my pickaxe okay efficiency 4 and Unbreaking three that's pretty good but now it's back to the nether for some more XP okay 30 more levels and let's try out some more enchantments what I really need is feather falling four that would help out so much let's check my boots oh my gosh look at that feather falling 4 on my boots it's amazing let's see what kind of books I have because maybe I can combine some stuff okay I have a protection 4 book so I think I should use that on one of my armor pieces frostwalker 2 is not very useful and neither is Smite so I'll probably put it on my leggings or my helmets I think my leggings will be better alright so there we go protection 4 on my leggings and protection three on my chest plates I'm getting closer to having some super good armor and you know what we have quite a bit of bow enchantment so let's craft a bow I'm gonna go get seven more levels and then we can try our luck with the bow after getting tired of mining a bunch of chords I decided to farm some mummified piglets for XP instead once I had 30 levels from that I went back to my enchanting table and Enchanted my bow power for flame and Unbreaking three that's pretty good now what else can I combine it with I have another Power 4 book we now have power five flame and Unbreaking three that's very good and then this one I can combine with my helmets to get aqua affinity and protection 3. check it out fully Enchanted armor and a pretty op enchanted bow and I think these enchantments are a pretty good start so now that I have full Enchanted armor and some pretty good tools I need to work on turning this into more of a home since right now it's just a couple of chests and a farm so first order of business is to build a house and I think I wanted to go right here foreign okay everything is all cleared out now and I also went ahead and outlined the shape of the house so now I just have to collect up a few items to build this thing right now the only wood that I have access to is Oakwood so I'm gonna have to get a little bit creative with the blocks that I use for this but one of the materials that I was thinking for this is actually calcite and it's a good thing that I'm right next to an amethyst geode because there's tons of it over here and now next up for the roof I'm also gonna need some copper and I think I should have some in here too yep all right let's get this all smelting up then I'm also gonna have to craft a stone cutter something like this and then we can take some deep slight and turn it into some deep slight bricks some deep slight brick stairs and some cobbled deep slight stairs but now that I have those materials it's time to start working on the base okay here's what it's looking like so far I mean I don't really have access to that many blocks but it still looks decent so now the only thing left to do is add the windows and the roof now for the windows I'm gonna have to do something creative since I don't have any sand at all and I don't even know if it's possible to get sand down here so instead I'm gonna use some trap doors and they're all gonna go right here and then I'll flip them up like this we're also going to put them over here then I'm also going to put two right here and a stair right here and right here okay the entrance is already looking a little bit better so now the only thing left to do is the roof and I'm gonna make that out of cut copper stairs okay there it is he basically fully completed house now the only thing missing is some campfires up in this chimney right here so let's go craft some this might be kind of expensive to make but I hope it's worth it in the end there we go four campfires we're gonna place all four right here the house is basically done on the outside and that smoke up there does look pretty cool but now that I have this done I'm gonna work on some detailing like adding some little azalea bushes around and also adding some leaves and some glowberries okay here's how it's looking so far I added some little trees like this and I kind of surrounded the entire thing with leaves and flowering azaleas all right here's how it looks in here and then I think right in this corner is where we'll add the storage down below okay here's the storage room it's just made with a bunch of different deep slate blocks but it doesn't have to look that good because it's just a storage room so let's start moving in all my items now finally I won't have to climb up this annoying Hill every time I want to get something okay this actually took us super long time but I finally have everything all organized so now the last step to complete my house is to add a bed let's grab my string craft up three blocks of wool and turn it into a bed all right let's put this right here wow this is actually the first time that I just slept that's crazy but the reason I need this bed is to set my spawn point and that's because up next we're gonna fight the Ender Dragon since if we're gonna take on the warden at the end of this challenge I need to have maxed out armor and I can only do that with an XP farm preferably an Enderman XP farm since they're super easy to build and extremely efficient so let's gather up some food some arrows for my bow and everything else that I need to fight the dragon wait a second I actually need two more Eyes of Ender so first we have to go to the nether I already have all the blaze powder that I need but I need two more ender pearls and I know exactly how we're gonna get that I'm gonna head over to this warped forest and we're gonna trap a few Enderman now we have two of them and then I can go like this this makes it so much easier and safer all right I already got one ender pearl we just need one more there we go look at that I have all the portals that I need and now we can turn these two ender pearls into two eyes of Ender and there we go this is everything that I need to fight the Ender Dragon okay one and two let's do this okay this platform is pretty deep here we go let's shoot down some of these towers all right let's get this Tower and then this one and then this one and I think we only have the ones in the cages left to go oh God all right let's try to shoot this one now without dying oh we only have one more to go I can't believe I'm only doing this just for an XP farm and there we go all right we have all the towers taken care of so now we can start killing the dragon I only have nine arrows left so I have to be careful with them I think it's perching soon yep here's the perch let's shoot it a few times all right here it comes doing some damage a lot of damage actually oh my gosh and I'm all out of arrows so we're just gonna have to use my sword now all right round two here we go oh my gosh oh so close we're probably gonna have to wait for one more Purge and then the dragon will be dead all right here comes the perch this might be the last one okay let's do this there we go the dragon is dead oh my gosh look at all this XP that's gonna be super useful for enchanting and we also can't forget to get the dragon egg here it is we'll Dig Down place a torch and there we go the next Generation that was pretty easy to be honest but before we build this Enderman Farm I want to get some shulker boxes so let's head over to this Gateway pillar up to it oh wait I need an ender pearl to get through we're gonna have to kill some Enderman this is gonna be scary but I think my armor is pretty good all right hello I need an ender pearl there we go we have one let's get at least five there we go we have two now we have three now we have four and five Perfect all right let's Purl through oh my gosh look at that we're so lucky there's two of them wow okay I'm gonna go straight for the elytra let's pull her up and then bridge over this is scary oh gosh let's just fly over real quick please I don't want to be flying over the void okay we're in let's grab this brewing stand that might be useful and here we are we made it to an end City and I see the elytra already and there we go we got it let's see oh diamonds curse of Vanishing that doesn't really matter because I'm in hardcore anyways lots and lots of iron Smite is not that good but I can always disenchant this we also can't forget to grab the dragon head Boop there we go we have the dragon egg and the dragon head let's kill some more of these guys all right we have enough for one shulker box now after looting the rest of the first end City I didn't get that many more Diamond items and I only had four shulker shells so I made my way to the top of the city and jumped off with my elytra okay we have our second end City hopefully we can find some better loot in here but first some sugar shells okay this is the room with tons of shulkers oh gosh we need to be careful in here all right what's in these chests more diamonds we also got some gold oh that is a very good shovel oh my gosh these boots are amazing too let's try to kill these shulkers though we have eight now look at that and I think there should be one more room in here that has some chests oh my gosh there's so many shulkers all right what's in these chests just some gold in this one more diamonds and some decent boots not amazing shovel's also okay and that's everything we got all the chests the only thing left in this end city is the elytra alright our second elytra is there anything good in here wait these shovels are identical look at that and look at all this loot oh my gosh so much diamond stuff but my armor took a huge beating I definitely need mending soon but the end Gateway is over there and I think I'll be able to fly over let's go all the way to the top of this ship and fly over to the Gateway that was very successful tons of shulker shells tons of diamond Loot and we also got a bunch of XP from killing the dragon alright let's see can I make it into here now yes look at that all right let's pop through here now let's see are we gonna respawn at home yep here we are wow that was a lot of fun but let's grab some wood turn it into some chests and then turn these chests into shulker boxes we also got 13 extra diamonds which is very good let's pop these over here empty out the rest of my inventory and I think I'm gonna put the dragon head right here and maybe the egg on top look he's wearing a little hat and now that I have that done on I can start collecting up everything for this Enderman Farm wait a second I need a name tag that kind of puts a wrench in things so before we build this Enderman Farm I'm gonna have to find a name tag and I think I have just the idea and that's gonna be with villagers but there's no Villages down here so you might be wondering how am I gonna get villagers well it's actually pretty simple and I just need to find a zombie villager and cure him but to do that I'm gonna need some special items first one of them is a brown mushroom and the other one is sugar and since I don't have any sugar cane down here I'm gonna have to kill a bunch of witches and then for the brown mushroom we're just gonna have to find that by exploration but I think you can find brown mushrooms in the nether so that's where I'm headed first I think they might just generate on the floor or maybe they also generate in fortresses I'm not that sure but we're just gonna have to run around until I find one oh I see red mushrooms but no brown mushrooms yet oh wait look at that there's one okay perfect let's grab some of these just in case and we have a few brown mushrooms down here and perfect nice we now have two brown mushrooms all right now next up on the ingredient list is some sugar and that's gonna involve killing a ton of witches which I don't think spawned that often so this might take quite a while but we are in the caves though and mobs spawn constantly down here so at least that will make it a little bit easier oh my gosh I almost forgot I could just fly down here this is so nice all right we're looking for some witches where are you guys it looks like we only have the annoying mobs skeletons spiders and creepers well I guess the spiders are fine because we also need a spider eye I have a spider eye please oh ah there we go we got a spider eye so we have everything except for sugar you know what I think it's nighttime in the Overworld right now so there's probably not that many mobs spawning down here so let's go back up to my bed and sleep that should hopefully help more mob spawn down here alright here we go look at all those advancements oh my gosh okay now that it's daytime above ground we should have some more mobs start to spawn down here let's put on my elytra and check it out my armor is taking so much damage so I better get this done quick you know what I'm gonna turn this all into obsidian that way more mobs can spawn since it's also causing a lot of light so that's probably not helping mob spawn all right we just have a few more patches of lava and then we'll have a nice flat area where hopefully some witches can spawn yeah check it out it's so much darker down here now hopefully this helps wait do I hear limes I just heard a slime oh my gosh look at that it's a slime chunk that might actually be kind of useful later on that is one resource I thought I would never get to be honest oh no I just saw carrots but the creeper blew it up oh my gosh that's actually my only way to get carrots in this world is through zombies and a creeper just ruined it so we are gonna be killing plenty more zombies today so hopefully one of them will have a carrot for me oh my gosh a witch look I found one finally it's drop sugar did it drop anything I don't think it did and a zombie villager oh my gosh look at this it's a it's a full-on battle going on right here no don't kill him oh Mike okay well thanks for that oh look oh my God another one look at this wait wait wait wait wait we need to make sure the creepers don't kill it we gotta kill all the other mobs first oh it gave me slowness it's not very nice okay it dropped glowstone but no sugar all right well we got two witches to spawn pretty close together so I'm hopeful this won't take too much longer look at all these mobs this is actually crazy oh my gosh another witch please drop sugar please please please please please please please please please please please please please please oh it did it did oh no there's a creeper oh my oh my God that was really really bad I can't believe I just screamed like that but look I got two sugar oh my gosh I really didn't want the creeper to blow it up so I kind of just ran into it to collect it and it definitely worked but I made some very strange sounds okay I finally have everything that I need to cure a zombie villager but now the only thing we need is a zombie villager itself and that shouldn't be too hard to get because look at all the mobs down here it's insane but first we have to brew our potions let's see do I have any water bottles I don't but I know where to find some and I'm gonna have to bring my shulker boxes with me because my water bottles are back in the Bastion along with everything else that I left and now that I have shulker boxes I can finally bring all the items back and our items should be right here yep oh my gosh that is a ton of items and we also have water bottles perfect okay now that I have everything I can finally head home and we can start working on getting a zombie villager okay now that I'm back I can throw in some water bottles we're also gonna need some blaze rods we'll use that as fuel and now we need a fermented spider eye that's gonna be one spider eye One Brown mushroom and one sugar and once we combine them all like this there we go and this this makes a potion of weakness which is the first step to curing a zombie villager and step two I already had that taken care of and that's a golden apple now we have to add gunpowder to turn it into a splash potion and there we go let's organize this stuff real quick and then we'll go find one oh and I just realized I also have a ton of arrows for my bow now okay everything's been organized let's do this um I'm probably gonna have to bring a boat with me as well that will make things a little bit easier and I think I'm also gonna need some torches too okay now we're good to go oh my gosh what are the odds of that look there's one right there we need to kill all these skeletons though oh and he's carrying an item that's perfect that means he'll never despawn all right go in the boat and I'm gonna light up everything around here because I don't want any more mobs to spawn and then once I know everything is safe we can start the curing process we should be good to go let's go like this and then like this and so Begins the curing process just to be extra safe I'm gonna encase this guy like this and while he's curing let's go get him a job site our first villager is gonna be a farmer that way we can make some emeralds and then our second villager is gonna be a librarian okay we have both of our villagers professions and we should be good to go I do need to work on getting another zombie villager though since you need two villagers to breed so let's see if I can find one oh my gosh she's cured I can't believe we have a villager in this world let's try some trades look at that he has a wheat trade let's go get some wheat for him all right let's Harvest up some wheat and use this to trade with our villager hello friend we finally have emeralds in this world oh my gosh now all we have to do is get one more zombie villager and then we can have two villagers and then we can get as many villagers as we want I need to hurry up though because look at my armor oh my gosh okay I've taken a slight break from trying to find a second zombie villager to do some enchanting because my armor is not looking good at all right now and I do have 67 levels so I might as well put them to use let's grab my extra diamonds as well as my extra armor and tools from the end cities and let's see if I can get some better enchantments or at the very least just repair my armor after a bit of enchanting I have two perfect pickaxes my boots are perfect my helmet is perfect the only thing we have left is my chest plates and my leggings let's see what I can get on here protection three again that's fine because if we combine the two then we'll have protection four all right we can now combine these to get protection four what about my sword Unbreaking three let's see bane of arthropods fire aspect why garbage I really want sharpness please sharpness look at that sharp four knockback 2 Looting 3 and Unbreaking three I'm not a big fan of knockback but I'll take it and after some more enchanting I'm out of levels now but it's all good because we did get some pretty good stuff so now let's combine all of this first we'll combine my boots wow that is insanely expensive oh my gosh let's try something else first what about my helmets okay nine levels that's not too bad and that's basically a perfect helmet next we'll combine my chest plate to have protection four very good let's do my fortune pickaxe now that costs 11 levels but it's a perfect pickaxe so I'll take it and we only have three levels left can I do anything with this I think that's all we can combine for now but now we have full protection 4 armor except for my boots but we will have it once we combine it with this and I also have a sharpness four sword a maxed out Fortune pickaxe and an almost perfect silk touch pickaxe that was a very successful enchanting session but let's leave all my extra items and now we can continue the hunt for another zombie villager okay a creeper exploded my shield broke and I'm on one and a half hearts run away holy crap that was very very close if I didn't have protection 4 on almost all my armor that definitely would have killed me but also this knockback is extremely annoying I really do not like knockback we might have to try for some different enchantments once I get some villagers but I still haven't found any more zombie villagers so the hunt continues oh my gosh I just killed a zombie and it dropped a carrot I can't believe it I need to go keep this safe right now that's gonna be extremely useful because farmer villagers can also buy carrots and I'm gonna plant it right here once we get more villagers I'm probably gonna have to expand this Farm too because it's already at Max Capacity but now that I have that taken care of the hunt for more zombie villagers continues wait a minute now that I have fortune 3 I should probably get these diamonds down here is this the right pickaxe yes it is all right let's test out Fortune three four Diamonds oh my wow that's actually really good okay this is bad my leggings are right about to break they only have seven durability left okay since I have some more diamonds now let's see if I can repair my leggings I have six diamonds in total yep that's just one short you can repair leggings like this though right I don't know if that's worth wasting a diamond on though well I think think it's my only option right now so let's just do it gosh that does not feel very good to waste diamonds like that but I guess it's better than totally breaking my leggings which would cost seven diamonds so I think it's worth it but now the hunt for a zombie villager continues oh my gosh I found one I finally found one let's get him to go into this boat there we go and now we just have to kill every other mob around here oh no my leggings just broke well that's great I wasted that diamond for nothing all right come with me friend let's just go right here that should be fine okay we're gonna go this and then this okay and I desperately need some leggings right now since this guy is curing can he despawn just to be safe I'm gonna stick around with this villager until he cures because I don't want him to despawn while I'm waiting I'm gonna gather up some blocks oh my God holy crap half a heart wow that's insane I need some leggings right now but I don't know if I can lead this villager alone oh my gosh this is also my last piece of bread too things are going terribly wrong guys okay I'm testing it out in a creative world I need to make sure that this zombie does not despawn when I leave so I'm going to fly all the way up here and this should be far away enough now let's just go up to y200 okay let's see if the zombie's still there okay it is so that means that it won't despawn all right so I'm good to go okay so now that I tested that out I can head back home safely and get some more armor I swear if this villager despawns I'm gonna cry I don't have enough diamonds for diamond leggings and I don't have any extras so I'm just gonna have to use some iron leggings while we're over here too let's grab a bunch of blocks and we're gonna use this to make a staircase up to my house that way we can bring the villagers I really hope that creative world was a good test let's see if this villager is still here he is okay we're good now all we have to do is wait actually while we're waiting let's just go ahead and make that staircase okay we're at the top now and let's go check on this other zombie villager is he cured yet he is check it out hello friend but before we move these villagers I'm gonna go get a bunch of torches and light all this up down here since I don't want any skeletons or zombies trying to kill them alright armed with my torches let's get all this lit up down here wait I got finally oh my gosh that took quite a while and another one look at that two potatoes in a row all right let's create an enclosure for this villager and we're gonna lure him with his workstation wait no don't hey all right is he gonna find it oh he is it's working that was surprisingly easy um I don't know where I'm gonna put these villagers yet so I guess I'll just put them in my house hello friend and he even closed the door behind him how nice let's place that there so he can't escape and let's go get the other villager now hello villager how's it going let's get you out of there let's place down a lectern for you let's see what kind of Trades paper and smite you know what let's try to get mending that might be kind of useful I'm gonna sit here and reset this guy's trades until I can get mending all right the long process begins I just totally like messed up and accidentally clicked on the Villager instead of this so oh his trades are gonna be expensive now no oh wait what you guys need to go away oh I'm sorry villager it looks like it's gonna be impossible to get mending for a cheap price now because I accidentally hit this guy are you kidding me men what how oh my gosh that is actually insane okay well let's go get a book Let's lock in his tray trade I can't believe he has a one Emerald mending trade even after I hit him that is crazy wow well I guess that makes up for how long it took to find him we're already making some crazy progress in this world look at that mending oh my gosh I'm rich now all right now we just have to get this guy over safely hello farmer villager I brought you a friend there we go finally I have both villagers here so now that we have that I need to start breeding them and thankfully from all those spiders that I've been killing I have tons and tons of string so we can turn all this into wool and craft up some beds let's see do I have any extra bread I don't so I'm gonna have to farm up some bread and give it to them also I should probably make some fences since I don't want these guys escaping and let's craft up a fence gate since instead of just putting a bunch of fences I'm just gonna put one fence gate right here maybe to be safe I'll also put some fences like that here we go now the villagers can't escape wow look at this basically everything is ready to harvest which is great because we need tons of bread to breed these villagers looks like my carrots are also grown nice now I have three carrots we can also replant those things are going very well all right let's turn this all into bread we have 40 of it now and I wonder if that's gonna be enough probably not though but let's see are they gonna share food okay they're sharing food let's go it's working and look at that we have a baby we're actually breeding villagers in a Cave's only world that is insane I've Honestly made so much more progress than I expected in this world this has been a ton of fun so far but now I'm just gonna spend a little bit of time breeding some villagers and trading with these guys as well and I'll be back once I've made some progress foreign it's been a few days and check this out I have a bunch of villagers now kind of a lot more than I was expecting since I only gave these guys a little bit of bread but I have my librarian villager all leveled up to trade me a name tag and it also sells bookshelves for two emeralds and buys books for one Emerald so if I just repeat this over and over I can get infinite emeralds I also leveled up my Farmer villager and he now trades me golden carrots and I also got a cleric villager that buys rotten flesh and sells lapis and these are all some extremely useful trades but let's buy a name tag now there we go and now we can finally build this XP farm I already went ahead and collected the main ingredient which is leaves but we're gonna need a few more items we're gonna need some Moss carpets quite a few I think then we're also gonna need some Hoppers I'm not gonna have enough iron for this I hope so okay six Hoppers that's gonna use so much iron then I'm also gonna need two chests six trap doors a mine cart a rail some building blocks and some fences all right and then the last ingredients wait look at this it's an iron golem is he angry at me okay he's nuts that's good because I did accidentally hit these villagers so that would be a big problem if we had angry iron golems in this world but now the last ingredient is a bucket of lava and it's a good thing we're in the caves because there's tons of it down here and that should be everything but to make things go a little bit smoother I am going to bring my entire enchanting setup with me let's make sure I use my silk touch pickaxe to grab these and this is because the end portal is pretty far away and I don't want to have to be going back and forth all the time since that's going to waste so much time and then we're gonna bring all of these items now before I go I want to make sure I have enough mending books for all of my armor and tools let's see so we're gonna need one two three four five from my elytra 6789 and then we're gonna have an extra pickaxe so that's 10 and right now I have nine so I just need to buy one more luckily these are extremely cheap hello friend thank you you know what I might as well just buy a few extra just in case okay that should be good for all my items but there is just one more thing that I have to do before I go and that's to get enough diamonds to craft a pair of diamond leggings and hopefully this shouldn't be as difficult as last time since I do have fortune 3 now so let's head back to our mine which is over here and let's see if I can find some more diamonds okay this should wait a second look at this there's some right here already it's going so much faster with efficiency 5. wait it was right next to my old mind and I missed these well we now have five diamonds but I need seven for a pair of leggings so we're just gonna have to mine a little bit more oh more diamonds okay how many do I have I have 12 now nice it goes so much faster once you have efficiency five it's crazy but 12 diamonds that's more than enough to craft a pair of leggings so it's finally time to build this XP farm alright let's head to the end and get this done okay here we are alright so I think I'm gonna build it out this way here's the end right here I guess I'll just bridge out like this and then right on the end here we're gonna Place some lava and then once this reaches the bottom we'll put some water next to it and turn it into Cobblestone that way we can build all the way down to y0 but I don't have any firework Rockets So I need to be extremely careful not to fall in here okay I'm pretty sure the lava is at the bottom so let's Place some water right here we can then collect our lava and now comes the scary part let's grab all my leaves and we're gonna use these to bridge out okay this is the bottom right here oh my gosh I hate this and we'll go like that carefully go on to here oh my gosh okay I did it without dying and now we just have to bridge out about 150 blocks okay here we are this is very scary now I just have to widen this area right here to be three blocks wide this is where all the Endermen will run into the farm okay there we go and now over here is where I'm gonna build the spawning platform this is actually a super easy design and it's the same one that I use in my regular hardcore world all right we have this now and now to just Place some spawning blocks right here in the center and this is where all the Enderman will spawn let's see do I have any torches with me I don't think I do actually hold on I'm just gonna Place some Moss carpet on here temporarily that way no Enderman can spawn and accidentally kill me all right now we have to start working on the collection system and that's gonna go right over here first we have to build some steps going up to the killing chamber and then some trap doors right here some more trap doors right here and then we have to build the walls around this placing my two chests right here this is so scary and then right here in the center is the killing chamber so I'm gonna place all my Hoppers going into the chest like this okay I'm making some good progress this is very high stress though now on top of here we need to place some double carpets and then over here is where the endermite's gonna go okay here we go I have the farm basically entirely complete so we only have to add the endermites and then the enchanting table but I made an area for it right here so let's get that set up we're going to place the enchanting table right here then all the books along the side like this let's just make sure it's level 30. okay it is now we just have to get an Ender mites wait a second before we do that let's rename this what am I going to name the Enderman XP generator it's kind of a stupid name but does it really matter anyways so now we have to go up here and we're going to set up a little area for this endermite I need some rails right here then I have to have my Minecart and my name tag ready please I really hope I don't have to get more come on please all right last one ah okay well my luck was not so good so we're gonna have to go to the main end Island to get some more ender pearls come on Enderman friends let's start farming some Enderman okay is that it I think it is how many pearls did I get whoa okay I got two stacks of pearls that's pretty good now hopefully I'll be able to get an endermite with oh my gosh whoa that was kind of scary oh there's still some mad at me this is scary what if it teleports onto the bridge and knocks me off yeah look there's still Enderman mad at me oh no oh my God gosh what do I do hello any angry Enderman this is bad I hate being in the end with no elytra or firework Rockets it's terrifying all right it doesn't look like there's any Enderman following me so they should just despawn but there are some spawning up here might be able to knock him into the boy with knockback there we go let's see can I knock this guy away there we go okay we're good to go let's get my Minecart and my name tag and let's try to summon an endermite here he is okay name tag oh gosh go inside oh no um this did not go to plan hello enter my friend come follow me okay we should be good now place there we go okay we got him in that was much harder than I wanted it to be but now we just have to roll him this way and there we go now we can tear this whole Contraption down okay the Enderman Farm should be all good to go the only thing I have left to do is to remove all the carpet right there and the Enderman should start spawning I'm honestly pretty scared as soon as I walk away from here Enderman should start spawning and running over here let's see if it works it's working oh my gosh oh my gosh look at this this is insane I need to turn down my volume though and here we go look at that a working XP farm wow my sword is not very good but I think it is working okay so first order of business is to get sweeping Edge 3 and sharpness five on my sword because this is gonna go painfully slow once I had the XP farm up and running I encountered a ton of issues first I forgot to put carpet on the hopper so the XP was getting stuck in there second I didn't bring enough lapis with me so I quickly ran out wait I only brought 12 lapis with me what no there's no way I did oh my God and lastly the enderbyte mysteriously died so the farm completely stopped working oh no what happened the Ender might die so I got to work fixing all these issues and after two days okay it took me way longer than expected to get this back up and running since I had to grind for some more emeralds to buy the name tag but here it is we have the XP generator version 2 and it also took me over two stacks of pearls to get this guy to spawn but all I have to do now is tear all this down and the Enderman should get mad oh I think it's working the XP farm was finally working and I was able to do so much more enchanting alright my armor is officially maxed out I have protection 4 Unbreaking 3 and mending on all of them and then on my helmet I have all the other enchantments and on my boots I also have everything else the only thing that I'm missing is Swift sneak 3 on my leggings but we'll get that once we go to an ancient city later so now my main focus is my sword and I still haven't gotten anything good sharpness 4. please don't have knockback or fire aspect please okay let's go I think I should be able to combine all of these to be a a perfect sword and there we go we'll have Unbreaking 3 sweeping Edge 3 sharpness 5 Looting 3 and mending and for me this is my perfect sword since I don't like fire aspect or knockback so we just need to get a few more levels and I'll finally have a good sword okay there's my sword now I also went ahead and got a perfect fortune 3 pickaxe a perfect silk touch pickaxe and a perfect silk touch shovel so I just need to get some better enchantments on my ax I guess and then I'll have everything almost perfect oh and I also want to get Unbreaking 3 and mending on my elytra and my shield alright so I have mending and Unbreaking three on my shield now and I also got mending and Unbreaking three on my ax and now I just need mending and Unbreaking three on my elytra and we should be all done with the enchanting oh you know what I still need to get punch 2 on my bow and maybe also Infinity so I guess I'm not done just yet wow okay that is a pretty good bow there we go I think I have the perfect bow now now I just have my lytra left to do and I'll be done alright there we have it I got Unbreaking three and mending let's add it to my elytra now there we go now to just heal it up real quick and there it is and check it out here's my sword appears my ax here are my two pickaxes my shovel my bow my elytra and all of my armor everything is fully maxed out so now we just have to pack up real quick and I'm gonna bring my enchanting table along with me since I'll probably need it in the future that was extremely successful all right I'm just gonna take a moment to empty out my inventory and then we can start working on the next thing and that's gonna be going to the nether to get netherite for all of my armor and tools since now that I have my enchantments all maxed out it's the perfect time to get netherite on everything alright my inventory has been organized and I also rebuilt my enchanting setup over here so now it's time to get some that right now right now in this world I don't have any sand which means I don't have access to TNT and I also have pretty limited amounts of strings so I can't craft that many beds either but I do have an idea and it only involves two string and also two pieces of wood it's gonna be to make a loom and to get a Shepherd villager since once leveled up Shepard villagers can trade you beds so I just have to reset this guy's trade until he gives me something good I don't have any wool to sell you don't they have a different trade wait what can they only buy wool as their First Trade no there's no way oh my gosh wait okay this actually might not work I did not have that much rule to sell okay there we go you have to waste two emeralds to buy shears so I'm gonna work to make some more emeralds and then we can unlock this guy's bed trade all right we should be able to unlock the next one now what's gonna be his next level okay nothing yet oh but he does sell wool which we can use to craft beds so let's buy up a bunch of wool okay I just leveled them up one more time and there we go he trades beds okay amazing they are kind of expensive though but I'll take what I can get that's still a pretty good price so now I just have to get even more emeralds and get even more beds I want to get at least one full shulker box of beds all right a few days of trading later and these are all the beds that I got I don't want to waste any more time getting more so let's just head to the Nether and do this honestly this should be a pretty good spot so I'm just gonna dig straight down from here and we'll go until we reach ancient debris level oh no there's lava oh my gosh wait I already found one and it's two actually wow what are the chances all right well we have to go down two more blocks here we go oh no oh gosh oh there's lava everywhere down here what about in this Direction all right this should be y14 right here and it looks like it's pretty clear of lava so let's say oh my are you serious I can't believe this I just found three on accident basically I'm gonna take a long straight line going this way and then we can bust out our beds and then I'll go like this boom all right looks like we don't have any ancient debris on this one how is it that I found more ancient debris on accident than with this giant explosion that doesn't make any sense but here we go we'll try again also none over here let's try again right here wow I still don't see any let's try again right here there we go and we now have five right now that's enough for just one Ingot so we're gonna have to keep searching okay we have one more right there very nice okay this is my last bed so I need to make this one count please oh my gosh there's nothing so plan B that's gonna be mining in between two chunk borders so apparently you have the highest chance of finding ancient debris in between two chunk orders so I'm just gonna keep mining until I find some okay I've managed to find 35 and I just need one more my pickaxe is not liking this very much so I'm hoping that I can find some soon oh my gosh look at that I've gone to all the biomes I guess that's kind of cool I was not expecting to get that advancement underground oh my gosh there we go I found some okay perfect we finally have enough ancient debris to put netherrite on all of my armor and tools let's pop this ancient debris into my furnace and while we wait for that to smelt up let's make a smithing table let's turn this all into netherrites there we go nine ingots in total let's take off all my armor and we're gonna do that first helmets chest plates leggings and boots and as soon as I place this in we'll get the advancements three two one nice cover me in debris but we still have my tools let's do my sword first then my ax then my fortune 3 pickaxe then my silk touch pickaxe and then my shovel and look at that we're fully kitted out that is amazing now what am I gonna do next now that I have a full set of OP armor and tools I think it's time to fight another boss the Wither so let's head to the nether wait let me make sure I have enough things I need more food one moment because the last thing I want to do is be in another without any food let's grab some emeralds and buy some more golden carrots okay that should be enough now okay let's do this so now that I'm here I want to find a fortress that's within a Soul Sand Valley since those have the highest chance of spawning wither skeletons and coupled with my Looting 3 sword it should make things go so much faster is this a fashion oh it is let's see should I loot this I mean I do have pretty good armor so let's check it out real quick I see some brutes and oh we got some more netherite scraps some iron and some gold some magma creams some arrows a golden apple nice that will come in handy and soul speed three nice okay that stuff should help me out with what I'm about to do oh and more food amazing I think this was definitely a good pit stop now I don't think I want to loot any of the other chests because it's going to be a little too dangerous but I'll take the golden apple and the two gold blocks that's pretty good so now let's keep searching okay I've come across the Soul Sand Valley and I think I'm gonna gather up some of these bone blocks since that could be super useful in the future and would you look at that a fortress okay but it looks like this Fortress is basically fully inside of a Soul Sand Valley and it's also very exposed and look at that we already have some wither skeletons okay the hunt for Wither Skeleton skulls begins wow the layout of this Fortress is actually actually perfect for this it's super exposed and it's all on a flat terrain this makes everything so nice so hopefully it doesn't take too long to get some skulls oh that came out of nowhere oh my God I got one finally I just got a second skull nice we're at two out of three things are going pretty slow but I do only need to get one more which is not too bad I ah I'm scared oh we got one wait two wait what oh no okay we're on three now I got confused because one of the skeletons picked it up but there we go should I try to get more than three so I can fight more than one wither at once I don't know I'm gonna stick around for a little bit longer and if I manage to get lucky then I will but if not then we'll only fight one wither but the weather in Java Edition is so easy so I should probably try to fight two at once let's stick around here for just a little bit longer and try to get three more skulls I'm gonna put out all these fires so it's not too bright and hopefully that will help some more skeletons spawn you know what I'm gonna try to gather up a little bit of these blocks and try to make somewhat of a farm not gonna be anything too fancy but it's gonna be a big area where skeletons can spawn all right I have a stack of bricks let's see if I can make a little makeshift spawning platform okay here's my makeshift spawning platform let's go all the way out over here now and see if anything spawns on it I really hope this works okay let's see is anything gonna spawn I don't think this is working very well it was worth a try I guess wow oh look at that we have four now oh my gosh look at this my spawning platform is working no way there's so many skeletons over here okay so maybe I just wasn't doing it right at the start maybe I was still too close or something but let's kill all these blazes first so they don't get in my way and there's so many skeletons here one of these has to drop me a skull right I'm very sad but it's fine I'm having a good time killing all these mobs wait what when did I get a fit skull I didn't even see that hopefully I can go back and show you where I got it when I'm editing and this is where I found the fiscal it's kind of hard to tell but you can see it go into my inventory and it looks like my platform worked again wow look at that why is it just working all of a sudden that's so weird all right come on one more skull please I got it that did not take that long at all but now that I have all six skulls it's time to fight the Wither and I'm not really sure where I want to fight the weather after the long trip home I've decided where I want to fight the Wither I normally do it on another roof but if I build a portal on the roof and it accidentally takes me above ground then that's the challenge over so instead I'm just gonna fight it in the caves and I think I know the perfect spot it's just gonna be right down here on top of all the subsidian I just really hope it doesn't fly up here and destroy my house wait a minute should I try to bring these iron golems with me that'd be kind of cool let's see how can I bring these guys down here Iron Golems don't take fall damage so I can just push them off the edge there we go actually you know what this might not be a good idea since these are naturally spawned Iron Golems if I accidentally hit one then it's gonna start attacking me so I think I'm gonna go without the Iron Golems I'm so sorry let's do this we're gonna place down one and two okay here we go one and two oh my gosh I can't believe I'm doing this let's run away for the explosion real quick all right come here weather let's fight them both at once I'm gonna try to kill them both at once and not just single out one just to make it a little bit harder for myself all my bow shots are missing live okay I've gotten one down to half Health let's get the other one down to half Health come on this is really hard okay they're both down to half Health there's a creeper whoa come on oh my gosh Come on this is so chaotic I'm getting closer oh it's launching me super high up okay one's almost dead we got one dead and two dead oh God I need the golden apple that was very intense my heart is racing and I got kind of close to dying there at the end so I just ate that Golden Apple just to be safe and I have wither two for 20 seconds so I need to make sure I don't die real quick let's just stand around for a second and keep eating I can't believe a creeper just came into the mix and tried to blow me up that's so annoying but I did it I killed two Withers at once and that's two of the three bosses complete wait a minute if I want to make some beacons I'm gonna need glass how can I get glass in this world maybe I can use my Librarians um this one's not selling any glass but maybe this one will once I level him up so let's try to get this one leveled up and see if I can buy some glass because without villagers I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get glass down here so let's grab my books my farm items and trade with my villagers to get some emeralds okay the day number is very nice and I'm gonna be able to level this guy out let's see what he trades next please the books okay it's books three books for one Emerald though oh my gosh I'm gonna become poor okay we leveled them up once again let's see now hopefully something good glass finally oh my gosh check it out I finally have a glass it but let's find some obsidian and turn these into beacons there we go we got two beacons now the only problem is gonna be getting enough materials to power these things how am I gonna do that I really don't have that much iron I don't have that much gold either but I think I have an idea and that's gonna be to make an iron farm since I do have some villagers now so it shouldn't be too difficult and I mean I already know that it works because look there's Iron Golems already spawning so I'm just gonna have to craft up a few more beds and then Harvest up some food to get the villagers to breed okay villagers here you go wait did I just see a baby oh wait there's two of them okay it works nice as I wait for these two villagers to grow up let's start building the iron farm I'm gonna need a bunch of building blocks oh I'm also gonna need a name tag since we're gonna have to name tag a zombie and a name tag now we have to find a pretty big area to build this iron farm but down here in this cave should be perfect all right let's find the center right here this should be good let's go up 15 blocks now all right 15 this is where our Zombie's gonna stand all right now to build the Villager areas all right so we have all three villager paws as well as the zombie area in the center sectioned off and now to just build the Iron Golem spawn platform on top okay here it is now we just have to put fences around all of this and it's done let's get all of our wood craft up some fences and add them to the farm okay that's all done now we just have to add the water oh my gosh look at that a zombie spawned up here that is literally perfect I can't believe that okay wow that could not have been more perfect to be honest let's just clear all this out right here and then we'll name tag him the farm is entirely complete the only thing I have left to do is add the villagers now I'm just gonna have to build a small platform for these villagers to get moved in and we're good to go all right let's go see if these villagers are grown up yet okay it doesn't look like it but we do have four new villagers but this might actually be a good chance to take one while they're sleeping I have an idea let's go like this so one of them wants to come aha there we go I do want to craft up two more boats though and let's see if we can lure one more villager all right let's get this one moved in now I'm just gonna have to carefully navigate over here and drop down onto this I placed down his bed now let's get rid of him like this and there we go he's sleeping okay all right let's get our second villager moved in any should go right in perfect here's villager number three and the only problem with this one is that we're gonna have to wait for him to grow up since we can't turn the farm on with a baby villager we'll let him out of the boat and there he goes I have all the villagers moved in oh you know what there actually is one more thing that I have to do and that's to add the Iron Golem killing chamber but luckily it's not too complicated to build it's just gonna be a nice big chamber down here and I'll have to build up the walls place down signs like this and the last step is to place lava like this there we go oh my gosh let's see hopefully it flows to all the corners oh it doesn't so we are gonna need more than just one block of lava and there we go the collection system is all done now we're just gonna have to put a double chest right there and we'll soon be ready to turn the iron farm on and I only have enough iron to make one more Hopper but that's fine because we are making an iron farm after all so I'll be able to get as many Hoppers as I want alright double chest is gonna go right here there we go the iron farm should be done and ready to go let's go see if our baby villager has grown up yet okay he is so that means the farm is ready to go and as soon as we break these blocks right here we should be good to go okay it looks like the soldiers are scared and look at that already immediately some Iron Golems responding let's see yep check it out the iron farm is producing iron so I guess I'm just gonna have to wait around here for a little bit longer get enough iron to complete the farm down here and then it'll be time to find an ancient city since it's already Day 72 and I'm quickly running out of time to prepare to fight the warden so we have to start getting things done pretty quickly here okay a few days have passed and the iron farm oh my oh my okay I forgot to put my lighter on but the iron farm is all complete down here and it's already producing me tons of iron this is just from a few minutes but now that I have the iron farm all done it's time to go find an ancient city this iron farm is in the spawn chunks so it'll keep running while we're gone I don't really know how I'm gonna find an ancient city but I guess I'll just run around maybe dig through some walls and hope that I get lucky so before we go let's make sure to stock up on some food hello thank you very much I have almost two stocks now which is perfect and I'm also gonna pop in here and take this Anvil with me since I'm hoping to find Swift sneak 3 at the ancient city and that way I'll be able to have an animal to put it on right away and I think that's everything so let's get going I really hope this doesn't take too long because I only have 25 days left to go and I'm nowhere near ready to fight the warden so we still have quite a bit of work to do this is definitely gonna take a while I'll be back once I find some deep dark okay here's the progress so far I got tired of exploring in the cave so I've just been digging in a straight line for a super long time but I think I've come across something promising you see that there's deep dark next to me looks like it's up in this direction I just really hope there's no shriekers oh look at that I got sneak 100 yeah look at this I found some deep dark now this doesn't guarantee that there's an ancient city but at least I know I'm in the right place so I'm just gonna look around here for a little bit and see if I can find anything oh look at that some diamonds oh also since I've been digging in a straight line for so long look at all the diamonds that I found it's actually insane since coupled with fortune 3 I'm getting tons of diamonds now if only I would have done this earlier I'm not sure if there's anything around here so I'm gonna head back to my tunnel and keep digging I really hope I find something soon oh my gosh look at this there's even more diamonds I can't believe it I'm almost at two stacks I never thought that I would be complaining about finding too many diamonds oh my there's a Shrieker over here does that mean I'm close to an ancient city I gotta find this thing and turn it off yeah here it is okay let's break it real quick oh my gosh it looks like this is just a lava pool so I'm gonna keep digging but we are on the deep dark and that's super promising okay I seem to have come across a pretty big cave let's see what's around here maybe I'll be able to find something I don't know there is deep dark everywhere and there's a Shrieker right here too let's make sure to get rid of this thing and it looks like the deep dark ends right here oh my gosh more diamonds I'm at over two stacks now oh and there's more over here oh my gosh all right it looks like this cave does come to a dead end so I guess I'll just keep mining in a straight line this is proving to be much more difficult than I expected all right let's keep mining in a straight line all right looks like we have a small cave here let's just check it out I don't see any deep dark though so this might not lead to anything oh wait there is deep dark I need to be careful I don't set off any shriekers okay it looks like this might be another dead end wait I'm lost is this where I came from oh my what look at this okay well uh here's the ancient city I guess I did not expect to find this in here let's see what's inside this chest when I open that was gonna set off these streakers and I think a warden's gonna spawn okay uh nothing good run away oh there's the ward in the summoning hello oh my gosh okay I've managed to escape from the warden and we'll see if I can find anything else good over here oh we finally got a good hoe that's going to be very useful to get rid of all those streakers and we have a swift sneak one book I'm just gonna grab it just in case we don't find anything better but let's keep searching all right looks like we just have one Shrieker please don't activate oh no okay let's search uh Swift one again I'm supposed to make two let's grab that instead there's more Warden spawning oh my gosh this is really bad we have another chest right here oh and look at that I finally found an enchanted golden apple but what I really want right now is Swift sneak three oh my gosh I found one but there is another Warden spawning so let's run away oh there's like three wardens around here I'm gonna make my way to safety over here away from any shriekers and wardens and let's bust out my Anvil take my leggings and add Swift sneak 3 to it now look at this finally oh this is so nice this is gonna help me loot way faster and way safer but now that I have Swift snake 3 I'm just on the hunt for some more enchanted golden apples and so far I've only found one but I'm hoping to find at least a few more in here what in the heck is going on here this Warden looks very confused hello friend uh he doesn't even know I'm here I am gonna back away though because I don't want to risk it but it looks like that Warden will just be there forever I just did one more tour of the city and it looks like I've looted every single chest and this is actually gonna be a huge problem since I definitely need more than one Enchanted Golden Apple to fight the warden so it looks like we're gonna have to go find another ancient city this one was already extremely difficult to find so I don't know how lucky I'm gonna get again but I guess I'm just gonna have to do the same thing as before and dig in a straight line until I eventually find one [Music] was that deep dark over there wait no is that really is that a city guys that was extremely easy to find I only had to dig like another thousand blocks what the heck I can't believe this this is our second ancient city now I really hope there's some more enchanted golden apples in here oh my gosh look at it it's amazing okay I have three enchanted golden apples now and I also have three and a half sacks of diamonds that's kind of insane but let's see if I can find any more enchanted golden apples hmm two shriekers I think I'm just gonna open the chest oh look at that there's two more let's get rid of these guys let's run away okay I have five and Chad the golden apples now that should definitely be enough to fight a warden okay we have six now amazing and two more here oh my gosh I have eight now that is way more than I could have asked for and I think those were actually the last two chests after searching around for a bit longer it looks like every single chest has been looted so I think it's time to head home I'm many thousands of blocks away from home though so I think my best bet is gonna be to go through the nether but I didn't bring a flint steel with me so I'm gonna have to find some wood and it looks like there's some right here which is perfect and that's enough to make a crafting table and then a furnace and then I can smelt up some of this iron I only need one piece though so this should be fine and then we can use that to craft a flint and steel alright and now I just have to find some obsidian I think I've seen plenty of lava around here yeah there's some right up there nice so I'm just gonna build a little speedrunner portal foreign I can't believe I still remember how to do this look at me go that was so fast okay where am I I just checked my coordinates and I'm only about 800 blocks away from home so it shouldn't take too long to find my way back and here we are let's go check and see how the iron farm was doing okay it looks like it's still running that's a good sign and look at that that's quite a bit of iron that's super good I do need to go back to my chest though and empty out my inventory real quick and also sleep after collecting all the iron from the iron farm I knew I wouldn't have enough resource blocks to make a full powered Beacon so I started smelting up some of my golden iron and then turned to my diamonds all right let's see how many diamond blocks can I craft up with this I can craft up 25 diamond blocks so that means we have more than two stacks of resource blocks now so I just have about 36 to go and I still have all this iron and all this gold that's melting out too so we just might have enough I don't want to use all this gold though since I do want to turn some of it into golden apples I think 10 should be fine there we go so we have 10 golden apples and eight enchanted golden apples that should be more than enough to fight the warden okay everything is done smelting and I also went ahead and trade it with my villagers to get some extra emeralds and I'm short just two blocks and that should be extremely easy to get so I'm just down here at the iron farm waiting for it to produce some more iron okay and there we go I finally have enough iron I can make a Max powered Beacon now that's going to be extremely useful in my fight against the warden I know it's probably not at all necessary but I still feel like having a Resistance 2 Beacon is going to be really helpful let's craft up our remaining two locks and there we go that's enough for a full power Beacon but now the only question is where am I gonna fight the warden and since I'm down here in the caves that leaves me with one big problem since if you want to make a beacon you have to have access to the sky and if you remember in this world if I see this guy even for a split second I instantly get killed so that means I can't build a beacon in the Overworld so instead I'm gonna have to do it in the nether or the end but getting a warden to the end is super challenging so I'm just gonna have to do it in the nether instead and I think that should work out pretty good but before we set up the beacon I think I want to do a few more things to prepare and one of those is going to be crafting some potions ideally Strength 2 and regeneration I already have one regeneration potion but I need some netherwort if I want to craft up some strength potions so I have to head back to the The Fortress and now I need to find some Nether Warts there it is I found some okay I'm finally back home let's grab some glass bottles fill them up with water and turn these into some awkward potions now that I have that I can turn them into strength potions and then into strength two potions okay there we go three strength two potions and to craft up potions of regeneration I'm gonna need to get some gas tears and do I even have any let's see oh I don't well it's off to the nether once again and I guess I'll try to kill some Ghasts I hear aghast but I don't see it oh I see when I see one okay boom I see a ghast here nice wait do I no that was just XP ah okay no gas tears for that one sadly all right let's fly back over here wait I just heard aghast oh my gosh look at this and I can kill it with looting too look at that and there we go I got two gas tears that could not have been more perfect all right now that I have that let's fly back home and craft up some potions of regeneration and then we'll turn them into regeneration two and then I'm also gonna make these splash potions since that way it'll be easier to use them when I'm fighting the warden and then I'm gonna do the same thing for two of these strength potions and one of these for Generation potions and I know this is probably Overkill but it's best to be prepared and I think this is everything that I need so it's time to go build the setup to kill the warden first I'm gonna head back to that portal that leads to the ancient city and I'm pretty sure I remember where it is it's gonna be somewhere over in this direction okay yeah there it is okay now that's probably not the best place for the warden to come out of so I'm gonna have to relocate the portal okay here's our ancient city but now I need to find a Shrieker that's still intact okay there's one right here so I'm gonna build my portal probably somewhere right here there we go let's see where we end up is this the same portal no it's not but it's still in a terrible place oh my gosh okay well I guess we're gonna have to build a platform around this since I don't want to have to fight the warden next to all this lava that's gonna be a huge danger so let's gather up a bunch of blocks and then use these to build a platform around the portal oh wait I should use Soul Sand since that way the warden gets slowed down and I'll have soul speed 3. that might be a better idea once that was all out of Soul Sand I made my way over to a Soul Sand Valley and filled up two shulker boxes of Soul Sand which was enough to cover this entire area with Soul Sand then once I was done with the floor on day 93 I went back home to grab some more food then went back to finish the platform I decided decided to add a wall around the entire thing since that way the warden couldn't knock me into lava and once I was done with the platform I went home for some final preparations alright quite a few days have passed and I managed to build this a giant Square in the Nether and this is going to be my Arena to fight the warden it's also all covered in Soul Sand which should give me a huge Advantage with soul speed 3. that means I'll be able to run super quick but the warden should be slowed down a lot and also in this time I went home and did some last minute preparations I got some more food turned my instant health potions into splash potions and crafted some night vision potions to hopefully see a bit better but I'm not done with all the preparations yet because we still have to build this Beacon and I think I'm just gonna build it right next to the portal over here I really hope I did the math correctly and I actually have enough blocks alright that's the first layer done let's do this one that's the second layer done now for layer number three wait oh this thing is not it's not big enough there we go now to add all the diamonds on top and there it is I cannot believe how many diamonds we use for this but all I have left to do is pillar all the way up here now that way I can clear a path for the beacon beam alright we should be almost at Bedrock there it is I just have to make sure there's nothing else behind this Bedrock yeah just like that and the beacon beam should be clear to go now luckily beacons can pass through bedrock so I'm not gonna have to break any holes which is good because I don't have any TNT to do so all right there's our path all the way up to bedrock let's see if it works there it is wait why did I not get the advancements is it because all these blocks are different I don't know okay well that's fine because the beacon still works let's grab an iron ingot now and let's put Resistance 2 on it and now that means we're ready to fight the warden I'm so terrified wait hold on I need to make sure to not have my elytra on before I do that that would be the easiest way to die all right we have some shriekers right here so let's summon a warden I don't think it's gonna summon first try because we haven't done one in a while okay here it is it's sunny okay it is um let's splash some night vision there we go now I can see fairly good okay where is he oh he's going somewhere else oh there's a bunch of zombified piglet in here oh he's gonna get distracted isn't he I think he's gonna get angry at these guys first oh yep okay we're gonna have to wait for him to kill these Pigmen first okay I think it might be working now come on friend I have to lure him through the portal and I don't want to get him angry before or he's in the nether because then it's going to be really hard to fight him okay here he comes we're super close to the portal okay I'm gonna go like this and he should just walk right through right okay and there he goes okay it worked oh my gosh guys okay here we are in the Nether um am I ready to fight him I don't know now before I fight him I just want to make sure that he gets slowed down on the Soul Sand okay he definitely does I'm gonna go all the way over here now and I'm gonna Splash my potions we're gonna do regeneration and strength and I'm gonna get everything else out here we're gonna Splash one more night vision just to be safe okay here we go I'm gonna gobble up first okay Bring It On Warden here we go oh he does a lot of damage let's see a god Apple oh wait I'm like not able to hit him what's going on okay okay okay holy crap this is a lot harder than I remember okay I need to make sure to outmaneuver him oh oh my gosh okay I was getting worried there for a second he was doing a ton of damage and I thought I wasn't gonna be able to beat him but we did it I defeated the warden oh my gosh that was insane oh my heart is still pounding but you know what we still have four enchanted golden apples so I think we should fight a second Warden let's just do it I did fight two Withers so I think it's only fair that I fight two wardens not two wardens at the same time though because that would be way too difficult all right here's our friend follow me into the portal why am I doing this it's like I'm trying to die okay this one is going a lot faster and boom here we go Warden number two okay our Warden friend is here he's getting angry at these guys so I'm just gonna run over here I'm gonna Splash my strength potion and then regeneration we'll do one more night vision to be safe I'm gonna gaffle up and here we go all right Warden number two Bring It On this time I'm gonna try to kill this guy a lot better than the last one okay a lot of uh Health there ouch that hurts grab a sonic boom does so much damage oh Justin good time oh no oh my gosh okay it seems like that one went a lot faster I can't believe I did that but there we go I killed two wardens in a Cave's only world that was quite the insane Challenge and look at my armor oh my gosh that does so much damage to your armor I can't believe it but you know what I killed two Withers I killed two wardens so I need to kill two Ender Dragons now I did already kill one so we're gonna have to get some gas tears and respawn the dragon which shouldn't be too difficult it was actually insanely difficult I got my first gas pretty easily all right let's kill it with looting boom there we go I got two gas tears from that but for some reason every single ghast I found after that made it impossible to get gas tears from since they were all above lava and the items would burn if I killed us no why are you down there oh my God this is actually disaster this is a disaster it's a disaster guys oh oh here it comes here comes please just die and everything you found the lava okay why is this so hard but after struggling for so many days wait I hear one there it is it's up here it's not above lava this time I want to try to kill it with looting three oh my gosh wait no oh I'm so close okay here it comes did I get something I did oh my gosh finally I finally have four gas tears wow that took way longer than it should have but we're all the way up to day 98 now so I'm gonna have to work fast we need to get this dragon respawned and killed before day 100 look at that there's another one right here too look I have six now perfect why is it that once I have enough they just start spawning all the time okay let's head home real quick and I'm gonna need four ender pearls to turn into Four Eyes of Ender okay and there we go four and crystals we have everything let's go do this wait a minute I think I want to bring one extra thing and it's something that I haven't had access to these entire hundred days so I think it'll be pretty cool to bring it and that is some firework Rockets I wasn't sure if I was gonna need this paper earlier on but we are on day 99 so we might as well craft up a bunch of these there we go look at that amazing and this will make fighting the dragon and taking out the towers way easier wait a minute remember this deep slight coal now that I have silk touch I can mine it up craziness okay let's keep going all right here we go the dragon is respawning I can't believe I'm about to complete two of every single boss in this world that is crazy there it is all right let's fly up here now wow this is actually so nice let's get rid of all the towers this is gonna be so easy now the only thing holding me back is my aim we only have one left and it's this one right here let's see like this oh my gosh it's amazing all right all the towers are taken out now we just have to kill the dragon and it's Pershing already nice do some damage nice it's going pretty good so far this is honestly a lot easier than the first time and I feel like my bow skills have drastically improved during this challenge hey it's perching once again let's do some damage oh that is a ton of damage look at that this might be it right here whoa whoa whoa what the what was that say what what just happened I'm so glad I had my Elijah there I was down inside the fountain I don't know what happened all right let's try to do some damage with my bow again I guess okay it's perching once again let's see if I can do some damage okay I'm missing almost every single shot that's amazing oh okay we're getting close it's the last one right here I'm gonna do it with my fist three two one oh there we go the dragon is defeated I can't believe it guys we defeated two of every boss in this world that is crazy this was quite the challenge guys hello villagers oh looks like they're going to sleep so it'll be day 100 very soon you know what these are the two skull catalysts that I got from killing the warden so let's put them right here um let's see oh I also have an extra Beacon too and this will be our little Shrine of all the mobs that we killed two wardens two Ender dragons and two Withers but now that I have my little Shrine complete it's time to sleep to bring on day 100. we're gonna do it there we go it's finally day 100. I can't believe it guys this was such a fun Challenge and we actually accomplished so much more than I expected in this world and I feel like there's still so much more that we can do so if you want to see 200 days let me know in the comments but that's gonna be all for me today guys thanks for watching and I'll see you all in the next video bye-bye oh gosh foreign
Channel: Julien Azelart
Views: 1,259,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenge, azelart, funny minecraft, georgenotfound, 100 by 100 Minecraft, wadzee, minecraft challenge, tutorial, minecraft build, let's play, build tutorial, minecraft but, minecraft smp, 100 days, sb737, aCookieGod, hermitcraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, i survived 100 days, ben azelart, julian azelart, farzy, hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore, kolanii, 100 days survive, i survive, i survived 100 days in hardcore, minecraft hardcormode, minecraft hard mode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 8sec (4928 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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