I Transformed the ENDER DRAGON in Minecraft Hardcore

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so we've just transformed the end portal and now it's time we fight the dragon I don't think I've ever defeated the dragon without a help before but with this many terms I think I'll be fine [Music] now what if we transformed the Ender Dragon into something much bigger this is gonna be harder than defeating the boss so let's start by going from this end to this end and now I need a new pick or five now why would I spawn all the way up there so I mind I just died a few times why did I do that I broke too many pickaxes I guess I'm going back for another I'm actually gonna get diamond pick this time and I mind again [Music] and it's finally all flat well kinda we'll deal with that later the main circle area is flat though which is perfect because first I need to build a giant purple circle and inside I'll be creating a cool design like this represent dragon's breath now for the most important part the dragon will be a gigantic statue in the center on top of a stone pedestal with huge Wings sharp legs and a much scarier head then in the center some redecorated pillars will surround the Dragon Circle and finally under the dragon pedestal I'll build a special entrance where the Dragon's egg will sit and hopefully we don't fall into the void let's do this so now let's start with building the giant purple outline [Music] right [Music] and now let's find out the area that I missed perfect and I feel like now is the perfect time to go and get an elytra oh no oh dear these are the things that have the things in right I'm scared I'll take those oh there's a thing in here there we go what do we oh thank you so much so let's get rid of this stuff that we don't need and get loads more of I guess we should take these diamonds I'm never going to use that Shield I don't know why I made one and finally look at me okay we've officially done it we've completed the game that's the end of the series goodbye uh just kidding let's go transform the Ender Dragon wow so now we're just going to make this purple outline a bit thicker wonderful these guys are mad at me oh anyways I wanted to repair my armor before I was rudely attacked so I think I can do this and this and then I get mending on my chest plate I read that you can actually just do this to repair your stuff instead of making a whole new one so that's good to know I should probably take this head off and get some protection and I feel like I should go home and get some more tomes but we'll do that at another time so next we need to Mark out the design on the floor which is going to be like a triangle star sort of thing [Music] kinda like this and I might go a little bit crazy and add even more triangles I forgot that there is void under this oh my goodness and we are done oh no I've missed one oh okay now we're done I think it looks actually really sick I'm gonna do a different color glass for each one of them and then I think I'm gonna make these bits void or not void but black concrete so it looks like void so now let's collect up some glass to make stained glass and luckily I had a bunch that was smelting from the last build that I forgot about so that is wonderful and then I set off to get some flowers for purple dye and then I made purple stained glass I'm definitely gonna need more of that but for now that will do I then grabbed a couple more totems I was gonna complain about not having enough space and then I realized I can make a shulker box in fact I could probably make multiple but uh I'll just do the one for now and now I have space to get a bunch of black concrete oh I guess here's some sand here's some more sand for the glass Okay I lied I need to make another shocker box and let's go back to the end I first I needed to break all of the blocks inside of the triangle area I was about to place that's looking good and now all I have to do is break all of this again and turn it into black concrete beautiful I think I'm gonna leave it as a concrete powder because I'm lazy but now let's add all of the purple stained glass foreign [Music] [Music] above real quick I should probably get some uh some fireworks at some point so that I can actually fly around but uh are we gonna do that right now no oh once this is done this is gonna look sick I am so happy I only have to do this four more times wait why would of course it's not four it is twelve I only have to do this 11 more times it seems that the Enderman are stealing my blocks um so this is gonna be a fun build I guess now let's move on to the magenta triangles which are gonna be these ones so obviously I had to break a bunch more blocks make way more black concrete powder and way more glass and then I had to stay in it magenta and since I had choker boxes I collected the materials for the final glass section which is pink so now I have the wonderful task of placing all the blocks this is gonna take forever [Music] oh okay that's that one done now I just have to do three more Corners all right that's the magenta Parts done now let's do the pink [Music] the only thing that's left to do is fill in these gaps with some magenta wool so I then went to collect a bunch of magenta walls then I remembered I had some in the chest inside and then I shared the sheets again and then I returned to place all of the blocks all right one down 15 to go and after placing magenta wool for what felt like a million years [Music] we are finally done with the design okay so I said we were done but oh I missed a spot but I actually don't know what to do with this sort of inner circle area I'm not sure whether to copy this and do more magenta war or maybe I should do something else I don't have enough black concrete to do it so we're gonna do the magenta wall so then I obviously broke all of the End Stone and replaced it with the magenta wool [Music] and we are officially done I just got up here and realized that I've actually got a decent view of it I think it looks great and I'm very annoyed that each of these posts are just slightly off uh the center of each of the triangles but anyway let's get to this Dragon so first I'm going to try and combine all of my pickaxes nice now we have a fresh pickaxe and no levels and now I'm gonna go mine some fossils because we need a lot of white dye for this build I guess there goes my ride back anyways I came here because I know that there are some fossils here oh my gosh who invented Soul Sand why is it so slow how much does this even give you oh that's pretty easy actually okay let's just get a few more of those I'm gonna leave that one and now I'm gonna build a concrete Farm to hopefully save me a lot of time and stress later on this might be the most useful thing I've ever built okay so it seems that my pickaxe is too fast for the display maybe I just need to get a non-efficiency pickaxe and of course it's night time okay so I have them breaking on this pick and hopefully this works much better yeah there we go I'm not breaking it too fast now uh I'm just gonna stand here forever now and I will see you in a few hours now a little disclaimer unfortunately I'm not a building genius yet so I am using a few existing bows for reference to create the dragon's General shape hopefully I can do it justice so you'll have to bear with me because I'm probably gonna go so actually it's probably gonna look fast for you but I am going very slow because I need to just keep looking at the image I have uh to create this it's not really giving leg right now or foot I should say [Music] I feel like that's kind of good oh I knew it I accidentally looked at him these things do so much damage oh my goodness I'm gonna die yeah I thought so I think this is the first leg done it's really not giving a leg at the moment but I think especially from a distance it's gonna look good and nobody's gonna really be looking at the uh the feet so let's do the second leg oh well I did not mean to do that why did my light should not work anyways here's the second leg it's still not giving leg but I'm just I'm gonna commit to this uh this look now and do the other two legs and hopefully I don't go insane from doing this this is taking me a long long long long long long long long long long long long long long time okay okay I feel like it's actually starting to come together now like this looks like legs incredible so next I obviously have to make the body and I'm kind of dreading it because the reference picture I have has super massive low wings like this and I want to do really massive tall wings so I'm gonna have to make up the body myself for the most part uh but I'm sure I will figure it out okay so yeah I think I'm just gonna work on this middle bit right here because this is going to be like chest detail I think we might be done with the front of this nice I think that looks pretty good um I need to add some more details like under here I think but so far it's coming along well that's not the part I had to make up though I have to make up this part by myself so I guess let's bite the bullet and get it done and we are done with one side but I think I did a pretty good job of creating a body shape um it's like it's meant to be kind of not sitting but I don't know must have a very heavy tail okay let's get this other side done and then I'll decide what to do next don't look directly in their eyes but look how many Endermen there are why are they all in that corner why does that look like concrete powder the end has been exposed it is just concrete powder so we are getting really well I say we're getting close to done we still have the head the wings and the tail so I'm kind of avoiding doing the head because I really don't want to do it and I'm also avoiding doing the wings because they're massive and I also don't want to do those so the only thing that I can do right now is apparently not the eye to this guy actually it's valid I don't like people looking at me either ow no ah there we go and someone stole it anyways um what are we doing okay the tail the only thing we can do now is the tail okay so I'm gonna go get some cyan wool for extra details on the tail because I don't want to keep using the Warped uh the Warped planks so it'll be nice to have some extra Dimensions some more colors you know mixing it up a little bit so I'm gonna work from the bottom upwards because I think that's probably the easiest way one two three four five six I don't have a very good view of the reference for the tail so I am kind of making this up also but I think it'll be pretty accurate I've just I was just trying to get rid of some blocks and stuff and I accidentally threw my pickaxe over the edge into the void so now I don't have a pickaxe well I do I have this one but it doesn't have efficiency so I guess it's going to be slow mining from now on okay I think I think done I think pretty good let me check it from the other side oh there's technically a spot missing here but easy fix okay let me build up over here we'll get a good view of it and uh then we'll do the head I guess okay well you can't see the tail from this angle so I'm gonna trust that this looks great let's do the head oh I hate having such a small inventory okay um I guess I can put these back for now and go find some blue flowers what is the other thing oh lapis um and we have a diamond I'm not here for diamonds I'm here for lapis another one sorry I know I'm here for lapis but I just keep finding diamonds and it's um it's almost Annoying It's because I want lapis ah I'm scared oh no he can't get me okay I think I'm good to start going back up now oh look another Diamond let's make some light blue stained glass nope that's blue there we go I should have bought my shulker boxes with me shouldn't I I can always come back for more it's just getting back to the portal that's the problem okay from the portal to home is easy because I just obviously appear right there on my bed oh wait I can literally fly what am I talking about there we go so we're gonna have wings that come up like this we we first we're gonna Mark out where the wing outline is we're gonna do the outline of the Wings with the Warped uh the Warped Woods sorry I've been doing this for a while now my brain has stopped working [Music] okay I think that's One Wing done I haven't had a chance to look at this from a distance yet so hopefully this looks great okay I'm assuming this is correct it looks pretty good either way uh so I'm gonna leave it like that and hope that it looks great now I just have to do the other side and then we will add the glass you guys it's looking pretty cool wow doesn't that look cool it actually is kind of hard to look at right now because it has the other bit behind it now we just need to fill in the gaps with light blue stained glass and I think that that is the dragon pretty much done thank you I honestly don't even know who I remember like I'm not even using a reference anymore I'm literally just placing these blocks and hoping that they look good and I'm sure they will because it usually does I think I'm just gonna kind of staircase from here and I think it'll create the right effect I actually just don't know what I'm doing right now I had a plan and I've just abandoned it I might have to break a lot of blocks shortly you know what that's not terrible I think that maybe this bottom bit needs to come a little bit thicker and like rounded like that but I think we're on to something I feel like I was almost going in the right direction but I do think this bit needs to be taken off and it needs to be like thinner like going up like this so I'm gonna have to go up and break those and finish it off I'm trying to collect up the ones that I'm dropping but they're just falling into the void I guess okay I think that is enough removed now let's finish this off yay now let's finish the wing off all right I think I've done a pretty good job here I there's definitely a few gaps but I think from above that's not going to be noticeable okay it's still noticeable never mind let me just fill those in real quick great okay now I just need to do all of that again over here I think that glass might be one of the worst materials to work with because you literally just can't make any mistakes obviously you can make mistakes but they are more effort to fix I'm trying to trying to copy this side but honestly I randomly place blocks for this side so I just have to do the same here that's actually I I think I've said that for every section hopefully it will look great and it has so I think I can trust my judgment here thank you are you ready for the big review I hope you got time because this is gonna take a while to get up to the top whoa uh this might actually be the coolest thing I've ever built and it's a shame because it's technically not my build but I think I've done a pretty good uh job I've done it justice for sure so now that's done all the stuff to do is to decorate these little what are they called why is it not in my brain mind blank all the time oh I've got to do something with the egg too okay I think I've got it I I like with the blue and the purple and whatnot I think it's good to have a contrast of orange if you can't tell this is meant to be like a flame so I'm gonna put a flame on every single one of these and then I think that's this build done I think I'm gonna do these ones slightly smaller because there's not as much surface area on these ones but it's going to be kind of hard to create a flame shape I think I don't think that looks like a flame but it might from a distance I apparently leave a lot of stuff laying around actually this is just for me trying not to die to these guys oh my gosh why would I look at them oh I did look at it I thought I didn't oh no oh I guess it wouldn't be the end of the video without me trying not to die to Enderman who allowed this to happen oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I just realized this whole time I've had instant health potions and I could have been drinking them that didn't even give me full health what's the point I'm a big map okay I can now stop I can put another tote in my hand and like I'm wrong these guys are actually a lot stronger than I thought they were as well so and now I have a lot more to clean up and then I'm gonna put a torch here and it should give it to me right all right torch here break the wall and the egg is mine so actually for the egg I want to put the egg inside of the dragon and I'm gonna break all of these geodes and I'm gonna make a geode inside of the Dragon uh I feel like the dragon is big enough to fit this size geode in it but um I don't know if I want to build one that big okay yeah I'm just gonna make a smaller version okay let's build this thing I'm probably just gonna follow this I think that's a good idea oh no okay yeah I just I definitely did not bring enough Vlogs well I need to out get some more it's like it's like looking correct though right I think now I've done this I'm actually Just Gonna Keep It uh like open I am gonna give it more of a roof and let's place a bunch of these beautiful and now let's make a little pedestal for the egg I'm just gonna keep it really simple since uh nobody's gonna see this anyway even though nobody's here but me I could say that about all of my builds let's put this here place the egg and we are done I don't know how long uh dragons take to lay eggs but uh in a few months time I'm sure there'll be a new baby dragon so I actually named a few foxes but I opened the doors to get some berries and they ran away so we now only have two of them uh we have Riley and we have Camilla so you can actually now support me by getting my Cosmetics on the lunar client look at these sick designs you can wear and if you buy one let me know and I'll name a fox after you end the next video anyways okay here is the final build look how sick this is this might be the coolest thing I've actually ever built so we did the gigantic magenta purple pink star circle thing the base the massive dragon that took 100 years to make but it was worth it and then we quickly decorated each post that I don't know the names of the post still with some flames and we got the dragon egg the dragon head and we got a Lightroom so I hope you guys enjoyed make sure to subscribe and I'll see you in the next one just kidding imagine if I actually died in the void right then
Channel: Em
Views: 144,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft, em, em minecraft, em hardcore minecraft, em survival minecraft, emorsomething, em minecraft village, em build, em episode 1, episode 1, em hardcore episode 1, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore survival, minecraft nether build, em building, I Transformed the ENDER DRAGON in Minecraft Hardcore, ender dragon, minecraft ender dragon, minecraft dragon build, minecraft ender dragon build, em ender dragon, em dragon, dragon
Id: YqS-6b7IGxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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