I Survived 100 Days as a SHEEP in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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imagine you're a sheep eating grass and fighting monsters for a hundred days on day one i spawned in as a sheep i was on a farm surrounded by my own kind howdy guys as a baby sheep i only have four hearts okay so avoid high legends i spent some time eating some grass while i did i was introduced to the sheep herder and his sheep dog oh hello there little one welcome to the world i'm joseph this here is lucky we'll be taking care of you it's great to be here it was time for bed that night though skeletons attacked our farm i wanted to help but i was too weak and didn't have any tools eventually the fighting stopped and we went to bed on day two the sun rose on our home well everyone we got a lot of work to do max could you gather some materials ready to help i quickly left the pen to get to work i went to a nearby forest collecting wood i used it to make a crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe i used the pickaxe to mine cobblestone which i then used to make a stone axe i chopped down some more trees then returned back home when i got back i made some fences for future animals while i was finishing up my work we were visited by a strange man who's that ah the king and what do i owe the pleasure skip the pleasantries peasant i'll be needing all your livestock including the sheep what absolutely not that wasn't a question give them to me now i will die before you take my animals you have one day to comply and if you don't do as i say then maybe you will die goodbye filthy peasant what a monster we can't let him get away with this in preparation for a fight i crafted as many wooden swords as i could whether we liked it or not a fight was coming on day three we were out of time just as we feared a skeleton army attacked our home they attacked animals left and right and were even taking sheep and cows no give them back even with our weapons the skeleton army was too strong get out of here max now and take my son with you i agreed to keep his son safe and fled our home before i could turn around to leave the king approached our home such a pidgey come with me peasant it's time to lock you up forever right then i vowed to destroy the king's empire and build a better one on days four through six i woke up in a field we were hungry so we ate the last bit of our food turning us both into adults whoa now as a full-grown sheep i have 10 hearts i decided i was gonna need a base for myself and the puppy wait you don't have a name yet how about moe i found a good area and cut down a lot of different trees i then went mining i was going to need a lot of cobblestone so i gathered multiple stacks i returned to the base putting down my crafting bench i made some wood planks then built a basic house this looks terrible after that we called it a night on day 7 through 9 i set out for more materials while traveling i found a village i needed some crops so i asked a villager if they could spare any ah you're so cute sure take what you need i thanked them and took the crops i headed back home on the way i ran into another sheep hey i'm building a small village free from the king's rule want to come live there sure that guy is the worst we got back and i built them a small pen when i had time i'm gonna build them a full house i started building a farm placing it over a small body of water already inside our base i then took some of my cobblestone and started building an outer wall i want this place to be properly protected from the king after a hard day's work i went to bed on days 10 through 13 i dreamt of joseph the farmer he was suspended on blocks with fire all around the animals of this world will be mine joseph what do you want with them you'll see hey i'm not going to let you get away with this to my surprise the king turned around and looked at me who are you how did you get here max before i got answers i woke up wait was that real i was confused by my dream but decided to forget about it i went back to the forest to cut down some more trees for the village i then started on the sheep's home i used a combination of logs and planks before i could finish i was visited by one of the king's messengers i see you're new here you need to pay your taxes ten emeralds please no sorry i'm not under the king's rule i'll be forced to send a guard if you don't pay i told him to bring a guard i didn't care he left in a huff once he left i finished the sheep's house i like how it turned out with that i called it a day on days 14 through 17 i gathered some of my crops and planted some more while doing so i was visited by another sheep who wanted to join the village we'd be happy to have you here i then gave my sheep friend some wheat which made another sheep welcome to the world little guy i then went mining for more cobblestone where i also found iron i used the cobblestone to add onto the outer wall we were going to need it i then created an entrance to a mine i made a long staircase into it once i was deep underground i found even more iron on my way back up i was ambushed by monsters ah hey guys there were a lot of them and i was worried i wasn't gonna make it luckily though i powered through boom take that monsters i made it back home and made a furnace to smelt the iron after that i made cheers hey guys you care if i cheer you for wool [Music] i sheared my sheep friends i was going to need a lot of wool for a project later on days 18 through 20 i made myself an iron sword after that i built another house my plan is recruit as many animals as i can to fight the king i also expanded the farm as i added in my last crops i was again visited by one of the king's messengers your time is up sheep walk over your emeralds hard pass dude i don't support the king treason means death and who's gonna kill me you know he is just then a giant redstone golem walked into the village oh no the fight began his punches were powerful and he was surprisingly fast for his size yeah take this uh yeah down with the king the king is your ruler and you must obey him not anymore i swung my sword killing the redstone golem i'm getting out of here when the redstone golem died he dropped a message from the king my loyal redstone golem my dearest thanks for defeating that vile sheep his farmer master and dog are most useful shear the sheep before you kill him for me the king the king had gone too far i vowed right then to save farmer joseph and lucky from his evil clutches and free this world from the king's rule on days 21-23 i went looking for redstone i have some big plans for it once i found enough i went back up to the village hey moe i'm gonna go look for other animals share the sheep while i'm gone after speaking with mo i set out to find more animals while exploring i found one of the king's guards traveling with a bunch of cows hey read those cows right now i'm on strict orders from the king then you have to die the garden i battled he definitely wasn't very strong i defeated the guard and the cows thanked me for doing so no problem you all want to come live in my village or anti-king there after that we all traveled back home on days 24-27 i started building more of the outer wall now more than ever we need protection from the king i then shared my sheep friends wow there's a lot of you now i started building a sheep statue first i cleared out some grass to make the ground even i want this to be a symbol to show that we're not afraid of the king or his monsters okay looking good so far i then crafted a fishing pole and went fishing our veggies are great but not all animals who live here are gonna be herbivores i caught some salmon and cod i started heading back home when i noticed a mysterious chest a chest what the did anyone else put this here inside was a note and map your first step in defeating the king the serpent who's the serpent and where does this lead i would have to look into that soon in the meantime i decided to go mining while down there i found gold iron and diamond heck yeah it must be my lucky day with that i decided to go to bed on days 28-31 i planned to follow the map before i did though i made a diamond sword oh yeah i then expanded my house making it less ugly i did this by adding a tower as well as accents to the roof and entryway i also built a room dedicated to chests and furnaces i also shared the sheep which i used to make a bed for myself and mo okay that bed is adorable okay buddy will you entertain the animals while i'm gone i left the base ready to see where the map took me the journey was long i traveled through heavy snow and the hot desert eventually i found my destination it was a giant medieval castle whoa on days 32-35 i walked up the steps of the castle i made it to the top where i found some weird sorcerer guy [Music] antonio a sheep got up here again enough i'm here to defeat the king funny i'm the king's chief sorcerer now that you've said that you must die we'll see about that i charged at him bladed hand he didn't use a sword though instead summoning magic to do damage against me what in the world you know the king has a plan for you and the other animals i don't care we continued to fight eventually i beat him to near death okay i surrender please don't hurt me tell me the king's plan he's using animals as a power supply like a battery for what and how do i defeat him seek the counsel of my brother he can train you the sorcerer tossed me a map to his brother then died upon his death he dropped a mysterious staff whoa how do i even use this thing i traveled back home my mind racing about everything i've learned on days 36 through 39 i practice with my new staff this is incredible it sent out powerful fangs just like the sorcerer did i then went mining finding diamond booyah i used it to make some diamond boots for myself i then went to go share the sheep again whoa there's a lot of you now to accommodate their growing family i expanded the house i then worked on more of the statue completing the back legs once i had finished working on the statue a chicken walked up to me my home was ransacked by the king you can't meet a few chickens come with you of course boys we're in very beautiful so this is what a few chickens looks like i built them a quick pen my plan is to build them a better house when i have time thanks boss on days 40 through 42 i set out to find the sorcerer's brother on the way i stopped at the village who gave me crops hey wanted to pay you back for the crops you gave me thanks again thanks my boy while you're out could you fetch me the items on this list i'll pay you handsomely four blue orchids two raw salmon three sugar cane and an iron ingot i told the villager i'd be happy to help but it'll have to be later i continued on my journey eventually arriving at a swamp after some traveling i found a witch's hut he must be in here i walked in ready for a fight don't hurt me woman heavens be the sky is falling where are my glasses the end is near okay gotta ignore that your twin brother sent me said you could help train me phew i thought you were an extraterrestrial droid bye marlow i won't like it but i'll train you starting tomorrow right now i have my yoga [Music] this was going to be weird days 43 through 46 my training with marlow began dodge this dodge what all of a sudden marlo started casting spells at me that caused lightning to strike yeah i did my best to dodge them but it was difficult very good next trading our next training found me at the top of a high platform with a bucket of water in my hand are you sure about this marlow yes this will help your maneuverability and it'll be funny okay then let's do it i actually did it next marlo summoned multiple ghost dogs for me to fight i used the evoker fang to help me out it was awesome adios ghost doggies great work max here take this it was an enchantment table i thanked marlow then headed home on days 47 through 51 i spent a lot of the day mining i found lots of iron and even more diamond i think i might be rich now i also found more redstone which will come in handy very soon using the new diamond i completed my armor set and put it on my woolly body i then continued my work on the statue using white wool for the top part of the legs and body luckily a cow helped us out once i mix up the blocks for the texture it'll look a lot better after that i was hungry so i cooked up some potatoes and ate them up i wish i had cheese i then finally closed off the gate to our village i also built a small opening with an iron door that will only open from the inside of the town i appointed a chicken as our trusty guard and then called it a day on days 52-55 i continued my training with marlowe this time we fought mano imano you're a surprisingly good fighter that's cause of the yoga he would also put me on a platform in the middle of a swamp marlow i don't like this you'll be fine alligators started swimming towards me and i had no choice but to fight them yeah uh yeah yeah take this it was a difficult fight i started to see the light flash before my eyes until i won you've come a long way max thanks but now the true test begins marlo gave me obsidian flint and steel and a map i know where this is going i began the long journey home once i got there i used what marlo gave me to construct a nether portal uh you ready for this buddy we went through the portal entering the nether we traverse the terrifying landscape eventually reaching a weird blacksmithing area in the back a giant redstone monstrosity was waiting for us on days 56-58 the redstone monstrosity and i stared at each my other oh no let's see if you can do the same to me our battle began i tried to keep some distance using my evoker fang for some initial damage he was still able to get close hitting me hard oh god oh my gosh i continued firing my fangs at it whittling its health down he would also spawn some kind of magma cube which made the fight a lot more difficult this is for my brother this is for joseph and lucky i ran towards the monster diamond sword in hand i swung it and killed the beast when he died he dropped another right chest plate a shield and his head sweet before i left i heard the noises of animals what the i dug out some blocks revealing imprisoned cows pigs and sheep hooked up to some redstone device why are you guys trapped here [Music] horrified i broke the animals free and we headed back to my base on days 59-61 i built a house for our new animal residents i also built a house for the chickens since they've been living in a pen thanks boss i was heading back to my house when i noticed the mysterious chest had returned inside it was another note and map excellent work on the sorcerer when you're ready here is your next step in defeating the king the serpent i was happy for the help but curious who the secret helper was later that night mob swarmed the village you guys don't live here there were a lot of them but luckily i'm pretty powerful at this point i fought for a while eventually killing every single one of them and stay out to prevent more mobs from spawning i made a ton of torches i placed them everywhere and built some lampposts as well i then made a path around the village using a shovel i really like the results awesome this place is finally coming together on days 62-65 i ventured out to find the items on the villagers list i first found four blue orchids i want some too i then went fishing catching two salmon okay number two done next i grabbed some sugar cane the last item was an iron ingot i went mining and found quite a bit once i had everything i started heading towards the village grocery shopping done on the way i passed a strange sign entering sheep territory huh the sign was no joke the village nearby was entirely populated by sheep wow there must be hundreds down there while admiring the place i was approached by one of the villagers you're not from around here no i'm not i'm a tourist i haven't seen an outsider sheep around these parts in a while the leader's gonna want to talk to you follow me the sheeps that offer a house on the hill and i followed close behind on the balcony on the house stood a sheep holding two guns whoa could you not point those at me no can do it's just kind of my thing oh okay it's really awesome to see such a large community of sheep like this it's great the problem is the wolves that live nearby dang wolves i told the lethal sheep i'd take care of the wolves for them first thing in the morning on days 66 through 68 i decided it was time to hunt the wolves this might help you the lethal sheep gave me a crossbow thanks with my new weapon in hand i then set off to kick some wolf butt it wasn't long before i stumbled upon a cave let's take a closer look inside in the cave we're a bunch of wolves bingo these big bad wolves were about to meet their match i confronted the wolf pack ready to fight if i must stop attacking the sheep village or else never did i blood to gobble up delicious sheep then you asked for it died i shot an arrow into one of the wolves and the rest of the pack began to lunge towards me there's too many of them i knew i wouldn't win at this rate so i switched for my crossbow to my evoker fang what is that thing after a lot of fighting i slayed the entire pack whew finally i decided to pick up the wolf head for the sheep leader oh man i don't like this i then headed back to the village giving the lethal sheep their memento excellent job this compensation take this it was protection for i thanked the lethal sheep after that i decided to crash at their village for one more night on days 69 through 71 i gave the villager his grocery list thank you little sheep here's your emeralds after that i went home it was a great day sun shining the animals enjoying their time at the village unfortunately the king had decided to unexpectedly show up oh sheep be a doll would you and let me in no you're not welcome here but you and the other livestock oh my property you have ten days to hand them over to me after that i break through these puny walls the king left his guards following in tow god i hate that guy to calm my nerves mo and i started the body of the sheep statue now that the king had officially threatened me and the other animals we are going to have to reinforce the base on day 72 through 76 i went mining and found diamonds i used it to make a diamond pickaxe about time i then enchanted my netherite chestplate with protection 4. running a little late i rushed to marloes for training when i got there he explained that today's session would be helping out a friend of his i'm ready for anything that you'll need these marlo handed me a boat map and his lightning staff good luck i believe in you oh my god he's going to die so hard whatever that no heavens me whatever i can handle anything at this point i headed out to sea on my boat eventually i reached a ship anchored at sea oy you must be marino's trainee get ready ready for what all the sudden a giant whale started attacking me holy moly we began the fight i tried to use my evoker fang but it didn't really seem to do anything in water luckily marlo's lightning staff worked perfectly i am the god of thunder we fought for what felt like ours eventually i slayed the giant whale yes thank you son for helping an old pirate out i want you to have these it was a pair of flippers that helped me swim faster a sheep with flippers ah on day 77 through 80 i headed back to the base when i got back mo wanted to talk to me then it's time to reinforce the base i went underground and killed slimes getting their cubes i then went to the nether and mine some courts with all of my supplies i made sticky pistons dispensers observers and tons of arrows i placed the dispensers all around the base hooking them up with redstone pressure plates and observers once they were all placed down we tested them out perfect on days 81 through 86 mo and i went to grab sand for glass i dug some out then we headed back to the base when we got back the entire area was covered with mysterious chests what in the world inside all of them was a map that read the serpent okay this guy clearly wants to see me want to go meet this guy mo [Music] i asked one of the pigs to start destroying the chests then we set off to meet the serpent we traveled for a long time eventually we found the place it was the same dungeon i had dreamed about this must be it inside a monster was waiting for us hi you must be the serpent i've been called by many names [Music] [Music] wait what i deserve to be king now that you've taken out his monsters i don't need you anymore bring it on on days 87-91 the fight with the serpent began he was huge and even had a magical eye on his chest oh so that's why they call you the eye i tried to keep my distance using my evoker fang you're not the only one with magic i also use marlo staff sending bolt of lightning flying at the serpent no one is born to be a tyrant the fight lasted for what felt like hours eventually i summoned the strength to defeat the serpent when he died he dropped a strange object huh i wonder what this thing does i used it transforming me into a giant even more powerful sheep whoa now i have 25 hearts i think i might be powerful enough to defeat the king after that mo and i headed home on days 92 through 94 mo and i made the village walls a few blocks taller i then worked on the sheep statue beginning the head that night i gathered everyone to the center of our village you all know this but the king's army plans to attack our home tomorrow if you want to hide hide it's up to you but just know that mo and i will be fighting on the front lines i ended the meeting sending everyone to their homes that night no one could sleep i couldn't either after that mo and i talked about tomorrow's fight i know we will we went to bed tomorrow our war begins on days 95 through 97 i worked on the statue while waiting for the king's guards i added in the details of the head and with that the giant sheep statue is finally done how does this look derpier than a regular sheep later that day a guard approached the front of the gate let me in sheep not happening man so be it man move up an army ran towards our base all of them equipped with swords everyone they're coming we activated some of our sentry guns hoping to pick some of them off they were surprisingly effective i then pulled out marlo's staff shooting lightning bolts from the sky we're doing it guys everything was working perfectly until it wasn't a guard set down tnt blowing a hole in our wall no guards came flooding in they all started taking the animals put them down right now as if it couldn't get any worse a guard came up and grabbed mo running off with him no no i had to stay behind the fight the battle continued for hours on days 98-99 the village was in ruins look at this place all the animals had been taken or killed i felt like a failure a little later i was visited by marlow who apologized for what had happened ah thanks marlo if you want i'd be happy to escort you to the king's castle i don't know if i can do it marlow i failed my village i failed my best friends this isn't over max i know you can take this guy on come on follow me i agreed and we set off it was time to save mo lucky joseph and the rest of the animals enslaved by the king we traveled through the night eventually we made it a giant castle time to dethrone the king on day 100 i sucked my way past guards and down the steps into what appeared to be a giant throne room inside we're giant battery cages full of animals joseph lucky no are you guys all right we feel weak like the life is being sucked out of us i'm going to get you out of here just sit tight hurry we don't have much time i was so worried about my friends that i didn't notice the king walk in bravo little sheep you actually made it tonight there why are you hurting these innocent animals my weapons are progressing so fast that my old power sources can barely keep up however with the power of these animals i have enough energy to expand my empire over the entire world this isn't right you'll die for this let me show you what these power supplies can do to a man the king transformed into a monstrous skeleton you can call me lord skeleton the battle began and i used every weapon at my arsenal my diamond sword the evoker fang and marlo's lightning staff the king was my strongest competitor yet and had other ghostly mobs at his disposal he's too powerful i don't think i could win i am meant to rule and you are meant to be sheared no i have meant to be free i went for the killing blow ending his reign across this land these animals will never be hurt again i did it yay
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 1,660,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft hardcore, minecraft maxcraft, minecraft panda, i survived 100 days as a sheep in hardcore minecraft, 100 days sheep, 100 days minecraft sheep, sheep mods, minecraft challenge, 100 days in minecraft, maxcraft 100 days, no swears, minecraft mods, 100 days survival, hardcore minecraft, maxcraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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