I Survived 100 DAYS as a KING in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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for the next 100 days i'm gonna be a king in minecraft can i survive epic massive medieval battles save the princess and take down the evil king you'll have to watch till the end to find out on day one i spawned in as a noble warrior there was an epic battle taking place and i was in the middle of it whoa what's going on suddenly my dad walked up to me he was the ruler of this realm get your head out of the clouds and fight right i quickly began battling but my lack of experience showed i had only just spawned regardless i fought as hard as i could my dad on the other hand was a super skilled fighter he took out the enemy soldiers with ease just as things were starting to look up he was stabbed dead i quickly rushed to my dad's defense and began to fight up the horde of souls approaching him dad or are you going to be okay i'm dying my boy please take the throne and guide our people my dad died by my side dropping his crown sword and shield no our soldiers were wiped out leaving me alone on the battlefield i turned around to find the enemy army led by their king looks like you're the last one boy or should i say king you're a monster i'll give you two options serve under me and surrender your kingdom or die i'll never serve you i ran away as fast as i could should we follow him no let him run we'll snuff him out soon enough on day two with my dad gone i was now king of this land i needed to look the part so i put my dad's crown on i guess it's official i'm the king i returned home to find my kingdom decimated hello any survivors please answer nobody responded but i continue to seek out anyone who might be in trouble suddenly a remaining enemy soldier attacked me haven't you done enough already i began to fight him off but with my dad's sword he was a breeze after the fight i continued searching for survivors and spotted a horse and a nearby pen i approached the animal but he was still shaken from the battle easy buddy i'm a friend i managed to soothe the horse and use a saddle from a nearby chest to climb onto his back thanks pal wanna help me find some survivors i rode off to continue my search and eventually found a group of villagers hiding it's okay to come out your king is here is the empire gone it's injured but together we'll rebuild it on day three i decided to explore the landmark by horseback first we found a forest biome where i chopped out some trees for wood i used the wood i gathered to create a crafting bench and some wooden tools next i went mining for some cobblestone and upgraded to stone tools not a bad start suddenly it began to rain i decided to head back home once i arrived at the kingdom the rain stopped and extinguished all the fires i walked through the entrance to find a man waiting for me inside my lord damian at your service damien you survived so good to see you excellent to see you as well as you know i was the right hand to your father if you'd like i would love to continue my work under your rule of course first order of business your grace you don't need to gather your own materials you are the king now after all please take this ah much better after that i headed to my sleeping quarters or at least what was left of it this is gonna need some fixing i decided to patch it up with the materials i had on hand it wasn't pretty but it was a start i'm gonna have to pay some people to revamp this place after a long day of work i decided to get some sleep but something was making me feel uneasy that's probably nothing that night i was awoken by a noise suddenly an assassin entered my room with his weapon ready who are you i was sent by the arch king to eliminate you not on my watch we began to fight but he was much faster than i was i couldn't land a clean hit can you hold still for one second suddenly damien entered the room my lord back back off you filthy assassin he joined in the fight and managed to help me take him down thank you damian but i think it's clear we need more guards willing to fight for us that is a splendid idea but we need coin my lord no one will fight for free i'll take care of it the next morning i went mining finding iron and coal this is the start of great riches on days 8-11 i returned to the castle where i was greeted by damian and two other people ziya these two warriors who stand before you shall be your new knights that's wonderful thank you it is truly an honor to serve under you but we need weapons and armor for the job i got that covered now that i had some more i crafted a furnace and smelted all the iron i had found with my newly smelted iron i made a pickaxe i returned to the mines and went mining for more iron and coal i was gonna need a lot of it while mining i even struck gold finally i used the ingots to craft two swords for my guards only the best gear for my team before returning to the guards i continued on the repairs a bit more i managed to patch up all the holes so it was at least a solid structure it's a roof over my head after working more on the castle i returned to the guards and gave them their gear as well as some gold for their troubles thank you minored of course keep the castle safe while i'm gone i called for my horse and headed out to explore the land further on days 12 through 14 during my exploration i was getting hungry so i entered some sheep and chicken for food tasty but not the most sustainable for my people after my hunt i gathered up some more wood as well as seeds for an upcoming project as i was gathering i noticed a nearby village was being attacked by the arch king's men i have to help i fought off the soldiers one by one but they were pretty tough still though i powered through defeating all of the soldiers once the dust settled all of the villagers began to celebrate thank you so much for freeing our village i think me and my wife could be of great assistance to your kingdom what do you do almost skilled blacksmith with the right materials i can make just about anything and i would be happy to tend your crops if need be that would be fantastic i can pay you for your services and give you a warm place to call home on days 15 through 18 i returned back to the kingdom with the blacksmith and his wife wow the kingdom seems to be in great disarray it's a work in progress speaking of rather than restoring what was lost i decided to salvage what was left of the wall and start fresh luckily the blacksmith helped me i went through multiple pickaxes until finally the entire wall was taken down afterwards i flattened out the ground can't have anyone tripping with the land better prepared i quickly got the building i built a house for the villagers to stay in complete with the forge with a blacksmith i also added their own personal garden thank you so much i can't wait to try it out please take this and this is where the blacksmith gave me some dope armor and his wife gave me some food thank you and welcome to the kingdom on days 19-21 a bird flew by and dropped a message oh brave king i am trapped in a castle guarded by an evil dragon if you are brave and true head to the north and find me in the tallest tower princess peach i've gotta save her before i left i spoke with damian and asked for him to find stonemasons to further repair the castle very good my lord i set off on horseback to save the princess i traveled through multiple biomes until finally arriving at a beautiful white and red castle onward i entered the castle and found a dragon waiting for me inside uh nice dragon the dragon let out a ferocious roar and began to fight me i brought the battle outside and tried to fend it off but it was too powerful for me this is insane it blasted me with its fire breath and began to destroy the castle around it i fled from battle and rushed to the highest point of the castle and found the princess sleeping in her bed wake up how are you sleeping through this oh a noble knight here to save me yes let's go i dreamt of this day my king we gotta go or we're gonna die i picked her up and started to make my way down the ladder i quickly booked him past the dragon as fast as i could on days 22-25 i returned to the castle with my princess on my shoulders it had been patched up just as i requested max i can't wait any longer we must wed damien prepare the altar i'm getting married later that day the wedding began people from far and wide sat in the pews all of my subjects gathered even her weird friends came to pay tribute my beautiful bride entered the chapel looking more angelic than ever on this day we wed these two in holy matrimony princess do you take max the king to be your noble husband i do and your grace are you ready to meet your maker excuse me those aren't the words i'm sorry my lord i do believe they are suddenly he pulled out a sword and attacked me oh my i had no choice but to take out my own he was a skilled swordsman but luckily i was more so i managed to bring him to his knees imposter who sent you let me guess the arch king the true king and his true subjects sent me you have committed treason of the highest account and for that you must die isolate him and turn to my bride my lady i do [Music] peach was now my queen we faced the audience and then walked out of the chapel happy as we could ever be on days 26-28 i stood hand-in-hand with my new queen and began to tell her about my big plans for the kingdom i dream of creating the most beautiful and prosperous kingdom in the land we live streets paved with gold and war will be eradicated that's great and all honey but there's gonna have to be some serious changes around here you're right let's get to work the two of us started by building a house made of different types of wood to give it variety we liked the design so much that we decided to build multiple more throughout the kingdom perfect we're growing more and more each day once our work was done i decided to check in with damien are we expecting more people to come live in the kingdom yes my lord there's been a few requests damien began to throw countless request books in my direction okay so we need to keep expanding on days 29-31 i visited with my people to see how they were doing we're doing great now thanks to you you're an excellent king i continued to make my rounds when suddenly a panicked messenger ran up to me they were [Applause] hey calm down what happened i came to warn you of a coming horror what do you mean each neighboring town has been visited by spirits evil spirits from beyond this world they walk through the town speaking only one word what word is that you'll see for yourself tonight after the ominous warning he left huh better safe than sorry i spent the rest of the day crafting stone swords and handing them out to my people as a means of protection as i finished my preparations night approached and a fog rolled through the town just like the messenger said suddenly terrifying ghouls started to walk through the town saying only one word i watched in horror too scared to move [Music] you know what enough of this i'm a king i jumped into battle with my dad's sword and began to fight off all the ghouls with the help of one of my knights we managed to take them all out as i played the final ghoul they dropped a map the one true king i'll have to check this out soon on days 32-34 i decided to check on my horse he seemed to be trying to tell me something what is it boy little timmy caught in the well no huh oh yeah you don't have a name i'll call you maximus he loved it suddenly one of my guards approached me sire as the kingdom grows it's becoming more difficult for only two nights to defend i'm on it i went exploring on maximus in search of some new nights during my travels i stumbled upon an epic warrior saving people from a monster whoa he's perfect excuse me would you like to service my guard i'm sorry who are you i'm the king of these parts well i don't take all this i'll give them prove your worth to me defeat me in battle you're on we began our tools but he unmatched me both in strength and size i used my father's blade to send a flurry of attacks but he came back with his own doused in flames i tried my best but he defeated me you're now king i'll show you soon enough i ran away feeling embarrassed on days 35-38 i went back home feeling humiliated and knew that i needed to get stronger i decided to follow the map of the one true king if anyone could teach me it would be him before leaving on horseback i spoke to damien please continue working on the castle while i'm away yes my lord i traveled through multiple biomes mining some cobblestone along the way finally the map led me to the peak of a mountain there i found a mysterious sword trapped within a stone whoa cool i tried to pull the sword out but it wouldn't budge why won't you move it's because you are not yet worthy of excalibur but you can be i turned around to find a wise king standing before me who are you i'm king arthur ruler of these lands what brings you to my domain i'm king max and i'm here to become a more worthy ruler of my people you're still young but you have much potential i will train you when do i start now on days 39 through 41 i began my training with king arthur the first hallmark of a good king is inspiring your subjects come with me max i followed him leading me to a village in ruin this town has been ravaged by bandits and monsters alike today we help them rebuild arthur and i spent the day restoring the village to its former beauty we even passed out rations to those in need now the village was better than ever thank you your grace you needn't thank me it is my royal duty to serve my subjects with the village rebuilt arthur began to lead me to my next task the second hallmark of a great king is to be capable of protecting your realm we stopped at a plane's bio at the center of the field with a sheep pen surrounded by a swarm of zombies defend that pen as if those sheep were your own people yes sir i immediately jumped into battle taking out each zombie with ease i took extra care that the pen and the sheep inside were unharmed by the fallout you've done well my boy the final hallmark of a good king is that he must have a lasting legacy how do i do that take this map to your final quest it will lead you to a monster that has been terrorizing these lands for millennia defeat it then all will know of your bravery i won't let you down but first i need to prepare on days 42-44 i returned home to find the castle had been greatly improved wow damien this looks great you have my thanks my lord i felt inspired by damian's work and decided to do some of my own i started by finally repairing the bridge and creating a proper entrance for the kingdom afterwards i repaired the barracks to be more suitable for my knights i'll recruit more nights soon but some extra defense would be nice i decided to crop some stone brick walls and began working on the outer perimeter of the kingdom this will take a while but it'll be worth it after i finish building i went mining for materials i gathered more cobblestone gold and even diamond i know just the use for this i returned home and crafted diamond swords for both of my knights i'm heading out now take this and keep things in order while i'm away thank you sire we won't let you down on days 45 through 49 i plan to fight king arthur's monster and claim excalibur for my own my love i'll be back as soon as i can hurry back my dear king i shall await your arrival please do return to me posthaste i dog i set off for my final test after some traveling i stumbled upon a group of humans hanging out at a campfire hey is everything all right they explained that they had no home so i invited them to the kingdom and tossed a map their way after following king arthur's map for some time i reached a massive palace whoa this place is freaky i walked up the steps and into a guard revealing a terrifying monster let me guess you were sent by king arthur yeah how'd you know he sends all his trainees here none have lived to tell the tale well there's a first for everything i charged in to fight the foul beast and our battle began they were a fierce competitor that specialized in hand-to-hand combat each of his massive fists dealt devastating damage he even managed to break my helmet our battle continued for what felt like hours no wonder this was king arthur's final test never excalibur will be mine after a lot of fighting i went in with my blade slashing and killing the monster upon their death they dropped a lilly tad flower which i pocketed to show king arthur it's time to go get that sword on days 50-53 i traveled back to king arthur to claim excalibur when i got there he was already waiting for me congratulations max you have inspired your subjects protected your realm and created a lasting legacy for yourself and your kingdom thank you so much your grace when you are ready you may pull the sword from the stone i walked up to excalibur pulling it loose and claiming it as my own i did it after receiving the sword i gained 10 hearts i said my thanks to the king then headed back home damian i'd like to expand our kingdom some more our numbers grow more and more each day could you help me out sure but that isn't exactly the role of the king's hand well it is now he tossed me tons of materials and we both got to work first we expanded the outer wall if the arch king was preparing his army we had to have proper defense next we built the royal vault as a place to store all of the kingdom's riches after a lot of building the kingdom was looking amazing this is for you dad on days 54-57 i explored my kingdom suddenly a messenger ran up to me from the one tree king the rule of this kingdom and all kingdoms in the realm okay guy just say what you have to say the arch king has requested your presence immediately and if i say no and he will and i quote send a cavalry of men with enough tnt to wipe out the continent okay then i guess i'll meet with him before leaving i spoke with damian instructing him to continue expansion of the wall yes my lord i set out to find the king after some searching i stumbled upon an evil looking castle who makes a statue of themselves i walked into the castle where the arch king was waiting for me what do you want with me in my kingdom i'll make this quick little king i'll be taking your territory what you can't do that i'm the true king of these lands i can do as i please no you can't i won't let you you have no choice we are in the final stages of preparations if you do not surrender peacefully your lands will become drenched in the blood of battle bring it on on days 58 through 60 i was helping my subjects gather food from their garden suddenly i heard screaming in the distance thief thief i turned around to see a man on a horse running from the castle entrance i quickly ran to damien what happened the royal vault has been robbed the thief is getting away not while i'm around i jumped on the maximus and began to chase him down we barreled through the forest taking care to weave around trees as we rode stop in the name of the king we ran for a while until finally he was cornered the thief stopped and turned to me who are you i'm robin hood and these are me marry men suddenly a group of men ambush me i had no choice but to fight back i tried to fend off the onslaught of arrows but they were well-versed with a bow why are you stealing from us robin hood steals from the rich pigs like you and gives to the poor my kingdom isn't even rich we just started up suddenly robin had ordered his men to stop so let me get this straight you fight for the week yeah i do i was sorry for my leaping judgment anyone who farts for the week i am honored to serve me and my merry men will protect the kingdom oh great on days 61-64 i decided to do some more exploring a king can never be too familiar with his kingdom during my travels i came across a marketplace in shambles what happened here the arch king destroyed our town now we have nowhere to go don't worry you all could stay at my kingdom i took all the merchants back home and began work on a marketplace i built shops for the new residents to continue their work and share it with the other townsfolk this is wonderful thank you so much with the marketplace completed i went to check on robinhood to see how they're setting up i have archers planted at every corner of the castle sir great take this for your efforts i gave him tons of gold for your troubles be sure to spread this well to the people as well very good my king on days 65-70 a messenger entered the castle bearing an announcement on behalf of king jack ruler of the west akhorpa invite anyone and everyone to the tournament of champions winner of the month will be rewarded handsomely the tournament will be held tomorrow at noon thank you for your time perhaps you should fight in the tournament your grace huh why the prize could be beneficial to the kingdom my lord huh you make a good point all right why not i then called my horse and set out to the tournament after traveling through mini biomes i finally reached king jack's kingdom i entered the castle to find two knights fighting to the death whoa this is serious all right a well-fought battle by our heroic knights now it's time for the main event introducing the man with the red mane savior of the people king max oh that's me hello hi thank you thank you you sir we'll be fighting keep up the flame terror of the night and the arch king's right hand man ignis the destroyer the strong knight i'd fought several days ago entered the arena oh man not good well well well if it isn't the cowardice king come to prove your worth again it's not too late to join my cause my kingdom has gotten stronger too late for that little one i've already joined the arch king you stand no chance against us let the fight begin ignis began to quick the earth just as he had done before however this time it was different a strange particle came over my head it was protecting me from his attacks what's going on i bumped him die suddenly he became enraged and erupted into fiery blue flames his attacks were twice as strong my blessing kept me safe i managed to defeat ignis that was the best thing i've ever seen oh yeah what just happened on day 71-74 a bunch of villagers admired my efforts in the tournament and even asked to join my kingdom sure everyone is welcome i returned home with the villagers and started building a town square for all my people to enjoy things are starting to look like a proper kingdom now suddenly a villager ran up to me in a panic my alternative fell down the well oh no i followed the villager around the castle to the well in question i don't remember this being here oh well i hopped out inside and found timmy at the bottom surrounded by drowned zombies i immediately started to fight them all off they weren't too tough with excalibur but their numbers in the limited space made the fight more difficult after a while i managed to slay every last round zombie and i brought timmy back up to the surface hurry home little boy your mom is worried about you as timmy ran off i suddenly started to feel sick did i get bit by a zombie i tried to retain consciousness but i blacked out on days 75-77 i woke up feeling a lot better but the castle seem to be quiet where's peach i decided to go look for checking multiple parts of the kingdom in the process princess yo peach princess finally as i went to check the stable i found a chest in the center weird i didn't put this here i took a look inside and found a note the princess is in another castle oh my god someone kidnapped peach how am i gonna find her sire my men spotted someone heading east with her then i'll head east too on day 78 through 80 i traveled in search of my queen until i came upon a giant castle this has to be the place i walked inside and immediately spotted peach suspended in a cage from the ceiling don't worry honey i'll break you right out of there such a valiant and noble king damian what's going on here are you truly that blind i labored under your father's iron fist caring for his every need i deserved to be king not you just because you were his son does not mean you deserve it that doesn't mean you have the right to kidnap my queen i can do whatever i want i've grown tired of this enjoy your final battle suddenly a huge monster crawled from out of the ground i immediately jumped into battle using excalibur to make a few good hits on the beast but it was tough the monster charged me with great speed and managed to land a few hits of its own for my queen and my father after a steep fight i managed to land the finishing blow on the monster no no no no no no come on face me like a man we began to battle it out but damien was a pushover and that's why i'm king and you're not i landed the killing blow on the traitor afterwards i broke peach out of her prison and returned home on days 81-84 i was enjoying a moment of peace in the kingdom i really love this land and all of my loyal subjects but there always seems to be someone ready to hurt them it's stressful but i have to keep a strong face for them honey are you monologuing up here you know me so well peach well hey you have a little visitor bring them in out of nowhere a little pixie flew into the room hello how can i help you your grace i thought it'd be fitting to reveal myself to you i am may of the pixie forest and i gave you a protective enchantment during your fight with ignis that was you thank you so much but why our people have been pushed out of our homes by the arch king we need protection if you would allow it my people would much enjoy living in these walls of course i built a bunch of miniature houses for the pixies to call their own within the kingdom's forest after i completed the build i got them settled in and they loved it thank you my liege i was still in the building mood so i expanded the wall finishing the perimeter now i just need to make it taller on days 85 through 89 i decided it was finally time to build up my army further damien oh wait he betrayed me and i had to kill him awk i traveled to multiple villages from different biomes gathering the best warriors from each you have my sword you have my bow you have my axe you have something on your face it's a beard oh you right you're right i'll join the army if you can beat me in combat let's do it the battle began although the warrior had speed on his side i was experienced enough to defeat him with these you're scared with a blade i'd be happy to join your ranks after a lot of head hunting i finally rebuilt the numbers of my army my valiant knights as the protectors of this kingdom we must also protect those at risk the arch king poses tyranny for all the arch king in his army won't stand a chance against us huzzah on days 90-93 i had a nightmare the kingdom was on fire the screams of people echoing through the land what's going on what happened here i ran to the entrance where the arch king was waiting for me hello max i told you your land would be drenched in bloodshed please just make it stop just then a huge monster appeared i'm gonna kill you take care of this false king i tried to fight back but the only thing i had on me was an almost broken wooden sword please i'm defenseless the monster started spinning catapulting me into the air oh no no no no no right then i woke up trembling in my bedroom i can't let that happen to be safe i continued work on the wall making it super tall hopefully this helps i then made a diamond pickaxe going underground and mining as much obsidian as i could find i used the blocks to reinforce the castle now hopefully the kingdom is impenetrable honey i think you should build a moat why because moats are super cool and i want there to be one you're right great idea i quickly got to work carving out the moat and adding the water and with that our kingdom is finally complete on days 94-98 with the kingdom finally ready it was time to prepare for the big battle i gathered supplies including lots of food and my armor however as i was going to put it on the blacksmith stopped me sawyer please wait i crafted this new armor set for the battle ahead it is inspired by your victory in the tournament of champions the blacksmith handed me the new armor and i tuned it up truly fit for a king thank you before leaving the castle i made sure to talk to my queen i will return the kingdom is in your hands now i exited the castle to find my army awaiting my orders when i became king i was still naive but i've learned much during this time of what makes a good ruler one of my duties is to protect the vulnerable although lives will be lost we must end the tyranny of the arch king once and for all i called for maximus and suddenly a trumpet was heard in the distance i looked to see the arch king's army waiting the time has come for me to take what's mine full max just like your father before you right then we both charge forward at each other on day 99 there was a massive battle between my own kingdom and the arch kings there were knights from both sides everywhere and the sounds of clashing swords and armor filled the air with maximus i tried to take down as many enemies as i possibly could this fight wasn't the same as the one from the first day i was much more proficient with my sword i began to focus on the arch king while my soldiers covered me however during the fray the arch king made a fatal blow killing maximus no maximus enraged i set a brutal swing at the arch king injuring him he quickly fled towards his castle you're not getting away that easily on day 100 the arch king stopped at the front steps of his castle surrender now where your life belongs to me you fell right into my trap suddenly the arch king conjured up minions to attack me i was alone so i had no choice but to fight them as a one-man army luckily my sword skills came into play i managed to take down his soldiers and land another powerful attack on the king no not like this you will pay the arch king conjured more magic transforming into the arch vessel as the arch vessel he was able to summon an outrageous number of minions to attack me as well as shoot powerful lasers all the minions made it hard to get in close come here and fight me yourself coward i bought up his pawns the best i could and continued to chip away at the arch king eventually i managed to strike the vessel down as the arch vessel exploded the remaining minions also died with him after the dust had settled the arch king was all that remained no wait i surrender you are the true king of this realm and with that the tyranny of the arch king finally ended [Music]
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 9,887,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maxcraft
Id: aeR7jaBHMBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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