Two Idiots Beat Terraria Calamity For The First Time | Full Movie

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coming up experience a series what watch the stupid humorous ourselves what the [ __ ] is happening two dudes Ki and Hawk blue ah I did the sloppy topping to my friend all episodes put into one massive movie oops watch the editing improve each episode see loose he learned the ways of a terrarian possibly gaining Calamity after 600 hours will they be able to conquer the world of Calamity no we suck hey there he is welcome is that you that's me bro that's what you look like in real life no hover over me looski blue balls stab that Bonnie I just wanna you wanna [ __ ] that bunny here let me put it on let me put up a difficulty okay have fun I believe in you [ __ ] you please please I'm not here I'm out of here all right I'm seeing the birdies oh you're trying to kill the birdies here let me just get back here bro oh you like that that's not good yeah what the [ __ ] is that thing what the [ __ ] is that there's a Rover [ __ ] and then just rage yep perfect there you go buddy God damn it I love capitalism quick side note due to the age restriction on the original upload we sat here and censored the first hour and a half of the movie for the hopes that YouTube doesn't Inspire us again after a couple weeks of our Mitchell fortitude fading we had the bad idea to use random sound effects as sensors have fun what did you send in the password at Discord yeah oh there it is great password that's a great password oh yes yeah we already we're gonna establish a few things he's gonna go ranger so he's going to be using guns and bows and all that so uh feel free to help him out a little bit don't spoil too much please if you know about this mod I want him to you know actually enjoy it not get he's not lying he's not lying okay yeah me on the other hand I'm still deciding I want to go Mage or not I'll probably go Mage I'm gonna have to you have a Mana crystal in your inventory I need you to throw me that Mana Crystal yeah it's a blue yeah oh there's a bunny [ __ ] dead is that swirl over there I'ma snipe it [ __ ] dead run run get the [ __ ] out of you you're not safe here bunny I'm not safe here Bunny Run Bunny you got about five seconds Mr Bunny he walked towards it oh my God I didn't realize you put a bomb down on three to chat oh my God body maybe there's another part oh yeah careful all damage in this game uh I mean you could test it go jump off the cliff I don't want to chop these trees I'm with it I'm with it I'm a big proponent of a deforestation of course of course you know I I hate the planet so it is all about the Jupiter man do we even need it like let's be real do we even need the Earth of course I don't know to be quite honest name one thing the Earth did that was good that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying oh my God we got global warming now name all the bad things name all the bad global warming terrorists racism Mount St Helens we got earthquakes porn stars the Earth just selling that's a good thing all right so essentially okay we need to get gear that's the big thing if we don't have gear we can't get [ __ ] we can't get [ __ ] we can't get regression oh we found it it did Welcome to the mushroom biome can you guess who lives here what was your favorite song that you listen to in that one bro is the crab here the crab lives here we can actually get some good loot in here if we uh I'm gonna show you a strat that I do all right we're gonna cheese it I'm gonna show you this I'm with it there's a worm oh there's a worm and we're both low oh okay okay okay there bam see now look now my pickaxe skins the top and breaks all the pots and we do not let water in what this cannot hit us oh those are Spore enemies those enemies are gonna kick our ass so we're trying to break these that guy looks mean that guy looks mean as [ __ ] look at him look at him what the [ __ ] are those Spore bats Spore bats skeletons we're just trying to make a little bit of money so our goal right now since we know we're we're weak little boys we're chasing this get some easy money all right and then afterwards we're gonna explore around a little bit more and if we die it's all good because we're gonna go up to space there's lots of good loots up there and easy money that we can use with that money we can make a hellevator it's like space space you could go to space we can go to space what the [ __ ] that's a thing in this game yes that's a thing in this game yes like left click drag it out left click there you go ah and we back and if you have any money store your money we're going to [ __ ] we're going to space right we're gonna go to space right just started dog we just uh how the [ __ ] are we going to space with a thing called rope oh my Lord oh doesn't have a lot of reach but it's like a starter hook but you know it's okay it's something this is badass that could save you from better damage too good careful not what I meant by savior we have liftoff we have lift off oh my Lord you could just rope to space [Music] oh my Lord okay we're here my Lord take a potion take a potion what what the [ __ ] is that up there that is called a dreidon laboratory what a lavatory it's a bathroom what the [ __ ] are those things those are they shooting yes okay they're aggroad on me so you're gonna get up behind them and mine them with the pickaxe pickaxe don't get too close or they'll shoot you let's go and the goal is to escape with this money without dying because if we die we're gonna lose the money let's run bucket ready immediately oh yeah breakfast ready for this full strength time to go I'm gonna go oh please please please please please there we go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go oh they're dropping down with us okay we gotta go we gotta go Gotta Go running back run run oh let's go what money money oh my God so much gold so much gold oh let's go perfect desert you need this this is perfect okay I could probably get great so this gets my gear okay there you go that loser that loser yeah open fire [ __ ] you [ __ ] you did it give you a feather feather nice put that in your recipe browser see how many you need without drowning okay yep yep I am I am wow good Lord I grew lungs I need six I need six six okay there's another oh I got two walls there you go oh let's go let's go we're gonna be careful because this is a jungle a Jungle Desert which actually looks kind of cool I've never seen this before I I'm I'm missing too vultures just for Just For The Vibes I'm gonna you want you want some wood armor good Lord nah I'm good all right I'm making myself wood armor look at me I'm Brown oh my God the bro your brown man now bro I'm officially a brown man oh let's go I have the privilege to say the words oh yeah there there I see them okay okay okay you just thought I dropped them there you go try guys it's okay you're learning you're learning it's okay it's okay okay okay we got boom bam bop boom and now oh yeah open the green we have 400 storage now good Lord and we're only at 116. oh my God look at this what the [ __ ] how you feeling about guns you want some guns bro give me a strap I want a piece here's the thing I want a piece on me there's something we have to do to get them but it's gonna be dangerous you report [ __ ] I am with it I'm trying to shoot okay you got you got ammo and all that I'm nope I got 230. all right you should probably make some arrows buddy uh I think a set of I think I might just go Summoner instead of Mage probably easier to set up like my summon oh that's badass I'm gonna craft this bam actually wait I just realized let's upgrade your bow bam gold oh yeah I got some [ __ ] oh use this for later say hello to our computer freaking computer bro this game is [ __ ] nuts dog we have to go we're in there do not we're in the six don't say what okay what what don't don't hurt this don't kill that okay okay unless you want to you want to see what it does okay no I'm good I'm good I'm sure the night [ __ ] in the night you don't want to see what this does you don't no I'm good I'm good I'm good I don't what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my God it's the boss it's the boss it's the boss it's the boss it's the boss it's the boss oh my Lord oh my Lord oh my Lord I should probably let you know I'm dead for 30 seconds what so welcome to the corruption how do you feel about it is it does it feel nice corruption this is where we're at yeah the underground corruption scared okay so these things right here these are called demon Alters this we're gonna be coming here a lot because this is what will craft a boss summoning item what we want is that purple ore below us and we can't get mine okay I'm with it but what we can do because our pickaxes aren't strong enough but what we can do okay okay is destroy the Earth oh okay okay I'm gonna let you blow up the next one oh perfect gotta go okay I saw that keep that on you if you keep that on you a arms dealer will move in musket we're good that's all we needed just two all right let's [ __ ] run let's go let's go carefully get out of here [ __ ] carefully [ __ ] my ankles just chill I believe in you okay go left go left up Bubba I promise you I'm not gonna hold my Lord okay okay come up here get too gritty I'm getting too greedy okay I'm getting too gritty I'm getting too greedy I'm going too far okay I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it oh Bubba no that's what I'm looking for perfect oh my Lord we blasted that poor are you good dude he gave me a Rover Drive what is that what is that what is that it gives me defense watch this [ __ ] oh yeah oh now it's showing that [ __ ] is badass yeah this this thing gives me 10 defense now I have 11. what oh I got a shirt two defense oh bro look at me I'm let's go got that got that trip got that drip on you all right we're good bro I like I like the winterhouses these are like these look cozy as [ __ ] oh that's is this is the uh this is the uh dungeon what is this this is the dungeon dungeon um don't go down there all right [ __ ] that I'm good then that's the teeth this is the acid seam okay so don't jump in don't jump oh we want we want some of the acid wood here too you want something okay so that is that is acid I'm not oh you can you can land into it it's fine you can okay okay would you stand it you see that bar underneath your health yeah oh that one starts burning you that's the poison about it okay okay okay look at that [ __ ] we need to kill him oh why where'd that slime come from what the [ __ ] slime oh no mini shark what is this what is this half gun half shark you like my whip [ __ ] you got a whip stinky as hell that's kinky as hell okay okay oh he's here oh there he is there he is King Slime King Slime kick slime oh there he is there he is no no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm throwing AIDS at him if you watch out for a little slime oh my God oh my God right he's right he's right he's right here's the Rope use the rope can't grapple the Rope can't grab the Rope all right right right right I got adrenaline I'm going in I'm going in I got raging adrenaline oh my whip does not do that much damage it's so slow oh boy how much time you got left five seconds eight seven how do you got this [Music] oh you got this spot wait you might spawn a time you might spawn a time I did I did I got 20 seconds I'm down I'm down [Music] I'm up go let's go he's still alive he's on my screen [Music] I mean shot by the gym clear all these slimes these slimes we're hanging out our way suck God damn I suck ing thing what the [ __ ] is that thing that's part of him that's his gem it hurts go away no wait oh my God come on [Music] I'm dead damn it he left we actually almost killed him oh now we're being spawn killed oh no you're a good creator even though you don't answer my [ __ ] DMS in time hey man hey man bubbles chat this [ __ ] I told him like a week ago hey we gotta make sure we got things all set up this [ __ ] doesn't answer me for an entire [ __ ] week I don't know what you're talking about bro you know what you know what evidence in my recording right now answering the evidence on my screen right that wasn't me right holy [ __ ] how was your first boss fight dog we almost got him that was hard so there's a few things we can do to make that easier for us accessories we don't have any accessories accessories yeah we ain't got [ __ ] first yes we got we got the armor a little bit I got no drip now I'm saving up for that [ __ ] shark gun ammo's not that much only cost like four copper is oh it's pretty cool if you uh we could take a trip all right you know you want you want to risk it you want to risk getting a lot of money risk it risk again a lot of money okay let's get rich all right we're going into the jungle then we have wormholes right we could just buy wormholes kick teleporting to each other right like one of us die right box up we teleport right back yeah easy no crying if you cry you're a [ __ ] don't cry no crying it makes you feel better there was no wolf runs at all that we've seen that would give me my last chord that I need oh it's never mine here he is oh let's go let's go and I got the battery and I got the battery let's go let's go my little boy look now he glows little blue little blue particles God 21 silver good Lord bro they are [ __ ] dropping money like what the [ __ ] is that thing a snatcher careful careful that goes through walls these are used to make you can make a cell phone out of these later hell yeah bro this game is insane what was in that Pluto uh fleeting feral claws I need that oh my God that manier is like right there on you on me on me trying to slurp me up oh Ron uncut magic cook up cook it up in there I thought about it I thought about streaming this but uh you know somebody left me on a on read for about a week I don't know what you're talking about I couldn't make a thumbnail in time I don't know what you're talking about okay you're getting a kiss on the cheek too oh let's go yeah big wet bubble loose kissy big slobbery I'm licking my lips beforehand okay dude chapstick on or off okay on I'll even put lipstick on it bro okay stop I might combust said uh someone said that uh that may not actually said uh can we can't we craft Hermes boots oh yeah I think we can't let me check let me check let me check can we thank you let me yeah I believe we can Lodge I appreciate you you're the goat you're the goat yeah thank you for that all right you're the goat I don't remember everything about Calamity so I appreciate any messages bam Hermes boots right here bam there you go buddy put those out on your accessories got the steppers on me what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the world is upside down holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] careful though I press W in the world flip dog the Earth changed its [ __ ] rotation dog this is insane what is this what is this what is this oh is this a is this a what the [ __ ] is this I found someone's house oh loot it that's a sky island it's a sky island sky island loot all Hawk what's up look at your members on your YouTube oh no oh no oh no what do you mean by that what do you mean by that oh what the [ __ ] why just why fill us in fill us in so how my YouTube works I have tears for my memberships like a one dollar three dollar and all that my highest tier is a 20 which is simp love that a lot and they uh they they became that that's awesome especially the goat especially because how YouTube works I get 75 of that um oh good old twitch hone me you know when you looter that chest yes put that where your horseshoe is what is this Wings you got beginner wings you don't you don't take fall damage anymore with those wings roared that's roared oh [ __ ] okay you slime you you focused shooting on him I'll try to kill as many as best I can for you the Lord Lord the Lord the Lord good lord your adrenaline pop your adrenaline you haven't got hit oh oh there it is you're hitting him you're hitting him with a torch you're heading over the torch you're panicking you're panicking you're panicking calm down calm down okay okay oh oh gosh it's standing I'm ready I'm good drink your potion summon that bad boy oh my God this is insane this is [ __ ] insane oh I got adrenaline rage on the minions all right all right let's go let's go oh [ __ ] not dead all right ready when you are ready when you are all right hold on so now you're going to take these six we're using these bad boys now it was all weird I'm with it and then I'm gonna drink all this nice nice oh my God oh my God so much so much jammed Out jumped up top jump up top under half he's under half he's at a thousand he's at a thousand let's go shooting them shooting them shooting them you try to sneak me you hoe you Hoops you're over here [Music] shoot him out hello very low 200 200. 140. come on three Dennis they're dead they're dead let's go first boss look at that trophy look at this [ __ ] I'm good wait you got the slat you got the saddle right click that stuff right click it did you right click it okay I did I did now press r jump oh it works for your double jump too oh my God oh my God I'm trying to slime you can jump on mobs you could jump on Mobs with that bad boy too oh my God this is badass from riding a slime I'm gonna name him Herbert Herbert let's [ __ ] ride this is so funny all right you a little slow but it's not good I'm with it we gotta go to the desert we gotta get a few things in the desert to craft this spawner I'm gonna try to get it I'm gonna try to get us some pylons going all right boom what you're you are you throwing you're throwing Bobs don't throw Bobs you're destroying the landscape throw the grenade oh God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God they're over here they're over here okay all right all right all right um You just had to destroy the Earth over here I keep falling in the holes what are you talking about I don't know what you're talking about oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm throwing my balls everywhere 98 99 defeated kill the rest of them kill the rest of them so if we can get the Goblin tanker we can get rocket boots off him oh you have to tell me twice and and there's one more thing he sells a table that combines your accessories together so you can combine your boots your Hermes boots with those rocket boots to literally make Speedy rocket boots oh that's clutches ah there he is yeah so you're going to buy the rocket boots off him okay I'll get the workshop yes I'll get the workshop [Music] let's craft them don't take them out yet no no put them back in okay okay the reckon go back into crafting yes you typing boots again and you're gonna upgrade lightning boots lightning boots this combines the aglet and the angle of the wind to make you run even faster the aglet a g l e t acne don't forget it okay I'm shooting I'm shooting shooting don't worry I don't know if I'm shooting it oh I think you can angle it there I'm sticking my Barrel yeah there you go through it don't worry don't worry I got my whip in there I got my whip in there take my bear on the hole and I'm shooting in the hole you know I've shot in a hole or two in my life okay buddy okay go do we have any cactus in the house I'm ready all right summon it and start moving immediately oh it's the [ __ ] okay okay [Music] oh my God oh my God watch out for the bombs kill the baby kill the Baby Big Worm coming together the music go crazy that word [ __ ] that worm oh god [Music] oh what did I just say about getting hit by the head again [Music] 10 seconds okay hey make sure you Wormhole now come on out come on I'm coming in I'm coming in I'm coming in let me save I'm safe [Music] make sure you heal you're alone it's coming up he's coming up oh my Lord no the horse dealer what happened what happened you killed Trayvon you [ __ ] nope good Lord now's not the time for evil presence watching us oh my God oh my God what does that mean what does that mean the big eye big eyes gonna spawn the big eyes gonna spawn we gotta end this we're gonna end this I'm popping rage what the [ __ ] is happening here it comes all right this bad boy up sorry oh my God oh my God oh my God come on out hey yo light on fire there we go there we go you you oh yeah oh wow here please get up there he goes oh my God I'm like that I'm like that though oh my God nice Dodge hold that adrenaline build that adrenaline oh I got this got this [Music] no Wilbur page where you at miss I miss my 200 chance come on it's okay he's at 900 900 900. Ralph helpless Ralph the margin oh my God oh my God hey good good good oh my gosh oh my God 200 200 200 200 200. you 30. yo let's go let's go that's what we talk about Boss Rush you can go so this is a universal armor set okay which means I can use it and you can use it look for the helmet that increases your range damage craft it and put in your inventory oh my god dude we have all the events happening nuclear toads those are yes shoot them yeah this kid hurts here dog everything hurts here you have a potion to heal there's a heart right there you can grab there's a heart right there grab that and grab this heart over here yep yep take a nap I just got the NPC boom boom okay I could just do that okay okay I'm learning I'm learning I'm learning is that a starfish that oh my God look at all the balloons yeah because I I found the uh the jellyfish princess and since there's a party going on and she's at NPC summons all the balloons welcome to the abyss I remember listening to OST the music is good yeah remember when I told you like you you could feel it better when you're in the abyss oh yeah this is good yeah we don't we don't have the equipment for here so while we're in here it's even my glow stick we're barely ridiculous you can't do this yeah we need better equipment for this equippable tartar sauce summons a Mini Minotaur oh yeah put that in your pet slot in your equipment tab yo where's my Minotaur yo look it up [ __ ] love minotaur's dog look at him oh what happens if I fly away he could fly too he's oh my God oh my God he Twirls a hammer he Twirls a hammer to fly I love this guy there is an area you haven't heard the music yet and we're here look at this place we're here what is like that music change that guitar was crazy or the guitar the piano was crazy so a lot of people were kind of mad that we didn't listen to it this is the sun could see this is called Sanctuary this is giving me there's a there's a level I think in Mario 64. yeah I know you're talking about like this yeah I know what you're talking about and it does before the beat drop you know yeah oh I think I do oh yeah this one is good I like this hey make sure you're not in smart mode or it won't work that's why that's why that's why this chest right here you can loot the chest I'm just gonna take all the power cells oh we got oh so the reason why you want to loot these is because you get um a schematic and that schematic you can make powerful dread on weapons that require the charges and all that oh and also we're here because of that big Crystal down over here this is the type of music that I'll just throw on the Spotify bro have a good time and have a good time love music like this bro good background music good background music for free for free storm surge yep oh my God oh go through walls Brock I'm I'm excited to do this every Monday with you why are you down there oh hey oh there we go here it comes okay oh it's coming he's coming where's he at where's he at [Music] Arena okay shoot him up shoot him up oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God holy holy okay bro one one from getting adrenaline slowly [Music] I told you oh my God right okay okay bro this gun is insane oh my God something hit me come on he's dead come here no no no no oh my God I saw you kill him though oh my God he [ __ ] jumped on me summon again Get Ready Get Ready you're supposed to stay alive for it [Music] Bubba proof that damn Corner are you there all right yeah those are my new summons I got them from uh when we did the uh scrabulon I was able to craft it oh good lord bro you got all kinds of [ __ ] now yeah I got I got all the pets is that a snail you like my new name I'm working on her arena for us so we have is okay this is gonna be like a proper fighting arena for bosses that's uh okay that's awesome down there no no no say oh it's safe yeah it's safe oh that was it's right next to settings okay yeah so we got the King Slime like what is the torch god um we could attempt leader of Worlds that's the next boss yes and once we do depending on how our progress goes we could probably do Skeletron today for the Skeletron what the [ __ ] is the Skeletron our goal today is Eater of Worlds hive mind and Skeletron yeah so we're gonna do either worlds Hive mine queen bee Skeletron okay um the storage bugged is everything good um I bought Dynamite to craft it and it didn't go in here it's it didn't go in it didn't go in here and I just bought like 98 dynamite and it's not in here oh so I brought a toy okay I'm gonna toy yeah so I'm gonna go down here okay what do you mean a toy there come up stand here what do you mean a toy you brought a toy yeah run [Laughter] it doesn't hurt you it does that instead oh my god oh I didn't even look I don't even look what um did you just do it what the [ __ ] did you just do what happened to the world what happened after the world it's breaking all right all right [Music] mortys get big [Music] here we go there's three of them now there's three of them [Music] acid [Music] kill him best of our ability all right all right hello no watch out first finish the game creepers watch out for those good Lord ah no not me yeah bro okay I got adrenaline I got adrenaline [Music] [Applause] poison again oh bro all these little minions 20 seconds all right you ready to see my new salmon oh my God I'm what is it what is it I now have little I have little baby baby Eater of Souls do you just do you have to use your status oh my God look at those [ __ ] guys bro okay okay hold on fire come on out come on oh okay okay don't touch that that hurts I say that then I touch it I am foreign adrenaline stand right here stand right here yeah let's go oh my lord well all right I guess I [ __ ] used all the Amity you ready [Music] yeah so since we beat hive mind a new ore is now available to us yeah we it's a whole new gear set too because the chaos waste stops spreading uh no serious stop spreading oh that's not there forever it's there until we get rid of it later yeah you get rid of it later okay I'm with it um I believe to mine this new ore we have to go to hell first and get hellstone what is that thing following you what the [ __ ] is that that's my arm yeah that's my armor my armor so instead of that uh that snail I had now I have that void to Valkyrie now you have a [ __ ] I don't know if you have an angel It's a valkyrie I crafted it all right I got it all right head on real quick let's go I got it I gotta I'm going home we're going home you're right you ready to have fun yes are you sure yes okay if you say so oh yeah we're fighting oh my God I didn't realize okay okay oh my God I summon 10 of them I refuse to die to you sexist [ __ ] I'm sorry I I might die to you ow you can't kill me all right you can't kill me okay you can kill me how do you feel about a taser you maybe what no put your weapon in the top and put the cell on the bottom okay and it'll start charging wow oh it's using him oh okay okay okay all right bunny bunny no hard feelings yeah you get to see what it did I just killed it lime Crown Perfect all right let's go let's test it on King Slime oh slime okay okay here I will take off my summons so they don't interrupt you let's see how they do for you oh my God that's actually not bad awesome good Lord good Lord this is nuts it just grabs on okay I like the sound it makes I mean [Music] right here this looks like a good spot bro that [ __ ] nuke is insane all right and goodbye to the world around us all right run run runner she's right there I'll hit it I'll hit it Jesus here oh I can't get closer you walk closer where the torch you'll see here I can't close get closer my minions we'll shoot her that oh that that will summon her yes that summons her so if I if I shoot her if you shoot it right now it will summon her she does oh yeah we beat her ass Queen B lokia batty you could go to hell what oh that beauty and there's one thing guess what I got what do you have now this position you have a baby I'm gone am I forever does that fly forever I'm going to space oh it ends right at space oh oh so that's our fight how far you can fly oh that's up in the sky yet I'm going back oh my Lord oh my Lord forever hey God damn you gotta [ __ ] beat look it has goggles look see the goggles are off on the eyes when I fly puts them on hat goggles all right we have two more things before we end okay remember that dungeon um since we did hive mind you can go in the dungeon now if you want to take a look we can actually like look through that in a little bit Ah I'm scared that what are you scared about it's fine all right all right you you can go down I'm gonna get these books just use it hold a torch break that break that water candle oh there's a potion what is oh this is a big room okay ah [Laughter] I love it what the [ __ ] was that that was the dungeon guardian oh I walk in there and the [ __ ] armadillo of death just steamrolls me for all of my health [Laughter] one moment I was just looking at books I saw potions on the wall I thought it was cool and then I died all right Lucy you is it you just play the one drum you have made me mad you've hurt my feelings Hawk you've hurt my feelings oh I picked up your drumstick okay you hurt your feelings hurt my feelings you heard my feelings now I'm gonna hurt yours what [Music] every NPC that was here now dead you hurt my feelings do you want something or you want me to summon it you do it you do it are you sure you just talk to him and press curse and get ready to run oh my God oh my God Mr Bones Mr Bones showed up kill his hands kill his hands first hands first oh let it hurts no your biggest sentence Oh my God no no no come back come on no no stop smacking him smack me instead okay shut up desert watch out watch out for the uh the uh shooting called The Curse balls falling from the sky now's up a time no no I'm dead you're not sleeping buddy go to bed I didn't get sent to these ah no talking in the bed what did I just say you were talking how did you know I muted myself this feels racist even better [Laughter] oh goodness [Music] [Music] [Music] his hands are back oh my God you have to die oh we teleported one hand down one hand down yeah it keeps you in that phone keep shooting the phone dude come on 800. oh my God he takes away if you get hit he's dead okay let's go we have one more thing before we end stream because Skeletron that dungeon is open now next stream is gonna be the biggest stream because we have the final three bosses of hard mode next stream we will be doing deer clops slime God okay so we need to we need a golden key for this chest race dungeon slime over there you see that that will drop a key that will drop a key okay get that key got the key got the key time to move time to move all right open that let me know what you get oh we got what we got gold torches recalls Titan potions Titan potions mining Nimble Aqua scepter Aqua scepter okay not bad you want that that's a magic weapon so I guess just keep it on you for now it might be used to craft some weapon later bro shooting through walls and not having to care about wolves oh Chase my balls what oh my balls what the [ __ ] is that thing that's my balls I gotta accidentally open the door it's okay I got a new whip quiet Cobalt Shields perfect to put on your social what kind of oh that's a bite that's a biome chest okay I'm gonna open it hang on here where's the pistol I gave it at you I threw it at you oh there you go there you go buddy okay good Lord see everything's okay buddy hock you're scaring me okay how how am I scaring you what did I do you're scaring me are you saying I'm a scary individual [ __ ] you're bullying me okay oh I'm sorry you know I just realized you have a [ __ ] Christmas tree yeah it's Christmas Yeah Christmas no more all right shut up it's Christmas in Terraria ah you [ __ ] blue team okay all right follow me oh my God look at that I have made us Arena look at the [ __ ] Arena this thing is nuts so we did a little mining off stream by the way I've sat here for two hours waiting for this [ __ ] what is this up here so this is the new home yo look at our floating house now so the magic storage I tried to fix it did it work so I made a whole new house was that the boss with the Sania yeah yo oh hey look look at the money so the old house I destroyed the entire landscape right here and just put flowers I'm just bro you just cleared out okay this was our cave yes right here it's all gone oh you just steamrolled it that was hungry formed our house I was hungry this is our AFK Farm watch what happens when I activated oh look at all the mobs damn on me there's a [ __ ] up you sit here and they all Pile in and you take all the money on today's agenda we have three bosses to do deer clops slime gods slime God but there is a few side steps we have to do first because I know some people want to see reactions to all that stuff and it'll also be pretty cool to do that before we go into hard mode and it gets really difficult welcome back to the abyss buddy for me not the Ascension carefully going on by the way for everybody who hasn't seen the haters aren't they all right now you see me night [Music] well like I saw them all alone all right Hawk I can't see [ __ ] with the hater blockers on but I'm here I'm here did you is your name Lucy but Jamaican this is you know I'm gonna try to get the treasures out of it I can barely see them ways oh no yup that's all right I'm still here oh Bubba oh oh no oh no storm don't be touched by that bro are you dead I'm dead oh God damn it all right back at the cribble just like that feels good to be bad [Music] you probably put it on your piggy because I did tell you to put on your piggy bag oh yeah we zoom in now oh much better this is so much better oh my Lord now oh God I jumped so high that's a giant squid what the [ __ ] is that there's a giant squid oh my God there's a laser there's a look I'm dead I'm scared [Music] I'm running I'm here I'm here with the eight of blocks on I'm sorry I'm trying I know they found a new weakness oh the squid there's a chaotic puffer fish stop shooting stop shooting stop shooting stop shooting do not hit that squid it's not babe I didn't even feel you dodged into him I couldn't see him I found the summon I didn't see the point I didn't see the poison fish I didn't see the poison fish okay it's okay Bubba Taylor I got the I got the summon got it got it can we get out of here not yet no come on oh is this the straight drop oh it is oh God where the [ __ ] are we going are we dropping in here we're going to the bottom of the Void okay here here's the item I thought it I found I found it lovely okay all right we can teleport out here teleport area free Drone teleport out here uh difficulty are we playing on again I forgot we're on Master mode revengeance Master mode revengeance we're not on Death Mode because looski would not be that would just ruin the experience for him I wanted to experience Calamity and not cry yes in the future if he wants to do another playthrough we could possibly change our classes and doom you know Death Mode that's up to him this is either gonna be easy or gonna be really hard what the [ __ ] is that thing what the [ __ ] is that from don't start bro he's shooting hands bro he really he literally throwing eggs he literally throwing hands I knew that was gonna happen soon I'm gonna listen there's a face doing I cry I lost my cursor how do you lose your cursor going on oh no oh no I'm low [Music] [Music] that loser no I was holding that call for the entire boss fight oh I got Lucy the ax let's go bro good Lord you are massacring trees with that thing can you see the text that pops up for me damn no oh it says yes again let's chop it is that ax moaning it's talking that's moaning every time every time you hit a tree it's talking to me is that what's going on Lucy eats talking to me is that what's going on all right Joe what this arena is actually actually wait let me let me slop it let me swap it hold on because this stuff supposed to start from this way are you ready for your first God you better set up for this fix your posture everything sit up get ready one there's two of them excuse me oh god well yep there goes all my health if we can oh if we can kind of separate them we could probably do this a lot easier [Music] watch out for the teleporting one got the other one hit him with the glassy lucky cool oh my Lord hey Google I'm coming okay okay I'm here oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my god let's go adrenaline almost got adrenaline okay adrenaline split them they split they split the red one split take flight might be you got this oh my God oh my God I see you I see you take flight might be [Music] oh faster respawn please get over here oh I just got quarter am I 20. oh my God I need honey honey oh my God bro the red dude split be split oh [ __ ] I'm dead oh my God no no please please please get away from me get away from me again [Music] [Music] let's go oh fine split mine split mine split I'm just letting it out my split let's see right now on my side oh my God oh no good time [Music] buddy [Music] [Music] give me up [Music] adrenaline [Music] up yep okay it's okay hang in there hang in there hang in there [Music] don't worry about the honey don't worry about the honey oh God there's three of them what died let's go let's go we got is there another one yeah maybe 200 200 200 . get his ass come on oh you left we got it we got it yeah oh yeah let's go Lucy just said this is perfect chopping weather as I'm standing in the middle of hell hahaha yes it worked it worked I see the skin the never-ending skin Trail yeah so okay this goes across the entire world oh really how did you do that is there an item you could just do yep it's called the obsidian instant Bridge uh you craft two of them and then you combine it to make a double layer one oh and this goes across the entire world so now we just have a nice little Railway that takes us to either side drop down it's changing colors drop down oh what the [ __ ] what is stolen tags Crags I mean oh my God the music is nuts too good Lord oh really remember that one song left alone yeah this is where you would fight the boss for that one oh oh I wasn't paying attention but now I'm left alone we're here it's a wall of flesh we gotta make sure we're prepared this fight it's either gonna take a while or it's gonna be first try oh hell here we go oh gravity don't go too high don't go too high don't do not go too high okay for some reason what okay I don't know why I think I think as you exit the hell bio oh my God this thing is terrifying terrifying good Lord good Lord [Music] I'm just okay is that 9k I'm dead you got this Lucy keep going just keep going just keep going you went too high drop down drop down drop down [Music] I'm buffed all right all right here we go attempt two you can do this number two stay on the bottom two platforms do not go all the way up almost halfway halfway all right let's go adrenaline [Music] is that 9k you're not hungry kill that hungry [Music] I'm dead oh my God for a little bit I'm just gonna survive let's just survive oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God [Music] no no no no no no come on [Music] oh okay I have an idea so I'm taking off my my whip right now so it uses Mana so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna equip a mage item this Mage item makes me consume Mana potions automatically so I can just continuously spawn the suicide whatever it does so and I can basically just focus on dodging instead of trying to hit him in the eye with my whip these do not consume minion slots either let's go and they explode so I can just keep summoning and then when I'm out of Mana I'll drink a potion automatically oh really look at that bro what did you get those things from this is a slime puppet staff it's a summoning weapon the button says the ball fly towards the nearby enemies and explode into slime on enemies hits does not consume minion slots uses eight Mana all right I'm ready oh my God what is that I'm ready [Music] you have so many fish I'm 55 defense for this [Music] no not please [ __ ] [Music] oh my God adrenaline [Music] it's okay this is okay it's okay is okay it's okay it's fine fine everything is a okay everything is fine everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine I'm okay I'm alive I'm here welcome back Bubba Bubby's at 4K he's at 4K 3K we got this 2K too much I've been trying too much I've been trying too much 1K come on 500. 200 let's go [ __ ] you please we're the superior channels Welcome to Hard Mode bubble you made it hard mode you made it also the ancient spirits of light and dark have now been released just like you should know the bottom left what oh don't worry about that we worry about that next episode you get to place the trophy my guy oh [ __ ] let's get going let's go oh yeah look what I got I got trophy you got trophy look at the trophy right here yeah oh look at the is that a tongue yeah what is that accessory slot let's go now you have another accessory slot oh assault rifle oh he thought he got it oh oh hell oh hell bro I got [ __ ] AR on me now oh yeah buddy what's up man you Gotta Give Me You Gotta Give me a quick recap all right dog it's been a minute we beat we beat Wall flesh we suffered for like an extra hour and a half or so because we couldn't beat it and then we finally clutched it right now we are in hard mode which means a lot of things are going to happen this is when Terraria gets difficult I should say so we're gonna feel like we're butt naked yes and uh so you want to see the issue that I kind of uh what's the issue I come this way and also I like your new pet your oh you like them yeah like you like my new pet little guy yeah I like him he's actually like she's like holding a jar of gold what is that it's like an orb or something I don't know I like dude so um since we answered hard mode a star has fell from the heavens well that star kind of landed next to our house what the [ __ ] is this this is the astral infection oh oh kill it kill it this right here fell and this is what is this thing this is used uh later on for some stuff what Realty dog last time we played it felt like we got a lot done yeah no we're nowhere near close we're nowhere near the end on we're not even halfway wait what is that thing what does that do I don't know what this is I think this is a new system new I don't know what this is what is this thing ascended astral slime I don't know what this is go my fishies go attack my fishies oh I'm good what is this astral Communicator summons the ash I don't know what this is not consumable what does this do oh that's cool so that thing that I summoned that was a Calamity boss that was taken out but it was a bad bat added back in by the Catalyst mod that we have the mod that everyone was telling me to um install with us that's what it was oh no let me check the oh my okay we're supposed to fight that boss very later on okay all right so today's objective all right we have an event we call the Pirate Invasion and we're gonna hopefully do maybe two or three balls yes we're gonna do the Pirate Invasion so we can get easy money and just do the boss fight for that and then we have Queen slime and the cryogen so that's our that's our plan for today yes and for the people that are telling us to get the rod of Discord we're gonna wait on that all right we're gonna teleport down to our cave pylon all right oh this is not good okay pylon oh it's spread down here oh no this doesn't look like regular ground anymore no no it is not oh my God it went all the way up here oh hey look the New York but creamy pie I just noticed my name they're going crazy not gonna lie the music's such a bomb down here I'm kind of happy that this spread so close to our house but I'm also not very happy because I've been terrified all right yeah because this biome hurts a lot all right have we found a spider biome at all four spider mile I don't even know what that is I don't think we've ever found a spider bio I know we have it looks like it is in the snow biomes oh bound wizard get this guy get this guy huh the wizard wizard the name of NPC that Arrow that's pointing to NPC this guy wizard look at him oh lizard you click on him right click on them there you go shop what does he have on him oh yeah a bunch of uh wizard things like magic he will sell us something when we put him in a certain biome we will get to that biome later so there's gonna be beefy spiders in here and we gotta kill them so they're now gonna spawn a lot more all right is there any in there oh is this oh you could whip the cobwebs away yeah this is a small ass biome I don't like this there's a mimic there's a mimic to the left it's over here or I'm whipping can you see the little blue chest jumping I think yeah shoot it right there oh my God it is a mimic oh look at all them spiders I need all of these guys dead what is gonna go what is gonna happen right now um oh my God what's this Destroyer do not get hit by its head okay by the head you're not getting hit by the head okay I'm circled okay I'm fine kill the pros kill the pros kill the probe [Music] there's a probe there's a pro pool there's another probe watch out for a tent yeah that head that head survive just survive 20 seconds [Music] it did hit you baby no all right well that happened [Music] so he just showed up yeah beat our ass and then left yeah oh here look I got you a gun from a bag here you go man oh Jesus oh my God I'm gonna aim for the middle of the far wall this is where I shoot [Laughter] Pirates are approaching from the West okay Pirates are here oh dear God whoa get to the arena get to the arena run get inside get inside hurry hurry get inside good side good side good side down here down here down here down here get in oh my God okay okay we're safe all right activate the blood activate the blood okay all right okay we're safe we're safe okay man these Pirates ain't [ __ ] thank God we have this no way we're fighting this regular oh there's the there's the Dutchman the Pirates have been defeated but there's the Dutchman we need to go kill that no the Dutchman left no that's why there was like a thousand of them I left the spawner on I just turned it off yeah that's why there was a million yeah I was like what pirate cruise this be looski Lucy I got you something you're gonna like this is a very rare item from the jungle it has I think it's like literally like a point one percent chance drop or some [ __ ] let me go my friend all right I'm gonna make our own of that volume here yeah I'm gonna make it here how are you doing that oh you're planning I'm planting seeds what are you planning what is this these seeds will transform our new area into that biome and then when the biome why would you do that because it's a good biome oh there's one of the trees it's a good bile it's a good biome this biome will help stop the spread as well okay I don't think this is good it's good for the environment oh no it's fine that's fine actually the background is really pretty see everything's gonna be fine not really let's leave this before it hurts us more does for nine Platinum we're not buying that yet but he sells the item that your chat kept talking about the rotted Discord so essentially the rod of Discord wherever your cursor is at you will teleport nothing but Discord kittens discs Discord kittens yes you become a Discord mod I realize hey shooting back yeah they have guns as well I got the uh I got the gun I got the fire gun where you at where are you at go on I got the fire gun there you go they shoot my ass forceful Midas Prime oh there's the boss oh my God oh my God don't get hit by the cannons no oski I got you my friend oh my God get out of there one Cannon's dead I'm about to be dead you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good good you're good two Cannon's dead the other one get the other one no you're taking it why are you taking it out of the Arena there we go it's dead Victory screens now ow ah it says right here I got the gun so it says right click to throw a coin in the air hitting the coin with a bullet redirects the shot to the nearest enemy oh so you shoot the coin at the enemy oh my God so tough oh my God that is so tough that is actually sick oh I need something to kill I need something to kill bro if I just let's go I got one of my Elementals I'll put that picture on look up look at my new woman oh my hey yo what's her number put on Terraria rule 30 what's your camera oh yeah oh what did you just do [ __ ] what did you just do everything oh my God you did the [ __ ] nature destroyed we need to find the thing okay okay what is [Applause] that's my saying Elemental that's my sand Elemental oh what are you about to do if we I'm gonna go back home okay I'm gonna go turn our AFK Farm into a snowball oh there's one that's the thing right above us watch it drop the item right away did you get anything off that I sensed up earlier no owls I'm dead oh there's another ice Club sir oh okay I'm here I'm here okay good thing I just survived just long enough we have a friend on the left side get outside get outside ow ow oh there it is ice claps or kill it oh there it is I got it you guys gets all right out of here oh let me turn it off turn off okay turn off turn off turn off everything dies yeah kill the rest kill the rest not you no get back down here I have your money go my boys go get him up get on my boys all right let's go put this in our we're gonna go put this in our artificial biome okay and we're gonna make it a hollowed so we could Farm the materials okay to craft the ball summon are you changing it now yeah that's what I'm doing right now okay yep oh kill that kill that sword oh okay it changed oh damn that was very little to change it okay right of the [ __ ] snowball it's cool yeah this is the underground hollowed here's your here's your wormholes by the way forgot to give you those oh yeah all right you ready to farm this oh my God you ready yes yes I'm ready here we go I'm activating it oh hello [Music] I'm dead watch out for that guy he's dead it did not drop your weapon God damn it no all right it's all right that's right that guy [Music] oh there's a mimic again he dropped it let's [ __ ] go there you go God damn it all right we're out of here we're out of here right right here we're going home going home hold it down oh my God it's rain arrows oh let's go I got all of my Elementals oh my I got some of them I need more no the cloud Elemento goes crazy first boss Queen slime those arrows are good on me they are making a rain on them I'm not building my adrenaline I'm gonna go dip my toes in Honey never mind I got my rage you gotta press s drop down yeah yeah I didn't realize that it's because the shoes make you go over it now let's go I got my adrenaline I got my adrenaline I'm going in I'm taking the aggro away we're pretty low she's pretty low she's flying around flying around the world at the speed of sound I got rage go my minions dude that's I just realized you could sit all the way down there and just point your cursor up and open fire you're basically safe she's almost dead almost dead first ball is easy there we go do you like that one slime the next boss is a Calamity boss my friend yeah you can just sit inside just shoot everything oh now whilst we fought this man oh we're looking for we're gonna look for I guess corrupt mimics oh there's one and we're looking for Souls of Night look at that easy and there's that guy again what's the item that stopped him from spawning we have the snow biome Arena no we don't we have this we're just fighting in the snow biome we have this grown ass man yep we have this the manly Arena we use for deer cloths yeah for deer claps let's [ __ ] do this hockey all right first har mode Calamity boss ryogen oh my Lord oh my Lord 95 000 HP oh my God careful don't take him too high you'll get mad I'm dead [Music] oh my God 10 seconds five seconds what you see the dressing the juice I'm back oh God he let me on fire somehow how does that make sense he's nice no [Music] all right you ready to fight okay well all right what blood moon all right well uh let's go fish during the blood moon that's fun right ow damn you shot him in the back of the head that loser all right oh what what look who is this it's a woman why are you shooting the woman be good he's all right [Music] why are you shooting the woman that's why fine fine fine fine you want a shooter oh you want to shoot her well guess what there you go there you go okay okay I will admit I [ __ ] up okay I [ __ ] up why are my fire my controls backwards why are my cushy converge if she controls you [Music] you ain't got [ __ ] on me okay maybe you do maybe you do you might you might have [ __ ] on me because you really much hurt you see what you [ __ ] did you finish up all right you saw her and made her angry look what you did I shot her once and left okay [Music] all right you you shot her and you said her once you're the one that went willy-nilly with your damn whip all right well guess what not my fault my ancestors blood flows through me oh I just realized the background changes too I can't forget about that I gotta lead the arrows a little bit oh my God them arrows are kind of [ __ ] it's raining as hell come on [Applause] [Music] someone's little stars that explode oh my God he's charged into me there's so much kid on the screen I lose my cursor okay heal me my minion please oh my God no put all of the warmth potions reduce damage from cold sources 15 minutes on buying us this you buffed up yep all right let's go oh yeah that one potion helped that a lot you did not take that much damage from getting hit dude let's go come on hell yeah [Music] you don't get you don't get slowed either when you get hit [Music] we got this we got yeah [Music] I got rage [Music] I'll I'll train him around like a squad zombie oh he's so close he's so close we got him closer I got rage I'm gonna wait till you stop spinning around the puppet what is he doing [Music] 9k 9k don't get greedy it's like Elton ring don't get greedy oh no we're both low we are both really really low oh he's dead let's go oh my God that boss bro oh we got the NPC too yeah welcome to my character screen we got bubbles inverted sack bargee honey man lobthor throw looski but creamy pie we gotta rename this we gotta think of a name for Lucy I don't want to risk saying this word this word is actually AOK it's in the Urban Dictionary you can look it up ruffled cancer stick Shadow Man but these nuts on Shin I just I'm looking at my subscriptions the filthy mine has described one day ago oh God no please no more Hi-Fi please sour milk I'm gonna put a y at the end of it [ __ ] I can't eat there we go look at that God damn I forgot how cool my character looks now but my character looks cooler I bet you doesn't how much you want to bet how much would you want to bet on that huh 50 bucks yeah that's an easy 50 bucks for me 50 bucks 50 whole dollars it's easy 50 bucks for me no no I will bet you it's not five cents that my character looks like why are you lowering it why because why are you lowering it main engine crash this is likely a fault disabled mods one by one and check the issue persists all right I'm loading back in we're doing three main ones today okay oh yeah oh yeah so actually that's a lot now that I sit here and look at it all right so we're doing so we got the twins the Destroyer Brimstone Elemental and Skeletron Prime who looks the who looks the most scary they're twins honestly look terrifying because just two eyeballs staring back at me right now uh do we have enough time you have to fight him at night so let me see let me go check the clock it is 1am we don't have enough time okay so JJ said you should put the dryad in a graveyard and buy Crimson seeds and plant them far underground and farm out icker and make acre bullets then lower the defense of enemy oh they lowered the defense that that is smart yeah should I summon something on Lucy I mean he's just chilling there you know let's go summon something on him we got money hold on we buy this okay now we head home okay but sour milky no I get it morphless came in here and said sour milk it's okay hey hey man hey what does that even mean it's not even mean I got a present for you what the [ __ ] oh why do they go through walls no I almost killed flops oh my God flops is okay oh my God come up here come up here and pet flops right now it's our bunny I bought us a bunny knock on pet flops where is he right there here let me move out the way let me move everybody out the way damn [ __ ] flops what the [ __ ] that's it [ __ ] you hawk all right what are we oh you made me mad [Applause] all the brains here hello oh my god oh there is a there's a lot there's a lot of things going on here edit yeah you can change you can edit stuff on them big booty hole lies here what the [ __ ] [ __ ] we need more I don't know it hasn't made the volume yet is enable PVP oh yes there is my friend I want all the smoke God damn oh [Music] hahaha get back here get back please I was just still not a grape oh it is turning it's turning into one it's turning into one it's getting gray it has so much [ __ ] rain oh it worked hold on bam oh it's a nice little house what just killed me werewolf what the [ __ ] just killed me I gave me three you gave me three Platinum thank you you bastard thank you man here let me know bastard I'm gonna throw that away that's some free money right there oh oh what is I like this thing [Music] can my friend come over [Music] my friend come over what the [ __ ] is that what it did what's wrong what the [ __ ] is that help me this is Empress of light she has really cool music this is a vanilla boss we're not supposed to fight her yet but her someone was a Oh God help me hold up oh my God look at her isn't she so pretty Prismatic lace wing and kill it during the day oh God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh hey looski look what I got [Music] no flops you [ __ ] oh oh ah damn whatever it is they can stay away High fine I see you don't you [ __ ] dare activate old character I always just make a new one oh it is a thing anti-tumor ointment favorite this item to vent Hive CIS from spawning near you the hell adopt a nugget to your town sure [ __ ] you go here we go [Music] fast all right all right put that guy [ __ ] that guy oh watch out for projectiles oh he's circling like me oh we are draining him oh no oh no I didn't look at my house I'm just letting my minions do whatever the damage I gotta Dodge I'm so low no what the [ __ ] did I just summon in the chat you see look he's friendly look at him man [ __ ] this guy oh my god look what you did oh no he [ __ ] hurts all right he's really really low 15K 10K 2K yeah look at that there we go yeah baby one more one more another [ __ ] boss God damn it I'm just I'm relaying information I just realized these pets I summoned are spawning out the world they just they keep respawning what is happening what is that do you see it in the chat they keep spotting all right Lucy come here buddy it's time for your cell phone such a wild statement what did you get me a [ __ ] razor the Razer flip phone bro it's a it's like one of those advanced you put the [ __ ] cell phone in the crafting station um oh how do I click that out click it take it take it out the crafting station uh how Lucy go go back into the crafting okay go back and go back in the crafting and click on PDA click on the PD you see where it says crafting stations it will you can see the PDA right there click that and take it out I see one up top okay I'll do it for you there you go put that in the store God damn it he's trying to make his cell phone God damn it stop ascending him cell phone yes cell phone did you put the PDA in there sell my [ __ ] got it there you go now keep that on you at all times I accidentally deleted it you know what a twins okay okay okay yeah separation I got I got I got the other one I got the I got the green one I got the green one okay fight that one look at the red one that's fine that's fine we're separating them keep them separated it's okay don't joke on your own spit that's my job we both got a halfway oh my God hurry up I can't draw out for any longer Lucy hurry up these summons I have suck ass kill him and get over here help me as best possible my summons really sucks okay get over here my summons suck help me kill him no my adrenaline I spit all over my chin bro let me look it up where'd he go oh Lucy I I don't have good summons Lucy I don't have good summons my summon sucks I need to change them where is he going where'd he go 20 seconds [ __ ] you got this I believe you do okay God I believe in you of course he saved me oh of course he saved me coming I got rage put it as a matter of ice and I need suck ER juggled very much no [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm just going hey I gotta stole I gotta stole this oh my God I got this I gotta dip my toes in honey where's the honey Still My Chosen honey [Music] seven six no I'm on fire blue skate please my minions really suck I'm coming I'm doing 48 damage per second Lucy please my minions really suck I'm at like no HP he's about to die he's at 3000 HP over here and hide I'm gonna hide in my honey okay I'm coming back oh no please 200 health he's dead oh my God he's dead he's dead he's dead we're good oh what happened hello I lost connection how do I lose connection to my own world what what happened what what how did you lose your own world how do I still have a connection to your world are you still in the world yeah I'm still here blue ski yes we didn't get progress do I kill the twins nope we didn't did it spread to the new ore wait we might have got progress we might have because we got the bag I we didn't get the ore so we gotta fight it back anyway we gotta fight bro Sparks the shadow nugget risen from who are you how do you get up there they're back at that [ __ ] corner who is this they're up at the top left corner again I don't know I bought it for like One Platinum I don't know who the hell's doodle we did kill that [ __ ] we did I I got it recorded [ __ ] let's go let me change my summons hold on kick his ass again kick their ass again try to separate try to separating wait wait I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying to separate I'm trying to separate I'm being shot I'm being shot oh please don't give a [ __ ] that [ __ ] don't give a [ __ ] they don't care if you don't care okay I got rage oh [Music] my five years of console experience is leading up to this go rage four three two one I think I got hit there on my shirt I think I drooped it I don't remember have mercy he's coming over to you no you killed my friend I kill you Mal bro I got this i got this i got this we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine I believe in you we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine you got that [ __ ] that loser [ __ ] that loser get him get his ass Bridge five seconds [Music] this one's about to die one's dead one step one step is right there 4000 HP [ __ ] you come on get a test two thousand don't die again no no wait I got this one wait did we separate him oh did we separate them never mind oh wait wait we separated we separated mine's a second phase in here you got that Lucy you got that he's at 10 Lucy he's at 10 you got that over there Lucy he's at 4 000. you got that over there get his ass no way no Lucy oh [ __ ] oh he's dead yes oh hey Lucy I got you something I don't know oh this actually looks pretty good oh my oh yeah here you go buddy have fun with that what is that this is the new war that pink stuff with the blue stuff this stuff right here rare this stuff and the stuff so we're looking we're looking for both yup that's a mithril that's that's uh that's come or all right so we just need mithril and uh what's the other one called again uh come I just want to know because I'm playing I'm just playing a game while watching and I find you and Lucy very interesting so thanks for the good vids to both of you oh that's so nice hold on let me tell you Lucy yes yes so I have oh I hope you're not burning all right nope I'm here to help oh no you don't need a pack it's okay what the [ __ ] yeah you're here to help all right explosive why did you hate it as I was trying to say you ruined the wholesome moment you [ __ ] mole because uh nice just wanted to know because I'm just playing a game while watching and I find you and Lucy very entertaining so thanks for the good vids to both of you yeah we appreciate you dude we could actually crap this [ __ ] oh my God it's dead all right all right I'm just you see this poor zombie he don't exist anymore you know who turned the lights on fun though uh-oh blue ski remember that thing that said not to hit during the day yeah blue ski [Applause] charm okay um you know that Shield you had the uh I need to put it in the Obsidian Shield yes yes do I need to put that in there yep one sec one sec one sec one sec okay one a little more than one sec two put the [ __ ] shield in there here is your new and improved Shield put that bad boy on now it gives you 12 defense and it makes you immune to like literally almost every debuff in the game fun or a lot of enemies look at all of them oh I don't know not again not again no oh my God look at all these dope emotes I have yes if you want any of those emotes chat guess what become a member it's out of the description press that join button and guess what one for one dollar I just died I'll try to sell out [Music] is that all we needed uh I'm pretty sure oh God damn it my friend come over for breakfast oh my god oh no I died oh money so you know this big scary place what the [ __ ] that's gone where you at I'm right here you ready oh yeah oh those are badass we got the twin I got the twins look you know look at my minions round like 17. kill it all right we got knocked the probes hit me what probes out knock the probes out the probes I take it yup kill the pros all right they the Destroyer is killing all of our NPCs don't forget about your Rod if you're circled I got adrenaline [ __ ] you dude no [ __ ] wait I'm dragging him away I'm dragging them away I'm dragging them away Don't You Dare die on me over there oh my God take your time and heal take your time and heal okay take your time I'm okay over here all right I'm doing perfectly hey okay I'm definitely oh okay Lucy issue I got hit okay okay stay over there you stay the [ __ ] over there don't come over here destroy attacking me destroy Target me please yes yes okay okay okay we're good good bye oh that was a big attention again no you got 25 seconds hold on hold on oh why is my two working oh on it 15 15. just play Dodge seven seconds just play the Dodge game five seconds play the Dodge game I'm back oh my God I died 20 seconds oh no it's not going to be teleport oh it's all swinging wow is that 20 looski Lucy he's really fast he's a really really fast is that 30k 30k [Music] [ __ ] keep killing the probe Dude Killing the probe six percent [Music] two percent hey let's go hell yeah [ __ ] god the [ __ ] was that yeah how do I lose connection it's my world you know what all right Lucy you remember that minigun you had yes you can upgrade it right now keep her on screen because she's making them spawn a lot more doesn't mean kill her all right guys we're fighting Athena all right all right guys I'm fighting Athena hey God oh yeah baby adrenaline [Music] oh my God [Music] oh my God yeah I know I'm working on it oh my God that Dodge all the way up this guy all the way up this guy thirty percent thirty percent [ __ ] oh oh let's get my two hearts oh no come on I got him I got him I got him I got him I got this I'll kill it yeah hold on hold on oh [ __ ] Lucy come here Lucy come here I need you to stand here do not kill this guy do not kill this guy don't kill him do not kill him I need you to defend him to cure him all right did you catch me let's cure him there we go we got the tax collector taxable but he collects the taxes for us and give us to it Oh wait we're the one collecting yeah well let's let let that man work then God damn it nuts by the way I love the series music I'm gonna mind the new ore you're gonna kill [ __ ] up top is there any more brains in the chat because I can like tell us the full-on lore for this area because I don't really know it all the way no all I know is the music goes crazy if you die you owe me a membership no [Laughter] no I don't can we make the I don't think we can make the blue ski yes I'm gonna bring you a new weapon okay my chat just reminded me about it oh my God okay you gotta defend me I charge up you and my minions needed a family want to make us the arena three let's do this what you're growing you're good you're good oh cocoon cocoon cocoon means Dodge oh my God now oh that's not what I meant by Dodge all right Bridge oh I got out of that [ __ ] put a little rotted Discord teleport I'm about to have adrenaline I'm about to shred her give me adrenaline give me it four adrenaline she wouldn't go through space she cocoon faced I'm pissed she literally just hit me with the [ __ ] food over first oh Blazer watch over the Blazer [ __ ] you [ __ ] watch over the laser [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] rage cocoon God damn it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no yeah I'm dead you're dead you're dead I'm crying don't worry I'll take care of your wife I'm alive now I'm alive I'm already taking care of them no I'm already taking care oh this is exiting the bile nope I'm already I'm already kidding take care of them my healthcare plan well health care plans exactly you're moist you [ __ ] [ __ ] you're dripping you're dripping you're so wet right now you're so I love it oh my God oh my God hey five seconds oh laser watch out come faster I just got slides twice I'm dead oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God there's food does it actually work though he said it was a joke granted me it's aggressive muted Brimstone flames and Searing lava that's what it says and that's the g-ball she gives you is the brimstone Flames I'm pretty sure [ __ ] her up [ __ ] her up [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you bitched up right now all right go let's go let's go let's go soon let's go let's go oh I died I [ __ ] forgot about myself [Music] nine seconds faster just stay alive five four three two listeners [Music] [ __ ] done [ __ ] you gotta do this you gotta do this just gone stay alive stay alive and Dodge stay alive and Dodge I believe anyone 10 seconds 10 seconds range [Music] let's [ __ ] go let's go and I got the [ __ ] Elemental and I got the elements okay go bam oh I actually really like that one that one looks nice there we go there he is feet bro why you got feet you don't got feet those are arms arms first head last night dip your chosen honey dip your chosen honey I'll take them over here to go down oh break this [ __ ] [ __ ] one arm down let's go second arm about to go down wait the arms down two arms left arm's left get that cannon on get the cannon get the camera so we stop so we stopped that oh let's go there we go get that chainsaw oh [ __ ] them all [ __ ] him up kill him oh watch out watch out watch out oh my God he got hit by a star ow stop with the skulls oh [ __ ] ten seconds God damn I might try my collapse I feel like my collapsers might be better for this I'm gonna try that all right all right all right all right all right this already might be better because they just don't they don't stop hitting his arms both two arms are already about to go down I'm really close arm is really close I'm about to have adrenaline too hold on I'm gonna run away for a second running away for a second adrenaline go my minions one arm down all arm's dead are all arms Dead all arms dead okay when he spins he's someone skulls Dodge Bridge oh let's go let's go let's go [Music] Lucy's about to turn daytime that's not good that's not good why why is that why is that he gets a rage he'll one shot us come on minions please you're the only ones that can really hit him consistently please [Music] he's at two percent point five let's go battery look at these wings I can make a new whip I'm doing this right now oh I know one throw quick thing that we can do let's go to the abyss chat okay that's your [ __ ] okay that's mine what are we doing down here uh this [ __ ] what is going on I'm scared I thought we were done oh not yet why is it not working now what'd you do what'd you do to it what do you mean what did I do [ __ ] did you do I went to the arena like you ass talk okay why is it not working now what did you do hey you're the one that broke it okay [ __ ] you it's not working anymore you broke it never mind [Music] uh oh yes chat welcome to the new improved house I did this all last night because me and Lucy were going to test out Ahmad yesterday and he took forever so I said you know what I'm renovating the house okay why he purple he's in my bag now to actually pick him up yeah no you chased it now it's not a husky you named It Bubba no it's a he's a Dalmatian now all right yeah yeah I guess you're keeping that all right now what the [ __ ] God damn it this is what do you mean this is my fault this is your fault uh you did not find them in all right so we got a few things to do let's do this okay so we got what we got I need some new accessories and so do you because we both suck ass the new acid rain event and then we have another event called the solar eclipse first is the Calamity boss the calamitous cologne or kilometers I don't know how to [ __ ] pronounce it I'm not German and then we have a vanilla balls called plant Tara and just because people have mentioned it we'll also do torch God because I was holding off on that just until you got a little bit better at dodging things when we were testing out the new spectate mod blue scab you showed your chat with The Spectator mod yet all the new spectate or we could actually look at yeah perspective yeah and then I can we can also view bosses blue ski but bricked up [Laughter] why are these guys doing figure eights around me what is going on the earth Elemental a lot of my horror uh my harem because it's too big for me I like the squishy ones bro you can't tell me look at the Elementals you can't tell me they don't look squishy like bro would it be too hot for the brimstone one to squeeze [Music] possibly oh she looks a little bit mad yeah the other ones are fair game 358. okay we might be good Thursday solar eclipse happening what what solar eclipse just happened dude I have like nine vampires after me help me oh my God oh my God watch behind you watch behind you there's so much in the arena that's not the arena oh this is oh I got a broken fat wing yo dude oh I got a bat wing I got a bad Wing nice let's go all right uh all right just arrive I'm gonna go end it [ __ ] I may have sold some shells that people say we need what shells I I don't know the name Neptune shell if it's Neptune shell that we got from the eclipse I kept two of them for us we're good okay don't worry don't worry guys I already prepared for that I knew that [ __ ] was gonna sell it d-a-e and it's right there oh probably wrong one d-a-e there it is okay make sure yup dateless make sure you craft the head gear that says no Ranger one for melee no or the one for ranged Rogue no the one the one for rage and Critical Strike okay there it is that's what I thought I was about to press the snow pylon you think I really was gonna make the wrong way yes see I might sell stuff I'm not supposed to I made trash [ __ ] on accident I'm not gonna waste their materials what do you mean waste Arbiters on purpose okay okay we need to do the Goblin Army again completely forgot about that we need to do that because it drops me an item that will give me another um summon slot which I need oh yeah oh my God they're running from the sky I'm running from the sky all right kill the summer kill that Summoner kill the Summoner Nate that drops my Summit item I did not drop it bro this is what I've been waiting for with this [ __ ] railgun there's an event like this yes there I got you I increase the spawn rate it just starts raining [ __ ] I didn't get it and it ended oh that's it oh don't worry I asked for like two seconds don't worry it's done all hell's about to break loose okay they're here oh boy oh my God give me the item give me the item oh my God I got it I got the item s Jesus oh my God all right Lucy come here so you're gonna go over here you're gonna go to your crafting you're gonna crop it yourself okay you're gonna type in bullet you're going to craft you'd be glorified bullets all right test out your new bullets buddy oh yeah where's that oh acid rain okay I'm with it I'm with it no way no way these bullets just Auto one bit by auto lock yeah oh my God you got your Aimbot my boy I got The Relic you know what that means BAM [ __ ] look at it oh that thing's kind of cool oh let me reinforest this bad boy says we should go to the abyss what do we need with a rod of Discord wait he says good loot there's Godly loot we literally just we just did that Meme last episode with the rod of discourse which we already did that oh that's right when you use it down there you [ __ ] yeah yeah that's what he said yeah I got us a plushie I didn't realize Timothy JG said we should find Jimmy I don't know who that is I have no clue I have no clue all right we're going to the Jungle I don't know what they're talking about we're going to the Jungle you see on the right do you see does it say life root detected oh detected nearby yes okay so we're looking for that it looks like this it is immediately down here it's right here oh yeah so since we're here you see that green ore that you're passing by yes that's core fight that's how you make your bullets feel free to grab some all right destroy the pink plant no don't don't listen to them no no don't listen to that one oh Lucy there's a rare chest over here yeah I'm full so I'll try to help you find how much do you need oh oh my God oh my God oh time to kick back sit back and relax the spectate mod what the [ __ ] I actually left I mean if you want the uh that item I'm next to it again it's like it's a biome chest chest below you I got [ __ ] munched on by a spider you ready for the new Hearts I'm with it I'm with it eat that buddy blood orange oh God my whole Health [ __ ] all my entire health bar just [ __ ] turned Orange all right you got this buddy I believe in you I'm you can't go far away Lucy you have to stay there you can't you can't kill him damn look at look at this man man hasn't got hit yet look at him oh God damn so there is one thing we gotta do first before the ball swipe okay yes so my video kind of hit 60 likes so sorry run run Lucy run no [Music] [Applause] no this is my favorite mod the dollar what the [ __ ] get him get him [ __ ] them up [ __ ] him up buddy [Music] the other one's left it's just the Destroyer but the other ones that he's fun they left them oh my God that Dodge dude I think I'm basically just [ __ ] my pants from that all right you ready for the you ready for the actual boss now damn yes all right three two one all right all right all right we're going straight into it what is what what is that Cthulhu you did it you beat the actual boss that was the that was like that was the Clone what the Hawk what are you doing to me right now oh that that was that was him what do you what not every boss can be [ __ ] scary bro what the hell [Music] oh my God music is kind of crazy the music's kind of crazy [Music] no Rick the squirrel bullet hell [ __ ] bored hell no what else I'm so dead I'm so done right now no you cannot buddy oh no one [Music] oh the juice okay okay let's go I'm about to have rage I'm really close [Music] eyes [Music] [ __ ] I went the wrong way I'm good [Music] ah no Lucy I got this [Music] adrenaline we fighting in the sky [ __ ] come back down [Music] ow I got stuck in the forehead why is my rod not working minions [Music] the things aren't charging after me please kill him [Music] yeah there's a lot kill him good good shoot open fire one's about to die one day kill the other one I got adrenaline ow ow I'm on fire I got it okay all right back to this let's go let's go Bridge I'm right here oh kill the minions around him weave okay just heard adrenaline's almost never mind adrenaline is not almost up anymore I'm feeling I'm healing I'm healing I just oh oh not good very not good very bad very bad both we're both on life support oh my god I didn't even look at my health bar are you able to heal [Music] oh [Applause] okay anytime now please oh no oh no oh no oh no [Music] don't use lasers as main minions what do you mean what's wrong with the lasers these things slap thank you all right let's [ __ ] do this [Music] I got rage as well but I'm Gonna Save it pull it out right now literally as I said that yeah oh rage keep all the way up in the sky I'm going back down with him they're out they're out they're out [Music] [ __ ] name [Music] adrenaline let's go let's go one's dead otherwise other ones half other ones can you stop shooting me you son of a [ __ ] I'm busy trying to beat up your brother dead all right beat her up oh no I'm not gonna have a heel for this bullet hell all right bullet hell bullet hell get ready it's here [Music] oh [ __ ] Not Dead I'm dead not moving a lot horizontally actually is a good way to dodge the bullet hell phase interesting we can try that like on one tier and just move from there left to right well it's because um how the bullet hell works I've noticed it in multiplayer you could technically just walk out of it it's whoever she's targeting yeah you because you she's not talking to you she's targeting me so it's falling around me so it's like around wherever I go but like if you can walk at it because I've done that before multiplayer like I just walked out of it and just sat out built my adrenaline and came back in my friend was getting his ass beat and bold help laughs all right there you go I'll run around with her and do that all right all right [Music] health all right [ __ ] you I got this oh wow they were right just sit in one [ __ ] spot what the hell there's no way we could have done that the entire time pop it shoot him up [Music] I've had that mine now I got hit I should have Rod I got rage instead all right other one other one's breathing fire again never mind you to hit me I'm on fire [ __ ] up no right damn it oh my God okay I'm gonna go get a snack a bear back don't worry I got this i got this [Music] I'm back I'm back I died five five whiskey three two one I'm here I can get out of the house I just want to eat my honey bun God damn it [Music] let's [ __ ] go oh I don't have any telling me [ __ ] I have five thousand there's ten so I was okay since since we're streaming all right so all right listen to this so I was editing right and I was trying to find this one Plantera always wants what do you mean bigger this looks fine so I was I was editing okay and I was trying to find this one sound effect s it's like it's like no no it's the sound effect of like I don't it's like the one guy going or some [ __ ] like that like oh yeah the one where he goes oh no not that I have that one but it's okay I don't know what it's from I've been trying to find it yeah he's like near him and I can't find it oh oh yeah you're talking about the one where he goes oh I don't know people keep saying follow Arena maybe let's give it a try first let's give it a try first okay okay okay we're not gonna double Arena that's what you get this is what you [ __ ] get this is your fault this is your fault let's [ __ ] do this Hawk s jump ladder on fire careful she hits she hits kind of hard sometimes second phase incoming oh my God oh my God I got rage all the spores no we got this we got this we got this we got the 16 16 percent I'm trying to take aggro oh I got it I got it I got I got this i got this ten percent ten percent oh come on my minions come on my minions come on my minions [Music] yay [Music] Bellport let's go all right I'll come back oh you got raided oh [ __ ] then since you got raided well because we were gonna end off technically since you got raided we'll do another event we'll do an event and we'll do another like mini boss I'm just shooting yeah honestly my boy Hawks doing everything I'm doing everything for all the real thinking all right well now this you're technically gonna do on your own this is yours okay okay first of all Lucy why the [ __ ] is there an acceleration around in our crafting stations it probably just grew legs and started walking there so I thought that was a nice warm spot you know that's it all right got that and then we go here let me go here we go here and then uh ah yes me uh turn this on let's turn this on let's turn this on turn this on it hey Lucy Lucy what the [ __ ] is happening on the screen you don't make me mad Lucy we're fine we're fine oh they're not [ __ ] yeah they're not [ __ ] okay please talk they were [ __ ] okay they were they were that the most [ __ ] they were like [ __ ] oh okay okay okay okay they're like the biggest one ever like like they were the biggest ever you say the biggest like brought you a present why is everything in like Old English oh the special seeds bug it oh oh okay okay that's fine it will fix when we reset so now I just have this now it's a trap it is a trap look at her it was a man all along the password Hawk is bricked up all right all right all right all right not yet hold on let me get rid of these [ __ ] because we have this now and oh we have Plantera what oh that's [ __ ] badass we gotta you gotta kill sand sharks to make it spawn what the [ __ ] okay okay okay I might have increased the spawn rights say sharks here it's not that bad it's not that bad it's a little it's a little mini boss to speed up we need we need it we need its tooth we need his tooth hey I got it okay got that we got the uh we got the scale all right to help our home all right get ready because this is uh a little bit hard it's we're gonna race to this wave three wave four we got the first boss kill the boss kill the boss oh my God oh my God there's a bus already oh a pumpkin oh we got morning what all the way up top I'll bring them down he dropped down he dropped down he dropped down all right I'll take the pumpkin I'll take the pumpkin you get two morning ones down there be careful buddy that's what they're called yeah there's another pumpkin there's three morning Woods there's three Woods oh my God they're showing me they're wood oh I'm draining this man oh I'm draining him more than I drain my grandmother's life support I got this one I got this one oh I got both of them I got both of them I got I bought them he's dead they're [ __ ] me I'm getting impregnated please help me are they sitting on spawn use your Rod to get out use your Rod to get out bro every time that's a lot of Horsemen don't worry it's 1am it's 1am we're almost there we're almost there buddy it's so much happening there's a third pumpkin there's five pump cakes run they're coming for you okay you got the morning what's okay cause I need them dead they drop me stuff to make armor I got him I got him oh I'm trying to get that I'm trying to get them killing our zoologist oh my God they're on my spine they're coming for you oh my God there's a [ __ ] graveyard spawning for how many times do we die I'll take you all off I can't see anything whiskey can my friends come over oh my God oh my God tell them to go home [ __ ] your friends oh my God [Laughter] [Music] people [Music] hey we got the Relic I have 19 morning boy relics gee I sure hope we got him all right how long do you think he'll take him what do we got on the agenda today Hawk what we got on the agenda oh we got a lot first things first we're getting our revenge finally you remember that one little woman that kept beating us up in the ocean woman in the oh yeah we finally get to beat her up and then we have ashram yeah and then to end it off we have a major vanilla boss called which is going to be Santa oh yeah you're looking at that so uh about that stuff a little bit difficult okay and it's starting right now oh oh I freaked like that what could possibly going on look this oh I could possibly go on here let me do this it's a [ __ ] l it's a [ __ ] Lucy Lucy why is there a tree [ __ ] we just got you gonna throw us in like this you're gonna throw us in like this yeah go beat up Krampus with me okay oh Krampus come beat up Santa oh you okay down here why do the why do the presents hurt woman there's a woman toxic that's not okay for you to say oh fun I'll bring her down here uh here I'm gonna increase the spawn rights oh no oh my God [Applause] [Laughter] we just started please laid this [ __ ] on yeah here let me increase the spawn race again oh my God oh Santa's back hey [ __ ] what are you doing over here hey man I'm gonna crease the spawn race again friends come over get the [ __ ] away from me whiskey it's free it's safe to come home never mind hot dog it's been real grenade launcher all right holy [ __ ] I accidentally left a mod on it was Lucy that installed it all right it wasn't me no it wasn't no what to download that's what we have oh yeah here's that Weapon by the way and I'll be back on Blue Team I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna sell anything I don't know I don't know I'm muted we'll have nothing what just happened nothing nothing happened nothing happened what happened not nothing what happened don't make me don't make me summon things again did you sell the train gun no Lucy did you sell the chain gun what no hmm I don't know what do you mean I got it all right show me it I got it show me it don't know the house to show me right now I'm showing you right now that's what spectate me okay spectate me all right let me spectate you all right let me see it there it is wow it's showing you right now it seems to seems to be invisible oh yeah yeah because I'm invisible you know yeah so you so you're cause I'm invisible so your bullets are now invisible uh yeah it's you didn't you didn't know about those bullets they're they're telling me in my chat about those bullets about the the invisible it's wow here you go buddy whoa Edge out chain gun let's go so damn lucky another one dropped we didn't need it because I never sold the original Lucy we have like nine in here [Laughter] had me sweat I was like oh oh all I see is again this is why chat once again this is why I store them all away we got no [ __ ] musket balls no that's your fault you're the one that buys them I wasn't blaming you okay [Music] what the [ __ ] did you just wanted all right um uh I might have crash my team odd loader well you see you blamed me so I seen there was a prismatic life swing so I walked outside and I will do what every privileged white male would do in whipped it and upon whipping it Satan herself appeared and [ __ ] us and crashed my game eating herself yeah the female version I'm saying the hot one if you look at your character we'll tell you how many hours you have played lose 29 hours there you go oh I have 32 hours I wonder why 25 with this game oh you have 25 I wonder why I have 32 hours couldn't tell you hawk because apparently someone doesn't get here on time most the [ __ ] time what is this so you guys didn't have to hear that all right it would be on my video it has been an hour and you've got nothing done basically actually no no we we've gotten one thing done no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we got in three we got four things done technically yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you what do you mean you know what you know what let's eat Lucy be honest be honest here smash or pass Everest you know what uh Lucy I think I know the reason why it was pretty difficult Death Mode was on why no way no way we're not the [ __ ] hardest I don't remember when I turned it on all right so there's different tears for the abyss okay we're on tier one all right we gotta get to tier three well I knew you're gonna do that talk I do once all right one time one time [Music] nope I don't know my new defense mechanism really you can handle that one as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted we gotta go down the tears okay my my fingers getting a little itchy I'll be real and so is mine I have no I have 20 more in my back pocket all right all right so where are we going Hawk all right we need to get the tier three and I think it's just tier three or four man hey remember when that used to be scary I could barely see them back in the day yeah cause you had the hater blockers on well I couldn't just see it at all because we had no vision oh yeah that too God damn it oh [ __ ] I apologize for your demise and the items we're looking for are kind of hard to see do not hit that Lucy do not touch that little block this yeah this is aluminum I did not see that at all I did not see that it's right there you're standing right in front of someone you're back in front of you right that yeah it's hard to see but we're looking for that [ __ ] I oh it's roaring I don't like that God oh my God is that something you can fight I don't think so it has 319k Health we're gonna wait okay we're gonna set this up okay now stop stop stop stop stop stop I gotta go Gotta Go oh my God I'm starting to get an eye for this thing oh another oarfish oh no oh no oh no oh no hurry up hurry up hurry up I got some of my minions oh no oh I couldn't see for a second he's dead we got him we did yeah yeah you did man he wasn't [ __ ] even though he killed dad there's a shark I feel like I'm fighting Plantera right now going in a [ __ ] Circle [ __ ] what is he doing okay all right okay you dropped the money you drop money that was about it okay there's another [ __ ] Squad oh hey Lucy yes we could buy them are you tell me we didn't have to [ __ ] hunt sea monsters down there the entire day this is your phone you have to Loop that [ __ ] squid and that [ __ ] shark for half an hour down there this is your fault oh yeah look at my new armor that's just kind of fire like my new armor oh what the [ __ ] you look like a disgruntled Pokemon what did you just say to me Scooby don't what the [ __ ] all right that's it I'm not taking these insults well all right [Applause] um and all of a sudden a worm crawled up my ass did he at least say hello first all right I'm out there with you let's do this I'll win it you're good all right can do this [Music] we're beating her up I don't know where she's at she's up top [Music] you kind of fire though while we're fighting he's still singing oh I dodged it oh I dodged it I didn't oh I think I dodged that one oh God damn bro I can't tell between your [ __ ] wow what do you mean she's white it's starting Lucy spot faster spawn faster [Applause] oh my God I'm not going back there get your ass back here I want to live help me buddy go down go down go down go down go down watch out for the meatballs no give me two seconds two seconds two seconds two seconds it's been two seconds [Music] watch out for the meatballs I'm taking them up in the sky I'm dropping them back down dropping them back down I think Athena's back in the fight Athena's back in the fight I'm hurting I teleport curl up my toe listen here five seconds you listen here woman five seconds four three two one kill a theme she had three percent kill a thing to kill Athena [Music] oh no [ __ ] that [ __ ] girls calling her Athena what is her name I thought it was Athena Anna how do you pronounce that Anna heena Anna Anna Anna Anna heater you know what nothing that sounds bad where'd this band come from I'm bad with names okay okay so it looks like Leviathan spawns around when she's 30 health right now I lost my adrenaline oh she's charging she's charging she's charging there she is [ __ ] that [ __ ] is that 40 [ __ ] that [ __ ] wait no no it's 40 she spawns it you're spawning spawning spotting where is it below us blows blows above me oh oh no let's get him low healthy I'm very loud going back down no well there goes our entire town [Music] I'm back [Music] gelatina kill Tina kill team kill Athena okay okay I got rage open fire [Music] I don't want your balls get away from me [Applause] leviathan's dead you know how about you about you [ __ ] this [ __ ] [Music] come on there's a Blood Moon she's dead let's go you like my new minion all that shit's fine you have her isn't it yeah surprised you haven't noticed yet lewski oh my bro you got the gang with you you got the [ __ ] game I'm in that Lucy you just haven't noticed my new name but it I don't know how much longer I could do this with you on Lucy but white what is even that what is that supposed to mean huh what what keep it white Lucy why is there an acceleration around in our crafting stations again how should I punish Lucy no you don't gotta do that oh listen listen ladies why are you running where did you go all right Lucy you ready to fight this boss does he not drop down here oh there he is okay okay oh he is big as [ __ ] oh all right we might need a bigger Arena I'm dead I'm dead all right all right we need a bigger Arena [Music] God why is the audio cut out I hate that audio cuts out because it's too [ __ ] good I almost have a dreideline what he's at 59. I'm dead come on oh no nice all right we're gonna go fishing during a Blood Moon you'll see the names appear above the Bobbers you want to look for a red name that's the boss kill it come on I forgot it's dead drop it it dropped it first try oh my god let's go [ __ ] I threw my master bait in there it's okay man we can make you terrible really really good bullets with that thing yeah those bullets are apparently gonna last you until Moon Lord Jesus [ __ ] that long yeah here's your Megalodon buddy why am I using this Veronica why do you have it uh I think he sucked he's stuck he's stuck he stuck oh never mind he's moving oh no oh get away from me I got adrenaline let's go my babies go [Music] I'm dead 10 seconds oh five four three two one okay okay oh stop it you son of a stomper oh I'm sorry just play the Dodge gameplay chasing you kill the asteroids Chasing You [ __ ] five seconds [Music] I'm back buddy I'm coming I'm coming no 11 11 3 percent super sad one percent yes God damn oh my God we [ __ ] did I'm taking a bath and honey can I come in oh my God I mean my [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah oh and we got one of the uh all right very difficult ball snacks how how many tries do you think Golem's gonna take a lot of people say Golem is one of the most difficult bosses in the game so you're him now I'm Timothy Jones Jr the Third okay frankly I'm kind of offended you think I'm just gonna die like that well I mean you know who I am okay how many times did I turn the boss fight none mm-hmm it's none it's none yeah zero yeah I haven't died this whole Road oh oh okay I'm hardcore oh that is I that is you he's I and I am him shut the [ __ ] up so technically we can easily you know get in here but I want you to experience the temple okay because you can just you can just write a Discord in but we're gonna experience it I have opened the door buddy I'm gonna increase the spawner you fine with that okay no no no why not no we don't need to do that we don't need to do that okay I'll turn off I'll turn off look at all this [ __ ] hopping down there oh we have an army of bubbleski yeah I wonder why Hawks right now I can't see [ __ ] I'm dead damn it I increase this you want to increase the spawn rights no why not I'm playing this game blind right now let's get this 30 enemy at least there's 40 enemies Lucy there's 50 enemies nearby there's 80. one more minute one more minute and one more minute take the [ __ ] inner blockers off chat do hater blockers again don't do it don't do it please please my friend come over what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] that loser no just slowly do hater blockers oh I love this it's nice hey we made yeah you could clear it I can't see clear right now wait then you gotta protect me so I can clear it okay how about that that's not what I [ __ ] meant now I am it's been 10 minutes God damn it all right so I'm gonna do hater blockers again but I'm gonna end the Stream ha this place sucked bro this place [ __ ] oh am I supposed to fight if I can't see let's do this three let's do this two one [Music] oh my God oh my God excuse me excuse me excuse me this ain't no [ __ ] column [Music] they're angry oh oh I think Lucy just died he got wasted oh no no I'll take them all on oh I'll have to be honest with you buddy what what that wasn't that wasn't Golem oh God really oh really that wasn't Gollum yeah yeah that was because you didn't pay for your crimes earlier oh my crimes I didn't pay for my crimes yeah okay my fault you know that was my fault I would admit I would admit when I messed up okay all right I will admit when I mess up I messed up there okay why are you going to the abyss I really did I don't know what you're talking about I don't know let me help you buddy I'm here to help me there he is three ready two all right all right are you sure you're ready you sure no no let's let's save this for next time I do you're gonna do that standing there this is your hard boss here this this boss is incredibly hard man he's so difficult that he has four phases like he he could one like he's so powerful that he can just look at us and just not hit us like an hour in phase three chill out head I don't want head right now I don't want that I don't need no [ __ ] headlights we're not horny right now oh damn Lucy see this is why you quit Elden ring you're maidenless you can't handle the hardest boss you've never beaten there's no evidence there's no evidence is this is literally the soldier of godric in Terraria right here what just happened did I do an oopsie whoopsy do your feelings oh he's back chill outfit I don't want head right now I'm not oh what the [ __ ] how are you going to die on the hardest boss in the game why did I die there why are you gonna die on the hardest boss in the game Lucy is that it since we killed Golem there is now a plague in the jungle what did you just get hater blockered again I think he did chat I think he just got hit or plattered again I think he walked away I think we lost him he did oh no hey guys while Bubba's away um make sure you go to hawkblue I'm here all right all kinds of [ __ ] [Music] what happened [Music] okay I can't see my screen why can't you see what's that oh yeah yeah the hater blocker I can't see my screen I'm getting bullied for dying to the easiest spots in the game yourself oh I think we're losing them chat we're losing them Lucy I'm performing CPR wake up buddy it's okay it's gonna be okay Lucy it's gonna be okay come over here I know you're having mental breakdown but come over here he's talking to his jacket it's weird look at him look at this man uh oh [Laughter] all right what is this so this event there's gonna be crystal that's gonna spawn right here okay and we have there's gonna be enemies from the left and right sides so you're gonna get the left side I'm gonna get the right side and we have to defend this Crystal at all cost Tower Defense without the towers because we don't have the towers yet I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming Rockets [ __ ] it we'll shoot Rockets we'll shoot Rockets stand the [ __ ] ogre he doesn't give a [ __ ] oh he's slowing me down he's walking down my Rockets bruh he just doesn't give a [ __ ] come on come on oh no they're about to hit the crystal oh God I got I gotta get the get the left get the left ogre's dead there's another dark rage somewhere on your side good [ __ ] good [ __ ] go get the Mage go get the Mage look at the Mage stop in front of the crystals on that on your side on your side in the back oh [ __ ] I'm confused he was in the back Oh Betsy you're gonna use these two these are your two towers okay what are these what did you give me uh a flame a cane and a flame burst those are your two towers that you're gonna use when you pick up mana another guy another ogre another ogre on your side I place a turn over there to help you come on out come on now die [ __ ] die you [ __ ] I got rage I'm gonna come over here fridge bam he's dead all right I'm going back to my side we could do what we could do one of us targets Betsy the other just defends to Crystal come here you damn [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Lucy but pregnant accept your trial no no accept your child you can't run for me it ain't mine I wrapped it up oh guess what you failed you failed nope I wrapped it up oh well I'll wrap up the trial don't worry uh so someone in my chat just said hold up could we call this Duo blueski all right I got it I got it I I'm I'm excited for one I was told that that's not her nose or that's not her mouth it's her nose there's that I don't know I don't know either no moving on not a fun event I hate this event with a passion called Martian Madness and then we have the plague bringer Goliath and then we got Amber Supply I got mommy herself mommy herself right after that we got another vanilla ball it's called Duke fishron Duke fishron another ocean boss I need to end it off because I want to save the other events for you know next episode because it's gonna be a really long episode possibly we're ending it off on ravenger a Calamity balls you are almost at the final vanilla boss who is the final vanilla boss Moon Lord by the way Hawk I can only see a portion of the screen what do you mean you can only see a portion of the screen what happened well a hawk the fan favorite has uh already come back ah the uh [ __ ] I got the [ __ ] hater oh um we're fighting her in the daytime right uh yeah I mean yeah sure all right we can do that it's only suggestion oh it's a suggestion oh it's a suggestion from Delta Raptor he said we should fight her in the daytime oh uh do you know what happens during the daytime I mean she's the Empress of light so she'd get happy right good make her like a lot a lot more passive fight the mommy of light in the day see see people are emphasizing all right well we'll do that well we got things to do first okay we got we got a plan we gotta schedule we'll do that we'll do that all right we gotta gear up for that because we're not gonna get demolished anyway I'm pregnant Lucy's pregnant but pregnant who's the dad that's for you to find out no no no you're the dad give me give me my child support I dropped three Platinum yeah I got you buddy [Music] so we're here for some new ore this stuff that's a normal squid what is that elephant Mirage jelly oh that's a colossal squid down there uh someone in my chat just said so I noticed neither of you answered smash or pass to Empress of light I'm gonna have to say smash it's a mommy of light get her name right first of all definitely would pass because um is my mommy I'm not into things like that but mommy of light yeah it definitely what's happening down there don't worry don't worry nothing nothing doing all the way down there um I was you know I got curious okay watch out watch out I see it there's a giant worm do you think it's friendly I mean all right Lucy it's time for the real questions see that you see that red Elemental over there yes smash or pass Brimstone Elemental how old is she well it has to be over 100 [ __ ] it I don't I don't know I feel like it would burn off if you were to smash Glory Glory what a hell of a way to die Glory Glory what a hell of a weight ah Smasher pass crab you lot oh bro that's a smash the claw claps in the middle of the song it should be my cheeks get in class that'll be smash or past wall of what is the stream turning into okay we kind of look tough duck a lie I'm like on fire but I move around okay oh me we look like we're on fire oh my yeah all right I made you 2 000 of these bullets I don't know how good they are but you can test them out great for this yeah are you ready for this what the [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] indeed oh are you nuking the planet first to the planet of course when in Arena what's the best way to make an arena nuk the [ __ ] world that's good enough space what those are so cool I got another ad for this yo you want me to play an ad you want me to play an ad okay what did you do so my someone in my chat was like if I get another damn ad for this Harry Potter game I was like oh you want me to play an ad so I clicked insert [ __ ] [Laughter] see over here on Twitch I don't force ads they force somebody here's this eat that buddy miracle fruit buff up buddy this one's gonna hurt a bit [Music] okay oh [ __ ] he looks cool as [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh he just smacked me I'm dead I got that I got that I got that I'm back I'm back halfway halfway there wait what does that mean I don't remember that I don't remember that is that new what what does that mean I don't know if that's new or not I don't know I don't know if that's anything or not he's elevated oh my God oh my nose is running nope damn it hey hey we did good first try all right all right let's go let's do this all right he's [ __ ] zooming get the minions get the minions oh dude you killed Avengers and they blow up and I don't like it go let's go oh I just got the plug go let's go oh that's not a let's go I got the plague music's insane God damn God damn boy I am at three hearts I'm dead 10 seconds that's all good come on no oh we can also get blurring potions grants blurring buff activates Shadow Dodge for 10 seconds after a 30 second cooldown come on out what we need to do we need to focus the minions when he shoots them out so we don't blow up minions minions minions I don't see him I don't see him they're after me I got him I got him oh Jesus up almost got adrenaline never mind Go For It Go for go for it no way I've lost adrenaline as soon as I got it seeking missiles oh I got this [ __ ] moving oh my God this [ __ ] is moving oh my God holy [ __ ] that's the nukes 10 percent I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead ring it three percent get the minions all right here we go up this is the one right here oh my God okay I got adrenaline adrenaline [ __ ] her up [ __ ] her up is that 58 now now it's not the time for attention rage nuke [ __ ] my friend come after me come on for me come back come back come back hurry up I'm low [ __ ] what away where do I got her I'm done I'm so dead I'm dead I'm dead you're good I'm good I'm dead I didn't vaccinate I'm sorry minions I'm back [Applause] blank news [Applause] he's dead yeah that's what we like to see [ __ ] you go all right we haven't done this in a while Lucy come over here buddy necro helmet all right let me make one of those we don't have both we need bones are at no thanks I had nowhere I know where [ __ ] bones are Hawk okay I know where [ __ ] boats are yeah I know where a lot of [ __ ] bones are all right I got a bone to pick with you what you just said to me I got a bone to pick with you are you sure about that are you sure about that we can buy bones I don't know if we can I might just let him go to the dungeon to suffer oh we can it's not trying to talk about it am I going alone in this goddamn dungeon or what's the deal yeah you're going alone until I'm crafting things right now Hawk what there's people here do not touch them those are the cultists don't touch that do not touch that don't touch them just walk past dust walk past please Lucy if you bug our world I swear to God oh it'll bug the world if you kill one and walk away it will bug the world yes I've had it happen so many times as soon as you said it'll break the game yeah I I've had some things where I I've killed like one or two on accident and I would walk away and I've softlocked my game goodbye play I have now replaced plant Tara it is a sad day like my favorite part of the game is going down here in the dungeon you want to increase the spawn rates please please please okay I'm joking [Music] [ __ ] you [ __ ] what you said please you're the one that said please say oh I'm not staying goodbye buddy [ __ ] just like you right what did I do haven't you done hackathon I've done nothing you know there was a hundred bones in here right well there's not hot so shut up all right I'm out of here don't tell me what is there for no reason I clearly I thought I had to go get however many [ __ ] bombs yeah you had to go get bones but you know you could have just bought them for one gold [Music] [ __ ] it says receiving tile data complete and stuck there oh Jesus Christ God damn it you do a funny bit and you gotta reset the entire [ __ ] game look what you did watch this watch this I got this I already left what look at what you did what look at what you did that's it you like my upgrade that is such a [ __ ] tough summon batch look I got I got a mini I got a mini Goliath follow me now you see him that [ __ ] is so funny yo look at me carefully look at look at me everything everything about me I don't like your name Hawk gonna break it with a pickaxe okay let me all right well not the whole house okay I got it I got it I got it um you got about 10 seconds to fix that [Music] you broke my house so I'm breaking your spirit put the blocks away to fix the house didn't you huh you put the blocks away to fix the house didn't you no I sold them I will stand here all day and protest talk I will stand here in protest oh okay okay please stop don't be menacing like that okay you got a bug net right no don't kill it no no catch it all right I guess we're fighting it now God damn it Lucy I'm already a half health oh what is happening oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm very much look what you did you had to do this you just had to do this that was your fault all right all right buddy I'm dead okay there there it is there it is all right what that was weird check game and clutch so they told me about NPC I spawned the NPC by buying volca she sells the Prismatic lace Wings let's real quick because they want us to let's just run to the um right side of Hell real quick found it me and Lucy have already talked about this we are not changing our names for this weapon chat I'll show him what it looks like when we're not changing our names for it this is the lab that has that weapon that we were talking about earlier okay okay wait hold on one second yeah they're talking to me you got this God damn God damn this is what the uh sword looks like it's closed but that's what it looks like what is this 4 000 damage when we get there here give it to me when we get there I'll put it in my piggy bank when we get there and I'll let you swing it so you see what it looks like so I'll I will show him okay I will show him everybody remember this I'll show him when we get there okay please stop asking me okay I don't want to cheat oh she's selling alcohol whiskey rum tequila Fireball I'm buying us candles they want us to do it in the daytime so we're gonna do it in the daytime buff up buddy oh yeah it's possible three two one oh my God my game oh blue ski you okay buddy [ __ ] that one hurt longer down let's go there we go time to beat up the mommy we gotta we gotta learn Her Moves we gotta learn Her Moves oh [ __ ] okay I'm sorry oh he smacked me you're getting faster what I got this buddy what does that mean what the [ __ ] is that 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds where'd she go oh camera my camera get it you gotta click on you I killed her code I actually really like that let's go that one's a fire one actually oh good lord decipher that all right so now we got to hell we can make the advanced display all right time to read this one with dyslexia skin only the highest ranking in the let's get the event out of the way shall we okay apparently the cyborg sells it let me go see that's true oh oh oh oh oh okay okay it's red it's red oh yup yup okay they're here they're here oh my God oh my God the saucer's here but I can't see the saucer it's a box and saucer yeah it's not everything first we have to kill everything first no no the sauce or bug look what I got what did you get what is what did you get oh that [ __ ] is so fire oh you got one too bad yeah we're gonna do the Advent again and hopefully get the there's a launcher or something you can get so um some of the oh there's a sauceros okay yeah I found the saucer too I died I found the I found this I found I found this I found Lucy I think I found the saucer all right now we're gonna go do Duke fishron which means we need to go fishing Lucy cast it up what are you doing kill him cause he's a fish kill it I almost got adrenaline never mind he's like a fish pig is he like phase two that's a big tornado phase three why the lights he's invisible what is happening I'm crossing rage casting rage is that 10 10 10 percent first try first try first try first try let's go I got the mount does it work in the rain oh my God oh it does let's [ __ ] oh that's a fire one I like that one cool last one should you double check everything because this is gonna be old dude I'm so fast with these Wings wow okay bring them here fish run wings are so good I'm I'm [ __ ] schmooving all right I'm ready let's do this let's do it let's do it there we go oh this music's insane this music's insane this music he's on fire stuck on the arena I love this okay I'm shredded that wow hurry up oh there's a totem that he's summoning that's what probably what killed you [Music] almost got adrenaline he's almost dead trying to land rage everything help okay let's [ __ ] go first try oh that's a cool uh I don't think I've ever gotten the little elements where do you get them from these are from Calamity vanities I think that was already answered and checked they've seen something about vanities in the chat oh my PC is breaking right now hold on one sec what the [ __ ] why are we whispering I was gay ow just because I did the sloppy toppy to my friend because I wanted him to get Terraria doesn't mean I'm gay it means I'm homophobic that probably just triggered somebody in the chat I'm sorry don't get triggered be happy it happened oh yay yes are you alive [Laughter] I'm just doing is it true [ __ ] my poor ears he was so loud hey man what is Lucy but unseason [ __ ] what is what is that supposed to mean I don't know man I'm creating a Time Paradox Lucy you don't want to know buddy you don't want to know hiding the owl owl owl right there it's gone now all right Lucy you ready for today last episode you know how we were gonna we were saying we're gonna do Moon Lord we have now changed it we're gonna do two bosses we have ashroom deuce deuce Zeus is like the day us Diaz all right you know what worm the last boss that we'll do today ashra gelatin this one on accident before we spawned it on accident and it one shot us back then last episode people were leaving comments saying we're gonna have fun with this boss it's extremely hard so they forgot that I'm Timothy Jones and you're him and Turner exactly so just just bite them they forgot that we are him yeah just to spite them we're gonna make a whole episode on it all right we're gonna do apparently there's a no hit of it we're gonna laughs so about in that no hit I I guess I deserved that this guy right here hey this guy this man oh there he is there he is he does sell a new combination by the way gives you like the stimulants and all that oh [ __ ] all right I'm gonna buy some of these though too that's what I've been buying because I haven't been I haven't been buying stims it's okay I haven't been buying your heroin like you have what the [ __ ] bro sorry dog okay it's not it's not a drug it's a lifestyle okay yeah come over here over here buddy sorry are you dyslexic please walk right thank you uh you know I was uh I was like where are you at all yeah I'm gonna break it I think they know chat what do you mean by that when we're up yeah cause we jumping straight into this all right all right damn we're starting I don't know I got to shoot a couple slimes all right last couple episodes you know you just threw us into one all right let's do this let's do this wait is this event or what is oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God get away from me buddy you got this buddy you got the like anime lines and everything but you got this intense music's playing all of it going on where did that Miss go she's up in the sky she's following after you apparently bro oh it's right there it's right there [ __ ] you [ __ ] you ain't [ __ ] you ain't nothing outplayed by Elsa that's hilarious actually where wait a minute oh that actually looks pretty cool what is that new I don't remember what we are shredding him actually I got adrenaline already adrenaline oh my God [Music] I'm dead you got you got this buddy you got 10 seconds three seconds one go my swords go oh they're dead it's it's a bug it's dead it is dead it is dead I just said it's a bug it's dead it's dead we did it that that was we did it that how do we how do we do that that one was easy go look what Astro gelatin oh does he know why all right why is my chat keep saying does he know I don't know I'm scared stream real quick they keep going like they don't he doesn't know he doesn't know oh you poor soul what what do you mean by that so we can um on before we do that I just realized something my chat just remind me let me put my money away all right piggy take this into your stomach oh that sounded weird um all right that took me a second this makes astral bars and astral bars is used to make oh well that's good for me astral bars okay you can make it you can make an astral Blaster an astral bow waiting oh hey hi fine goodbye I didn't lose my whip I just stood still oh no no no no no time to get our revenge on this slime [Music] I already got hit okay okay I'm dead oh you stopping minions what he got the game with him he got the game what the [ __ ] is that bro stop Flying faster oh I'm about to die he's almost dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead you're good we're good though he's coming towards you don't want it he is 13k 10K 10K five seconds you got that you got that easy this ain't nothing this ain't nothing [Music] um um I just died I just spawned and died what the [ __ ] is happening right now what is that what is this [Applause] guy I don't know I think I see why chat was saying it's they're gonna have a good time so what about that 20 minutes video my friend we're gonna be here for maybe 20 hours bro I wasn't expecting to get launched into another dimension on I didn't either oh wait no someone in my chat says we don't have to do phase one again it goes immediately to phase two oh does it go straight to Facebook okay thank God thank God I hope we get infinite flight in phase two morale is saying my chat was gaslighting me they just said it perfect we gasped we gaslit him into believing we were gaslighting him they they were not gaslighting they were being honest [Laughter] pull up your face too right away here we go get ready oh Jesus all right oh [ __ ] oh it's like it's a Dodge face Dodge face okay [ __ ] he's invisible oh I'm dead wait I'm dead don't go in the lines go on the lines at three he's gonna shoot uh big brain big we got this we got this we now know we now know we know we know that's how we Dodge it that's how we Dodge it just don't stand on the lines oh go up go up oh okay okay okay I'm scared I'm scared I'm dashing oh no oh hey we lasted longer okay a solid 10 seconds he's dashing oh okay okay I'm dead I didn't Dash we're beating this boss we're beating this boss fight hurts we're beating his boss I didn't spot it I didn't spot it it just spawned automatically and killed me what what what what what what what what why is there oh what excuse me use your entire world of the Arena go Lucy go this is our chance this is our chance though you're Darren die Lucy I'm back this is our moment Lucy this is our [ __ ] public oh oh so This is Our Moment whiskey we got this buddy oh what is she doing what is she doing what is she doing what is happening oh my God go in a circle go in a circle go in a circle go to Circle I got this I wasn't adrenaline I have a good idea 25 seconds you gotta go okay no I gotta hit the arena no [ __ ] the entire world is my Arena [ __ ] you can't kill me I got Infinite Flight I don't know she doesn't stop shooting okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming up she has balls I'm about to die I'm about to die I'm dead I'm dead no don't die no no no just just run away run away just run away run away just run away run away 20 seconds 20 seconds Lucy [Music] oh okay okay we'll see 10 seconds come on Whiskey come on buddy come on buddy five seconds the Dodges The Weave The Weave five seconds blue ski police three two one I'm back oh [ __ ] not balls please oh not this again not this again please anything but this anything but this Lucy please one I'll come back I'm about to be not back oh no go go buddy go buddy get back over here buddy where are you going no whiskey I'm dead five seconds Don't touch don't Dodge don't Dodge I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm coming up slowly I'm coming up slowly buddy no I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here oh eight percent on eight percent that's it I'm nuking that planet I have a vendetta against it I am not happy I'm getting rid of it my way oh perfect oh I might have hit the other planet on accident this planet's gone too [ __ ] nah screw the Death Star hurt my feelings got in my way we really have to fight this boss you know we can just wait this series right now oh no we could just it's been a good series I don't know what you're talking about all I all I hear is fight the boss fight the boss fight the boss I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up simply don't get hit understood so you're telling me people no hit this is that no hold on YouTube I'm opening YouTube Astro gelatin no people don't hate this what they this guy even has a no hit mod on he's at one HP that guy is different that is a terrifying human being that can no hit this boss I'm trying [ __ ] [ __ ] man like that face gets me every time I could feel my brain grow don't Whip and weave see don't move lights are on me I have to move wait you're back wait okay oh hey hey we got we got we got farther you make large circular movements when you're surrounded like that like so like the size of my right testicle or bigger than my left which one think of the left the left so like so like this so like a big circle like this no no yours has a lump so it's like okay CC like this and then you that you just made a heart I don't I don't think my balls are shaped like a heart oh my God yo I told you you should get that checked out all right I don't want to get it checked out man it's like this all right it keeps me company this is like your left nut great it hurts someone call a ball sack figure eight so chat what type of balls you got you got the infinite symbol or the figure eight if [ __ ] [ __ ] no [ __ ] [ __ ] I what I dodge wait wait no oh oh it does it broke it broke again it broke again it broke again this is our moment this is our Movement we cannot die this type I got it buddy don't worry the world is my Arena [Music] oh my God this is actually Our Moment Lucy I'm about to have adrenaline again oh no the balls there's so many balls Galore pause the floor oh let's face it I have an idea oh [Music] I'm back wait she despawned for me no I thought I big brain did it I didn't I went to go buy a heel oh [ __ ] I died oh no thank you ten seconds you got this one [ __ ] I just tried to come back in I just died instantly [ __ ] we need to get rid of the asphalt bro we I hit flow statement I saw I entered I got silent bro I sat forward I I'm dead [ __ ] dude every time the balls every single time like you get in between to dodge the lasers and there's just this random tiny singular ball come on I'm dead I'm about to have adrenaline again I'm about to have adrenaline again about the damage again you can't run at Discord they lie to you don't use the rod all right who the [ __ ] said I can use the rod man just did a run to the projectile there was no shot that was out of it [Music] foreign [Music] [ __ ] Ed it's just a half Health half health okay okay I got it 10 seconds did you did you wormhole in I'm here all circle circle circle [Music] [Music] that was so close y'all went into this cocky as [ __ ] now look at you hey we had no idea about a phase two all right that was insane dude it was that was so badass how the health part disappeared it floated into the sky it started vibrating and the Health Board just went back up badass as [ __ ] all right I'm dead okay okay okay all right [ __ ] no oh wait did it bug wait Lucy Lucy Lucy Lucy it's time I think it's time again dude it's time it's time again whiskey it's time again bug round three incomplete God damn it what what [Music] come on you got this 15 15. nice nice nice [Music] five seconds five seconds three two I'm back I'm back I'm back through these balls are actually a problem you got this you got this come on come on come on she's like five percent looski just work on Dodge aim if you have to don't get greedy [ __ ] oh don't get greedy 15 15 15. oh wait ten ten no no [ __ ] dash button killed me right there it did I've seen it wait why'd she spawn why'd she spawn what she just fought she just spawned by herself whiskey whiskey wait she's wondering free no thanks Dodge [Music] [Applause] please please please please what [ __ ] go I'm sweating you beat it 95 completely legit I'll [ __ ] take it astral lat wait oh it's a better Hawk oh my God oh my God Spiderman Spiderman something something because copyright okay this one's a little special Hawk you ready for this it looked white I want to see it it better oh oh my God yeah I'm gonna make pot I'm gonna go farm metanova slimes in the actual infection for the new set also oh there is a new armor set oh I've gotten the or oh yo look at this ore here I got I got some of it that metanova look at the name of it it's all like glowy oh [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] I don't even know what these slimes look like because my swords keep killing them [Music] oh it drops from slime God oh hold on let me slime God I'm gonna move oh my God I'm just gonna sit here oh my God I'm gonna stay here oh my God I think 55 gold the reforge Oh wrong thing wait what is this [ __ ] is this thing right here oh my God you got the little [ __ ] jelly dudes that's actually pretty sweet hold on wait wait we need that super dummy dummy I need to see this oh they literally just oh Shooters on you how do they do against a boss though that's a real question okay dude watch them ready you see them right here you see them they're gone all right you're gonna have to reforge it because it's annoying but here you go buddy when I right click look at one I right click all right I'm looking oh my god dude Lucy yes the chess piece of Lo alone what is your chest piece right now how much defense has it got I have 25 defense the chess piece alone gives 40 defense I have 109 defense with the full set on Lucy look at me I am Saturn oh my [ __ ] god look at you I'm sorry it goes with my die bro I'm at 146 defense hey look at you you got the balls around you you're Saturn oh yeah oh yeah this is virus wait are we supposed to have this weapon yet this is that's a lot of damage wait so oh okay so metanova works as you know blooms and now that you we can get post Providence loot we made it we made it hey people I don't know [ __ ] people wanted the mod we got the mod we beat the mods and don't complain about it all right dude I can't see the house anymore Garbo I know you know a lot about this when is this armor actually good because like I guess we can just save it for that instead of you know bracing through all the content with this armor yeah with that technically post Providence okay so literally okay four bosses away at that point it's bounce all right perfect [ __ ] wait what is your name but author authorized to do what oh you can't run for me about a certain somebody in chat finally all right I'm spectating you where the [ __ ] are you so can you see me perfectly fine here yeah I could see you all right can you see this yeah what is that can you hover over that does it show the intimidating Onyx Blaster yeah is it [Laughter] [ __ ] you hot for everybody who's not in the loop JG was asking for me to get that weapon for a long time but we kind of just passed it up we passed yeah I just explained it we passed it we passed it up and then I finally made it and I was surprised JG but he never showed up and that's the that's the point where I decided you know what I'm gonna [ __ ] burn it when he shows up he finally shows up so now it's gone all right what's the agenda for today all right buddy we're gonna do a repeat of about like two three things okay okay so you remember before ashrajel is in we said we would redo the lunar calls us a moonlord event this is perfect because the cult is has a rework apparently or something like that from what my chat had mentioned I don't know what it is so we're gonna go beat up the cultist we're gonna redo the winner events and then we're gonna absolutely destroy moonward first try we have another boss doesn't actually doesn't actually if you just look on it just to make sure we took off all of our Astro gelatin stuff right besides the whip I feel like this can say oh yeah [ __ ] what what what did I do what do you want to see the floor I I don't know why is it glowing oh what though oh oh oh kill it [ __ ] I don't know I think it's the re the change of the character new boss that's it yeah where'd he go he's up here I'm frozen what's happening all right a solar event yeah that's very it's really easy because you gotta do solar right now okay let's do this all right cruising the spawn rights kill them all not me not me not me not me not me not me not me I'm going for the pillar I'm going for the pillar okay okay okay I'm no longer go for the pillar oh that was the pillar where you're not supposed to fly oops does that make it is this Hive mine oh no yeah wait why is hive mind caught up why is this [ __ ] spawning does up hit the spawn rate just make it last shorter that way yeah it's because there's so many things spotting oh my God you like my friends I'm losing frames I'm losing Brave [ __ ] what is happening on my screen right now pain suffering kill the pillar oh kill the pillar not me oh okay okay that took a second to [ __ ] spawn in right there hey I'm losing frames how much [ __ ] it now uh 80 enemies beautiful oh yeah and look right here right here right here Moon Lord my guy oh yeah oh yeah I'm ready I'm ready for it I just killed all of our NPCs all my swords aren't out oh there's still all kinds of [ __ ] here why is it so quiet because he's about to spawn I don't like how quiet he's about to spawn he's here oh my God I'm scared I'm scared look at this [ __ ] guy rage I got this i got this i got this i got this i got this i got this i got this i got this i got this [Music] is open five seconds his what's open I'm beating his core I'm beating his heart out I'm at 183. I got the heel last second okay okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming up here you know the laser his brain is explode fifteen fifteen fifteen God watch out for that watch out for the laser watch the laser laser go up go up go go oh I'm running out of that gun yeah yeah man he ain't nothing oh what the hell yeah so it's the credits the credits are playing because you beat normal Terraria Terraria for the first you beat Terraria for the first time let's go we beat vanilla actually looks really cool I like that oh that was actually really [ __ ] tough back alive what are you what is this portal gun oh it's a portal give me that I need that in my life we [ __ ] did it Bud we got some things to do open your chat and read what it says in the bottom left looski but authorized has defeated the 1500th zombie a higher higher up buddy it says Bubba let his arms get torn off by a phantasmable a little bit lower a little bit lower it says looski but authorized was destroyed Flames blazes fiercely the [ __ ] does that mean Cosmic Terrors are watching as well Cosmic Terrors are watching shrieks are echoing from the dungeon I don't want to go to the dungeon oh yeah I forgot what I've done here what did you do I made a mess oh yeah yeah the Death Star no more because of you buddy it is no more it was not my what the [ __ ] is this is this the thing we got in mind oh this is what we got in mind oh oh oh oh oh oh oh take it off pick it up before it falls oh it's so nice it's beautiful oh look I made like a little house oh my God put your rod in here put your Rod a Discord in here you pee pee man put my put my rod in there wait put your rod in there oh you're not on the team buddy I don't know I don't know if I want to be on a team after you made me put my rod in your box okay well it's either put your rod in the box or all hell will break loose okay you're you're forcing me to put my rod in places I don't want my rod to go into okay well I Want Your Rod to go there okay right there rhymes with grape I am broke I'm close to broke but I'm not all right I know I got this and I got this all right the [ __ ] are those I'm ready for work [ __ ] are those it is zooming around I'm Ready for War appreciate you all being here all right what happened you feed the bunnies again I got this buddy don't worry I got this God there it is there I got it yes yes oh God better make some bullets I'm shooting a [ __ ] dolphin what is going on where are all these animals coming from go away no Hawk run away run away run away they're not running away from that TF2 NG I need you to [ __ ] move out of the way so I can store my [ __ ] [ __ ] move I'm about to break something get out the [ __ ] way Hawk buddy what what happened oh where did you go oh I'm sitting over here at the uh you know the What's this called uh snow biome it's Squidward I'm making an army oh Penguins what the [ __ ] is happening here it's my meat grinder they're coming they're coming Lucy open fire look at him look what are my cause yes what we have an infestation [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you oh my God I don't like fireflies sometimes this is called population control I'm sorry bunnies but you guys overbred all right here's your new bow there's another bow what is that thing what is that thing Clockwork how much damage [ __ ] what off that is sick oh yeah that's that's the new enemy we gotta kill that thing why is it down there you ain't got up here it's in the floor oh it's the essence is in the ground we need that underworld gives more enemy variety okay we're going to the underworld oh I don't want to be here anymore I don't want to be here anymore open fire whiskey get down here oh my God oh my God I don't think his third potion was a smart idea oh my god did I just get a [ __ ] Blasphemous donut I'm old to your God here you want a donut donut oh a Blasphemous donut what does that even mean what is Blasphemous about this donut I'm gonna go make some money look at old-fashioned way yeah is this shooting no let's do this right will kill grabul on 500 times this is just making Pro what the [ __ ] oh I love that armor set okay oh I'm looking Chris yes Hood it's time to see what everyone's talking about it's kind of Fire all right new boss yeah this boss got reworked so yeah I'm ready I'm gonna see what this looks like what the [ __ ] I came back in time [Music] we almost killed one it's the Healer they have a Healer oh he looks at him he was dead he looks dead five seconds five seconds [Music] [Music] okay so the other Guardian is Invincible the one that is shielded is Invincible you have to kill the one by one that's what it looks like to kill oh okay right right when I killed the Healer one of their Shields dropped down our arena is not fully hollowed so they kept getting enraged when we flew up here we have to fight him in Hell [Music] okay aim for the one that doesn't have a shield [Music] what is happening what is that I'm being meatballed oh last one last one last one [Music] 10 seconds don't let it hit you [ __ ] I lost adrenaline yeah my ex is out we're good we're good we're here [Music] relics did they well they did oh Jesus Christ that's a shiny one all right let's go let's what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] Moon Lord Moon Lord's core Moon Lord what what what where what what did you what did you time Hawk I'm gonna have to reset the server and somehow someway Hawk is gonna blame me in the video for this [Music] I was a really biased all right they don't show me shine they show Hawk carrying everything all right me ruining everything all right what do you mean last episode what do you mean last episode I included the three times I broke the book now that you're here live you know now you can see Hawk's the one that [ __ ] everything up all right that's it [ __ ] really is the one all right um what do you mean that's it oh yeah okay where are we going they're gone I hope you cringe for combat logging the dash nope [ __ ] it um I'm not the one that took the [ __ ] on the floor right on the floor you clean it up yeah I'm ready for this summer fully when used in the jungle what is the jungle boss oh yeah oh yeah I'm gonna summon my thing up in the sky okay my axes ready here we go three two one the Dorito okay okay okay okay he's a lot smaller than I thought the music goes [ __ ] crazy all right all right all right let's go [ __ ] this little girl [ __ ] I'm gonna die he's summoning minions oh my God what is happening I'm dead stay in the jungle stay in the jungle stay in the jungle oh he's a race I think all right get it back down [Music] [Music] popping rage [Music] anymore all right I've touched the theme of death oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Lucy this is not good Lucy I have like no more jungle left I am in the desert I gotta drive 15 seconds 15 seconds 15 seconds you got this oh my God there is no jungles left [Music] oh you killed him next time it's gonna be a fun one buddy oh tell me okay you know what when these past couple episodes have been pretty [ __ ] easy I don't want a hard episode anymore all right what did you just do what did you just he was stuck in traffic for basically two hours also chat it's my birthday well two days I'm turning 22. I'm getting there I'm getting old let's go I'm finally getting closer to death if you're there for that Zelda stream man you you could have been watching me getting my ass beat I still had that Guardian theme in my brain all I hear is the dude it's all I hear it's embedded in my skull I don't I don't know man I might need to seek therapy happy birthday oh yeah thank you you know the password all right the password kind of relevant to the situation where are you at I'm right here man I can't even see you with all all your all your hoes around you oh there you are there you are looking at you look at you look at me man hold on all right yeah look at me who's keep butt Chef yeah I sound weird yeah a little bit I sound oh Jesus Christ what all right here's your uh here's your spirit origin yeah okay what does this do oh oh oh okay okay I'm reading I'm reading I'm actually using my eyes what is this what is happening who is this oh that's the thing that's the face yeah I need to craft one for myself what did she saying I'm short what is she doing no she's poking me what is she doing yeah she's like you're this tall she's like you're this tall wait hold on is this anime girl of age trash you have age she's of age apparently okay okay good good now I'm definitely surrounded by women yeah yeah something is broken yeah I can tell something is broken if we can't turn it tonight that's very concerning it's you can't turn it all should we restart the server like we could try because the con this Cosmos is supposed to turn into day or night and it's take off dash why is the Asgard Valor what well that works I was not to say that worked look at me look at me look what what do you open your boss log and I want you to scroll down scroll down on hard mode and look right underneath Dragon Foley okay what does that say Providence this is where you can finally become a man in Terraria you are no longer little boy you're becoming a man [ __ ] I don't like the sound of this I'm scared I also am scared we only have Providence and Providence only today you should be oh okay okay we're going straight into it what is this music what is this music I don't remember this from what is this what is this shooting for the oh we have the flooded twice why do we have to fight it twice two different items because they get fought in two different biomes hollowed or underworld what which which version benefits me more okay let's be real I don't know if we're gonna be able to beat it twice would we it's oh that's possible I mean that's why I said it's the only thing that's on our agenda today I don't know Hawk how about neither does that option we're chat which one is the shield shield would benefit both of us more so which where's The Shield is that underworld or hollowed is there a nice one is there a nice one no I could go in and she's like wow this is a great game I'm having a great time well I don't think because it's in the Underworld all right so one tip I'm gonna give you for Providence actually two tips yes do not run far away from her or she'll burn you alive second tip is you can go through her she does she does not do contacts only okay okay okay okay okay he said don't go far don't go far she'll burn you alive oh I forgot oh God her Flames hurt so much really I'm gonna burn to death okay we're gonna we're gonna make we're gonna make some Arena adjustments Providence teaches you how to burn for your sins that woman teaches you the the meaning of pain we gotta fight it twice I got him last five seconds all right Jesus Hawk how [ __ ] big are we going we're [ __ ] going okay holy [ __ ] I want your Arena [ __ ] still don't look at the map it literally erases everything just don't just don't look at the map don't zoom out get this wall of [ __ ] love to answer bro bro it's like the [ __ ] Incredibles enter we don't know how to enter it's going away oh I'm burning I'm burning I'll say be my friend I'm no longer burning all right I'm gonna go make some bridges all right you stay alive Lucy bro hey why'd you do it what did I say um what happened well I died exploding bullets okay weak ass hyperious bullets explosive powder and empty bullets is what we need um do we do we have that no you gotta go buy it oh God damn it Hawk I gotta do everything in this relationship huh like literally everything listen here it's either all crafted for you or you can figure out how to craft it let's talk about this okay yeah how much a lot apparently this is one of the best gun it's a little bit low on damage compared to your other ones but you know sometimes they're good let me see I got a little bit of Blues let's see this okay yeah what the [ __ ] are you shooting what what the [ __ ] is that those were just normal silver bullets I did I did a poll yes I did a poll and the pull was uh who do you think will die first on the first run of Providence 53 says you where [Music] Hawk you know I don't build I'm not good at building hey at least you can see all right okay we're right across the wall right like this from here okay okay just go down no why are you going down I'm up here I said right here and you went down doesn't make any sense buddy wait does your little dragon hover in the air forever no okay you're useless then [ __ ] I'm losing I'm losing my mind losing my mind building Hawk well I'm losing my mind don't lose your mind building we're not even there yet man God damn it all right you know what we're just oh yeah this makes building so much easier yeah [ __ ] I don't like this I'm not having fun Hawk I'm having fun over here just try to bro trying to build in hell this is oh my God I'm having a good time um I get us a bed real quick Lucy so we can spawn down there oh he's dead I don't think I've ever been more angry at this game you do realize you could have just went up here and grabbed this right [ __ ] that UFO on I've never been more inferior in this [ __ ] game until now and I was just building a roof haha are you ready where's the bed Hawk where's the bed there it is not icker not golden where these holy fire bullets bro the Holy Fire should be equipped I they are equipped I'm just uh I don't know I don't [ __ ] know bruh I took half my health go uh yeah go up there yep yep yep no it's in the desert right this [ __ ] in the desert wait no no no no she's underneath the house we never moved her back oh God damn it all right [Music] doing better [ __ ] up I'm getting [ __ ] up oh watch out stop stop stop stop stop stop [Music] a loose gate Bridge [Music] I'm dead whiskey [Music] [Music] all of them [Music] I'm dead I'm trying to hit that one okay [Music] no no way no way I brought her away from you son of a [ __ ] knock you mama wolf thank you just summoned those she just summoned the Nuggets again what [Music] start killing the [ __ ] meatballs [ __ ] you I got adrenaline oh my God that [ __ ] hurt that I died I died it is just her now oh it's all that it's that breath the wild [ __ ] going on man Dodge on them Guardians I'm prepared for this moment we got this one two percent what let's go please don't phase two blowing up I don't trust it up back up no we're good let's [ __ ] go go oh my God that boss was pretty [ __ ] sweet actually now round two we beat her now we can use our Astro gelatin armor yeah we can we can finally use that we can we use it we kill her in the hollow [ __ ] tell me where the [ __ ] loot box we're on this screen right now would I put all my loot bro there is so much I now have her minions oh I found it oh I found so much I have strained for 10 hours today Lucy are you proud of me you put in some [ __ ] work Dog Who Knew going through pain in breath of the wild could help you Dodge in Terraria it's insane oh oh good [ __ ] [ __ ] get up link answer the flesh wound buddy man that was a good streak blue ski be careful what's going on around the house what the [ __ ] um where is hold on hold on hold on okay I'm about to spend some money for you Lucy because I just found something that is pretty [ __ ] neat there you go buddy here's your blood fire bullets and here's your bloodfire arrows accelerate your life regen on oh what bro I got vampire bullets now you're welcome I deserve a gifted member for that you know you're pretty close to getting one but no honestly I kind of like the big arena now I'm kind of missing the giant Arena yeah exactly you all were complaining about now guess what now you missed it okay okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I died I died [Music] what is that okay she has a laser beam she's moving more don't get hit by it oh I'm missing the big arena I'm missing the big arena damn I died came up with a good idea uh change we're gonna change the top to actual Pearl Stone it's working yep yep just keep going so don't go all the way up to the final row actually no it's nope it's hollowed it's all holiday how do you tell it's hallowed background oh it is yeah well if you stand right here though right here it's not hollowed for some reason this one spot where I'm at right now here we go jump up I'm ready for 15K a second oh my God you're right you're hiding your eyes I know I'm dropping down I'm dropping down I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh my God no [Music] please please here's the check let's go let's go 15 10. okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay you see that little short up you see that little shirt off yeah I've seen it look at that heel no I'm back no [ __ ] I'm back I'm back go my swords you got sock you got this you got this you got this oh my God give me adrenaline please come on give me adrenaline what I need right now give me adrenaline adrenaline shield down shield down shield down Dodge I don't know [ __ ] ing woman all right I'm no longer playing the game I'm no longer playing the game you're about to suck you have to do this you have to do this no I'm burning because she's still look at that over there I have no room for dodging somehow come on out come on out come over here five come on not dead it's up to you buddy Dodge [Music] no [ __ ] shot they did it again dude oh my God if you don't know what's going on guys basically his chat can do commands that stop him from moving why she arranged why she arranged is that what that means she looks like she's enraged yeah yeah it does it does look like she's enraged that's because it does it does okay okay okay [Music] [Music] pull the juice [Music] I'm dead [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go oh my [ __ ] God oh my God oh my God I think the graveyard isn't making her oh that might be true it's because the graveyard my chat made a good point it might be the graveyard that we're forming yeah she's here yeah there she is there she is Count 19 times I've only done I'm be real to you 27 this feels really low I thought it was dude it just came across me we fought her half the time enraged yeah one you could get pulled straight no we're done we're done nah we I need a break I I wish like [ __ ] 12 hours hey hey you can't get mad at me for this name all right there's somebody that got mad at me guess what well that was not the right button guess what in the Urban Dictionary this stands for a gamer that lives in Michigan take that Twitter so Lucy was on the toilet which is why we were late today I'm yeah I think we might do Taco Bell Hawkinson or Lucy Hawk then how art thou hold on how about you how art thou all right I mean we're the same thing Taco Bell I'm you but Brown can you stab me the short sword I want to see much damage it does we got four bosses and [Music] it's normal and then and then like like the main boss of tonight that's all I'm excited today's agenda but we also need to get something I'm excited buddy we need new armor yeah so somebody his name is uh oats meal thank you oatmeal has actually did some testing for us and this armor okay I believe it was something blood flare armor I don't think we're supposed to get this yet when do we when do we get the souls wait all right I've been lied to they lied to us never mind they did not help us wait what screw them so um what do we got you're not gonna like this the first boss is in the dungeon dungeon dungeon Hawk everything has a lot of Health in here everything is a lot of Health in here and just keep her going hey purple girl I'm about to die why are you dead what happened everything is okay what do you mean long dead prisoners long and dead oh looski who's that giant blue thing that was it that was Poltergeist it looked like a force ghost of Plantera yeah all right time to go back I mean I gotta increase the spawner it's again oh don't don't do that why why why would that be a thing we need to do Hawken there's the platform ah look at this Lucy we're already done it was not so hard no not at all you know just [ __ ] this place I already lost my voice because this [ __ ] place sucks all right what's the first boss we got him it's the first of the three mini boss uh oh no that's the main why is that why is he here all right we're starting off strong I've noticed we've hit him a lot of times and he's still not understand it's only done 12. don't get touched just don't get touched this is fine this is fine another adrenaline adrenaline I don't know I got this buddy I got my adrenaline bam adrenaline I got this [ __ ] got half Health we're already 50 let's go it's easy [Music] oh it's a flu Oh it's just fine everything is fine everything is fine why is there two of them that's what I said IMI 5 HP oh no [Music] oh hello I'm alive somehow I'm alive somehow I'm alive we're doing it I've been there two horses entire time in a potion I finally got Health oh my God I'm trying to let again I'm gonna just keep going in a circle Plantera has taught me well I'm trained for this moment oh God never mind I didn't get hit I dodged it somehow I'm Pro Gamer never mind I [ __ ] suck you know we'll just dodge I'm trying I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back okay one of them are about to die I'm about to die please please potion potion potion potion potion potion potion potion potion I got the potion off blue sky I'm back it's only him please I have had no help this entire match please kill it shoot it something please I can't sleep I'm shooting shooting faster I'm shooting I'm shooting I'm shooting I'm about to have a grilling for like eight times I'm shooting I'm sure kill it please [Music] just find it and shoot it come on come on please please [Music] let's [ __ ] go the main boss and I'm already sweating teeth [ __ ] just skip three bosses I mean we still have to do the other boss all right Hawkins be real we're gonna end the episode what is this what the [ __ ] I have a new Child new child her name is Poulter Chon what the [ __ ] oh now [Applause] what do I want the children or that yeah I don't have the kids we've been doing the kids the whole playthrough why can't I have oh maybe nah nah maybe maybe you know what you know we'll put the kids away they they need some stuff yeah they get some rest okay so basically culture culture is an amangulation of Souls of Souls of prisoners that yeah yarhan put in the dungeon that seek Vengeance and they pull so so whatever it kills into itself okay okay that makes sense wait so we formed just the amalgamation of a bunch of [ __ ] yeah he always butchers the name I can't help it all right it's confusing there's too many names why can't everybody just be named Tim what is this I've done one too many things help what did you do I I don't like this pet it's attached to me pet pip wise oh what is that your tapeworm what is going on here it's coming out of my belly button that's it touch it let me stretch it out some more for you oh oh wait a minute Lucy yes what the [ __ ] oh whoa whoa um oh dear God is this what is this what the [ __ ] is this this is let's just shoot on the orbs what is happening what is going on I don't know I don't know I don't remember this what is happening what is happening wait are we hitting the skull oh he's sucking Us in why is he sucking me he's out he's sucking me oh no yeah [Music] so we can either get the new weapons and armor and do the three mini bosses easier just Breeze through them or do them first and then go get the armor oh [ __ ] it let's just do that since we already got it we're here 30 likes I'll give one member so it will get yes 30 likes right now chat come on let's do it I want money money money helps Channel helps me I use money to get my son a birthday gift his birthday's coming up I must be good father bro why can't I give members to my own Community I'll do that if it would let me I don't know why I can't do that what the hell well what can I do while we're sitting here waiting for likes I can play an ad here we go oh okay okay okay okay okay dude I love that we got this we got this yet where's that all right oh what oh no he's still alive still alive still alive Lucy he's sucking me so first first one the ceaseless void what the hell let's go Beyblade I don't know what the [ __ ] that is Beyblade fell apart it's a worm here okay you got this you got this you got this oh no yeah I swear I'm there it is oh I like that oh that one's fire so all we have is sickness left huh cygnus cygnus dick in your mouth let's go [Laughter] come in here everything ready cause here we go sick needs balls in your mouth okay okay okay he looks like a ghost okay okay I'll blast them and then I started blasting and then I started blasting I one thousand percent was using the wrong weapons he ain't nothing easy yeah I got his cape hey yo look at me I got the drip you got this cape that shit's kind of fire actually that shit's kind of part of the cloak that shit's kind of Fire oh yeah I do have one more thing we can do because it's scary uh no we should be fine just to make the episode a little bit longer no I thought this game was gonna get hard oh it does I thought this game was gonna get hard it does that was that was pretty damn easy maybe a devs if you're listening right now all right maybe you need to run up the difficulty up a little bit all right all right see some pain all right oh oh you want to see something let's see some pain oh okay you want to see something you know I I I'm new to the game and I'm bracing through it all right I need to see some pain tabs if you're out there listening Worthy I put on death for the words you said you wanted it harder what yeah yeah you were talking about difficulty so I uh you know I had to show you what you know how cool it actually gets when you enable the other modes you know devs you you could maybe tone it down a little bit I got scissored by a death beam you know I think devs are doing a great job so say hello yep yeah the acid downpour that's where our next boss is at uh we go to the store for XC buddy it's been a while since we fall here all right I'm winning what is this music I've never heard this before oh what is this music on me oh oh oh I'm getting [ __ ] up wait I put another bridge in front of our bridge above go up top I got this i got this I'm about to put a bed over here Bros oh my God turn up the spawn right [ __ ] it oh okay if you say so okay so what about the increased spawn breaks I'm turning it off I'm gonna die I'm Gonna Die Hard why'd you listen to me um he's up top I don't know I don't know is that ours is that us that is not us that's not us that is not our tornado oh it's Duke it's all Duke Dude Looks [ __ ] wild come here oh his theme is so good I'm dead okay what is that watch out for whatever that is bumping up what the [ __ ] is that okay okay [Music] 18 17 15 seconds 15 seconds you got this on [Music] adrenaline ten ten ten ten stay alive I'm working on it three two one I'm out here I just teleported into the [ __ ] portal 20 seconds there's a portal above you be careful do you know I teleporters [ __ ] [Music] come on come on can't wait for it [Music] there's so far exceed night music [Music] oh come here Lucy the soundtrack bro it's giving me Last of Us Vibes yeah this has to be new I don't remember this I don't remember listening to this yeah this is fire I'm [ __ ] with this heavily the music dude it is new is this for by heart our uh heart was a heart plus up or is the heart up plus dude this goes hard plus up God my favorite composer of course necro Stone was that it ravager oh I got it those are kind of fire actually like my squid they they make little bubble sounds all this to fight a goddamn old Boomer fish okay so sometimes old dude gets hot so him sitting still is hitting tired that's hilarious that's funny as [ __ ] he needs a rest [Music] on it [Music] he's resting he's resting he's Boomerang he's resting he's Boomerang he's Boomerang he's summoning [ __ ] you [Music] [Music] no [Music] thank you you got this 20 seconds [Music] oh my God [Applause] [Music] okay oh you've missed me [ __ ] try again [Music] there we go adrenaline oh careful careful careful we're on the bottom right on the bottom there's a portal butthole no way no way either way ain't no way anyway stop it stop anything you got this you got these guys we got that we got done yeah I opened my I opened my fifth eye buddy oh my Lord frog legs frog leg oh my God oh my [ __ ] god did I not pick up a bag I did I did oh skewer what the [ __ ] is this [Music] what did you just do what did you do oh my God why are you dead I'm doing pretty good man buddy buddy is he gone [Music] Metal Gear uh I've never played it but I've watched a little chat chess headphone warning chat headphone warning working took care of some more why are you so but moisture yeah let me get closer to you buddy [Music] I think I'm getting sexually assaulted right now oh you want to be assaulted I got you oh moister yeah moisture me yeah you I have been what do we have for today all right so we have to upgrade you before we get any bosses because um I kind of seen your Loadout a little bit you're a little bit outdated because if you open your boss log we have a big boy today [ __ ] did you opened your boss Lord all right sorry sorry um someone just sprinkled like a million dollars on me right now oh we're good now no I need everybody now I have to repeat everything uh no I I got the gist of it I think all right what's the gist of it tell me uh so you said what's this guy's name Prometheus you said that Prometheus was oh wait a minute wait a minute why who names their child Prometheus all right so we need to gear you up okay your Lo your accessories are outdated all right you need to you need to level you up a little bit they're pretty cool yeah they're pretty cool but you know you're losing out on a lot of like damage and survivability ah who needs that all right fine if you want to die 30 times and yeah sure [Music] of course I got touched by the head oh I made it I'm at it I'm here I'm here I'm here he ain't gonna give me head angle give me head I'm the anti-header can't give me head if I don't like head it's fine this is fine oh that was a part of me whiskey I'm not having a good time over here can you hurry up I see you're back I hope you're not ascended this looks really much stuff faster yes calm right now all over all over you're not supposed to die wait a minute oh so about those accessories yeah now we got nunziato Prometheus died because of you hawk bro we got devoured by the time but we're doing this well you know guess what news Yoto is going to die now he's in honor of Prometheus oh oh my Lord oh my Lord I killed the operator no come here come here come here devour kill this man kill this man I don't like him kill him kill him eat him eat I'm standing here until he dies oh I died with him yeah about those accessories let me uh let me take a look at the list we got here that's all that's left hey um what what did you do I think [ __ ] why is he here he might be stuck there what happened bro I mean we've gone from Prometheus to Eric all right well take the shadow key go get a helling though and hell go be free go open your shop Shadow chest oh you'll be free sir that's what I thought man [ __ ] Hawk oh sorry I wasn't muted just say to me all right it was a joke monsoon there you go buddy I don't know isn't your Noob oh [ __ ] are you shooting I'm shooting Dolphins what is that I don't know there you go buddy have fun with that how can I yeah here's some lunch money go take this and go uh do the selling bit you know to make some more money for yourself and here's your arrows okay thanks Dad here you go son doing that what nothing you better do that [ __ ] or else I'm making you an endless quiver oh for the okay yeah yeah all right here's your quiver all right so I'm asking Chad for accessories and they're trolling me now they're saying you know what okay yeah here here this is the new accessory you need you just hand me a step stool listen here Hawk all right listen here all right you listen here and you listen now [ __ ] that Devourer Gods all right I'm not even putting on the screen on my side all right listen here Hawk I'm five eleven okay I am above average all right all right this is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did you spawn God damn it I I agree with you verbatim John Cena two five eight you know what he said what'd he say he said [ __ ] you hawk well guess what I agree and agree with him too what time is dead because of you hawk correction all the NPCs are dead that's where I'm gonna okay to asgard's Valor called the Elysium Aegis iirc yeah so I have I have it yeah it we got the wings and the uh and the shield I'm using the shield currently but the issue is that we have to fight Providence to kill it down there and it only drops one can I just admit I'm scared oh let's get we'll get you the accessories and we'll try it out all right we'll see we'll try uh I gotta love the beginning of every stream right you know it's grinding okay crafting and sitting at your house for half an hour so you're going to replace the Affliction with the community your spirit origin you're going to replace with Deadshot brooch uh my chat saying stem cells and Recon scope can go real quick all right I see your ancestral roots are being uh fed there oh sorry uh Mother Nature [Music] Providence I would like to not fight all the way across town here we go here we go [Music] nice little shred nice little shred right there it's your eyeball my nose is itching oh she's doing her Dodge okay I'm gonna move away from you I don't know you might have pressed your key activation button oh [ __ ] oh here we go we got killer minions killer minions [Music] stop going across house sit in one spot all right oh yeah let's go let's go foreign up my toes just curled she's dead easy [Music] Shield oh okay time to go home move chat the bottom left what's wrong with bottom right I know fine here yeah I'll move chat here how's that uh you you want it bigger all right there's a chat guys how's that yeah so prepare yourself a little bit talk to your chat because this is probably going to be a very big long section all right let me let me let me talk to my chat a little bit and let me let me rest a little bit you know prepare mentally prepare yourself all right I bomb I'm on screen [ __ ] how do I fix this how do I oh all right is that good enough how's that chat does that look good or do you want it like this don't shake chat [Music] you're buffed up you're good to go time to eat the Devourer of Worlds or God Gods whatever same thing [Music] you're dead come on up here fine I got adrenaline already heads up top coming towards you trying to give your head he's down below he's coming up hello head I don't want head right now I'm not hungry okay okay okay oh head hello head cheese what the who's trolling these lines [Music] oh my God oh dude dude please can they stop with the lines okay well I just got eight [Music] portal done that that was actually smart there's hell to the left hell to the left yeah wait a minute wait a minute we can't get the phase two on our actual attempt but when I summoned it last episode as a joke we got phase two all right so hit the tail tail in the head is what they said right I'm I'm on it I'm on his tail I'm on his tail I'm beating his ass cheeks oh he just disappeared no not the NPCs for the eighth time I got adrenaline again oh I hit your portal gun where am I oh he's the one that happened what's that half what where'd he go what is happening oh no Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready go left here phase two all right what the [ __ ] look at him now what's your time what's your time what's your time what's your time what the [ __ ] what is the tetris I went the wrong way [Applause] thank you for the follow maybe I'm here I'm here remember everything I'm in the tail I'm hitting one of the butt cheeks I'm hitting one of the butt cheeks oh my Lord Tetris [Music] is better when the sky is purple so like he like he protects us like Duke he moves a bit faster and falls directly behind you if the sky's the purple okay and Loosely follows you when it's blue okay around [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God okay okay I'm circled I'm circled working on it I don't want to get in here I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead no more face no more face please [Music] let's go [Applause] wait staff of the mechworm ah I have the hour of gods so that we can upgrade or Asgard Valor all right this is Asgardian Aegis which combines with or Asgard Valor and the shield we're using right now the elucion ages but we need Spirit actions Essence okay it's a craft a spirit essence we already have a lot of photo plasma but we need nightmare fuel endothermic energy in Dark Sun fragments endothermic energy yep and yes I was told about this earlier we have to do all the events again that means Pumpkin Moon Frost Moon and solar eclipse anymore I just got a spoiler of what yarn looks like oh did you click on it that [ __ ] looks terrifying oh I bet all right all right what the [ __ ] did I just shoot what was that Purge guzzler I'll use his Mana oh oops whiskey Lucy I did it I didn't mean to summon that I did not mean to summon that I actually did not mean to summon I didn't mean to somebody coming from the sky I don't like how he's looking at me whoa what the [ __ ] is that have you tried healing yuck no no I like that oh no don't forget to who put this rope here oh I think I'm dead oh I'm alive so about that live part [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that that's the next boss here we go Bud your favorite event buddy here I'll turn the spawn race up for you too oh no morning Woods please no warning Woods please ah I died what's wrong with this press come over buddy oh my God oh my God oh my Lord what is happening oh my God there's so much [ __ ] happening do you want to switch do you want the pump will kill the morning Woods don't worry I'll take them all on buddy don't worry man I'm killing the morning where the pumpkins GoPro yeah do you want to swap do you want the pumpkins here take the pumpkins take them take them I'll get I'll go the morning once I'll go to the morning once you take them take them [ __ ] I'll kill these [ __ ] down why are they all on me I don't want all of them how many letters can we get one two three four five six seven eight nine poacher wait a minute I kind of like that one oh he's here [ __ ] thing we're having a rave we're having a break yeah well hello buddy hey pocketin how are you doing man I'm doing good man but poacher what the [ __ ] am I poaching that ass come here boy I'm out of here what what's what's on the menu today huh we have a few things before we get to the main event oh okay okay okay okay because uh we you know we left it out last episode because we've got uh we did but we have that and then you're gonna open your boss log we got one boss and I always pronounce his name and Chad gets mad at me yaron you're on your heart whatever it is that [ __ ] looks [ __ ] crazy this is the boss I stopped on because I couldn't beat it we beat this boss I don't know what's going on afterwards I've never beat Calamity oh really I've never been oh really this is the boss I stopped on I got to his face too and I could not it hurts I'm gonna call you a [ __ ] once we beat it damn I hope what's first on the menu on the on the agenda huh we're doing Frost Moon first but join a blue team we're gonna we're gonna you know we're gonna sit here for a couple minutes first oh did you say we're doing Frost Moon first what did you say don't leave no you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] I ain't doing no [ __ ] event anymore huh we have to if you want your God Slayer armor you have to you [ __ ] it's it's either morning what is my morning wood anymore okay well then get your ass back on the server you degenerate and let's fight the Santos I'm gonna increase the spawn race know as bad as Halloween movie my friends come over the visit you wanna you want a good tip on how to like do better in this event it the it's called Uh survive that's your tip um I got a good one so if you press alts and then F4 at the same time usually it brings up a mod menu that uh turns it down a little bit oh [ __ ] it turns down the difficulty it didn't work [Laughter] are you back up yeah I'm booting up don't worry man hey buddy so um about that mod menu uh usually it works the second try oh you sure about that yeah it usually crashes the first time because usually games how how you know coding works is sometimes it doesn't compile it the first time so you're the worst I save an accident I save an exit I'm loading back up [Laughter] here we go the energy the eggnothermic energy I think that's how you pronounce it the what the eggnog energy oh there's a lot of [ __ ] coming this way hey can I bring I'm gonna bring my friends over no no no no no don't bring them over there why is his name yank it wait what whiskey they're coming oh whiskey they're coming who's coming they're coming they're close the women women the women all right we're gonna go to Martin Martin I'm gonna need you here's the graveyard in our house I'll be real too I was dying in the house a lot I'm gonna pull up my did you tell your chat about the document uh oh the document the the go did who made the document again oh it's a meal a mega healing potions there's all kinds of [ __ ] here yeah I'm all the way down here it's after it's after in um the ammo yeah on fire he even gives me the stats of the armor dude weight execute looski heals you to half Health while wearing Sylvia armor what to have the chess piece gives me plus 80 life okay better than the Elysian tracers okay so I should put this on then wait doesn't that mean I can't Sprint though like I can't Sprint but I guess I can oh my God these are fast oh my Lord oh my God what is are those your wings these are my wings oh my Lord you are moving I'm out bro get back here get back oh my God I can't even keep up if I wanted to I can't even oh my how high are you going I went all the way to space hey man see you man I'm I'm stuck in Solid Rock oh I'm with you oh hey man well I guess this is where the Run ends doesn't it oh I'm free goodbye Lucy oh I know wait hold on let me get the summon I'm saving you buddy oh oh that saves oh that saves two slots oh give me that I don't think I want to absorbed damage from Lucy bro you know how many times I will die if I'm absorbing damage from looski as guardian angels this uses eight summon slots the forge that's kind of cool what about what about we still up oh what are you doc no it's not coming out of you what the [ __ ] Hydra yeah what the [ __ ] that [ __ ] is badass popping up on screen oatmeal thank you this document 100 helped you see it right now I'm sure I have a big brain oatmeal thank you buddy look at it even helped Lucy out I didn't have to make looski anything for once this shit's insane this book beak the mini Mammoth nugget he's over there it's Buckbeak the mini Mammoth or correction 70 . oh my God I have 10K flat ammo that's actually really satisfying to look at wait like I didn't know you can get that much like just 10K flat like no like ten thousand one thousand that's that's kind of ten that's kind of hot 1000 oh yeah I'm I'm a little moist under the table right now I'm not gonna lie onto the table put it above bro um this isn't kick I can't do that oh [ __ ] I forgot I forgot we're not on Kick there's actual there's actual terms of service here okay everything's records oh what did you do [ __ ] beak the mini Mammoth nugget died no no no hey we got a new nugget Polito the Phoenix nuggetas [Laughter] okay so we're gonna do two things you're going to make heart statues because we need heart statues we need Life Crystals statues I'm gonna want these heart statues if I wire them they will drop hearts for us why is it not yep perfect put it Opposite Corners okay now let me do the heart statues here we go three do what let's do this time for some KFC wait okay okay it's burning me oh I'm grabbing Hearts good I'm good I'm good okay giant beam in this guy [ __ ] where where are the hearts you spilling myself up I Spit on myself bro let me look it up oh it's coming in the sky again let's go [Music] no McDonald's and mini Mammoth nuggets okay please oh [ __ ] I got this i got this Blood oh I can't run Lucy I don't have shoes I'm sprinting oh [ __ ] great ten dead oh my God oh my God oh no oh no oh no oh no ah [Music] oh no Lucy Lucy were here Lucy were here lotusky we're here we're here phase two phase two okay okay I want it I want it I win it oh okay okay I'm shooting that [ __ ] ride this chicken fry this try the chicken yo oh my God oh my God there's excellent lyrics though stop oh there's a tornado we'll see I can't run Listen lyrics [Music] okay okay dude I'm not even whipping I'm just focusing on dodging oh my Lord everything [Music] oh my God [ __ ] oh oh please please please please I'm here I'm here go go go go go go it's up to you [Music] he's making it rainfire [Music] oh get down oh my God those are fast oh my god get down Mr President [Music] all it took was all of our NPCs this is a call back to earlier you're a [ __ ] that chicken wasn't [ __ ] God damn it all right fine here let's go let's go let's put on Death Mode [Music] yarn please no no everyone in the town you know I'm just murdered everyone in the town There's a giant blob of red text on the bottom left bro open your arm bag McNuggets I got a pet yard what is this oh what the [ __ ] is that dude it's a melee weapon yo I look sick as [ __ ] what oh you look tough as [ __ ] you look tough as [ __ ] oh my God yo with your mini yaron too yeah bro you look like you look like when the final boss shows up at the very beginning of the game beats your ass then hops on his big ass pet and leaves Hawk also has a gigantic girthy wiener [Laughter] of course [Laughter] know that what was that what did what did I just do oh my God that sounds so menacing me it's probably you don't have minion slots I'll give you that power that [ __ ] is terrifying what the [ __ ] is that thing what is that thing I can have two I oh my God I can't wait to see the xmx I think you do something with this the computer yeah I think we have to upgrade it and then we can summon it should we look should we try it real quick summon the xomax you take a sneak peek maybe why not let's take a sneak peek chat oh wait I just remembered this is now available oh my God bro bro it sounds like a [ __ ] lightsaber what does that mean this [ __ ] is cool as [ __ ] yo this is the ore right here what the [ __ ] okay you cannot the [ __ ] did I just do you can't stand on it you can't stand on it what the [ __ ] what did I just do if you stand on just stand on it it launches you up I know this shit's kind of fire actually armor bonus no is that a Discord no isn't that my favorite thing ow ow ow stop ow I don't like this oralusky ow [ __ ] hell how many are in here right now we still have 34. while we have 34 viewers we are not doing inferring um I always forgot he said oh that's a lot of work hey Fern you know we're not doing that we have something else planned okay it is a four player it is a four it is a thought stop it it is a four player co-op experience okay we have we have something planned for the end of the series okay I also have a surprise for if I also have a surprise for everyone at the end of the series it's gonna take a bit but I am working on something in the background I personally don't want to try it yet especially with Lucy Lucy's not ready yet I don't want to I'm already throwing him through this on revengeance on Master mode holy [ __ ] Lucy uh yes take this bar and put it in your recipe browser Tesla body armor you can we combine all of our armor because the Astro gelatin you can combine your Azure gelatin armor for even a stronger one oh you could go in any direction I've been going left and right the whole time I didn't realize you could go in literal any direct what I made my Tesla armor look at me oh my God look at you oh my God you look insane set bonus the Summoner and Intergalactic blood flare and Sylvia armor effects are all in this set all right we're putting we're putting the PC in the arena that's what Chad's saying so I'm guessing this does summon it it makes sense because someone's out of it then yeah and now with the cooling cell now what do I do you right click and it just says contact should I press it yo I press the contact oh there's a beam of light okay or it was a guy hello sir you would now show what did you say through battle and you now choose oh show me your disposition through battle now choose choose what what do I what do I pick is it is it on the computer where oh oh oh Dana toe wait hold on oh you have it oh yeah yeah yeah which one anatos a serpentine Terror with uh with impervious armor and an innumerable laser turrets what are the Aries a heavyweight diabolical monstrosity with four EXO super weapons oh Artemis and Apollo a pair of extremely persistent automatons with unstable energy reserves what do we choose Aries the heavyweight one sounds kind of cool the name we got I got it from the Urban Dictionary and it is called don't know how to pronounce it go ahead go ahead Hawkinson yeah let me get in are you are you are you up and running oh yeah we're up and running with the derogatory term we have chosen for password of course Lucy opened his third eye and began to piss cucumbers and milk he then pressed his lips against his own forehead and spew all the liquids inside of him hold on what is your name today looski but noopter you don't want to know what it means so we have two things today all right open that boss log and scroll yeah all the way down oh you already gotta open that small boy right there yep we got it we're ready I'm ready to see we got exomex and the Supreme witch herself or climatus however you pronounce it I gotta get some of that Calamity oh yeah baby guess who is back the goat himself the goat himself oats meal and with the help of Garbo and probably some other person I'm not too sure I don't know I'm sorry they have updated that document [Laughter] hyper and yes the best performance you have to switch to an endless musket pouch in order to be effective wait wait does it actually say before it does say before above average does it destroy the bosses absolutely is it satisfying sounds okay only read after mechs have suffered and been whipped whipped and nated all right so we're scrolling back up accessory should look like this Hawk they already do look like that your big ass owl bear is covering the damn inventory system entire grandpar of deity is not no it is not I am not putting this on chat no no this absorb 25 damage done no Hawk I'll boost the server if you make and use the rampart I will only use the rampart if I get a gifted member or Sony becomes a member right now I'm holding it hostage I ain't making it until I get a member God damn it bear you weren't supposed to bear I'm taking it at all your paycheck damn it fine how do you make it oh what do I need the the fight uh amulet right I don't even know how you spell it move okay we got that now I need a star Veil star Chad I hope you know I'm not happy right now I'm very very angry right now why I have to go all the way to suck and see for this stupid [ __ ] oh I can make some chat I'm a very happy person step Silent oh versus silent now I'm gonna go run all the way back to my game Pros oh it's back filing quick silent silent silent warning no medicine thank you okay I can definitely see those a lot better now okay okay now okay wow this is my I haven't seen this yet so I thought you started making it random I was kind of scared I was like good Lord so this is called the pull warper though what the [ __ ] right when you press it get ready because remember it just summons immediately it's ready you ready for this I'm ready Bud get em holy [ __ ] get up what is this music you there's no shot you just gotta send it oh they're all out they're all out they're all out that's a worm that is a worm that is a worm okay okay they're all out what is happening what is [ __ ] going on what is [ __ ] going on no I'm dead it's up to you bud I'm dead okay okay Blazer let's use Mac uh it's infinite ammo It's Just Happening okay if I if fires a powerful beam that reduces enemy protect protection this weapon also scales with all my damage stats at once and heals me heals mana and health on hits it drops different things depending on the last living Mech there this is all we're doing chat I swear to God if you say this is not enough then you need health insurance oh we can wait we can also buy alcohol I forgot what the hell are we buying Hawk apparently the odd mushroom increases damage but has some side effects eat it for testing purposes fine eat it [Laughter] [Music] for two hours oh my God this is a lot worse with my summons oh my Lord oh there they are I don't know I can't tell where I'm at oh my God it's getting worse go to the nurse does the nurse cure it please tell me that her security nurse please I'm a drug addiction I don't give happy endings is what she just said to me all right you know what you know I'm gonna lay this this down this fact down now all right for everybody here that thinks I'm short just because Hawk calls me short Hawk is a [ __ ] Skyrim giant all right Hawk bumps his head on normal ceilings okay everyone on the planet to Hawk is considered short okay where did this come from so I'm tired of everybody call me short you handing me a stool I am six feet tall just because [ __ ] Hawk all right maybe okay maybe five eleven all right I'll be honest with you already at five eleven but six foot in shoes all right and shoes [ __ ] Hawk for calling me short one time and everyone thinks I'm five two now all right I'm 5 11. [ __ ] you guys all right hot scrapes his head on ceilings that's not my fault hey I don't scrape I mop them can we get a hashtag Lucy is short in chat I'm gonna hashtag Lucy short in chat no no no come back all right Lucy buddy bro is this still going on all right all right look at what you started Hawk is the one that started crying about it no [Music] all right look it's touching the floor touching the floor all right it's just a prove it to y'all that's right it's been got a tape measured I'm giving him step stools this part is the perfect bit it says five foot of ten and a half all right maybe not eleven go to hell do you what what weapons do you have I think you noticed let's see what weapons do you have knee pain when you're old [ __ ] you oh my Lord okay oh my God this series done is so nuts I'm gonna try shooting this hand see how that part that goes see how far that goes left Aries left so it's only the eyes of the worms [Music] oh Aaron's the back Aries is back [Music] go to Circle [Music] go go go Aries is dead Aries is dead Aries is dead I'm literally just flying in her Circle the eyeballs are in second phase what was that they did they disappeared it's just the worm just [Music] worm no they're not no nope nope okay it's just the eyes where's the [ __ ] Laser Quest who put the sky Island here oh my God that laser I'm very low now I'm very low very low [Music] I don't know they're dead like are they dead yes wait this land became stale and stiff with blood spilled now but you have spilled blood but it may not be an usher new age of what now doesn't something eager to see but now I wish uh now you wish to reach the Tyrant I cannot assist you with that as a matter of spite I would wish nothing more than observe such a conflict but you managed before you'll fight eventually I must acknowledge your Triumph but why is the solar fence going on what did you do Hawk what do you mean what did I do what are these items there's a summon I think I only have like two of these here's the EXO box mount wait this is a Mount EXO box this is a Mount what the oh my God you get his chair you can trade on his chair yo so this Summit does 1995 damage and it takes up 10 minion slots good what do you summon you just summoned whatever that is photo Vista Raider that's what I got Aries exco skeleton you need to defeat Ares last to get it yeah no that will wait [ __ ] that replaces adrenaline with Nano machine meters unlike adrenaline you lose no Nano machines when you take damage but they stop accumulating for one second with full Nano machines press Mouse button four to heal for 360 health over two seconds while healing you take 50 percent less damage damn that's crazy he's not paying attention I'm making pay attention [Music] oh blue ski yes blue ski oh what did you do oh I'm outside the barrier Lucy wait no no no right friends my friend um I can't join you in this fight Hawk I can't yeah I hear Let Me teleport out hey man I can't I'm out here with you oh what the [ __ ] was that let's [ __ ] do this like that [ __ ] [Music] oh this is badass I am a rip this hurts the worm well that was easy oh my God and I am no more um I'm fighting her don't worry my guy never mind [Music] destroy the hearts destroy the hearts [ __ ] [ __ ] horse dead yeah the hearts the hearts kill the worm hearts will kill the worms are you kidding me Lucy all right you know I don't know I never thought this before oh [Music] oops [Music] chair fog okay [Music] heart's wrapped up I got him got him I got him got it yep Oh I'm here dead we can damage here saying [Music] oh [Music] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude please here we go I think so I'm about to die or you're about to die too please come on yes Nano machines bro [Music] come on what is this what is this dodge face again oh my God they're a lot faster they are a lot faster they are a lot faster I'm about to go down I'm about to go down at me you mad at me I got Nano machines I got a buff let's go let's go oh what is that thing what is this it was the thing that I seen earlier for my thumbnail okay okay okay okay I got rage what's happening I'm dead I'm outside the arena I'm back in I teleported gamer chair [Music] okay you shot him [Music] because you're shadow [Music] I got Nano machines ready [Music] [Music] I'm like two ages away from our monitor oh here we go here we go here we go game return moment [Music] okay [Music] he's like dashing or whatever [ __ ] [Music] Ed so much [Music] oh Nanos oh we made it Whiskey we made it to the space [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know there's so much [ __ ] going on [Music] the brother on the right can you focusing on me you can get him you can get him [Music] I said we'll suffer greatly no [Music] no no no no no Lucy please yes yes yes yes what the [ __ ] is that don't don't get touched by don't get touched by it don't get touched by it 10 seconds 10 seconds let's go around go in a circle go in a circle go go go go go five five [Music] pillar I'm no longer go for the pillar fine you want a shooter oh what's this I I don't know and please can they stop with the lines [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead dead I'm actually dead dead she's okay she's back in just focus on dodging just focus on dodging just two Dodge [Music] I think it is 15. parts parts [Music] remember I'm here [Music] [Applause] I don't know I don't know the [ __ ] Circle please tell me one she's standing here she's standing here point seven percent what is happening he stopped in the chat read the chat read the chat oh even if he has thrown all else away his power remains I have no more energy left to resent him or you it will all be in your hands now we did it oh my God wait should we should we get her as an NPC we won we just [ __ ] won right here she's in here and [ __ ] look at that enchant yeah I enchant this [ __ ] this this screen enchant this no and enchant this no can I enchant this oh I can Lucy what you're gonna you can enchant certain things I just Enchanted the community to now it's called the menacing shattered Community oh oh yeah wait open the [ __ ] treasure coffin wait what the [ __ ] treasure coffin 88 Platinum okay enhance the mechworm oh yeah mechworm s oh that's my son okay well I this is my friend now its name is Timothy dumb stuff won't show in multiplayer okay why is it red what why is he killing me why is he killing me why is it killing kill the hearts or get angry why what would I do that's it you're going to bed Timothy this is 28 these are expensive only you can kill the heart okay what no shot staff summon from Devourer of God please tell me you can see these what I can't but they attack me too bro what the f why do all of these attack me that's it I'm killing this whole town screw this towel screw you tax collector you woman get out of here there's an umbrella what oh what is that what is that oh hold on let me do it outside understood foreign how does this work if I just hold right click what the heck is that oh what where the [ __ ] did you just go I don't know what I just did you use a melee weapon with it here's the rmos right here oh what oh it's holy [ __ ] oh wait what if I make myself small use the game this time I got a little laser loads and [ __ ] and then I do this that is sickest okay so I could be like a little small little baby and do all this looski butt step stool we gotta wait for loose Geeks I've done some stuff I know 297 flat okay I've done some mining off camera I'm here oh yeah let me join in with the derogatory term you chose for our final foreign no no shut the [ __ ] up okay son of a [ __ ] you you [ __ ] you you six foot eight freak okay I see your [ __ ] name what do we got for for the on the menu tonight I don't even think it's on the boss log I only see it only Boss Rush but we have the secret boss from Secret one as well yeah from the abyss if you remember the worm the abyss worm we finally get to kill that today remember all the times they murdered us yes all the time you murdered me with it a correction you murdered me too with it I don't know what you're talking about but before we start that I got present for us my friend I made us uh every trophy is in here it's all 60 relics that we have picked up oh yeah this is dope as hell and ashra gelatin is on their own little side all the way down over here every single one of these bosses that's [ __ ] crazy I'm gonna be real with you I can't name half of these damn bosses oh yeah read them all yeah yeah we beat them all but there's a few things that we gotta do because uh you know this this character is here now we have her as an NPC yeah that's cool so I think she's gonna die either she has 960 000 help compared to nazia ziatos 250. knows he also go away because just murdered under non-prised him off the planet look see that's why look I got Prometheus back Prometheus is back I see I revived him oh what he oh stuck he was kind of doing the jerk for a second there okay he was so happy to be back all right all right the classic returns summon demons that hurt you but drop healing items on death oh okay okay so you can pick like an enchant for your weapon changes weapons but gives them a downside ah okay oh okay [ __ ] what should I use oh I am drowning oh yeah we should look at them we should look at the loadout thing we haven't completely forgot about that that's all my bad it's been quite the journey from spawning in the world not knowing what to do to now going against the hardest challenge in the mod I still remember days when we are still in hard mode and I just found out about oh okay found out about the Channel Good Times I'm sure of it but now we're back with the final document of Calamity and since it's the end go nuts make all the weapons use all the weapons I'll be real with you I suck at crafting so probably not gonna do that I appreciate you all right dark blue but Frozen pigeon eggs wait what shotgun I'm happy okay um I need to throw that in there I'm throwing this requires 10 minion slots Hawk yeah where's Prometheus uh he went home what is home I gotta murdered again all right you just murdered Peter all right all right all right and just like that we can make the get lignum right we have a top hat oh this is sick there's an end game pickaxe is there is this not the strongest so I was telling everybody in my chat I've literally calculated time travel I've literally done that in my life and crafting in this game is harder than that all right you might lag just letting you know oh I like this this is fun I don't like this world anymore for some reason my I key is not working in this game or you oh no you doesn't work either what the [ __ ] is up okay use working what is happening right now I might have destroyed half the world it's lagging that's why yeah that's why yeah it is lagging what's happening pull up my stream and see what I'm creating chat showed me a toy what is [Music] what is lore don't worry man I'm finding your orb is that like a drill or what is that I don't know [Laughter] I'm lagging you're eviscerating the planet right now under me bro attack melee wait are you sure this is for me oh Magic oh my God wait but you gotta kill we gotta get we gotta get him low enough for the other two to spawn first [Music] go go in the morning I'm trying to get the worm trying to get the worms worms not following me worm is not following me I'm taking my minutes away I'm taking my minion away I'm taking my minion away I took my minion away going back for the eye wait it's just the eyes it's just the eyes just the eyes [Music] working on it bud I don't have Mana for the splitter I got the sweater up come on splitter come on splitter come on splitter Aries come over here buddy yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes watch out for the laser big laser big laser big laser yup yup yup yup easy Dodge easy Dodge easy Dodge easy Dodge easy Dodge easy Dodge let's go holy [ __ ] Aries exoskeleton everybody wanted me to get this this better be the greatest [ __ ] summon I've ever seen for what we just went through oh what the [ __ ] I don't see your summon I don't see her summon you a [ __ ] duck Hawk arms now well I could change them can they all be the same thing they can all be the same thing oh my God oh my God the helmet finally all right I'ma take off this stupid Crystal and take off this armor let's see what this [ __ ] looks like oh [ __ ] looks all clear as [ __ ] oh that's a fire [ __ ] set my boy all right increases life in Mana by 200. I have a little minute so I'm I am very fast I don't see this demon this little demon guy following you at all you don't see this little red guy oh wow wow you wow that's boring you just you don't see nothing all right Lucy let's do this worm so we do we have to go I take it we're fighting down we have to fight in the abyss from what I was told all right unless unless does it not enrage if we take it out it enrages out of level four okay yeah I'm right here [ __ ] do this [Music] in the middle spawning in the middle [Music] where'd he go oh no you summoned a baby oh [ __ ] I'm just gonna stay I'm just gonna stay I'm gonna get Universe splitter my minions are helping you we got him we got him Universe splitter has like five seconds left all right for more minutes sit here and swim I got it I'm casting it come on splitter come over here kill the word please please he's so close [Music] please [Applause] he's dead oh my God he's dead he's dead let's [ __ ] go it's time so how does this work King Slime Kellum okay okay slime at over here murder his ass let's get this man out of here he's dead next get this man out of here he is dead around your lawn yo the OG let's go the goat the goat himself he's gone your worlds oh there he is I'm mine perforators queen bee get this bee out of here okay she said all right deer Club Skeletron we just going down the list this is sick slime God oh my god let's get this man out of here who's next excuse me hello who's next I'm down here oh my God we are shredding him oh we're back up here I'm back up here and teleporting me up here you know you have teleport to me Queen slimes cryogen cryogen popping rage [Music] yeah Destroyer oh he's fast why is this music getting dramatic bro what the hell just dead next Prince or Elemental I love this one there he is there he is there he is watch out cocoon she has that cocoon face for her don't miss gender you might get canceled oh run Prime okay next claiming this glowed yeah I remember oh they are a lot there they're a little bit faster oh here we go here we go here we go Dodge race again okay oh here we go here we go oh here we go dead actually it's not Athena he says oh astrometer is whatever the hell his forehead is oh my God he's stomping I'm saving my rage something else what's next Golem rage [ __ ] you Golem the hardest boss in the game plague bringer dead oh my God it's Mommy you know that is that for you oh look at the mommy mommy dead oh no oh does that mean we have to play Old Duke oh no oh bravinger oh this music is [ __ ] sick what is happening what is happening [Music] I'm popping rage popping rage [Music] okay we can't attack him yet okay now we can dead fault they're dead Moon board incoming Moon Lord okay oh [ __ ] okay now we're getting into the real bosses we're getting into the real bosses now okay okay okay here we go here we go Dragon Foley propane goddess oh Providence please don't hurt us too much I'm a rebuff I just realized my buff world after me I'm popping rage prominence dead get ready all ceaseless void hang in there buddy oh [ __ ] form Weaver oh my God sickness dick he's dead it's dead okay the power of God's question mark dog old no no no no no no kill him don't match Buckle don't that's impossible before he killed us there's the God we're here we're here [Music] oh that is a sick animation Jaron even better we haven't done this whole playthrough next next next what do you want me something um I'm Aries Aries [ __ ] him up get our revenge [ __ ] this guy cast the universe splitter Universe Splitter on me army towards me I'm lagging as well stay near Universe litter Universe litter Universe later over here [Music] no it just missed the worm looking in there buddy hang in there hang in there hang in there [Music] no I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you warms up warm us up warm us up [Music] no that's a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [Music] hey editor Hulk here we sadly could not beat Boss Rush this episode we gave it multiple temps but with how late Lucy was to stream it was just extremely late for me so I was just very tired during this entire fight all of our attempts were still in the bot if you'd like to go botch more of it but for now we have a little send-off message from the boys oatmeal and Garbo before we end the episode so enjoy the words I'd like to end this document with a little message from yours truly thank you truly for making the past month so memorable and different for me I've known about this about the channel of hot glue since the Leviathan stream I've grown to it since I was able to stick around on both streams for a bit and had a new goal in mind which is to bring both of you to the end of Calamity I don't know why I felt like I felt like it but I felt like it I can't imagine how different this would be without the help of Garbo and her dubs oatmeal and many others who popped down chat obviously a lot of people a lot of people after sending super long mess messages and DMs I figured it would flood the hell out of your rdms so that's where the Google Document idea came in it was it was a game changer it was a game changer I was able to add some jokes to the documents yeah make uh make everything seem so much nicer Pleasant to look at lies my eyes hurt every time I sit down and write the three dots for everything but really though it was fun I've learned a lot working for something voluntarily and enjoying my time with it I hope you two have been enjoying oh yeah I have been enjoying hope you've been enjoying it as well this isn't the end however this community has been so fun to hang around with and I can't just think of leaving it at all here's to the many more streams and Adventures to come see you soon another mod pack we have one from Garbo yep one from Garbo as well hello it's me Garbo what's up Hawk looski and chats it's been quite a journey hasn't it gone from dying horribly to Wolfram robots to beating the living hell out of God like being still dying in the meantime of course and even in the end but anyway I just wanted to say with all the interactions with people in chat in the comments on the Discord which you should join right now for real uh both disco join both discords of course of course both of our content creation and of course the content brought To Us by hawk and Lucy themselves I can safely say the series has been an amazing experience I'm looking forward to the content in the future I can almost guarantee I'll be there maybe not as much as Laura's with Calamity though we'll but we'll see regardless I hope everyone has enjoyed this play through as much as me and I'll see you in the final videos comments it's gonna be the biggest info dump I've ever given in one message but most importantly be sure to support these two amazing people show them some love and give them your money [Laughter] wait is that calamitous in a [ __ ] maid outfit chat smash or pass acknowledge it but you know um [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hawkbloo
Views: 623,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria 1.4, terraria 1.4.4, terraria modded, terraria mods, terraria master mode, terraria update, terraria mod, terraria but, terraria challenge, 100 days in terraria, terraria funny, terraria playthrough, terraria 100 days, modded terraria, terraria bosses, terraria expert, terraria hardcore, lets play terraria, calamity mod, terraria calamity mod, terraria calamity, terraria calamity ost, terraria reaction, hawkbloo terraria, sipho, terraria full movie
Id: HxA8eBqmsCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 343min 15sec (20595 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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