I Survived 100 Days at WAR in Hardcore Minecraft...

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i survived 100 days in a minecraft war yeah i can tell you guys right now that this one wasn't easy along the way i was faced with a bunch of enemies and wanted to figure out what exactly caused this war to start so sit back relax and get ready for an adventure this is my story of how i survive 100 days at war so on day one everything seemed peaceful no explosions were heard so i decided to get to work it would only be a matter of time before i ran into somebody or somebody ran into me so i had to get myself prepared i grabbed some cobblestone made some tools and gathered some food then after sleeping off the first night it was time to dive into the caves to gather some helpful laws alright is there any i see some wars down here but i need iron and coal there is obviously i can get out okay there's some coal right here is this coal yeah got a little bit of eye in here after first few pieces i need as much as possible i need to get set up real quick a few more pieces right here this is not a bad start up to now let's just grab all of this this is a big vein as well this is really nice i need um i need to make some armor i'm gonna have to start cooking this up in just a second anything else through here i don't know what that is okay definitely can't mind that with this pickaxe okay let's set up a furnace that is not how you make one there we go boom place that down and then we can put in our coal and iron and start cooking this stuff up boom there we go so let's make ourselves a chest plate and some leggings there we go we need a little bit more iron yet so now i had some form of protection it was time to head back to the surface and see what i could find up top is the coast clear it seems it i don't want to get ambushed on day three there's a big tower here i don't know what is going on but is there all right it's just some scraps inside nothing super helpful but i guess i'll take it it's all free might help me in the future anything else around here oh there's another tower in the distance over there all right this actually doesn't look like a bad place to set up if i that could be cool and just in the side of that mountain there i guess we could have like a little secret door i just i can't be very obvious i need to be hidden here because uh if i if i get found it could be the end of this we can start digging this place out a little bit we can hopefully get a nice not not big but a little space we can have a little bunker i guess to hide away from people and start developing ourselves a little bit this place would do the job for now a small hideout for me to use as cover in the meantime but before i could get myself involved in any of the wars that were going on around here i needed to upgrade my armor and for that i needed lots of shrink so that meant it was time to head back out and go hunting okay it is raining quite heavily out here which isn't ideal but as long as uh as long as there's nobody out here apart from the rain that is fine what is that i can hear is that oh oh my god did he see me it's gone what was that where was that going i am just gonna move on just as i left my house a plane flew overhead i had no idea where that plane was going to or if i was spotted so my best bet was to keep on the move and be ready for the worst there's some sheep here which is exactly what i need so i'm going to make sure i grab all of these just so obviously i can make the armor that i need this armor the armor i want to make is helpful so i definitely want to make sure i get my hands on that is there any more sheep around here i don't hear any oh oh it was a build here what is this place what i don't know it's like a helipad and like a little hut thing i don't even know what this is is there anything in anybody inside nope looks pretty clear oh that door's loud okay that's not very quiet it's just it's pretty small is there any oh okay i am gonna take all of this this is very helpful stuff it's pretty much exactly what i need a karambit knife as well on some steel i'll take that it's this a uh that's a siren and this is like a vehicle crafting table what we got over here bullets and a gun a glock 32 nice okay i'll put that on my inventory oh look at this nice real nice all right let's grab the bullets for it and uh we can't forget the ammo clips what else do we have in here hazmat chest plate has my boots uranium all right we probably don't want to pick that up but we'll take the hazmat suit i guess let's grab all of this oh no i picked up the uranium get rid of it get rid of that that'll poison me if i hold on to it i think ah all right it's uh is this crowbar for this great i wouldn't mind busting this thing open let's boom there we go what anything round stimpak those are really good they're like bandages i uh yeah i need to keep those on me oh wait what what's going on oh my god this helicopter i gotta go i gotta hide quick quick quick quick quick run oh oh it's right there okay right let's just make sure we don't get seen here i am probably gonna die here if he sees me where's he gone i can hear it but i can't see it we just need to be on standby here right there's the helicopter it's just parked right on the helipad but i don't see the pilot anywhere no i'm i need to go i think he's gonna realize that his stuff's gone and he's gonna come for me i need to get out of here asap i'm i'm just gonna run oh oh he's coming he's coming he's coming did he see me i think i think i just got away oh my right i need to go back the other way my house is the other way i went the wrong way there's some sheep here which i wouldn't mind snagging up i'm just super scared that this guy's gonna come back i'm on edge all the time now there is look i knew it no he is definitely looking for me there is no way he's not he's like circling the area i need to really be on guard that was a close call once again i had no idea who was in that helicopter but it's pretty obvious that the loot i stole was theirs and they were trying to find me after i stole it so i'm going to have to keep an extra close eye on my surroundings to make sure i don't get attacked from now on but nonetheless i was still able to find a bunch more sheep and slowly make my way home through the rainy conditions to craft up the armor that i needed all right my house is there yes okay right i'm so surprised i even got back alive i thought i was dead there let's lock this door oh that was more eventful than i was expecting i was missing a few pieces of titanium so i did have to visit the mines again but eventually i had all i needed and was ready to start crafting boom okay so if we put the cloth in this place right here and then the titanium there we got some spetnice boots then we need to do the chest plate which is this and how do i do the helmet again uh titan okay yep i got that green cloth there and then we get the titanium in boom helmet oh this looks good this is much better than the iron all right let's see what we can go and see now that the storm's gone so it's much clearer we might actually be able to find some stuff here so with my new armor i left my bunker and headed out into the open world i wanted to follow the path of that plane that flew over my house to see if i could find out anything about where it was going or what it was doing some trees taken down here oh oh there's more than some trees taken down that place is destroyed what is this place it look is it like a farm it looks like a farm let's go check this out all right i don't see anybody or anything this is real oh oh there's a guy there no no he's shooting at me nope please stop stop stop stop stop i'm on the floor i'm just gonna lie on the floor you might take that as peace sign maybe please explain yourself who are you what are you doing here dude i'm innocent i'm innocent i promise i didn't do anything i didn't do anything drop any weapons you have are you with the outlaws yeah there take it take it i i didn't do anything that's all i have i'm on my own i promise just please don't kill me just take it i don't mind mate i promise i didn't do anything i'm literally all of my own i'm not with anybody as i lay on the floor at gunpoint i had to plead for my life and explained my innocence he made me drop my gun and accuse me of being involved in the destruction of this place i was so confused as to what happened here but that was when this guy started to explain the story he said there was a group of outlaws that had a camp nearby and they had been scouting out this farmer's base for a few days plotting an ambush to steal their resources so after a few days of preparing they attacked the farmers and did insane damage to their base these outlaws dropped air strikes killed their sheep for armor and completely erased their houses from the ground there was no mercy shown here and as the outlaws left this place in ruin coincidentally that's when i showed up a few days later wearing their exact same armor hence why i ended up in this position being held with my life on the line these farmers weren't happy but that's when things took a sudden turn this soldier trusted me and believed my innocence and was quick to offer me an invite to his team to help in the battle to take down the outlaws instantly i accepted and i was returned my weapons so he started leading the way and i followed my new leader i had no idea where i was going but i just decided to follow him and see where i'd end up i have no clue where i'm going i am probably gonna die here all right here we are this is our campsite welcome to your new team oh this place is nice this place was great so i quickly found myself a bed and made myself at home well i guess this is my uh my new team now how has this happened but there was one big thing that we didn't know whilst i was being led to the campsite we were being followed and now these outlaws knew exactly where we were living so they used the element of surprise and launched an attack there is gunshots going off and i don't know what is happening but everyone's going crazy these guys were not messing around they came at us with full strength in numbers so we had to gather some weapons quickly and defend this place as best as we could just everybody stay on guard this is um this is okay this is not what i expected to be getting involved in so quickly watch the door they're trying to i think they're trying to get in the door just people watch that i'm making sure i uh i can i'm trying to get rid of the ones on top of the trees so many of them they're everywhere all right oh oh oh the tanks coming in watch out tank was in and it was doing some huge damage just try and take down that tank i'm gonna keep my eye on the wall oh god this is getting close this isn't good there's a few of these guys around the back just they've literally completely taken over this place everybody trying to help me at the back here oh anybody not everybody but anyone [Music] i don't know how many men we've lost this is they're everywhere this oh god no no no no no no where are they i'm just getting shot at from places i don't even know i can't even see them [Music] [Music] oh oh the tank's coming for me all right can i break this can i destroy it i don't even know i don't even know if i can get rid of this thing i need to try and heal up a little bit he's trying to kill me whoever's inside of that thing all right i'm gonna shoot shoot oh come on reload reload reload quick let me shoot out this back window let me out i'm gonna crawl out oh my this is ridiculous why how have i got myself into this so we may have to dip it's kind of a death trap inside there that tank is destroying is the back open is the back open all right there's a few more is there anybody in there anybody else come on quick get get out get out yeah sorry go right is everyone out can i go oh there's so many of them still in there just run just run just go we had no option but to escape our camp had been completely taken over and now we had to fall back to another facility that the team owned so now with the remaining members of the team we had a journey on our hands to get back to our newest home as i arrived i checked this place out and familiarized myself with the new living space this place was super high tech but we had no time to waste because as i was checking this place out the outlaws were spotted lurking in the forest just outside of the facility by our team so now we had to stay on guard to make sure that these guys wouldn't have the upper hand against us again one thing we were now missing was all of the loot from our old camp which means now we know when they come back they will be very strong so we had to stay on guard checking up on the walls and making sure the perimeter was safe and we had to do this for many nights then one morning after a few days of peace we heard some noise coming from the forest and they were back on the trees as well a bunch of them oh yeah oh my these guys there ever so many of them if anybody's got a clear shot just just take it i'm going for it oh i hit our own wall no so many of them out there just keep spraying just keep going through as much ammo as you need oh i'm getting absolutely pummeled i'm pretty sure they're in i think they've made their way in are you dead oh they're running after us they're running after us oh there's another tank there's another tank i shot it with the small just try to take down that tank or else it's game over [Music] oh they're still on us they're still right behind us they've pretty much taken over down there if anybody's down you might want to come up it's pretty safe up here i won't lie it's just they just keep coming more and more from the forest and it's so hard to see with this gun when i shoot i don't even know if i'm hitting them i think i am yeah uh i've lost you where's the tank gone though i don't even know where the tank is anymore i'm so lost oh that they're all on us all right i'm just gonna all right anybody back here there's another person over here two people where are they all right barry you're good yeah you're good right let's get inside of this place oh oh my man down man down no matter how many of them we took down we were outnumbered and they kept showing up in waves of more soldiers so it was time to resort to our escape plan right is that how many people have we got here barry you good where's anybody else here there's literally like three of us three there's four of them behind us there's a cave down there if we can get to the cave there's a helicopter inside of it and we can go i'm going for it let's go right i've got rid of him right i'm in the cave i'm in a cave go go go go go go the chopper is here right i don't know if they know i'm in here i gotta i gotta open the door if i click this there we go no they were still on the door they're in it they're in here with me oh shoot what i'm gonna have to try and take these 2v1 oh i'm out of ammo i can't reload no i'm going to use pistol no the chop is gone oh no i don't need help i need help where are you i don't know if you guys know where that [Music] i see you is see you wait i'm going to small the door i'm helping from above i'm trying to help from above i can't really do too much if they come through i'll spray them down but they've just complete i can't get out because they're blocking the exit i'm just gonna spray the chop has already gone anyway i've got nothing to lose oh if you can get one in trap him in then i'll be able to do a lot of damage from up here i honestly can't i'm gonna have to mine out they're trying to come in yeah i'm getting out and getting out and getting out and getting out all right i'll hold them in the door hold them at the door all right i'm gonna try and dig out i've got my pickaxe no i'm not i'm still miles away how am i still walking i don't know i just fell down is that are you with our team yeah you're with you're with us right okay but they're still in the door i'm gonna have to dig up there's no other option i'm just gonna oh man down again we've got another man down it's an air strike coming in everybody watch out we've got one guy down there right i'm up i'm out who's here oh my this place is destroyed once again we had been overpowered and with this place being in what looked like ruins we gathered as many of our teammates as we could find and made our way to our last resort the bunker we had lost not only so much loot resources and our main facilities but also so many of our members and as the explosions continued above ground we decided to hide deep inside of our bunker and started preparing for a revenge attack this time we needed to calculate the attack perfectly we had no room for error so we got to work gathering useful scraps from the mines and then forging them into new weapons so as the remainder of our team worked hard down below for a few more days making helpful weapons and armor i joined our team leader on a recon mission to see what was left of our facility and to see which was the best way to take it back so we armed up headed out and made our way towards the land all right i'm pretty sure is just over this mountain so let's make sure we do not get seen this place is destroyed there's a body right there i don't see anybody though oh yeah there's somebody right there he's just gone inside what are they there's a few of them i see quite a few of them in there as expected this place was destroyed but it seemed like these guys were actually fixing this place up and starting to turn it into their own facility so after watching for a few more minutes me and barry decided to slip away and head back to the bunker there's quite a lot of them down there yeah there's loads of them just watch out make sure you don't get seen i think we should go yeah agreed let's let's just sneak away quick don't get spied the longer we waited to attack these guys the stronger they would be so i called the team meeting and told them the plan all right here's the plan i have a plane waiting for me outside i'm going up in the sky and you guys are all staying on the ground barry will lead you to the hill and then once you see me dropping the bombs from above open fire on everybody you see good luck boys let's do this [Music] all right boys i'm on my way here we go get ready for it [Music] i'm going down the the the plane's nearly done i'm going down [Music] i had no option but to dump this plane in the ocean but now when i returned it was time for the real water star all right this is it the team have been holding them off i'm pretty sure i'm only just getting back i've got a few airstrikes that we can use this is going to be a um it's just gonna be a tough one is everyone good the tanks are there and everything oh god right i'm calling an airstrike let's get this thing done just keep applying the pressure i don't even see them there's so many explosions going on oh there's one down there there's one down there keep keep the pressure on there's so many of them another asteroid watch out watch out all right clear nice all right is this place clear i don't see any more of them anywhere does anybody see any this that's one of our men all right how many did we lose are they done i don't see anybody it's clear this i can't there's no no one here this this building's clear just keep an eye out this place was in ruins no buildings stood remaining but most importantly neither did any of the outlaws so now it was time to start rebuilding what was ours and as the few remaining outlaws escaped into the forest we worked hard day and night making sure that this facility was back up and running as soon as possible but we needed to finish these guys off for good so after doing a few days of work i set off with another member of the team to go scouting we wanted to see if we could locate the outlaws main campsite so that we could launch a real revenge attack so we had to start traveling once again day and night until after a while we came across some light shining from the forest so we went to check it out what is this place you good yep right i'm gonna hop in i don't know i have no idea what this is to be honest there's a map over here what is that is that the farmers that looks like the farmer's base i'm not gonna lie is there anything else here this place was clearly the location that they operated the farmers attack from but with no sign of life and all resources taken out of this place we decided to spend the night here and then move on to continue our search which once again went on for a while until one day finally this happened oh what's that there's a build watch out i see some stone i don't know if it's a uh is it a build i'm not sure oh yeah no this is definitely a a village of some sort there's massive towers but i don't see anyone but i don't know if my view is just not good enough it looks clear but i don't know who lives here so as the sun started to set and the moon made an appearance we sat waiting for some movement around here right is it oh his name's his name's his name's his name's it's people it's them it is them they've got the helmets on it's definitely the outlaws for sure just watch out make sure we don't get spotted here because they don't know we know is it is it them so with this useful information me and dan headed home it was time to prepare the team for our final attack the outlaws main campsite had been found now it was only a matter of time before they were down all right boys we found it is everyone here yep all right me and dan found it if you get in the helicopters just follow me we will be there so that's exactly what we did we jumped in the choppers and started heading over towards this place before we knew it we were here and these guys were not happy about it and opened fire immediately so we had no option but to fire back all right i am getting shot i'm just trying to steer away just keep shooting shoot that way shoot that way who's going down who's going down watch out there's an airstrike coming this next right come on watch out oh that's ridiculously close two men and a helicopter were down already but we had no time to waste and had to keep the pressure on so i sent in an air strike right i've sent an air strike in watch out it's coming in oh that was perfect hit i got the tower directly all right nice that that should be burning down now hopefully you got a little bit more as well is there anybody right i need to find a safe way over that place is really burning up now nice this airstrike was perfect their tower was on fire and their walls were starting to crumble so i took some high ground and started opening fire right i'm on the mountain right next to it this place is really going down let's can we get get rid of that guy up there oh that was a good shot this place was already destroyed but this battle was nowhere near finished just keep applying the pressure boys i think there's one of them here yeah there he is spray him down spray him down get him going i can't see the sun's in the way he's gone oh there he is keep spraying him keep fraying him i think he's gone just keep applying the pressure the more we can get the easier this is gonna be is there any oh they're still up there they're just camping up the tower oh oh no okay they're doing a lot of damage they've got some pretty accurate guns and they're still up there oh that was a direct hit whoever sent me that airstrike good job nice all right there's a few of them down bottom as well is that us in the chopper i don't think so is it i'm not sure if it isn't take it down get rid of it i got one i got one right that chopper definitely isn't us so just use shoot it down oh airstrike coming in watch out it's come on surely this thing is nearly done i've shot it so much is it smoking no it looks like he's going down though he's upside down take him out ah right then back up the tower just keep keep applying some pressure up there oh my god somebody shoot down that chopper he's gonna take us down i'm going in with the stinger screw it what i'm locking on should get it shoot there we go oh he fled ah right okay he got lucky with that one just keep keep oh oh you're not on my team what are you doing here get away from me he's dead no no he's there he's right there might have to fall back here he's taking an absolute beating come on how is he not dead right that chopper's back i need to i really need to take that chopper down this place is in just ruins oh man look at it it's just is that one of us okay and yeah that is all right this place is we've done a decent job but this is tough what one of us behind one of them behind shoot him push up push over towards him they on the back they're back come on right i've sent them quite far launched them a little bit just keep applying the pressure keep moving where'd they go oh there they are you got them come on are they down no come on there we go nice good kill nice another one of their members was down but as we looked out onto the land surrounding their base this place was destroyed just as planned so we decided to leave with our remaining members before we lost anyone else we had no idea how many of them remained but the most important thing was that their base was gone and now after a long battle we could head home and rest all right just if you can drop me the chopper do you have it yep nice thank you all right let's um let's go i don't see any of them following us so i think we should just be in the clear just keep moving don't look back just go forward all right we'll be back for you boys later good luck if we can just land this this chopper is nearly broken it's on six durability i just need to land this safely and we should be all right come on slow and steady is the one there we go after we got back from the battle this place still had quite a bit of work that needed to be done before we could properly start producing some weapons and vehicles again so we spent a bit of time fixing this place up and returning it to its old ways then finally we could start making some of the things that we had lost in the attacks and most importantly made sure that this place didn't look like a war zone anymore but once that was done that was it 100 days in a minecraft war we had taken down the outlaws main campsite and hopefully gotten rid of all of the bad in this world but as they say who knows what lies in the deep
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 1,463,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, factions, Funny, Videos, Fun, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Private, Survival server, Sword4000, Sword, 4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 200 days, 100 days hardcore, 1 year, 100 days challenge, 100 days Hardcore challenge, 100 days minecraft war, Minecraft war 100 days, Minecraft War Mod, Sword4000 war, Minecraft War Movie, 100 days War, War is Minecraft, Minecraft War, 100 days in a Minecraft War, Helicopters in Minecraft, Hardcore War
Id: C2JTPCgd3D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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