I Spent 100 Days in SCP Ark... Here's What Happened

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hey professor Dad we're about to arrive at the foundation facility you're sure about this of course curly don't worry I know you had unfortunate things occur in Prior expectations but we're working for the SCP Foundation now I'll make sure you are safe so you can help retrieve all the entities that broke out of containment plus they will pay us very well oh hold on General is calling General Chase Professor Crowley my troops tell me you're through the force field so welcome to hell as you know this location near Area 51 held many anomalies and Dinos but unfortunately we had a security failure a year ago so we will make a push together and fix this whole mess just keep our fingers crossed that he doesn't get out General General Chase you're you're breaking up what in the world [Music] boys for impact weekend of malice by his command be followed by Decay that be balanced wait who are you what a headache seems like I'm the only one who made it out alive and all my things burnt to a crisp I can't stay here so let the show begin and right off the bat a burning Undead humanoid was up in my face and does not seem to be friendly I wonder if it's the pilot I got some basic resources gathered up and started prepping some tools even got some pearls crafted a spear to defend myself and some flimsy clothing hesitantly I took out this ridden entity as well as some civilian zombies that started appearing out of the Sands I could only assume these were the people that used to live in the area and for some reason I can take their severed limbs with me along with flesh and plague samples the flesh let me finish a cloth set after which I got a drink at this Oasis but the longer I stay in these Dunes the less likely it is for me to survive so I have no choice I need to make a break for it sprinting across the scorching Sands but I got thirsty real quick and what struck fear into me is that the zombies became aggressive from a very far distance and they came in all shapes and sizes it seems but that's when I could hear a motor approaching hey down here come save me please please is that a supply drop seems like General Chase is aware of my situation and is trying to send me some help however I don't have a key card to open this box further I ran under the blazing sun it only managed to stay hydrated thanks to these water jug bugs eventually I managed to get to the what you could call Mainland exhausted and on the brink of passing out but thanks to the cacti I can get some water into my system I rested for a bit but things weren't looking good and as I got some metal nearby just in case I spotted a Gallimimus run around frantically seems like not even the dinos are safe and the shade of a large Cactus I placed a sleeping bag and whipped up a thatch Hut inside of which I could shake off the heat a little bit better but I'm highly wounded so I stayed in to heal up for a while but in the lazy is that it has to be an SCP seems friendly though and seems like it has something important to say it brings great news that Greece has been added to our sponsor rise of Kingdoms that's right the Epic cross platform strategy game with real-time battles and sweet customizable architecture has a ton of special events coming up as you immerse yourself in the expanses of open world environments conquering new lands through various historical eras along with 60 million users and over 100 million downloads worldwide with the ability to choose from 14 historical civilizations you can command famous generals and military units as you build your legacy on the battlefield you can even have Team battles where you and your alliance members face an enemy together all in-game actions take place on a single enormous map inhabited by players and NPCs featuring natural obstructions such as rivers and mountain ranges and strategic passes that must be captured to gain entrance to neighboring regions and here's the kicker the civilization Clash event where players fight for 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head start and get running when I noticed it started to rain what a relief this will let me travel farther to find a safer location to camp out till help comes and I'm sure heading towards the river that runs north to south is a good call where I spotted some wild Barilla tops I harvested some bushes but shortly after I heard them fighting so in the confusion I sprinted on past them to avoid any conflict finally I got to the river but had a tragic fall which almost got me killed some draboas served to get me some meat and hide and with some wood harvested I decided to set up at this flat end that's floating over the almost dried up River so some basic base setup began but as night was in full swing I could see red eyes glowing in the night coming for me so I quickly placed two Spike welds limiting my space to this ledge here but hey I'd rather almost fall to my death than be eaten alive once the Sun finally came out on day two I cleaned up the zombies at my spikes and seems like these civilian ones are not very intelligent some Stone was collected to make a pestle and mortar but then I crafted some clay to hopefully quickly make an adobe Hut to Shield me from the heat more Spike walls would surely help is what I thought as I made my way down for a drink with the water skin but a new terrifying being came into view an imp hey yo no I leaped onto a ledge and hid the best I could after suffering a painful gas ball hit my bones are broken so my only option was to place the two spiked walls that I had to cage in some new zombies that appeared and just keep on going for the water since at this rate I'll die any second so with a good refill it was time to head up again but my Showdown wasn't over just yet foreign thanks to my speed I got home in one piece and left the Imp in the dust so I came up with the idea to expand my space by moving the spikes outward and even managed to place down a decent bed and standing torches which allowed me to spot a very creepy new kind of zombie staring at me ominously so I put together a new thatch Hut to protect myself from prying eyes of the no longer living day three had me starting off with fixing my clothes and set out to look for Crystal on a nearby Hill but here is where a new threat showed itself that I dubbed the slasher and it is coming for me oh boy and the other way up is filled with even more danger so I did my best to sneak past them all got up to the tippy top and got my crystal which was used to make the awesome Spyglass so now I know what I will be up against with better information at the ready but I need more water for crying out loud some large ants got me some chitin for later but I spot out of this parasite nearby that thankfully I managed to slay just as a sandstorm hit reducing my visibility and stamina and it gave me rotten hide but my brain power had an idea makeup parachute and glide on home with the Winds of the storm on my back more zombies were needed to be removed but what surprised me is one dropped a filled water bottle which is just what I needed zombie water refreshing as for the scientist it dropped a syringe so maybe I can make some type of medication as you can see my viral zombie infection down here from all the bites is stacking up quite quickly and I don't want to know what happens when it goes all the way up inside I was safe so to wait out the storm I began making Adobe pieces but not quite enough for a full Hut I would need more Cactus for that I resorted to ending more zombies in hopes for more water bottles but a bloater was coming closer whom I ended and he had canned foods on him which is such a relief so I would prioritize ending them as well but a odd scenario happened where a horde of cop zombies appear together with a armored SWAT boy must have met their end working here but man this one is tanky I can't deal with him a water break was needed so I parachuted down successfully and right after I just searched for more cactuses for my Hut and on this journey an Eldritch overridden wanted to fight seems like Eldritch versions are more powerful variants but this one wasn't easy to deal with case and it even gave me some ammo some tools but the fauna here was a nightmare to deal with too thankfully I could save myself from these birds with my last Bola sadly though that does leave me more defenseless what the no no no no no no no no no oh oh crap that was a close call yeah hey I can see my Camp from up here and since no cacti were around I grabbed a note to feel inspired and parachuted back to my Camp safely to craft Spike walls all night but the blood curdling screams of zombies had me on alert as a horde came in as to seemingly hunt me down oh this is bad they don't stop coming okay oh the biggest within the frail safety of my walls I at least got to placing a forge to smell the bit of metal that I had gotten earlier day 4 started with a Smithy hide Gathering and I have a ton of water bottles by now but I do sure hope the foundation comes looking for me soon I don't know how long I'll last but I can't expect them to come anytime soon so I whipped up a full desert cloth set to Shield myself from the Blazing heat with a metal pick crafted I was about to go to get some more metal but a bloater exploded talk about a bumpy start even had to face this weird looking mutation Z Abomination never want to see that thing again it still haunts me but here is where I would have a Fateful Encounter With A SCP number 1013 to be exact and I can see that to tame it I would eat calcified meat but the elements were not quite done with me just yet oh that's not good up this new mountain and I picked up some sulfur and Chow Down on canned olives into my life quite literally depended on them some high got looted but no metal seems to be here so I just parachuted down to camp where I made this workbench with a head on it because that's important to craft things anyway here I can make medicines like the zombie cure with a ton of stuff so to start I made some bandages from the rags we had gotten from zombie clothes and read up that firecrackers can work as distractions so that might be handy later on also later in the day I finally got some metal gathered but this Eldritch imp absolutely bumped me into the Afterlife is what I thought since I respawned in my underwear still stuck in this hell hole of a desert not even death can free me of my suffering that footage figure did say something about being bound to This Land once back where I died I forgot that I still needed to deal with this thing oh boy hey big boy how you doing uh I'm just gonna Dodge weave that did quite a lot of damage all right and I think I should be safe I should be safe okay cool there we go got my stuff back and got back to smelting The Ore at sunset [Applause] and that Roar right there is my cue to stay inside till sunrise day five and hatchet's bow and arrows were made and during some thatch gathering this oversized kitty cat wanted me as a snack so I hopped on a rock and shoot it away with some arrows now I could make my tent in peace grab a note for faster learning as well as got my spikes back that I used a few days back fill up my water bottles and off I go again to look for cacti ending up at the first place that I arrived at when I got out of the dunes but seems like some strong entities were tracking me oh that's a literal big boy and an imp oh hey hey hey hey hey hey hey okay that's bad I have my bandages [Music] I live that fire is nasty I do not want to deal with that nor either of those two so uh I'm gonna go around so circling around whatever that was I got the sap but the sun was setting rapidly so I skedaddled on back to Camp through a whole zombie horde arriving home terrified but alive the sixth day had me making more Adobe pieces arrows and embark on another Cactus trip since now I know where to go however I got distracted and began to feed this vulture since I am lonely I need a friend as it flew down from the Cliffside I got punched and thrown off by a zombie which also infected me thankfully I had this extra parachute to break my fall swiftly I finished the tame of the vulture snatched it up and my disease State I didn't react in time to save myself from a saber tooth respawning had me figuring out that death cures diseases and as soon as I could move I got to wear a bird and whistled it to safety and followed it up with getting my loot bag with some extra silk I repaired my desert cloth armor but needed some Crystal to repair the headpiece whoever slasher appeared uh oh oh boy this is not good this is very not good oh crap he made it ah okay day seven stuff got claimed back same goes for the vulture and once home I repaired the head piece like I wanted and went for a water refill but stopped Midway to name the vulture Sentinel on the way I learned that these kinds of zombies here can drop Z blood bags not sure if I want to heal with that though cintadella I actually make a pretty good team learning to mutually defend each other which was the highlight of the day plus got a ton of cactus to go but this diseased looking Eldritch stego was too close and I don't need to figure out what that'll do to me so I went back to Camp got food cooking and finally finished enough Adobe pieces to begin to make a Hut and in anticipation of that I took the time to move the spikes outwards even more to claim more ground so at the crack of dawn I was in full swing setting up a home and yes my fear of falling off the ledge came true which is why I always carry a spare parachute so might as well fill up on water since I'm down here already what got chopped and once the shack had a rectangular shape I added a lookout on the roof I would need a little bit more thatch for that so let's just go get foreign now he's just standing there very menacingly so I did the logical thing which was to lure him off the ledge to hopefully never see him again with the base expanded by Knight I started to move my belongings and when I her get another sandstorm muffled through my walls uh yeah I'm not going out in all that mess yet zombies somehow got into the camp in the early hours of day nine once dealt with and the place lit up better I continued to move in and out of the tranq plus plus mortar and some basic narcotics were made to start this radtooled Smithy was placed along with a preserving bin destroyed the old thatch Hut and made this here Tower to be able to get a good view of the area with spark powder and narcotics underway I wanted to cure my disease so I turned An Empty Bottle Into plastic an ingredient to make painkillers then I made a stimp pack more bandages antibiotics combine all of those items into a med kit and then mix that with the plague samples to end up with the play cure which gets rid of my ailments completely 10th day and I feel like no one is coming to get me out of here I built a crossbow to go on the offense as of now as for defense I got a gate set up but it seems like the zombies can damage it a little bit so they got cleaned up after which I began to make a fence on the back ledge to prevent any more Dreadful faults first by Nightfall it was almost done but I came up with an idea to make stairs downwards to make a ladder eventually all the way to where the water is to hopefully make an intake that goes all the way up to the camp 11 came around and I came to the realization that the tower ain't that good to shoot from to get the zombies off my door so I did some wiggle work to get it placed a bit better but during my labor another plane flew overhead I could see it dropping packages but it seemed to have missed my Camp by a small margin but the tower finally positioned better I built downwards making trips to get resources to keep at it but this Juggernaut was at my front door so I had to sneak past under my Spike wall to continue working on my ladder for that sweet sweet H2O down there as for the juggie he started attacking my spikes in an attempt to get in so I did end him while his brain seemed to be out of town occupied with my walls seemingly trying to comprehend my architectural prowess and once slain let me loot a whole tire for some reason 12 and I was still on that ladder grind had a little water break in between and got chased by yet another saber and just went to hide in my Camp once more since I'm a little scaredy cat but I noticed the crate that we saw coming down from the skies actually landed in my backyard I still have no key card but I can see that I can break the padlock so that's what I did I did it very bad seven zombies left all I actually have to kill the ones that spawned oh next wave starting in uh oh it was attacking my house are you in my house get out of there foreign zombies Left house chew what happened to my airdrop don't tell me that a zombie broke my airdrop okay seemed like I had to protect it I learned a valuable lesson today after all that commotion was over I tried to kill this SWAT Zombie since he's stuck in the wall and that took me all night however that did land me a rocket launcher I'm just glad that he wasn't smart enough to use it let's just not think about that finally on day 13 the latter was done but I do need to set up some security down here for some will run to nibble on my toes so I was gathering wood for spikes when a mutant bit me which immediately kicked the z virus into overdrive and my health was dropping fast as quickly as I could I moved my sickly body over to the medicine table where I made some painkillers since that is all that I could afford at this point in time it does restore fifty percent of my health but that does not get rid of the disease and bandages were just barely cutting it but we will live during this time I made some blue narcotics which are very potent but this is when dehydration kicked in thankfully the canned foods filled some thirst but the sandstorm was making things much worse than they need to be I had no choice but to stay put for the night once the storm passed the next day I took a look around at a massive Beetle was nearby a carrier Hive I don't want to mess with that it was time though to make the water spot safe but every zombie in the area was attracted to me so mid jump I latched onto the ladder to save myself I took another shot at a nearby rock formation from where I began to fling arrows at the lumps of walking flesh but some poor foot placements later had me finding myself down there and running away from a terror bird just reaching the ladder in time to save my booty cheeks once it wandered off I got rid of these walkers but it came back to eat the corpses and me and this is this is tough I gave it another shot and it seems to be working now I can drink here and the spike walls will keep unwanted Predators out you all done water sorted for easy access so the next thing on the to-do list is to get some tames so with some good and normal trunk darts at the ready I wanted to tame a high level i'mantria right outside of the camp but little did I know that I was being watched his struggles amused me but I needed to leave to leave it down his skin vectored forcing in the right direction oh no no this is bad hey hey hey oh he's trying to break in 43 a health oh he's gonna break through my door that was way too close for comfort I'm so glad that I could take him up by Sunrise since that's half of the gate broken who knows if even more horrifying things will come for me it's my frustration the high level lamentria was nowhere to be seen so I got two crossbows ready one for drinking and one for killing and went on a hunt spotting only weak moths and going further down right now is uh as you can see a note go so I did the opposite and climbed up to have The High Ground from where I managed to spot the high level moth far far away without really thinking about it I parachuted for it mid descent is when I realized this is kind of dumb since I don't have a saddle for it just yet once on the ground I began to shoot down this scorpion for its chitin to make the saddle that I mentioned but the commotion attracted all sorts of undead beings like this fire zombie who packs a punch ow thanks to Ebola I could hold it in place while I made a dash for the Scorpion got its chitin and made my grand escape the high-level moth was gone again and to make matters worse the sun is about to set my only possible way out of this is to tame a low-level direwolf right here which I landed the KO on and began to feed it some meat but now this meant that I would need to protect us from zombies all night the SWAT Zombie landed me some ammunition on the next day and shortly after the tame was done mid-zombie fights might I say and the Wolf was named shikigami together we sprinted home past the zombie hordes and confidently even won some battles on the way yeah due to the main path up being an enemy hot spot at the moment we would need to find A New Path home exploring the neighboring areas when another plane was flying over the canyon sending me a package right on this Stone Spike this time with our new wolf I am sure that we can fend off the zombie hordes second wave keep defending the airdrop okay [Music] no no no no don't break it don't you do it [Music] next wave this should be the last wave I'm out of stem yeah get away get away get away get off of it this is mine this is my drop three zombies Left encounter complete crate is now unlocked oh let's see what's inside give me my goodies oh that's some good cross poses right there that is a massive upgrade that was well worth it so we'll keep an eye out for more of those crates at Sunset we got back to Camp happy that we made it back alive before anything else I crafted some soul traps to pot up shikigami to make sure that it would not perish in my sleep and I were getting hungry so we had a cookout together but in that exact same moment super heat ravaged the desert and you already know that I'm not heading out in these conditions to figure out what it feels like to be in an air fryer remember that SCP that we saw that needed calcified meat well I didn't forget that and to make that we would need some prime meat first which I attempted to get by airstriking the sartanoboas quite effectively I might say gaining me a few chunks with some rocks together we could make the calcified meat but the same anything I would first need some narcoberries that's not good okay time to go chicky Gabby Europe let's get out of here well then time to look for her before the game we prowl the desert but made a grave Mistake by not pacing ourselves leading shigigami to run out of stamina in the worst possible time resulting in it getting eaten and I was quick to share the exact same fate so you get the drill wake up run through the desert in my underwear with complete disregard of if anyone can see me get my stuff saved Sentinel only to become bird food in a desperate attempt to fight back this death had me appearing in the middle of the desert this time but thanks to my map I knew where to go but the heat was cooking your boy alive zombie hordes started appearing and I could hear a large monster nearby which has to be an SCP so I will have to come back here later first though I would need a circle around this invisible Rock Drake who thinks he's sneaky after a very long Sprint through the night I claimed my items back and saved Sentinel who thankfully was still alive trekking through the mountains and past some nasty creatures seeing the camp was a sight to behold that was a rough night I could not be happier to walk through this gate narcotics were still a daily chore to make since I want to tame that SCP so badly to prove that not only I can survive here but that I can Thrive and continue my research but no matter where I go death followed as if it was glute to me oh that's Shredder whoa ow what was that oh my gosh that hurt well getting my stuff back was starting to feel a little bit more normal although knowing Sentinel passed away and that attack had me feeling down in the dumps plus Knight was setting in and a zombie horde was something that I really did not want to deal with right now so might as well just fill up a water bottle and hit the hay for the night is what I thought oh my gosh oh that was so close during my routine zombie Cleanup in the morning of day 19 it became clear as well day that I need a flying team staying on the ground is a death sentence and I need to start thinking about finding the foundation since it's been almost three weeks and no one has showed up so I made the LA Mantra saddle that we wanted and quickly spotted a good Target a bull that held it in place and the potent trunk arrows made short work of it sending it to sleepytown but this place was not safe at all and what really grinded my gears was that a Different Light Mantra came zooming towards us and let it direwolf and saber tooth to my to be best friend who was then right after Eden alive just my luck I feel hopeless honestly I take one step forward and two steps back at every turn my mind was drawing a blank as on what to do I ended up roaming the desert aimlessly alone and destined to Die the Knight sat in with a fear some drop in temperature and all I did was huddled up on this Rock by myself thinking pondering what to do a fraction of what you can call Hope hit me when I saw a Max Level kangaroo next to me but I would eat rare mushrooms to tame it but it would be the perfect tame to get me back on track but the nearest place to get those would be from the crystals at the top of this mountain it was a painstaking process to sneak up undetected and avoiding wild pickies but as I got up pretty much all of the crystal that I wanted was gone from which I was going to get the rare mushrooms that bit of Hope was fading very quickly ain't got a lot of you looking over the desert landscape all I could think of was getting a flyer and finding the dang Foundation the SWAT Zombie however was in fact the key to my progress as it dropped a flipping key card for the boxes and a good assault rifle that's a good sign things might be looking up far down a moth was spotted and I wasted no time tumbling and fumbling down the Mountainside and I landed that KO ASAP along with this level 150 parasaur that was just stuck hey I might get a flyer and a herbivore for narcoberry gathering in one sitting but standing still is never a good idea here since zombies just keep coming and they can easily overwhelm me if I don't keep their numbers low thankfully more guns were looted from the corpses so that is motivational the berazor was ready this day and dubbed Pringles whom I quickly plotted up for safety The Moth on the other hand would take quite some time so I got to slaying Walker's left and right through the night prioritizing the complicated Walkers along with swats gained me small batches of ammo but here we go the moth is done I made a break for it mounted it and took to the skies to safety for the first time looking for my base I stumbled upon a village that has definitely seen better days seems like the former residents are no longer here as everything is destroyed and on fire and as things go it seems like always around me zombies rise from their graves at this point I am certain that that hooded figure put more than just one curse on me I could just never escape the hordes so I flew on off through the canyon and back to my camp where I named my mouth Dorado due to its golden wings Pringles was saddled and got straight to work getting narcoberries and for once I was feeling Unstoppable things were going smoothly for once scouting in the evening I saw scp-1013 again but it died thankfully I spotted another in the area for a future tame attempt but I noticed that a blue moon was out which improved supply drop loot quality so I seized the opportunity and managed to get one drop with a blueprint to make ascended Titan leggings at Sunrise a thunderstorm was pulling up on the horizon but I pressed on since some drops still might have good loot inside them even though the Knight had already passed and this led me to find more types of entities like scp-323 looking absolutely terrifying plus it needs human flesh to tame not sure if I want to toss up an arm to make that new friend just yet a bit of metal was collected in the mountains here and after that I returned to the spot where I heard those horrifying Roars that were at night and seems like the culprit is scp-1471-a definitely need to contain that one since I have some good quality meat that I could use for this even a wyvern was close by you would think that would be an SCP I guess it isn't circling back to the burning Village a massive blue crab was spotted labeled scp-3700 looking very out of place but it seems pretty chill man I need to get into contact with Professor Nat so he can briefly on these things before I get too Reckless but I did have a burning desire to show up to the foundation alive and with scps contained so I got to prepping for taming like getting some prime meat craft arrows as well as more calcified mates and came up with how to make human flesh an alternative one might say by mixing raw meat with human blood then I did find this syringe on a zombie so I pumped out some of my own blood and made some and I hope no one finds me with this since uh this will be hard to explain the sigh of relief on day 23 was spotting another plane and seeing its crates falling down I rushed to him and used the key card that we got granting us tons of meds without having to fight any waves talk about just what the doctor ordered however time to tame some nasties and scp-1013 has hit her in its description I'm going to need General Chase to clear that up for me but let's not waste any time it's an SCP after dinos before this can't be too hard hold still please and where you going hey come back that's not even aggressive it's running from me there you go night night sweet prince there we go simple enough with calcified meat in its belly it will be tamed soon so I went on to scout around and encountered scp-3456 an undead Horseman looking thing sadly when I returned to our team some Haida dance took it upon themselves to eat our first shot at a successful Mission so I got to getting more prime meat calcified it made some spike walls and tried another but a big boy took it upon himself to ruin my attempt all right please please please please please a harvest moon Rose this tonight for better Gathering opportunities but I was dead set on succeeding at this time so I spent all night fighting this massive man landing the kill the next day and as my luck would have it super heat kicked in but at least I'm wearing desert cloth scp-1013 was tranquilized successfully and once fed and protected with spikes I waited until I got distracted by this Loop drop with free Adobe pieces and a whole spare desert set after a long time of keeping myself occupied it was tamed and apparently I could pick it up kind of odd but hey at least it's friendly and doesn't want to eat my face we returned that Nightfall to HQ and seems like I didn't ride it too so that's pretty neat having spent a quarter of a hundred days in this god-forsaken desert I made up my mind to find the foundation myself I have had it no idea where to look for it but I just kept flying since that way I'll run into it eventually but at least like this I can see more scps to tame later like whatever this Undead thing is ruins were spotted in the dunes but that's also the prime place for the scorched Undead Legion to roam around seemingly to prevent anyone to get in or out of this land after more scouting a dreadful sight is what I witnessed a seemingly zombified crocodile shredding everything around please don't make me tame that General chase the sunlight was fleeting but over the hillside I finally reached my destination but things were not how I thought they'd be foreign don't shoot I'm with the foundation Professor Crowley down here all right I'm coming down I'm private Flanders glad to see you're alive Professor we all assumed the worst well it really is nothing short of a miracle that I'm still amongst the living come on let's go to you to General Chase I'm sure he's eager to brief you on the situation I need those third three shot down the double prep the heli for another expedition to retrieve the wild dinos private Fighters where is my 8 30 PM Scotch well I'll be Professor glad to see you amongst the living thought I'd have a nightmare explaining your death to the higher ups considering that you're here under my supervision finders get me the radio I'm sure Professor Nat is eager to hear his colleague is still alive General pleasure to meet you for the look of things you all have your hands full you can say that again either way Welcome to our improvised headquarters as you know the plan was for us to begin containing the wild dinos and your job was to contain the scps and bring them here for temporary containment however a new threat has appeared as of a few days ago we've noticed a change in some of the scp's behavior seemingly attempted coordinated attacks on this base resulting in some casualties this coincides with the appearance of a hooded figure who seems to have the ability to raise the dead due to his power and red clothing Flanders is named the figure the Scarlet acolyte such a stupid name but my gut feeling is that he wants to free the Scarlet King I'm not that certain but if that is the case it could mean apocalyptic consequences for the entire world that has to be the same person that appeared before me as my helicopter crashed and seemingly put a curse sir the Walkers they're coming but there are way more this time they are about to get in what everybody looks like break time is over grab your weapons get to the perimeter on the double and finders give me that damn scotch General I think this has something to do with me no matter where I go the undead never stop coming I hypothesize that the longer I stay the worse it'll get for everyone here not a chance one of my top priorities is to keep you alive I'll be all right the radio to stay in touch and I'll uphold my duties and contain as many entities for my time here and bring them to you once these threats die down fine but my obligations to your safety are over once you leave hey it's me what the hey Carly I wasn't worried for a second I knew you were safe that could not be further from the truth either way have the SCP hunting going well I got one so that's a start oh what you're you actually going that's amazing great job well now you know the drill I have partial access to the foundation's database even though a lot of the documents are corrupted but we'll do it like the good old days you find the targets and I'll give you some info when needed alright taking part of your paycheck by the way probably out no no no wait wait well then everybody time to get to work and I am feeling motivated and what better way to get the ball rolling than to tame a high level kangaroo which I caged in some wooden Billboards rather unnecessarily since the potent arrows were a one cap but yeah vetted some shrooms and defended this new homie for the remaining hours of the day succeeding in gaining its trust at night in the morning of day 27 is when I dubbed it private Hopkins but to saddle it I would need some more Pelt so off we go an Eldritch moth chased us around for a bit leading me to eventually come across an Ovis or at least that's what it appeared to be I got 594 my sight what's the procedure interesting looking into the database I can read that this Electric Sheep can you guess that shock you so be careful approaching it with metal objects but you should have no problem containing it just with a mix of vegetables wolves were my go-to kill for Pelt but once I got to Green Obelisk I saw some real Ovis chilling near the pond which were the perfect Critters to get not only pellets but also mutton to speed up the taming process on some strong creatures just in the nick of time I spotted a sneaky slasher who was coming from behind me but that should do and whom we go however a blood moon was out which means more Alpha variant dinos are around and all enemies deal double damage to me and my team so I'm just gonna chill in the sky till it passes once daylight Grace does I flew on over to the big old blue crab to get some info yo what do you expect me to do with a giant blue lobster ah yes that must be 3700-1 you must be referring to and be happy at counterpart isn't here having an all-out War this one should be relatively easy to contain as it has been registered as generally non-hostile that's about all the information I have access to all right oh must be at least level 90 to feed SCP okay Back to Basics though Hopkins was settled and taken out on a resource run thanks to its amazing carry weight and Mobility it also performs well for Berry Gathering which all came together in the night to smelt ore make clay and mix up narcotics day 29 and I was back at the horsemen beings and trying to fend off tons of zombies and I couldn't get a hold of the professor on more Intel plus its intimidate Roar well intimidated me maybe that's what's blocking my signal I tried to knock what out but it vanished before my eyes so I flew on over to the SCP that I personally have dubbed fluffy and it sits okay oh I think it's bad oh I managed to feed him once hey that worked there you go eat that oh he likes it oh he likes it very much he's a good boy hey I got him what a success but fear is always around the corner here as another Blood Moon Rose so I hunkered down and expanded the base some more since it's been getting way too cramped in here 30 well I was building and defending doing my best to make the house not a cube even kept building through a storm but it was pretty straightforward of a day it was likely the most chill one thus far 31 had me leveling fluffball here who laughs in a way that makes me very confused and uncomfortable but okay probably um did you send me some pics of a new SCP fluffy one um um no huh weird phone must be bugging out anyway I need some polymers so off we hop towards the dunes but this giant Bronto looking being was blocking my path and making me all trippy and things got worse when this meat dog looking thing chased me non-stop leading me to a pack of microraptors that stunned me off of Hopkins and nibbled my ankles till I passed away so multiple parachutes later I got back to him and thankfully private was still alive and I got my stuff back but to continue to look for Paulie I would need more water and a new set of clothes so a trip home sorted that problem and time to Circle back to the dunes thinking I was home free whoa whoa holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] how is it so fast holy I can't see anything I can't see anything oh that right there is the prime definition of a nope rope and seems like my screams of Terror attracted this giant called breaker but seems like he hasn't noticed me just yet time to get out of here but as I look back I saw Cthulhu all right I'm calling him I need a raise I did not sign up to catch Cthulhu okay okay calm down I know this looks bad but hear me out he's generally a cool guy just don't hang out around them too long since you know you might end up worshiping him as a deity wait what uh sorry just my pizza just got shipped by are we still on the prowl to get some polymer on day 32 from Memphis bodies but my gosh there are just so many zombies and in the commotion I had lost focus of Hopkins Health no no no no no no no no no no no jump oh you have to be kidding me all right zombies you want to go I got painkillers for days [ __ ] well that's an ugly boy almost got you come here fight me I'm all in baby there you go stupid they're gonna just give me my flipping polymer man Hopkins had a bright future ahead now I need to get home without my wheels the new vulture could come in handy out here so I tamed dust yeah it was a far cry from Sentinel it's your time to shine dust oh fight him stinking bird then you do something painkillers oh Sandstorm perfect yeah things were rough and then got good and now things are turning South again the walk home felt like an eternity but finally I got through my pearly gates and made what the poly was intended for a soul gun plus a sole terminal your death will not be in vain private Hopkins and I will have Vengeance I got gasoline going on day 33 put together a fabricator repaired by best rifle mixed up some boom boom powder and got ammunition rolling come at me his crowd loose lost a screw or too by now and guess what it's a meat puppy time 2256 was in the area so that is a bit of a problem but once it was out of view I noticed there were two adult 939s as well as a baby so this whole family is getting adopted knocking out all three of the Rascals but the greatest threat of all was still microraptors oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no oh boy nope up up just that already oh thanks to the mutton they took almost no time at all to trust me as my new Companions and this what dropped a good compound bow very nice however we must stay on the Move there's still much left to do 34 and I got straight to testing 939 and could see it has a nocturnal mode which gains it the nightmare buff what's the deal with this abomination well this one seems to be a trickster being able to copy any voice some of the data here suggested it is useful to contain scp-323 though that wasn't resembling a wendigo my best guess is you make them fight and you know see what happens superheat was on the menu today but I cared not far we traveled to find this wicked beast and upon my arrival I could read the containment procedures which is to send a tamed 939 after it let it die which will trigger 323 to Feast on its fleshy corpse allowing me to tame it with human flesh level 130 was the top dog around here so I gave a crack at it my puppies threw themselves at it and slowly I was gaining its trust as it plopped down to indulge itself dust did meet its end when it turned on us rest in peace but I ran out of scps to sacrifice and I'm just one feed shy of containing this one so I went back to the 939 breeding grounds and ko'd a juvenile in the night but I just could not tame it at dawn of day 35 since there is so many hostile entities around a extra nuisance was a new type of strong Undead called Sycamore who was harassing me non-stop but I managed to slay it and put it back six feet under where it belongs finally the juvie was tamed and up next was this skittish adult that for the life of me I just could not get a hold of it's a slippery booger it took me way too long to catch it but finally it went night night and became part of our party I did test out some flame arrows that I got and man these things are pretty amazing even got to loot this empty control collar I think we can restrain a zombie with this but back to the task at hand I zipped on over to 939 and to my surprise tit's food was super low so only one more sacrifice and it should be ours however I forgot an important part to this plan 6 I see 939s gained the nocturnal buff as mentioned and even as it is an extremely low level it just shredded the poor tame into PC is well that is a whole lot of work down the drain better not let Chase know about this one but would you look at that a new plane dropping boxes opening this one in the dunes was a nightmare since the Scorch Legion was defending it but I just barely barely just snatch up its contents and escape with my head on my shoulders granting me some good armor pieces this time back at Camp I see 939 has a breeding option so if I can get a male I could make us as many as I would want to retry 323 later on but to do that I went on a Narcotics free first since that last taming trip with the dogs and not having Opie arrows still had beef fuming arrows were restocked through the sandstorm and even made better narcotics this time purple ones so this should be good in the morning of day 37 a male was spotted and was a one tap KO but I fell asleep due to its howl I think just on the ledge here next to an Eldridge overridden that would love to snack on my unconscious body but I was safe if you could call this safe I woke up and took care of him first fed the male and tamed it up but once I was home hold up wait a minute all the ones I have are female either it changed from male to female when potting it or I'm blind or simply losing it so I went back to where I spotted a male juvie tamed it up and double checked to confirm that yes this in its soul trap is still a male it just needs some time to grow up so to keep myself busy I placed a cooking pot to make kibble since the trippy Bronto that we saw will launch them later on but a bloater nuked my walls into a billion pieces allowing the opportunity for zombies to get into Camp so I rushed to patch up that hole I was safe for now but this assured me that I would need to improve my defenses this Knight had a double XP Moon showing up which is very good to know to plan around that for leveling boosts but for now I was set on making large walls and turning Camp into a base so I got tons of cactus made clay but I would need more sand to make the tons of it that I would want so nearby is this 145 I've do it that will help me with that job was that nightmare was out of the picture I landed the KO and fetted some measure berries and just went on back to gather some Cactus inside I don't want to waste my time sitting around it all day long another slot was taken out and it dropped a Mastercraft sniper which had me stoked but I was burning up in the desert heat can't travel too far from base so I got some wood near the sleeping donut and made a ton of fence foundations what did spark some joy in me is that this wild doe it saved me from a mutant beating it across the lands handling that situation for me he's like oh I'm gonna take care of it thank you very much at night defense Foundation placement began to gain more ground for the base but a Blood Moon had even peaceful doughids aggro onto me though that is another horrible effect going on as for my doe it it was ready to get to work so I saddled them up and some of the troops on the server named it Maximus Jr sand was now a non-issue so we got clay for flipping days also a scientist dropped a whole Med kit which is an amazing find saves me some time large Adobe walls were being placed onto the fence foundations but the zombies were making this build very frustrating and this pack leader SWAT was tanky not even the sniper could deal with it so I made some propellant to make flame arrows and these still were no match for it just ate it like it was nothing so I resorted to Bringing out fluffy to bury him fluffy smash two swats were killed but no good items were found among the remains so I got to lighting up the new perimeter with standing torches 40 comprised of cactus cutting keeping the walls going and have an unhealthy dose of microraptor-induced humiliation via tearing my pants off as I frantically tried to defend myself as it removed the remaining clothing pieces and my embarrassment knows no bounds as I fell into a rabid doz pit with plenty more hiccups oh [ __ ] oh sh diseased I fumbled my way around but Shredder here lived up to its name and treaded me all right get my stuff back try not to cry let's see a blood moon is rising proceed to cry fitting to tonight's moon red eyes filled the darkness of the night and a Flippin vulture chased me till the sun came up the walls were coming together nicely but zombies just don't stop getting in somehow and are making this task rather tedious the Stone Gate with reinforced doors would hopefully resist any Undead punches and spikes were started to be placed outside day 42 was the day the walls were you know semi done they're up and we'll hold for now but I want to fortify some more later but the new space gained I set 939 to breed and thankfully it works smoothly so in preparation for the babies I set the soul terminal to Auto pick up any newborns and to end off this joyful day a feeding trough was plopped down to feed our new Critters with the base set for now it was time to tame starting with what I call the horsemen Landing the KO on one with my last good arrow that I had on me and it was fed immediately I did take the time this day day to hover around till it was ready to go since once any teams are finished almost every hostile enemy aggroes onto it so better safe than sorry on this one the team was successful at Sunset and I can ride it which is pretty cool that's another one set to hand into the foundation but for now I will safeguard it here at home like the others 44 had me out and about looking for Rex's tame since I want big eggs for Kibble but I was witness to a massive battle between two scps but I quickly remembered that that one thing was what took out the heli so I am out of here this led me further south where I found the scps from the beginning and it is known apparently as scp-999 and it will be mine yet it needs rare flowers to tame so I tried to get some by hand here to no such luck sadly I need to get some from our preserving bin get these two massive scps nearby had me curious so I just had to call up the professor good use of info here I'm looking at two things that I can't decide which is uglier first off that thing looks like its torso ripped off as an unclean one surprised it's still here since in theory it can manifest to a different place just don't get too close since from what I can gather it might want to absorb you through its face as for the second one that's bananas I know these creatures are crazy but I wouldn't call them bananas no no it is actual bananas and containment protocols State they'll only eat banana chunks from others of its kind so yeah good luck with that well then time to make the mother of all fruit salads it did notice my shots but had a hard time reaching me so it began to spray what I assumed to be acid towards me almost reaching me multiple times and it was almost taken out when it found a way up oh that was close give me that banana very well that should help us team one later on kind of cannibalistic but okay for 999 I made my trip home and got to appreciate the desert's Beauty it is a hell hole but a pretty hellhole once you get the basic necessities sorted got the flowers in the morning and went back to the orange slime it's all level 125 and fed it and quickly gained its trust and the most fitting name that I could think of for this friendly face was squish I will name you squish and I will pet the squish for Squish is a good squish I will pick up the squish I am protected by the squish by your signs of joy you can turned scp-999 the tickled monster who surprisingly is the son of the highest threat contained by the foundation the Scarlet King but no worries this little guy is just a delight to have around and works as an amazing medic but I ain't gonna lie moving around on Dorado was sluggish to put it in the nicest terms so when I saw this here Eldritch diseased maywing I cared not for its level I rushed it dropped it as it was about to bite me and claimed this amazing transport creature as my own and due to its color scheme I named it spots flight home was slow since I had no saddle for spots yes but all the way I saw some troops with the maywing like mine accidentally angering a titanosaur but seems like this Eldritch disease stuff is pretty potent based on this here health bar either way home we go run inside whip up a maywing saddle and there Saddle Up spots and funnily enough I had the banana monsters lungs and my invoke what the heck do I do with this Dorado officially retired on day 46 as now spots and I would be scouting together specifically for obsidian this time which was found and collected in the Northwest mountains in hopes to create a Harpoon Gun and net projectiles later on with it but I felt a dreadful Aura nearby so carefully I peeked inside and saw an Abomination a bipedal spider named arenaia my instinct was to go report this to chase immediately since it is close to his base so I got there as fast as I could and was greeted by the task force at the northern gate so soon I have some very important information to report to Chase and I've got a really bad feeling about this please lead me to him I have some bad news General I've just come across an entity that gives me shivers down my spine it's listed as arenaia the name ring a bell no and and that's a problem that means there's three now what do you mean three my Scouts have spotted two other Abominations in the area that are not listed in the database which means they were not entities that escaped containment the acolyte must have brought them with him for now these three beings of considerable power are listed as high priority targets we assume they're what you would call his generals they seem uninterested in combat for now but we need to stay on our toes I'll handle them in due time you know I can't stay here for a long General do you have any clue on what he could be after the higher-ups are being hesitant on giving us information on the Scarlet Kings honestly it shouldn't even be possible to contain them but that's beside the point assuming that the acolyte wants to free the Scarlet King there's only one way for him to go about it there are three keys Special artifacts you might call them scattered hidden in places throughout the desert you might have noticed that there are three force fields stationed around the containment facility each key can be placed into its respective building and when all three are placed the containment measures that are keeping him in gets disabled as of now we're not sure where these keys are even located but I will keep bothering the big fishes to give up the Intel and I think you know where I'm going with this yup just another task that's above my pay grade dismissed the enemy is growing in power by the day and this threat can be ignored no longer I need to beat three powerful bosses and retrieve three keys and I supposed to do the latter I need a strong SCP to accompany me into the caves on the way home I took out some tech dinos for easy Electronics as I was lost in thought since I couldn't figure out who would be the best candidate and I need to make the right decision because we need to act fast I could not ignore the fact that spots looks like the night sky and as if entranced by the beauty before me I had a great idea the cave candidate would be the so long-desired 939 its size speed and projectile toss would be perfect so I rushed on over with a batch of Fleet puppies and just went at it during the day this time and actually succeeded I was hyped it is perfect it looks gorgeous as for the slots in the area I got a new sniper and a catch Pole to contain Walkers it seems and the second kill gained me a better AR this caves will be fine as for our new friend I named it Wendy and I thought a Calico saddle would fit however it does not so no extra armor it seems but that shouldn't be a problem I hope as for Wendy's ability the slashing deals bleed which is very exciting the toss ability works and on top of that to my utter surprise it can jump I didn't know it could do that that is probably the best thing to get on a caving creature to be honest but these Flippin Walkers man I just can't keep them out there are like ticks but in my frustration my radio started acting up hey smarty pants I got something for you ever since the blood moon started there have been some odd red bushes growing around the containment building This concerns me get over here grab a sample and send it off to your lab rat buddy you heard the man flights now across the desert are done in no time flat so I got there in a Flash and picked these red bushes Chase was talking about I'm uploading the composition of these seeds to you right now do something useful and tell me what they do alright General's orders sure thing have a little bit of faith in me will ya ah fine I'll call you back as soon as I have a breakthrough 48 and I was on that narcotic grind until Wendy and I went off to get some Explorer notes for faster leveling and tore anything and anyone apart for That Sweet XP the slashing spree was glorious to behold even got a normal Explorer note so doubling down on that police could add it on back to base took out a sickle more like the toothpick that he is and here we go nuke the meat puppies in the terminal for massive level gains for yours truly he all will not be missed the next day I tried to saddle Wendy with the Megalosaurus saddle since that also seemed like it could possibly fit however it does not worth a shot though gunpowder grind was going hard and I made some necessary installments at our base that being this generator with the power all hooked up and ready to go but that used up almost all of my metal ingots and I would need a ton for ammo so an Anki is on the menu at this level 130 on the neighboring Mountain will do perfectly so with it kayode and fed I made a trip to Greenhouse to get some mutton which I got and went further south looking for an argentavis this high level was just what I was looking for and just like that kayode and bada bang it is mine to command since there was crystal here I helped myself to it and made my way on back to my territory but our Anki sadly isn't awake yet to get to grinding but that's okay I have more than enough to do hey I think I got something I think these plants can fire projectiles try planting them around your campus defend yourself oh man you think we'd be able to afford better radios by now okay well time to make some crop plots and a ton of irrigation pipes this better helps since these zombies are a pest the RG is perfect since it can hover so I saddled it and named it Zapdos due to the current thunderstorm the pipe build was done rather quickly and was satisfying to see that a thing that I wanted since the beginning is finally made on day 50. I can drink water at my house in safety the Anki is ready so we picked him up and proceeded to make crop Towers at the gate I need to hurry since a juggie spawned in my base I had to toss them off with Zapdos I've had just about enough of you thank you Hold the Line don't give them an edge that doesn't you forced my hand time to bring out the big guns day 51 with the Anki ready to rip and named Pro Specter we went on a metal spree with Zapdos and once we had our fill set it all to smelt and just went to go get some poly it was a pretty grindy day but 52 had me planting the seeds in the crops and with the now smelted metal in Pali made the crucial Harpoon Gun a net projectile key items to taming which is what I wanted to go do but with a new Sandstorm out we wouldn't get very far with our stamina being drained so I focused on making ammunition as well as some firecrackers just in case and once it all had blown over got Polly a second time for more net projectiles and followed those items up with grappling hooks and got to repair my crossbow all this would be essential to getting the three artifacts that chase mentioned with human waste placed into the crops they finally began to show some signs of growth looking hella freaky but to keep growing some more I'd best get fertilizer started so I set the terminal to passively produce poop so about those rexes that I wanted to get big old legs for Gibble well that was on the to-do list today and not only did I find a female that iko'd but also had a male right next to it that got the same snooze treatment I did almost die off of spots due to a zombie fire very scary that right there made me just keep The High Ground for the night until the morning of day 54 when both of them were ready to help me get kibble rolling once home they got shoved into the terminal and it was set to generate unfertile eggs passively I think with the breeding pair in there it speeds up time but I'm not fully sure I didn't forget about the fertilizer though I got a compost bin set up and filled up and saw one of my pretty plans shoot perfect thank you Crimson King and Professor Nat as I was cleaning up rocks in the area so that this plot would have a better line of sight I tried to call General Chase to report back on what these planes can do but he didn't pick up which is awfully unlike him I figured I'd better go and check on the foundation so we wasted no time gliding on over Crowley over here platters what happened we faced a frontal assault from scps and it has resulted in heavy losses quickly I'm sure you want to speak to the general General I'm I'm sorry for the casualties suffered I I should have been here no you made the right call every time you leave here the zombies stop coming this horrendous Act was done by the Scarlet acolyte we knew he had some sort of control over different entities but to think he could command 610 so effortlessly he's on a whole nother level more than we could have anticipated they appeared simultaneously out of nowhere all of them rushed our gates and in the distance I saw him for a brief moment before he vanished so deeply sorry General but my plans did not work out the first time so I had no choice but to go for a direct approach the only choice I had was to use the single Mech at her disposal effect after slaying a few the remaining ones were traded into the dunes but our trump card here has suffered substantial damages and will be out of commission for the time being at least there's some good news the bosses have finally given me the clearance to know where those damn keys are and they're located here here and here yeah don't worry I'll retrieve the keys and Safeguard them probably best if I hold on to them too since the acolyte might think that if they're gone that they would end up here with you good thinking do not let them get into his hands or it'll be the end of us all now if you'll excuse me I have some more soldiers to bury this Scarlet acolyte figure struck before we could even figure out what his goals are but now we have some crucial information to get one step ahead it's time to obtain one of the three keys with one of them in our possession that should halt his plans for the time being out here in the Northwestern mountain range is where one of the caves General Chase mentioned is located at so Wendy it is tied to shine and you too squishy terrified I entered the cave system but didn't face too much opposition early on must be that squish is keeping everyone here calm Wendy's jump was perfect and even got to a loot supply Crate with a better desert cloth shirt very nice bonus going deeper I made sure to steer us through the path of least resistance as I felt an ominous presence lurking deep in the bowels of the cave it seems like some of the acolytes minions are already here and not just that these are visibly powerful an Eldritch Big Boy seem to be leading the pack along with Eldritch imps and Eldritch ridden all of which I think can one shot me so it is sniping The High Ground was perfect to take out the leader first and continue to gun down the Imp since their poison balls could cause me to be sent back to base in the blink of an eye with them out of the picture Wendy helped me to tear the riddle into ribbons and these actually give a very lucrative amount of ammunition which is very very welcome heading into the artifacts room I cleared out any remaining creatures attached to laser sight to my AR and a silencer to my sniper and got the darn key I like their apples Mr accolite I'm getting out of here with your precious prize running out with smooth sailing as nothing wanted to upset squish so it wasn't out of this pit and graced by glorious rays of sunlight it was time to head home on spots happy that this mission was a complete success weirdly enough flooded by turret plants was gone so I had to set up a brand new one on an elevated foundation in hopes it would keep it safe now scps are still roaming free and I was hired to catch them here in the first place so let's go contain banana monster since my banana chunks are spoiling very quickly and here we are Z dot okay nope that does not work okay well at least escaping that I got to find some honey would be pretty yummy with some of them banana chunks but I have to focus this is crucial to kibble making that I still gotta do and speaking of making kibble I would need all veggie types to make the kibble so a greenhouse would be needed and to make that I did a round of Crystal Gathering no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we've seen multiple dream Walkers by now and I still have no idea what they do so I got close and saw its ability and it is to spawn in a horde of Undead to Aid it the worst thing possible one could say with more Crystal gathered I got the greenhouse started and hey this SWAT here drop a Mastercraft combo which is amazing and on top of that sniper ammo and Rockets just what we would need for that rocket launcher we got early on through the night I socked the plants up with feces since it seems like they only shoot with that in them on day 57 I noticed my front plants had a hard time noticing the Walkers down below so I made some extensions and set up everything again with water and all that but now they are working very nice Greenhouse was the only focus for the remainder of the day trying to get it done as fast as possible day 58 flew by all I remember doing was adjusting some plant turrets plants all four veggie types so that is done plus repaired by gear and painted it that's probably what took so long in the day after that I spotted the plane nearby so I circled it a bit to pressure it to drop some good loot and once I opened the one that fell I got granola of ours for days guess I won't be needing any type of supplements anytime soon as for the night just grind it on that ammunition baby 59 had me feeling adventurous so I wandered on over where the unclean one likes to hang out and filled it with lead since it was too low of a level to make me want to tame it interestingly when harvested it gives minerals Scouting Around I ended up in the dunes and as I got to some ruins I spotted some scp-250 some skeletons standing as if paralyzed but here is where I came across what was described to me that attacked the foundation scp-610 a Red Serpent with wing-like appendages and it is angry but guess what so will I so I whipped out my weapons and tested everything in my Arsenal on it keeping my distance since it does have some flame ability with some final bullets it was slain and perish and agonizing pain as it should and harvesting it gives me meat that hates the boy does harvesting it feel like it took up 80 of the day after that I wandered back to scp-250 since Knight was about to fall and I wanted to see this mysterious creature in action but of course a sandstorm has to kick in right now and this is worse than it seems this place is extremely dangerous and I can't really Glide with spots just sort of hop around as my stamina drains and if that wasn't enough I couldn't see our only safety was to latch onto this Mountainside through the howling winds gripping to it for our dear lives as we waited for the sun to rise the sandstorm raged on on the morning of day 60 but here is where I learned how to make SCP repellents to maybe help maintain banana monster and it also needs flesh that hates so I think we should be set to make that once the storm had subsided I went to check on scp-250 and they moved around now think you're slick but you ain't fooling me I'll be back you hear this day brought about a new unclean one which was tracked out and fed with some mutton while it's taming I took out another banana monster to restock on chunks since mine were pretty much all gone by now and Presto unclean one is ours and I ain't gonna lie this thing like really creeps me out like a lot on our flight back I did want to try to contain scp-3700 now that it was all alone and I got to feed it once but soon after that everything here decided to intervene much to my dissatisfaction and that of our blue crab friend as it started thrashing about and even causing explosions safe to say it is furious now so maybe we'll come back at a later date upon our arrival back home I noticed I had some scp-610 nodule in my inventory not sure what it does but in the name of science I ate it and nothing happened not sure if that will have consequences later on but I'll probably be okay and yes the SCP repellents were also crafted successfully in the night 61 had me back on that Narco grind since these high tier narcotics are so expensive to make it was a day-long grind but slots are still lucrative got myself an ascended AR and more Rockets this continued into 62 until I flew out this code for high level tames and the undead Croc here is level 145 but has over 500 000 torpor so I rushed home to do some more train thinking math based on these narcotics that do 20K I would need like in the ballpark of 26 that is a whole lot of Narcotics to make to get that so I put the berry Gathering into overdrive even swapped the veggies out for more narcos but in my frantic State I still managed to notice that the black metal track arrows on a hundred percent damage combo deal up to 120k so that lowers my grind need considerably I need like seven or so considering I might miss some shots but I was craving a better way to make them so I had a bright idea I flew on over to scp-2256 and I think it would be a good Berry gatherer and it needs exceptional kibble to tame so I zipped on home and started making focal chili one of the main ingredients for this kibble was that the rexes to make some more eggs did a little meat run with Wendy in the meantime the dozs are also a really good source of spoiled meat for Narcotics and also do The Loot Crate Wave Mission got a ton of food in it which would have been really cool if it could have been ascended weapons but either way circled back home to make the kibble and crafted black narcotics as expensive as they are in the early hours of day64 I thought to myself yeah let's do another wave of zombies for the contents of this crate but things got out of hand so quickly as with the waves a extra horde showed up with the scream secondly a bloater boomed me and I fell unconscious in the midst of the hordes thankfully Wendy was fending them off shortly after the crate broke and I got forced off the side of the cliff and it was raining zombies they just do not stop coming but this had its upsides too sure the fighting was very tiresome but there were plenty of swats in the mix so I got myself thanks to their loot an ascended long neck rifle and a normal shotgun but the grind never stops a little highlight as well was that I got cluster grenades added chainsaw from a Loot drop the last bit of kibble made I went back to the trippy SCP well that's odd there's only one folder that seems to line up with this huge creature but Old Dart has been corroded and apparently same goes for any physical documentation I managed to feed it from one piece of kibble but then I got pound spray meat puppies again and that almost knocked out spots so I really need to be careful I waited for the upper tune moment to strike swooped in and finished the feeds parted it up and off we go to safety I immediately brought it out at base to test it out and it is huge and highly intimidating as for its Berry Gathering capabilities they it's all right I mainly managed to get somebody leveling it up which makes it lower its head allowing me to get a ton of them for a short burst of time so uh not very efficient to be honest so you guessed it back to the same old grind if we plan on taming anything super powerful since it is in our best interest to protect ourselves in case the acolyte comes looking for the key 66 had me due to Pro run for her chemistry bench since I am tired of making narcotics in the pestle and mortar Elsa got polymer from semantis Titan alongside that for cementing paste when I came across a platoon of SCP P6 tens in the form of female dodo Reapers I'll be back to slay you for what you've done back at home I put together some more Electronics make some stuff for the paste and got to crafting the chem bench so now production is going through the roof once a few more black arrows were made on day 67 I set out for another taming session sadly though the immortal Croc is now low level this time due to a dynalipe so I will keep looking for something better the search led me to stumble across the familiar yet new creature an alpha 939 oh big and strong this has to be a high level threat so I started gutting it down and blowing it up but decided to wait for daytime for its nocturnal buff to disappear I know it's not the same universe but man this thing reminds me of otagaran for some reason I was running out of ammunition it was incredibly annoying running around and pulling hostile Undead aggro to me in the process plus bit roared knocking me unconscious and landed me straight into the Blade's reach of these horrifying beings resulting in my death leaving question spots behind through the thunderstorm I Rush on Zapdos back to him and thankfully they are safe I got them back along with my stuff but the alpha 939 is gone vanished from existence I looked so long and couldn't spot it on spots defeated I returned home to repair my gear and make more ammo since while I was all out the ordeal made me realize that I need a strong tame I can't reasonably progress more without one so I did a mutton run and went on over to scp-3700 the big old blue lobster one feet worked but took forever to want to eat again so in the meantime I flew on over to the dunes next to the wyvern scar to tame the big old tentacle whale that got us into this vest in the first place scp-682 but I thought the Croc was 682 hey what's the deal here one time it's a Croc the next it's a flying whale what gives so the hard to kill reptile The Croc as you say basically it's a mortal it's also hyper intelligent as for the whale I have no idea nothing is in the database but I concluded could be an evolved form of the Croc considering they both seem to have the same hair stylist come here big boy come here come on it's a little bit closer come on not in the wyvern trench come on come here not on the wyvern trench come on take that very close call there but happy it is not in the lava below the feed was Swift and our she blows our incredibly powerful flying space whale with tentacles that summons creatures spits explosive acid and evolve from an immortal crocodile either way back to the crab it still won't eat my meat the button I mean so I checked on the Croc again and there was a level 135 but I'm going to need even more black tranq arrows for it the grind just never stops so with that rolling on Day 70 it was time to do another Cave Run I almost forgot I need to hurry to get the keys so in we go into this crevice which has the cave entrance right here moving along when the Squish and I were pretty relaxed until a platoon of Eldritch Undead were spotted and their Captain seem to be this crimson-blooded Shredder that deals more damage so I use my sniping skills to take out the head honcho followed by any imps and finally clean up the rest with Wendy's slash attack squeezing through tight spaces we got to the main chamber and spotted the key still in place We snuck in carefully but as soon as I picked it up the nearby dinos aggro down to me so we zoomed on out of there thankfully making it out safely that is two out of three keys obtained since we were close to scp-3700 I checked on it and it was finally ready to Chow Down so the remainder of the tame was done super fast and once I got back home I immediately got testing it it has multiple claws which you can use to do attacks and damage reduction which is really cool a bubble explosion and a Dancy dance to put enemies into a trance it doesn't do anything it just looks pretty cool Bravo checking on our whale 682 it is massive causes enormous explosions and is just an intimidating Force to have on our side you can see why the acolyte used this one day 71 was the day to get the final key for safe keeping and flew out to the dunes and entered these here ruins going down the staircase fighting through dinos and appreciate the cave art jumping and sneaking past some non-hostiles I got to the main cave clearing where was some perfect jumps from Wendy we got across and had a look on a head noticing another pack of Eldritch Undead the leader here seemingly to be a crimson-blooded sycamore who I tried to snipe first but he was taking a beating and just not dropping I filled him up with lead as fast as I could and just in the nick of time hopped onto Wendy to deliver the finishing blow once the remaining imps were sniped and overridden cut in half we retrieved with the final key and made our way out as fast as we could making it through the tunnels safely but as soon as I got to the surface and my radio got signal I received a new call what in tarnation did you do I got the three keys just like you asked those darn higher-ups need to give me clearance to all available information I think what happened is removing the last key triggered an alpha Manticore to spawn in the dunes you started this go finish it and take it out proudly do this Crowley do that and cut me some slack well that's a problem I did what I was supposed to but the problems just keep stacking up I got home with the intent to level 6a2 but man he is slow as F we did get some levels in though at least the newly appeared Manticore was our objective on Day 72 bringing out our crab and whale we began our attack but it kept flying back and forth between here and the mountains all the time and both my creatures are incredibly slow so this will be fun the back and forth was incredibly frustrating to deal with so what I did was swap my Mount now on the lobster I eventually caught up to it they got it pinned between me and 628 I was pinching it and our whale was whacking It On Cue cinematically a thunderstorm rolled in fitting perfectly with our lightning effects we barely got damage due to our armor buff so with that out of the picture and with a ton of engrams gained we went on home excited to make some tech Machinery due to our recent Tech engram unlocks I rushed on to the whale spawns to tame another and it went really well sadly it did lose a little bit of Effectiveness due to a scorched Undead but yeah there's one ready to go to make a replicator and other crucial machines I need black pearls so I went to farm death worms on 3700 but came across a spider version of 610. this made me change my focus from black pearls to flesh that hate making me go on a rampant spree through the dunes to find every single six one zero and tear it apart and it went very well dropped off all of the flesh at night and got to the Pearl grind on day 74 waiting for more 6-1 zeros to spawn also 3700 was now named crab rangoon the death worms were almost impossible to find so I fought a hive carrier and apparently it summons little Knight minions they dropped a good about a riot armor and what I came to realize is these Dunes here are a bullet Farm the amount of scorched zombies here is insane but on crab rangoon this is the prime spot to suck up an ammunition later in the day I did fight a breaker and he is tough but we honestly barely felt him because we thank you it also dropped right here we ended any valuable Target targets into day 75 and got our sweet revenge on an alpha 939 granting us a smidge of elements so we'll take about whenever we see him ending countless amounts of death worms along more flesh that hates the Black Pearl Gathering was extremely slow like mind-numbingly slow it took up the whole day 76 was spent Gathering obsidian plus a ton of pearls since this day I made a pearl converter to craft my own black pearls it is expensive but a tad more feasible to get done besides from that I got tons of battle for the remaining hours since we need multiple thousands of metal ingots for a tech replicator and it ain't gonna make itself so 77 was entirely used for the exact same grind not much to add here since nothing really noteworthy happened but by day 78 I made a conga line of forges to smelt ore like 10 times faster grinded more metal and I thought I'd be smart by looting this oil pump and placing it and then destroying it for ingots but that was a massive flop I thought I had a good idea there but yeah was still going pedal to the metal with narcotics and harvest more hateful meat pieces that continued into 79 and man these 610 reapers are tanky so you guessed it I want one of them with enough resources now back at home I crafted my very own 610 Reaper female and it will spawn in at a random level but for once a ray of luck graced me granting me a Max Level pile of engy meat oh that's just that just made this whole Adventure worth it right there I'm good I'm set so now with this new companion we continue to take down 6-1 zeros in a cannibalistic way since we need to make another for my grand plans and this meat driven Massacre took up the entirety of day 80. I was dead set on making another one since I plan on breeding these monstrosities more of that grind on 81 however I did get to craft a second one coming out as level 190 which is okay since we already have a Max Level the rest of my time was spent just restocking all of the forges which was a long process into 82 along with you guessed it more narcotics but I did get another call on the radio hello Crowley just checking in I hear you collected all the keys will you be bringing them to our base soon hey flatters yeah I'm just a little bit held up at the moment but don't worry they're safe with me I'll bring them in a few days all right okay then just don't take too long pretty soon an Evac will be coming to bring you home so it'll be good for you to hand in those keys and the scps of course sooner rather than later but Jeff Brandon is all I did so that finally on the blessed day 83 I placed the tech replicator to make more Tech items and my goal is the SS mutator and for that I'd need another poly run as I waited for more metal to smell once that was done I flew on over to check the immortal Croc and it's only level 100 but I can't wait any longer I need to do this now I flung the arrows that costed me a fortune to make and most of them just wouldn't connect the most agonizing shots of my life and by the time I was out of arrows he would have been ko'd if just one more would have hit so I rushed on home and made the singular yellow narcotic I could make which you might have guessed isn't enough deep breaths everyone deep breaths so I went back home grinded for the 50 millionth time for black trains and there finally with that done the arrow hit and it was out cold and with mutton in its info and after a long wait it was tamed at night during a sandstorm so I could barely see it that is one terrifying tame off the list the pieces to my plan are in place so here we go on day 85 the mutator was crafted and one of the six tens was changed with a gender swap pulse to male so now I can breed six TENS for a 10K meaty beefy Army and up next is 682 in whale form which got the same process applied and with this your breeding pulse it's time to make my own Fleet of them all this is most definitely against what I should be doing I should contain not make more of these things but I'm sure Chase will not find out 86 had me back on my duties taming a Max Level scp-999 I need more squishes plus got banana chunks again since mine just keeps spoiling and on the way home a new SCP appeared a nine-tailed fox registered as 953 I need to be one of those and I need 610 body parts to tame thankfully I do have some Titan Hearts so I hopped on home to make tracks and returned to send it to Sleepy Town it just looks so cool its torpor drops very fast and More Zombies than ever showed up so feeding at narcoberries was a hassle especially since it ate very slowly and with a zombie cry in the night the horror grew way too quickly to handle I tried to blast them all into the morning but there was just no end to them first at midday it was tamed and I dubbed it Kurama look if I wouldn't name it that everyone would be disappointed in me testing it out this would have been a really good cave tame as well due to its jump Fleet slash and stunning Tailwind but yeah you know what I did for the rest of the day narcotics 88 had been performing The Great ACT of setting squishes to Greed lovely best decision I've ever made and went to look for more entities to contain which led me to spot a big old bird named scp-659 but at the moment they are incredibly busy so anticipating some fights I came on over with Zapdos and once they settled down I got one knocked out and eliminated the other but the sleeping one was glitched into the sky so I parachute dropped onto it and fed it however that led me to being stuck in its body uh hey Nat I'm in a bit of a pickle here ah so you're stuck in scp-659 eh well at least you got it asleep these critters have flock like behaviors and increase intelligence and more of its condo in the flock so I'm glad you're able to single one out I'm sure you'll be free once it wakes up from its nap well then with this thing tamed I flew on over to base to get SCP repellents and on the way I noticed I can swap what I drop which is pretty cool we are a literal air bomber with the SCP repellents in hand I arrived at the fruit Fiend I applied the spray and it is still very much so mad I don't know what to do it is a passive game and I'm out of options at this point I I don't know flying in the mountains I found scp-1000 looking like Bigfoot over here but it died there was the second one but I have no idea what a y909 substance is to tame it not a clue completely stumped so I resorted to getting honey in the night in order to make a veggie cake in the morning of day 90 with it I managed to tame Sparky here from the beginning of the adventure so that's one more ready for the foundation it can jump super high and can call down Thunderbolts from the heavens which is pretty neat scouring the lands for more scps I found one of the three bosses that I still need to beat the Eldritch Emperor and he has a army Plus a whopping 400k Health pool so before I'd lose them I flew back home and began to prepare my Army of six TENS for an engagement this brings us into day 91 where all day I got today my Army after my lovely patrons that support my Adventures every single month thank you very much and I am so excited to see these precious beasts perform in battle and the time to fight is now I made a platform saddle for crab rangoon and flew through thunder and rain to the emperor's territory I got some bunk beds set up on the platform and brought out a batch of six tens and marched into the war zone a dino wipe did happen between days so our target has had a little bit of a stat reroll but let us not waste any time Sikkim tear them to pieces Go My Pretties go you are no match for the angry meat perish perish perish under my might before crab rangoon and the Reapers aren't even feeling it like I knew they were tanky but what the heck I have outdone myself this day sparish grab Rangoon smash he doesn't even know what to do come on come on let him get up just kidding die and it is done the Eldritch Emperor is no more and we gotta uncracked Eldridge spawn egg plus the Eldritch Emperor trophy very nice I'm pretty sure the foundation will appreciate this all packed up and back home we go and once there I consumed this egg and that dropped a hatchable version so most of the morning of day 93 I watched the egg till it hatched and got immediately picked up by the soul terminal where for now it will raise up I then brought out our amazing Croc and named it Florida's finest who got a 4X XP note and got taken out on a leveling spray and dang this boy has a ton of bleed which is pretty sick I have big plans for you and that would be to assist me in taking out the next creature that chase was worried about the Watcher and it is ugly I got some beds placed just in case and brought out the meaty beefy Army hopped onto Florida's finest and confidently began the slaughter let's get this party started everybody cause of commotion there we go no I got a couple on them you know it's so tough oh he's actually tanking a lot for only 12.5k Health he's pretty tanky lock in the park baby whoa there's a blind ability okay oh the ability is called horde so he blinds me and summons in Undead I think they're just having a hard time hitting him what about what about now try to bite his head off he's just not taking damage all right I'll take matters into my own hands hey we did it yeah I just needed to show him how it's done that's that's all it was all right well that wasn't too bad at all oh he's easy squeezy Eldritch overwatcher okay round two there you go now he's getting some shots off pretty sure this guy summons in Eldritch creatures I need to watch out for the Eldritch M's they might one shot me off of my Croc oh he's about to be half Health okay oh he can't even breathe look I'll show you how it's done I'll show you how it's done and it is down so you see everybody man you guys are flipping useless all right party people let's oh God damn it Crimson okay everybody back to work and a blind and that's a lot of crimsonello's come on peeps back me up back me up all right why is everybody so mad shut up go this way or we'll take a bath or something all right all right uh I think that does it let's wrap it up oh mother of worms 160k help that's not good all right everybody this has to be the final version let's go come on oh he's going into the cave he's making a break for it let her rip hi big guy okay that's a whole lot of Undead and it's Crimson blooded sicklemore spines oh my armor holy oh he hurts me off of my mouth okay I gotta go all right you guys keep them occupied all right squish keep me healthy all right he's under half health I don't want to get too close though because he almost one shot me are you guys even hitting him come on I'm gonna cause him some bleed oh and that broke my other armor you guys get off me I do not have spare armor so I don't want to risk this too much here we go there we go oh I was almost dead almost dead you guys got this down it goes baby that is another high priority threat take it out for the foundation I did get a ton of Watcher eyes from those kills and they give me my own ridden which explains how the acolyte keeps having them under his Control Plus the mother of worm's eyes gives me higher tier versions can't wait to tell chase that I figured this out but before that irenea needs to be taken out before she strikes so I prepared the squad in front of the tunnel as ready as can be but a little bit suspicious based off of that last fight Alright by pretties you know what to do clean up this cave like your life depends on it I could web them too okay well it makes sense it is a spider lady all right yeah they did it feel like there's more to this one X arenaia looking like an Eldritch too just like the Watcher all right peeps move up this is a hard terrain to fight in my gosh you are no match for Florida's finest easy squeezy but cheesy baby Crimson blooded shouldn't be a problem well that was over quick I thought she would be much tougher I was worried for nothing why light I wonder what this one does we can be diplomatic about this she is definitely much tankier than the rest that's for sure okay uh I I I guess we're done this is the boss that never ends uh the Hunter and she's out oh boy this is gonna be rough okay uh I might need help with this one charge my pretties what the [ __ ] what hey yo hey yo oh it hurts me off my tape up squish oh it's summoned in so many different areas I just really need to watch my health because it really hurt me off my team but squish is squish is doing an outstanding medical job here everybody oh oh that hurt Me by pretties oh my Crocs health is already close to half oh it hurts it hurts real bad but I think we got it and there it is oh mama oh it still has more underlings here they brought the immortal Croc's Health to down to under half that was tough that sure had some tense moments I almost perished a few times and lost a ton of armor but proudly we walked on home knowing that we prevented many casualties final stretch last chance to Wrangle some nasties so with more mutton in the bag I decided it's time to tame Mr Cthulhu and by the looks of things I might have shown up at a bad time with some medium potency arrows I landed The Knockout and shoved mutton down its throat in the meantime since giant serpents like to hang out at this spot might as well grab one too however their reaches as far as ever one misstep and I'm a goner sadly two arrows didn't connect which hurts since I'm basically out of time to make even more narcotics but I did just barely manage with what I had and succeeded at taming 7-2-2 right here as well as 2622 testing them out the snake applies Venom Roars a lot and is super fast but likes to get stuck on Pebbles and Cthulhu just decided to eat itself off the cliff but based on his moves he's pretty cool likes to smash things and I can respect that before I'd head on over to the foundation base I potted out the Eldritch scorpion but it's small not as impactful as I thought it would be but I was packed up and ready to leave this dastardly desert I named one of my flying 682 whales tiny and together we did a final pass across the land searching for any scps that I could snatch up considering my time here is up but nothing new showed itself still uh I mainly was just flying around too Flex to our enemies that what got me into this mess in the first place is now under my control but in the afternoon it was time to pay a final visit to the Troops private finders and of course General Chase General Chase Private Flanders glad to see you're both doing well it's almost time for me to leave so I guess it's time for me to hand in those keys and scps on over to you perfect with your Evac we'll also be getting some reinforcements so I think we'll be fine thank you for all your hard work Professor the private Fighters put these keys back into their designated storages yes sir thankfully there haven't been any attacks since we scared off 6-10 pretty sure that defeat made the act like tuck his tail and run thank you for your service General but I have no more use for you General Chase Flanders it was you oh Professor Crowley so smart that you were still just playing around in the palm of my hand weren't you you're so helpful for dreaming those keys honestly when Chase he divorce how to free the king and where to get the keys I could barely contain myself sure you beat me to them and took out some of my henchmen but the outcome is the same no I have important matters to attend to server range for some of my friends to keep you occupied you son of a get back here what have you done good thing here friends never learned to crouch okay I think the coast is there but it's not clear okay here's my chance I need to make a break for it did he turn all the soldiers at these zombies I need to get out of here come on come on please don't let me be too late but just in case I also have my little friends with me you were two Hasty Flanders you should have taken my creatures off of me when you had the chance you'll end everything what an astute observation Professor that is precise you have to be kidding me please go and attack he's stunned thanks to squish look I can do it yes go on my pretties go sacrifices will save the world just keep it up oh now that he isn't stunned anymore he's barely taking damage I need more squishes to do their thing and we'll back them up the Air Force oh he's done this is the time we are just tearing him down but I feel like he's just getting started some of my whales are half health okay uh some of my whales are at no help oh Scarlet King is preparing a huge attack oh oh this is bad oh that is painful oh my babies oh a blood moon is rising you have to be kidding me more squishes more flesh that hate I'm almost out though come by pretties to battle Rush him oh there goes my armor oh he's breaking so much of my armor good thing I brought some spares oh we're doing good damage now we're doing good damage all right we got him under a million now now we're finally making a good push whoa where you going buddy boy [Music] now he's taking big damage all right he's under 500 000. ah it's about to die oh my dinos ate him well ended and recycled we just saved the world not what I signed up for but happy things turned out will the Scarlet King return I'm pretty sure he will I doubt it being like that would just stay down but for now the remainder of day 99 was spent cleaning up after Flanders big old mess as I waited for my Evac to get me out of here it was on day 100 when I passed through the foundation's gates for the last time taking in the devastation that Flanders Left Behind remembering General Chase and his great efforts here along with all of his soldiers question lingers though why was Flanders so hell-bent on ending the world not sure where he is but I doubt we've seen the last of them I just hope the next time that we meet he can at least explain his actions hey I'm coming home perfect I'll send an invoice to chase for both our hard work about that I have a lot to tell you but I think it's time for me to retire oh hey there little buddy glad to see you're still alive and yes we cannot forget that rise of Kingdoms graciously supported this adventure so let's indulge in its content of the PC version or on mobile along with a massive community and find some people to team up with of the massive seamless world map so join me my lovelies with the link below to download ROK claim those 20 silver keys with the promo code and enjoy yourselves in the multi-civilization event
Channel: Crowmeda
Views: 448,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark 100 days, 100 days scp, scp foundation, scp lore, scp 999, scarlet king, scp mod, area 51, mobile task force, scorched earth 100 days, story 100 days, wendigo, scp containment, scp protocol, ark modded 100 days, ark mods, scp 323, scp zombies, ark zombies, ark zombie mod, ark 100 days zombies, floydson 100 days, natural cauzes 100 says, chaotic 100 days, flesh that hates, how to contain scp, crowmeda 100 days, crowmedia, crowmedia 100 days, crow 100 days
Id: _DR8EQg1w9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 51sec (6651 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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