I Survived 100 Days in a Parasite Apocalypse in Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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in a long forgotten world an evil lurks in the shadows it preys on the living and has only one goal to feed off its host and grow stronger until it becomes the host parasites we will be adventuring through a custom map with three goals ahead explore the structures that hold the secrets to why the parasites have become so strong venture to the dimension they came from and eliminate their origins and the last i dare not say as we may not survive till then this is 100 days in a parasite world a mod pack created by forge labs and edited let's begin if you enjoyed this kind of content subscribing is greatly appreciated every subscriber counts i can't thank you guys enough if you want to see the vlog channel go check the description there's a link in there to when we're going to be releasing our face reveal also if you want to join our patreon and get exclusive access to our discord server for members only check that out in the description as well as i spawned into a brand new world i began to look around immediately this was completely unfamiliar this was brand new terrain generation in a brand new world i went to collect some basic supplies and look around the map to try and see what this world had to offer wells doing some adventuring the first day i noticed this temple in the distance i knew this map had a lot of custom structures on it and i was very excited to see what was held inside i then ran into some watermelons and i decided to collect them i knew food was going to be scarce early in the game the parasites had eaten up all the fresh food in the world and it was going to be very limited to find i was also able to find some cows that had not yet been infected but i knew as the world went on the plant life and the animal life would begin becoming infected and i would need to be able to sustain life on my own i explored the abandoned mine shaft-like structure and found some basic loot inside i'm not quite sure what civilization left this behind but i was very happy that they did after doing some more exploring i saw this ginormous structure i'd never seen this inside of minecraft before so i decided to go and investigate what was around inside of the chest there was a book that read day 98 entry we have been chased for three days now i'm not sure what is chasing us but it has giant tentacle leg legs and it has killed three of our party we are hiding in this place hoping it will pass by and not notice us it's strange because as we came in here the noise is stopped it's almost like he wanted us to come in here but that doesn't make sense right why would he unless um guys i have to leave i have a bed and that just cuts off as zombies began dropping from the ceiling i made my way out this place was not safe whilst exploring i came across this giant cavernous hole that almost seems like it was its own biome underneath the earth i had to investigate that later this world generation was unlike anything i'd ever seen before it's almost like it was untouched by civilization to close off the day i found some sheep i murdered them to steal their wool made a bed with it and then slept for the night the next day whilst adventuring i found a small village it seems like life was still alive in this world maybe the world was not infested by parasites after all we could actually survive 100 days i explored the village to see what secrets it might hold inside whilst adventuring i heard a noise behind me but when i turned around and i scouted out the area i found nothing but i did find droplets of blood on the ground i'm not sure what was following me but i wasn't going to stay and find out whilst adventuring some more that day i ran into another village when i went in to investigate it they had a strange cage-like area but there was nothing inside i wondered why a village of this size needed walls and cages inside but i alluded what they had and then i left whilst looking for a place to call home i saw a giant aztec-like temple in the distance i decided for now i would not venture inside i didn't want to know what horrors lay within i then saw some colossal bone structures these must have been massive beasts at one point i wonder what could have brought them down to nothing the next day i found the place that i would call home it was a pretty flat terrain ascent of the shrubbery but i knew i could clear that pretty easily and restart civilization here so i began by clearing out some of the terrain that night before sleep i was beginning to hear strange noises once again the same noises i had heard when i thought i was being followed when i looked around i saw nothing what was hunting me i knew it was important that i begin work on my base because soon i knew it was inevitable the parasites would come for me so i began money into the earth to grab some cobblestone and then using jungle wood i began the creation of my first structure by nightfall it was complete i lit up the interior and i slept for the rest of the night i began the next day by clearing out the floor in my house i wasn't going to walk on dirt like a peasant i wanted a normal floor and then as the day went on and i began smelting down stone to replace the old flooring i faced a fence boundary around the house the fence wouldn't keep everything out especially when the parasites grew stronger but i knew for now it would give me a little bit of protection at least and then i saw it the first of many parasites to come it shot poison elements at me and i ran back to the house boarded up the doorway and went to bed the next day i wanted to spend some time exploring and understanding the world i was now in i placed some carpet on top of my fences so i could climb on top of them and the mobs could not and then i've entered into the wilderness there was a giant temple-like structure from what seemed like an ancient civilization nearby so i went to investigate it to see if it held any loot inside but unfortunately it did not bear anything so i left searching for more loot somewhere else whilst adventuring i found another temple-like structure and i went to investigate it whilst in the depths i saw many mobs inside and i decided i was definitely not ready for this or i was going to die so i exited when i returned home that night the parasites had multiplied just as i feared and i fought my first one i was able to kill it but it took out a lot of my health this was going to be a difficult 100 days as these things evolved who knew what was in store whilst collecting some resources the next day i was attacked by a cow that had been infected with parasites this was just as i feared the parasites had begun spreading to the wildlife and soon to the ground beneath me i would have to act fast if i wanted to start civilization before i was overthrown i spent the rest of the day gathering resources and transferring my chests from outside the inside of my house i wanted to go mining the next day so after a good night's sleep i ventured out into the wild looking for a cave but it was taking a tremendously long time whilst out i found a small structure and i looted the chest inside but it didn't have too many good items in it where were all the cave entries i was so confused i found my first cave but it was just a loop and there was no oars inside i was so confused eventually i ventured down into a deeper cave after some time of looking and i found a disgusting monster i quickly ran away finally i was able to find a cave with some resources in it and i began mining mainly just iron and coal these caves were very strange because there was nearly no minerals inside and they were very hard to find but soon i would find out why whilst i approached the edge of a cave i saw it this was unlike anything i had ever seen before this was where the parasites were coming from an entire biome underneath the earth's surface this was no cave this was its own world i spent the next few days mining i closed off all entries to the giant underground caverns as they would slowly drift inside the many parasites they held within i was not ready to face them yet as they were way too strong for me so i spent the next few days mining preparing to set up a fence around my base above the ground next day i began to take down my fence to build a new wall barrier but whilst in the middle of it i was attacked by a human-like parasite this thing was disgusting and i disposed of it post hastily and then i began the creation of my wall i was going to use iron bars with a mixture of cobblestone and stone brick this would keep them out a little bit but the ones that could climb walls would still be able to get in i would need a solution to solve that as well day 14 this was a solemn day i began the day by building a staircase down into the depths i wanted something that connected all the way from my base into the giant caverns below you see the parasites had begun taking over the world atop they had started from the depths and now they were coming from my world defending the world from the top would just mean fighting an endless amount of parasites but if i took the fight to them and i built an underground powerhouse and i began the pushback right where they didn't expect it maybe maybe civilization would have a chance and just like i had predicted the parasites began to spread through the soil it was only a matter of time before the entire world was corrupted i needed to start soon if i was going to begin the pushback day 15 i set out on a new adventure i knew there was a portal with a new dimension that held the secrets of why the parasites were here so i went out venturing trying to find it the next day i stumbled upon the ancient rune stones that would lead me to a new dimension but i had to wait the druids that guarded these runes had to spawn and i had to kill them rob their talismans and then i could enter the dimension that the parasites originated from and discover why they were here i spent the entire next day killing the druids and taking their talisman pieces and then using the altar i forged it into the talisman that would unlock the dimension beneath all dimensions in minecraft whilst existing between all dimensions in minecraft i then headed home and went to bed for the night the next day was going to be huge the next day the grand adventure began i used a piece of dirt and an oak sapling and then i right clicked it with a talisman this formed the tree of evil this tree would allow me to visit what is only known as the between lands this is where the parasite infestation began and this would unlock the secrets on how to eradicate them from my world after a few computer crashes i ended up on day 19 inside of the between lands i then exited the evil tree and ventured outside this dimension was rooted in evil as i saw the tear in the sky i knew i had one mission find out why the parasites are here and figure out how to restore them back to this ugly dimension and away from my world whilst inside of the dimension i noticed a creature that was making its way towards me i knew my weapons from the overworld would do nothing here so i quickly crafted a wooden sword and then i was attacked by a beast of a parasite that i'd never seen before i was able to destroy it but this was the weakest one of them all the parasites would only grow stronger from here would i be able to take them on or would i die in this bog like biome never to be heard from again whilst adventuring i noticed a strange looking tower i went inside to investigate it but it was guarded by some sort of green shield i've never seen this before but i knew it must be something special if it had that much magic around it for now i would leave it alone though but later i'm sure i'd be back i then ran into these human-like parasites that attacked me they seem to be originating from these mystical crystals were the crystals the key to why the parasites had invaded my world i didn't know yet but there was too many of them so i made my way away i knew i would need the materials from this land if i was going to craft armor that could stop these mobs from killing me so i ventured down into the deeps but just like the overworld these were not caves these were caverns and they held an ungodly amount of undead mobs known only to us as parasites but whilst in the deep i began mining and collecting some resources and then out of nowhere i was infected by parasites they were all over me but i was able to get them off before they infected me so that i would not become one of them this dimension was trying to turn me into a parasite and i would stand my ground i then arrived back in my own world as i knew the between lands was too strong for me if i was going to accumulate more food i was going to need to spend more time on the surface i would be back but for now the overworld was getting overthrown the sky was darkening and the parasites were becoming closer and closer to my home it was time to begin making a push i then made a farm if i was going to start traveling down into the deeps i would need a lot of food to keep my health up whilst farming i looked out of my walls and i noticed parasites beginning to surround my base they were coming for me and i was not ready they began to breach the walls and climb over them it was time knew if i wanted to begin fighting back against the undead i would need to venture into the nether so i created a diamond pickaxe and i went venturing for some lava near my house i knew there was a giant pit of it so i made my way down and i began mining some obsidian i then ventured back down into my minds and i began creating a structure down the depths that would act as a forward base the next day i finished my base it was a small structure but it would allow me to see what's going on around me i put a glass panel in the front so i could see out and see what mobs were waiting for me outside and then i crafted my nether portal and i ventured into the nether and i collected a bunch of lava if i was going to begin expanding underground i was going to need to use the lava to keep the mobs from climbing my walls i wanted to start a giant civilization with mine colonies that like you had never seen before it was going to be a dwarven empire the next day i continued placing torches all around my new basement if i didn't want things to spawn inside of my base i needed to be very protected by the light and then i began fending away mobs that decided they wanted to see me dead thankfully the parasites had not found me yet it was only a matter of time i then decided to make my way back up to the surface and see what was going on when i appeared back up nothing too much had changed i looked at that slimy dirt again and i began to wonder how deep does this go so i broke a piece and there was another one under it i could only think if it were to go down down down could it infect my home underneath the ground but it seemed to not go deeper than three blocks that was good i was then attacked by one of the flying carriers i now understood there were two types of carriers a flying carrier and a ground carrier these would infect the nearby mobs including myself should they get too close and explode into their carrying disease i spent the entire next day gathering cobblestone if i was going to build a giant empire underneath the earth's surface i was going to need a lot of cobblestone if i wanted to have a dwarven theme over the next few days i began the construction of a wall i knew if i wanted to build an empire down here i was going to need a safe place to start once the empire was built i could then construct an army and begin pushing everyone back and extending my walls farther and farther into the deeps but i need to protect my initial citizens and to do that i will need to construct my own wall whilst building my wall i was attacked by a disgusting parasite that wanted me dead the only way i was able to survive was by using my lava buckets i placed them down ran placed them down ran i was able to destroy him i finished the first layer of perimeter wall that day there were no defenses on it so it could still be scaled but it would do for now so i could begin civilization underneath the earth's surface when i was back to the surface i decided it was now time to adventure i wanted to see more of the secrets this world had so i left my home behind and i went into the wilderness seeking new treasures after some more exploring i stumbled upon another village i went inside to investigate the remains of what might be the last of civilization i wondered why the parasites had not taken over these villages yet but were targeting me so hard but i digress i looted the village took everything they had and moved on i then found another one of these facelike structures out in the wild i took the bones from there and i moved on the next day in the distance i noticed a ship so i swam out to it and boarded it i wasn't sure if i was going to be greeted with thanks with hostility but thankfully the mobs were peaceful on board i went through the chests taking out the good loot as i could find it and once i found the captain's quarters i found some pretty pog lewd inside of his chests i was wondering where these ships were going everything in this world seemed to be hankering up defenses and i had no idea why the parasites were growing larger something was happening but i didn't know what yet i then swam to an abandoned raft and i looted the chest it had pretty much nothing in it i wondered i sank this ship oh boy whilst exploring some more the next day i came upon this dungeon when i entered it to see what was inside i saw mob's arm to the teeth and i said yeah i ain't doing land and then i discovered a giant basin with what looked like a dungeon beneath i had never seen this in all of my days of modded minecraft this was completely custom i didn't know what dangers it held within but i would now venture down and discover what it held when i got to the bottom i was confused because ahead of me a brick wall lay i began breaking it discover there were pistons beneath it this could only mean one thing there must be a way to activate the door when i looked around i noticed a hopper on the other side and i decided maybe i should throw an item in it so i threw an atom in it and sure enough the doors unlocked unlocking a deep dark pathway in front of me i decided the best idea was to run straight in without thinking when i reached the end of the hallway there was a spruce door i opened it and walked through but i heard redstone trip as i heard behind me pistons moving i began to back up quickly and then all of a sudden boom all the bricks closed around me i had no idea what was happening and when i looked up i saw the lava it was a trap there must have been tripwire so i broke through the blocks and ran to the spruce door and as the lava fell i knew there was no choice but to press forward i then use my oversized cranium to deduce that if i place lava on the other side i could burn them however i managed to place it on myself once i corrected the issue i managed to then place it on them but it didn't seem to be doing very much apparently these boys liked a hot little lava pool eventually after borrowing some of their armor from their corpses i was able to get some protection for and some fire protection this would be enough to run through the bows with flame on them and the wither skeletons dual wielding swords and the baby zombies that were dual building axes who thought that was a good idea after i reached the base i took out the remaining spawner and began killing the mobs that remained but i was confused because there was nowhere to go and there is no loot to be have i then discovered that beneath every single piece of chiseled stone there was a spawner so i decided to go around and collect them all so i could get all the experience i could i couldn't figure out what these men were guarding after some time i realized that there were noises coming from behind the obsidian pit inside of the room so i began to break down the blocks to see what was behind it sure enough a flow of baby zombies emerged but my lava trap dealt with them nicely and then i saw it the chests bury beneath the obsidian but i have to break them to get the loot because there's no way i was breaking the obsidian on top of them it was time to see what lay beneath this amazing structure with these crazy mobs what loot they were guarding and then i piled everything into one chest and opened it this this this is what they were guarding [Music] i really think we need to revise the amount of mobs that guard objects of this quality it's just me maybe it's just me alright i moved on from there then upon arriving home the next day i was met with many a parasites but i disposed of them and left their corpses rotting on the ground more and more were beginning to merge on my base something was happening i could feel it in the air the noises were getting louder more and more parasites were converging but i didn't know what was happening i didn't know i just didn't know i then made my way back down into the caverns and i placed my first builders hole the construction of this would enable me to build much more but i had a different plan this time usually what i would do is construct a town hall at builders hall and begin civilization but no i knew the parasites would come from me in mass numbers if i wanted to be able to stop them i would need help so this was my idea if i could construct multiple builders cuts four or five maybe i could begin the construction of giant military camps and from there begin the pushback against the parasite infestation together we would stand or alone i might fall i also found an enderman that was atop the surface and i decided to rob him of his ender pearls the next day i spent the entire day gathering wood i was going to need a lot of supplies if i wanted to begin mass producing buildings underneath the earth's surface the next day i received an alert that colonists had made their way into my underground colony but while i was there i noticed some parasites outside of my fence something seemed a little bit different about them when i went into f5 mode i compared our heights and i realized they were taller than me now they were growing stronger they were getting ready for something but i didn't know what i began to notice that my new colonists had a knack for walking on the magma blocks and when i created bridges they decided to walk right next to them this would have to be an issue i would need to solve and then out of nowhere i was attacked by a parasite i had no idea where he came from somehow they were breaching my fence from somewhere but everything was intact i didn't know what was happening a zombie had decided to chase my new builder so i made my way over there and i disposed of him slickly like it that's not how the freeze works no i spent the next day child proofing the underground area removing all the magma blocks and placing dirt instead i knew soon i was going to have to venture back to the swamplands but for now i wanted to start my civilization began the next day by gathering the necessary supplies for my builder to begin the construction of the first hut once the first one was done i planned on making many more and then beginning a military arsenal to strike back when i returned to the surface i was attacked by a tiny parasite i disposed of it somehow they were getting over my fence the next day i combined my two looting one iron swords to make a looting two and then i ventured out to kill me some cows i wanted to make an enchanting area if i wanted to head back into the swamp lands the between lands themselves and face the bosses within i was going to need armor with protection on it the night of day 45 i approached what could only be described as a pirate ship i was immediately attacked but i was able to ward off the zombies and skeletons this ship was going to be much more hostile than the last one but that could only mean better loot inside i then began to board her and slowly take out the skeletons that were shooting me away these expert bowmen were no match for my iron steel that's that's not how metal works i then boarded the ship it was time to see what looted had on board but i had to keep my head up because i knew there'd be many more mobs deep within her hull whilst i was beneath the ship i think i found the captain's quarters and when i opened the door i immediately reflect and attacked the parrot i thought it was an angry mob i then walked into the room began looking around where was the captain and then i was hit it was him i quickly destroyed him and stole his emerald the ship was mine now after hearing strange noises atop my ship i climbed a ladder and sure enough it was a parasite how did it get across the ocean to me how did it get on this ship i destroyed it by keeping my distance because i knew this thing could two-shot me i was very careful and i was able to bring it down they were beginning to follow me now what did they want hey look some hay bales out of the kindness of my heart i left some of the pirates alive and i left the ship i'm sure they would be okay oopsies i arrived home on the end of day 48 and i slept these next few days were going to be huge i began the next day by building an enchant area i wanted to have good tools so that when i headed back down into the depths i could begin gathering resources to begin my colony of course i got silk touch instead of fortune who needs fortune 3 anyway all it does is give you three times more diamonds i then enchanted my axe and i headed back down into the mines and i began gathering wood if i wanted my civilization to be built while i was in the between lands i was going to need to give them all the resources required to build the structures next day it was time i disposed of the parasite waiting outside of my door and then i headed to the portal it was time to adventure back into the between lands and find the first of many bosses to come and then i found some ore blocks that looked very strangely familiar to my pickaxe when i mined them sure enough they were made up of the same inga compound that made my pickaxe i knew i could make armor and tools from that so i made sure to pick up all that i found the next day i came across some ruins inside of the lambs this held a very particular item i was going to need arrows on top of all these ruins there were pots and when you broke the pots they would drop an assortment of arrows and these arrows would be crucial i was going to take down the bosses with him i then began destroying the parasites inside of their own dimension they were being spawned by these mystical crystals this must be their original source but there were so many of these that they must have been generated from somewhere i had to find out where but all these structures had chests inside that gave loot like arrows and more so i decided to go around looting all of them to collect as many arrows as possible then after a few days of searching i found it the tar pit biome inside of this biome they would hold such a boss that i had never faced in these lands before the tar pit beast taking him on was essential because i would need to take his heart to construct a new item that would spawn in the first boss of the between lands after being almost eliminated i used my spare wood and i made a little platform up in the sky this was my only saving grace from here i used my weedwood bow and i shot arrow after arrow until i defeated him i then took his heart and i voyaged on whilst adventuring the next day i saw a structure i had not seen before and then the wood became alive and began shooting at me this was no ordinary tree this was the spirit tree this is what held the between lands together this would be the ultimate knowledge on learning how to defeat the parasites but i was not ready to take this on yet it took me a few days but i decided to travel back home and gain some stronger armor if i wanted to take on the next boss of this dimension i was going to need the strongest armor i could take and even then i wasn't sure i could defeat it the monsters of these parasites the origins on where they had come from were stronger than anything i had seen in minecraft before and i had to be as prepared as possible when i ventured out to gain some more experience i noticed something there was a breach in my walls the cobblestone was destroyed laying there on the ground how did this happen i could only think are they learning to break blocks i had to go i then went out into the wild and began slaying parasites i wanted to make sure i had the max enchants i could on my armor before i ventured back in to the deep i decided that iron was not good enough so i headed back to the mines and i began searching for some diamonds i spent the next few days down in the mines looking for more diamonds i wanted a full set of diamond armor with the max protection i could get with the experience that i had this would give me the best chance against this first boss i had no idea if i could win but i was going to try whilst mining i was hearing noises above me and when i saw red i decided to peep my head up and see what was going on upstairs there was a chest i grabbed it and inside were diamond leggings this was perfect because i just had enough diamonds for a helmet together this would give me a full set i then enchanted my diamond armor and i made my way back to the portal and entered the between lands once i was back in the dimension i tossed down the mummy bait on the floor this would summon the most deadly parasite of all the mummy but when i threw it nothing happened and i realized i had to go to a biome specific i then reached the marsh and i tossed the heart out this would be the ultimate test of everything i was made of the fight began but i quickly began to realize it was too much for me if i wanted to stand a chance i needed to run away and then fight from the rooftops so that's what i did i was able to create some distance between me and the disgusting parasite creature and i climbed atop a giant structure and then i used my bow and i began shooting it again and again and again i would bring it down once i brought it down to where it was almost dead i jumped off my platform of safety and i began making my way towards it i wanted to end it off by my blade this would be a statement to all the parasites in my world that i wanted them out i returned back home on the night of day 64 and began plotting my next move towards the parasites beneath the earth i began the next day by hanging up my armor set it could stay there for a while now and rest and then i made some iron shovels and i ventured out if i was going to construct a massive city underground i was going to need a lot of glass as that was quite a demented resource for all the buildings underground so i went outside and i began collecting some sand i collected sand the entire day all the way until nightfall and then i came back into the base and slept the night i began the next day by setting up some automatic furnaces to smelt all the new sand that i have i then began working on some of my structures i began by upgrading all of my builders halls to tier 2. this would enable me to now upgrade my town hall to tier 2 and from there i could begin building houses and recruiting more citizens eventually building an army i spent the rest of the day clearing out some more terrain for my first house to go and then i began gathering wood and other supplies in order to begin the building process the next day i hit the mines i needed more resources in order to get some more diamonds to construct some armor and some more resources to construct some more houses but whilst in the mines i heard a scream outside calling for help so i rushed outside at top speed only slipping a few times and i made it out but i didn't see anything in the distance i noticed a zombie so i made sure to take care of it and then i walked up to the fence and i peered out it was a beast unlike any other i had seen before a parasite i never wanted to see face to face so i walked away after that mild inconvenience i ventured back into the mines and began mining for the next few days diamonds were my goal they were my ambition they were all i wanted upon emerging back to the surface i began enchanting sure enough i got a diamond pickaxe with unbreaking 3 and fortune 2. why is that an enchant that exists i then used my anvil and my other spare pickaxes to add efficiency 5 to the pickaxe it wasn't quite a god pickaxe yet as we needed one more level of fortune but for now it would do just fine i then began working out and clearing a large area for my new tunnel system i wanted to bring a railway all the way from the surface down into the depths this way would be easy access to transfer supplies and transfer myself so i began clearing out the area and placing down the placeholder blocks i wanted for the walls and for the floors over the next few days i spent a lot of time working on the tunnel constructing the pillars and filling in the sides with stone bricks and the ceiling with cobblestone this was going to be the biggest project i had taken on yet a side of the city once this railway was complete i could then begin transporting villagers inside and constructing a full-blown underground empire but this tunnel was crucial that it could stand amidst any foe the next day i decided my next task would be venturing back into the nether so i could reach the end to get prepared for that i began collecting potatoes my new tunnel system that led me all the way down to the nether portal and then i climbed in this was going to be a rocky ride after finding the nether fortress i was encountered by many wither skeletons which i disposed of i then began looting the chests before i took on the blazes i would need to get the eyes of ender after collecting some netherwart so i could make some potions i began carefully attacking the blazes to get their blaze rods this would be a tedious process as i had no way of fire resistance but as long as i was patient i would be okay when i returned home from my nether escapades i was met by a flesh-eating parasite i disposed of him with my sword and then i saw another how did they get into my base i had no idea when i climbed up from the mines i discovered it was nighttime out which was perfect i needed to begin killing enderman now with my looting two sword so i could begin collecting ender pearls to get ender eyes to visit the end i was wondering what could the ender dragon be in this smartpak it must be different from normal and am i prepared for him only time would tell began the next day by constructing some eyes of ender by using the blaze rods i'd gathered from the nether and the ender pearls i had gathered from the enderman's corpses i then put my most powerful set of armor on and i ventured out it was time to see what this world had waiting for me in the end dimension whilst venturing i found this giant mountainous terrain it was so beautiful and beneath it an enormous waterfall i thought the most practical thing to do was to craft a paddle boat and sail down it [Music] reminds me of water slides absolutely terrifying things while sailing and getting closer and closer to the portal i noticed ships that seemed to have been docked at some sort of port i decided to go investigate and to see what was going on whilst exploring the dock i noticed the pirate flags and i quickly drew my sword this could get dangerous whilst venturing around i went to the main headquarters i found some buttons inside and when i pressed them i heard a piston move but i couldn't figure out what it was moving eventually i noticed a small door it was opening and when i got the timing right i was able to make my way in i had no idea what it was unlocking but i decided to go and investigate with sword drawn it seemed to be an underground smuggling area with tons of contraband loot and chests and spiderwebs everywhere i decided to venture deeper and deeper to see what it might hold i followed the track lying to the end and when i got there it unlocked a room full of gold and iron blocks this this was the mother lode i immediately began to mine it all up as this would be quite useful for making iron bars and golden apples and then whilst exploring i found more buttons and when pressed they unlocked pistons i couldn't figure out where they were unlocking them too but eventually i was able to and then i walked down the dark hallway and lit it up with my torches to see what may lie within whilst adventuring through i noticed at the corner of my eye something blue sure enough four diamond blocks this this is what they were hiding and now it was mine i also found this giant room full of emerald gold and lapis blocks this this must have been the treasure room i wonder what happened to everybody here why was everyone gone i then ventured on from the docks to continue my quest to find the end portal day 83 after dealing with some hostile mobs i had found it the location of the stronghold it was now time to dig down and locate the portal underneath the depths i began exploring and i found one more eye of ender i was crossing my fingers this would be enough to light the portal and then i found it the ender portal but to my dismay i was two eyes of ender short i was hoping that maybe i could find them inside of the stronghold so i ventured back out looking for them i searched the hallways and both are libraries but all i could find was one more enderpearl the best bet now i think was to go home get the blaze rods and get one more enderman when i arrived home i began cooking up some more potatoes and then when i left my house to go and see if i could find some endermen i noticed in the distance some parasites attacking one and sure enough when i zoomed in the under me had dropped an ender pearl it was guarded by deadly parasites but i knew i had to go for it so i ran out and i grabbed it and then i was attacked but i ran back as fast as i could barely made it through the doorway and then into my home and slept for the night on the morn of the next day i crafted my ender pearls into eyes of ender and then i ventured out it was time to face whatever the end had in store for me i then arrived at the shores of the end portal i dug my way back down and then i found the portal lit it up and i jumped in it was time upon entering the end i noticed that everything looked different there were structures there were more mobs than i was used to blaze-like creatures shot fireballs at me i was not prepared for this i began my assault by climbing atop a tower and removing the end crystals one by one with expert marksmanship i shot the crystals down one by one once i had destroyed them all i knew my best bet was to stay atop the tower and use my bow and repeatedly strike the ender dragon with arrow after arrow after arrow whilst fighting he knocked me off my perch but thankfully i was able to survive he wouldn't get rid of me that easy and then after what seemed like ages i took him down although he had not been turned into a parasite yet i needed to know defeating him was only a stepping stone the more powerful bosses were yet to come the next day my house was inhabited by a new friend or possibly food i then ventured down into the mines to see what everyone was up to before i ventured back to the between lands to take on the next boss i wanted to make sure my civilization was growing and preparing for the war ahead i then placed down a schematic for a new house and then i began collecting resources for the remainder of the day this was going to be the biggest colony i had ever created and then after collecting enough resources to begin my colony advancing i ventured back into the between lands it was time to take on the tree of knowledge before heading to it though i knew i needed some stronger armor you see i discovered the diamond armor is actually horrible inside of the between lands it debuffs it what i wanted was valentine's armor but it was an extremely rare resource so i needed to go mining to find it get as much of it as i could and hopefully make a full set out of it while splunking i was attacked by more bugs than i'd ever seen in my life this was absolutely disgusting these parasites were trying to infect me so i began swinging my sword it gives me the heebie-jeebies even in real life and then i found it my first deposit of velonite ore once i had accumulated enough and to make a full set i could take on the spirit tree that lay beneath the between lands i realized that over the next few days all i did was mine for velonite so i decided to group everything together i would need a lot of shards and they were extremely rare much more rare than diamonds so i ventured through cave after cave and mind or vain after or vain fighting away the monsters of the deep and eventually i accumulated enough and emerged back to the surface on day 97 i crafted the full set of valonite armor this would give me the best chance against the spirit tree the tree of knowledge in the distance i noticed a mist it looked like nothing i had seen before or have it i decided to leave it alone and venture away as it seemed to kill anything that came in contact with it and then on day 98 i found this spirit tree it had many different attacks bringing the earth around it alive to try and kill me i began shooting my bow at everything that shot at me hoping i could bring it down from a range without getting too close as missile-like objects hailed from the tree the only thing i could do was hold up my shield and pray that i survived i was able to get a clear line of sight on the tree but not for too long it kept shooting me with the darts and the other objects on the ground kept attacking me this was going to be tough as i ran out of arrows and food i had one option left my axe so i approached the tree found the best spot i could and began striking it it was me or the tree and in the end i prevailed and i destroyed it as i returned home on day 100 i sorted my items away and then i headed down to the mines as the final project i placed down the barracks i would begin training my new army if i was going to begin the push back against the parasites i was going to need an army behind me and this was the beginning of that creation ah [Music] is or maybe or maybe there is [Music] you
Channel: Mud Flaps
Views: 630,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft, mud flaps, mud flaps 100 days
Id: oKOYzy9IP10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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