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100 days as a nuclear engineer in nuclear craft overhaul versus a parasite apocalypse yeah that's right I'm finally playing the new nuclear craft overhaul because here we go and it's amazing well minus the whole run escape parasite update trying to kill me and oh boy do they try to kill me I think we got it right there holy crap are you serious just wait till day 75 things get crazy oh but first we're gonna need to survive the frozen icy Alps with tough as Nails making everything well pretty tough oh my God then we need to build a massive new overhaul nuclear reactor we need to use that reactor to help us stop the new stronger parasites and well a ton of other things too I won't spoil it it's since it's inside oh no no no no no no no no is this video almost three hours long yes yes it is is it worth it this is my best 100 days video yet so yes yes it is and it all starts in these tiny hot springs in the middle of a frozen Mountain winter so on day one we wake up soaking wet and no it's not because we peed the bed that's just because of the hot springs it's a good thing too because in this Frozen Mountainside biome the cold will quickly freeze us and make us start losing Health fast and no by the way we can't just run away to a better biome because this entire world is frozen so we need to start to gather supplies for survival right now hey little buddy look at least we freeze to death we uh got each other right does look pretty though and in this mod pack we're using tough as nails that means we can't go around and punch down trees for wood in the middle of the day it does seem to be warm enough so that we can spend a little bit of time to look around then I start to get worried because I think I might start to take some damage so I run back down into the hot springs they do keep me warm down here but I actually find out later that just being in any cave or any kind of shelter like this does keep you a little bit warm so while in this cave we get some Flint we smash on a rock to get Flinch shards while I'm doing this I do have the weird thought that we're going from these little Flint shards all the way up to being a nuclear physicist and all of it starting from just these sticks and stones for right now we're gonna head down into the caves to look for a spider we avoid some zombies and soon we find some okay now she took no damage right there that's actually not bad oh perfect so after that we have a stick some string and some flint and we can make a primitive Hatchet and this is a huge step forward this right here 100 saved our lives and I can't stress that when you can't punch a tree watching your very first tree fall down it's a pretty big boost to your morale we needed this next we have to manually cut all the logs into planks by hand so we lay them all out then we chop them all up we're making good progress here we still have a little bit of daylight so we'd chop down another tree I go to the old hot springs and I get a little bit of water we have enough Flint to make a flint pickaxe and that's good too because all of this cold and drinking this bad water has got us to pretty low health and the first night hasn't even started so we got to be careful just before I run into some shelter we grab a little bit of coal to make torches and to burn furnaces for warmth and while I'm here I start to make my plans if we survive I want to make this little Valley into my own little cabin but right now there's no time to think about that we get headed back into the caves oh yeah you know just a a blood Aurora not ominous at all no no even though these caves are much warmer we should still make a furnace and start cooking to make a little extra warmth they make a little bit of heat and with the sound of those zombies right next to us we should probably make a little bit of armor too first with our few pieces of copper we make a saw a pick and I even make a stone sword now normally I wouldn't pick a fight if I'm this weak but we have no food source in this Frozen biome we're getting pretty cold and pretty hungry we Chow Down on some rotten flesh not one of my prouder moments but it does Keep Us Alive I'm gonna try I think I can get so that they can actually Hit Me Maybe I I don't know if I like this right here oh why do they have Diamond arm oh oh they got armor they have like Soldier armor oh cool great yeah that's good that's what I want my vision starts to get blurry here and I was a little bit confused for a second but pretty quickly I realize what's happening I need to run back up top and get some water from the hot springs because extreme thirst makes you start to go blind I head back down on the start of day two and just like the zombies I'm fighting I'm starting to get hungry for some more flesh but also we managed to get a few oars while we're down here when you're this early in the game I I gotta say I'm right on the edge with survival here I just need to keep pushing forward and start mining to help us get better gear so that we'll have a better chance to survive and of course we're also going to get started on the real reason that we all came to watch this video the new nuclear craft overhaul goodies we're going to start out with the good old Decay generator to start making some power but honestly as I soon find out these things suck even more in overhaul so we're gonna quickly rush to some solar panels ASAP sadly my thirst gets the better of me before I can do that I need to run back up to the surface and get another drink but I do manage to hatch up a little plan I cook up some of the iron I've mine and I make a bucket now I can carry water with me wherever I go I'll use my last bit of iron to throw a little shield on top of that and we're set in fact why not upgrade it to a copper shield and since we're working on our defense let's get some iron armor too and at the very end of day two we run out of iron predictably so we're gonna have to use copper instead and uh its stats are pretty far down there I think that's equal to leather armor ugly but it'll have to do for now speaking of copper being ew I head down into this beautiful glowing mushroom cave I find my old friends uranium and thorium but because we have a copper pick we can't actually Farm them yet so I make a little pit stop here make a crafting table and then with it I make a furnace okay okay look how tanky they are there's like a Soldier zombies coming out of nowhere alright I think I might actually have to be careful here these are like a lot stronger than I thought they were going to be you know after hearing myself there I think this might have been a bad video to add live voiceovers I'm forced to try and heal eating rotten flesh and drinking dirty water but I do get the iron pick so I'm not leaving here without the radioactive elements sure enough we do finally manage to get that Redstone and now we can make a Decay generator and we even get some magnesium for some batteries for later on I find this nickel and I decide to pass it up ooh big mistake I even do a little bit of spelunking for some diamonds too already on day three not bad I mean what assuming we don't drown right here or freeze to death in these icy waters man the whole world really is out to kill me today luckily big brain Captain does have a bucket of lava which gives us super fast heat anywhere we go finally we grab a little bit of lead for the Decay generators as well oh no no no no no no no no no easy did these zombies are so annoying Duda oh I'm out of I'm out of I have I have a saw I have a saw so yeah it turns out um copper saw is not the meta I decided to make a diamond pick because eventually we will need to mine obsidian but let's head back up to the surface first so at the end of day four we pop up into the mountains to see this Blood Aurora back at base we can start to make our way towards our first nuclear craft toy the Decay generator first we're gonna have to get one of the furnaces cooking up a lead in the meantime I do decide to add a little bit of storage but I didn't want this to be our home I wasn't going to make a bunker video not again but for now I'm stuck down here with this lava in the base rotten flesh in our tummies it's some dirty water here we have all the scuffed things we need to kind of survive you know it is still better than my apartment IRL we get our very first Decay generator but before we set it down let's try to get some food that isn't just zombie butt I find this area here and decide I'll set up a farm right here we make our first man who is making a press ah got you there yeah I decided to hold off on making the manufactory because I need this press to help me with surviving first and foremost speaking of surviving we can now set down our old trusty taters then we can get back to cooking up some of our nuclear elements finally next I try to use the Press but harvestcraft isn't actually compatible with this wood so now I'm sad what's better for when you're feeling sad than going on a crazy shopping spree so the next thing we're going to focus on is making a market unfortunately to build a market you need four wool we're gonna need a lot more string so we have the exact same problem we did on day one now in real life llamas can totally make fleece but no llamas in Minecraft can't be cool I guess so now I have to find a new way to cope with my depression and we're headed back to the nuclear craft fund I set down our very first block of thorium I then grabbed the Decay generator and plop it right on top now it's time to make that manufacturing we make a copper solenoid and we have my favorite machine already built we add that straight onto the generator and get it powered oh hmm kind of powered not really powered like I said turns out the Decay generator is one of the first big changes in the overhaul not in a good way either but I'll show you that a little bit later for now we have an iron sword and some delicious flesh so let's head back into the mines [Music] oh what yo don't move look how fast he is look how fast this zombie is no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God what is that dude if I dude yep turns out the zombies are super tanky what if I get oh nope nope nope and sneaky too this one pops right in my base and almost ends our playthrough I get back to the mines only to find some of this Russian zombies oops don't get political don't get political next we find the spawner and that's cool but more importantly we find these chests with some loot sure this this golden apple is great but the real treasure here is the string now we're a lot closer to getting that market fortunately we're no closer to getting to use our manufactory though literally like no closer remember guys it's been an entire day now and the energy level hasn't gone up a little bit on top of that my taters are only barely starting to grow I'm really having a bad day here I clear out a little bit of snow I'm getting desperate here luckily this overgrown Stone acts like grass and it can be bone meal thank God like legit we needed that so bad with those plant fibers we can make string they can make wool they can make the market I still have the old version of harvestcraft 2 aka the better version yeah I said it and now we can buy some real crops the very first thing we get is peas now hold on you hear me out here it gets better I promise peas grow year round and at this point I have this really weird sinking feeling that it might be the wrong season for potatoes so peas are just to be safe right now but what also grows year round that's right tea leaves and they don't totally suck to eat I told you it gets better just like I feared even though we're inside a cave we still start to freeze and we have to go huddle around the lava for war but as soon as we warm up we go back to plant hemp soy and tea true hipster diet then in legit like three minutes in game we start to freeze again we really have to work on getting this whole area heated up tough as Nails is well it's tough so I decide right here that I'm going to turn this whole Frozen Valley into a Tropical Oasis this is going to be the main objective for my entire playthrough and it's starting with some banana trees but it'll have to wait I don't have enough emeralds to just waste on trees they're a little too expensive first we're gonna have to focus on getting some animals instead and we're going to be using the nutrition mod to make things even more of a realistic survival challenge this chicken egg here will be a good source of protein then with our last few little emeralds right here we're gonna get some onions and some cotton now we'll never run out of string again honestly three out of ten worst Farm ever but hey at least we could add a little chicken coop with a little chicken and yes I mean little it's literally like a two by three Hey Little Cook Mr clock hey Mr clock after that embarrassment I craft up our first uranium block and it helps to get us a little bit more power because we literally have none after two whole days and that kind of shows me something is wrong here so I go to check the thorium block and sure enough it's already decayed into lead after less than a day old nuclear crafts would have these blocks give you a little bit of power for like seven days maybe but this means that an overhaul the Decay generator is essentially useless in my first 100 days video in a bunker I could use the Decay generator all the way up to a fission reactor this time that is not going to happen we're going to need solar panels to bridge the gap for sure but first our poor nutrition is giving us mining fatigue already so we start out by making a pot which we can use to turn water into salt then we make a mortar and pestle so we can grind this wheat that we found in those chests into flour then we add the flour to the water and to the salt in a mixing bowl finally we bake the dough in bakeware and we have our very first real food that just sounds like bread with extra steps and even though we pound down like six loaves right here we still need a whole lot of help so let's try to squeeze a few eggs out of Mr cluck man I'm so dumb hold wait a minute it's already decayed no yeah that's right Captain essentially nine iranium ingots can only make us one pulverized coal that's how nerfed this is dude I don't get it I guess the I guess overhaul doesn't want you to use Decay generators because I don't know what to do that like messes up our whole plan so we fry up an egg and we get a little bit of help with protein it's just enough to fix our mining fatigue also we get two extra hearts on top of that so this is actually working out since farming is like the only thing going okay for me I decide to grab some more crops and to go dig up a bunch of dirt to add to the farm at least harvestcraft isn't going to betray me I hope tough as Nails however is still being a huge pain in my frozen butt dude what is this do I have to walk back no wait I got an idea there problem problem kind of solved right I only get like a little bit further on the farm and I have to come back to get warmth again so now that we have some lava going in this room we can finally get a proper Farm going down in the cave once again it is starting to look like I'm making another bunker after all we get our very first soybeans but we can't eat them yet because we really need to plant them then we get another egg and we can't eat that because I break it dude and after being disappointed by everything I decide the last thing I have going for me is mining we make a small mine down in the back of the cave till I run into some obsidian but I decide we can use this I cut out a little portal in this wall of obsidian instead of farming the ten obsidian and setting them up also we get a little bit of green tea so I'm not totally starving but of course I can never have any good luck without something like this wow wow look how tanky he is imagine if it was this tanky Annie was the fast one this is dude that's not good that's really scary just before I decide to head to the nether I make one last attempt to make our Decay generator work and I farm as many nuclear elements as I can I'm pretty upset about this whole thing but I do find one light at the end of the tunnel because inside of this mine shaft there's a set of exoskeleton boots that have Diamond stats which is good but also they negate fall damage yep I'm basically playing Apex Legends because I have no fall damage anymore finally I mine up as much as I can and I head home just in time because we are super low on food and water and I'm having this much of a struggle and there aren't even parasites yet I can't I can't tell if this is beautiful or if it's terrifying yeah I know I I made up my mind it's terrifying I'm gonna go with terrifying if that light if that if this isn't our Valley right here we might die to the elements luckily turns out this was my valley and we barely make it home geez just barely we drink some water and all that does is let us see just how low our saturation is look at this this almost looks like some Great Depression grainy footage and it makes sense too I'm really feeling a Great Depression because the food situation is pretty dire here luckily however I do manage to get a few eggs and this time I am not going to break them I craft up some fried eggs and slowly cure my color blindness and yes I know that's not what colorblind it you know what I mean I then decide to jeopardize my health again and I start to play with a ton of radioactive elements we get one thorium and three uranium blocks and set them all up on our generator with the old Decay generator we would be able to start doubling our oars like crazy with this setup but we need to hold off on that and focus on getting two graphite dust by processing two coal everything else is going to have to wait right now we run the pulverized coal through one more time but I can see that the blocks are already starting to Decay I'm serious you guys we still somehow managed to get our two graphite now we have to save the rest of our power so that we can make just one crushed quartz that's how desperate this is we craft up a flint and steel and head to the nether we managed to very quickly find some quartz and form them up which is great we then managed to very quickly step on a blazing Blossom and catch on fire which is not great uh ow oh no way oh what a waste and in my panic I waste a golden apple Now by day 10 we have our first quartz ready to be processed unfortunately with our super low Health we're stuck listening to this anxiety boosting heart rate because we still have no food luckily our Saving Grace we have a little bit of tea to save our lives both in game and IRL we only have one block of uranium now this really could be a problem now we just have to wait and pray in the meantime we can make some dairy products out of our soybeans the Press is the only way to get Dairy without cows so at least we were smart enough to get this looking over my nutrition graphs I see that all we need now is fruit and I have an idea for that too I make a pumpkin farm on the surface because I'm super driven to not be stuck living in this bunker I promise yeah yeah surprise surprise I'm super stubborn welcome to the captain's TV since we have some Netherrack we can make a more permanent Heath fire in our base which is great but what's really good is we finally have one crushed quartz I love this stuff so much I could kiss this little white pile but this isn't Miami so instead we're going to use it to make our first solar panel honestly if you guys are going to play this mod pack or play overhaul at all Rush a solar panel do not rely on Decay generators I'm promising you guys we place the panel on the top of the manufacturer and start to dig straight up to the surface in the middle of the night yeah I know but since we're waiting for the Daybreak we might as well use our time here to make our usual Hopper setup for anybody out there who hasn't seen any of my Nuclear craft videos hi welcome to my channel but also just to get you caught up what I'm doing here is making a hopper that goes into the manufacturing to automatically load it with all of our raw ores it's nothing too special I'm not like Reinventing the wheel here it's just this is very important to boost your nuclear craft early game before you get item Ducks I go up top really quickly to see where the actual hold down of the solar panel is then I head back down there to warm up around the fire and drink a little warm tea feeling refreshed I see that the solar panels are fired up and getting us some power yeah that's right I'm excited about that little bit of power that's how bad the Decay generators were I decided to buy a cow at the market then running the Silicon toe through through the Press again gives us firm tofu and soy milk now really a fan of soy milk but look I'll take anything I can get right now soy milk or rotten flesh I don't oh hey that's nice yeah soy milk or rotten flesh I don't know what's worse here I think I think tofu goes through protein too but yeah we're still gonna have to get a cow we're still gonna get a cow [Music] Ed I make some steamed peas which is pretty much just as bad don't tell your parents I said that by the way eat your vegetables kids now we're gonna get some quartz which means more solar panels but first let's make a little pen for our MooMoo girl we get some cold cooking to make graphite and soon we have another solar panel ready to go if you think about it this technically doubles our power supply for now we set the second panel on the side of the manufacturing and start to dig up to give it sunlight solar panels only need one block directly above them to be clear so even though we're way down in this tunnel we still manage to get full power all day long we get our very first milk thank you Betsy and have to fight off this guy I think they're coming from the mine shaft I guess on the bright side we do get this little upgrade in our armor it's only a little rotten inside also on the bright side it's bright outside so we're getting our manufacturers working once again now we're going to be grinding up some Cobblestone into sand because that's the only way we're gonna get sand in these mountains and we do need sand we need it for glass and we need glass so that we can make some flux ducts AKA power lines we cropped up six of them and pretty quickly we craft up six more then we get rid of this dumb block of lead and this annoying generator now we can run a power cable all the way up to the surface once we get up here we can clear out a little area and start to make room for our solar panels not just the two I craft up a third then a fourth while we still have a little bit of daylight here on day 12 we set up the two new panels and for all of my complaining I actually do really like solar panels I go down and I grab the ones that are in the bunker and I craft up another and yet another I make a quick little run to the mines to get a little bit more copper so I can make solenoids I hope I'm saying solenoids I hope I'm saying that right we make a total of five more panels so by the end of the day unfortunately it's dark but we do have a grand total of eight basic panels almost completing our full little set here so after this day of making some real progress in nuclear craft I think I've earned a proper meal pancakes pancakes will be amazing I have to say when I watch these videos I actually do get like hungry looking at them right now oh no did you just make a break for a little prisoner oh well now I have to make an example of you and maybe I'll even make a chicken pot pie out of you but for now let's get some seeds and trick the rest of the escapees back since Terror doesn't seem to be working on chickens no wait you would think the chick never mind I don't want to think about the symbolism too much in that for now we're going to craft up a harvestcraft ground trap and use all of the grain bait that we've been making now sadly the ground trap actually needs grass to work I didn't know this overgrown Stones don't count I learned this the hard way so don't repeat what I did and make the same mistake here one thing that you definitely should do is plant beet Roots if you're playing nuclear craft I know I know they're the worst crop in Minecraft but you'll see very soon why you need them very soon for now we're going to spend the rest of Lucky Day 13 Mining and getting materials for our next machines after getting a drink of water and eating some roots to keep us going we get the first material lapis when we get home and load this chest up with all of the oars that will eventually be doubled by the manufacturing then we make a bunch of delicious steamed peas which are good for us see I'm a good influence we start to craft up a key component of a solar panel array piles AKA early game batteries to do this we are going to need a lot of graphite dust and lead to make basic panels and basic panels are like the core component of any nuclear craft machine and next we make a block of that magnesium we collected earlier but before we do that I decide to make a critical thermal expansion machine nuclear craft doesn't really have an RF powered furnace which is sad but this thermal craft RF furnace will be a core part of our manufacturing setup and it doesn't take anything too crazy either just tin copper a little bit of gold and Redstone and soon we have a furnace that is pretty fast and doesn't need coal either I love this thing honestly the manufacturing plus the Redstone furnace is a setup that's like half the reason I play nuclear craft in the first place I love this we just needed to plop it directly underneath the manufacturer so that things will go from the manufacturer down here get cooked up automatically into bars and then move down into the chest just like a bunch of this magnesium which means soon we'll have what we need to make two piles once we have the two piles we're going to set them up on the power cables so that any power that isn't immediately being used by the machines can be stored up and saved inside of them we have to add them in between the connection or otherwise the piles will make like this feedback loop and they'll just suck up all the power and the machines won't get any so you have to set them up like this power will go down into the pile and then immediately move down towards the machines now a nuclear craft you could just shift and right click the pile to make it an output but now in overhaul things have changed a little bit well so much for these we're gonna need a special tool the multi-tool it's a little bit complex and it needs some special Alloys which we don't have yet we're going to need to make an alloy furnace that's okay because we're going to be using this a whole lot much later anyway first coal and iron to make steel and now that we actually have a little bit of Steel order disposal I decide I'm going to make a better steel weapon now I love Hal Birds but I saw that Forge lab was using a saber so I'm going to give that one a try instead then we head out Mining and I make sure I grab a little bit of lithium on down here so we can craft up a new Tesla when we finally get back to base we combine the steel with some Boron to make Ferro Boron that's going to be used in the multi-tool next we make some bronze which kind of feels like we're going back in time technologically but whatever we combine some tin and copper till we get bronze dust then cook that up we take two bars of Ferro Boron but the rest of it is going to be combined with that lithium to make the best alloy in nuclear crafts but more on that later sir sir could you not please then just a few seconds later yes first tough alloy of overhaul we have that best alloy tough alloy the core alloy in Minecraft now we just need one more complex alloy and that's hard carbon and hard carbon is a little bit rough because it requires a diving so we are going to have to sacrifice one to the nuclear craft Gods praise Tom but it is indeed worth it because soon we have everything we need to make our multi-tool now we can properly set up our piles by clicking on the bottom of the pile with a multi-tool in our hand it has this red square that means it's an output here I'll hold up a torch so you guys can see see there's the red square instead of that navy blue square now just as day 16 is getting started we can set up the power to run into the piles from the top be stored up and then be used in the machines right away through the outputs this simple setup right here already makes the solar panels so much more useful and since at this point we've committed so much to the solar panels we might as well get a few more of them going we spend most of that day making more finally I replace my copper leggings with tough alloy ones they have the same stats as diamond leggings so yeah you could say it's an upgrade but tough alloy does not stop there like I said we're gonna need to use it to make even more advanced machines like the advanced panels an advanced solar panel uses three basic pedals each basic panel makes five RF or tick and combining them to make the advanced panel makes 20 arfa tick so they're equal to more than the sum of their parts making it worth it to upgrade if you can but we need to take a short break from the nuclear craft fun to well not starve to death veggies are great and all but we really need some Dairy and some fruit like really bad like meat Dairy and fruit so I'm pretty happy when I see that I can make yogurt and I can add fruit to it I even see that you can make pumpkin yogurt too is that is that a real thing by the way has anybody in the comments ever heard of pumpkin yogurt in real life you know what I'm not gonna question it it doesn't matter because we really need it right now I do plant a banana tree I was inspired because I actually bought some bananas IRL but also I do want this because eventually remember we're going to be turning this whole valley into a Tropical Paradise sure enough we can boost our nutrition and even get a bonus heart out of this but we're gonna need a lot more than this for sure for now that'll be okay let's wait for the pumpkins to grow and get back to making more solar panels I make three basic panels and soon we combined all of those to get another Advanced panel we run this up to the surface on day 17 and we add it to our solar array now I love me some clean energy but you know I'm definitely going to be making a nuclear reactor and an overhaul that is a huge task and it's much harder so let's get to mining you know what you know what dude I don't like your attitude bro your full gold bling thing going on here after a full day of mining on day 18 we get back home and start processing up all of our goodies dude dude Tish and count as thirst right it's it's definitely better than drinking out of a hole in the ground after loading up our manufacturing I buy a jungle tree because I'm still wanting to make a tropical vacation but this is kind of a little bit of mistake you guys will see we plant it and then I grabbed some of my nanners next we're going to be getting our pancakes so we get some flour which luckily you can make flour out of soybeans so that's good then combine it with eggs and we get some batter dude is it is it weird that every time I play harvestcraft I legit get hungry IRL like look at these pancakes bro like I'm hungry right now for pancakes too hard it's nice but of course every time I'm sitting around and actually having some fun it gets ruined by the elements I'm freezing and I have to run back to my fire but even here I'm right up against the fire and I still take a good amount of damage it's a good thing that we have some good nutrition and a few extra hearts or else I would have froze right there and while we're waiting for some of those nutritious fruits to grow we craft up a rock Crusher in Old nuclear craft you could make a reactor without a rock Crusher not an overhaul and as we add another machine we're going to be responsible and make more solar panels and on the start of day 19 we start to collect all that juicy sunlight I have to admit this is a pretty impressive solar array and should help us get to our next stage nuclear power that's where the rock Crusher comes in because we need beryllium moderators which comes from crushing andesite and sadly after an entire day mining looking for anesite all we could find was this Granite can can you make edicide out of granite there's quartz that you can make diorite now you would think I would have already known that but sure enough when we get home I do in fact find out that you need diorite to make andesite or quartz to make diorite but in my Modpack I have a better idea we can use the trusty igneous extruder to turn lava and water into any rock that we need all this machine takes is a little bit of invar that we already found in that mine shaft and some simple mats again sure enough we can make one thermal expansion is pretty straightforward and makes every tech-based mod much easier and a little bit funner in my opinion speaking of loving thermal expansion we craft up another machine the magma Crucible this will melt up Stone like simple Cobble into lava which we can then put in the extruder to make any other block we want first though to make The Crucible we need to hardened glass using pyrothium dust and that's going to need blazing powder so we have to head to the nether until we get that we can still load up the extruder by hand like The Peasants we are I know gross now let's head to Hades because at least in the nether we won't be freezing to death oh man they there's like a whole Army in the portal oh oh they all got stuck in the portal oh my God they're all in state they all got stuck inside the portal and now they're all coming up at once dude what's this what's this I know I know this is a waste I don't care we're done we're out here this is we're out of here that's frustrating that's frustrating because it's like it's like a thing in the oh now we're gonna thirst too wow well after that ordeal we need to quickly heal then head back in and this time we do manage to deal with these stinky boys we take a little time to mine up Netherrack which we then use to bridge our way over to this Blaze Lantern so with the blazes and the heat getting a little out of control we have to run on back to the surface with the heat so bad of another we can really only go down there for a few minutes at a time while I'm cooling down I make nuclear craft infinite water sources and place them next to the extruder to automate it then we have to head back to the nether somehow this time we got lucky the blazes have despawn so I can rush in and grab the Lantern and get out back in the Overworld I find out that I need a machine to turn the lantern into blazing powder the pulverizer yet another thermal machine luckily this is basically the thermal expansion version of the manufacturer so it's a pretty cheap and easy to make machine now the whole point of the pulverizer is it well it pulverizes the Lantern and soon enough we have blaze powder and we can mix it with sulfur and Redstone to make pyrothium dust by the way this is going to be super important when the uh you know what I won't spoil it this is going to come in handy though promise you as for sulfur it can come from a few places but we're gonna get it just by crushing Grand in the Rock Crusher mix the Pyro dust with lead and obsidian to get hardened glass and now we can make the magma Crucible with this we just add some Cobblestone to get lava then automatically mix it with water and we can basically 3D print any vanilla Stone we want and yes that means and a site we are quickly rolling towards our nuclear reactor materials in addition to getting beryllium from the endocyte we're gonna have to craft up a little bit of diorite as well putting that in the Raw Crusher will make zirconium but you'll see all of that much later for now we're still struggling getting our fruit nutrition in so we have to head out into the cold and start farming and pretty soon we get freezing so what better time than to head to the nether see I I totally planned that out yeah totally totally calculated while we're down here we collect magma cubes and these have a ton of useful reasons behind them friend come to share my fire Come Share My Sword dude what is what's happening right now I have a hole in the back I have my I have a back hole I have a whole [Applause] okay not like that guys not like that so after plugging in my back hole we can start to use the magma blocks the first thing they're going to be useful for is making heating coils to stop me from freezing every like three minutes but I'm actually going to take it a step further and I'm going to collect a little bit of ice as well the ice obviously is going to help us make cooling coils we can use these together to make a temperature regulator so now we're covered no matter what now the version that we've made does require RF to work but I figured that's pretty fair since the whole point of nuclear craft is to make a ton of RF right head up to the surface and I plug it into the solar arrays for a little while and here it quickly starts to charge up I don't want to starve all of my other machines though so I only do this for a few seconds then I place the regulator out by itself sure enough it starts to make me nice and toasty even out here in the mountain cold but soon I can tell it's going to run out of energy pretty quickly so we're going to make a ton of heating coils just in case and place them all over the base these don't need narf it should keep me warm for the rest of the hundred days as long as I'm pretty close to them when I get up top I can see that the temperature regulator is already melting a ton of snow up here even though it's currently snowing right now with the heating coils placed all throughout the valley floor we should be getting our tropical dream come true pretty quickly finally at the start of day 23 we place a coil in the entrance so that even the cold air coming in will be warmed before it gets inside I know that that's probably not true like there's no such thing as wind in Minecraft but just let me role play a little bit here after all it'll be warming me up as soon as I step into the base but if we really want to role play we're gonna have to get some of those tropical fruit trees because the captain's nutrition makes it look like he's about to get some scurvy here if we don't get some fruit real soon so with this Valley already looking much less blizzardy we can start to plant some tropical trees and then I'm going to harvest these saplings once the trees grow in the meantime we're still going to be making yogurt and mixing it with pumpkins to get at least some kind of fruit going and yes we do have a rogue chicken that made its way into the cow pen but honestly Betsy shouldn't be here alone so I'm okay with this and at the end of the day we head out to grab some oars and I'm already feeling a lot better day 24 and now we're finally getting some of that zirconium like I said this is a core component to a fission reactor cell which is the main power generating Block in a fission reactor no surprise there now you guys can really see why a raw Crusher is needed to make a reactor but seriously that's only like a small change in truth I used to be able to make a fissure reactor in like 20 days in Old nuclear craft but now no way even though I spend all 24 days working on it we still need a ton more time to get the overhaul reactor it's gonna take us a lot longer that is assuming we survive whatever apocalypse is happening on day 25. [Music] foreign [Music] at the start of day 25 I didn't think much had happened I was more excited about getting our first enriched uranium and I was more worried about making some warm clothes for exploring speaking of exploring we go out and find some sugar cane and then oh that's a volcano that's 100 a volcano oh my God that's close enough to hit me so I didn't get to finish my sentence right there because I was terrified but yes captain that volcano is 100 close enough to our base to hit it with lava boulders that's close enough to hit us that volcano's close enough to hit us and I'm thinking now too it might even hit the solar panels yeah that's bad so now before that happens we need to make this bunker self-reliant because we could lose everything that's above us including the solar panels as for right now we need to use the centrifugal separator which means we need to get nickel yeah remember when I didn't pick that up from before dude honestly I would have just taken an earthquake so on Day 26 I come up to the surface oh dude oh this is this is huge this is such a this is a really big one okay it only has like a it only has a little bit of lava I probably have some time oh man look how close this is it's right here so I pulled myself together because we need to hurry I get some nickel mixed with copper to get Constantine now with some simple tin and copper stuff like that we can get the centrifugal separator this is great because it turns magma creams it is some Easy slime and blaze powder and this will make me a lot safer but it kind of doesn't really help that much to make the base safer though the magma blocks get pulverized and turned into Magma Cream which gets turned into slime and blaze powder now the Slime is useful because it helps us make cooling and heating liners that can go underneath our gear so even if we lose the heating coils I won't become a Captain popsicle excuse me sir I am busy why am I why am I burning I'm starting to realize the cold isn't the real problem anymore oh the lava the first danger of the volcano now I have to stay in water to keep cool while I'm down here and I'm struggling to make a cooling layer it's kind of crazy to think of how quickly things switch like that I do have a quick trick though to try to make the valley and the solar panels a little bit safer I'm thinking that even if it's even if the trees burn down I could quickly replace them with bone mealing them like it's better than like replacing them one by one it's better than replacing the panels I know that's because if it's like a tree it's flammable I know that's scuffed but that's the best I have so we have a little bit of a plan for the top and at least we can say that the bunker Farm here is safe even if it's getting burning hot down here it has to be that there's lava under the base heating up like everything we use the ice to make packed ice then we can combine that with the Slime that we're getting from the separator and make cool and goo now we just need some string now this would have pretty much been impossible if we were trying to get string like we were on day one but since we're growing cotton we might actually be able to do this if we can Rush a nuclear reactor just saying that sentence out loud sounds crazy then maybe the solar panels won't be too important after all now we can combine tin or zirconium to make circoloid which you need to make reactor cells then I head out to the mines to find out yup yup I told you I told you there was lava it's like it's like 30 blocks below us I knew it I knew this was what's happening I've never been so upset to be right so the vote is the volcano is close enough so that it's letting the floors under us with lava only like 30 blocks below us look at it look at it this way I I promised you guys I'd melt this whole valley right so I decide that if we're gonna heat up we might as well go all the way I'm gonna make a border around the valley to stop any lava that comes flowing from the volcano but on top of that if we already fill it with lava this will stop some of the zombies from flooding right into our Valley maybe even the Paris Heights remember those are coming too oh why is it so spicy so we start to set out more and more lava and we cover the side of the valley that has the solar panels so maybe hopefully the zombies won't be able to get to them and now we have this beautiful tree providing us a little bit of protection from up above however this is only the beginning I want to cut this down and replant the saplings to get even more coverage and yes again I couldn't figure out why they weren't growing here like it's pretty obvious now watching this back but yeah yeah I'm dumb please do not plant saplings in the snow and repeat my mistakes I am however smart enough to get our very first overhaul reactor casing the outermost part of a fission reactor but to get even more resources we're gonna have to start money again and to avoid the lava we have to make another mine heading the other direction overhaul is tough like I like it because the whole point of nuclear craft is to be like big end game but it's just like for me to make these 100 day videos it's just a lot if I did like a full 50 hours I might be able to get the full mod pack in because 100 days is only going to be like half it I know there's good oars underneath that lava like I'm gonna have to go further away from my basic diamonds no nope nope stop stop oh he has like no he's like no knockback back at home we unload a whole inventory of ores so all that panicking and complaining turns out it was worth it mostly on day 29 I finally get the hint and start to put some saplings in dirt without snow on them and finally we set down the very first parts of our overhaul reactor this design is going to be a five by five by five and it's another design that I stole from Tom the nuclear craft creator that being said we still have a lot of work to do and a whole lot more casing to make I just need to make sure we have enough lead because we keep running out somehow and by that night we have the basic elephant's footprint put down in our Valley it's looking good I also managed to make a warming liner for my chest plate but sadly it's not compatible with nuclear craft tough Alloys so now I'm sad I decided to get a little bit of farming done now to make myself feel better just as the gray scale starts to kick it I take out my final little bit of anger on cluck's family and we make ourselves a ton of dough add some chicken taters and carrots voila chicken pot pie grain protein and veggies perfect I think chicken pot pie might be my favorite Harvest craft food maybe it's it's that or green tea is good but I mean pancakes are good blueberry pancakes are good yogurt's mid day 30 and we get to cutting down the mega spruce trees because even though there hasn't been any volcanic activity yet you still eat a lot of saplings ready to go for when there is and this is pretty much what I do all day growing trees and cutting them down with my tough alloy tools I know the volcano is coming soon and I need to make protection for this reactor I have no idea if a boulder strike will cause a meltdown but I don't really want to find out finally over here I set a tree on the ridge that I'll Harvest later but if you guys don't see what I'm doing right here is foreshadowing that you're not paying attention that night we craft up over another 50 casings and soon we have the entire bottom of the reactor setup that's good news the fact that the lava mode doesn't stop the zombies not so good news so we head underground again we need to move about a hundred blocks away from the volcano sure enough we find some uranium that isn't buried by lava back at base I let my guard down a little bit right here I'm happy with the reactor progress so far and so I focus a little bit on boosting up the mini industry starting with another manufacturing I then use the hopper to connect the same chest for loading and hopefully we'll double the rate at which we double our ores until on day 31 this guy reminds me that we don't have the steel saber anymore I broke it when we were down in the mines before so I stop and make another saber only this time we're going diamond on day 32 I decided to make some more solar panels thinking that now we're pretty safe right don't be jealous I'm coming back yes I was talking to the reactor right there don't judge me I'm not going crazy sadly we need much much more steel and tough alloy for the reactor so I have to take a break from doing all this I decide to keep working on one more advanced panel that night now we have more advanced panels than basic ones that night we make a diamond chest plate and I know that's boring it's vanilla but we need to do this so that we can fit it with the warm lining and finally start to conquer the elements all we need now is a little bit more string to make some cooler pants so the heat doesn't get me but I still need cotton so on day 33 I head up to go get some when foreign oh no it's erupting oh no I'm not ready I'm not ready how close is it how close is it for real oh my God it's right there now a little bit crazy but if there is some good news I can clearly see that the lava flow stops well short of my Valley oh man oh no it's already started it's already started oh my God it's gonna hit my base dude look at how big it is it's gonna it's gonna for sure be it's right there my base is right oh my God it already hit my tree no way it's already hitting it's already hitting my base oh it's already hitting it's already hitting oh no I I don't want to be a bunker Boy again like I don't want to go underground but I mean what do I do you know I'm forced to break down the reactor and pull all the casing back into my bunker for now the solar panels are still exposed this isn't good I start to try to grow more trees because I'm trying to make a covering for them because with the volcano fully grown and spewing lava Boulders we need to make a covering for real now then one day while I'm in my base oh no oh no way oh man if it hit something up top okay dude get out of the way get out of the way [Music] it's right there dude that's everywhere oh bro it's right up there [Applause] uh okay so that night I start to set out some dirt I want to grow a tree but I decided it has to be bigger than even a mega tree if it wants to really cover us I make a much bigger dirt area and I start to set out a three by three huge tree trunk myself I want to make a huge tree that covers the entire Valley even if I have to make it by hand I gotta admit though right here I am kind of panicking and rushing and now I'm trying to make a wrap around walkway to get to the top quickly I want to get up here and replant trees if I need to even if this makes it look really ugly I keep working with all of the spruce that I've been collecting for the past few days but I need to hurry every few minutes another Boulder lands and like legit gives me a heart attack when I'm pretty happy with this height I start to add some dirt here I'm going to plant another Mega spruce tree so that I can grow it I also make the leggings with the cooling liner so finally we will have full protection from all the elements but I hardly have time to celebrate I need to keep moving as I'm out cutting up another tree I see that the central tree has finally grown this is good it gives me a ton of protection especially over the central part of the base where the industrial machines are but a lot of the valley is still exposed and we're going to need more tree that night I go out and start to Shear some fur tree leaves because at this point I need anything I can get next I'm going to head to the nether so I can get some bone meal to bone meal up the spruce trees I use another rack to build over to get this bone meal in the lava and I grab as much as I can as fast as I can dude why am I I'm like sweating an IRL I can I can like legit feel this thirst in real life luckily I go out and I see that our tree is still standing but from this angle it's obvious we need a lot more covering I see these saplings next to the crater and I bone meal them then I start chopping them down to get more wood ASAP I start to build up even higher but I still need more wood this is becoming a real project I decide to make stairs to make getting up and down much easier and I get almost all of the stairs set up and I try to cut some of the wood and this happens um no way that just happened dude dude that's so dumb this mod pack does have a mod in it that makes cutting down trees happen all at once it's a little bit buggy sometimes it makes stuff like this happen I was really discouraged after that so I decided to switch up my strategy and now I'm going to quickly build up and instead I'm gonna try to cover the whole thing by hand by Day 36 I start the painful process of trying to use Spruce and fur leaves and make any kind of covering I can I actually start to make a pretty good looking umbrella over the heart of the base no Lava Boulders have murdered me yet so there's that oh that'll that'll never not be scary dude every time you every time you take a fall like that that'll never not be scary I'll never get used to that I will say every time I fall I do temporarily forget these boots will save us it's pretty scary okay so the more and more I start to expand the coverage the more and more safe I feel I take a second here to make myself some donuts and this is kind of nice I mean it's like the only thing in the mod pack that's not trying to actively kill me right now or well I I guess Donuts are so unhealthy that maybe they are trying to kill me oh well speaking of slowly and I see that that night this tree just isn't coming along fast enough now it might not look pretty but I think I have to go back to our first plant I get some more saplings that night on day 37 we get a couple of branches up at the top of the tree I start to add as many of the fern leaves as I can it's not pretty but at this point I'm going for protection more than looks finally I get a light covering over the entire Valley if I build in the valley down here I'll at least have a little bit of coverage at least until the tree gets hit but the more I build the bigger the tree gets the more the lag starts to get out of control okay like look at this I sat down a couple like that look at that look at that I'm not even doing that in the video look at this look at how bad this is what's happening this isn't the recording or any this is the this is gonna crash my game and at some points it's legit like half a second for every block I take and it looks like we might even freeze up no pun intended look I know I've made a lot of YouTube videos where I have a ton of lag going on but this is this is too much I'm still desperately trying to cover my base but at this point it's becoming so difficult to play the game that it's gonna be looking pretty harsh also like it's fun in the beginning but after a while The Thirst is just kind of frustrating when I see it on day 38 I know it's ugly but I can't work on it or I'm afraid the game will crash that night I have a new plan and like I said it means going back to the first plan I'm gonna set out a few branches that are lower down here on the tree then Place some dirt and then once again grow some Mega trees from here I think that it looks a lot better and it has a whole lot less lag I fight through the still frame drops and get the mega trees going and it already looks way more natural and it should be thicker better protection from The Boulders I rush over and I power grow the second tree and I'm liking this plan much better now we still have a lot of work to do but if I'm bone mealing the trees I can make this done a lot faster and start to get towards the nuclear stuff I do spend a little bit of time trying to make the walkway a little bit nicer but every block is just such a pain to place at this point I kind of have to give up I even try to turn the render distance down to two in pure desperation but still check out what is happening to this tree like there are full on two seconds of freeze I'm not adding this in the video this this just isn't working and it's not like a glitch with spruce trees they're working just fine it's only the main tree and I know I'm going over this a lot I'm talking about it the only reason I'm showing you this is to give you all the reasons why I decided to change the mod pack up on day 40. I know this isn't part of the 100 day challenge I really wanted to keep on adding challenges but clearly one of the mods is just broken here and I'm worried that it's a volcano one so at the start of day 40 I see my tree and I really want to get some more work done on it I'm at least trying to cut away some of the fern blocks hoping that that helps out the lag a little bit and then I noticed something I'm super hot even way out here in the snow and I think that toughest Nails might be getting tricked by this huge quote-unquote cave that I'm making and making a ton of extra heat so I was looking it up a little bit and sure enough tough as Nails is a discontinued mod and because of that it does have some problems especially with newer mods coming along I even looked it up the RL craft which is all about making tough survival that was based around tough as nails they don't even use tough as Nails anymore also at this point we've pretty much conquered all of the elements anyway it's not like removing tough as Nails is going to make anything really easier plus the second I take it off look at this 60 frames so there you go now did I cheat a little bit there yes so to make it up to you all for putting you through all that let's get right to the best part of this video this is going to be our reactor room so we start to set it out and we continue to expand it as needed remember it's going to have to fit a 5x5 5x5 so we're gonna need the extra space you already see that this thing is going to be awesome on day 42 I get started with as much casing as possible day 50 is coming and I don't know if I can finish the reactor in nine days but I wanted to get as much of it done as I possibly can to do this I was gonna need a lot more graphite dust and of course a lot more tough alloy Never Enough tough alloy also I decided to make some of the casing clear which is super cheap you just have to add glass to it no big issue and as a reward for just adding a little bit of the glass we get to see inside of this beast and what a beasts this thing will be it's already day 43 and I still don't have half of the outside done I start to go full send and I get a ton of bronze and we even make the solid fuel Fusion controller just like an old nuclear craft the controller will show you all of the stats of the reactor including how close we are getting to a meltdown but let's hope it doesn't get that far and so we spend the rest of the day just trying to get even more casing then still making more casing by day 44. but also we start to get some of our nuclear fuel ready too now we have enough enriched uranium to make low enriched uranium or Leu 235 back on our surface I'm surprised to see that our massive tree is still standing and we have a ton of pumpkins ready to be picked too I start to make some pumpkin yogurt and I gotta admit I'm feeling a lot better than the old laggy days we then start another mine heading down because this time we're going to get a lot of iron and a lot of coal because we need to make that for steel and we need steel also for tough alloy oh honey I'm home back at base we load up the manufacturers but we make sure that the iron and coal go in first next I start to make an immersive engineering Coca-Cola oven and this only takes some clay bricks so it's no real problem here I start to head into the reactor room and carve out a little hole where we'll place it after all this room is already going to have radiation so what's a little small gonna hurt so the reason I'm setting this whole thing up is in combination with a blast furnace sure we can make a ton of Steel but also we're going to need creosote oil eventually we make up an engineer's hammer and just before we hit up the Coca-Cola oven let's see if we can't make the blast furnace turns out we can't make the blast furnace still we slap the Coca-Cola oven and get some cold cooking in it you say that five times fast I take a little break and give myself a little bit more pumpkin spice yogurt and then head back to the reactor room to see that we are in fact getting a little Coca-Cola and that oil isn't it it's kind of ironic that our nuclear fuel like nuclear energy takes so much coal uh hold up hold up great and look at all I'm not even like I'm not even mad about the zombies it's just I know these guys are gonna be parasite food in like five days it's just gonna be I hope I'm ready I've like no I've set up like no defense either it's gonna be so much worse I take a minute here and eat a little bit and I check the day I still have about four nights left I come back home and see this green blue Aurora over the volcano oh the volcano the background you know this is you know this would be beautiful it wasn't so terrifying back at base and things are looking all good for now the coke oven has a good amount of oil and we're going to start to collect it in some buckets we can combine a bucket of creosote oil with wood to make treated wood which is the core component of everything immersive engineering we definitely need it not as much as we need steel though but still we need it I head out at the break of dawn to grab some leaves for the spruce tree collect them all and replant the trees because we still need to fix up this mega tree I start to make some more blast bricks but I need a little more clay I look it up really quick and I remember that Clay is at level 62. so I head out right at that level and start mining some now here's the part that kind of sucks and basically ruined my day I waste a ton of time right at level 62 mining all day the thing is I had no chance of finding clay here the volcano has actually moved the entire world up a few blocks finally I managed to find some clay but it's a full 10 blocks higher than it should have been and I'm a little bit frustrated the volcano has got me wasting an entire day 47 but I can't complain too much because we officially have our Blast Furnace this one uses Coke coal to slowly make steel it's a longer process but it is actually more coal efficient more importantly we can now use the treated wood to make treated wood sticks which we need to make the handles of our chemical thrower yup that's right if our time on that Mars colony has taught me anything is that the parasites get melted if you use this little toy right here luckily it's actually not too complex itself only needing to be made out of some iron plates and we have the hammer already so that's pretty easy then we make some fluid pipes and some Iron Mechanical components to make the air tank finally we can combine some silver and gold in the alloy furnace while that cooks we make our steel plates so that we can make some steel mechanical components and finally we take that electrum out of the alloy furnace and use all that to make a heavy engine block which should be the last thing we need to make the chemical thrower as long as there are parasites in our world this thing will be stuck in our hot bar Like Glue which now that I think about it this thing could probably shoot glue however I'd much rather shoot lava instead it's a good thing we have a magma Crucible full of more lava than we could ever need so let's craft up a portable tank and empty out the crucible with 20 buckets of lava this way we can make some room for the pyrotherium dust and put that in The Crucible because this makes the most amazing fuel for the chemical thrower yet now I remember that the zombies are mostly coming up through the back so I set the tank of lava here so that I can quickly refuel oh look a test subject let's see how this works on the specials now it doesn't do too much damage in a short burst like this but it does set the Target on fire and if we really want to melt them down we can just hold down a steady stream of lava this will do much more damage right up front and it will still set them on fire and burn them we get a little bit more yogurt because I actually don't know if I'll be able to come out here and harvest when the parasites start coming and speaking of parasites invading I do a little bit more work on my lava mode ouch okay cool I think I think that the fire zone more damage to me than this little guy has I am reminded right here by this little guy that if I set something on fire and it gets to me it sets me on fire and now this should finish the full circle around the base you you know like a like a moat now I I 100 admit I'm not fooling myself this will not hold back the big boys but it can hold back the bugs and the smaller parasites they might not be able to get over at least at the very start this moat should buy us some more time to make better defenses after all we only have one more day and we've completely run out of lava we need bigger guns so I start to craft up and melt up a ton of the Pyro dust and even though this is like super expensive I mean it takes blaze powder we can actually afford it because of that centrifuge setup Friday 49 we finally have a full circle all the way around the base yes I know I've seen Forge Labs video the parasites are insane sure but in my mind they need a lot of time to ramp up and actually get powerful so I should have a few days to figure out what I'm doing and I'll be safe well my mind would very soon be changed [Music] [Applause] okay at least we have a ton of blazing pyrotherium now I probably should seal up all the entrances so let's make some steel doors and add them to the bunker No More Zombies just walking right in as they please the back door is the biggest room that we need to cover but I also make sure to get doors on the reactor room mine shafts as well then in the very front I actually add an extra wall and put in a double door no idea why I'm using Netherrack here but whatever okay guys please don't get infected okay do these chickens these chickens are gonna get infected in like the first minute day 51 and unfortunately I can't be worried about that right now I'm trying to get this reactor working before the parasites start to really mess up I head outside and I gotta say halfway through the playthrough this place is looking pretty good remember how nice this place looks it will not look this way much longer too cool no way it's been like it's been like 20 minutes what is that oh my I don't really want to do this butt here okay Brothers these things are so gross oh okay I think if I just oh no they're already down here they're already a ton of them underneath me I promise I promise I won't be this scared the whole time maybe the bugs are already starting to gain Steam and they're infecting the zombies underneath our base we block up the doors because every time we go mining from now on it's gonna be a battle I start to craft up a ton of casing and we get it all glassy and clear now we have about 37 and we can fully cover the top of the reactor now we're still going to need a few more casing but before we seal everything up let's start making our first fission cells remember we need zircoloi and a few Advanced panels to make these cells we need exactly 12 for this design which again remember we've blatantly stole just like we always do by the way if you want to see that I'm going to put a link down in my description to that tutorial video so you can find out step by step how to build this reactor or you know you could just watch me do it and it looks like I'm gonna have to hurry we really need some power because we run out of solar energy which means we have to cook up the beryllium in an old school furnace next with a little more tough alloy you can make some empty heat sinks which we definitely need because this is the part of the reactor that keeps it from going boom we start by making water heat sinks we need exactly 12 of them water heat sinks only need to be next to one active cell so we're going to put exactly one in between each cell and the wall but the heatsinks are going to be the most complex part so before we really dive into that let's finish up our moderator blocks first this design has 28 brilliant blocks so yeah we're definitely going to need more moderator blocks let neutrons move from one cell to another and they connect them making them a cluster so this means we have to place them in between every cell this will make each cell connected to its neighbor while the brilliant Cooks let's make some iron heat sinks iron heat sinks need to be touching an active moderator block aka the beryllium and for a moderator block to be active it has to be directly touching a cell itself it's not too complex but this is just the start it gets worse in our design we need 24 but let's just start out with the first 12. they're going to go next to each of the water sticks pretty simple okay now we have a few more beryllium we can start to connect all of the cells the top and the bottom cells have all been connected with beryllium well some of the middle cells will actually have some graphite but I'll show all that a little bit later for now we need to form Some Coal to get set graphite and try not to die from the parasites okay dude I I really hate this lava like at least I could kill parasites and still get to all the oars but now their lava just covers them up and kill parasites we do I'm trying really hard to keep their population low for as long as I can at least I think that's how they grow stronger I pop up in the middle of a flooded crater and I quickly see that my base is looking great after everything that's happened I gotta say this tree it's really growing on me I can't believe I just said that so now first things first we're gonna process the coal you should try eating a banana and then having an energy drink dude trust after giving you guys horrible nutrition advice we get some of the pulver's cool cooking into graphite and of course making some more tough alloy we start to get some graphite until I hate that so much like I know I'm technically safe but still all right I continue to routinely kill some more parasites still trying to keep their numbers low but well starting to get a little scared dude look at him dude look at him moved look at how bro dude there's these this is the grossest mod I swear this mod is it's just like designed to be gross on every sense like everything about this like they look down I'm sure they smell bad too so I decided to run back to make some more heat sinks ate more iron but these will be placed a little bit later first I'd like to place the moderator blocks and get all of those done in the middle of the reactor we have a mix of beryllium and those graphite blocks in total we need four graphite blocks and we set them all here they're placed in the middle of these two beryllium then directly in the middle of the two middle cells we just need one last beryllium up there and we're set while that beryllium Cooks we get a few more heat sinks now we're going to be working with gold heatsinks which we'll need 10 of then lead which will eventually need 12 of but for right now we only have three I don't know why I don't know why I'm telling you that you guys can obviously count dude and you guys can probably also hear that like I like that they're a real challenge like they're really hard they're one of the hardest mobs I've ever played but at the same time it's almost like I'm not even sure if I like this it's definitely a really good mod like it's a high quality mod I don't know dude well I try to figure out whether I like the parasite mod or hate it we have four lithium heat sinks which are really big ones we can only manage to fit four in this design but they definitely help so let's start adding some of them all in first we're going to put gold in the dead center at the bottom it has to be touching exactly two iron so this works then the lead will be going in between the two iron they only need to be touching one so this will work too then the lithium has to be in the middle of two lead in a row so that goes right in the center above the gold was that too fast for you well we're gonna do the exact same thing on the other side so you'll get a second chance to look at it finally on these far gaps over here on the sides in between the water and the lead we're gonna put copper sinks so guess what we're crafting up right now we need a total of eight copper and they're really simple four on each side in between all of the most outer water cells copper heatsinks are pretty low tier but everything adds up remember the lithiums are the big boys so you definitely need to make sure you have those on Row 2 and row 4. and remember to make a lithium work you have to have the two lead in a line and to make the lead work you have to have iron touching them so this design all works we then place the three gold up the middle all offsetting the lithium remember they just need to touch two iron and they do we do the exact same on the other wall you guys can get a little look at it right here this is about eighty percent of the cooling now we still definitely need to fill in some lead and some gold and a few iron in the middle but we've actually gotten pretty far already finally on day 54 the only resource we're really struggling with here is lead cleared but it always seems to be led until we find more of that we can put some iron in the middle here between the beryllium then you place this gold on top of the graphite remember gold needs two iron to work so we set the other iron on the other side then in between those iron going across we can add a lead the pattern up there for floor four works the same down here on floor two and we can add iron and golden then finally we add another iron and the two lead and finally one last iron and I can back my way out I do have to warn you though this reactor is not totally made correctly on no spoilers but I find out the hard way that we did mess up in here if you want to see the total heat neutral version you're gonna have to watch to the very end of the video fair warning I don't want you to have a meltdown for right now we're going to move on to the biggest difference that was added in an overhaul you cannot just turn a reactor on and off at the controller anymore nope you need Neutron primers and to make those we're gonna have to make a Decay hastener because of that we're gonna have to take a quick trip to the nether and get just a little glow stuff see right here every time I every time I come out of the nether I get I have to go through this hallway and it has this right here yep and this is the dude this is just level one these are like the level one mobs and the buglings too I keep I want to kill them like I want to kill them to make sure oh no no no no no no no no oh my God okay okay okay I'm stuck oh no no no I'm sorry bro they just keep coming oh my god dude this is this is gonna get so much worse too this is just the beginning it gets so after deeply considering my life choices right there we can craft up a Decay hastener and we can just throw it in the back here it's not too important after all now we just need to wait for it to charge up and it is a thirsty boy but we might as well add our uranium 238 and wait for the Decay generator to finally do its thing but this is a little suspicious like it shouldn't be taking this long to charge I'm getting a little worried here I make a little extra flux ducts then I head up to the surface just to check to make sure everything is working I'm not 100 sure what's happening but I think the tree might be choking them so I'm gonna try to move them and while I'm moving them and have them all in my inventory I decide to upgrade the basic ones to Advanced panels then I decide to craft up even more by the time I'm finally done it is night time and I'm a little mad about that but it's okay because this will be better in the long run then when we're finished I put the panels out from underneath the tree yes I know this means that they'll now get the full power we could ask for but at the same time they are going to be in danger and exposed out here from either parasites or zombies or lava Boulders but that's not even our first problem right now we can't even connect them we need more flux ducts and unfortunately for flux Ducks we need lead and we're running critically low here we've used up our last bit of lead but we do manage to connect the panels and by tomorrow we should have enough power to get the neutron Prime groups or so I thought day 56 and we are still struggling I really need this reactor we managed to get our very last beryllium and I closed the whole reactor up looking around it here it does look pretty good we've made some good progress I think we've pretty much I think we did it I think we've made our first nuclear craft overhaul reactor I know it's not totally done but for now I need to get some vents ready to get coolant in or else we're going to mess up very very soon okay okay they're literally at my front door great okay yeah cool this is good this is gonna go great this is gonna end so great this is this is gonna end really well you guys they're at my front door so like I've been saying to make this last overhaul component we have to go mining the lead situation has just gotten too dire oh and speaking of a dire situation oh oh man wow dude oh I think it's stuck oh my God bro I that scared me these things are these things are super dangerous I'm actually really lucky it's stuck that scared me so much I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna try to pretend like I would did I'm so glad this thing is stuck oh [Music] please let's see if it doesn't hurt me come on there we go all right yeah bro that's gonna be a nightmare later I promise you oh oh dude dude every time every time they're so they're silent every dude and I'm out of I'm out of juice now too for others and done he sure was and I started heading home right away I finally come up in the snowy Plains but my mountain biome isn't too far away but before I get there I see this this place looks really bad because this isn't oh that's an earthquake whoa that's an earthquake all the way through wow dude wow this is only like a little ways away from me yeah man is that if that earthquake could hit us dude that would have been yikes and it was only like a valley way too that's scary also if the if an earthquake hits a reactor it could leak radiation like pretty bad like that could really be bad for us scientific inclusion captain so of course my solution is to start eating more carbs yum I see a recipe I've never made called banana bread and I start to buy a walnut tree so that we can make it I don't think I've ever had a walnut tree it's it's crazy I've played this mod pack for like years and there's still stuff I haven't done even the old version of like harvestcraft has so much great stuff I love it it's a dude I love it we bone meal a few walnuts and I come back down just to test out the new recipe sure enough we have everything we could need and this little treat will cover Dairy fruit grain and protein those are the pretty hard ones to get covered combine that with green tea for veggies we've got a whole diet done [Music] thank you Betsy got you know what I decided right there that our loyal Betsy does deserve a friend even though I have nothing to gain from breeding cows I still decide to buy one because I want Betsy to have Bill the bull as a friend I also grabbed some peanuts just in case we lose those trees outside I still want to have a rich protein Source I set a few up here but I am going to harvest these and move them down into the bunker where they're safe then we grab all the pulverized coal and I start to make a ton of graphite next we're gonna have to craft up some fuel ports another new addition from overhaul it's a brand new block that lets fuel enter and exit the reactor that's right we can't just drop a pellet of uranium into the controller and pull it out when it's depleted uh okay okay and after that mini heart attack we start to get some zircona Loy cooking it's the exact same alloy that we use to make the reactor cells so it's no big deal what is a big deal is a finished fuel Port we're gonna add these to the right side of the reactor one of them for the fuel to go in and another one here for the fuel to come out we had some chest but I don't put them directly on the ports because I actually want to watch the uranium go in through the item duck item ducks are clear tubes they kind of act like Hoppers and they can move items it's basically like a super Hopper that you can use to run up and down and all over the place then we craft up some servos which help direct items through the item Ducks this will keep everything flowing in the right direction AKA out of this chest into the reactor then out of the reactor and up into this chest I think it's finally been long enough we should be able to make those Neutron primers and the Decay hastener has made some radium dust but I didn't know it was going to be this spicy oh oh oh oh oh that's wow that's actually like real RADS right there I decided I should probably wait a little bit before I start playing with some nuclear fire I'm gonna get a little protection first meanwhile let's see if we can't turn these taters into some flour then we get a bunch of walnuts and I decide to make a decent amount of Nana bread combine this with tea and we have everything we need to head out and get as many supplies as we can to get some radiation protection on the start of day 60 I head out because I decide I want to head back to those planes so I go down and I start mining like like a lot [Music] I actually think I really like the uh overhaul I mean I know that it's been like 60 I feel bad it's been 60 days and I don't have a reactor yet but um I really like that you have to make panels I think that's better than the Decay generator and I don't know I'm digging it from so far I think if I think I might try to make a thorium reactor I think that would be cool like I think that I could do it a lot faster next time I play well when I'm not being killed by the cold or parasites but before I go thinking about my next video let's try to survive this one as soon as we get some more lead processed we can get some radiation shielding going this also takes sugar cane in a manufacturing which is why we've been growing it this whole time see Heavy Shields takes two medium Shields which takes two light Shields which takes a lot of lead so after we get a boatload of it is that a pun because I'm a capped anyway of light Shields we can get some medium Shields 36 a little bit of feral Boron easy we've been making that for the last 50 days for heavy Shields we're going to need hard carbon so yet again a diamond will be sacrificed to the nuclear craft Gods praise Tom then some bioplastic and that's where the sugar cane comes in now we can finally make two medium Shields and since we already have a ton of beryllium all we need to make is Du panels this is kind of tough they need enriched uranium and sulfur luckily even though both of those are pretty rare we have enough of them to make three du panels and soon we have the best defense against growing a third arm heavy radiation Shields so with those we could start to make a hazmat suit I've actually wanted to make this every nuclear craft playthrough so we're finally going to do it unfortunately I'm getting a little impatient here I don't want to wait any longer to make those Neutron primers yes I know that I don't technically have any radiation protection I'm just gonna have to be careful famous last words this is confusing but I'll try to explain the primers need to be aimed at a fission cell and offsetting so in this bottom right then in the middle left then at the top right once again you don't need to put a primer on every cell because if a cell is hit with neutrons it will then fire neutrons down the moderator blocks to the next cell in line so in the back we have to do the same thing only this time reversed and you'll see that in the end for now we're out of radium dust so that'll have to wait while that cooks we're going to add the vents again remember vents let in and out water to cool the reactor I'm going to put the output directly in the back here in the middle next we're going to craft up an infuser to add oxygen to our uranium pellets to boost their power to get that oxygen we're going to need an electrolyzer which is easy to make but keeping it powered and that's a different story this one is definitely another thirsty boy speaking of thirsty we add a water source to it so we can get hydrogen and oxygen out of it and continuing with making water sources we add one to the vent in the front of the reactor to pump water into the reactor cooling it I had a quick little fluid duck here and sure enough I can see right away it's working however this is just a basic water source and I'm not really sure how much water this thing is going to use now Tom used a dense Infinity water source AKA a tier 3 water source so I decide that I should at least make a tier 2 water source okay now back to that hazmat suit I made a second heavy shield and now we only need one more also we have a little bit of oxygen which we can move with a bucket that doesn't make any sense holding oxygen in a bucket but hey it's a little mercy and I'll take it because soon we have our Leu 235 oxide pellets before we handle them let's get some sugarcane and finally get that hazmat suit done hazmats also takes some leather and there's no way I'm going to kill Betsy luckily the manufacturer has its cover here it can press rotten flesh into leather instead now we just need that last heavy Shield we make the last mid shield and finally we can make our last heavy Shield and boom proper hazmat suit watch these rats drop oh there we go that's what's up now we can safely handle that radium dust and finally make those last primers remember these have to be offset so while the bottom ones on the left the middle one goes on the right and the top one goes back on the left these offset the ones in the front does any of this make sense next we're gonna have to add a lever to each one of them to turn them off just to be extra safe I do decide to add another vent in the front with another water source just be extra careful here and I know that soon we're going to have a ton of power coming so I don't feel too bad about putting one or two speed upgrades for the electrolyzer even if it does tax our power supply a little bit speed upgrades double the speed but they quadratically increase the consumption of energy which is a little bit more than I had originally thought if you really start to stack them they can quickly get out of control but just one should be okay and we could even try to equalize this by making a few energy upgrades but each energy upgrade only halves the power consumption in a linear line So eventually you won't be able to make up for all the speed upgrade consumption but if we want to keep making upgrades we're going to need a lot more quartz here we go I hate this part so much yep yep what is that dude it's like a it's like a giant spider oh it's got a human head no okay it's got a rupture and it's just got a big thick juicy butt you know what I'm gonna do with that later I'm gonna do it I'm out yep day 66 and we have six Leu pellets but we need one for each cell so that's a total of 12. that means we're gonna have to keep on moving and getting more oxygen but with all this time spent building a reactor I should take a minute and just take in this entire Valley around me honestly most of the parasites are still underground I really want to build up here and now I'm thinking it would probably even be safer to do so so I start to plant some more walnut trees and they should be ready by the time I move up here but then okay so so this whole time they've always they've been level one this whole time they've just dude back in the bunker I keep moving more oxygen as I'm trying to get those 12 pelts ready I'm hoping I can get this reactor started before day 75 and the next event also since I used up all my walnuts to make trees I do have to resort to some peanuts and use my bananas to make a peanut butter banana sandwich I think that would be good but hmm I will say that the nutrition is looking pretty good and I'm happy to have 260 health so at least I'm doing something right whoop what was that where'd it go uh yeah not so happy about that though finally we have 14 pellets and now we can run the reactor and in my excitement I foolishly throw some of the pellets in now with the primers turned off the reactor isn't going to start up and that's not the problem the problem is well uh no spoilers you'll see but right now I'm not turning this reactor on anyway we still have a ton of more work to do because now we need to talk about the biggest change in nuclear craft overhaul fission reactors now need a turbine to work yeah that means we're gonna have to make a whole separate multi-block machine and all that starts with making manganese and that all starts by cooking up some rhodochrosite I'm sure I'm saying that wrong we can get some magnesium oxide then we have to re-cook it again she's nothing cool oh my god oh no no no like this dude oh they can come through the walls it's it's stuck though oh my God it's like the long arm it's this it's the it's the uh upgraded long Army it's the adapted long arm oh my gosh dude they can come through this this is so bad they can come through walls now this is bad they can dig up from underneath me they can literally come from above or underneath me now I mean I'm gonna I guess I'm gonna block everything up now but I don't know what am I gonna do well would you look at that I guess the parasites can break blocks now huh seriously though I can't stress enough this is a big issue I'm trying to stay focused on re-cooking the manganese and get to dust but I cannot stress how much this changes everything for the playthrough right now we're a little over two-thirds of the way being done but now everything has changed I combined some graphite with the manganese to get carbon manganese blend and this is for the turbine casing but now I'm thinking about it where am I gonna place this where it'll be safe is the reactor gonna be safe for now I just have to get some iron and combine it with the blend in the alloy furnace I get some high strength low alloy steel start to make some of the casing for the turbine and I am going to be making pretty much the same turbine that Tom did with some small changes but at this point I can't get too creative an experiment because I need to just survive and go with what I know works so I head up top and I start to level out a pretty big area where I can set down this massive turbine because at the time I was thinking that the parasites were pretty much coming from down below me so a turbine up here would be safer because after all we're still eventually going to have to move up here I start to lay out the design which is a three by three by four long and then I hear something sure enough this little cow comes running out of the Wilds but a low level parasite like this still can't get past the lava so maybe this is going to work after all ew oh yeah okay okay good I'm sure those won't spread everywhere I head back down and I try to get some more materials to make the turbine and then when I head back up oh where is it yeah I forgot these guys can jump so that night because this is a little too close to Lava I need to move the turbine over a little bit it's not really too much of a problem I just need it to be a little further from the edge for right now I quickly move it a bit and I start to add even more casing I get some clear casing because you guys know how I do and I get one little side of the turbine done in under a day then by day 69 quiet no we get the controller now this works just like the old style controller on the reactors you can use a lever and turn this one on and off no critical reaction needed and so the rest of today is spent building up the casing for the turbine and even though we have to use a ton of iron pretty soon we get enough finished to get the top and the other side of the turbine all finished now we just need to get the bottom finished and the ends but those are going to be a little bit special in the middle we are going to have a rotor shaft and we'll have to add blades to it first you have to set up some rotor bearings then you can run a shaft in between each bearing so we head up top add one bearing with the shaft running right down the middle then finally we get the other bearing on the other side too for the blades we're just going to be making some simple Steel Day 70 and we're almost totally done now we just need to set up all the blades on each side of the middle rotor I think it's a total of 16 and yes I know I only have 12. so we are going to have to go back down and get a few more sadly though we can't yet we're a little low on steel so we are gonna have to go mining one more time but hey if it wasn't for that I would have got this turbine done in two days but oh well rip my speed run go we have all these all these crazy parasites and all these nuclear machines somehow I'm still a dirty boy digging coal oh man the way they come out oh God twice twice and after getting double scared from just one mob we get home and we start to unload all the mats and soon we're getting some more steel we do have to use it right away to make some tough alloy and uh okay maybe I was lying to myself when I said I could finish this turbine in two days after all but soon we do have the steel and the tough alloy and we can make a fluid Inlet this is where the fluid go goes it duh next we can make a fluid outlet and can you guess what this is for we actually set the outlet facing towards the tree with the inlet facing away because the reactor is actually pretty much straight below the inlet here we cropped up those four last turbine blades but more importantly now we're gonna get our Dynamo coils these blocks are actually what makes the electricity in the entire reactor setup for our design we're going to use four magnesium six beryllium and another four copper I'll just start off with one side at a time the Magnesium coil has to be touching one of the bearings even though it's the weakest coil of all it has to be the start of any setup so step one we're gonna put one in the middle at the very bottom and at the very top oh it's just a cow uh not this time step two is well get jump scared by the spooky MooMoo nope not this time now back to the turbine the beryllium coil needs to be touching a magnesium coil so those go next to each other finally copper which is a pretty decent coil needs to be touching a beryllium so those will go in last oh dude they went from two to three fast that's not good so as upsetting as that is we have to push forward and continue on this is pretty easy we're gonna do the exact same setup on the inlet side of the turbine too magnesium at the poles berylliums in the corners with copper on the sides there's that one little Gap up in the corner there and we can just fill that with another beryllium unfortunately that's the best we can do for right now as soon as we finish up that last side the turbine comes to life and when it looks like this you know it's all come together correctly and it works and just as we finish the last part of our reactor setup we've almost finished our nutrition too the parasites might be getting stronger but we're getting pretty strong too of course we're still gonna have to connect everything starting with the reactor being connected to the turbine hello there you start to dig down towards the reactor room we come down pretty close to the reactor and we'll be able to connect all this and make it work what uh what is that thing dude the lava the lava's not keeping any of this out man it's a good thing I have this gun the pyrithium dust is so effective against these parasites but we are gonna have to use a lot of it to make a lot of hardened glass right now then we combine it with the invar but do it did that I thought I just heard blocks breaking no no no no oh my God he's coming in again no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay okay I did here I did hear blocks breaking oh man again twice is like only man this might be the rest of the playthrough I think that was one of the big like Runners it's almost like a big bull uh they're super fat they like run faster than you out in the open but if we were to find that out in the open we'd be done not that it's any better in the mines ew oh they're so gross dude you I guess just keep building the wall and just always have my gun loaded that's it so after that minor freak out we had as many blocks as we can and try to stop that from ever happening again but really the more I think about it I have no good answer for that kind of attack the best idea can really come up with right now is to just kill the parasites as they spawn for now I finally get back to making that ingvar we craft that up with the hardened glass and we connect the reactor all the way up to the turbine I'm still thinking that if I can live up top maybe the parasites will spawn up there and I'll be able to fight them from a distance you know before they drill directly into my base problem is once the steam goes into the turbine it doesn't simply vent out into the air we need to deal with the exhaust steam or the turbine will shut down and eventually we'll have a meltdown so we go into an industrial craft machine called a steel tank they're pretty simple they just need a little tin and a little steel and a little glass I think now the reason I'm trying so hard to store up all the steam is that we can use it in an immersive engineering turbine to make even more power just like we did in that 200 days video now to effectively move around all of this power that we made at once we're gonna need to upgrade our Flex ducts into hardened Flex ducts unfortunately these are a little more expensive and require a rare alloy envar however almost like I planned it we've already been making a ton of that next to store up all this power we're gonna need to really ramp up our battery situation two basic piles don't even have a hope of holding all the power of a nuclear reactor we had our first Advanced pile to the power line we're gonna have to go out one more time do a little bit of mining to get all the oars to finish those last piles [Music] is that what was that thing oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay it's slow no it's fast no it's fast no it's fast come on come on come on come on [Music] no oh I did I got it so obviously we run as far from that as we can in fact we keep on running until we find this Glacier biome a head down and I start doing some Mining and if you guys didn't notice that it was day 74 and tomorrow will be a big event guess what neither did I so what happened next was well a little bit of a surprise foreign [Music] dude this world is so beat up it's like completely changed I think it's all the lava boulders except my base way no way no are you kidding me oh dude wow no it's dudes that's Wasteland destroy everything it's just it's gonna hit my base it dude if it hits my base what is hell what is happening no no way oh my God my tree oh my God my tree whoa oh my God it's it's going all the way up the Mountainside dude look at that is stripped the entire Valley in an attempt to wipe out the parasite threat a nuke was launched directly at our base it landed only a couple hundred blocks away way too close the entire landscape has become a nuclear Wasteland and the Farmland has been turned into Wasteland Earth unformable and dangerous oh my God oh my God that's so good to see wow but the bunker holds oh but even even if as I see my bunker I can still hear the parasites no no they're jogging the radiation yep Yep they're all gonna die oh no oh my my radiation oh my God my rad bars oh my gosh 13. I can see it filling up now no no no no no no no no no no no what was that oh my God oh my God it's like I think we got it right there holy crap are you serious are you dumbass dude I'm out of here and there's and there's ghouls too there's feral ghouls too dude oh dude there's I'm out here oh my God what in the dude oh my what do we even do that's the entire outside is legit A Wasteland I can't go out there well that was um interesting turns out the parasites are coming from above much stronger now than they ever have been coming from below us oh my god oh my god well it's working it off okay oh my God it's breaking in it's breaking from above what is that now what is okay all right all right I don't even know what to do right here because they're like tentacles dude if I'm afraid they're gonna spread I'm afraid the tentacles are going to spread so I have to kill them right now oh my God 108 RADS dude what is happening what is happening um no no no I I can't let these no no no no oh my God oh my God it just it wipes my health bar I don't I don't want to use this but I might have to yep dude it wiped out my health bar what do I even do okay okay if it's if the Ferro ghouls melt beginning radiation and then this [Music] okay cool well also I'm stupid so that's great that's cool and it's like every time I come out at night yep yep yep yep yep okay I'm done I'm done all right I'm done I quickly try to make a wall and seal myself underground that the danger is far from over this entire time I've been fighting the radiation levels have been skyrocketing I need to make rat away right now faster than I've ever had to make it in the past okay so we still still have the cows and the doors are sealed so we dude I can't focus I can't focus I really was panicking I couldn't focus on anything all the while the radiation levels keep on climbing we need more tough finally that's okay good easy okay just make the next thing now the next thing okay okay okay okay easy easy oh okay no no no no okay easy there okay easy just stay calm and we got this we got this super easy we just need a melter melter is easy servo tough alloy everything's okay [Music] yep and the chassis [Music] okay it's okay though okay easy come on we got this boom easy easy yep okay let's go let's go let's go let's go uh yep okay okay okay there soon we had a melter but I turned sugarcane into sugar which is a big mistake that needs to be used for bioplastic right away I realized what I've done now I need another way to get sugar and harvestcraft might just save us it gives us Agave which will work okay get up pick it up pick it up pick it up okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh yeah oh beet Roots that's right they take away rats oh my God that's right oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes we bone meal it up and we can turn the Agave into sugar and throw that in the melter instead but we're still running low on time we still have all of these enemies around us to fight and soon we'll be getting weakness from the radiation poisoning I pulled myself together and get a fluid and richer now we all need one more machine but first I have to make a little space up here so I can set down the enricher this machine needs ethanol and glowing mushrooms which unfortunately we don't have any mushrooms finally the only thing we can do now is go to the nether okay we just got we have to make a run for it it's just gonna be all what dude what is that I think I think it might be like a beacon or like a spawner dude that's Gotta Die yep okay let's get out of here don't know what that was don't care I pop out down here and I start to collect as many mushrooms as I can also I just kind of take a minute to take a breath here for once you know I was just thinking the um the nether is kind of nice it's like calm and like I can actually breathe oh oh it's one of those meat blobs dude I gotta kill this before I think these things I think these things upgrade into bigger you know now I'm just gonna build my way out like I'm not sticking down here I don't want to find out back at base I think it's going well because now we actually have a good amount of glowing mushrooms but now our RADS have halfway filled up and we definitely have weakness if the parasites attack I'm basically defenseless I keep on trying to push forward and keep focused with all the chaos going on around me I get our first molten sugar into the chemical reactor and then I add water so that it will start to make the ethanol finally we mix that with the glowing mushrooms in the enricher I keep on trying to stay focused moving everything along from machine to machine keeping the process going and getting the rats as soon as we can we still need one last machine the infuser finally we do actually get the rat away fluid but this is a little bit of a bait here because we're not going to be able to just use it like this we need that infuser to put the rataway into an IV that I'm close but all I can do right now is wait and I get a little bit nervous here but then finally almost okay yes yes dude that that right there is the best part of nuclear craft I can feel it's like drinking ice water bro I can feel that pure relief I spend the rest of day 77 making more rat away so that we don't end up in this situation ever again and on day 78 to make our radaway supply last a little bit longer we're going to make even more radiation protection I guess the Hazmat chess piece just wasn't enough Hazmat leggings take two heavy Shields one for each cheek I collect everything we need pretty quickly and we get our first shield then we get the second one right away and then I realized something here we're getting leather here that we had to make from flesh then we're getting string which we had to also make from cotton we have yellow flowers that we had to bone meal and finally a piece of bioplastic meaning that every single part of these Frankenstein pants were from different mods we had to use all of these combined together to make this dead Frozen Valley actually usable 15 millirads to 10 much better now I will not be making Hazmat boots because there's no way I'm getting rid of these ones that have no fall damage so instead let's work on getting our head protected also maybe if I'm wearing a hazmat suit breathing mask we don't have to listen to me getting jump scared so much sadly though we won't be able to get that just yet because we run out of sulfur one of the ways we can get it is by running Granite through the rock Crusher again but that's going to take a while so I have another idea and I don't have that much time I'm starting to redline here again I've already gotten up to mining fatigue dude when do I get to start making nukes bro always the nuked never the nuker so finally we get one sulfur we're gonna need a quicker answer and I see that the pulverizer can make some with Netherrack so we put Netherrack in the pulverizer and we wait we still need one more du panel I'm trying to save some right away if I'm using right away right now with very little protection it kind of goes to waste although I might not have a choice very soon we get some sulfur from the machines but we still need one more finally finally we get it we can make our Second Heavy shielding and with that a little more bioplastic we now have a full fun time Wasteland outfit I've wanted to make hazmat suits in a 100-day playthrough for like ever so this does feel like a pretty big accomplishment the only real drawback here is that even though I'm safer from radiation I have much less protection from the parasites so we're definitely gonna have to rely on our machines and our technology to protect us way more than fighting face to face I find out one last little trick my boots can actually be upgraded to get a little bit more protection I decide to spend the rest of day 78 getting one more heavy Shield because of all the sulfur grinding it did in fact take all night but finally we get that heavy shield and I can set it in my boots and now we have a full kit of full radiation protection with this our rat away should last much much longer but of course we're still gonna have to focus on getting protection from parasites to make up for the lack of armor so here we go dude this I hate this hallway right here this is the worst part [Music] to do this we're gonna have to get a lot more magma blocks so we can make a ton more blazing pirate theorem you know this whole it reminds me of like when you go to the bathroom at night and you turn off the light you have to just run to your bed like yeah only five days after that Nuclear Strike then I was already feeling much better for a bit dude no it's every time every time I'm feeling good that's when it happens every time this is too much dude now we really should fill this tank with a blazing pyro and still keep one with lava too because we're gonna need all the help we can get at this point now we do just the smartest thing we could ever do and we go outside okay here we go I haven't heard anything in a while so and it's daytime too so maybe it's already better it already looks better okay dude look at this place Bull on waist yo hey I said I wanted to uh I wanted to melt it I didn't want to be frozen anymore uh wait a minute wait a minute no no no no no no no dude I hate these things so much they they jump your radiation so high no I do not like those though and it's it's becoming nighttime I hate these things so much these might these in parasites dude are the worst I can't see anything but I was fighting for so long here it already started to turn tonight no I'm done with this I'm trying I tried I tried I'm done with this I'm out I'm out I'm out oh I tried to at night it's I can't do it I can't stay out there at night it's over I legit feel bad because like here we're doing another like nuclear craft video from a bunker but I'm I swear I didn't try to do this I have no choice I'm stuck down here onto 80. I take a little day to go underground and pump out more mushrooms so I can make more glowing mushrooms and that's good we do run out of glowing dust but still still good what's not good is that sound right there whoa oh they're taking damage then that's the parasites taking damage yeah I think they died they die in the lava no no not really Captain oh no oh my god oh they broke in they broke the top of the bunker they broke in they I don't know how but they've broken get out of the way hmm okay okay unless you're stuck the entire bunker is filling with lot I'm Legit stuck okay how am I legit trapped in my own base I'm like stuck in my own base so yes that's right somehow lava has found its way into my base and it's trapped me back in my reactor room I have to dig my way through my own bunker and now I have to try to fix half the base and I go out to see that one of the walls of the Lava Moat has been broken and is starting to pour lava down into the solar panel hole and down into my base now I tried the best I can to plug the hole but more importantly I make a new wall and try to fix the mode but then I turn and I get a good look at our power source no the turbine they broke the turbine oh my God and they broke the and they broke the cable to the solar panels not only is our bunker officially dead and cut off from the solar panels but now the new turbine has been trashed yeah I dude I'm sorry I tried guys I tried really hard but I can't do this I gotta go underground or I'll never get a work if I don't go underground I'll never get the reactor working like that's just what it is so now it's obvious to me we just have to salvage every part that we can and move everything that's left I take a little time here to think about what I'm gonna do next I clean up all the blocks that I placed in a panic now I decide I'm gonna have to expand the reactor room so I can fit the turbine far away from those bugs so now I set all the turbine scrap aside and I start digging by the end of the day we have a pretty good start on a big open area but after hearing even more parasites I decide to use the granite that we dug out of the reactor room and reinforce the roof as best I can then we make a huge thick wall here in the front for a little more protection by day 81 I'm feeling safe enough that my heart rate has finally finally dropped from day 75. now I'm going to take out all of the hardened fluid pipes from the roof and start to lay out the turbine and as I start building fortunately I see that we have most of the materials to make the turbine we only lost a couple of key blocks so fortunately with all that we managed to get both clear casing walls done pretty quickly on the sides we place the inlet and the outlet only this time we actually flip the two sides around then we set down our first coil but it's just so we can put the bearing thing up here and another bearing over here and then we can run the shaft right down the middle and it's going pretty well right dude they're so scary out there no no no no no no oh my goodness he's inside he's the writer dude he was they dropped brightness there oh my God they're coming right in they're going right no no are you serious are you serious dude there's going we're dropping right in and now yep and now these guys can just jump in dude this is since this is bad I have to decide this is so bad look at my health oh my God for a second here I'm worried the parasite is still up there breaking more lower blocks I try to figure out how I can repel and repair but with all these Bulls attacking I know I can't I'm forced to hide in the hallway in the back of the bunker with a lava tank and we'll eat and pray oh no not again not again dude bro there's like this guy just um that's those are those are legit like boss level parasites and there's been like four of them today no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there's two more there's two more bro I thought I thought he was gonna kill me right there another one full health drops in and I can see even more above him I have to hide and heal one more time now I just rush out and try to repair as much as I can as fast as I can I don't know why but at this moment they seem to have pulled back and they gave me a chance I just build as much as I can as fast as I can dude all this like Cobblestone like random it's so ugly this is what this is the ugliest space I've ever built but what am I gonna do all right it's like three thick now good now inside I'm feeling better but the last time I was feeling better I wasn't much safer I had another layer of andesite just in case ugh what an ugly little base once again we keep on cranking out a ton of Blazing pirate theorem and we head down to the nether again which somehow is the safest spot in the world it's weird the nether is like it's like a summer camp like the safest spot so we get some more glowing dust for the mushrooms and we get some more bone meal to actually grow the mushrooms and grow the beets too back in the Overworld we get some more glowing mushrooms and soon we have some more rat away coming the ghouls really run up my radiation and drain my Supply also we had to craft up another infuser because in all the chaos I guess we lost one of them the parasites really run down my little everything on day 83 I poke my head out and I see one of them way out there in the distance but I don't think he sees me yet I hurry because now I'm trying to add my next idea the parasites break for the blocks but if they are killed by lava first we might be able to hold out a little bit longer I start to expand the lava mode and soon start making a lava shield now we have a decent defense but also we have one big problem all of that power that we were saving up from the solar arrays has finally run dry some machines are completely seizing up and shutting down no more time to mess around here the lava defense has to wait we need to run this reactor right now so I start to craft up the replacement pieces for the turbine but this means we have to head out one more time to do some Mining and I poke my head out and we do just a little bit of mining we can't be gone for that long I can still hear them outside I think they're taking damage and I'm hoping that the lava is working I start to make our last little bits of casing soon we can finish up the bottom here then look up and finish the top as well now we can move on to making the blades for the rotor and we're almost set we collect what coils we have and craft up whatever we've lost so we make the exact same design from before now finally everything is looking correct we can connect the reactor and the turbine with the hardened fluid ducts last but not least we have the controller and complete the turbine now I make some extra rat away you know just just in case then we get the last piece of the setup done Advanced piles might actually work okay with this reactor but I'd really like to make some du piles but before we can do that I heard I heard box break I love I mean she's only it's only one block above us I have to I have to fight this and he breaks through I'm screwed I have to fight this no no no no no no no no okay come on just die come on no no no we're on day 84 and we're at two hearts that's what's happening right now like oh so yeah obviously that was a bad idea we're on day 84 and we got down to less than two hearts in that crazy melee they hit so hard and my armor is for radiation not for parasites finally this might not be smart to poke my head out for one last attempt he was lone up so I can get him now I want to get back to focusing on the piles but we have absolutely no more power and time is running out so we're forced to move forward with only basic piles and one Advanced pile I'll admit this might waste a good amount of power but we don't have a choice we have to get started with what we have we're completely out of energy at this point I slap the pile directly onto the coils now we sit here and we pray that the parasites don't break in I know the truth with parasites is I'm gonna have to go out there and fight them face to face at one point or they're eventually just gonna break in here and bring the fight to us and sure enough I can see them floating high in the sky but still I'm gonna rush and try to repair wait what oh this this wasn't here before I'm trying to use gravel here I'm hoping that it can sink down below the lava but at this point I need to fix this huge hole right here first then I start to go to the lava and try to blindly drop gravel in until no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on come on come on come on oh bro just die no no no no you don't no I think I got it no okay okay yep easy fighting outside like this is super dangerous I know but it's really necessary to keep my base from being cracked open like an egg also it lets me move around and avoid the damage a lot better than being stuck in my own base soon we have every single coil hooked up to the piles with the hardened flux ducts next we're gonna have to go full electrician mode we start to lead the flux Ducks away from the piles and make sure we don't cross any of the cables to make this a lot easier I'm going to run the cables through the floor underneath the turbine then I'm going to continue to run them underneath the walkway on the side of the reactor finally we get into the back of the bunker itself and hook the cables right up to all the other machines so finally finally finally finally finally on day 86 we're ready I take one last look around making sure I did everything right and I thought I did I know there are some weak spots but for right now this will have to do now guys remember I already fully loaded the reactor way back on day 60. and yes I forgot and I add another 12 pellets this isn't good so to start a fission reactor in overhaul you have to have all of the primers all turned on at once we go around and activate each one of them one by one then once we flick this very last one here the reactor will go critical and start making Steam okay I think I've done everything right so I mean I've done everything I can so I mean here because here we go oh okay okay okay okay that's on that's not I mean now it's on it's on there's no stopping it now but why does it have 100 heat that's that should be zero so now just like in a real fission reaction we can't stop the Reactor with a switch we have to wait till the fuel runs out we don't have any control rods after all but I make one little mistake and it turns into one big problem but utilizing this going over hello why isn't this moving over why isn't this going through the pipe uh and come on everything has to be perfect for it to work and I'm trying to figure out what the problem is then it hits me so quickly I grabbed the multi-tool and I hurry [Music] okay okay okay not overheating it's not overheating okay okay this is this is gonna work oh my God this better work yep yep yep there's steam in there yep yep okay okay it works it works I think that it all we have to do is turn this on okay it's working it's working that's okay that's okay oh yo two million RF okay but this also this is gonna be a problem sure enough the reactor is working amazingly and while the exhaust isn't being dealt with properly I was just a little too happy to be worried about it right now dude if that hits if that hits if that fills up that's really bad it's an end okay the problem is it's still going it's still going why is it still going I was however getting a little worried about the amount of pressure building up inside of the reactor I didn't know it at the time but I had loaded double the fuel that I thought and it was running much longer than my little test run was built for okay um oh no now this is filling up too is it stopped yep yep yep this is going to fill up and then this is going to fill up too and then and then it's going to melt down why is it why is it keep going oh that's not good no no no no no no I don't know what no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not like this now the reactor is quickly starting to overheat and at this bar fills up milk dude I don't wanna okay I don't really want to do this this is so dumb this is a huge waste okay okay okay oh it's still full it's wait wait wait wait wait um is it it's not filling up though it's not filling up okay oh my God I got it finally the reactor runs through all 24 of its pellets is it oh jeez dude that was too close I filled it up with too much fuel yep I filled it up with too much fuel now the turbine will continue to fill up with exhaust Steam and shut down over here on the outlet so we need to fix that or this partial meltdown will happen every time we turn on the reactor okay so step one to fix that is we're gonna make super laminar fluid pipes which are well they're pretty expensive honestly this means we're gonna have to spend a little bit of time mining obsidium but soon we get enough hardened glass to make a few more pieces of pipe and yes it is a total of five hardened glass for one piece of pipe next we're gonna have to make a universal bin to deal with all of that exhaust seam now I just want to take a note right here I wouldn't do this if I were you playing nuclear craft this steam is still extremely useful and again it could be used in an immersive engineering turbine to basically double your power output but for this 100 days I just don't have enough time to make that so we're gonna have to get rid of the steam to prevent a meltdown the bin takes silicon which means we're gonna have to process Cobble in the sand and while we're waiting for that we get out all of the lead we have left and we start to make some better piles and now we can really see with just how much power was cranked out of that reactor and just how much of it went to waste we're really going to need a better battery storage situation but sadly once again we run out of lead a tough alloy pick and head out I will take a second here because right before I leave I want to get all of the batteries set up with at least what we have working after all I still want some power running because I want these machines to be processing while I'm gone so I set them up the best I can with four Advanced piles and I even throw in a few basic ones too then hopefully with slightly better results this time we throw the switch looking good if I don't say so myself and while the exhaust seam does very quickly fill up and force the turbine to shut down the batteries have stored up a ton of power with only 12 pellets in we don't have any risk of a meltdown either now we can add the silicone to the graphite but we have 100 run dry of lead so now wear off so we run out and of course we focus on getting LED and I'm so focused I don't even notice my mining fatigue or that insane radiation sickness I mean geez I was so panicked about the Meltdown and got so much tunnel vision I had forgotten about it we craft up the universal bin then we add it to the exhaust trouble is if it's touching the cables like that it will actually delete all the RF as well as the steam so putting it here would be no good but we need all that exhausting to quickly vent out and get up to the bin so we're gonna have to set the bin a little off to the side and we're gonna have to run fluid ducts to get all of the exhaust into the bin and yes we're gonna have to use that super expensive laminar because it is a ton of steam that needs to be moved out all at once finally while I'm out mining in the middle of this beautiful cave I discover but oh oh no no oh dude I got scared I can't believe I just that's embarrassing I almost had your radiation poisoning yeah that's embarrassing I mine far far away from the blast site so they don't get any more radiation but also so I can get fresh alerts then I head back to my absolutely stunning home ow wow look at this dude oh wow wow look at this look at the difference you can see like a clear line wow look at this you can see this this used to all be under snow you can see right where the radiation stopped at the end [Music] back at base we can finally get our lead into the manufacturers and we can make our very last pieces of super laminar pipes now we can connect the reactor to the turbine and the steam will not get backed up in the reactor anymore with all of these pipes leading in and out of the turbine all the way to the bin this is an extremely solid setup all we have to do to upgrade it now is to make our piles into du piles we add this one crazy du pile to the back of the turbine and we start the whole setup again the exhaust is Flowing up perfectly and the pile is quickly filling up with millions of RF and yep everything's going up perfectly dude and we have all the power we could ask for we did it it's worth it this is I'm proud and now one last upgrade like I said earlier when we were making the reactor this isn't a hundred percent correct it's technically a hundred heat positive so I'm going to add two more iron sinks up in these small holes at the top of the reactor and now the reactor is 100 heat neutral it's perfect now that the reactor is working like the Beast it is I spend some more time making fuel moving all of the oxygen over and enriching all of the uranium it feels pretty good we make an additional 50 plus pellets and fill the infuser we should be set for life with this I then added 12 pellets but before we start it again I make a fuel reprocessor just to recycle all of my depleted nuclear waste then we add that just right in here we don't want to walk too far with all that nuclear waste in our hands then we might as well test it out at the start of day 91 one more time hopefully everything goes right this time we start the reactor and now officially we have zero net heat which is good oh no no no no no really oh dude what is what is going on you were working oh all right okay okay I'm dumb I'm dumb soon the reactors pumping out over 4 300 RF per tick all the piles are charging up nicely with this we can officially say we've achieved nuclear power and on top of it we're even being pretty responsible and recycling all our nuclear waste too we should still definitely be safe though and keep on making some right away since you know I guess I forgot to do that finally I get a bit overboard and start to make the next level of flux we make a fluid transponder and another magma Crucible honestly this is a little bit of Overkill the hardened flux carries about 4000 RF and the turbine only puts out 4000 in total but if we turn it on when it's fully filled with steam it can make in a very short burst of time about five times that RF so if we don't get the best flux sucks we can a little bit of the energy you know what it's just it's just a very small amount of help that you really don't need to do this even if it does help out just a little bit this really isn't that necessary however pretty soon we do have a good amount of these red stone energy flux ducts to help with the turbine but we really need to focus on making defense for the last eight days of this playthrough so once again we're going to be turning to our classic trusted open turrets mod to make automated turns with this much RF of course you guys know I'm already going to go straight for the lasers now these turrets they need obsidian so here we are we have enough of that and we only need a few little bits of glow dust finally we will need some quartz because tier 4 needs them and to make tier 5 you have to make all of the tiers below it got freaking laser beams see guys even my live humor is pretty cringy in addition to the turret base we need to actually make the gun itself we get the barrel pretty quickly but we're stuck on the chamber and once again we gotta spend way more time than I'd like to mining obsidian then finally we get our tier 5 chamber and we can finally make our laser I start out by drilling a hole right in the front door that's only big enough to fit the cable power this energy suck good news is we only want to put this right above the entrance the bad news is it's night and the ghouls are going to make this really tough for now let's play it smart and stay inside this does give us a little extra time to run the cable all the way through the bunker through the lab and connect it to the reactor but we're still gonna have to wait till day to set it up and here it is so now we can run the cable up to a pretty good spot that covers the entire entrance of the valley the laser has a range of something like 60 blocks so I think this should be great for this little area now that's set up it's a pretty good defense but we should get working on our next laser and we could even get the entire tier 5 based on but once again obsidian we take all of this high-powered Redstone flux and connect each coil to the DU panel on the back of the turbine then of course we do the same thing on the closer side finally we get our second laser to power it we're gonna have to start the reactor up again so we throw in a few more pellets dude is it is it messed up there's there's a part of me that Khan just wants to make some plutonium fuel and just see what happens like is that is that dumb how much RF is it how much how much is it um now we can't make that but instead of microwaving myself to death I decided to get working on the second laser turret I decided this one should be placed directly over the inner bunker after all this is where most the parasites have been dropping down and they come straight to basically wherever I'm standing it does seem like they can pretty much sense me through the walls as long as we can run our reactor enough and keep these things charged up this should make us pretty safe honestly now that we're this far into the video I think it is a good time to talk about how much I want to use a thorium reactor get a quicker small reactor and then maybe even make a nuke if you guys like overhaul I'll do a hundred days and try to do both of those and right now I really could go for one oh they I think it's since it's inside oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh dude oh come on really it just destroyed dude it just took a huge chunk out of the reactor bro if look at how close it was to hitting the cells okay um at least it has some pieces I wonder if this one is yeah this one okay and it has the DU pile too that's insane they can literally drill from like so far away and get to you it's kind of like that's that's a little op honestly that's wild yeah look at that there's still uranium in these cells dude if it I mean it's already bad but it would have been if it had gone any closer it would have been really bad so we quickly start to replace all the blocks on the back but one catch the cyst doesn't hold non-block items that would be like the expensive fluid pipes and flux ducts yeah you know what I just realized it it didn't save the fluid pipes or the uh oh oh no I didn't even realize this is alone oh that's bad uh I gotta stop it I gotta get I gotta get it up so unfortunately now I need to hurry and get all those super expensive laminar done fast the reason I need to do this quickly is because the steam is building up in the reactor and I know it has a ton of fuel still to run if this fills up we could get a meltdown so pretty quickly we get them in place and I feel much much better now as soon as I see that the steam is starting to float out of the reactor start to set up the DU piles again next you go to make that Redstone energy flux again and get the coils all hooked up this time I'll admit it didn't go too bad but if one of those reactor cells was pierced it could have gone a lot worse add to that the fact that I acted so quickly and fixed everything kind of Saved our butt right here at the end now we're grabbing some beads and still making sure we have enough fuel to keep everything going but after yesterday in the back of my mind I keep on thinking about being attacked from underground so I have an idea a lasery idea of course that means we need more obsidian but soon we have a full Fallout vault going on here as we get our mark IV laser turret hanging in the bunker and so on day 98 we set out for our very last mining run of the 100 days but then I see oh oh wow this is a this is the volcano this is so it's been like blown up because the new kid is so it's all messed up and it's so close dude look how close this is like there's this little Gap right here and then there's our base is right there it's wow that was so close it is kind of crazy to think I've been it's like 30 hours of gameplay and it's just it went from a Frozen a Frozen Wasteland to a nuclear Wasteland it just completely 180. it's kind of crazy day 99 we're almost done I have no problem spending day 99 in the nether away from the parasites honestly this wasn't pretty good this is pretty legit like I'm actually pretty proud of what we got done here the full-on reactor and all against the parasites finally we get our last tier five Barrel followed by Our Last tier V chamber craft up the turret and add it to the fully charged base now we have our true vault-tec Vault horrible science experiments and all I think that's it I think it's that's 100 days right I think so that's not good oh wow dude there's like a huge hole right to the sky meanwhile the world is literally crumbling around us if we make it today 100 I don't think we'll make it today 101. whoa look at that hey look at that look at how much whoa look at how much space they've moved they took a huge chunk of this mountain out but no no oh my God he's coming straight out of the look at this thing look at that thing oh my oh my God oh my God oh my God it's so coming oh oh my God yo what was that that was crazy that was like oh look at it dug all the way look at that it dug a tunnel from like way underground straight into the base dude that's crazy but it held we made it we I don't know why you guys are like cherry flavored that's kind of you we just killed one of the strongest parasites in the game and our base is still standing well kinda as a reward I have my last chicken pot pie I'm not sure if this is honoring my chickens or desecrating them eh it's delicious either way and after that last fight I realized that this playthrough is one of the closest we've ever come to outright failing but we didn't we just barely held together hope you guys liked my little live recordings there I might try to get a little bit better with that in the future but for now if you did like it or you want to see more overhaul just let me know down in the comments either way I love you guys so much thank you for watching foreign
Channel: TheCaptainsTV
Views: 369,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft nuclear wasteland, Nuclear, Nuclearcraft Overhaul, 100 days in minecraft in nuclearcraft, 100 days in Minecraft, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, minecraft hardcore, TheCaptainsTV, The Captains TV, forge labs, 100 days in minecraft hard mode, forge labs 100 days minecraft zombie apocalypse, forge labs 100 days, 100 days, 100 days in hard mode minecraft, 100 days in minecraft
Id: awl7nSHfeb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 24sec (8844 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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