I Survived 100 DAYS as an IRON GOLEM in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned in as a baby Iron Golem although I had only just spawned I knew my sole purpose was to protect the land and all of its residents I'm gonna be the best security guard there is just then a Pillager King emerged with his army and said in 100 days my secret weapon will be completed and every village in the world will belong to me and my Army but I'm just one Gollum how am I supposed to defend every town in the world on day two I decided to start small and seek out a village that could need the help of an iron golem after a bit of traveling I spotted a village being ravaged by spiders time to kick some butt I rush into battle and began to fight them all off as a baby Iron Golem I had 20 hearts and my attacks packed a punch each spider I hit was launched into the air I had super knockback after some back and forth I managed to take down the Swarm not bad for day two upon my victory members of The Village gathered around and praised me for saving them what happened to your local Golem he's been on the Frets we don't know what's wrong with them well maybe I can talk it out with them on day three I traveled in search of the Lost Golem but no matter how much I looked I couldn't find him where could he be suddenly I was ambushed by a Pillager oh a little baby Iron Golem you're coming with me no way I tried my best to fight him off but he was too tough at my size it didn't take long for him to overwhelm me and knock me out cold when I came to I was at a Pillager Outpost I was trapped in a cage and in front of me stood the Pillager King what's a foolish little Golem doing in my neck of the woods none of your business I'm gonna stop your plans at this size you're hilarious soon my weapon will wipe you all out the Pillager King left leaving me at the mercy of his guards I thought I was finished when suddenly an armored Golem appeared leave the kid alone he began to fight off the group of pillagers with his Incredible strength he seemed Unstoppable and could knock them back with ease so cool the pillagers began to Pile in but he was still able to put up a fight I had never seen an iron golem with this strength before to become just as strong as he is the dust settled and the Golem came to set me free but just as he was about to a pill just snuck behind him and landed a powerful hit the Golem slayed him and let me out of my prison afterwards the two of us ran away from The Outpost before more backup could arrive on my next day I decided to take a rest defending Villages for Monsters can be tiring so I like to play Dragon City which now has all the best Walking Dead characters in Dragon form Dragon City is an awesome free-to-play mobile game there's over a thousand different dragons to collect each with different elements and Rarities best of all it's available on all devices my favorite part of Dragon City is the master Arenas a PVP battle system where you take on other Dragon Masters you can also do weekly minigames for daily prizes and to catch new dragons in addition there's the Divine pass for even more rewards The Walking Dead is joining Dragon City iconic characters like Negan Rick and Michonne are now available in awesome dragon form to get these exclusive dragons download Dragon City by clicking the link in the description below or scan the QR code and get a special free start pack with 15 000 food 30 000 gold and the Epic zombie nature dragon thanks Dragon City for sponsoring this video on days four through seven I found a hiding spot for me in the Iron Golem to hunker down thank you for saving me of course I wish I could do the same for my Village wait you're the Golem I was looking for what happened something hasn't been feeling right so I haven't been able to protect my Village properly that Pillager Hit me hard I don't have much time is there any way I could get strong like you I want to defeat the king you're a fool if you think you can do that he's too powerful I won't go down without a fight well there might be one way seek out the other golems across the land they all want to protect their homes the same as you and I the Iron Golem succumbed to his wounds and dropped a mysterious upgrade in his place I picked it up out of curiosity and suddenly transformed into an adult Iron Golem I now had 30 Hearts I won't let you down I'll protect your village and all of the others on days eight through ten I knew if I wanted to survive my journey I would need to start working on a home base time to get Gathering I punched down some trees for wood which I used to create a crafting bench and make a wooden pickaxe afterwards I mined some Cobblestone and upgrade it to stone tools with all my tools completed I went back in mind for a ton of cobblestone afterwards I got to work on my base using the materials I had on hand I wanted it to eventually become a massive security HQ uh yeah it's got a long way to go all of that building had really worked up in an appetite so I sit up in search of some grub just as the sun began to set I came across another Village could I have some of your crops I would if I had some there's something that keeps eating our crops at night that's no good I'll check it out on days 11 through 14 I decided to camp out at the villager's Garden to wait until I could catch whatever was terrorizing the crops wait what was that I saw something out of the corner of my eye and left into action chasing whatever it was deeper into the woods it was fast but I was determined to protect those crops and that Village it bobbed and weaved around the trees like its life depended on it I finally got up to it when wait where did it go it was nowhere to be seen things don't just disappear where are you hiding all of a sudden something fell and hit my head what the food I looked up and saw a copper gone munching away in a tree hey get down here that's not yours I'm sorry the pill which has destroyed my home and now we're so hungry oh I'm I'm sorry to hear that little guy well if you promise not to do it again maybe you'd want to come stay with me really I love that I knew home what's your name mom Gizmo gansopolis the fourth I'll just call you Gizmo we returned back to the base and I started to build Gizmo a room to stay maybe he'd be able to help me turn this place into a real security headquarter someday as a gift of thanks he shared some of his food with me knowing it's all he had it really meant a lot to me I was excited to start this new friendship yay thank you Max on days 15 through 18 I went out and searched for more Golems the more Golems I could find the more help I could get to protect the land from the king's weapon after searching for a while I came across a village swarmed with zombies it looks like all the villagers have been zombified this is horrible all of a sudden a Golem appeared from around the house and was trying to fight off the zombies oh my gosh I have to help him wait please don't hurt them these are my people uh I think they're kind of a lost cause dude please I think I know a way to save them I had to think fast if we were gonna save these zombie villagers and somehow turn them back to normal I quickly built a small pen to Corral the zombie villagers I made sure to add a roof so no sunlight would cause them to burn either thank you for respecting my wishes my name is Gary sure I'm Max you really think you know a way you can cure them I know a guy he's well versed in alchemy and I'm sure he could prove something I can fix this okay then let's go find this Alchemist I should stay here and keep an eye on my villagers just to make sure they stay safely in this thing but follow this it'll lead you right to him good plan all right I'll follow this map and be right back on days 19-21 I followed the map until I could find The Alchemist I'd never heard of curing zombieism before but it would be incredible if this rumor was true after much travel I found a flower Forest where a nature gone was waiting Are You The Alchemist I was told about Intruder he suddenly lunged me and knocked me back with a mighty blow whoa ouch what gives I'm not here to fight oh shall fall for the mighty king what it seemed like it was no use the nature girl I'm charging me and all I could do was try to defend myself I didn't want to ruin the only chance so zombie villagers had but I couldn't fall here either snap out of it already what is wrong with this guy while trying to knock some sense into this guy I saw a potion fall off of him and land on the ground I ran over and grabbed the potion and ran off before things could get any worse I am out of here the Pillager King will guide us all I returned to the zombified village and hurried over to tell Gary what happened that doesn't sound like my friend this has to be that awful pillager's doing wait you think he's taking control of the Golems on days 22-24 I use the mysterious potion I got from The Alchemist to cure all the villagers of their zombieism wow wow I'm so happy that worked that's the gift of thanks the villagers gave me tons of seeds and crops that I could use for my own garden not the best Max thank you it's all in a day's work thank you for all of your help Max please take this as a token of my gratitude wow thanks Gary I appreciate it that map will lead you to a magnificent City if anybody can help you on your journey it would be him sing I'll be sure to visit him hopefully the Pillager King hasn't gotten to him too I I left the village but now I had new things to be worried about my Gollum Brethren were now being controlled by an evil King if I was gonna say to save them and stop him I was gonna need to get stronger I'm mine for some coal and iron and built a furnace nearby to craft an iron pickaxe further down the mine I even found some diamond with those in hand I crafted a new diamond pickaxe I headed back to the base to regroup I caught up with Gizmo and expanded the base to make room for our materials I built some chests and filled the room with them afterwards I used my iron ingots to make a bucket I also crafted a hoe so I could finally get started on my garden I gather some water in my new bucket and started forming my garden outside the base now we don't have to worry about food anymore Gizmo then walked up and handed me a poppy hey thanks what's this for Norwegian I just thought you'd like it oh a certain Golems do love poppies thanks bud I planted gizmos poppy right next to mine now this is really starting to feel like home on days 25-27 I decided to follow Gary's map to find his rumored magnificent City and Powerful Golem as I searched I realized that only a small percentage of the viewers watching are actually subscribed smash that subscribe button and ring the bell for notifications after a while I discovered an entire city made of diamond whoa this is beautiful I wonder what it's like to protect a city like this I made my way towards the gates when suddenly a massive diamond golem stopped me in my tracks sorry you may not pass why not you need a Diamond badge to pass only Golems receive all four pieces of the badge will be allowed inside it's really important though you seem like a good kid so I'll give you some advice you can get Pieces by protecting Villages go to the dark Village of the East nobody goes there well I do like to help others I'll do it thank you I started to travel towards the dark Village in search of my ticket inside I wanted to know what was so special about that place that they had to keep it locked up I'll have to find out when I get the badge on days 28-31 I arrived at the dark Village of the East and immediately I could tell the place lived up to its name the place was run down and criminals ran through the streets the residents stayed in their homes too fearful to step outside this place is Eerie I peaked some narrow Alleyways until finally discovering an iron golem in critical condition what happened here I am the Iron Golem of this Village our town is a crime Zone it's always been like this well not anymore I'm here to help I began my quest to stop out all crime in the dark Village as well as build up its defenses I started by going in Hot Pursuit of a robber that had stolen someone's shulker box here you go sir my hero next I scared off some punks causing trouble for the residents they underestimated my strength and I put them in their place you're not the usual eye in Gollum we mess with that's right I'm the gum who won't put up with your baloney get out of here finally I rebuilt some of their damage infrastructure and the village was beginning to feel safer and safer people were even beginning to leave their homes and enjoy their town this is great suddenly I heard a massive crash in the distance I ran to check it out and discovered a TNT Golem destroying a newly built structure my place didn't matter the Golem charged at me full speed on days 32-34 I had to fight the giant TNT Golem the last thing I wanted to do was hurt another protector but right now he wasn't in the right mind he threw explosives wildly all over the place leaving craters in the ground I dodged the best I could and tried to use Force to knock some sense back into him you're supposed to protect not destroy I'm sorry but I have to stop you what's what's going on hey man are you okay I don't know the last thing I remember is uh a prototype he took over my mind onward men ah and face me yourself King you're a strong one aren't you well now it's time you lend your strength to my arm all hail the king wait are you saying that what's taking over gom's Minds is only a prototype that's right he's the Pillager King completes his weapon or Golem forever that's awful I can't let that happen thank you for freeing my mind I will stay and help me build this Village that I will be destroyed the Golem then toss me a piece of the diamond badge awesome thank you only three more pieces to go on days 35-38 I returned home I realized that I needed to beef up my own base after hearing what the King was capable of I don't want to get mind controlled I started by rethinking the foundational material of the bass I was an iron golem so it should be made of iron I took out my pickaxe and got to mining getting loads of iron ore in the process after a lot of gathering I crafted up a bunch of furnaces which I used to smelt the ore into ingans finally I use my iron to grab plenty of iron blocks now it's time for the fun part I replace all the oak pillars of my new iron ones I could already tell that this structure was much more secure now while I was at it I expanded too adding a few additional rooms now I just need one more thing I use my excess Cobblestone to make some walls which I use to start a perimeter around the base for Extra Protection let's see the pillagers attack us now as I was wrapping up Gizmo ran up to me we have been reports of pillage at Outpost being built nearby time for some sabotage on days 39-41 I travel to The Outpost that Gizmo had told me about but when I arrived I saw I was too late The Outpost had nearly been completed and it was placed on the remains of a village that had been torn down this is terrible I couldn't save this town in time even though the village was destroyed I could still drive out the Pillager Army from causing further harm I rushed down the mountain and into battle to fight the pillagers I pummeled them with all my strengths and sent them flying into the sky that's what you get for hurting innocent people their numbers were overwhelming but I still managed to come out on top I thought the battle was over until suddenly a giant Pillager emerged from The Outpost uh oh you're big armed with my stone sword I moved in to land Swift attacks on the enemy his powerful Hammer packed a punch dealing heavy hits to my health bar thankfully I was able to outclass him with my Golem strength finally once all the pillagers were defeated I began to scout out the town for any survivors after a bit of looking I discovered a family of villagers hiding inside one of the remaining houses it's a safe to come out yes but this Village is too far gone come stay at my base it's safe there that sounds great I returned to the base and quickly built him a house to call their own besides the HQ thank you for your help please take this what is it it's a part that belonged to your iron golem he died protecting everyone until the very end he would want you to have it I thanked them and accepted their gift the upgrade suddenly disappeared and gave me 10 Hearts I won't let something like this happen to a village ever again on days 42-45 I was tending to the base when suddenly I was visited by the Pillager gate what are you doing here you've been a real pain in my side so I thought I'd pay you a visit what do you want I want you to stop meddling into things that don't involve you I've always hated you Golems you always put your lives on the line to defend Villages but as pillages are left to fend for ourselves you have never been anything but a nuisance to our kind and now I'm taking what's out when my weapon is complete all of you Golems will belong to me at last with you out of the way I will as if netherade Gala enjoy my little Abomination the king fled and the nether I gone charging me full speed no wait I don't why don't you all pathetic Golem and bow to the king the massive creature didn't respond to my voice at all he was no longer a Golem but a monster completely lost to the king's spell I have to protect my home I'm sorry I stopped holding back and went all out on the mind-controlled Golem I pulled at my ax and started swinging but his giant Shield was hard to get around luckily my powerful knockback ability could launch him into the sky he swung with his giant hammer but I maneuvered around him the best I could I switched my sword to get some Swift hits in when he was vulnerable seeing that I was faster than him he spun and hit me with his giant tail after a fierce battle I summoned all of my strengths and the netherite Golem finally fell to his death has his mind control gotten stronger on days 46-48 I made myself an iron ax and sword afterwards I was worried about the growing power of the king's abilities when suddenly I realized the nature Golem was still in danger he could be getting worse I have no time to lose I returned to the sanction where I originally discovered it but there was nobody there just then I heard a massive crashing noise in the distance I followed the crashing sounds and found the nature Golem terrorizing a forest and its animals hey stop that death to all Traders I went down to intervene and without a second thought the nature Golem once again attacked me I pleaded with him to make him stop but my words weren't doing anything again guess I just have to knock some sense into you I began to fight back the two of us were neck and neck and equally matched as golems and strength however I had something to one him up my sword I sliced down the nature Golem and even used the terrain to land an attack from above after a while I use my ax to dwindle him down which was very effective he was starting to crack maybe it was the fact I had gotten stronger but by some miracle I managed to knock the nature Golem out of his trance I'm so sorry my boy the Pillager King he don't worry I'm glad you're okay but this is getting out of hand I'm well versed in alchemy and I made new numerous potions perhaps I can cure the Pillager King's spell I'll need time but I'll get to work right away that's a great idea I left the Golem a map to the base so he could return when he had more updates on the status of the Cure on days 49-52 I began to travel back home when I was stopped by a zombified piglet go away I followed the piglet through another portal we arrived at a Bastion which was being terrorized by a massive Gold Golem stop this now I don't want to hurt you I will crush you tiny Defender just like all the others the gollum launching me with all of their strength I had to fight the two of us went back and forth Landing heavy blows from each side the zombified piglets had nowhere to run but they gave us space to duel down the ring I juggled the big ugly taxi piece in the air with my knockback ability and sliced into him with my sword he was tough but my ax helped crack his armor however he didn't show any signs of letting up the Pillager King really has a tight grip on this one after a lot of struggle I managed to knock out the gold gone cold I knew he could still be mind controlled so I quickly got to work on a cage as a precaution by the time the Golem came too he was trapped oh hell the king oh hail the king is he really gonna be okay in there yes I promise I'll have a cure soon well thank you for your bravery please take this as a gift or thanks the pigland then handed me the second piece of the diamond badge I won't let y'all down on days 53-55 I was worried that the king's mind control was getting stronger with each passing day I better reinforce the base even more I can't risk his weapon affecting any one of us I added more layers to my walls to try to keep the king's mind control out next next I found some things that could help improve our security oh really awesome lay it on me Gizmo tossed over tons of cameras and high-tech computers wow Gizmo where did you find all of this I like kayaking kismos that's why people call me that cool let's go install these right now I began expanding the headquarters to make a whole room dedicated to Gizmo's new tech with all these cameras at my disposal I could really step up my game in the security business I went around and Revisited all the towns that I helped so far and installed cameras throughout each of them giving me eyes and ears all over the world just in case any of them needed my help once again when I returned to the base I found the nature Golem waiting for me have you already finished the Cure not yet but things are getting dangerous outside can I stay here of course I then moved the nature Golem into a own room in the base this is perfect thank you on days 56-59 I decided I needed some more help I went out to search for more gone consisting only of creepers this place is a time bomb I walked around but the place was a ghost town all of the residents appeared at me through the windows of their home I have a feeling I'm not welcome here I stumbled upon a lone creeper outside minding his business I figured I could ask him for directions and continue on my way excuse me sir [Music] thank you oops after the eruption of the creeper I heard heavy footsteps approaching me from behind I turned around to find their Cobblestone Golem towering over me sorry I didn't mean to the Cobblestone gone blew up dealing massive damage to me in the process I thought he was done for it but he was able to combine all of his pieces back together to revive himself the Cobblestone gone clearly didn't want me around in his village and was willing to explode himself to get me to leave how was I supposed to fight something that could just reform itself together once it broke apart I tried slashing at the little pieces of the Golem that were scattered around I figured the less pieces that make it back to the main Golem head the weaker he was getting the Gob wouldn't stop exploding long enough to listen to reason so I had to take him out if I wanted to escape my life after I broke apart the last piece of the Golem the horde of Creeper residents ran after me as a mob I had no choice but to run away I'm sorry on days 60-63 I came back for my weird adventure to regroup at the base it turns out the nature gone was there waiting for me I've crafted a new potion for you to test out on a mind-controlled Golem I believe it may actually remove the king's mind control really does it work I can't know for sure that's why I need you to test it out I remembered that the Gold Golem in the nether needed help so I headed straight there to test it out I arrived to see that the gold gone was still deeply mind controlled luckily he was still locked up so he couldn't hurt anybody here goes nothing oh you're so cute he was so small that I figured I could let him out of his cage he couldn't hurt a fly now but out of nowhere he grew to an even big eyes than before oh no not cute oh hell the king oh man bad day bad day bad day he chased me around all over the place even faster and stronger than before things weren't looking good for me but all of a sudden the Golem stopped and trunk back down to normal size uh are you still loyal to the king ah of course not that guy stinks you're cured thank you so much now that I'm free I'm going to go back to protecting my Village keep it the good work on days 64 through 66 I returned to the base to tell the nature Golem what happened it's definitely got some Kinks to work out but I'm getting close thank you the nature Golem got back to work and Gizmo walked up to me hey Max I want to show you something I followed Gizmo curious as to what he wanted to show me finally we arrived at a magnificent Field of Flowers whoa this is beautiful I thought you'd like it my mama always loved flowers too I'm sure you miss her I do but I have you with my family now you're my family too buddy the two of us enjoyed the view everything was good in the world until suddenly the Pillager King emerged oh how touching what do you want only to have you off my back you're forcing my hand foolish Gollum I won't stop until you fall from your throne then you leave me no choice the Pilger King took out his prototype in zaft Gizmo he immediately started acting weird whoa buddy are you okay Max I'll feel so good all of a sudden Gizmo change forms he had been corrupted by the king's Powers all hail the king Gizmo ran at me full speed ready to attack me to the death I pleaded with him to stop but he wouldn't back down no Gizmo stop I couldn't bring myself to fight my friend and ran away as fast as I could run while you can you're going to be next on days 67 through 70 I rushed home to tell the nature Golem what had happened I gave you the last of my antidotes and my new batch won't be done for a few days give me time I was feeling anxious about Gizmo so I decided to try and sleep it off unfortunately for me I fell asleep into a horrible nightmare I was inside of a void where there was nothing but black for miles around me where am I before I could get my bearings the Villager King emerged in front of me let me into your mind Max I'll never let you toy with my head suddenly a corrupted Gizmo appeared behind me join the king you'll be so happy what no I joined the king you'll be so happy I woke up in a cold sweat thankfully it was only a nightmare the king's trying to get into my head I have to save Gizmo now on days 71-74 I spoke with the nature Golem again to find that he had finally completed the next iteration of his cure that's great news but I must warn you this Brew still has its faults there's a chance it could cure the user but it could also be lethal lethal I wanted a cure not poison there's only a one percent chance of user dying I'm afraid it's the best I can do right now okay I'll take it just in case thank you with my questionable care in hand I left to find the whereabouts of Gizmo it didn't take too long before I stumbled upon Him wreaking havoc with some pillagers I'm coming buddy I started by taking out the Pillager Army I had bought off so many of them by now that I knew their attack patterns even so they can still pack a punch thanks to their sheer numbers all the while Gizmo attacked innocent villagers I took out the fleet leaving only Gizmo remaining snap out of it Gizmo I'm your family I will kill all who oppose the king I had no choice but to fight him thanks to my knockback I was able to keep him off me but he was Far stronger under the influence of the Pillager King we traded hits back and forth but the longer the fight went on the more difficult it was to keep him at Bay I struggled to keep up and he showed no signs of stopping his Onslaught at this rate I'll lose I had no choice but just throw my potion at him causing him to almost immediately stop in his tracks everything went silent Gizmo on days 75-77 I watch a skizmo transformed back into his normal self what where am I Max Gizmo you're okay uh I feel horrible thank you for saving me the two of us headed home and when I got there I figured it was time to finish my base I began expanding the HQ to make it look more like a security up with that I built more house for appeal to come stay a fountain and I installed new security cameras to the surrounding area for Extra Protection after that I went around recruiting people who had lost their homes to stay at my HQ we traveled back to the base where I showed local villagers into their new high security homes finally I added a poppy Garden for all to enjoy but especially in celebration of Gizmo's return yay with that my super high-tech security base was complete nobody's getting hurt on my watch this place is a fortress just then the nature Golem approached me I'm still improving the Cure but take this in the meantime we'll make you stronger he dropped me a potion and I drank it immediately its effects gained me 10 more Hearts whoa now I'm stronger than ever thank you on days 78-81 I travel to the night until I came across a bunch of jack-o-lanterns scattered around a snow biome that's ominous I decided to follow the trail which led me to a town made entirely a pumpkins as I explored further I realized that all the residents were Snow Golems a village of gollums that's nice eventually I found a circle of snow golem surrounding immune snow golem in front of them what are you guys doing our Golem has shown us the way of the Pillager King we always do whatever he says what but the king is bad news no way are mutant snow cone would never do anything to harm the city you'd have to mind control him to do that well about that just then the mutant snow golem spotted me foreign he instantly rushed over and started attacking me bringing his army of snow villagers with him into the prey I had no choice but to Duke it out with them he was incredibly strong and used his huge fist to try to do me in luckily I was no pushover either I launched him into the air while fending off angry villagers at the same time they were swarming me all around and it was super hard not to hurt them while trying to wake up their snow golem leader don't let that iron golem attack our leader stop I'm trying to help after a lot of back and forth the mutant snow golem snapped out of his trance causing all the snow going villagers to stop fighting too oh my gosh I'm sorry for the trouble dangerous if anyone deserves to witness a diamond City it's you the mutant gave me the third piece of the badge making me one step closer towards the secret of the city only one left to go on days 82-84 I came across a straw Maze of some sort huh ice this matches the whole jack-o-lantern theme please help my baby I think he's lost your baby of course ma'am where did you last see him please please help me find my little Timothy I bravely rushed into the maze to try to find her son Timothy Timothy where the hey are you I hit dead end after dead end trying to find my way deeper into the maze I ran as fast as I could through the maze yelling for Timothy you're not Timothy are you right sorry to bother you I kept moving until suddenly I saw something bolt by hey hello Timothy I chased the mysterious figure through the Maze and tell haha hey I'm washing here oh oops I'm sorry I left leaving the dude in peace oh no you got me but your haunting will have to end here your mom has been looking everywhere for you [Music] our way through the ridiculous Jemez and Men back up with Timothy's mom my baby oh thank you so much for finding my boy no problem ma'am just maybe next time try smaller maze ooh I sure am hungry now she thanked me by sharing her amazing homemade bread and then I made my way back to the HQ to rest on days 85-88 I returned home to find the king waiting for me what are you doing here I see you freed your little friend it's no matter I always wanted you to begin with why do you keep coming here I'm not falling for your tricks you've become very entertaining to watch but my weapon is near incompletion soon you will also succumb to my mind control I'd rather die than serve you fine then die the king summoned a massive Fern is gone to do me in his face turned bright red and he stomped towards me to attack I started by using my sword which broke almost instantly I switched my iron ax and continued to Duke it out the Golem's metallic fist packed a punch and even set me on fire luckily there was a nearby body of water for me to extinguish the Flames I did enough to crack his armor but even so he was too powerful he overcame me and I lost aren't you going to run uh I'll stand with my people until the very end Cube Golems are all the same so boring I can't kill you like this I'll be back when my weapon is complete and I'll make sure you're the first mind I take he left with his monster leaving me defeated that was too close I have to get stronger if I want to beat him next time on days 89 through 91 I made a diamond sword it's about time once I had everything situated at the base I finally set off in search of the final piece of the diamond badge as I passed through Villages from a plane's biome to a desert biome none of them needed help it seemed like my security had reached all parts of the Overworld I'm glad everything is p useful but I need that last badge piece suddenly a little Enderman teleported up to me who are you oh mengi Jr messenger of the end City I heard your stories of Simon gollums and we need your help lead the way I followed Andy Jr all the way to a city it was far but once we arrived we discovered an obsidian golem rampaging across the entire city I could already tell that he was a lost cause he didn't even notice that I'd arrived to stop him all right nature Gollum don't let me down I took out my diamond sword and ran in for battle I could have thrown the potion on him immediately but I wanted to see if I could serve my only cure I only had one potion so no redos the obsidian Gollum was so focused on attacking the Enderman that he didn't pay me any money I tried to talk some sense into him first but no matter what I did he wouldn't snap out of it as he continued to kill Enderman I had no choice I took up my potion and threw it at him please no side effects the Obsidian Golem ceased to attack me and came to his senses right away the Cure at long last was a success thank you for saving our city please take this as a thank you from all the Enderman Andy Jr awarded me with the final missing piece transforming all of my pieces into a diamond badge now I can go to Diamond City on days 92-94 I finally was able to enter the diamond City with my new protector badge I walked right up to the gate proudly good day little one I see you've gotten your badge Simmons you are now free to enter awesome finally I was ushered through the gate and into the massive beautiful Diamond Castle it was amazing I was soon led to the diamond cities Library where the diamond golem stopped in his tracks I will no longer pass beyond this point speak to the master Gollum with utmost dignity I walked inside to find an ancient Golem waiting inside of the library for me greeting sir I've come to tell you about a threat to all Golem kind I told him everything I knew about the Pillager King including the discovery of a cure I'm afraid a cure would only be a temporary solution once the weapon is completed the Pillager King will overpower all of us regardless we can't let that happen it I agree you must take the Pillager King down before his weapon is completed allow me to train you of course when do I start now then my training session began lesson one is parkour you must jump from platform to platform over a pit of lava why do I have to do something so life-threatening we must be able to protect in any situation if you cannot Traverse difficult terrain you are not a worthy Golem I mustered all my courage and began the difficult task there were a few close calls but I managed to clear the jumps lesson two is endurance training I will hit you with my sword your body will crack Ed your arm go once you recover sounds tough but let's do this the master Golem chipped away my armor little by little it was a tough task but once I was low enough Health he gave me a potion of regeneration I healed myself back to full health and gained five hearts in the process whoa that really worked after a lot of training it was finally time for my last lesson lesson three combat you must win in battle with my most powerful Warrior who's that me on days 95-98 it was time for my final test a duel with the master golf you want me to fight you to know you've truly mastered the skills I've taught you we must fight well I know you're a worthy opponent but just know I won't go easy on you I'm counting on it I rush into battle using all the skills I learned to take down my master he was extremely tough and his Diamond exterior and shield didn't make it any easier additionally he had a massive Diamond blade of his own that cracked me in a short amount of time despite his size and power I wasn't going to be outmatched that easily using my own Diamond blade I landed clean hit to my own that even knocked him back after a lot of back and forth his armor began to crack as well uh yeah ouch yeah this was by far the most intense battle I had ever faced but by the end of it I managed to defeat my master and even gain five Hearts whoa that training really did a lot I have nothing more to teach you please take this weapon as well as armor to Aid you in the battle with the Villager King you're our last hope I thanked him for everything and continued on my way the time to end this was now on day 99 I returned to the base and started to make any necessary preparations for the battle ahead I gathered plenty of food and said my goodbyes to the residents of my home as I was finishing up Gizmo walked up to me are you sure you could take him on he's incredibly powerful I've been training for this moment nothing is Gonna Stop Me Now good luck let's look at the flowers again when you come back okay before leaving I checked in on the nature Golem to say my goodbyes ah Max I have one final Brew for you he handed me a post a post strength this will come in handy thank you I left in search of the Pilger King's whereabouts as I looked I discovered some pillagers making a Ruckus stop right there I jumped in and took out the group there was a decent amount of them but I was able to take them down with my brute strength upon their death they dropped a map to a palace now that's convenient I followed the map until arriving at the Pillager King's domain this would be my final battle for the fate of the world it's time to end this on day 100 I entered the Pillager King's Palace the place was crawling with guards who took notice of me right away using my new sword I slash at them repeatedly in quick succession I thought I'd finish the job when Moore came barreling down the stairs I continued to use my blade to cut the onslaught down to size they were no match for my strength or sheer speed hiding go before more show up I rushed down the steps into the throne room where I found the King was already waiting for me inside well well well if it isn't my favorite Iron Golem your days of terrorizing Villages are over my weapon will be completed in a matter of minutes and you will be the one terrorizing for me what makes you think I can't take you out now you've never fought me yourself and nobody is here to save you now oh I'm already one step ahead of you suddenly the Pillager King transformed into a giant gone Mecca you'll like it I call it the Golem grind head you're going down weakling the Pilger King lunged forward and the final battle began the Pillager King was incredibly powerful armed with this prototype he struck me down with intense lighting attacks his gong grinder wasn't just a flashy name I could feel his immense power with each and he landed unfortunately for him I had grown much stronger than I was before I slice him down at Great speeds with my blade but he had another trick up his sleeve the Villager King summoned furnace Golems to Adam in battle did you miss your friends get him boys they were the same kind of golems that defeated me before but my training had led me up to this moment their attacks all set me Ablaze just like before luckily I had a bucket of water just in case I poured it out and used it to extinguish the Flames after a lot of fighting I took out the last furnace column leaving only me and the Pillager King once again oh miss Cafe with one final hit the Pillager King went down finally freeing all of Gollum kind from his mind control yes I download Dragon City today with this QR code or link below to get the awesome Walking Dead dragons and thanks again to Dragon City for sponsoring this video
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 7,092,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rsyS1W_7SCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 31sec (2551 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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