SURVIVING 100 Days in a Post-Apocalyptic WASTELAND in HARDCORE

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you guys see this place yeah everything is dead no animals no trees no life at all i'm gonna survive here for a hundred days this post-apocalyptic wasteland wasn't always this way though it used to be a beautiful lush land with trees and animals everywhere but then one day a mutant zombie got to steve quickly the plague took over the entire planet now there isn't a single place where life still exists the closest thing to life in this place is the undead zombies that travel and hordes these aren't your typical zombies however they're smarter faster stronger don't burn in the daytime spawn in the day and can see me from hundreds of blocks away these guys get more powerful every single day and if that's not enough to top it off i have a mod installed that monitors my temperature and makes me thirsty you see this place is very cold and water is extremely rare to find and when i do it's not fresh and it makes me even thirstier can i survive 100 days in a post-apocalyptic wasteland let's find out alright day one i started out in this small dungeon room thingy that just had some armor and food i made it out and there were a few zombies waiting for me but luckily these first few days the zombies are pretty slow dude you are seriously lagging out every time i hit him he just barely moves back i noticed something off in the distance yo is that a tent oh no it's on fire fire man joe get out of here get out of here stupid fire wow i didn't know tents could be here i couldn't allow the fire to destroy someone else's property so i put it out and destroyed it myself oh what was that oh what was it dude apparently the owner of this tent wasn't happy that i destroyed it because they tried to blow me up while running around i had to stop by fires every 10 seconds just to stay warm anyway i did the usual mind a dead tree made a crafting bench crafted up a few pieces of wall armor and made a pick oh yeah i almost thirsted to death thirsted i don't know i almost died of thirst luckily there was water pretty close by i went into a nearby surface cave and found some coal and iron any iron i can get is extremely useful in this world so i was pretty happy about this yo what is that a fossil oh that's epic i might have a good chunk of this thing until i realized i should be using the daylight to find food all right make a furnace cook up the iron make a bucket grab some more water what what is that ice cube all right all right what was that i heard a zombie there you are iron sword all right perfect timing time to die idiot oh he's not that fast okay i can run from him if i wanted to but i don't i can hear a ton of them where are they oh they're coming from the cave okay i gotta mine this fast oh man that is a ton holy cow there are so many there are so many no no no no no i can only run that's all i can do all i can do is run oh my goodness they're so fast they're they're way faster than normal zombies oh my goodness and they do so much more damage too okay i think i can kill them i think i can take one no two hearts towards four hearts four months oh man oh man okay okay no success how far oh no oh no oh no okay okay okay oh no no no no no no no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm actually gonna die i'm actually gonna die i gotta i got a tower i got a tower okay i think i'm safe up here oh man took me a while but i killed them all suddenly i noticed right next to me was a tree with a chest in it i built up to it and got a bucket not that useful since i already had one but maybe it'll come in handy now that i have two there was this large um structure thing right next to me so i decided to go exploring inside of it what's down there all right oh what is this it's like some main room i don't see anything in here i can hear them they're super loud in there i don't know where they are but there's a ton of them somewhere around here oh creeper it gave me a heart attack oh man so many jump scares in this place what the heck all right i'm gonna sleep no oh man oh man no no no no no no no no no okay okay i killed him okay yeah i killed him i need to sleep this place was not great and i needed to sleep away the night finally i found a spot that was far away enough from the zombies so i could sleep i can hear him but where where are they oh there's one there's one okay we're fine it's only one it's only one it's only oh no no there's another one oh man oh man there's so many there's so many there's so many oh no no no no no no no i'm so low i'm so low get blocked oh man i'm never going down there again holy moly some of the zombies chased me outside but i towered up and killed them yep i just deleted my water source with a torch side note this happens a lot in this video anyway i found another water source and snatched that thing up by the way now that it's day two these zombies are a bit faster i towered up and killed a of these nerds a bit later i found a ruined house with a couple of chests in it the first chest was pretty garbage but the second one oh man i cannot tell you how excited i was about this cue the farming music [Music] after setting up a farm i put some water in my furnace and smelted it into purified water this stuff allows me to drink it and not get the thirst effect problem is you can't bottle it i tried it and it just turned into normal salty water i then tried to make an infinite water source with it and that didn't work either purified water is not worth the effort in the slightest bit you see when i drink from the source just one sip the whole thing is gone hello idiots you all wanna die i can arrange that wow okay okay doing a little damage it's fine it's fine oh yeah how do you like fire stupid zombies [Laughter] one of these zombies dropped a carrot this was amazing news i mean i already had seeds but carrots are way better i started off day three with a good old-fashioned farming montage [Music] i wanted to bring life back to this desolate wasteland and there was one single block of grass in the water so i put dirt next to it hoping it would spread it was at this point that i realized these little water things have leaves around them and i could potentially get a sapling from breaking the leaf blocks and grow some trees i started going around looking for every single one of these little water source things and i got raided by zombies anyway i killed them and hit the sack the next day i searched for iron in any surface cave i could find i didn't want to go deep into the caves because massive hordes of zombies spawn down there later that day i was running around and i found a couple new structures one looked like a torn down silo with a dead tree in it it had a chest in it with some trash loot but the other structure looked like a graveyard all right make a furnace just so i can smelt up my iron really quick okay is this a trap chest is there tnt blizzard is the boots of wealth yep totally pronounced that perfectly i wanted to see if there's anything in the grave so i dug them all up nothing i mind all the blocks around it because they might come in handy later i still wanted sapling so after desecrating someone's graveyard i found some more leaves and this time i actually got one now i'm one step closer to bringing this world back to what it once was the rest of day four i mined bone blocks from another fossil i wanted as much bone meal as i could possibly get oh yeah i also took this fine because i figured it's living so i might as well take it i started off day five gathering ice cubes i have no idea what they're used for but i like them i also replaced a lot of it with dirt so that the grass could spread more quickly and then the tree decided to grow i was so happy i had finally brought life back to this post-apocalyptic wasteland i would cherish this tree forever well time to chop it down i also randomly decided to grow my vine i honestly have no idea why but that's what i did hey another sapling alright time to add up some safety oh yes now i'm finally safe from all those zombies i ran around to find some more coal i explored this cave a little bit and then it got spooked and ran away nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope wait what is that oh it looks like some sort of fort what oh there's a villager here oh this is amazing this has to be my new home i'm moving in this is my new home what did you trade weaponsmith all right all right oh look at all this food yes so i ran back to my base packed up all my belongings and headed over to the villager fort the next day i arrived there and fixed it up a little i think this fence part had burned down i started zombie proofing it when suddenly what was that oh is there a zombie in there oh man stupid villagers i felt kind of bad living in someone else's base but then i realized there's no way these villagers built this thing i mean they can't even keep from walking into fire anyway i put out the fire so it couldn't happen again i really didn't want to lose these villagers after that i kept zombie proofing the base enlarging the moat adding the gate planting tree oh wait how does that help i even added a storm door or whatever you call these second door things here all right time to farm i place torches every two blocks because the torch has to be one block away from the water otherwise it turns to ice i planted all the crops and bone milled all the wheat and harvested it until i had an overload of it also check this out this little nerd tried to sneak up on me i was not gonna play [Music] the villager wasn't phased one bit he just stood there staring at the zombie i have no idea how this guy has survived so long he has zero survival instinct die idiot come on get in the fence these villagers are so annoying there we go ah i hate these gates i finished off day seven by finishing off my moat i used all the string i had to craft up enough wool to finally finish my wool armor now i'll stop almost freezing to death in the daytime the night time i still freeze so that's not great the tree farm was going great tons of saplings were falling chopping away i don't know what to chop and get wrecked dude my hoe's shredding you and you're dead oh and you're dead nope and you're dead yeah oh apple let's go dude look at all these saplings holy cow this is great i'm gonna have it forced in no time all right okay this is my first trade ever let's go hopefully he'll unlock a good trade um that's not that no those are trash at the end of the day i started a mine for most of day 9 i mind looking for iron diamonds redstone lapis pretty much anything i could find also this kept happening over and over again or i would go to get a drink and my torch would replace the water it's so annoying i started off the next day smelting all the iron that i had gotten the previous day okay i'm gonna take this gold let's see okay not a trap well actually maybe i shouldn't i'll just leave it in here um yeah i'll take this iron actually no i'll leave the iron too i don't want the iron ooh there's a tree on fire over there oh man i gotta put that out gotta get fireman joe back at it again okay it didn't spread very far it's just this one tree i think i can get it out yeah that's fine oh look at that this is a zombie hey zombie i saw this video by youtuber forge labs amazing youtuber by the way definitely go subscribe anyway he was in this zombie apocalypse similar to this one that i'm in and he lured zombies into a hole using glass so that the zombies could see him and well i wanted to try it out only difference is i wanted to harvest the zombies flesh so i could trade it with the villagers instead of just killing [Music] them [Music] what it's snowing way i know could snow since when could it snow here there's not moisture in the air what is this where are the clouds that night i spent shoveling all the snow out of my base turns out at some point while i was in the mine both of my villagers were brutally killed by some brainless idiot i have no idea how a zombie got in where'd those two idiots go i shoveled away a lot more snow but there was so much it would have taken me days to get rid of it all what is this gelled slime chest plate ice cubes what oh it's like a different kind of armor i wonder if it'll help me i wanted to see how far out the snow went so i ran out to the edge yo what the muffin is that wait there's a street of mine shaft sticking out of the ground okay oh wait is it a trap there's no tnt okay we're good i'm kind of scared to go down honestly uh i'm gonna get a drink first okay let's go let's see what they got oh there's a chest straight off the bat um okay good knob trap and a notch apple three name tags all right that's pretty good how big is this thing oh just ends here um i don't think this is a trap either okay we're good and depth strider that's not that useful pumpkin seeds actually pumpkin seeds might be good but i'm gonna grab all this iron and coal oh actually i can get flint from this also i found this one piece of snow which is way far away from the border where it snowed i have no clue how it got here and like always i thought it was a trap while taking down the tent i noticed something yo wait what is that hold on i gotta take down this tent first but i'm gonna inspect that over there what is this it's like a volcano oh it's a crashed meteor like a meteor fell down over here wait this is awesome oh wow i dug around for a while hoping there were some sort of rare gemstones in there i didn't find anything except iron though oh yo it's another fort right here no way this is awesome oh man it's on fire fireman joe again you know they should really hire me as a fireman get out of his fire get why would the villagers build this so close to fire anyway all right what do you trade sir weaponsmith okay iron axe lame they didn't have much to trade so i pillaged all the food from their chest i also found another one of these abandoned mines i got a notch apple and a mending book this is amazing i came out of the mine and look at this the village was under attack no what how do where'd all these zombies come from no they're attacking the villagers the villagers are gonna die i can't let that happen i need more villagers oh man i can't fight off all these zombies though there's so many oh no no no no what is that noise oh man there's so many of them what am i going to do maybe they'll come to me like maybe maybe the villagers i don't know this is [Applause] oh man what am i supposed to do up here like i just have a brain in his head look at that all right last one i really hope some of those villagers survived where are they the next day i decided to take the survived villagers back with me because the last two idiots got killed by an undead this took me most of day 13 but eventually i got them back and imprisoned them in small rooms so that no zombies could get them oh sick that's disgusting look at that spider oh so gross looking it's like creepy crawling around the ground there after imprisoning the new villagers on day 14 i decided to invest in some stunks maybe if i gave the villager some gold he would trade me something even better i was wrong lapis are you kidding me anyway i added some doors around the base hoping these nerds would repopulate the next day i learned you can make campfires every night i'd get hypothermia if i didn't sleep so i thought this might help this campfire i think it actually works pretty well yeah oh it works a little too well there later that day i put a campfire in the zombie trap so i wouldn't freeze to death did some stomp trading and added a second part to my zombie trap this time instead of using glass i put up fences because as of now zombies can't jump over fences oh yo is that a baby oh it's a baby villager let's go i knew it was ah yes it's working let's go apparently these campfires can burn out and you can't light them again believe me i tried you can't light it back again no it's it's just pointless then like what's the point of even having this because it just burns out after after like a minute the next day i realized that the baby villager could escape the prison because he's only one block tall don't worry though i patched it up nicely baby idiot the fire down in the zombie trap also burned out which meant i couldn't even use it at night so to fix that i set up a burning netherrack block all right i unlocked a new trade let's see what he trades um ooh sharp two iron since the last villagers here were slaughtered i decided this place must not be 100 safe so i added a roof hoping that somehow that would stop zombies from getting in i know i know it looks terrible but it's worth it i also added a bunch of torches up top because i want a zero percent chance of zombies getting in it was a little dark inside even with the torches so i added a skylight i hate it but it's better than nothing alright the night of the 16th time to try out the zombie trap this thing did not work well turns out these zombies are a lot smarter than i gave them credit for i was going to need a new approach the next morning i was bombarded with these nasty spiders man they look disgusting anyway i noticed that a ton of these zombies gather around this corner of the base oh wow that is a ton of idiots why are they all in the corner i realized it was because the villagers are inside so i decided to take advantage of this fact but first i had killed the zombies [Music] yes bird oh yes oh man this is great it's working so well they're all dying the next day all the zombies were finally dead so i began work on my new trap [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait was that a zombie no wait how did he get in here okay he can't get the villagers because they're in the prison but how do you get in the biggest problem with this trap is the zombies were too smart to fall into the water they only went in when other zombies pushed them in the next day i fixed up some things around the farm killed a few undeads drank zombie water and notice the zombies still didn't fall in the water as much as i would like so when it was daytime i added trapdoors because the zombies see trapped wars as full blocks so they walk right over them and fall into the water that night i removed the roof because i mean it just looks so bad after finishing up work on day 21 i decided to build a watchtower [Music] on day 22 i started cursing minecraft look at this so i was trying to get rid of my farm just by jumping on it and uh yeah the the we the wheat stayed in the grass blocks even though it wasn't tilled anymore i even tried updating the block and i didn't change anything i have no idea oh yeah by the way guys here's what the watchtower looks like so you go up it here and it's a little bit unfinished at this point but this is what it looks like um you can pretty much see everywhere around my base after that i continue deconstructing my zombie trap because i do not know how zombies work i literally spent the entirety of day 23 just gathering snow for snowmen the next day i built a shovel's worth of snowmen in the newly constructed watch tower what if i shear his head oh raps i thought maybe i'd get the pumpkin back kobe oh yeah i like the way this looks i wanted to work on the moat around my base for the zombie trap so after a little mining i came up and started a montage what no how are zombies in here where'd he go how did they get in here no no no no no no oh i'm going to die i'm going to die i'm going to die oh what okay how did he get in here why i can't hit him i can't the zombie okay there we go oh i'm so low on health i'm going to die i'm actually going to die i'm going to die i'm going to die oh no no dude oh what okay how did they get in here though like i honestly have no idea i have so many traps so many defenses and the zombies just walk in here no problem what is this the only place i could think of that zombies might be able to spawn is on top of the watch tower i did have a torch up there but maybe it wasn't enough i added torches into every nook and cranny until this place was brighter than the sun i even lit up the outer edges of my base and somehow zombies were there what there's zombies here i lit up those places like there's no way they could get in there's a zombie in the no this is not good this place is completely unsafe all these traps and anyone can get in just any old there are three down there how did they get in i literally have no clue i really hated the way it looked but i had to put the roof back it was way too dangerous without it this time i made it out of wood instead of cobblestone since some of these zombies can actually do parkour i thought maybe that's how they got in so i dug even further around my base hoping that would stop them i also added a snowman in the corner here i needed maximum security if i was going to survive the next 73 days i then sheared all the pumpkins off these snowmen because they look so stupid with i mean so much better without them after that i added even more snow golems to the watchtower nothing was going to get into my base now oh man that's so many that is so many zombies just funneling down oh this is so great this is so great look at that zombie water that's disgusting i'm drinking that [Music] oh this is amazing zombie trap was working extremely well now i'm so glad i decided to have the moat go all the way around the fort the snowman aren't really they're not really shooting the zombies i think because they're just hitting each other since all the snowmen were hitting each other i thought maybe if they were all in the same block that wouldn't happen so i made a small tower and put a bunch of snowman in the single block hoping it would work as a better turret all right let's see how this thing works oh man my pick broke oh man they're just shooting each other again since that didn't work either there was only one thing that i knew would work for sure but only one snow column per block that way there was no possible way for them to hit each other this worked a lot better but i realized the snowmen are kind of useless because of the moat that night i headed into the mine and grabbed some iron and coal even though my moat worked really well i didn't like having all these zombies trying to kill my villagers every night i needed something to keep them away because eventually the zombies will become powerful enough to get in with ease so i started construction on a new zombie farm [Music] i spent day 31 down in the mines this included lots of overheating and almost freezing to death what my temperature just went up i did not expect to see that in this series all right this should cool me off it's still going up i'm gonna i'm gonna die i'm gonna overheat all right mr villager how do you like your brand new home see how this trap works is there's a villager that dangles above a pit with water flowing into it all the zombies see the villager that's imprisoned there and they're like oh i want to eat that so then they go over to it get stuck in the water and fall in the pit oh man this water kept on freezing and i wasn't sure why and then i was like oh wait this is a frozen wasteland i need torches to heat it up so i put torches in each of the corners hoping that that would keep them from freezing i also added this little hut thing that way i can get down in the zombie killing chamber really easily the torches weren't working to melt the ice so instead of using torches i realized that you can just put slabs over water and the water doesn't freeze so that's what i did for each of the corners the sun was setting and i was ready to test out my farm the first flaw i noticed was that i was freezing to death this was an easy fix though because i had lava the trap was working extremely well oh yeah look at them look at them going in there they see the villager and they're just going in there oh they're so stupid little zombie brains how come there haven't been more it seems like they suddenly stopped why aren't they coming towards they're all going to my old base wait why aren't they coming towards the villager what i don't understand why why aren't they coming towards me okay well now that they see me they're running at me but why aren't they going to why why weren't they chasing the villager i don't get it all right i'm freezing to death i have to go back down again okay there's another one just going towards the fort yeah they why are they all going towards the fort what wait a minute wait that's a that's a zombie villager how how was that a zombie villager how did how would a zombie get in there what i could not figure out how the zombie got in there the only thing i can think of is maybe it spawned in there with the villager because there was not enough light in there so i put a torch in there with him hopefully now he won't die well sir how do you like your new jail cell idiot this time please don't die i noticed my armor was getting low on hp so i found another tent and got its wall that night i wanted to see my trap working in action so i towered up onto the villager cage to watch as the zombie idiots came but then i started to freeze to death i forgot i still can't last the nights oh oh man get out of here stupid zombies and i'm safe hey idiot it's going don't you look away from me what's that guy doing over there he's taking a dump oh no oh no i'm going to freeze oh and the zombies are getting me through the door where's the hypothermia uh oh i got to get to the lava [Applause] the next morning i realized this nerd trades carrots and potatoes now it just happens that from the zombies last night i actually got a few carrots and potatoes maybe this guy isn't completely useless after all anyway the biggest problem with the zombie farm is the zombies were getting stuck on the edge just before the water so to fix it i constructed a number of turrets which will shoot all the zombies straight into the hole [Music] the night of the 36th i put lava atop the villager cage so i could chill up there without chilling too much come here zombies i'm ready for you yeah that's right get over here i know you want this you want the villager meal filled your meat this man's a farmer and i know you like to eat farmers oh yeah here they come oh yeah they're all funneling in the snowmen are kind of working the villagers seem like they're attracted to the snowmen though oh this is insane they're probably like 100 zombies in here this is great i'm getting so much xp from this i don't even need xp i just want the rotten flesh and oh my sword broke oh that's all from tonight all right the villager's fine oh creeper hey guy how's it going he's this guy he really wants to kill that snowman wow you doing okay there buddy um are you just gonna all right are you doing okay i believe in you you can kill the snowman come on really this is just sad all right i'm putting him out of his misery get out of here get shredded nerd most of the snowmen had died so i had to recreate a bunch of them don't worry they're expendable i decided to take down the hut entrance to the zombie chamber and turn it into another watch tower this way i could see the trap working in action anytime i wanted to i needed a way to not freeze while i was up there so i put lava in the top but that didn't work out so well after some experimenting i decided to put the lava in the ground and cover it up because it still kept me warm night rolled in and so did the zombies what the heck are you doing my guy why are you jumping around like that this idiot spider couldn't kill the snowman so he decided to dance a jig on top of their roofs after about 30 seconds up there the zombie trap had gotten so packed it was entity cramming this trap was working extremely well dude look at all these zombies there's so many oh man this is great you see snowballs flying he's he's trying that skeleton oh skeleton versus zombie i think the skeleton's gonna win well actually the zombie is doing some damage now i'm not sure oh yep skeleton won and he's still trying to shoot me that's like a 360 no scope right there all the zombies are getting stuck on the snowman that's kind of a problem the next day i traded away my rotten flesh and using the emeralds i got i purchased a brand new sharpness 2 iron sword and but then this weapon idiot unlocked a brand new trade sweeping edge 2 diamond sword this was the best enchantment i could get you see the hardest part about this challenge is the zombie hordes there are hundreds of them but now that i have sweeping edge i can kill over 50 in just a few swings after a while these two nerds started um this yeah i probably should i'm just gonna look away a nitwit are you kidding me i don't want a stupid nitwit i navigated the little idiot to a safe area where he suddenly disappeared i don't know where he went day 40 was the most satisfying day of my life as you can clearly see from my dance seed planting but then i realized something it's day 40 and i'm still manually farming i want machines to do this stuff for me so i crafted up a few dispensers and started up on some brand new technology my new farming invention was working extremely well only problem is it used up a ton of bone meal so i had to find another fossil and like any good archaeologist i carefully meticulously removed it from the ground making sure to keep it in its original shape i spent the rest of the day farming carrots and potatoes now that it had been over a month in this world the zombie hordes had quintupled in size is that where quintupled i don't know sounded good oh wow okay this is way more zombies than last night oh dude once it was morning i traded all my carrots and tots away for some green the stonks were getting a little pricey so i destroyed another fossil and punched my bed until i fell asleep day 44 i explored to find some new idiots i found a fletcher eh i think i'll just take the gold oh zombie oh all right feast away zombie as long as you're not eating me that's fine go with it have a meal i don't want to protect them stupid villagers actually wait i have an idea hold on a minute i'm gonna block this off and there goes the villager he's not going after the villagers okay if i can get him trapped in that door yeah that's perfect oh he came back okay and boom yeah stupid zombie stupid stupid zombie yeah after wandering around for a while i found another abandoned mine i also found another four and using my genius detective skills i think i know what happened you see this zombie got in infected the villagers and they all caught on fire and burned to death wait this is the fort i was at before that's the zombie i killed this tool smith was very helpful i got a fortune 1 iron pick from him and then he unlocked a diamond pick i needed that diamond pickaxe since i was left here with primitive technology i had to use some advanced ancient methods of speed farming i learned this trick for my main man beppo what a guy but then i realized i could make a single dispenser so i just did that slower than the one i had at home but still not bad anyway i finally got that shiny pick i had been after the next day i found another fallen meteor and i decided that now since i had a diamond pickaxe i could actually mine the obsidian and then i got chased by an angry horde of zombies i spent that night hiding up in a tree day 48 was interesting i'll just let you watch what was that i literally just heard a pig is there a pig here because there oh there goes and another one where where's the pig at i can hear him there aren't supposed to be animals i'm just gonna swing and like cause i'm guessing the pig's invisible or something hopefully i'll hit him okay i re-logged no what where is he it sounds like he's right next to me eventually i looked it up and one of the mods that i had made it so on april 1st pig noises came from the player i hate this mod the next day i made an anvil and got really close to putting mending on my sword but then i decided a better knot anyway i decided to go mining for a while oh yes using my fortune pick i got five diamonds from five diamond door yeah i came out of the mine to see what all the commotion was about turns out these morons got stuck on the trapdoors and these snowmen bullied them as you can see this is not ideal the snowmen are supposed to protect me not bully the zombies i'm the one that's supposed to bully the zombies hey look it's my old base walking over to this thing i only had one thought wow this thing's garbage while running around i realized i had been running in circles wait that's my base wait a minute how was my base here i thought i was like 10 000 blocks away and my base is just right here i just went in a massive circle oh two diamonds i'll take that that's actually pretty good wait what is that over there i what what am i looking at some sort of like pillar with like a i don't know a porch on it or like a shelf what is that before going to it i had to make a pit stop at a few forts first one just had two idiots with nothing to trade but the second one had a fletcher so i bought some arrows for no apparent reason i mean i don't even have a bow all right time to investigate the weird ship floating thingy all right what is this thing it it's like an alien spaceship it's just floating above here is this how this world got into a wasteland i'm a little bit scared is that a dispenser oh it's a dropper a book clock oh i can't open the book onto i don't i don't even know what that means [Music] at the time i didn't think much of the loot but later i realized just how important one of these items i got was huh stupid zombies stuck in the cob oh wait actually i have an idea oh man this one got out get back in there get in the explosion range wait the one neither of them died oh man there's a bunch of them this gives me a very good idea pressure play and bombs away [Music] what that's amazing limbs fly everywhere all right here comes some more contestants coming for the ride you want to learn to fly pals make a button three two one and goodbye look at that the head flew like 100 blocks in the sky that's amazing all right this is way more zombies this is gonna be um it's gonna be interesting i mean there's gonna be about a thousand limbs in every direction from this explosion at least i hope all right gather around zombies [Music] dude look at that they flew so far and goodbye oh and my game is crashing my frame rate drops so far it can't render all those limbs and all that blood the next morning zombies kept coming from all directions and i was running low on tnt what am i supposed to do in this situation i guess i think i can run for i don't know i might die these zombies are getting really fast i'm going to go for it no i'm still much faster than them with jumping oh but they're close all right it's fine i'm just gonna tower up and and i don't have tnt that's right oh what if i think if i do a slab i can get the sweeping edge on them and i can kill them way faster let's see oh yeah look at that they're already almost that's like two left that was so fast that was like a horde of 30. i came back to the explosion site and wow there was a ton of rotten flesh almost three stacks of that stuff i'm gonna get a lot of emeralds for all this the next day i used the book that i had gotten from the alien ship thing to make an enchantment table i couldn't add any bookshelves because i can't get leather there was no such thing as animals here remember i enchanted and combined a whole bunch of swords to get this op sword i also enchanted all of my armor what is oh that's where they are i can see a zombie head right there oh they're more com how did they get in my mind like it's all lit up down there there's so many they're all climbing up the ladders what if i hit him from here oh uh guys uh guys oh they're all just going down all right then it's like an elevator the next day i had big plans so i started smelting up cobblestone and converting it into stone bricks it turns out when my wall armor is enchanted it doesn't keep me warm i don't think it's supposed to be that way anyway i was tired of freeloading off someone else's property so i was gonna build a brand new way better base although i highly doubt these villagers own this for anyway because they aren't even smart enough to stay out of fire that night i headed to the zombie farm to kill more idiots the zombie hordes have grown since the last time i was here now they spawn in packs of 30. oh hey buddy goodbye wow there are so many i thought the hordes were big last time like a week ago this is crazy look at how many they just keep funneling in it's like a thousand there are actually hundreds of these zombies if i was down there i'd be so dead i'm so glad i made this trap on day 60 i crafted up a set of wool armor because my last decided to commit death using the millions of stacks of rotten flesh from the previous night i got tons of emeralds from this sucker i wanted my villagers to repopulate faster so i added doors all around the fort i don't know if this will work but i might as well try alright i found a place to build my base and started constructing it i ran out of stone bricks very fast though i was gonna need a lot more of this stuff so i went mining to get more stone and found some other stuff along the way no diamonds though i came up and smelted all the cobblestone into stone the next day i used all my string to craft as many dispensers as possible you see this next space was going to be filled with clever traps to kill any and all intruders which in this wasteland is just zombies i also decided to set these villagers free now that i wasn't going to live here i seemed more than fair i built more on my base and ran out of blocks once again so back to the minds it is here's a sped up clip of me going to my new base this way you guys know where it is in relation to my other stuff i can hear you buddy oh don't try to run away from me don't even think about it and you're dead oh i think that looks pretty good yeah i like that i came back to the fort for supplies and was greeted with well just watch what's that noise no what how are there zombies in there i even have a roof there's no way how did they get in there it's completely lit up oh what is that noise it's so creepy no why did i let the villagers free i'm so dumb why would i do that that made me pretty sad but there was nothing i could do at this point so i kept pushing forward i pushed so hard i came into day 65 where i was adding an entrance to my base for the rest of the day i kept working on the base i added this layer around the edge so i can see what's happening outside yeah it looks good i like it i like it let's see how the castle looks from far away ooh it's looking good so far actually i started off day 66 by adding torches to my new home i didn't want any chance of those nasty zombies getting in so i had to make sure there was a lot of light i also began work on some traps around here and gotcha day 67 i tested my trap and worked on the redstone behind it took me all day but eventually i got it working i'm no redstone genius okay i needed more lava so i went to the lava lake in the mine and grabbed some i built a few iron gums to help me just in case somehow something got in sort of the last level security i started work on a new type of defense this one was inspired by my snowman turret in the old base oh also here's a shot of the lava traps pretty cool pretty cool the next day i finished work on the snowman defense this was a way of keeping zombies and well mostly spiders from getting close to my castle you see the only mob that could potentially get me in here is spiders because they can climb walls hopefully with these snowmen they won't be able to by the flick of a lever the snowman can be visible or hidden this way they're not always shooting their balls everywhere i also added a whole ton of torches around the old base these zombies can spawn in very high light levels so i had to make sure every spot was brighter than the sun day 72 i covered up the redstone with stone bricks there we go that's a lot better then i finished lighting up the base i realized i had gotten enough slime balls from the chest to make slime armor i don't know what slime hour does but it looks good so i might as well give it a shot it required ice cubes to make so i figure it has something to do with temperature i was hoping it would be like wool armor only stronger turns out it's the exact opposite this armor keeps you cool makes sense i mean it's ice shelled inside of slime which stops it from melting and you wear all around your body now that i think about it i'm pretty dumb for not realizing this sooner day 73 i started off by getting some obsidian for another portal i wanted to see if i could somehow get something to keep me warm from the nether later i got a couple of name tags and named my iron golms this one's name is more and this one's name is on and together they're morons since the night still froze me to death i decided to make part of my base indoors that way i could stay warm and protected from any other dangers oh wow alright zombies you want to burn how would you like to be dead i think you would all have to do is flip this switch and now you're dead oh yes fried rotten flesh i love it oh that's so great it works so well all right it was time to enter the nether i equipped myself with some cold armor and went into the portal oh hey what are you doing here apparently zombies can spawn in the nether as well i had no idea anyway this is what i came for magma shards with magma shards you can create a heating coil which will supposedly keep you warm i mean i'm just guessing but it's called a heating coil why wouldn't it i tried to test the range on these things but the results were inconclusive i went back to the nether because i needed quartz in order to make daylight sensors which i would use to power the heating coils during the night day 75 i started cooking up sand into glass for the daylight sensors and then i set up the heating coils all around my base no chance of me freezing now day 77 i wanted to add a new line of defense this one's gonna be overpowered but then i got a little distracted by all these brainless nerds i just love hearing the sound of their burning flesh in the hot lava it's time to test out this trap holy cow that is a lot of zombies wow they all want to die just a ton of zombies wanting to die all right let's see let's see how they like the lava you guys like the lava you like burning oh i think they do oh yeah it's just attracting more zombies all the noise they make attracts even more zombies that's so great that's so great after watching the zombies burn i decided this trap shouldn't be lava i need something a little longer range i then noticed a man in full diamond armor oh yeah i wanted that armor so i instantly turned off the trap and started swinging at him unfortunately even with my looting sword i didn't get any where are they where the heck are my iron golems where are you yep looked like half of got stuck in the portal not sure where the other one went though he may have already suffocated to death i was gonna try to save him but there was no hope so i headed back uh hello i'm going you want to spawn take your time and nope still doesn't work what if i remake okay there we go eventually i got them both to spawn but they needed names ah i know let's see how about nit knit is a good name hmm the other one needs a similar name how about wit yeah and together they're nitwits the flooring of my base was dirt and i didn't really love it so i looked around to everything i could use and decided that with my limited resources sandstone was the nicest thing i could use oh wait there isn't any sandstone oh that gives me an idea [Music] oh man i did this so much it's just so satisfying anyway i headed back in and started digging out my floor since i was doing a lot of digging i decided i might as well have a fancy shovel so i used a diamond got my enchantment table and enchanted actually quite a few shovels i combined my shovels for an efficiency two down shovel hmm not insta mine okay let's make it efficiency three there we go i turned all my sand into sandstone and started placing i ran out actually quite fast so i went back to the desert and got a lot more sand now that i had such a good shovel i could just insta mine all the sand this is even more satisfying than the other way at first i wasn't sure if this was faster than my old technique but it doesn't really matter because this is just more fun i guess i was having a little bit too much fun because i realized i was out a little bit too late and the whole way back i was being chased by an angry hoard of zombies i was finishing up with the new floor on night 80 when i noticed there are tons of zombies packed into these corners what is wrong with these guys anyway i think the floor looks i mean good yeah that looks pretty good i mean with yeah i like it why am i freezing what the heck i've all this heating i have armor on i'm gonna sleep oh i can't sleep because the hypothermia please warm me up please it's not working i have to go to the nether it took a while but eventually i warmed up i have no clue why i was freezing to death i had heating coils everywhere around my base day 82 i realized i was gonna run out of food if i didn't do something fast so i started a farm inside my castle i wanted arrows so i went out exploring to try to find a fletcher i could trade with i brought with me a bunch of rotten flesh and emeralds so i could get as many arrows as possible goodbye tent i don't know why i love burning stuff so much day 86 i discovered you can make charcoal filters using paper and of course charcoal i had just gotten some paper from a chest so i wanted to test it out turns out purified water really isn't worth the effort it's much faster just drink salty water even if you have to drink it more often day 88 i fell in a hole but then i noticed a fort in sand oh yes a fletcher finally so i traded away all my emeralds for a ton of arrows and i mean a ton it was practically my entire inventory these villagers looked a little too cold in the shade so i decided to help him out a little bit that's just the kind of guy i am always helping out my fellow idiot wow this what happened to this village hold up there's no way there's no way is that supposed to be there there's a cow here oh man this place is destroyed there's spawners in here [Music] what are you looking at buddy huh did you do this another spawner what the heck and another yes another cow that means we have two cows which means i can make a farm i had to pull these geeks a couple thousand blocks back to my base this took a really long time in the morning i bred my two besties these guys were the closest things i had to friends in this wasteland i mean sure there are villagers and there are iron golems that protect me but cows i mean do i really have to say more than that day 92. now that i had arrows and a whole bunch of fireballs from before i could finally set up my most powerful trap of all time the rapid-fire arrow fireball machine gun style shooting device or refa from them for sure quick editing note i guess i never showed the fireballs that i got from the first dungeon i went into and i don't really want to go back and re-edit that so yeah after much experimenting in a few days of general redstone idiocy i finally got the system working well at least part of it i still have to add the fireball section there we go every dispenser filled with arrows and fireballs day 100 is gonna be epic all right here oh no all the spiders oh man these guys can still get in i don't have a defense for them i mean i sort of do the snowmen but it doesn't work that well oh another one what the heck [Music] there you go you're dead now get out of here stupid spider oh thanks um thanks nitwit then i fixed up everything so it looks a little bit nicer the next two days i worked on a safe house at the top of my castle just in case zombies got in these zombies have been getting more and more powerful every day so if i ever was gonna need to be safe it would be now day 99 and 100. i finished up every component of all the traps the night of the 100th was gonna be insane all right here we are the 100th night in this post-apocalyptic wasteland it was now or never these traps were ready to shred all right it's working already this is so great okay all the zombies are getting stuck in the cobwebs perfect okay i'm going to activate the iron golems boom oh man they're stuck in the walls i think i have to push them out there we go see ya buddy have fun there this is the best defense ever oh dude look at this the iron gums are just destroying them oh man that's a ton of zombies i think we better activate the rapid fire whatever i called it i don't even remember oh dude the zombies are getting destroyed out here this is insane they don't stand a chance there's nothing they can do there's actually nothing they can do they're just getting shredded it's just full body parts everywhere dude the fireballs plus the arrows zombies just die so fast they're getting shredded this is amazing the hair this epic i can make this even faster if i hit that and that oh yeah now it's really rapid fire oh oh oh that's like four times as fast dude the zombies get the zombies die instantly i mean like they're not even close to surviving look at all those arrows in the ground holy cow all right time to do the last line of defense the little tnt thing i hooked up you know i'm just gonna drop yeah just a few tnt on these zombies oh they're running away from it what i still lose so many up let's do it again just a single one and goodbye oh man this is so great this is so great all right the last couple zombies using up all my tnt on these boys they just get shredded dude this was amazing wow guys thanks for watching this was awesome if you want to see 200 days let me know in the comments and hit the likes this was amazing so much fun
Channel: Beppo
Views: 4,253,164
Rating: 4.880476 out of 5
Keywords: Beppo, beppo minecraft, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft, wasteland
Id: R57FHRxlxNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 36sec (3036 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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