I Survived 100 Days on a HARDCORE TRIBAL Island...

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this story all begins with an island taken over by killer dinosaurs wild animals and now lawless bandits this place is deadly and that's exactly where i'm going to be attempting to spend the next 100 days in hardcore minecraft with the endless amount of hostile creatures and complex terrain on this world this adventure was always going to be one for the box so get ready it's about to begin but before it does if you enjoyed this journey and want to follow along with the rest of my videos please subscribe it's completely free and it gives me more energy and motivation to release more videos just like this but now sit back relax get some popcorn and get ready for an adventure this is tribal island [Music] so day one started and straight away i saw a threat a megalodon shark in the water i made sure to steer away from this and headed straight over to the trees if i was going to last even one night in this world i would need some weapons the shark could smell me and was coming closer to the beach so straight away i ran over to some nearby sheep and started killing them for food and a bed a wise man once said that that is all we need in life so i'll take his word for it and grab those two necessities you look so cool and i feel bad for killing you but i'm sorry i need the food i checked my surroundings to admire this amazing world which i have to give complete credit to forge labs for creating all of his details will be in the description if you wish to support him and download this world and then i headed right into the jungle the cover of these trees was perfect since a rainstorm started not long after oh my god rain already on i stayed under the cover of the trees until i made my way to a clearing unaware of any other human life i was keeping my surroundings checked and ran into a sleeping t-rex if i had made any more noise i could have woken him up and being dinner for today so i ran ran all the way to a new jungle i needed to take cover from the rain it hadn't stopped since i'd entered the jungle so i just kept exploring it was getting darker until the time came the sun dropped completely and it was pitch black i had no choice but to take cover for the night and make a divot in the mountain to survive i made a furnace for light sitting in the dark for the entire night would make me insane but after a few minutes that was the least of my worries another survivor on the island was ripped apart by tigers i had no idea where he was or if he had met anybody else on this island but all i knew is that if he couldn't make it through night one i had just as much of a small chance of making it through two and with that knowledge i decided to spend tonight in the mines any resources i could find will help me defend against any people or creatures in this world so i mined for a bit and gathered some cobble i did some research on the mod pack and crafted a long sword this weapon will defend me for now and it's cheap so if it breaks i can easily make another as i was mining i remembered a quote coal mining is tough but acting is just tedious and i'm doing both here so give me a break if i do anything stupid but after i had myself quite a bit of iron i came to the realization that it was day two so i resurfaced the rain hadn't quite cleared yet but as soon as i left the jungle it did and with one thing missing another arrived a dilophosaurus these things can be super deadly so i slowly backed away and continued my adventure through the jungle planes [Music] after a bit of a search i stumbled across this structure it was an abandoned velociraptor cage i'm going to need some more protection before taking that thing on so the adventure once again continued what's that hey hey no get away from me what the hell clearly the velociraptors had escaped so i just ran away to take cover as long as i wasn't near that place i felt safe but not for long a dilophosaurus snuck up on me through the tall grass he had me weak but i had just enough energy to run i had to survive i cannot die on day two after i had left his territory he seemed to back off so i took the opportunity to cook up some of my iron that protection i mentioned before yeah i think now is a good time to start working on that i had another look through the mod pack and found some shields i made myself one out of stone i think it looks great so then if i surround it by stone ah there we go oh i like that hopefully this can protect me from the attackers oh and i had to top off this task with a bit of armor after i was suited up i set off to try and find some human life that dilophosaurus showed me how insignificant i am compared to him so a bit of help from another person would be fantastic but instead i was said hello to by the moon [Music] oh god not nighttime again yep it was night again and i was still on my own i did some more running around and came across this huge dinosaur and again i saw that cage in the distance now i was a little bit more prepared i approached it but as expected the raptors were not happy about me showing up so i ran this little guy followed me for a long time so i had to take cover up a tree [Music] he quickly was distracted by the carcass of another dinosaur so i took my chances and ran it was still night and i was still scared the last thing i could do is stay in one location and again i ran into a sleeping t-rex if i catch one of these at the wrong time it is game over for me but i continued my adventure a different way and as i was walking i heard some growls it was a tiger hiding in the tree one person had already been ripped apart by one of these up to now on this island i wasn't going to be the next so as you can expect i fled the location quickly and took cover once again in a tree but it quickly became daytime so i dismounted and headed over towards the clearing that was when i found this the visitor center it looked overgrown and as if everybody had been killed what the hell happened here so i entered i saw some creatures in the shadows and quickly realized that they were raptors so i decided to leave once again i am not ready to take on any sort of hostile creatures on my own so that we'll have to wait for later no no no no no i am not dealing with these things today so once again my adventure continued trying to find any form of human life in the distance i could see a village i had no idea if that was the home of any survivors or if it was just abandoned so i approached it with caution as i arrived it started to rain and i quickly realized that this place wasn't the home to anybody apart from dinosaurs i looped around and made my way to the blacksmith which had some really useful loot diamonds cobwebs and a whip these will all be items i can use in the future but now i felt confident i went towards the inhabited house and introduced myself to the owner he was not happy to see my face and instantly started attacking me i was overpowered by his strength so i had to run but these guys didn't stop they followed me so i had to escape even further hey come here leave me alone get out there go oh no no no after a while i took cover in a tree these things ran me far from the village so after healing up and calming my cool i decided to head back [Music] upon arrival i realized i had actually lowered the dilophosauruses away so this now was a completely uninhabited village so i claimed it as my own i checked out the remaining houses and then started my renovation windows in a world full of dinosaurs and hostile foes don't do the job so i had to make cobblestone barriers and as i built my perimeter they made their way back i can hear him where is he oh oh okay this was my village now i had to defend it this thing had so much power he was able to throw me around [Music] but then he was down my first dinosaur kill i had no feeling of guilt since if it wasn't him that died it would have been me so after that traumatic experience with the dilophosaurus which i found out is nicknamed the spitter i decided it was time to head back underground to gather some stone a bigger wall is needed around this place all that kind of stuff is going to become more common around here which is the last thing i need and then as i was mining for cobble i was snuck up on oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where are you going no no no no get back get back hey yo he's got weapons oh god oh oh oh oh this is not good get back i panicked i shouldn't have chased after him this was my first encounter with human life my first opportunity for help and i wasted it it was gone and if he has contact with anybody else i'm going to be labeled as a threat hopefully i can locate him at some point and explain myself so the next day with a clear mind i headed out to start killing the dinosaurs in my area if i was living around here i wanted to make sure that i was the only one living around here but of course that is easier said than done the spitters do not go down without a fight and they definitely humbled me outside of my own home [Music] [Music] they dealt a lot of damage so again i had to run to take cover [Music] after looping around and making my way into my base i realized my downfall i needed projectiles to help take these things down from distance so i did a little bit of research and it seemed my best option was a boomerang this thing doesn't do too much damage but it allows me to keep my distance from these things and take them out hey finally he's dead [Music] i killed one and spotted another in the distance so i approached him [Music] but then this guy came out he was saved by the arrival of his friend who was clearly much too big for me to handle at the moment so i headed back to the safety within my walls this was where i mined up all of my diamonds i had gotten from this village and made myself a diamond halberd this is a modded axe that deals a load of damage exactly what i need to help defend me in this world so with my new weapon i set off out into the wild to give it a try i first found a spitter and this thing didn't stand a chance to my boomerang and halberd combination i kept running into spitters everywhere i went i found these guys and on several occasions they got me very low in health [Music] and from that point on i decided i would completely avoid them [Music] i avoided many t-rexes on this adventure as well but night time fell and i was once again all alone i saw a creature in a ball so i got curious this thing was not happy that i woke him up and he wanted me dead no no no no no no no no no no please do not kill me please do not kill me no no no no [Music] all right so i'm not sure what happened last night but i woke up this morning and those dinosaurs were gone i'm gonna move past this like it never happened and let's continue our adventure i headed back through the jungle and once again i was attacked by spitters in the tall grass luckily my shield was able to protect me until i killed this thing and then as i continue to walk through the evening i stumbled across a crocodile i threw my boomerang at him but quickly regretted it so decided to run the opposite way and since it was dark i wanted to make a bed and settle down for the night the morning of day nine had to be one of the most beautiful surroundings i had ever seen i was in love with this view and with the boost of positivity from this i built up enough courage to take on the raptor cage i had to be careful i know the power of these things and if i get on the wrong side of them it is over the loop from the chests was average but it was all free so i can't complain i don't need all this crap these bones can go see you later and after spending a minute in here i realized that the raptors were hiding in the corner of the cage so i decided it was time to try and take one of them out but he wasn't alone three more of his friends camouflaged into the floor i had to run if i stay i die but as usual these things didn't give up without a fight and chased me for quite a while and even whilst i was running i was getting attacked by more dinosaurs if anything this could not have been going more wrong [Music] oh my god i can't even hit them leave me alone oh please the tall grass it just keeps getting in the way i let my shield take a beating and lure him into the open where the grass wasn't an issue and then i was able to kill him and after that then i set straight back off into the jungle i spent the whole of day 10 in here the dense terrain made it really hard to navigate and along the way i had to take on many different creatures and on day 11 i ran into a grizzly bear this thing seemed to be guarding a structure i saw some torches so i wanted to check this place out i mined a few blocks around the torches and i couldn't find any entrances but then i realized that these vines were going up the tree so i decided to explore upwards after a while i realized this was a tree house i wasn't sure if this belonged to a survivor or someone who had been hidra in the dinosaur apocalypse so i was cautious and it seemed at first sight to be abandoned there was a chest with some loot but nothing of real value however there was a book i decided to check it out [Music] the dinosaurs escaped they're everywhere this could be my final day help me this book had clearly been left by someone who had been wiped out before we arrived i wasn't sure what to do with this place so i didn't touch anything more and just left i had been away from home for several days now so i decided it was time to work my way back after running all the way back to the village i saw this dinosaur and after a little bit of research i found out that i can actually tame these things with my whip so i whipped it a few times and then it was mine i was riding a dinosaur for the first time this thing was so cool it was quick and it has so much health i definitely need to keep this guy for in the future and when i leapt off his back he let off one of the coolest sounds i had heard in minecraft [Music] i couldn't decide a name for this guy so if you guys can think of one let me know in the comments down below but finally after a long adventure i cooked up my meat and hit the hay after a refreshing sleep i ventured down into the caves i wanted to grab some diamonds to try and get myself further protected with better armor i grabbed some obsidian whilst i was down here so that i can make an enchantment table when i go back up if i enchant my tools and armor i will have a huge advantage over the other groups of people and also the hostile mobs when i resurfaced i had just enough diamonds to make a few pieces of diamond armor and then it was time to set off on an adventure again i still hadn't found or seen anybody apart from when guilty snuck up on me on day five so i set off to search after not long i came across this house it didn't seem like anybody was home but i still had to be aware of my surroundings i did not want to get snuck up on again [Music] i checked out the inside and this was definitely not abandoned this place has an owner but it's just a question of where are they but then i made a mistake i set their rabbit free they will know that somebody has been here so i decided to hide i had no idea whose this house was and i really wanted to find out so i made a hole in the beach and just waited i waited for a long time the sun had eventually set and nighttime had fell this time i had to stay on the move at night this island is extra deadly so i need to make sure i am not stood still for too long or else things will start attacking me i used the foliage around the house to cover whilst i waited for the owner to return and with it being night time they will come back eventually to sleep and then out of nowhere guilty showed up he was back and clearly not happy about me being near this house i decided to run the last thing i wanted to do was engage in combat with somebody i don't know the strength of i ran for a long time all the way into the jungle and all the way into day 16. i just kept running to make sure i could escape eventually i looped back i realized to be able to talk to him i would have to use a less effective way of communication since he clearly is aggressive and will attack on site so i decided to write him a letter it said hello i'm sure you're wondering what i was doing and why i let your rabbit free it was an accident i am a resident of the village just south of this house i mean well and didn't intend on causing any harm but clearly you seem to have other priorities if you would like to team up to take on this island together let me know i would love some help since well i'm sure you know by now this place isn't kind to people like us so then i set off with my letter on the way there there was a spinosaurus in the path i decided to try and take him on he grabbed me by his mouth and threw me around he destroyed my shield with one bite and i was next i had to run luckily he didn't chase me and then i finally made it back to guilty's house he was still here and i had to be careful since i'm sure he still wanted to kill me once again i used the bushes as cover and then made my way to a temporary spot inside of one i watched him for a bit and he went inside of his house and stood still so i took this opportunity and snuck up towards him i threw the block and made a run to the bush again he left the house and looked around for me but thankfully the bush kept me hidden [Music] and then he started to read this was my time to escape [Music] on my way back i found this dinosaur so i decided to kill him [Music] he sounded so sad and let out the loudest raw i had ever heard but as i was distracted guilty had the chance to read my book and visited my village and when i returned he was still there and he seemed to be writing a reply i climbed the tree and sat and waited and once again night fell pretty quickly but eventually he left the village and ran back home so i dropped down and went to grab the butt i opened the chest and there was more than just a book so i checked my surroundings to make sure i wasn't gonna be jumped and then i went inside to read hi friend sorry for attacking you it's just that well you really look like some of these dinosaurs let's team up i've left you a gift for your troubles guilty this seemed promising i ran out of my village over towards his house i was scared in case he was planning to backstab me but i headed over anyway as i arrived i used my whip to alert him and he came out he seemed friendly so i decided to call him hello hey can you hear me yeah can you hear me yeah i can't what'd you think of my friend [Music] that thing's insane we spoke for a minute about our first few days and then guilty decided he wanted his own pet dinosaur so we set off to get him one he quickly found one and was able to tame it so with my new ally we set off into the world to explore a little as usual a spitter was in the open so i had to make sure he was taken care of [Music] we arrived at the visitor center and this is when i found out that guilty had already been here we entered but it was dark so i had to turn on the lights that's when raptors appeared from the darkness thankfully with two of us they were much easier to kill we continued to explore this place and realized it was partly made of iron blocks so i decided to steal a few nobody will ever know and then guilty told me that he found a bedroom so we decided to stay the night here after exploring this place for a bit in the morning it was time to leave everything had already been ravaged so we set back off home on the way back i saw this super cool pterodactyl and then once i arrived back i said goodbye to guilty for a while once he was gone i got to work on that enchantment table i mentioned earlier i wanted to sharpen a few of my weapons and just make my armor stronger i got to work on a new shield before i did any enchanting and then use some of my levels none of my enchants were amazing but until i get some more bookshelves they will have to do and for those bookshelves i'm going to need sugarcane so i set off to try and find some as far as i could remember i hadn't seen any up to now so this was going to be a challenge i ran out for the entire day and as night fell i heard a distant call for help it was guilty he had run into another tribe and they had attacked him i tried to rush over as fast as possible i ran for a minute and i worried i was going to be too late but then i saw him he showed me the enemy as he took cover and i chased after running for a little bit i decided to flank left if i could follow him in the dark without him knowing i would be able to trace him back to his own campsite but as i got to the clearing he seemed to have slipped away i started killing sheep to make a temporary bed but then the sun made an appearance now it was time to try and track down that rogue human and get revenge on my adventure i came across some truly beautiful locations honestly forge labs you've outdone yourself with this world i came to a creek which i had to cross for my adventure to continue i remember the megalodons i had seen on day one and even though i was scared i entered and started swimming across [Music] and past that jungle was a swamp it was infested with reptiles so i had to assert my dominance [Music] after taking care of the alligators i spotted a campsite in the distance i looked in from afar and it seemed pretty empty so i headed over where is everyone this place is an absolute ghost town yeah there was just nobody here i don't know where everybody was but there was no one here i went over to chop some trees since i needed to cook up some dino me i was getting really low on food as i was cooking up i had another look over to the campsite and there was a player there he was looking my way and i did not want to cause any problems so i decided to leave and run into the jungle the next day i continued to explore this jungle until i found this the person that attacked guilty in the swamp it was his house i found it i tried to sneak up the side of the mountain but he saw me and he clearly didn't want me here he landed a few heavy shots with his boat and i quickly realized i was out powered i scurried away in the hopes he would think i was gone my plan was to sneak back up through the trees and launch an attack and once i was at the top he knew i was here he must have heard me he rushed me and i felt extremely vulnerable so i had to pull away i clearly need to be more stealthy next time on the way home i ran into a spinosaurus i wanted to give this guy another try since the last one really humbled me and at first i put up a really good fight [Music] but once again i was overpowered by this beast but not just him on his own a t-rex appeared out of nowhere and started chasing me as well i looped around to grab my spear from the ground and ran as quick as i could back home [Music] when i got back i saw the pterodactyl i saw a few days ago had followed me home earlier but after a few minutes the sun had slipped beyond the horizon and it was time to call and enter today when i woke up i felt refreshed clear ready to tackle this world again so i started to gather some resources i felt like it was time to make some changes around here i wanted my land to fit in with the environment so i did a huge remodeling mission and in the end this thing turned out amazing [Music] during the build it seemed a bunch of spitted had relocated in my area so i knew what i had to do i made some projectiles and headed out into the night as usual they were sleeping but not for long these things put up an amazing fight but i was able to take them down in the end [Music] and when i woke up on day 35 it seemed the spinosaurus had paid me a visit in the night causing some huge damage to my compound so when i realized the power of these things i decided to add some windows if they can take my wall down anyway it's better to know that they are coming on day 36 i came to the realization that i didn't yet have full diamond armor so i set off on a three-day mining adventure to get some more diamonds to finish off my armor set when i came back i remembered that my enchantment table was still at its lowest level i was distracted on my previous sugarcane hunt earlier so i wanted to set off on a trip again to try and locate some i figured the best place to find this stuff would be a swamp and once i arrived i quickly realized i was in crocodile territory whoa whoa hey whoa hey no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no these things were a lot stronger than the last time i saw them night had fallen quickly and these crocs were appearing out of the darkness every second so i decided to leave whoa hello buddy as i continued to explore i came across the hut from earlier the owner was inside so i put my torch out and tried to hide in the darkness after a minute he went to chop some trees down so i made a run for his bed once morning had come around i found a new campsite it looked like a cage for a dinosaur but there was no people in sight at this place so i continued to explore and i yet again saw the owner of that other house he was still chopping down trees so i just decided to leave him alone and then out of nowhere a spitter showed up i took him down and i was able to continue i entered what i thought was the start of a jungle but i quickly realized it wasn't and this was somebody's base camp and they clearly didn't want me here i used the trees as cover and then launched my attack he hit me with a few arrows so i kept my shield up to appear vulnerable and then i struck he was down my first player kill on this island i felt bad but i had to defend myself i cycled through his loot and then i remembered he may not have been alone so i decided to explore the rest of his land the coast seemed clear he had a full enchantment table inside of his house so i decided to steal all of the books this adventure was initially supposed to be for sugar cane anyway so this is a great substitute i spotted some light radiating from the tree outside so i went to check it out and it seemed to be a secret chest there was some diamonds in here but nothing special so after quite an action-packed trip it was time to head home once again i woke up feeling refreshed and i wanted to start on working on a tree house once again i woke up feeling refreshed and wanted to start working on a treehouse i found this huge tree which was perfect for me to collect the wood from and then on day 44 i planted some trees to start building after i built a platform the next day somebody on a brachiosaurus showed up at mining guilty's land i wasn't sure who it was so i went down to check them out but they must have saw me and they ran i had no clue what was going on so i went over and asked guilty if he saw anything as i went over i realized he had sugarcane so i stole some and then he told me that he also saw the infamous dino rider but we both had no idea who it was so we just made sure we had our backs covered from now on [Music] i continued to build all through the night and by day 50 this place was virtually done i started working on a quite basic path over to guilty's camp and i had to tackle some mobs along the way but in the end this thing looked great on day 53 we met up we talked about the other tribes and we realized there were still so many of them out there that we hadn't even seen yet and we had basically a quarter of the map that we still hadn't yet explored so we set off on an expedition [Music] as usual night time quickly fell and we had to navigate our way through a dense jungle in the dark but then we saw some light radiating from the distance this was new land so we were completely unaware of what this is we had to be careful another tribe could be living down here so as we moved in guilty gave me the nod there were some spitters down here but luckily we were able to take care of them then we discovered this wait yo that's a car yep we found a vehicle this place seemed to be an abandoned crash site we couldn't see anybody around so we went in i tried to start the car but it didn't work we quickly realized that there was a wheel missing from this thing so when day 54 rolled around we decided to run home and make the wheel that was missing from the car thankfully this wheel only required some iron and leather to craft so i was able to get it made super easily i made my way back and attached it to the car yes it's working yes i started to reverse it out but clearly the terrain was too dense so we came up with a plan if we could make a tunnel all the way through the mountain the car would be much easier to transport and this took a long time this tunnel was over 400 blocks long but finally after many days of mining the tunnel was done and the car was able to go down but then with guilty at the wheel he went too close to the wall and the car blew up we were devastated but we salvaged everything we could from the car and then returned home in shame when we got back we found out that we could craft our own car shell with a vehicle bench and after a bit of work we had everything we needed for this vehicle to be recrafted so we went to the beach and assembled it it was incredible this will make travel around the island so much easier so after having way too much fun with this thing and clocking up some mileage on the engine we decided to take it home and park it up for the day the weather quickly changed so i spent today under the shelter while some materials cooked up in the furnace and once the weather did finally clear up i got to work on a garage for our new car [Music] do [Music] [Music] it was very basic but at least the car isn't just sat on our path anymore [Music] once that build was done i got to work on a diamond bow i wanted to head into the nether for the first time and projectiles are a huge help in there so once i had my bow i headed over to the portal for some reason the nether was made of flesh blocks but i wasn't here for those i wanted to try and get some with the skeleton skulls to take on a wither but for some reason these were the skeletons did a ridiculous amount of damage so i decided after not too long i would return home until i was a bit more prepared for here [Music] and good job i left when i did because when i got back through the portal guilty told me he found somebody near our land i rushed over right away and the person was in a jeep i was able to hit him once but with the pace of his car we just couldn't keep up on foot we kept running into the night but he was able to slip away into the darkness so then on day 63 i set off yet again on another mining mission those were the skeletons did way too much damage so i wanted to get some new diamond armor to enchant at full level to hopefully protect me a little bit more [Music] i stumbled across a lot of diamonds over the next three days until i resurfaced at the night of day 66 with 30 diamond ore so after sleeping straight away i placed it all down and used my fortune 2 pickaxe this gave me 45 diamonds in total which meant i could make some new armor and enchanted at a super high level on day 69 i had a bunch of wood lying around and i thought my treehouse needed a little bit of an upgrade so i decided to bulk the tree up and once i did it looked like one huge tree and it was definitely a worthy upgrade but after the treehouse upgrade i still had a bunch of remaining wood left over so i decided to start working on another build it was a cage for my own pet dinosaur and i wanted the build to follow suit with the main part of the compound once the walls were up it was time to get my pet in here he still doesn't have a name so if you have any ideas let me know in the comments down below i made sure he had some trees and grass inside of the cage and then spent the rest of today fixing up the fencing outside to match the new build and then after a quick rest i wanted my pet to have a friend so i set off to try and tame a brachiosaurus on the way towards one i was attacked by spitters but luckily my new weapon was able to defend me well and then i tamed a brachiosaurus i decided to call him bruce since i can't be bothered saying brachiosaurus every single time so i took bruce back to my cage he's a little bit big but it's fine he looks super cool on day 75 i was a very hungry boy in real life so i was afk the whole day just stood inside of my house but then on day 76 i went back into the nether now that i had better protection on my armor i entered this place in the attempt again to get with the skeleton skulls the wither skeletons still did huge damage but luckily i was able to avoid their swings every time although the skeletons i cannot say the same for i had to block in and hide from them and make an escape out of the bottom after they got me super low and after that close call i wanted to head back home for some arrows myself i had none and i realized this adventure would be much easier with some and even as i was trying to leave some mobs almost killed me i knew at this point if he hit me one more time i was dead so i just had to hold up my shield until he used his hit and then had to kill him and then i healed up and headed home so i had to start farming some gravel for flynn but that was when i realized i don't have any feathers for those i'd need some chickens so i started working on a chicken coop that i would be able to farm feathers from luckily i had nine eggs and that was just enough for two chickens and as i waited for them to grow i farmed up some grass for seeds i stared at these guys for a long time but they just weren't doing anything but by the morning they had finally grown so i could start breeding them but since i wasn't going into the nether until i had quite a few arrows i started spending some of my time building whilst i was breeding the chickens i made a sheep farm and spent the whole of day 81 chopping down another mammoth tree for wood so i could build a wheat farm which was really just for the seeds so that i could breed my chickens more the more time i spent building the more chickens i had so i just kept doing it [Music] i spent some more time gathering flint [Music] and then set off to find some sheep to bring home the next day [Music] but finally by day 88 i had a good enough amount of chickens to kill for feathers and then i was finally able to get a load of arrows before i headed back into the nether i saw a tent nearby the portal that guilty had built so i slept there to skip the night and then headed into the nether since in the past it usually has taken me much more than 11 days to get the skeleton heads for a wither i decided to abandon my wither skeleton mission and just explore the custom nether there was a bunch of naturally cool builds in here so i wanted to explore a bit at one point a group of tarantulas attacked me and i got really really low but my arrows came in huge help so luckily these arrows were a good choice [Music] but it wasn't just the spiders that were making this trip hard some of the custom terrain was poisonous and did some huge damage but in the distance i spotted a nether bone i had to grab some blocks to bridge over to it and once i had them the bridging started as i got to it there seemed to be a mob on it so i was careful and started shooting at it but i quickly realized it was just a statue so i headed down below there was some pretty cool lou and obviously the ravanger i am i stole it all as i left it seemed some of the tarantulas from earlier had followed me along my bridge so i had to take care of those and right after i did i spotted another nether boat in the distance so once again i started picking up blocks to head over to it i had an extremely close call with the poison [Music] but thankfully i was able to get out alive and make it over to the ship once again the loot was pretty good nothing insane but i'll take it because it's all free so as i left i realized i was a long way from home so started heading back the terrain was extremely challenging and i had a very close call with death the poison got me super weak and i was one shot away from dying to a spider but thankfully i was able to block up and hide from these things before they got that final hit everywhere i went these things were there trying to kill me i couldn't get away from them there was hundreds of them stay away get away away oh my god they're everywhere well finally by day 94 i had made my way all the way back to the portal and was able to head home finally the sun oh my god feels great for some reason i was overly happy to see the sun but i went straight into my chest room and deposited all of the stuff that i got from this trip which actually was quite a lot of stuff but i wasn't the only one that had been to the nether guilty had also been whilst i was in there and he came back with the ugliest looking wood i had ever seen i don't know why he built a house out of this but it looks like beta minecraft and then i decided to spend the night time of day 95 up my tree house the view was great from up here i woke up and after talking to guilty the day before it was time to start preparing for an attack on one of the few remaining tribes the one that attacked guilty in the swamp i tried a solo attack earlier but clearly i was out powered so we both started preparing for a joint attack whilst i was preparing i was attacked by spitters but thanks to some help for guilty i was able to just avoid death and then i was able to make some arrows and we were able to set off into the afternoon of day 97 to get some revenge as usual night fell pretty quickly and we had to spend it away from home and when we woke up i had another close call with spitters oh my god i'm gonna die it's gonna you'll help it's gonna kill me it's gonna kill me but after healing up we had ventured deep into the jungle on the search for the base and we even had to tackle an earthquake which have only started to occur in the last five days of this world we had to spend another night on the jungle floor and when we woke up we had to explore through another earthquake but finally after almost two days of traveling we made it it was the enemy's house in sight we dropped down into the darkness of the jungle and attacked them from the bottom we wanted to burn them out of their own house and then pick them off one at a time once we set their tree on fire we found another nearby tree and started to climb and then we just waited but then after a minute the fire spread and we were exposed one bow shot took almost half of my health but i was able to strike back my bow had punch two and i sent one of them flying from the mountain to his death now it was a 2v1 we took over his house and pushed him out he tried to take cover in the tree but due to the fire the path wasn't safe and he also fell to his death unaware at the time we were still on edge but then guilty found his loot and confirmed his death revenge had been served we filtered through the loot and then started to head home it was night time again and this jungle is the worst place to be in at night after a little bit of walking the sun appeared it was finally day 100. whilst we were gone it seemed an earthquake hit our area one of gilty's houses and a huge part of the path had been destroyed this crater was massive and then guilty gave me a shout and told me that it had gone all the way to the beach i made my way over and tried to make a leap across but the ground broke beneath me and i was trapped i scrambled to get out but i couldn't this thing just kept getting deeper and then [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 2,217,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, Minecraft, Funny, Happy, Minecraft videos, Modded, War, Private, Survival server, Sword4000, Sword, 4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 200 days, 100 days hardcore, 1 year, 100 days challenge, 100 days Hardcore challenge, 100 days Tribal Island, Tribal Island, Survival Island, Jurassic Park, Jurassic Mod, Minecraft Tribal Island, Dinosaurs Minecraft, Jurassicraft, Dinosaurs in Minecraft, Guilty, Guilty Hardcore, 100 nights, 100 days Minecraft, 100 days Modded
Id: j3cPTSSen9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 9sec (3249 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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